Teaching by he Queen of Heaven and earth to the souls

through Myriam van Nazareth

In the Christmas season of 2019 the Mistress of all souls spoke to Myriam the following words announcing a teaching She intended to convey to the souls:

"The deep purpose of Christmas, the Birth of My Divine Son, lies in the extent to which every soul allows the Light to be born inside of herself. To the soul, accepting the Light within herself is a holy covenant she enters into towards God, the Source of all Light. By virtue of this covenant the soul is expected to nourish and to treasure the new-born Light inside of Her for the entire duration of her life, so as to enable it to grow and to produce its effects inside of her, to allow it to flow through her unrestrainedly and undefiledly towards all her fellow creatures, and to enable it to make a plea in her favour in the hour in which the almighty infallible God will pronounce a sentence over her life as soon as she will have passed over from the state of material being.

In My following teaching I convey an exceptional grace through which the souls can acquire the invaluable favour to turn the hour of their final sentence into a boundless delight by yet living the remainder of their lives on earth in such a way that the Divine Judge has got good cause to be well-pleased with their past lives.

The extent to which a soul truly heeds and practices the advice conveyed by My words in the present teaching will firstly enhance her own eternal salvation, and secondly optimize her contribution to the sanctification of all creation, through which she will have made the greatest possible contribution to the completion of God’s Plan of Salvation for the purpose of establishing a world based on perfect Love and Peace.

I will now inspire My teaching. May it also serve as a message of great hope, for it will convey knowledge which, to the extent to which it is applied and practiced conscientiously and persistently, can help deliver the soul from a lot of darkness and can help fill her with Light. May every soul who receives these words consider herself fortunate, for through these words she will get golden opportunities to yet turn the sentence God, in His infallible Wisdom, will one day pronounce over her life, into an experience of bliss" (Mistress of all souls, around Christmas 2019):

Within the framework of Her continuous teachings guiding the souls towards an immersion of an unparalleled depth in the actual day to day practice of their being Christians the Mistress of all souls now reveals the seven major points by which God judges the human soul after her life on earth has ended:

1. The extent to which the soul demonstrates a sincere faith in God, in His perfect Love, in the infallibility of His Justice and of His judgments, in the perfect nature of all His Works and Plans, in His Providence and the fact Divine Providence aims at nothing else but every individual soul’s greatest possible eternal salvation.

Many Christians go on the assumption they 'believe in God', yet it appears they hardly realize exactly what this means. Believing that God exists is, as such, in no way sufficient, for this does not mean the soul is implicitly convinced of the perfection of God’s nature and of His Works and Plans, nor that she actually feels connected with this God. Only this sense of belonging and feeling connected will open the soul up to growing and blooming in the image of her Creator, Redeemer and Sanctifier.

2. The extent to which the soul experiences true self-denying Love innerly and practices this Love unconditionally and spontaneously towards all fellow creatures in every single detail of her life, in her entire behaviour and in all of her inner dispositions.

In this respect the Queen of Heaven refers to the many teachings in which She elaborated on the deep essence and nature of true Love, among others to the comprehensive, profound definition She gave to the notion of living in true Love within the framework of the 4th cloud in Her teaching entitled Clouds over God’s paradise, and to Her analysis of that which, in the book entitled The Brooklets of Salvation, She refers to as the components constituting the mirror of God’s Presence. Moreover She reminds the souls of the fact one of the greatest expressions of true Love lies in the sincere forgiveness to fellow people who have caused the soul harm, damage or suffering in any way whatsoever, or of whom the soul feels they have caused it (only God is able to judge in an infallible way to what extent this was actually the case).

In one of Her teachings the Queen of Heaven pointed out that, to the extent the soul fails to experience a perfect, unconditional and self-denying Love deep down in her heart, she would actually 'burn up' in the absolutely perfect fire of Love pervading the Heavens, in other words: that the soul will not be able to enter into Heaven any sooner than in the hour in which her Love has become perfect. God cannot grant a soul access to Heaven as long as she is not in perfect accordance with His Law of true Love and is thereby truly ready for Eternal Life in the atmosphere of perfect true Love, which envelops the soul like a fire that, in the completely purified soul, produces the effects of sheer delight, but in the insufficiently pure soul would act like a source of constant scorching, due to the fact this soul is not ready to merge with the Heart of God, the Sun of Eternal Love.

3. The extent to which the soul truly realizes the service rendered towards the completion of God’s Works is the only true purpose and goal of life on earth, and the extent to which the soul attempts to materialize this awareness actively and spontaneously in every detail of her life and in all her aspirations by actually serving God. This also means the soul does not live for the purpose of satisfying her own material needs (often they are needs she personally thinks she has) and of accomplishing her own visions and expectations, but that she is willing and determined to spontaneously and whole-heartedly subordinate the satisfaction of her own needs to being a mere tool that is useful for the accomplishment of God’s Works, living a life of self-denial and dedication for the benefit of enhancing the well-being of all her fellow creatures.

This third point can greatly deepen the feeling of being connected to God, for by practicing it the soul puts herself in the only position that is fit for a life that can be used by God for the advancement of His own great goal: the establishment of His Kingdom on earth. Many souls greatly reduce the value of their lives as tools at God’s service by allowing themselves to be led in all situations of their lives mainly by that which they would like to achieve themselves, the image they would like to harvest in the eyes of their fellow person, that which they expect life to bring them (first and foremost in the way of the material elements of life, often neglecting the actual needs of spiritual life) etcetera.

4. The extent to which the soul truly follows Jesus Christ in all her inner dispositions: Christ’s inner dispositions were built on an unconditional acceptance of trials, which He invariably bore in self-denial, in Love and in the sincere desire that all trials might contribute to making the Works of Redemption wrought by the Man-God yield their full effect in individual souls.

The Heavenly Mistress emphatically warns about the open pitfalls of the darkness countless souls keep stepping into: the pitfalls of opposing the crosses of life and of complaining about them to fellow people instead of consecrating them in all honesty to the Holy Virgin and bearing them in an experience of being one with Her Heart, which would enable the soul to have her crosses and trials fully and fruitfully integrated in the Works of Redemption.

Truly following Christ is what is referred to in the Scriptures as "filling up what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ". The only thing which is actually 'lacking' in this absolutely perfect and all-embracing suffering are the sincere signs from human souls demonstrating the fact they are ready and willing to merge their trials and crosses with those of the Christ, for

Divine Works + the human soul’s will to be one with God
unlocking the effects of these Works by concrete graces for all creation

5. The extent to which the soul is aware of her own littleness as well as of her true vocation and mission in life and of the role her own life is meant to play within the network of creation. Every lack of true awareness and acceptance of the actual position assigned to the soul within God’s creation, as well as of true awareness and acceptance of the fact God assigned her this position from His perfect Love and knowing that exactly this position and role are the ones holding the best prospects for the soul’s Eternal Salvation and the well-being of all creation shows a lack of submission to God’s perfect and therefore infallible decisions and robs the soul of her true fruitfulness as a small element in the vast system of creation.

The Queen of Heaven points out that exactly the lack of awareness as to his own littleness compared to God and of sincere acceptance of this littleness was decisive for Lucifer’s decision to rebel against God, as a consequence of which he was banned from Heaven on account of disobedience and thus of purposely separating himself from the Heart of his Creator and Master. She also points out that Lucifer – Satan – managed to inject exactly this disposition into the hearts of the first human souls, making them willing to commit the original sin because their hearts had not unrestrainedly accepted their position and role as creatures. Every lack of perfect acceptance of a Divine decision makes a soul prone to sin and thus to voluntarily separating herself from Eternal Love.

6. The extent to which the soul is aware of her own sinfulness and imperfections, and consequently the extent to which she sincerely repents any possible violation of God’s Law and any damage she may have caused fellow creatures – both fellow persons and animals – or any other Work of God at any given point of time in her life, and the extent of her being genuinely committed to growing in God’s image, in other words to growing in true sanctity.

Many souls block their own access to Eternal Bliss by their lack of awareness of sin and vice and by the conviction they do not sin as long as they refrain from committing acts of regular criminality. However, many millions of sins are committed in this world every single day, in the form of dark feelings, desires or inner dispositions filled with darkness (resentment, envy, jealousy, refusal to forgive fellow people if the latter are felt to have caused harm, damage or suffering). The soul who is not sufficiently aware of her own imperfections and of the fact a fellow person who has been doing her wrong has already deceived himself by following the voice of darkness will be easily inclined to take the position of a judge, in certain cases even that of a mistress over all her fellow creatures, which is tantamount to placing herself above God.

Due to the fact such dispositions are often not recognized as expressions of darkness they are often not confessed, and many souls never experience any remorse over such dispositions. In many cases this is reinforced by the inclination of such a soul to be convinced of her being right on all accounts and her fellow person being completely wrong. This is how many souls stand in the way of the network of creation sanctifying itself and prevent God’s healing Love from flowing freely through this network.

As long as a soul has not developed full unconditional and lasting remorse over every violation she may, in God’s view, have committed against the Law of true Love towards God Himself and towards any fellow creature her heart can not open itself up completely for a sincere desire to fully meet God’s expectations and she is building a wall between herself and God, a wall which will prevent her from merging with God’s Heart unrestrainedly. God regards this as a lack of actually longing for His eternal Presence and for the experience of perfect Love.

7. The extent to which the soul sincerely longs for the victory of Divine Light and for expressions of God’s power over all darkness, both in her own life and her own inner dispositions as in the world at large. A soul who, in her heart of hearts, is not convinced of the fact the only purpose of her life on earth lies in making active contributions to the accomplishment of God’s Works and Plans is not really going to long for this accomplishment. According to the extent to which God can read in a heart the sincere desire for His victory and for expressions of His power over the darkness in all aspects of life He will be able to determine the extent to which the soul has truly surrendered to the accomplishment of the interests of the Light and is therefore truly devoted to fighting in favour of His cause every moment of her life. According to this extent the soul is more or less useful as a junction of Light in the network of creation, which is intended as a network consisting of countless flows of perfect Love.


In conclusion the Mistress of all souls lists the seven main points according to which God judges the extent to which a soul has truly accomplished her mission in life: the mission of being a tool serving the completion of His Works and Plans:

  1. The extent to which the soul demonstrates a sincere faith in God.
  2. The extent to which the soul experiences true self-denying Love innerly and practices this Love unconditionally and spontaneously towards all fellow creatures.
  3. The extent to which the soul truly realizes the service rendered towards the completion of God’s Works is the only true purpose and goal of life on earth.
  4. The extent to which the soul truly follows Jesus Christ in all her inner dispositions.
  5. The extent to which the soul is aware of her own littleness.
  6. The extent to which the soul is aware of her own sinfulness and imperfections, and consequently the extent to which she sincerely repents any possible violation of God’s Law.
  7. The extent to which the soul sincerely longs for the victory of Divine Light and for expressions of God’s power over all darkness.

Myriam, at the service of the Mistress of all souls in Her attempts to guide souls towards leading lives in which God is pleased the most.
Christmas season 2019