Teaching by the Most Blessed Virgin Mary
on the true vocation of each soul and the blossoming of the hearts

Myriam van Nazareth

God created each soul with the intention that, through her life on earth, she should contribute to the accomplishment of God’s Plan of Salvation for the world. This Plan of Salvation aims at the sanctification of all souls and the foundation of God’s Kingdom on earth.

For a soul to be sanctified, Divine Life must be established in her. Divine Life is life in true sanctity. Divine Life in the soul is nourished only by true, unconditional Love, because Love is the essence of God’s power and of Life. At her creation, each soul is equipped by God with a germ of sanctity, in which Divine Life is contained. This germ is there, waiting to blossom by the merging of Divine Graces with the soul’s own efforts to grow to perfection. Sanctification is therefore the expression of the fruitfulness of the soul that is working on herself, and continuously allows this work to be pervaded by Divine Light.

It is as though the Creator is incessantly drawn to His own Works like a magnet. This attraction results from true, total Love, which is God’s major characteristic. Like a wind which never subsides, God seems to let the breath of Life stroke each soul uninterruptedly. This breath is filled with the true force of life: Love. God expects from each soul that she should totally absorb this breath and should let it continue flowing unchecked. The extent to which each soul does so, determines the vital force of the whole of creation. God’s omnipotence would in itself suffice to maintain the whole of creation. However, the Most High wants to get all souls’ active commitment and collaboration to the accomplishment of all His Works. This commitment and collaboration is imperfect, on account of the tremendous burden of sins accumulated by mankind, and the countless vices committed day after day. Each sin, each vice, each negligence committed by every single soul, constitutes in itself an obstacle in the flow of Divine Love through creation, and thus in the blossoming of Divine Life within the souls. To transform this world into the Kingdom of God, every soul must contribute to the erection of the foundation of the Realm of true Love and Peace. This foundation is to be erected exactly by restoring the flow of true Love through creation.

God created the soul in His own image. Each derogation from God’s Law, by sins, vices and all kinds of imperfections in the following of Jesus Christ, the Sun of Divine Life, disfigures within the soul the image which makes her look like God. If we imagined God to be the Sun, each soul should be like a full moon, reflecting the sunlight to creation and thereby giving light without blinding. The more one loves a particular creature, the more ardently one will try to look like this creature and to integrate all characteristics of the beloved creature into the own being. Now then, the soul that focuses all her Love on the Divine Trinity – and on Mary, who was given by God to the souls in order for Her to guide the latter into the Heart of Divinity – will live increasingly like Mary, and consequently like God Himself wishes the soul to live, because Mary is the perfect full moon: She has absorbed all of God’s Light, and is thereby able to remind the whole of creation perfectly of God and of the power of the Light.

Each soul essentially faces this task: to try leading a life during which a maximum of fruitfulness should be realized, so that God may judge her life as having yielded a positive contribution to the accomplishment of His Plan.

How is a soul to deal with this major task? She is to enable herself to fully absorb God’s Love, to process it inside, and thereby to grow in sanctity. The holier a soul becomes, the greater the extent to which she will be able to spread God’s strength, God’s Love, Divine Life, all around her, and the greater the extent to which she will contribute to the founding of God’s Kingdom on earth. One of the main tasks each soul is faced with, is this: to help unfold Love throughout creation: both in the individual elements of creation and in the mutual relationschips and contacts between these elements. To that end the Most Blessed Virgin Mary gives Her children the following TWELVE KEYS:

  1. Restoring every soul’s self-esteem. Each soul is the custodian of a germ of sanctity, a residence of the Divine. God has a plan with EVERY soul, also with the souls that, in the eyes of man, are practically worthless. EVERY soul has to make a specific contribution to the accomplishment of God’s Plan of Salvation. This means, for example, that also the chronically ill and the handicapped are performing a well defined function within God’s Plan. This is exactly the reason why murder, euthanasia, neglect and contempt as regards any man whatsoever are considered by God to be serious sins: these acts prevent God from completing His Plan through the victims of such acts. Also the unborn are bearers of a task within God’s Plan. If an unborn child is aborted, God is unable to fully implement this part of His Plan. This is why abortion is regarded by God as a serious sin.

    Every action by which a human being is debased, e.g. torture, abuse, intentional hurt, violation of purity or virginity, mental torture, willful infliction of sorrow or heartache, or systematic and organized debasement (like has happened, and is still happening, in all sorts of camps under various political regimes), blocks the flow of Divine Light between souls and nourishes states of darkness such as grudges, hate, vengeance, etcetera.

    One of the channels through which the dignity of innumerable creatures is affected every day, is aggression in its many forms (in both actions and words). Aggression is capable of destroying, within the fellow creature (man or animal), faith or trust to such an extent as to make it impossible for this creature to believe in Divine Love and in the beauty of God’s Works. In an atmosphere of fear and distrust the flow of Love is broken. How great a thing is it therefore in God’s eyes, if a soul at all times approaches her fellow people and all animals she encounters, in a gentle way, and inspires the latter with trust. God has entrusted the human soul with the management of His Creation. A good manager treats that which has been entrusted to his care by the owner, with impeccable care. That is how each soul is to treat her fellow man and all animals, particularly those that Divine Providence has entrusted to her care. In this world we own nothing, we receive everything merely on loan: every soul, every animall and every plant remains God’s property.

    Every soul is under the obligation to immerse her fellow creatures so deeply in true Love that they learn to accept themselves, that they can be healed from all wounds and complexes, and that they experience in their own lives that God exists and has not forsaken them. In daily life many occasions arise on which a person can give his fellow man a feeling of being useful, of being important, of not being written off, of having the potential to mean something positive. This feeling is able to make a heart blossom. Let us never forget that also the lesser able among us fulfill a specific function within God’s Plan and must therefore be regarded as full participants in this Plan.

    It is also important to rather look for good qualities and traits in one’s fellow person, and to emphasize and encourage these, than to find fault with the less positive points. Encouragement shapes the soul, discouragement disfigures her.

    It should be pointed out that in God’s eyes it is necessary that souls should apply these tasks to animals as well. The animal has not got a soul in the sense a human has, and does not directly participate in the Plan of Redemption. Animal suffering has therefore not a redeeming value, BUT... God judges the human soul according to the way she treats humans AND animals, for the animals are entrusted to us for us to treat them the way God Himself would. Man represents God towards the animals, so to speak, for he is God’s ambassador towards the whole of creation. Therefore animals play an indirect part – through man’s behaviour – in God’s Plan of Salvation, and that is why God regards every unworthy act towards animals as a sin, BECAUSE every such acts constitutes a violation of His Law of Love.

  2. Fighting all bitterness. A soul that is disappointed with life, with certain situations or with certain relationships with people, may get bitter. In this soul God’s Love no longer flows freely. Bitterness is like a tough shell which closes around the soul, making the latter cut herself loose from God’s Light. Due to the inadequate flow of true Love the real vital force within this soul decreases, and her ability to give true Love becomes limited or non existent.

    It is therefore important that the soul should help her fellow man struck with bitterness to come to terms with herself, with her past, with her present situation in life and with her fellow people. Bitterness yields bitter fruits, so that each creature – man or animal – that comes into contact with a bitter soul, does not perceive the Light of Love, joy and hope, but rather the darkness of grudges, disbelief, disappointment, pessimism and discouragement. A bitter soul is not an inspiration for her surroundings to cherish a state of trust or joy. She spreads out a blanket of gloom, which will slowly suffocate the hearts for lack of the oxygen of true inspiration. A heart that no longer breathes, is soon full of fermentation. In a fermenting soil the rose of Love slowly dies.

  3. Justifying true hope. Hope is the state of mind which makes a soul look at things in such a way as no to perceive darkness as true reality, but to consider Light as being the actual reality. In point of fact hope is the virtue which enables a soul to live as though the Light had already defeated darkness. The soul that is steeped in true hope, derives her strength from the conviction that her future will be better than her present, and that God will in His time fully compensate all negative and dark developments, and that, moreover, He rewards all sufferings a hundredfold in that He makes the soul’s life much more fruitful and that, on the basis thereof, He prepares the seed of Divine Life for many other souls.

    Genuine hope is the state of mind in which one already bears the Divine Life of Paradise in one’s heart, and derives joy and trust from this. In God’s eyes it is a great thing to enable a fellow person who has lost hope, to experience Light again, by setting an example before his very eyes and by undauntedly spreading courage and encouragement among one’s fellow people. He who gives a fellow soul reasons to truly hope, restores within this soul true Life, raises this soul from a state of paralysis or ineffectiveness, and enables this soul to rediscover true Love, by making her feel that God is Love, and that He would therefore not allow a soul to be eternally unhappy, as long as she keeps up her faith in Him.

  4. Recognizing the Divine origin of all creatures. Every creature is a miracle out of God’s hand. He has made every creature with an infinite Love, and as far as the human soul and the higher animal species are concerned, He has equipped them with the faculty to pass His Love on in many different ways. Whoever has got an eye for the countless expressions of God’s Love in nature and for the beauty of creation and of a loving soul, can learn to feel God’s Presence in everything.

    Resuscitate within your fellow man the heart of a child that is able to marvel at the endless details God has provided His creation with. Give every creature (fellow person or animal) that has incurred mental and emotional wounds, reasons to regain trust in God and in the Divine Presence in its fellow creatures, and unsuspected powerful flows of Love will be set in motion. It is vital that each one of us should constantly try to represent God’s traits towards all fellow creatures. A hurt creature – man or animal – that feels God’s Presence and doings in a fellow creature, will sooner or later himself be able to let Love flow, and thereby to spread true peace around him.

    The heart which is open to the flow of Divine Love, is able to feel God breathing throughout nature. In every flower, in every tree, in every shrub it can perceive God’s Love. Because this Love is the force which maintains the whole of creation, every soul should respect every fellow creature. It is, for instance, a violation of God’s Love and of God’s Works (which are constantly being unfolded), if a soul damages vegetation for no purpose. An exception to this rule is cutting down trees and pulling up weeds insofar as this is done within the framework of carefully planned forestry and horticulture.

    The major obstacle in representing God’s Love towards creation is rational thinking: God’s Love is only felt, assimilated and processed, and passed on, through the heart, emotional life. All thinking is easily and quickly spoiled by worldly influences. This is the reason why animals are often best suited to open up closed, wounded hearts: they do not think, they live on the level of feelings. That is why animals often succeed wonderfully in spreading genuine Love around them and to arouse feelings of true Love in man. A heart which is (again) enabled to experience Love, opens up, and can again be integrated into the flow of God’s Love and Divine Life.

  5. Promoting faith in the legacy of Christ. While on earth, Jesus Christ set the example of perfect Divine Life, and bore all sufferings of this life with infinite Love, which clothed it with an unlimited and eternal power for the redemption of souls. This is the legacy the Man-God left to the souls: the greatest gift of Love in the shape of a regained access to Eternal Life to every soul that leads a life following Him. As soon as the soul believes in Jesus Christ as God’s Redeeming Light, and in the Divine origin and nature of His Works, and as soon as she shows herself willing to meticulously apply Jesus’ teachings in her own life, she is contributing to the accomplishment of her personal salvation.

    Following Jesus to the utmost, means: sacrificing one’s own life to prepare one’s fellow person for his redemption. Therefore it is necessary that this fellow person should be informed of the role Jesus Christ plays for his eternal bliss, and that we show our fellow person a great treasure by teaching him how to discover the infinite Love of Christ. The example of Jesus’ life and of the effects of His Works can teach the souls to understand the deep sense of their own earthly sufferings, and thereby to accept these personal sufferings. The fact of adding meaning to one’s sufferings can lift a heavy load from a tormented heart, and is able to make this heart ready again to allow true Love to be fruitful within oneself and to spread it all around itself. All this can to a great extent be supported by teaching the souls the knowledge of the Mystery of Salvation and the great role the three main characters play in it together: Jesus Christ, Mary, and every individual soul. Sacrificed suffering is a vast source of Live, Redemption and Salvation. These insights are part of the great elements of knowledge Mary transmits to you in these writings, and to which She has given the name of Science of Divine Life.

  6. Recognizing the works of darkness in the world. Satan is the 'prince of the world'. He has sworn the oath that he was going to destroy God’s creation by usurping the rule of all creatures and deploying them imperceptibly for the benefit of his works of destruction. He tries to accomplish this by poisoning the human souls against God, and by taking so much Light and Love away from their hearts that they start doing more and more works of darkness. This is how Satan got innumerable souls to collaborate in the undermining of God’s Plan of Salvation.

    The world is organised on the basis of political and economic philosophies, most of which are serving darkness. The central guideline in all developments in world history has always been materialism. According to materialistic thinking reality exclusively consists of matter. Man can easily be tempted to follow this aberration because of the fact he lives in a physical body which is in constant need of material things, and because many elements of the supernatural, non material life of the soul fall outside of perception as a consequence of the original sin. God, many of His Works, and Divine Life, are non material, and are therefore regarded as non existent. Also Satan, temptation, sin and vice are non material, and are consequently also regarded as non existent.

    Consequently, soon Light and darkness are no longer recognized, and conscience is totally lost. Man starts leading a disordered life. He lives as though nothing will come after this earthly life, as a consequence of which he has got to make the most of everything life has to offer in the field of matter: money, richness, reputation in the eyes of one’s fellow man, prestige. This is how merciless competition, hate, jealousy, exploitation, senseless mass production and countless other pointless patterns of behaviour and aspirations were born, which make people believe life can offer them but one goal: reaching the top according to the standards of worldly thinking, which deviates very thoroughly from God’s intentions with man.

    The developments of materialism with its countless expressions kill within man all love for God, for creation, for his fellow person and his fellow creatures. Society is being totally exanimated. God is banned from the world, and is mercilessly killed in the hearts. In order to reanimate true Love in the hearts and to allow Love to flow again between all creatures, it is necessary that every soul should within herself rediscover the values of Divine Life, of the non material goals, and should help other souls to become aware of the fact that all misery and all lack of love they can observe around themselves, are NOT to be attributed to God, but to the fact the human souls are blinded and therefore believe that man can exist by himself and merely lives for himself. As soon as man starts to regard himself as being a world on his own, all doors are closed and Divine Light stops flowing from the soul towards her surroundings. The soul dies for lack of the oxygen of animation from God’s Heart. She has not got anything left to offer her fellow creature. The latter is considered to be a burden, a liability, an obstacle on the way to further elevation of the self.

  7. Detachment from every element of worldly living. As indicated in point 6 everything in this world is organised around matter. Man falls prey to the tendency to consider the things he perceives through his senses to be the one and only reality, and to take too little account of the fact the major part of reality consists of developments and effects which can not be perceived through the senses (all works of Divine Providence, etcetera). Everything which emanates from worldly thinking and aspiring breathes hedonism, and therefore selfishness. The soul’s life is increasingly centered around herself. Her Love is no longer focused on God and her fellow creatures, but on herself. All the Love that is focused on the own person and is locked inside it, no longer flows towards the fellow creatures, nor towards God. The service to God, and charity, are the first and the principal victims of this development.

    It is therefore very important that souls should learn to realize on how many points worldly thinking and feeling and the mentality of materialism have got a hold on their lives, and that they should try and gradually free themselves from all this. The only thing they may lose in the process, is a pile of burdens which prevent them from feeling free and from accomplishing their take-off to true Divine Life. In exchange they will gain: true inner peace, joy, soulfulness, and inner maturity.

    In this life so many situations and developments seem so totally pointless because they are leading nowhere. The soul that finds Divine Life, suddenly discovers the means to add a meaning to everything. This experience is very liberating, and thereby opens the heart. An open heart again learns to recognize God’s Love, to assimilate it and to pass it on to her fellow creatures. In God’s eyes it is a great thing for a soul to help her fellow souls to free themselves from the grip of worldly things, because a liberated soul is a soul that is again able to make full contributions to the accomplishment of God’s Works.

    A special expression of attachment to worldly things is every form of addiction (to alcohol, smoking, excessive eating, sweets, drugs, excessive use of medicines etcetera). Every addiction keeps the soul imprisoned in an excessive experiencing of the physical. An addicted soul can not be freely integrated by God into His Plans. This soul is so much 'frozen' that she hardly, if at all, absorbs true vital force, true Love, and is also not able to let it flow towards her surroundings.

  8. Aiming at total openness in all communication. Every time the soul encounters a fellow creature (man or animal) she has to see to it that he communication is based on honesty, openness, predictability (in the positive sense of the word) and reliability. Dishonesty, a closed nature, unpredictability and unreliability produce smoke between creatures, and therefore increasingly block the Light. The result of a foggy communication is a loss of spontaneity in the relationship between people. As soon as a soul gets the feeling a relationship with a fellow creature prevents her from being completely herself, the flow of Love is interrupted.

    This is what happens millions of times every day throughout the world. As soon as the soul no longer knows exactly what the other one means to her, doubts and distrust can arise. The soul then starts to think about the relationship, about certain patterns or elements of behaviour, reactions, etc. The relationship towards the fellow person is then no longer nourished from the heart but from the reasoning and analysing mind. The latter is Satan’s laboratory. The reason for this is the fact that reasoning and analysing are faculties which do not emanate from the heart (emotional life), and can thus not be bearers of Love. As soon as Satan succeeds in shutting a heart down and convincing the soul to aim at the supremacy of rational faculties, he can easily get a hold on this soul. This is why throughout history, so many souls that, in the eyes of the world, were brilliant minds, have inflicted so much disaster and destruction upon God’s creation.

    The perception of spontaneity and natural beauty in a creature may be helpful in opening the heart of the beholder. Seeing a playing kitten or a beautiful little bird can soften the heart, insofar as the beholder’s heart is not too frozen to be able to open up yet. The force which gets a heart to open up, is nothing but Divine Love, which flows into the heart as the latter is watching the spontaneous behaviour and the natural beauty.

    It is vital that every soul should see to it that all her communication towards her fellow creatures should be open-hearted and unambiguous, and that communicating souls should constantly purify their mutual relationships of all vagueness, ambiguity and unreliability. May your 'yes' mean truly 'yes' and your 'no' mean truly 'no'. This intention may free every relationship between creatures from much darkness, and enable the Love between hearts to flow freely.

  9. Living more consciously. Usually man allows countless moments of the day to pass him by unnoticed, and often pays little attention to developments in his spiritual life. This is why very many interventions from Divine Providence into daily life escape attention. This 'spiritual subcoma' underlies the fact that to many souls many things and developments in their lives do not seem to make any sense, and they never notice the signs of God’s Love.

    As soon as the soul allows all her acts, words, thoughts and observations to be filled with the awareness of God’s Love, everything begins to make sense, and the heart blooms. This soul starts to develop quite a different view of life and her own world. In every little detail of daily life she more easily finds joy: taking care of children or domestic animals, walking the dog, watching the sunset, watching a little bird cleaning its wings while sitting on a branch... It is our duty to draw our fellow person’s attention to the many little things of beauty around him. Let us not allow one single moment of suffering to pass us by unnoticed: let us sacrifice it in gratitude, in the awareness that it may become a key to our eternal bliss and an opportunity to a true following of Christ, the Way of Divine Life.

  10. Being an apostle of true peace. Peace is a great deal more than the lack of fighting or war. A soul that possesses true peace of heart, possesses the inner state of Jesus Himself, and is like a magnet: all fellow creatures long to be near her. The reason is simple: they experience in this soul’s presence the Presence of God Himself. The soul that possesses true inner peace, is calm and free of storms. She thereby possesses the ability to smoothe many things in her world and to calm the storms. She renders all strife and discord ineffective.

    Every soul is able to experience true peace, as soon as she is perfectly aware of the fact that everything happens for a reason controlled and directed by God. The soul that has understood this, experiences the freedom which emanates from the inner certainty that one time, sooner or later, everything is going to turn out well, for that God’s Plans and Works constantly try to find the balance which is the most favourable and fruitful for creation as a whole. The time during which a soul has got to endure a rather disagreeable situation, is amply rewarded by God’s Love.

    The soul that has absorbed all of this as a Divine Law, feels like being freed of heavy burdens, and starts her actual flight towards experiencing Divine Life. She blossoms like a flower, and has got the same effect on her fellow creatures. Both animals and people bloom in the presence of a soul that radiates true peace. This soul bears within herself the feeling of security and calm so many creatures are looking for. The more flowers the soul opens up around her through the way she is, the more smoothly Divine Love will flow in her surroundings. For this reason a true apostle of peace spreads new life throughout creation. Where Love flows, sooner or later all dissatisfaction, fear, anxiety and insecurity will fade away.

  11. Practising the utmost forgivingness. Few weapons are as lethal to darkness as forgivingness. Innumerable are the souls in whom Love slowly dies because they constantly live in discord with one or more of their fellow people. This is exactly why such souls often look so wiped out: they do not allow the strength of Divine Life to enter them, and therefore they are not able to give true Love. As long as a soul actually wants to live in discord with her fellow man, all the love she does give is contaminated, just because she carries this cloud with her always and everywhere.

    The soul that does not forgive holds another soul, that has made some mistake to her detriment, personally responsible, and will not take account of the fact her 'debtor' is already the victim of a force which is hostile towards God and His Love. By constantly branding the debtor, one augments the power of Satan, who has been wanting exactly this to happen: that two people would allow a sin, a vice or a mistake, committed by one of them, to become the driving force of all their further doings, thereby cutting themselves, and often many others, loose from the flow of true Divine Love.

    Let us also look at this system on a large scale: how can the world be freed from the domination of evil and darkness if entire nations keep watching one another with feelings of grudge, hate and irreconcilability because of what happened years ago on account of a war and all that has resulted from it? What an explosion of Light this world would experience if all sins and mistakes of the past – both in the lives of individuals and in world history – were genuinely forgiven and buried in the Heart of Mary, this marvelous and most sacred soil in which all sin is broken down and all sacrifices are transformed into raw materials for Divine Graces. This takes us to the twelfth key:

  12. Living in total consecration to Mary. All writings of Myriam van Nazareth offer countless motivations for the reason why living in total consecration to Mary is the golden path to Divine Life, the accomplishment of Redemption in the soul, the perfect sanctification and total liberation. Mary is the Queen of Love. In Her all virtues have reached absolute and full maturity.

    If one regards sanctification within the soul as the growth of a tree, Love is the trunk from which all other virtues (in the book entitled Spring blossoms on the Tree of Life – which has not yet been translated into English – some 64 different virtues are studied, and examples from daily life are given) split off like branches. Every branch, every leaf, every blossom and every fruit on this tree grows, blooms and matures exclusively through the force of Love. The more powerful Love flows within a soul, the more security can be found underneath its foliage, the more beautiful its blossoms will be, and the more nutritious its fruits will be.

    Do understand this image: the soul in whom God’s Love flows perfectly smoothly, uses this Divine force of life to get stronger, and thereby already puts herself at the service of creation as a whole: the tree develops a thick foliage (all fellow creatures feel secure with this soul, they find peace and quiet in her presence), beautiful and lush blossoms (all fellow creatures are attracted by her spiritual beauty in which they recognize God’s Wonders), and ripe nutritious fruits (all fellow creatures are nourished by the fruits of Love spread by this soul: all fellow creatures are better enabled to accomplish their life’s work within God’s Plan). God is the soil.

    For the soul that consecrates herself to Mary and leads a life of total consecration to Her, Mary is the Gardener. She is completely saturated with God’s nutrients and all materials necessary to lead the trees in God’s soil to an optimal growth and fruit yield. Above all, as the Mistress of all souls by Divine proxy She is equipped with all power to steer the entire process of growth and bloom in the right direction at the right time. No soul can do this by herself. Life with all its dark influences is like a journey along treacherous swamp land. When dangers reach their summit, no soul is able to free herself from the swamp. Mary was clothed by God with the power and the wisdom to do it. She possesses the fullness of Love, She is familiar with every detail of the way, and She knows every soul infinitely better than the latter knows herself. Mary bears Christ, Divine Love incarnated, within Herself in His fullness.

    A life that is led in a genuinely intended unity with Mary’s Heart, is in God’s eyes a life in perfect acceptance of His Will, for He has given Mary to the souls as the golden Bridge to the Heart of the Most Holy Trinity. Among the created souls Mary is, and will be for all times, the only one who reflects God’s Light like the spotless full moon. The soul that tries to follow Mary perfectly, is therefore essentially aiming at a life in the image of the one who resembles God like nobody else. No soul can ever imagine how great this is in God’s eyes, and what a tremendous flow of Love God can lead through a soul that looks like Mary.

No force in the world could stop the flow of God’s Love through creation, nor decrease the effects of this flow, if in the entire world one of every twelve Christians should live in total, unconditional and everlasting consecration to Mary, in perfect self-sacrifice at the service of the Mistress of all souls.

Yet the total surrender of one in twelve Christians to Mary is tantamount to an embarrassingly poor answer to the present of presents that God has given the souls by revealing Mary in Her infinite power and greatness as the Mistress of all souls. After all Mary was elected by God to be the Mother of His Son and the Bride of the Holy Spirit. Like the human soul was intended to represent God towards the whole of creation, Mary represents God towards the human souls. Everything has been laid down at Her feet, because She was made One with Christ.

I already wrote so in the introduction: If we imagine God to be the Sun, every soul should be like a full moon, reflecting the sunlight to creation and thereby spreading light without blinding. The Light is the bearer of God’s Love, the essence of Divine Life, which is the sense and purpose of every human life on earth.

The soul is to see to it that no lunar eclipse can ever occur. A lunar eclipse occurs whenever the earth blocks the sun’s rays from striking the moon. Now then, whenever Divine Light (the sun) no longer reaches the soul (the moon) because the worldly influences (the terrestrial globe) gain priority over the sunlight, so whenever the soul allows the things of the world to get closer to her than all things Divine, the soul stops being a good conductor of God’s Love. From that moment onward she no longer fulfills her true life vocation and she no longer contributes to the foundation of God’s Kingdom on earth.

In deep Love to God, to Mary and to all creatures,

Myriam – September 2008