as the


to Myriam van Nazareth


Excerpt from the Revelation of January 8, 2007

"(...) Now the Creator is making His Works come full circle: He created My soul with the unique Immaculate Conception, He sent His Son Jesus Christ into the world with a view to accomplishing Redemption, He granted the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Church, and now He shows the souls the way to the feet of the Immaculate One, whose true sublimity he has kept veiled up to these very last of times because the fullness of time for the Revelation of revelations had not yet come.

Now He has decided the hour has struck for the revelation of the fullness of His Plans, and He reveals to the souls their true Mistress who, by virtue of the merits She has been accumulating through the ages and by virtue of Her Immaculate Conception and the fullness of power granted to Her in the hour of Her Coronation, now rises as the Ruler who is to lead the souls to the fullness of sanctity, wisdom and knowledge about His great Works and Plans, so that, by their word of consent at the feet of the Mistress of all souls, they may make Her power shine in the glow of their surrender, in order that the prince of lies, deceit and aberration may be finally defeated.

People of Christ, rise and wake up to the greatness of the things I accomplish within you and for you. The hour of Truth has come".

Excerpt from the Revelation of January 10, 2007

"(...) The angels call Me 'three times holy', thereby referring to the deified nature of My being:

I was united with features of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and each of the Three Divine Persons has poured Himself out in Me to the full extent of that which is possible within the marriage between God and a created soul. The Father made Me in the glory of the Immaculate Conception, the Son became one with Me in My motherly womb, and the Holy Spirit accomplished the Incarnation of Jesus within Me by a perfect marriage with My soul, My Heart, My mind and My body. I am the Tabernacle of the Holy Trinity, and therefore 'three times holy'.

Where then lies the difference between My nature and God’s? The difference is this, that God has no beginning and no end, but exists by Himself, whereas I do have a beginning, and that this beginning was given to Me by the creating God. God did not originate from anything outside Himself, I originated from God. God’s Glory exists all by itself and originated with itself, My Glory is 'deified' and therefore also infinite, yet My Glory does have a beginning: It originated from God’s thoughts and received its seeds in My Immaculate Conception".

Excerpt from the Revelation of January 15, 2007

"I call upon all those who are faithful to Me, to enter into a spiritual marriage with Me. True marriage with Me is actually marrying Love, purity and surrender. Marriage with Mary is an oath of allegiance towards the spiritual condition of detachment from everything belonging to the world, so as to become perfectly united with the true supernatural life of the soul, the kind of life the soul is called upon to lead in Heaven.

Everything the soul is called upon to be for all eternity, she must prepare for while still living on earth. This is the only way for her to acquire, through her own contribution, the merits of her beatification. This is why suffering on earth has got a so much greater value than suffering in purgatory: The soul in purgatory has seen God’s Truth in the hour in which her past life was judged. As long as the soul is still living on earth, she must wage the struggle against the world and against her own weaknesses through faith, for she has not seen the fullness of Truth yet.

Truly blissful is the soul who, while still living on earth, mercilessly entrusts her weaknesses to the thorns so as to become worthy of marrying the rose (*), in order to be pervaded with the perfume she is going to fully scent only after her life has been judged before God’s throne.

(*) Mary obviously means that, in the battle against her own weaknesses, the soul should not shrink from the efforts necessary to detach herself, nor from the sufferings that go along with those efforts.

I am the Virgin of the poor. The really poor are the souls who allow themselves to be disrobed of everything, who approach earthly goods but also the ways of the world with the utmost caution, and therefore are clothed in the cloak of eternal purity. Yes, God clothes the naked, but the true naked are those who have disrobed themselves of the cloak of worldly attachments in an act of voluntary consecration.

True access to the throne of the Mistress of all souls is obtained by those who are wearing the robe of a servant of Mine. Access to the bridal chamber is obtained by those who have thrown themselves at Her feet fully disrobed, holding back nothing for themselves and imploring Her that they might be clothed with Herself. They no longer wear My robe, they grow together with it, for they are transformed into living Love, purity and surrender. Only one single thing still distinguishes them from the angels in the eyes of God: They are wearing the sign of the Lamb of God that has redeemed them because they have embraced the Cross. No angel ever enjoyed this privilege".


"Look and behold what I do if a soul entrusts all her sufferings to Me with abandon":

I see the image of a barren soil under a dark sky. On the soil I can see the Holy Virgin Mary standing, wearing a lilac pleated robe elegantly reaching up to Her feet. It seems as if She were radiant with an enchanting light. I can see a soul kneeling down at Mary’s feet and 'emptying' herself. Everything which is flowing out of this soul seeps into the soil underneath Mary’s feet. Ever more light seems to be beaming out of Her. This light, too, seems to be 'soaking' the soil. Subsequently Heaven breaks open, the sun goes up, and I now see a soil covered with young grass and flowers. Mary says to me:

"See how I raise to new life a barren soil, to which nothing has been added but the drought from a suffering soul. However, deep down this soul still possessed a grain of life: the confidence which had inspired her to kneel down at My feet and beg Me to exercise My power. I have emptied Myself in My turn: My feet have destroyed anything negative and devoid of life, My hands have added to the grain of trust and surrender the strength of true Life, and the Divine power of Love from My Heart has enabled this whole to ripen like under a summer sun. Night is falling, the light of new life starts to shine, and the barren soil underneath My feet becomes a witness to My power.

I have said to the soil: 'I want you to become fruitful!', and so it happened, in the soil of the soul. I have emptied Myself, yet I can not become empty, because I am totally rooted in God. To the extent to which a soul is rooted in God, her inner driving force will become more and more inexhaustible. That is where the mysterious driving force is hidden within a soul who lives completely under My rule, because such a soul has surrendered to Me completely.

I would like to point out to you the colour of My robe in this vision symbolizes the Heavenly marriage. If a soul throws herself at My feet and considers Me to be her last hope, I adorn Myself with jewels like for a wedding, for this soul is going to pour herself out into Me, so that during the night of her emptiness I may be pregnant with new life, which I will give birth to for her as soon as her inner eyes are ready to recognize the new day. I would not really be the Mistress if I were not able to rule the souls especially when they are on the verge of losing real life. There is only one thing I ask of her: that she would raise My unlimited fruitfulness by pouring out into Me her last grain of hope, trust, Love and surrender".

January 19, 2007

"Every soul is the object of a fierce battle between God, who is her true Owner, and the forces of darkness. The souls would understand this better if they were able to somewhat fathom the value of a soul. Each soul is the bearer of a Divine element, the germ of sanctity. Just like a seed contains all vital principles and the full potential for development as a specific plant species the germ of sanctity carries a vast variety of possibilities to allow the soul to grow towards God’s image. This is why, in the eyes of God, the following are the two most despicable things:

  1. A soul who allows herself to drift off completely from the image of God, the dispositions of God Himself, in other words a soul who robs herself of her dignity.
  2. A soul who robs fellow creatures of their dignity, for instance by neglecting, torturing, tormenting, deeply humiliating, mentally or emotionally disrupting them or pulling them away from God.

Through the centuries countless souls have been placing themselves in at least one of both categories. If the soul robs herself or any fellow creature of their dignity a total block in the flow of Love, hope and faith arises. A soul who descends into such dispositions is no longer living according to God’s Law but is following the law of drives, and is driven by nothing else but hedonism, lust for power and recognition, lack of morals, and an urge to create disruption, strife and division in God’s creation. She is driven by forces which will not leave her any peace while she keeps undermining God’s Works and Plans. Within this soul all Wisdom is dying and everything reminding her of the Divine is radically banned.

A soul in this disposition can be healed only through a rebirth of Love, through which she can learn to rediscover the true purpose of life. No other force possesses the ability to liberate a soul after she has descended so deeply into the quicksand of meaningless worldly life. This soul completely lacks inner peace. She is driven only by frustration, bitterness and feelings of absolute meaninglessness. Only discovering true Love is able to break through all of this.

This is why this soul must rediscover and admit God Himself into her life, because God is Love. Only in the actual experience of the Divine will the soul be able to get to know the dignity of the soul for what it really is. A soul who fails to respect the dignity of every soul is captured by antichristian forces and is therefore sick in the very core of her being: She is lacking in Love, which is the essence of true Life. This is an agonizing soul".

January 23, 2007

"God does not force anything on any soul. The souls only partake in Divine graces to the extent to which they accept and assimilate the latter voluntarily. Therefore the Act of Redemption Jesus commited through His Sufferings and His Death on the Cross is not an event that is over and done with, it is a bunch of seeds which have to ripen into a flower within each individual soul. Whether a soul is actually redeefmed, depends on her own commitment. First and foremost she has to freely choose to follow Jesus in everything.

For the soul to be really delivered and sanctified, it is not sufficient for her that the war should be won for her benefit, she must have participated in the battle herself in order to defeat the enemy hiding deep inside of her. For a similar reason a soul can not seriously claim to be consecrated to Mary just because she has spoken a prayer of consecration, even if she repeats this prayer on a daily basis. The soul is only really consecrated to Me as soon as, by her own free choice and after careful consideration, she has decided to give her entire path through life to Me, to follow Me in everything, and to serve Me in perfect self-denial.

Today a tender joy is flowing through you, for your inner eye sees My betrothal with Saint Joseph, and your heart feels the flow of deep Love exchanged between Joseph and Me.

As a Jewish girl, to Me the betrothal was approximately the same as a marriage. To a Jewish couple a betrothal marked the beginning of a bond through which a man and a woman aimed at bringing the great bond with God in their lives to full bloom. God had brought us together in order for us to honour His holy bond through the trials of our lives together.

How valuable it would be if each couple that is engaged to be married would consecrate itself as a couple to Me today, and would repeat this consecration on the wedding day. I have sanctified marriage. Joseph and I accomplished exactly that which the Most High had aimed at through our engagement promises.

Even today the actual point to getting married is this, that a man and a woman take the oath to be willing to jointly contribute to the accomplishment of God’s Plan and, in their turn, to give birth to Jesus in any children they may get. Both members of each couple are expected to allow the nature of Christ to mature within themselves, so that they may yield this seed.

If Divine Providence provides for a couple not to have any children, this seed can be made to spring up through spiritual children, through a growing apostolate or through the distribution of the Light of Christ in words, thoughts and actions. Joseph and I never had children through physical intercourse. Our Jesus was the fruit of the Spirit. Likewise a childless marriage can make the fruits of the Spirit ripen within itself".

February 11, 2007

"When I appeared at Lourdes, the persecutors of My dear daughter Saint Bernadette said it was impossible that such a delightfully beautiful Lady would appear at Massabielle, a location full of snakes. Yet that is where I demonstrated the essence of the Mystery of total liberation and sanctification of the souls: the Woman appears in the midst of Satan’s brood of vipers in order to announce, there of all places, that She is the Immaculate Conception, the embodiment of perfect sanctity. My feet, the instruments of torture and humiliation for the demons, were ornamented with roses. The rose is the queen of flowers, symbol of life, and it represents Love. Dear souls, do understand the signs".

Excerpt from the Revelation of February 13, 2007

"(...) Understand this correctly: The soul that is trying to come to terms with her mistakes, shortcomings, negligences and sins, falls under the effects of the Law of Divine Justice. As soon as this soul has consecrated her inner struggle and her burdens to Me by way of reparation, I add to all this the immeasurable fire of My immaculate Love as well as all the merits I have accumulated since My Immaculate Conception. This completion brings about a process of transformation, a re-creation of the offering within the soul. The fact her offering is integrated into God’s Plan of Salvation through My Heart, triggers the Law of Divine Mercy. In order to enable this re-creation to obtain its full effect, however, it is advisable that the soul should go to Confession as soon as possible. One could say that Confession closes once and for all the Book of Justice on the things that are confessed. (...)"

"What does the Most High expect from the soul during the forty days of Lent? I am going to answer this question by referring to three major events from the history of Salvation:

  1. In the days of Noah it kept raining for 40 days and 40 nights. Through the Flood God aimed at obtaining a thorough purification of His creation. For the soul the forty days of Lent should be a period of thorough purification. Through a persistent disposition of repentance she should allow the rain of grace to penetrate into the very depths of her being for forty days, so as to enable her roots to be completely saturated with this rain.

  2. After His hidden life Jesus withdrew into the desert for a 40 days’ stay. In His following, to the soul the period of Lent should be a period of deep reflection upon her true vocation and her true mission in life, as well as a thorough preparation for her further activities at the service of God’s Kingdom.

  3. After His Resurrection Jesus regularly appeared to His apostles and followers for 40 days, before ascending into Heaven on the 40th day. For the soul the period of Lent should be a period of thorough preparation for her rise into Divine Life. Between His Resurrection and His Ascension Jesus lived in a glorified body for 40 days. To the soul this should be a symbol of complete detachment: a life as if she were no longer part of this world, due to a mental and emotional disposition that is geared completely to the propagation of God’s Truth and the glorification of His great Mysteries. This is another thing to apply ourselves to during this period of Lent.

We could consider these three stages of the history of Salvation to be symbols of transformation (the Flood), of Redemption (beginning of Jesus’ Public Life as the Redeemer) and of sanctification (the risen soul prepares for her rise into Heaven in an atmosphere of living which transcends the level of worldly life altogether). Indeed, to the soul the forty days of Lent should mean: Transformation, accomplishment of their redemption and of their sanctification. Behold, how the Divine Trinity is acting as the Creator, the Redeemer and the Sanctifier: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, represented in all of these Works by the Mistress of all souls, who was given to the souls as a Guide through the desert of life".

February 23, 2007

"Throughout the ages the Most Holy Trinity has been encouraging the souls to observe a holy Lenten season. It has been doing so with a view to enabling souls to keep in touch with Divine Life. You see, the Lenten season is intended to allow the body to find some inner rest. Even more importantly, however, it aims at bringing some rest into the soul. God has intended the period of Lent to be a reflection of true Divine Life in the soul. True fasting is a disposition of the heart, a pattern of life, in which the soul calms down like a rough sea getting flat due to the tempestuous winds subsiding and the undercurrents decreasing. The soul harbouring the right disposition will experience that the winds (the trials from outside, the worldly influences and temptations) will even increase, yet that the undercurrents in the very core of her being grow so steadily towards equanimity that her surface (her concrete reactions to the outside world) come at ease. The Lenten season is pre-eminently a time of sanctification, of discovering inner peace, faith, the feeling of security and evenness of temper the Creator clothed every soul with, yet which can be heavily distorted by worldly influences.

The Christian should accept the Lenten season with gratitude as a gift, as an opportunity to experience the blissful effects of Divine Life within herself, and thus to learn how to adopt these as her own fixed way of life. True fasting is not an imposed penance making the soul tense, quite on the contrary, it is a thorough transformation at heart which can bring the soul very close to God by allowing her to merge gently with the very essence of Divine Life. This disposition brings peace, calm, relaxation, joy, as if the soul were flowing over from time-bound into timeless reality, into a life without the slightest tension, pressure, compulsion, disturbance, restlessness, impatience. If the soul avails herself of the period of Lent to enable the seed of this disposition, which God gave her in the hour when she was created, to sprout like seed of new life under the springtime sun, spring is actually there for her, and she actually glides into the very life God had intended for the souls. This is how the season of Lent becomes a time of complete purification making a rebirth for true life possible.

True fasting as an experience of Divine Life indeed requires a deep humility. The degree of self-humiliation a soul is willing to bring up and which she actually longs for, is a measure for the degree of her detachment from worldly things. This detachment must become as complete as possible in order for the soul to be able to experience Divine Life in depth. Let your conscience slide away into the very depths of your heart, where you can be one with My Will. I will let you experience the deep essence of holy fasting, so that you may be able to ardently share it with the souls".

Excerpt from the Revelation of March 25, 2007

"(...) Like the wedding ring consists of gold, I was to have a soul and a Heart of gold in order to make the celestial wedding possible. The gold of My soul is My Immaculate Conception, from which My perfect sanctity has sprung. Each attempt to minimize My role in the history of salvation is tantamount to throwing away the ring before going to the wedding. (...)"

Excerpt from the Revelation of April 28, 2007

"(...) On account of My Immaculate Conception I was not under any necessity to overcome weaknesses and vices. I emphasize that also souls that are not immaculately received can become holy. As a matter of fact, those who are called upon by Me, are also called upon to accomplish true sanctity. For Me to be truly able to help them, I want them:

  1. to wittingly consent to serving Me, and to act upon it;

  2. to persist in fighting their weaknesses and vices;

  3. to apply, in daily life, My guidelines and their growing awareness of their weaknesses".

Excerpt from the Revelation of July 3, 2007

"(...) That is why Holy Communion can be regarded as a key which fits to the gate of the prison the soul builds for herself through sin and through every condition of dissatisfaction at heart. By virtue of a Divine Mystery Holy Communion also contains the fullness of the Holy Spirit, the Heart of the Eternal Father, and the perfect sanctity of My Immaculate Conception and My sinlessness. (...)"

Excerpt from the Revelation of July 14, 2007

"(...) The day of My Immaculate Conception was a Saturday. The day of My greatest sorrow was also a Saturday.

During the Old Covenant the Jews venerated the Arch of the Covenant, a kind of tabernacle in which they kept the symbol of God’s Truth. With My Immaculate Conception I was predestined to become the living Arch of the New Covenant: I was to bear the living God Himself in My womb. This predestination materialized itself with the Conception of My soul as the Masterpiece of God’s acts of creation. That is why Saturday would for all eternity become extraordinarily sacred. (...)

Blessed are the souls that honour Saturday as the day of the glorification of the New Covenant and of the Queen of silence and holy virtuousness. (...)"

Excerpt from the Revelation of August 17, 2007

"(...) During the Old Covenant God enforced His Law of Justice. Since Jesus’ redeeming Sufferings and His Death on the Cross the New Covenant applies, for which basically the first seed was cast by My Immaculate Conception, and which finally came into effect through Jesus. (...)"

Excerpt from the Revelation of September 16, 2007

"The original sin wounded the souls. Therefore no human soul was ever free from sin and vice, except Me, because I was immaculately conceived and was driven My whole life long by a domineering will to remain without sin. (...)"

December 8, 2007

"Nine is a holy number: It is obtained by multiplying three – the number of the Most Holy Trinity – by itself. This is why, when on earth, I prepared all great feasts for a period of nine days, sometimes for nine weeks. Nine days, nine weeks, nine months: this amount of time always indicates a time of preparation or ripening of grace (...)".

December 18, 2007

"My pregnancy was perfectly exempt from physical complaints. I want you to know that the pregnant woman’s physical indispositions as well as the indispositions suffered by the female on a regular basis are not solely due to physical causes: They are entrusted by God to woman as a share in the expiation and reparation for the original sin. I invite you to partake in these sufferings of reparation, so as to make atonement and to glorify My power".