from the prayer collection Mary’s Flower Garden
inspired by the Holy Virgin Mary

through Myriam van Nazareth

In April 2008 the Mistress of all souls provided the following invocation, to be used whenever one sees or senses any phenomenon or apparition which makes one feel anxious, uneasy or unsettled:

"Make the sign of the Cross and say:

If you come to me in the names of Jesus Christ and Mary, then join me in making the sign of the Cross.
If you do not come in the names of Jesus Christ and Mary, then leave me, by order of the Triune God and the immaculate Queen of Heaven and earth.

By speaking these words you call upon a Heavenly power that constitutes the ultimate threat for any force of darkness and makes the latter totally ineffective".

As of 1997 the Holy Virgin Mary has been inspiring Her Myriam prayer flowers which, in their entirety, are intended as a collection of texts which serve both the imploring of graces for the development of one’s own soul and of other souls and the glorification and worshipping of the Triune God, both directly and through His most sublime Marvel called Mary, the Immaculate Conception and the only human soul who ever and for all eternity remained without the slightest sin.

One theme of prayer flowers which has been particularly emphasized by the Heavenly Mistress for several years now, because this is in perfect accordance with Her teachings through which She has been calling all souls emphatically to wage the most fervent battle with a view to advancing the establishment of God’s Kingdom of perfect Love, Peace, happiness and Justice within and among all creatures, is constituted by extraordinarily powerful prayer texts geared to thwarting and possibly undoing the darkness and its works in the world.

By order of the Holy Virgin, Mistress of all souls, the present category will gather the prayers which, in a Revelation of early August 2020, She referred to as:

"the most telling prayer texts I have poured out into you so far in the way of extraordinarily powerful weapons in the combat against the darkness in the world. I am most emphatically inviting the souls to use these prayers frequently, which, to the extent to which they are brought before Me, and through Me before God Himself, in perfect awareness and with a sincerely loving Heart, will shoot beams of dazzling Light through the thick layer of darkness which is currently oppressing creation".

Right below please find the prayer flowers the Heavenly Mistress refers to for this purpose and which Myriam, in obedience to Her order, is now privileged to present as one special collection.

Reference should also be made to the
prayer category Rainbow Flowers

as well as to the special prayer category
Storm tetralogy against the realm of the darkness on earth

Myriam, August 2020

This collection contains the following prayer flowers:

  863. Supplication to Mary to put all evil to shame
  998. Storm Prayer to Mary, Mistress over all darkness
1003. Offering for the expulsion of all sins from the world
1047. Glorification of Mary’s Power to obtain deliverance from any force
of evil
1196. Consecration to Mary for protection against demonic attacks
1257. Sacrificial Prayer to the Mistress of all souls for the eradication of all
1307. Supplication to the Terror of demons to be delivered from the control
of darkness
1373. Supplication to Mary, Terror of demons, to reverse the effects
of all darkness
1389. Consecration to counteract all misery in the world
1396. Storm Prayer to reverse darkness
1414. Emergency Prayer for the world
1420. Holy Vow to refrain from all darkness
1451. Storm Prayer to break any darkness in an object
1452. Storm Prayer to break the effects of malediction against one’s own
1471. Storm prayer in reparation for the most oppressing darkness
throughout the history of mankind
1486. Storm prayer to combat all lack of Love in the world
1531. Storm prayer to Jesus Christ for the world
1534. Profession of Love to obtain the deliverance of the world
1535. Evening prayer of desire for a sinless night worldwide
1552. Outcry to Mary, Queen of the night
1559. Emergency prayer to obtain worldwide removal of temptation
1560. Self-surrender to the Eternal Father to obtain protection against evil
1561. Self-surrender to Jesus Christ to obtain protection against evil
1562. Self-surrender to the Holy Spirit to obtain protection against evil
1563. Self-surrender to Mary to obtain protection against evil
1617. Glorification of Mary’s capacities for the purpose of combatting
the darkness
1643. Storm prayer to inactivate all darkness in the world
1657. Emergency prayer to break the darkness on my path through life
1660. Storm prayer to obtain a worldwide ban of all evil from the souls
1689. Urgent supplication to obtain the protection of mankind against
plans harboured by evil
1692. Storm prayer to obtain the unlocking of Mary’s true power over the
1693. Storm prayer to obtain protection for God’s creation
1698. Storm invocation to Mary for a soul in spiritual distress
1702. Consecration for the purpose of breaking the power of the
1706. Prayer to obtain protection for the world against malicious
political regimes

On July 23, 2021 the Queen of Heaven and earth inspired the following invocation intended to provide a powerful protection against the darkness:

Holy Virgin Mary, my powerful Heavenly Mistress,
most sublime Work of wonder ever wrought by God,
be in our lives truly 'the Woman'
who thwarts all and any effects of all darkness.

When inspiring the above invocation Mary said:

"Every soul who addresses this invocation to Me whole-heartedly will in so doing be able to suscite the unlimited power God has granted Me over all darkness.

I can indeed unlock this power according to the degree of readiness, of desire and of determination of the soul to further refrain from enabling any trace of darkness within her and any dark influence from outside to become active both in her inner life and towards her surroundings.

For an additional explanation as to the first part of this invocation I request you to refer to the words I spoke to you in this context last year in August. (*)

As the soul implores My intercession in My capacity as 'the Woman' she will unlock both for her own benefit and for the benefit of the whole world the power granted to Me as the One who was commissioned by God to ring in the establishment of God’s Kingdom on earth in the last hour, and to do so by crushing all works of the darkness in creation under Her foot. As 'the Woman' My being symbolizes the most perfect Work of wonder wrought by God, which as a created soul is to visibly give expression to a total power over all works and effects of temptation, sin and vice, and therefore of violation of the Divine Law of true Love, for the purpose of completely unlocking the fruits of the Works of Redemption wrought by the Christ".

(*) The words to which the Heavenly Mistress is referring are contained in the Special Revelation you can find here.


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Oh Mary, Immaculate Conception, God’s answer to sin,
All evil committed by mankind throughout the ages I lay under Your feet, so that Satan may be paralyzed in his works and plans.
Do radiate in Your Heavenly beauty, oh most pure Mistress over all vice.
Subdue all sin, all temptation, all deception, all aberration, all uncontrolled emotions and human weaknesses of all souls under Your unlimited power, which is so terrible in the eyes of the demons and so humiliating to their arrogance.
I glorify the privilege of Your sinlessness, and consecrate to You all and any traces of the original sin, so that You may rule all souls for all eternity.
Any defeat ever suffered by souls by the devil’s ploys I consecrate to You, so that all his plans may be destroyed under Your feet.
Oh powerful Mistress of all souls, do now rule over the fate of mankind and over the paths it is going, so that the forces of hell may be crushed under Your feet and all evil may be put to shame through the crushing effects of Your power.


(Myriam van Nazareth)

O Mary, Heavenly Queen and Mistress of all things created, who are invested by God with the fullness of power over all demons and over all and any powers of evil, in great distress I surrender myself completely to You.
O Immaculate Conception, break in me any temptation.
O Co-Redemptrix with Christ, purify me of all and any traces of sin.
O Terror of demons, I implore You to wield Your tremendous power over any force of evil which would dare threaten me.
Most powerful Mistress, I implore You, do command any demon who is torturing me, discouraging me, troubling my mind, depriving me of all peace of heart, paralyzing me with fear, anguish and all kinds of ill-dispositions, or guiding me towards sin and vice, to prostrate themselves at Your feet, in order to be subjected to punishment and humiliation to Your satisfaction.
I implore You, do command them to praise and to glorify the power You have over them, and, prostrated at Your feet, to confess that You are their Mistress.
In order for me to gain entire freedom, I totally, unconditionally and eternally consecrate my entire being to You, and with all the angels and saints I acknowledge and confess my faith in Your unlimited and overwhelming power over all demons and over all plans, schemes and works of evil.
O Mary, powerful Mistress of all souls, protect me.
O Mary, powerful Mistress of all souls, deliver me.
O Mary, powerful Mistress of all souls, rule over me and my life.
O Mary, powerful Mistress of all souls, rule over all darkness


When the above prayer was written, MARY spoke:

"To each and every soul who addresses this prayer of deliverance to Me with sincere love and in deepest faith, I promise deliverance from the power of Satan. To each and every soul who addresses it to Me on a daily basis, I promise a swift growth in all virtues, for I shall take delight in subjecting to the full effects of My power the demons crossing the paths of life of these souls".

A few moments after the prayer was written, I asked Mary the following question, which She answered as quoted below:

Myriam: "My powerful Mistress, in the prayer You are implored to command the demons to praise and glorify Your power over them and, prostrated at Your feet, to confess that You are their Mistress. Is this actually what happens when this prayer is addressed to You?"

MARY: "This is what happens, each time it pleases Me and for the duration satisfying My Will. I possess an absolute power to decide upon this. Whatever I command, the demons involved shall obey Me, for they are entirely at My mercy. I know it, and they know it. Each time this prayer is addressed to Me, demons shall tremble with fear awaiting My decision (...) I want this prayer to be distributed soon and to be used frequently. I will bring forward the hour in which My foot will crush the serpent forever".

Later the Heavenly Mistress had the following observation added to Her initial statement:

MARY: "I want to point out emphatically that My promise to deliver souls from Satan’s actions on account of My powerful prayer flower nr. 998 can only be acted upon to the extent to which the praying soul is fully receptive to My actions in her life and to which her heart is unconditionally and totally geared to rendering a self-denying service to God’s Works of Love, as well as to the extent to which she desires to expel all darkness from her inner dispositions in all and any aspects of her life.
Being delivered from the power of the darkness is not a matter of waiting passively, such deliverance can be accomplished only in a soul who puts herself actively at the service of the Light, i.e. of true Love.
My power over the darkness, over the demons and their works and plans, is unlimited, yet by virtue of Divine Law I can exert this power only to the extent to which the soul who implores Me fully collaborates with Me by harbouring dispositions of the heart through which she no longer actually invites the darkness to enter her".

Later the Mistress of all souls also allowed Her following statement from the private Revelation of October 5, 2007, pertaining to the effects of prayer nr. 998 to be quoted. It should be pointed out in this respect that within that time frame She granted several visions to Her Myriam, in which She showed how, in reaction to intense supplications from human souls who were being heavily tempted or assaulted by the darkness, She commanded the demons involved, after their having assumed material bodies, to throw themselves down on their knees at Her feet, which instantly broke the temptation or assault:

MARY: "For a demon one single minute to be spent lying prostrated at My feet is a punishment which is more terrifying and tormenting than a thousand years in hell. Thus do understand the fear demons experience towards this prayer".


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Beloved Eternal Father, by virtue of the all-powerful intercession and intermediary of the Most Holy Virgin Mary,
by virtue of the expulsion of the rebellious angels from Heaven,
by virtue of the redemptive Sufferings of Jesus Christ, and
by virtue of the promised final victory of Mary, the Immaculate Conception and Queen of heaven and earth, over the source of all evil,
I implore You:
May on this day all over the world countless souls be prevented from sinning in their actions, words, thoughts, feelings, desires or omissions.
As collateral for this most sublime of all graces I offer my entire being and my entire life totally, unconditionally and for all eternity to Mary, my Mistress and the Implementer of Your Plans and Works, as a contribution to the establishment of Your Kingdom on earth.

The prayer below was inspired by the Most Blessed Virgin Mary as an extraordinary powerful combination of:

  • total consecration to Mary
  • glorification of Mary’s power and celestial splendour
  • prayer of exorcism

DISTRIBUTE THIS PRAYER, for the Most Blessed Virgin has attached a special promise to it. Before inspiring this prayer the Queen of Heaven spoke:

"This is the time of the revelation of the unparalleled glory and power with which the Most High has clothed Me. For the souls to see that God has given Me all power over all souls, including those dwelling in the regions of darkness, I give you the following words of prayer for every soul that is being tormented or afflicted by forces of darkness of whatever nature, so that these souls may become witnesses to God’s Decree saying that Mary is the Woman whose foot will humiliate Satan for all eternity. To every soul who offers Me this prayer and displays blind faith in My power, I promise I will have My power shine most brightly in a special way".

Please note: It is highly advisable, whenever the necessity arises to invoke the infinite power of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, Mistress of all souls, that the following prayer be combined with prayer nr. 998


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Praised and glorified be the power of Mary, Queen of Heaven and earth, elevated beyond reach above all creatures, and decreed by God to be the Mistress of all the angels, including the fallen angels, that now torment and afflict the souls and let darkness come upon them.
Praised and glorified be the power of Mary, God’s Remedy against all temptation, Defeatress of all sin and darkness, and Terror of demons.
May all souls praise the infinite power and glory of Mary as the Mistress of everything created by God.
Forces of evil, the Most Blessed Virgin Mary commands you to humiliate yourselves at Her feet this very instant, and while prostrated at Her feet, to praise Her invincible power over you.
In the name of the Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we implore Mary that She may, according to Her will, either permanently dispel from us any force of darkness oppressing us, or crush it underneath Her feet, thus glorifying Her unlimited power and celestial splendour.
To this end we avow, as a testimony against darkness, that we surrender our entire being, our paths through life, and our fate, to the power of Mary as the incontestable Mistress of all souls, in Heaven, on earth and in the regions of darkness.
May our heavenly Mistress protect and deliver us from every force of darkness, and apply the full extent of Her power over the demons, so as to humiliate them for all eternity and to advance the founding of God’s Kingdom on earth.

We are currently experiencing the darkest times in the history of Salvation. By revealing Mary in Her highest capacity as the Mistress of all souls God is probably bestowing on the souls the greatest Mercy since His Son Jesus Christ died on the Cross and resurrected. In this capacity the Queen of Heaven is fully deploying the unlimited power God has given Her. She was predestined to be in command of the battle between the Light and the darkness, in which God’s final victory through 'the Woman' was promised to mankind. 'The Woman', the Mistress of all souls, has been given an unlimited power over all souls: angels, saints, human souls, and consequently also all the demons.
Throughout the centuries the darkness has left no stone unturned to draw souls away from God through countless strategies and works, in order that they should be lost. By the millions, souls are led astray and tempted into committing all kinds of vices and sins, and are blinded to God’s one and only real Truth. Because of all this, the darkness now seems to rule the world totally. This is why God is more than ever calling upon the souls to consecrate themselves totally and unconditionally to Mary, the Mistress of all souls, who sanctifies all lives, actions, words, prayers, sacrifices, acts of penance, thoughts, feelings and desires that are consecrated to Her, enriches them with Her absolutely perfect Love, and subsequently offers them to God with this greatly enhanced value in order that they may be added to God’s Works. This procedure bears the main weapon against the forces of darkness these Last Times have got to offer. Each soul that consecrates herself to Mary and intensely lives this consecration in the practice of daily life, assists in building the foundation of God’s Kingdom on earth.

The following prayer is offered to the souls by Mary as a prayer of consecration to bring them under Mary’s ever so powerful protection against any attacks from the devil. Each soul that feels threatened by dark forces spiritually, in her mind, her feelings, her body, or whose atmosphere of life is affected by dark forces, can freely make use of this prayer. It constitutes a new weapon to regain the soul’s well-being, and offers the Mistress of all souls the opportunity to actually use Her unlimited power over the devil and to make the hope for the final victory of the Light a reality.


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Mary, Most Blessed Virgin and Mother of God’s Son Jesus Christ, the incarnated Redeemer of all souls,
For the glorification of God’s omnipotence over all that was, all that is, and all that will be, I consecrate myself totally, unconditionally and forever to You, who have received from God the unlimited power over the devil and all and any works of darkness.
I surrender my entire being and my free will completely to Your dominion and to Your protection, and I implore You:

  • do deliver me from all and any attacks the devil launches against me and against everything which is dear to me;
  • do break all and any plans the devil and his following are forging out against me, and
  • do undermine any works of destruction set up by the devil against my soul, my body, my mind and my feelings.

I consecrate myself to You in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, to Whom belong all souls and all things created.
I consecrate myself to You in the name of the Holy Cross of Jesus Christ, at which the Redemption of all souls from the power of evil was initiated.
I consecrate myself to You in the name of the Holy Blood of Jesus Christ, which gives Divine Life to souls.
I consecrate myself to You in the name of the Holy Wounds of Jesus Christ, which bring Salvation and sanctity to souls that are wounded by the darkness.
I consecrate myself to You in the name of the Sufferings, the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, which forever bring Light and Life where darkness and the death of the soul have been sown.
I acknowledge You as the Immaculate Conception, God’s Great Sign against Satan, the Woman who is to seal the final victory of God. Do defeat all evil which is threatening me.
I acknowledge You as the Mother of Jesus Christ, the Divine Saviour and Messiah. ...
I acknowledge You as the Co-Redemptrix during the Christ’s Works of Redemption. ...
I acknowledge You as the Terror of demons, the symbol of the fully sanctified human soul. ...
I acknowledge You as the Defeatress of all sin, darkness and temptation, invested with an unlimited power over all the demons and all the works of darkness. ...
I acknowledge You as the Mistress of all souls in Heaven, on earth and under the earth, and as the Queen of all things created. ...
I acknowledge You as the Queen and Mistress of all the angels, the powerful Commander of the invincible celestial hosts in the battle against the darkness. ...

Praised be the power of Mary, the Daughter of God the Father.
Praised be the power of Mary, the Mother of God the Son.
Praised be the power of Mary, the Bride of God the Holy Spirit.
Because I am completely Yours, oh Mistress of my soul, I implore You, do order every power of darkness to leave me and everything dear to me forever, in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit (make the sign of the Cross).


(Myriam van Nazareth)

O Mary, glorified Queen of all things created and powerful Mistress of all souls,
You who are the Woman, the Immaculate Conception, the perfectly Sinless One, endowed with an unlimited power over all darkness,
I bring You the sacrifice of all my physical, mental and emotional sufferings, as well as the total, unconditional and everlasting consecration of my entire life and my entire being.
On the basis of this self-sacrifice I beseech You, do pour down upon all souls the grace:

  • of humiliating at Your feet all demons roving all over this world, and of making them powerless,
  • of rendering all of their works of darkness ineffective and making them vanish into God’s Light, and
  • of liberating the souls that are being harassed by them and are submerged in darkness, and of bringing them towards the Light of true understanding.

May this self-sacrifice at Your feet thereby glorify the infinite power God has given You, and through which You will crush Satan underneath Your feet.
May this same power set ever more souls free from the impact of evil day after day, owing to the infinite and inexhaustible merits of the Sufferings of Jesus Christ and His Death on the Cross, as a glorification to the Triune God in His Works of Creation, Redemption and Sanctification, and as a glorification to You, who are His unique Marvel, the Bridge of His final victory in all souls.
Mary, powerful Mistress over all darkness through God’s Promise, do now establish Your reign in all souls, and do crush in all of them all works that are not born of the Light.

The following prayer is the fruit of pleadings brought before the Holy Virgin for the benefit of souls that do not seem to manage to free themselves of the oppressing influences of darkness they have fallen prey to, or of souls that keep sliding into dark inclinations. The Mistress of all souls inspired this prayer with the emphatic recommendation that souls struggling against the darkness in their lives should surrender to Her and consecrate themselves to Her, and should actually live all and any situations of their lives with Her in their hearts, so as to give Her the opportunity to live inside of them as a Shield against all darkness.


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Oh Mary, powerful Queen of Heaven and earth in the fullness of Divine Grace, Immaculate Conception and Mother of Christ.
By virtue of Your life without any stain of sin, Your infinite power over all darkness and Your Divine election to be the Commander of the Forces from Heaven and the human souls in the battle of the Light against the darkness I prostrate myself at Your feet with a heart imploring to be delivered from the oppression of all temptation and every menace to my soul.
My origin, like any other soul’s, lies with God, and like any other soul I was called to do His Works and to spread His Light. However, so often darkness prevents me from bearing Christ inside of me and bringing Him to my fellow creatures.
In Your Presence I confess my failure to persevere in practicing true virtue and true Love, and my lack of resistance against any inspiration not to do God’s Works and not to give priority to the interests and well-being of my fellow creatures over my own desires.
To You I come, imploring to obtain the security, comfort and strength of Your Presence, Your guidance, Your protection, and Your perfect control of all my doings, all my words, thoughts, feelings, desires and aspirations, so that my entire being may be delivered from any traces of darkness, and that none of Satan’s works or plans may ever again take root within me.
Do now pour the dispositions of Your most holy Heart out into me, and make the awe-inspiring power of Your Presence felt to every force of darkness, for from Your mouth and in the omnipotent Presence of the Triune God I would like to address all demons, saying:

On behalf of the Eternal Father, our Saviour Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and through the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, Terror of the demons, predestined to crush Satan’s head and to demean all works of darkness by virtue of the power of the Works of Redemption accomplished by Christ, I now surrender all works of darkness that have ever threatened me and will yet threaten me, to the power held by the Queen of Heaven and earth, so that She may crush them and invalidate their effects. Through Her I order all demons to praise Mary’s unlimited power over them and forever to flee from me on account of Her ruling me. I acknowledge Mary to be the Mistress of my soul, and I profess the unconditional surrender of my free will to Her, and my desire that any attempt from the darkness to harm me in any way whatsoever or to tear me away from God may be turned against the darkness so as to destroy all of its works.

With this desire at heart, oh Mary, I lay my entire life and my entire being in Your hands, and implore Your life-long Presence on the throne within my soul, so that all my paths may henceforth lead towards the Light.

Words/invitation by the Mother of God,
released by Her for publication in August 2017:

"Day after day this world is witness to billions of violations against true Love, which in their entirety make the layer of darkness covering the whole of creation grow thicker and thicker and make it harder and harder for souls to feel God’s Light and Love and to have faith in it.
With the following prayer I give you an extraordinarily powerful weapon to help reverse the devastating effects of these violations and turn them against the darkness. The soul can implore My intercession in order that using this weapon may give rise to the darkness being deprived of its power over mankind in that all of its inspirations are converted into Light and Love for all creation. The more human souls will address this prayer to Me with all their hearts, genuinely and with confidence, the more the power of darkness will be weakened.
I inspire you seven categories of serious violations against Love. It is not always possible to separate these categories very strictly, as they partly merge one into the other. Together, however, they encompass all sources of misery to which this world is witness.
Regard this prayer as Divine Water which aids in cleansing all of creation of all misery and all effects and traces thereof. This prayer is intended to make a concrete contribution to bringing forward the establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth.
It is my wish that the words of this prayer should also give rise to deep reflections".


this prayer is part of the most important invitation entitled
Mary invites > Reversing the darkness

(Myriam van Nazareth)

Mary, powerful Terror of demons,
By way of glorification of the omnipotence of Jesus Christ, of His Cross of Redemption and of Divine Love I consecrate to You all acts and dispositions of human souls through which darkness has been, and is being, brought upon creation.
All inspirations of darkness human souls have acted upon, and every occasion which is likely to tempt souls into doing works of darkness, I entrust to Your unlimited power upon God’s Heart, so that all of this may be converted into Divine Light and Divine Love which can invalidate the works of darkness and are able to dispel the effects of such works from creation. I implore the deployment of Your Heavenly power over:

  1. every occasion, in the whole world, on which a person has committed acts of maltreatment, sadism, abuse or torture against a fellow creature.
  2. every occasion, in the whole world, on which a person has committed acts of mental or moral cruelty or humiliation against a fellow creature, or has robbed a fellow creature of its dignity.
  3. every occasion, in the whole world, on which a person has preferred material interests and chasing after material profits over a fellow creature’s well-being or to the detriment of the well-being or balance of God’s nature, or to the detriment of their own spiritual salvation or the salvation of fellow people.
  4. every occasion, in the whole world, on which a person has harboured dispositions of selfishness, hedonism, pride, need for admiration and esteem, indifference or lack of inner peace to the detriment of a fellow creature and has, on account of such dispositions, inflicted harm or has yielded to committing crime in any way whatsoever.
  5. every occasion, in the whole world, on which a person has uttered a curse or invoked evil against a fellow creature or has allowed acts or dispositions of deliberate destruction of life or of the vital spirits of a fellow creature to arise inside their hearts.
  6. every occasion, in the whole world, on which a person has made himself the master of life and death of a fellow creature.
  7. every occasion, in the whole world, on which a person has in any way whatsoever taken God’s place, banned God from creation, undermined a fellow person’s faith in God’s Works or God’s Love or has made it harder to revere God.

Oh Queen of Heaven and earth, powerful Mediatrix of Graces and Terror of demons, do multiply the effects of this consecration by the unlimited power of Your perfect Love and by the tremendous power of:

  1. each pain of sincere remorse felt by all human souls all over the world.
  2. each act and disposition of sincere self-denial of all human souls all over the world.
  3. each act and disposition of sincere forgiveness of all human souls all over the world.
  4. each sincere and loving acceptance of daily crosses and trials by all people all over the world, and all sufferings of all creatures all over the world.
  5. each act, each word and every disposition of sincere Love towards a fellow creature, towards God and towards creation on the part of all human souls all over the world.

By way of sealing this supplication I give You the disposal of my daily journey through life. Praised be the Most Holy Trinity and Its Eternal Law of true Love, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. (make the sign of the Cross).

Words spoken by the Most Blessed Virgin Mary
on September 24, 2017, feast of Mary as the Ransom of captives:

"It is My wish that the prayer I am about to inspire you should be used together with prayer nr. 1373. Together both prayers make for a powerful offensive against all darkness and misery in the world.
I emphatically point to the fact that all misery which is currently shaping the face of this world like it has never done before bears testimony to a heavy distortion of the balance set by God for all creation. This distortion results from the tremendous proliferation of sin and vice through which God’s Law of True Love is violated billions of times day after day. In truth I tell you that the balance of creation can be redressed only through an intense offensive of prayer on a foundation of the most drastic reorientation of the souls towards the Heart of God, through a persistent application of self-denying Love by human souls towards all fellow creatures Divine Providence leads towards their paths through life.
The misery of this world results from sin, and can only be banned from the face of the earth by a total renewal of the souls’ inner dispositions. God’s Kingdom of perfect Love and Peace can only be established on earth to the extent to which Jesus Christ is truly enabled to live inside the hearts. His Coming is not some external event, it can be accomplished only inside individual hearts. That is where God’s Kingdom on earth is to take root.
Now I am going to inspire you, in the form of a prayer, the ten major forms of all misery in the world, and I give you this inspiration in My capacity as the Ransom of captives. It is My wish that souls should also use this prayer within the framework of some thorough and sincere soul searching, because banning all misery from the world must begin in each individual heart, as each soul was intended by God to be an instrument for the accomplishment of His Plan of Salvation, which, at bottom, is a Plan of actually living perfect Love. Only perfect, self-denying Love turns a soul into an image of God".


this prayer is part of the most important invitation entitled
Mary invites > Reversing the darkness

(Myriam van Nazareth)

Mary, Bridge between Heaven and earth, filled with Divine Light and Love by Your persevering in the most sublime purity, to You my heart is calling out to obtain Your powerful intercession for the purification of this world of all misery.
Oh Mother of every human, day after day God’s creation keeps suffering by billions of violations committed all over the world against God’s Law of Love, because human souls keep using their free will to perform acts and harbour thoughts, feelings and wishes that serve the darkness instead of serving the accomplishment of God’s ideal of True Love and Peace among all creatures. Therefore I now offer You all sources of misery in this world:

  1. I offer You all materialism, greed, hedonism, all pursuit of profit and material wealth.
  2. I offer You all selfishness, all indifference to the well-being and to the needs of fellow creatures, both humans and animals.
  3. I offer You all insensitivity, lack of Love and lack of respect in dealing with fellow creatures, both humans and animals.
  4. I offer You all conceit, pride, self-assertion and every case of any human, in any place in the world, wanting to appear important.
  5. I offer You all blindness to God’s Law of Love, to all sin and temptation, and to the darkness in actions which are not disapproved of by human laws, yet are not in accordance with God’s Law.
  6. I offer You every form of dissatisfaction with all ensuing resentment, vengefulness, aggression, abuse and any expressions of a criminal disposition.
  7. I offer You all jealousy and any negative feelings towards fellow creatures.
  8. I offer You all sacrileges, all blasphemy, all desecration of the Church, Sacraments and liturgy, for all of this defies Divine Justice.
  9. I offer You all sins which have never been sincerely confessed with true remorse and which therefore weigh on creation like a debt which has never been redeemed.
  10. I offer You all unbridled distortions of the balance in nature, all damage inflicted by humans upon the animal kingdom, plant life and the environment.

Oh Queen of Heaven and earth, from the bottom of my heart I offer You all these sources of misery and implore you:

  • by virtue of all trials, crosses, sufferings and sorrows which have ever been endured in this world;
  • by virtue of all trials, crosses, sufferings and sorrows of my own life;
  • by virtue of the unlimited power of Jesus Christ’s redeeming Sufferings;
  • by virtue of Your absolutely perfect Love and Your perfect will never, in Your entire life, to commit any sin nor any vice, and
  • by virtue of all holy Masses which have ever been celebrated in this world, and all holy Sacraments which have ever been respectfully received,

do turn all misery ever suffered in this world and still being suffered this very day, against the darkness like an all-consuming fire of Love, in order that this world may be completely purified of all misery and that God’s Kingdom of perfect Love and Peace may soon be established in every single human heart.

I implore Your intercession in all of this through the omnipotence of the Cross, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (make the sign of the Cross).

When inspiring the following prayer the Holy Virgin Mary pointed to the fact that every single day in this world billions of actions, words, thoughts, feelings and wishes emanating from human souls are laden with darkness through which they harm fellow creatures in some way or other (often not immediately or not directly noticeable). These bullets of darkness shroud God’s creation in a fog. However, Divine Grace provides for a setoff in the form of prayers like the nr. 1396 below, which is invested with a Heavenly force intended to help incapacitate such darkness, thereby making God’s Presence in this world more noticeable again. If this prayer is used on a large scale it has the potential to become a powerful weapon in the battle of the Light against the darkness, a battle which is pre-eminently shaping these Last Times.

Important: The Holy Virgin adds the following observation: "Do understand this correctly. Rendering darkness ineffective through this prayer is the fruit of an intervention from Divine Mercy, which is paid for with the fire of Love produced by souls praying in all honesty. This intermediary does not automatically free souls who enwrap fellow creatures in darkness, from their guilt".


this prayer is part of the most important invitation entitled
Mary invites > Reversing the darkness

(Myriam van Nazareth)

Oh Mary, powerful Mother of Christ and Mediatrix of all Graces,
With my whole life and my entire being as a pledge I implore You to take unlimited control of all darkness in this world.
May by virtue of Christ’s Works of Redemption and through Your intermediary with the omnipotent Eternal Love every action, every word, every thought, every feeling and every wish through which human souls anywhere in this world enwrap fellow creatures in darkness, return as arrows burning with the fire of Love to the souls with whom they have originated, to awaken in them a true understanding, remorse and a complete conversion.
May this uninterrupted rain of arrows burning with Love submerge this world in oceans of Light invalidating all darkness, and may each and every temptation in souls be extinguished by the power of sincere self-denying Love, for only true Love is the cradle of God’s Kingdom within the soul.

The Queen of Heaven inspired the following prayer mentioning She intends this one and prayer nr. 1389 (Consecration to counteract all misery in the world) to be complementary. Therefore this prayer 1414, too, can be regarded as being part of Her major invitation entitled Reversing the darkness.


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Oh Mary, powerful Woman who, according to God’s Promise, will crush the satan’s head in order to ring in the final establishment of God’s Kingdom on earth, to You my entire being is calling out for the complete annihilation of all works of darkness in this world to be precipitated.
By virtue of the Christ’s Works of Redemption and of Your eternal Sorrows I most emphatically consecrate to You all acts and dispositions of sincere Love and of readiness to make sacrifices mankind has ever displayed, in order that You may offer them to God so as to obtain an unparallelled outpouring of His Mercy upon this world.
May all human souls be permanently flooded with a wave of Divine Love eradicating:

  1. all blindness to the celestial reality, to God’s Works and Plans, and to their actual spiritual development and dispositions.
    May they thus learn to add sense to all of their trials and problems, dispose of any inclination towards worldly ways of thinking and aspiring, and turn their backs on all modernism which tends to relegate God’s real needs for the sake of promoting and serving secular developments and worldly pseudo interests.
    I implore for all souls, that they may get fully geared to God and to serving His Works and Plans, that they may crave for true Wisdom above anything, and that they may gain a more profound understanding of God’s Truth, of all manipulations and wiles of the darkness, and of the paths to true sanctity.
  2. all materialism, every tendency to focus primarily on their material needs and desires and to give priority to their worldly goals.
    I implore for all souls, that they may acquire a high level of spiritualization and of liberating themselves from any addiction to obtaining material possessions and from their inclination to fall prey to the attractions of material pseudo needs.

  3. all hedonism and every inclination to revolt against all trials and crosses of life.
    I implore for all souls, that they may acquire a high level of readiness to make sacrifices and to detach themselves from needs in a spirit of true following of Jesus Christ, in full awareness of the fact the world’s Salvation from the darkness will be accomplished only to the extent the souls unite with the Messiah’s Sacrifice from the bottom of their hearts.

  4. all selfishness, lack of Love, lack of empathy and indifference towards all their fellow creatures and all of the latter’s needs.
    I implore for all souls, that they may truly blossom in the field of self-denying Love for all their fellow creatures and for God’s creation, and that they may develop a spontaneous ability to truly empathize with all their fellow creatures.

  5. all arrogance, pride, self-elevation, conceitedness, vanity, pursuit of recognition and any inclination to think highly of themselves and to crave for being important in the eyes of their fellow man.
    I implore for all souls, that they may acquire a disposition of genuine humility and simplicity, and that they may cultivate an inclination to stop giving overdue weight to the opinions and comments of others towards them.

So as to be more worthy to obtain this supreme Divine favour I put myself and my entire life undividedly, and in a spirit of total consecration to You, at the service of God’s Works, and I offer You the countless times mankind has been serving the works of the darkness.
May the effects of all works of darkness in this world be completely undone, and may the Kingdom of God soon be permanently established on earth, thus glorifying true Love and accomplishing God’s intention that this world should become a realm of perfect Love, Peace and harmony among all creatures. (make the sign of the Cross).

The following prayer was inspired as a tool to confirm the renewal of the baptismal promises pronounced by the soul attending the Easter Vigil. Through this prayer the soul declares her sincere desire to lead a life at the exclusive service to God and His Works of Light and Love.


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Dear Mother Mary, Mother of Christ, the Light that shineth in the darkness,
All darkness which, in whatever form, has ever crossed my path through life and has cast seed in the garden of my soul, I now throw into the Furnace of Your Heart, which is a Mirror of Divine Life that creates, redeems, sanctifies, and undoes the effects of all darkness.
With all sufferings and trials of my life as pledges I offer the God of Eternal Love my desire for my entire being to be born again for a life in the Light of the Risen Christ.
I implore You to grant me Your uninterrupted Presence, guidance and protection on my path and the continuous influx of Your Love, which is the bearer of God’s healing power, in order that all the darkness of my life, past, present and future, may be completely transformed into Light.
I want to refrain from any feelings which may serve the darkness.
Oh Defeatress of all darkness, henceforth I want to live and to die for nothing but true, unselfish Love towards all my fellow creatures.
I want to refrain from any thoughts which may serve the darkness.
Oh Defeatress of all darkness, henceforth I want to use all my thinking and all my reason for nothing but the promotion of God’s Works.
I want to refrain from any desires which may serve the darkness.
Oh Defeatress of all darkness, henceforth I want to desire nothing but the true happiness and well-being of all my fellow creatures and the establishment of God’s Kingdom on earth.
I want to refrain from any words which may serve the darkness.
Oh Defeatress of all darkness, henceforth I want to speak only words which bring Light to the paths of my fellow creatures through their lives, and which help accomplish Your Plans of Love, Peace and Salvation.
I want to refrain from any actions which may serve the darkness.
Oh Defeatress of all darkness, henceforth I want to use my hands for no other purpose but to help ease the burden of my fellow creatures’ lives and to testify to God’s tender and healing Love.
Oh Immaculate Conception, God’s Answer to the original sin and to the power of the darkness over each soul who fails to whole-heartedly live true Love in every detail of her life, to You I surrender undividedly to lead a life at the service of the One who was predestined to crush all works of darkness.
I implore You for the sanctification of my desire to transform my deepest dispositions into cradles of loving Fire, so that no germ of darkness may ever again blossom inside of me and I may contribute with my entire being and my entire life to the completion of the Triumph of True Love over any indifference, superficiality and lack of Love in this world.
With God’s grace and in a permanent unity of hearts with You I want to offer this desire to God as the sole purpose of my life until the hour of death, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (make the sign of the Cross).

MARY: The Mistress of all souls inspires the following two prayers as two matching parts of a whole which is intended to provide protection to souls who in any way whatsoever are suffering by the effects of dark dispositions in fellow people, particularly malediction, imprecation and purposeful malevolence.

The Queen of Heaven defines malediction as "the effect of dark dispositions of the heart, through which a human soul ardently wishes a fellow creature, an object, an event or a situation might fall prey to darkness and harbours the profound desire that this fellow creature, object, event or situation might be delivered to the sphere of influence of the darkness, all of this with the intention and the desire that the target of the curse may fall prey to adversities, suffering, damage, destruction and/or death".

The Queen of Heaven points out that, through harbouring this disposition, the soul practicing malediction deliberately partakes in the fulfilment of the works and plans of the darkness, which have as their ultimate goal to feed suffering, harm, destruction, disruption, chaos and misery into the Works and Plans of God. She states that, in the eyes of God, malediction is one of the vilest forms of rejecting God’s Love, in that the soul practicing it, by her disposition, testifies to her desire that the darkness may be more powerful than the Light and that the plans and works of the darkness may side-track or quash those of God, so that the soul harbouring a disposition of malediction is in the actual sense of the word entering into a covenant with Satan.

This is why the Mother of God grants the two following prayers as weapons within the framework of Her battle for the final victory of the Light over the darkness with a view to crowning these Last Times.

Prayer nr. 1451 is granted as a tool of protection against any possible influence of darkness material objects may be enwrapped in. She stresses the fact this is by no means a superstition but an actually occurring – albeit invisible – reality.

Prayer nr. 1452 is intended to break any darkness which may have been called down upon one’s own person.

Evidently these supplications do in no way detract anything from the cleansing blessings administered by an officially recognized priest of the Roman Catholic Church of Jesus Christ. The prayers merely intend to make the praying soul more deeply involved with the act of rendering any darkness ineffective. The Mother of God emphasizes that the power of these prayers is determined by the praying soul’s sincere desire that her own free will might help unfold the purifying force of God’s Love.

The Mistress of all souls points out emphatically that souls who offer these prayers to God or to Her and experience some kind of restlessness need not fear: This restlessness indicates resistance on the part of the darkness, which, however, is entirely powerless before the doings of the Triune God and of the Queen of Heaven, who totally defeat all and any darkness to the extent to which the soul opens up to Them with sincere longing and with a pure heart, and actually longs for the victory of God’s Law within herself and in her life.


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Oh Mary, powerful Queen of Heaven and earth, undefeated Terror of demons who, as of Your Immaculate Conception, have been exercising an unlimited power over every temptation and every dark force, You who are God’s Sign displaying the power of true Love in the human soul over all darkness,
Into Your hands I lay this object, and I implore You, do enwrap it in the impenetrable and cleansing fire of the perfect Love of the crucified and risen Christ and of You, whose loving fire kept scorching all darkness for the entire duration of Your life, in order that this object may be cleansed of any influence of darkness that may be attached to it.
May this object be permanently sealed by the omnipotence of Eternal Love, in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (make the sign of the Cross).


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Oh Mary, powerful Queen of Heaven and earth, undefeated Terror of demons who, as of Your Immaculate Conception, have been exercising an unlimited power over every temptation and every dark force, You who are God’s Sign displaying the power of true Love in the human soul over all darkness,
I implore You, may upon Your powerful word a pillar of fire of Divine Love envelop my entire being, so that any effects of darkness geared against me by a fellow person may be burned and be returned to their source as arrows of loving fire, so as to induce this fellow person’s conversion.
May the fire of Divine Love cleanse my entire being of all and any traces of darkness, in order that all effects of the forces called down upon me which are incompatible with God’s Plans, Works and Love, may once and for all be completely broken and all forces hostile to God may be humiliated.
As of this hour I surrender myself to Your powerful protection, for You are the Woman who is to crush all works of darkness for all eternity, under the everlasting power of the Cross of Jesus Christ, in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (make the sign of the Cross).

The Queen of Heaven inspired the following prayer meaning it to be offered to the souls within the framework of an invitation She is referring to by the name of Quinquagesima invitation. Quinquagesima Sunday is the last Sunday of the Pre-Lenten season, the Sunday preceding Ash Wednesday, also the Sunday on which the world celebrates carnival. On Quinquagesima Sunday the old liturgy refers to the Gospel according to St. Mark 10, 33-34, reading as follows: "Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be betrayed to the chief priests and to the scribes; and they will condemn Him to death and deliver Him to the Gentiles; and they will mock Him, and scourge Him, and spit on Him, and kill Him. And the third day He will rise again".

The Mistress of all souls points out that Jesus’ great Sufferings were a prerequisite in order to redeem the souls of good will from the power of sin, and therefore offers on this day an extraordinarily powerful prayer in which She lists fifteen elements which She characterizes as "the elements of the most oppressing darkness in the history of mankind". Mary points out emphatically that the elements of darkness referred to in this prayer are not the only ways sin expresses itself, but that they can safely be considered to be the expressions which, through the centuries, have brought the lion’s share of darkness upon creation. She also points out that in the prayer these elements are not presented in any order of importance.

The Holy Virgin offers this prayer for the occasion of Quinquagesima Sunday, but it is self-evident that it can very well be prayed at any other moment of the year. The Mother of God characterizes this prayer as "exceptionally powerful, invested with special graces, and a powerful weapon against the effects of the countless works of darkness which, through the centuries, were unfolded all over the world. This is why the prayer constitutes an extraordinary offensive against the darkness, which fits in perfectly with the battle waged by the Light against the darkness in these Last Times in preparation of the establishment of God’s Kingdom on earth" (words spoken by the Mistress of all souls to Myriam, February 2019).

The prayer is accompanied by a teaching entitled by the Mistress of all souls Clouds over God’s Paradise. In said teaching, which will be uploaded as soon as possible, the fifteen elements listed in the following prayer are elaborated on against their deep spiritual background.


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Almighty, most holy Divine Trinity,
by accepting all trials of my life as my contributions to the establishment of Your Kingdom on earth,
by persisting in the practice of true self-denying Love to You, to all Your Works and Plans and to all my fellow creatures in all situations of every day and every night,
so as to obtain that the effects of all works of darkness throughout the history of mankind may be undone, and
in an unlimited surrender to the inner guidance and direction by Mary, the Queen of the hosts of Your Light and Your Truth,
I offer You reparation for the tremendous and inestimable darkness that has been called down upon Your creation through the centuries:

  1. for all wars, the entire arms industry and arms trade through the centuries,
    may true Love rule all hearts, and may every human life whole-heartedly serve God’s Plans and Works.
  2. for all ungodly political regimes and philosophical systems,
    may true Love rule all hearts, and may every human life whole-heartedly serve God’s Plans and Works.

  3. for all darkness in the framework of colonialism,
    may true Love rule all hearts, and may every human life whole-heartedly serve God’s Plans and Works.

  4. for all darkness with respect to, and proceeding from, slavery,
    may true Love rule all hearts, and may every human life whole-heartedly serve God’s Plans and Works.

  5. for all expressions of racism and persecution through the centuries,
    may true Love rule all hearts, and may every human life whole-heartedly serve God’s Plans and Works.

  6. for all expressions of genocide,
    may true Love rule all hearts, and may every human life whole-heartedly serve God’s Plans and Works.

  7. for all expressions of systematic abuse and maltreatment of fellow creatures through the centuries,
    may true Love rule all hearts, and may every human life whole-heartedly serve God’s Plans and Works.

  8. for all expressions of darkness proceeding from materialistic thinking,
    may true Love rule all hearts, and may every human life whole-heartedly serve God’s Plans and Works.

  9. for every instance of opting for worldly thinking and worldly interests over Divine Intelligence and God’s interests,
    may true Love rule all hearts, and may every human life whole-heartedly serve God’s Plans and Works.

  10. for every surrender to criminal behaviour through the centuries,
    may true Love rule all hearts, and may every human life whole-heartedly serve God’s Plans and Works.

  11. for all occasions, on which man ever made himself lord of life and death,
    may true Love rule all hearts, and may every human life whole-heartedly serve God’s Plans and Works.

  12. for all sacrileges and desecrations of Sacraments and Holy Masses through the centuries,
    may true Love rule all hearts, and may every human life whole-heartedly serve God’s Plans and Works.

  13. for all acts of extermination of animal species through the centuries,
    may true Love rule all hearts, and may every human life whole-heartedly serve God’s Plans and Works.

  14. for all pollution and distortion of ecosystems all over the world through the centuries,
    may true Love rule all hearts, and may every human life whole-heartedly serve God’s Plans and Works.

  15. for all negative and dark reactions by human beings as to events, situations, circumstances, developments and fellow creatures,
    may true Love rule all hearts, and may every human life whole-heartedly serve God’s Plans and Works.

Oh one and only true God of creation, Redemption and sanctification, You promised the establishment of Your Kingdom of true Love and Peace for all creation, the final victory of the Light over all darkness. Therefore, with all my being and all my life as a pledge I implore You:

  1. that all of this darkness may be covered by the perfect power of the Christ’s Sufferings, His Death on the Cross and His Resurrection;
  2. that all effects of these works of darkness may be completely undone and eradicated;

  3. that Satan may be deprived of every seeming victory from temptations human souls have given in to and which have given rise to works of darkness which have never been confessed by the culprits;

  4. that the foot of the Woman, the Great Sign in Heaven, may soon crush the head of the enemy of all Light, that the Christ may rise in all human hearts, and that the seed of true Love may once and for all blossom in all hearts as a death sentence against all misery, all chaos, all suffering and all iniquities of this world.

In order that Your Kingdom may soon be established on earth, I entrust all the darkness ever generated by all human souls of all times to the omnipotence of the Cross of Jesus Christ, in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (make the sign of the Cross).


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Dear Mother Mary, Queen of perfect Love, Defeatress of all temptation, do hear the call from my heart, which is so heavily tormented by the many instances of darkness occurring all over this world.
I consecrate to You all human souls who allow their lives to be guided by love of self, selfishness, egocentrism and the satisfaction of their own purported or alleged needs and desires over the well-being of their fellow creatures.
Impelled by my predominating desire for the final victory of the Light of God’s Law of true Love I put at Your disposal all trials and crosses of my life, for only sufferings which are unconditionally accepted and borne with Love are able to make the dazzling Light from the Heart of the Divine Redeemer shine into the most hidden corners of darkness in the world.

Into Your perfectly sinless hands I lay every instance of indifference among human souls regarding the fate or the well-being of fellow creatures of any species.
Oh powerful Woman, destined to crush the works of the darkness in
order that God’s Kingdom of Love and Peace may rule the world, do
seal darkened hearts with the Cross of Christ who makes true Love rise.

Into Your perfectly sinless hands I lay every instance of inner strife and aggression among creatures.
Oh powerful Woman, destined to crush the works of the darkness in
order that God’s Kingdom of Love and Peace may rule the world, do
seal darkened hearts with the Cross of Christ who makes true Love rise.

Into Your perfectly sinless hands I lay every instance of neglect on the part of human souls to the detriment or disadvantage of fellow creatures they once pledged to care for and to love, as a covenant concluded in the eyes of God.
Oh powerful Woman, destined to crush the works of the darkness in
order that God’s Kingdom of Love and Peace may rule the world, do
seal darkened hearts with the Cross of Christ who makes true Love rise.

Into Your perfectly sinless hands I lay every instance of jealousy from human souls.
Oh powerful Woman, destined to crush the works of the darkness in
order that God’s Kingdom of Love and Peace may rule the world, do
seal darkened hearts with the Cross of Christ who makes true Love rise.

Into Your perfectly sinless hands I lay every instance of resentment and thirst for revenge on the part of human souls.
Oh powerful Woman, destined to crush the works of the darkness in
order that God’s Kingdom of Love and Peace may rule the world, do
seal darkened hearts with the Cross of Christ who makes true Love rise.

Into Your perfectly sinless hands I lay every instance of an urge to destroy displayed by human souls.
Oh powerful Woman, destined to crush the works of the darkness in
order that God’s Kingdom of Love and Peace may rule the world, do
seal darkened hearts with the Cross of Christ who makes true Love rise.

Into Your perfectly sinless hands I lay every instance of maltreatment or abuse directed by human souls against fellow creatures of whatever species, and every inclination to cause harm or pain to fellow creatures.
Oh powerful Woman, destined to crush the works of the darkness in
order that God’s Kingdom of Love and Peace may rule the world, do
seal darkened hearts with the Cross of Christ who makes true Love rise.

Into Your perfectly sinless hands I lay every inclination of human souls to exalt themselves and to humiliate fellow creatures or rob them of their dignity.
Oh powerful Woman, destined to crush the works of the darkness in
order that God’s Kingdom of Love and Peace may rule the world, do
seal darkened hearts with the Cross of Christ who makes true Love rise.

Into Your perfectly sinless hands I lay every situation in which human souls arouse in fellow creatures feelings of insecurity or of imminent danger.
Oh powerful Woman, destined to crush the works of the darkness in
order that God’s Kingdom of Love and Peace may rule the world, do
seal darkened hearts with the Cross of Christ who makes true Love rise.

Oh Immaculate Conception, most sublime Terror of demons in whose presence no darkness, no sin and no temptation is able to hold its ground, I humbly lay this supplication down at Your feet, for You are God’s most sublime Wonder of sanctity, the most fruitful soil for a harvest of perfect Love and thus an unparalleled source of power before the throne of the God who redeems souls from the dungeon of their slavery towards all temptation. Therefore, deign to kindle all darkened souls with the fire from Your Heart, in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (make the sign of the Cross).


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Oh Jesus Christ, Son of God, Light of the world,
Filled with desire for the establishment of God’s Kingdom of perfect Love among all creatures, and by virtue of the undivided surrender of myself to Your Immaculate Mother Mary, the Queen and Mistress of the celestial hosts, I implore that the fullness of Your Works of Redemption may be unlocked in the whole world, which is so severely ailing because of the darkness from human hearts.
May all human hearts be flooded with Your Divine Light, in which not the slightest shadow and not a single trace of darkness can stay alive.
May in the fields of all souls the roots of all ill weeds of any inclination to being selfish, indifferent, insensitive, and of dark desires or intentions towards any fellow creature die off under the rays of the sun of perfect Love from Your Heart.
May flows of Your Redeeming Blood soak the soils of barren souls, in order that all effects of temptation may be banned from the earth.
Oh Divine Redeemer, not one single moment of Your Sufferings should have been useless, for it has unlocked a permanent waterfall of Love in a world that keeps drowning countless expressions of Divine Love in the swamps of souls who have raised themselves, the needs they believe they have and their worldly desires above the Divine Promise of a Spring of Love and Peace which will never die.
In order that God’s Law of true Love may now be completely fulfilled and that this world may become a reflection of God’s Heart, through Mary’s sinless hands I give You all trials, all crosses, all sufferings, all pains and hardships of my entire journey through life, so that through them the marriage between my soul and Your redeeming Love may be consummated and my heart may henceforth give birth to nothing but rays of Light for this dark world.
Do accept my entire journey through life as a pledge to block all effects of darkness once and for all and open up this world for the establishment of God’s Kingdom on earth.

Words spoken by the Mistress of all souls in January 2020:

"The darkness in the world is generated exclusively by all violations against God’s Law of true Love, the truly spontaneously and unconditionally practised self-denying Love of human souls for God and for all their fellow creatures. Many human souls are even constantly violating God’s Law by the persistent darkness they are harbouring in all their inner dispositions, their thoughts, feelings, desires, aspirations, expectations and views. All of this makes the blanket of darkness enveloping the world grow thicker by the day, as the fact these dispositions are predominant in countless souls is also the source from which proceeds a general atmosphere of darkness in a great many societies.
Due to the fact all creatures throughout creation are interconnected within a giant network this atmosphere exercises an oppressing influence on all souls, thus threatening to further enhance the general susceptibility of all souls to the inspirations and effects from the darkness inside of them. All of this makes the battle against the darkness in the world increasingly tough, which is demonstrated also through the heavy inner struggle individual souls may fall prey to, a struggle which can only be terminated by the soul herself as soon as she will purposely practise true Love, true faith in God’s omnipotence, and as soon as she is firmly convinced that the Light will definitely gain the final victory in all aspects of her life, and she sincerely longs to render unconditional service to God over serving any possible personal views and expectations. To the extent to which these conditions are met the soul will find true peace within herself and will all the more spontaneously merge her entire inner life with the Heart of God, which is able to rob the darkness of all its power.
I present the souls with the following prayer as a weapon serving the eventual liberation of the world from this seemingly hopeless slavery towards the power wielded by the darkness. These words of prayer, provided they are addressed to the almighty God through Me in purity and in a sincere desire for the darkness to be humiliated and completely deprived of all its power, will be sent through the network of creation like arrows of fire, for they reaffirm the effects of God’s Law of true Love".


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Oh Holy Virgin Mary, Tabernacle of the fullness of Divine Grace, in Your Heart I deposit my present profession of Love. Do, in execution of Your infinite power as the One predestined by God to be the Commander in the battle of the Light against the darkness, lay it down at the feet of the Most Sublime Triune God, so that it may be sent into the network of His creation as an explosion of Light.
Almighty Triune God, I profess my Love to You and to all Your Works and Plans and to all Decrees conceived by Your infallible Providence, which have been issued by You for no purpose other than the establishment of Your Kingdom of perfect Love and Peace among all creatures inhabiting the world.
Almighty Triune God, I profess my Love to the Works of Redemption beyond praise, accomplished by Jesus Christ during His absolutely perfect Passion, which comprises all sufferings, all trials, all crosses and hardships of all human souls of all times and invested them with an unfathomable power against the darkness.
Almighty Triune God, I profess my Love to all my fellow creatures without any exceptions, and my sincere and ardent desire that, today, every human soul, every animal and every element of nature provided for by You anywhere in this world may experience the uninhibited effects of Your Love and Your protection.
Almighty Triune God, I profess my Love to Your Promise that Your Law of true Love will eventually be victorious throughout creation in the hour in which all effects of all works and plans conceived by the darkness and implemented in and between all creatures of all times will be undone once and for all.
Almighty Triune God, through the powerful intermediary of Mary, destined by You to be the Queen of Heaven and earth in execution of the last stage of Your Works and Plans for the benefit of this world, and in a sincere desire to merge my heart with Hers, which never allowed any darkness to flourish inside of it, I give You my entire heart, mind and will, in order that my entire being may live only to serve the fulfilment of Your Law, for the redemption of this world from the control wielded by the darkness.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (make the sign of the Cross).


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Oh Mary, Mediatrix of all graces and spotless reflection of the Light from God’s Heart,
Now that the blanket of the night is enveloping the beams from the sun I implore You: Do show Yourself in the hearts of all human souls as the full moon, the immortal witness of the ever shining sun of God’s Heart.
At Your feet I lay down my desire that tonight all human souls all over the world may find the strength and the Love not to succumb in any way whatsoever to inspirations from the darkness urging them to violate God’s Law through any action, omission, word, thought, feeling or desire which may cause any fellow creature harm or suffering.
May the enchanting beauty of Your Heart, the immaculate Channel of the fullness of true Love and therefore the Paradise of the unique blossoms of a perfectly sinless life, motivate every human soul to open up purposely, spontaneously and sincerely to Divine Life, which robs all darkness of its potential to bloom, so that tonight the world may bathe in the light of God’s desire that all creatures may be beams of Love and Peace for each other.

The following prayer flower was inspired by the Heavenly Queen as an evening prayer imploring celestial interventions with the sufferings of creatures – humans and animals alike – that have fallen prey to any lack of Love. The prayer is intended as an offering of sincere Love imploring that the darkness brought down upon our world through human souls may be broken. The Holy Virgin urges for the prayer to be used within the framework of a chain of Light and Fire to cripple the works of darkness wrought in this world.


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Oh Mary, powerful Queen of creation, full Moon testifying of the Divine Light in the night which oppresses the world.
Of You the Christ the Light of the world, was born. You were pervaded thoroughly and totally with the Light of the Holy Spirit. That is why I am calling out to You from a heart which is oppressed by the indescribable darkness of misery, suffering and injustice poured out upon countless creatures of God by innumerable darkened human souls again today.
Tonight I implore Your powerful intervention for the relief and the healing of all wounded hearts of creatures which, today, have become or remained victims of any expression of lack of Love proceeding from human hearts.
Do bring warmth where cold has been called forth, Light where darkness has been called forth, and feelings of security where all Love has been put to shame.
May through Your intervention self-denying human souls be led onto the paths of creatures that have suffered pain or sorrow of any kind whatsoever or who have been subjected to a life of misery, so that thee creatures may feel that there is a God of Love and that the seed of His Love has not died in all human souls.
I implore Your protection over helpless and weak creatures against all influences, works and plans proceeding from the darkness, and healing of all wounds inflicted upon these creatures physically, morally, spiritually or emotionally.
May upon Your most powerful intercession the God of Light and Love pour out tonight an explosion of Light and warmth upon all suffering creatures whose bodies and hearts were broken by the effects of indifference, insensitivity or inner strife in human hearts which have not been doing His Works, so that for all creatures in this world the new day may witness the rising of the true Sun above their path through life.
Powerful Queen of Heaven and earth, most sublime Mother of the Man-God Jesus Christ, who sealed the Divine Law of perfect Love forever in the Blood of perfect self-denial, I give You my entire journey through life and all and any sufferings of my life in pledge of the final birth of a new life of sincere happiness for all creatures even in the remotest corners of the earth.
May my outcry of Love contribute to the withering of the ill weeds of any lack of Love in many human hearts, and may the promise of the final tangible Love and Peace among and within all creatures of God soon be fulfilled.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (make the sign of the Cross).


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Oh Mary, powerful Queen of Heaven and earth, crowned by God with the gold of the lifelong victory over all and any dark forces and predestined by Him to crush Satan’s head in the hour when His Kingdom will be established on earth,
I prostrate myself before You with a heart which above all desires for God’s omnipotence to be felt even in the remotest corners of the earth and in all aspects of all human souls’ behaviour.
Oh Work of Wonder of immaculate holiness, do take all traces of sincere Love which may still become active in human soul anywhere in this world up in Your Heart, and do lay them down at the throne of Eternal Love invested with the powerful fire of the fullness of Your perfect Love, in order that His Kingdom of true Love, true Peace and true happiness within and among all creatures may now be unlocked throughout the world.
In deepest humility and with my profound remorse over all violations of my own life given in pledge I implore Your powerful intervention in the hearts of every human soul in this world who, today or tonight, is about to give in to any inspiration from the abysses of darkness with a view to harming or causing unhappiness or calamity to any creature or to any Work of God.
May all souls recognize each and every temptation as a pitfall which is intended to harm their own Eternal Life in the first place, and may they use this understanding to opt in favour of true Love and of God in every situation of their lives, for God longs for nothing more than for their Eternal Bliss and for the unwithering bloom of the seed of His Love in all hearts.
Therefore through Your Heart I entrust all human souls to the omnipotence of the full effect of the Christ’s Sacrifice on the Cross and to Your direct intervention, oh powerful Mistress of every soul who loves God sufficiently to accept His gift of Your infallible protection and guidance through the abysses of the darkness on their journey through life.
Oh Dawn of the Day of Christ, do not put all darkness in all hearts all over this world to shame. Do take possession of my path through life as a path to complete Your Journey of Light to hearts that are covered in darkness.

In July 2020 the Mistress of all souls inspired the following four prayer flowers (numbers 1560 up to and including 1563), which She requests to be offered to the souls by the name of tetralogy of self-surrender to obtain protection against evil. This tetralogy as a whole is intended to motivate human souls to contribute to the advancement of the promised victory of God over each and any force which is hostile to God, both in individual souls and in the world as a whole, and to do so through total consecration of themselves to the Most Holy Trinity and to the Holy Virgin Mary.
In this stage of the so-called Last Times the Mission of the Holy Virgin and Mistress of all souls consists in being the perfect Golden Bridge over which human souls can join the Heart of their Triune God in the most intimate way possible. Mary was predestined by God to be 'the Woman' who, at the end of time, will appear for all creation to see as the great Defeatress over the serpent from hell (i.e. all works of the darkness) and thus as the ultimate proof for the invincible power of a human soul’s sinlessness over Satan and all his works and plans. In so doing She will be the Sign indicating the establishment of God’s Kingdom on earth.
Surrendering yourself to God and to Mary (who is His greatest Work of wonder owing to Her perfect state of grace and Her absolutely immaculate sinlessness) is the most sublime way to unlock Divine power, i.e. to enable this power to fully unfold its effects.
The true surrender of oneself to God and to Mary is nothing else but total, unconditional and lifelong consecration which is experienced and practiced profoundly and purposely even in the smallest details of everyday life. The prayer flowers contained in the present tetralogy are given to the souls by God’s Golden Bridge as a means to start their journey on the way of such total self-surrender.
As always the Mistress of all souls has me announce most emphatically that in themselves these prayers do not determine the degree to which a soul is actually surrendering herself to God and to Her, but are mere founding stones on which the souls are invited to construct the house of a lifelong intensely practiced consecration to God and to Her, by practicing a stainless, self-denying Love in each and every event, situation, development and contact with fellow creatures every single day and night of their further lives and by accepting each and every situation of their lives without any resistance and in in the spirit of Christ. The reason lies in the purpose pursued with the present tetralogy: the advancement of the final and total victory of Divine Law of true Love over all darkness and misery in this world.


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Almighty Eternal God, Source and Destination of my soul,
Before You I acknowledge my desire to be Yours alone for all eternity, for from You I proceeded, and out of Your hands I received my life to help complete Your Works of Love on earth through my entire behaviour, all of my words, thoughts, feelings, desires and aspirations.
Do clothe me with the impenetrable shield of Your omnipotence over all darkness which threatens me every moment of my life, in order that my will to truly live for You and Your Works and Plans alone may be enabled to produce its full effects.
May the Light from Your Heart pervade every shadow in human hearts and open up many eyes to the true purpose of life, in order that the darkness may lose its power in this world.
You are the Source of all Love and all Life. No force outside of You must ever rule the world. Therefore I give You my acceptance of all Decrees of Your Providence concerning my path through life as a ransom to obtain the final defeat of Satan and his following in their struggle against all that proceeds from You and all that is willing to serve Your Works.
My God, I long so much for the establishment of Your Kingdom of perfect Love, Peace and happiness within and among all creatures, in order that the human souls may see that not You but their own lack of willing to serve You, who are the Source of all happiness, has been causing creation to be bogged down in misery throughout the ages.
You see, my God, every moment of my life as of this day I want to embrace every fellow creature You deem me worthy to encounter and lock it in my heart as a being designed by You and as a fruit from the tree of all Life in Your Heart.
I lay these desires from my heart down before You as the legacy of my life, the fruits from the seeds Your Heart has entrusted to me for this life, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. (make the sign of the Cross).


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Oh Jesus, Messiah of the Most High, Embodiment of Eternal Love, God’s answer to the dark dungeon which would separate all human souls from the Light of God’s Love forever.
I, too, was called to water the orchard of the New Covenant with the tears of my trials and to help promote the ripening of his fruits by the warmth from a heart which makes the heartbeat of my God felt to all of my fellow creatures.
To You I acknowledge my desire to follow You by carrying all crosses of my life in self-denying Love for God and for all my fellow creatures, in order that Your Works of Redemption may truly be unlocked within myself and within all human souls.
May the dedication of my entire life and my whole being turn into a fruitful contribution to the fulfilment of the New Covenant, through which the Kingdom of God will reconquer the world.
My Jesus, God designed my heart so that it might beat in rhythm with His own Heart. Therefore I long so much for all dispositions of Your Heart to live and blossom within me, for a life lived in Your image is a journey through the forecourt of the Eternal Kingdom.
Do let my entire being merge with You, oh my Jesus, in order that I may spread nothing but God’s Truth all around me and, through works, thoughts and feelings of true Love, may help prepare ways which are able to guide souls to true Life.
May each moment Divine Providence will grant me in this world be to You like a flower of the purest Love, a source of perfume to pervade Your never ending way from Gethsemane to Golgotha and to help poison a work or plan of the darkness anywhere in this world.
Filled with this desire I totally surrender to the Cross of Redemption for the entire remainder of my life, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. (make the sign of the Cross).


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Oh Spirit of God, Light of God that will not keep any darkness alive wherever a human will opens up undividedly and sincerely to the knowledge and practice of God’s Law,
With You I conclude the sacred covenant of complete surrender of my free will, which I entrust to Your Divine Fire for the rest of my life, in order that any trace of darkness left within it may be burned forever, for under Your infallible guidance I want to constantly clothe all my fellow creatures with works, words, thoughts, feelings and desires like flames that heal and whose Light shows the way to the Source of all Life.
My entire being longs so much to be a field of summer flowers which raise Your desire to cast Your seed of immortal Life into my soil, so as to make me a living sign against the darkness, which has no other goal but to bring death and misery upon all that serves Eternal Love.
Oh do unlock within me the source of celestial nectar from Divine Law, for what food should my soul long for after she has been allowed to drink from the Will and the Wisdom of her God, in which all treasures of Eternal Paradise are hidden?
What other purpose can my life have but the merger with You, oh Fire of invincible Love and never extinguishing Fire from which God’s Kingdom must rise as the death sentence to the darkness?
I give You my will and my heart so as to be merged with You forever and to turn into flames that help burn the darkness within and between many fellow creatures, in order that the Kingdom of the Fire of Eternal Life, Eternal Love, Eternal Peace and Eternal happiness may soon rule the world,
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. (make the sign of the Cross).


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Most Blessed Virgin Mary, God’s greatest Work of wonder,
I deliver my entire being and my entire life to You.
Do accept my undivided, unconditional and lifelong surrender and service to You as tools to unlock Your unlimited power of protection, intercession and direct intervention in every single situation of darkness in the world and in my own life.
I acknowledge and praise You as the One crowned by God as the Queen of Heaven and earth, the Immaculate Conception, the virginal Mother and Tabernacle of the Christ, the perfectly holy and lifelong Defeatress of all darkness, invested with an everlasting unrestrained power over Satan, over all effects of all his works and over every force serving the darkness.
On account of my lifelong Love, loyalty and submission to You I implore Your invincible Presence, protection, guidance and actions in each and every situation anywhere in the world and on my own path through life, in which darkness and temptation threaten to thwart God’s Love and Works.
Be praised in Your fullness of grace, oh perfect image and reflection of God’s Heart, for in You God’s Works and His omnipotence have produced their full effect.
Do now unfold Your unlimited power as God’s Sign of the total victory of true Love over every dark force, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. (make the sign of the Cross).

The Queen of Heaven inspired the following prayer as an extraordinarily powerful weapon against the effects brought about by the works and plans of the darkness, both in creation as a whole and in the praying soul herself and her surroundings.
She points out that a sincere glorification of Her great capacities as God’s most sublime Work of wonder develops a tremendous power to debase the darkness and render its works ineffective, owing to the fact this kind of glorification constitutes an adoration of God Himself in the greatest signs of His omnipotence and thereby sends powerful beams of Light through all of creation.
This is why the Mistress of all souls announces this prayer flower as a new powerful weapon in Her arsenal for the war against the effects of evil in the world.
After having inspired this prayer, which basically consists of twenty powerful formulas of praise, the Queen of Heaven spoke: "The words I have just poured out into you are nothing short of a bomb of Light. The power of its explosion will be determined by the true disposition of the heart of the soul who says the prayer, by the degree of her sincere and all-pervasive Love for God and for Me, and by the degree of her desire to actually help make the intentions harboured by God for the benefit of this world come true".
(Mistress of all souls, February 22, 2021).


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Oh Holy Virgin Mary, chosen Daughter of the Eternal Father, in You I praise the perfect Love and beauty of the one and only true God, the Maker of all that is alive, the Source and Destination of everything that ever was, is and is yet to be, in order that through my never ending praise to You God Himself may be glorified in His absolutely perfect Works.

I glorify You, Mary, most sublime Work of Wonder ever wrought by God, in whom He accumulated the greatest treasures of His creative omnipotence.
I glorify You, Mary, Immaculate Conception, only soul lacking the scar inflicted by the original sin, perfectly undamaged fruit from the Tree of Divine Life.
I glorify You, Mary, Bride of the Holy Spirit, Tabernacle of perfect sanctity, worthy of receiving and bearing the Divine Fruit of the Messiah, Host Mother of the Divine Mystery of Redemption for all of mankind.
I glorify You, Mary, most holy virginal Mother of the Christ, impregnated by God Himself for the purpose of giving birth to the Man-God Jesus Christ as the Light of the world.
I glorify You, Mary, Women who, as the Mother of God’s Son, was even physically merged with the Divine Blood which was to redeem mankind.
I glorify You, Mary, Mother of all humans, whom the Christ, while accomplishing His Works of Redemption, gave to each and every human soul to be the latter’s Custodian, inner Guide and Bridge of Light to the Heart of God Himself.
I glorify You, Mary, Defeatress of all darkness, temptation and sin, Woman invested with an unlimited power over every force that is hostile to God, and therefore a Source of ultimate humiliation to Satan and his following.
I glorify You, Mary, Queen of Heaven and earth, Embodiment of Divine Will, of Divine Love and of the Glory of the absolutely complete fulfilment of God’s Law.
I glorify You, Mary, Mediatrix of all graces, because in Your unique fullness of grace You were totally filled with God’s gifts and owing to the perfect merger of Your will with the Will of God You have for all eternity got the disposal of His gifts for the accomplishment of His perfect Plan of Salvation for the benefit of all mankind.
I glorify You, Mary, Advocate with God during the judgment pronounced on the past life of every soul who has sincerely been willing to serve God and who has lived with the firm intention of fulfilling His Law of True Love.
I glorify You, Mary, Mistress of the angels and Commander of God’s hosts of the Light in the war against the darkness, You invincible Mistress of the sacred covenant of total consecration to You for the purpose of establishing God’s Kingdom on earth.
I glorify You, Mary, Bridge between Heaven and earth, of whom God’s Son was born as the Man-God, You who are the most secure path for every human soul to reach the Heart of God, You solid and indestructible Bridge over the roaring stream of all worldly influences threatening the souls.
I glorify You, Mary, the Woman with the serpent under Her foot, God’s Sign denoting the power of perfect Love over all works and plans of the darkness, You before whom, by virtue of a Divine Decree, every force of darkness will prostrate in recognition of God’s unparalleled sublimity.
I glorify You, Mary, Mistress of my entire life and of my entire being by virtue of my total consecration to You, You to whom I surrender totally as a permanent token of my everlasting choice against the darkness.
I glorify You, Mary, eternally sinless reflection of God’s Heart, Paradise of the greatest celestial delights, only perfect joy of Eternal Love, which is so utterly misunderstood, unappreciated and constantly wounded.
I glorify You, Mary, perfect image of God and therefore perfect Model of sanctity for all created human souls, Embodiment of God’s concept of the ideal human soul as the representative of His Presence towards all of creation.
I glorify You, Mary, Rebirth of earthly paradise as God’s answer to the original sin, You New Eve, You who are the only worthy Queen of creation, destined to be the triumphant Queen of God’s Kingdom on earth in the Last Times.
I glorify You, Mary, mystically united with the Heart of the Christ, Sower of His seed which is to yield the Messianic Age within each human heart that makes itself receptive to the blooming of stainless Love among all creatures.
I glorify You, Mary, powerful Guide and Shield on the path through the life of every soul who is determined to totally defeat all and any darkness within herself.
I glorify You, Mary, Mistress of all souls, who was called upon to open up the fullness of the effects of the Christ’s Works of Redemption within every soul who will sincerely and persistently aspire for the fulfilment of God’s Law of self-denying Love to all her fellow creatures and to all of God’s Works and Plans.

May the power and the sublimity of Mary as the most perfect image of God totally humiliate any force of darkness in the world, in myself and in my surroundings, and render all and any effects of its works and plans totally and permanently ineffective.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (make the sign of the Cross).


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Oh almighty Triune God,

In order that all works and plans of the darkness and all of their effects in the world may be rendered ineffective, I bring You,
Eternal Father, glorification, tribute and reparation as the Creator of all that is and as the Source of all Love which maintains everything.

In order that all works and plans of the darkness and all of their effects in the world may be rendered ineffective, I bring You,
Jesus Christ, glorification, tribute and reparation as the Son of the Eternal Father and Redeemer of all souls of good will from the everlasting effects of the original sin.

In order that all works and plans of the darkness and all of their effects in the world may be rendered ineffective, I bring You,
Holy Spirit, glorification, tribute and reparation as God’s power which pervades all human souls with Divine Life and with Divine Law which aims at unlocking sanctity within all souls.

In order that all works and plans of the darkness and all of their effects in the world may be rendered ineffective, I bring You,
Holy Virgin Mary, glorification, tribute and reparation as the Mother of the Christ, the Queen of Heaven and earth and God’s most sublime Work of Wonder, Embodiment of perfect sanctity and perfect state of the soul that is not defiled by any sin.

In order that all works and plans of the darkness and all of their effects in the world may be rendered ineffective,
I bring You, my God and my everything, the offering of all suffering and misery which has ever been endured among all creatures, which is being endured even today, and which is yet to be endured, in order that all of these expressions of darkness and of violation of Your infallible Laws may completely be turned against the darkness.

I offer You this glorification, tribute and reparation on the foundation of a total consecration to the Holy Virgin Mary, through whom I want to be Yours for all eternity.

♥ ♥ ♥

The Queen of Heaven and earth inspired Her prayer flower nr. 1657 as a purposeful prayer for the benefit of souls who are victims or witnesses of situations, events or contacts which are obviously influenced by evil. By way of explanation She spoke the following words to Myriam:

"I have dictated you words which bear an extraordinary power against all and any sources, forms and expressions of evil. Speaking the words of this prayer flower from a heart that:

  • experiences a rock-solid faith and confidence,
  • loves God’s Works above all,
  • whole-heartedly longs to render all darkness ineffective, and
  • attempts to permanently practice all virtues and a profound service to God,

releases forces that strike every force of evil with tremendous fear.

I once again confirm the truth I have entrusted to you several times before already: that the two greatest powers that are able to force Satan and any force working at the latter’s service to take flight are:

★ the suffering Jesus,

  • His Cross,
  • His Precious Blood,
  • His most sacred Wounds, and
  • the absolutely perfect Love with which He sacrificed Himself without the slightest resistance as the Man-God for the Redemption of each soul who would be willing to help unlock these Works of Redemption within herself through a life lived in pure self-denying Love and in unresisting acceptance of all her trials in perfect accordance with the example set by her Saviour;

★ I Myself, Mary,

  • immaculately conceived and eternally sinless Mother of the Man-God,
  • the Woman underneath whose feet all works of darkness will be crushed by virtue of a Divine Decree,
  • the Great Sign from God who, on account of having lived a life without ever succumbing to any attack, temptation and wile by Satan and to the most various forms of his works, proved to be the only created human soul who ever was absolutely invincible,
  • the Woman whose unlimited power was derived directly from Her complete unity of Will with God Himself, a unity which She Herself persistently aspired to maintain.

Jesus Christ and His Works beyond all praise, and I Myself as God’s most sublime Work of wonder of absolutely perfect purity and therefore Representative of the perfectly holy human soul living in the image of God evoke in Satan a fear which no human soul is able to imagine.

I desire that the souls should avail themselves of this knowledge in order to cleanse their entire being of all and any influences from the darkness.

The great condition for these unimaginable means of power over Satan and his works to be able to produce their full effects is this: that the soul:

  • should live in perfect self-denial,
  • should whole-heartedly love her fellow creatures and all Works of God, and
  • should live a life in unconditional service to God, preferably following the way He Himself has clothed with the greatest power – the way of total, unconditional and lifelong consecration to Me, Mary, the Mistress of all living creatures, practiced in all and any details of daily life, in order that I may be enabled to merge the soul’s life with the unlimited delight God has taken in Myself and My life, and that I may offer all of this up towards the accomplishment of God’s Plan of Salvation. The Plan of Salvation can only become a reality to the extent to which all darkness will be dispelled from the face of the earth". (Mary, Mistress of all souls, to Myriam, November 18, 2021)


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Holy Virgin Mary, Great Sign from God, Woman full of grace, most sublime Work of wonder clothed with an everlasting total power over all darkness and all works, plans and wiles of evil,
Our Divine Redeemer Jesus Christ has entrusted me to Your infallible care. God has put no limits to Your power over evil and over all works and plans of the darkness, for in You God’s Law is fulfilled to absolute perfection.
I profess my total, unconditional and everlasting surrender to You. Therefore do regard, protect and defend me as Your undivided and unconditional possession, and do particularly deploy Your unlimited power as the sovereign Mistress of every single detail of my journey through life.
In this hour of need I implore Your most powerful and all-pervasive presence on my path through life, as well as the intervention of the holy angels God has put under Your dominion.
Myself, my journey through life, all creatures Divine Providence allows me to encounter and every force which threatens me I entrust to the invincible power You hold over all evil and every single effect of darkness by virtue of the complete merger of Your Will with the Will of God.
So as to obtain the grace of Your perfect protection and of the complete and lasting conversion of the dark forces which are threatening my path through life, my soul, my heart, my mind, my body and all that belongs to me, I most urgently appeal to:

1. the absolutely perfect and all-embracing Sufferings, the Death on the Cross and the Resurrection of my Divine Redeemer Jesus Christ, who endured every single detail of His Passion in absolutely perfect Love for all souls and in perfect surrender for the benefit of the accomplishment of God’s Plan of Salvation for the Redemption of every soul of good will from the everlasting slavery towards the darkness.

2. You, Mary, Queen of Heaven and earth, most sublime Miracle of God’s Love and perfect image of God, immaculately conceived and eternally sinless Tabernacle of the Divine Messiah, You who were chosen and elevated by God to be the Mistress over all creatures and over any force subordinate to God, including the demons and all their works, plans and wiles.
Invincible Terror of the demons, my Heavenly Mistress whom no darkness can ever touch, I implore Your most powerful intervention against every creature whose works, plans, thoughts or feeling are currently threatening my being or my journey through life.

May in the heart(s) of this/these creature(s) any effect of darkness be replaced by Light and all hate and indifference be replaced by Love, in order that every force of evil which is currently at work may be broken once and for all, and that God may be glorified by this force taking flight before the deployment of the power of the suffering, crucified and risen Christ and of You, Mary, to whose power God has subordinated every force of darkness.
Be my impenetrable shield of Divine Light and fire in the sign of the almighty Cross of Jesus Christ,
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (make the sign of the Cross).


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Holy Virgin Mary, most sublime Queen of all things created,
Through Your most powerful intercession with the almighty God,
May today, all over this world, in the name of the crucified Redeemer Jesus Christ:

  • every temptation and every inclination to commit any injustice, maltreatment, abuse, exploitation, harm and neglect by human souls towards any fellow creature, and
  • every inclination of any human soul to proceed to any form of violation whatsoever of God’s Law of True Love

be broken before they can even be implemented,
and may all effects of any dark thought, any dark feeling, any dark desire and any dark intention be undone by the everlasting effects of the Sufferings, the Death on the Cross and the Resurrection of the Christ, the Divine Redeemer of the souls, of Your boundless Sorrows, and by all the suffering endured by all creatures of all times, which I am now consecrating to You on their behalf as an all-embracing offer of co-redemption with Jesus Christ.
This is what I implore of You while giving You my own journey through life in pledge, in order that the omnipotence of Divine Love over all darkness may be glorified and all control exercised by the darkness over countless souls may be well and truly broken,
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (make the sign of the Cross).


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Holy Virgin Mary, immaculate Terror of the demons, to whom God has given an everlasting unlimited power over all and any darkness,
In the name of the crucified and risen Divine Redeemer Jesus Christ and under the seal of the one and only almighty God I urgently implore Your most sublime intervention.
On het merits of Your unique election as the Commander of the battle waged by the celestial hosts and by all human souls who have committed themselves unconditionally to the fulfilment of the Law of True Love and to the accomplishment of God’s Works I lay this supplication down at Your feet, as raw material to be used for the bomb of Light with which our God wants to render all hotbeds of the darkness ineffective, in order that the kingdom of death, suffering, destruction and chaos Satan is trying to establish in this world may totally collapse.
Oh most powerful radiant Queen of creation by Divine proxy, against whom all darkness is powerless, I implore the deployment of Your crushing power against the implementation of all and any works and plans of destruction with which Satan, through his tools in human form, is threatening God’s creation, global security, global peace and the life and dignity of many creatures.
I implore that the execution of these plans of darkness may be prevented, that the human souls through whom Satan is trying to implement these plans may be opened to a genuine understanding and remorse, and that the world may witness an unparalleled explosion of the Light the Divine Redeemer Jesus Christ has obtained on the Cross through His Sufferings of the most sublime Love(★).
May the Triune God of total, unconditional and everlasting Love be glorified in the fulfilment of this supplication, in order that Satan may be humiliated once and for all and his human servants and mouthpieces may be rendered inoperative, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
(make the sign of the Cross).

(★) The Sufferings of the Christ owe their everlasting unlimited redemptive power to the fact they were accomplished in a disposition of absolutely perfect self-denying Love and driven by an all-pervasive desire that these Sufferings might open up the gate to the final bloom of God’s Kingdom on earth.


(Myriam van Nazareth)

My almighty Triune God,
You elected the Immaculate Virgin Mary to be the Mother of Your Son, our Divine Redeemer Jesus Christ, and in Him the Mother of all human souls.
She has sealed the unique prerogative of Her Immaculate Conception by living Her life in a state of perfect incorruptibility and thereby in an absolutely perfect fulfilment of Your Will and thus of the Basic Law of Divine Life, the Law of true Love.
This is why, after the completion of Her mission in life in this world, You assumed Her into Heaven with body and soul and elevated Her to be Queen and Mistress of Heaven and earth.
I profess my faith in the fact that, by virtue of Her total merger with Your Will, Mary forever shares in an all-pervasive power which She can exercise unrestrainedly over all living beings under You and over all inanimate things.
I profess my faith in the fact that She was called by You to wield an unlimited power as the Woman who, in the Last Times and in implementation of Your Decree, will totally humiliate and render ineffective Satan, all his instruments and all their works and plans, and that She is thus invested with the power to help unlock, in every human soul who is willing to imitate Christ and Mary and to merge her own will totally with Your Will, the effects contained in the eternally valid Redemptive Works wrought by the Christ, in order that Your Kingdom on earth may once and for all be established.
I profess my faith in the fact She will complete this mission exercising a unique, absolutely unlimited power over each and every dark force, and that even in this very hour She is able to fully exercise this power to the extent to which human souls implore it in Your most holy Name and enable Her to do so by wholeheartedly desiring for the final victory of Your Divinity and of Your Law of true Love in this world and in their own lives.
That is why I totally surrender my entire being and the entire journey through my life to the One who, by virtue of Your Will, is my undisputed Mistress and Queen, and why I implore the final and total unlocking of Her unlimited power over every element of darkness in this world as well as in my own life, over every obscure plan concocted by Satan and his instruments for the purpose of destroying Your creation and rendering Divine Law inoperative so as to make the world get mired in a swamp of suffering, misery, chaos, threats, oppression, hate, deprivation of all dignity, unhappiness and death.
May from this very moment onward the Immaculate Holy Virgin, the Queen of everything under You, truly and unrestrainedly assert Her power as the Mistress over all demons, and totally subject all of their works and plans in this world and in my own life to Her will, which is totally merged with Your Divine Will, in order that the world and the darkness may see that only complete fulfilment of Your Law of true Love has got the power to liberate this world and every individual soul from the devastating effects of the works and plans of the one who hates You and Your perfect Love.
Praised be therefore the Holy Virgin Mary as the unrestrainedly powerful Queen and Mistress over everything under You and as the undefiled mirror of the Source of perfect Love, and praised be Her final victory over all the darkness in the world and in me, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (make the sign of the Cross).


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Holy Virgin Mary, undefiled holy Queen of creation, Terror of all darkness,
God made His creation for us from the spring of the inextinguishable fire of His Eternal Love. Out of Love for His everlasting Plan which aims at establishing eternal happiness for all His creatures I bring You the offering of myself and of my entire life in this world, and I implore Your perfect protection of all creatures that suffer by the darkness through which countless human hearts ruin and destroy harmony within all of creation.
With all the strength of my entire being I implore Your most powerful, all-pervasive and irresistible protection and support for the countless humans and animals that all over this world, day after day, suffer from hunger, sickness, pain, maltreatment, abuse, injustice and persecution because uncharitableness, hatred, greed, indifference and inner strife have transformed countless human hearts into sources of cold and darkness which suffocate all of creation and render the Light of God’s Plans and Works invisible.
May through the omnipotence of Your perfect Love each darkened and sick human heart find back the warmth of true Love, in order that the darkness may lose all its power over God’s creation and all creatures that inhabit this world for the purpose of accomplishing for our God their missions in life may blossom in the warmth and security of a stainless Love among all living things.
Do clothe every suffering human soul, every suffering animal and every element of God’s nature that is distorted and pining away, in the life bringing cloak of Your lasting Presence and the healing power of Your sacred touch, in order that not one single creature might lose faith in the all-embracing perfect Love and actions of its God and that all suffering of the world might be put to use for the conversion of every source of darkness from which this suffering has proceeded.
Once and for all, do render totally ineffective any force of darkness which threatens, disrupts or destroys the Love and well-being of any living being in this world, in order that the greatness of the God of Eternal Love may be perfectly glorified and the world may turn into the paradise of Eternal Spring God has provided for it to be all along.

The Queen of Heaven and earth inspired the following invocation in the early morning of December 8 and, referring to it, spoke as follows:
"I will give You words with an extraordinary power based on the graces bestowed by God on the unique privilege of My Immaculate Conception. Any soul can bring these words before God through Me, either for her own benefit or for the benefit of one or more of her fellow people".
A clarification to this prayer was inspired in the form of a brief teaching, which you can find here:
The Holy Virgin as a spiritual opener

version for oneself


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Holy Virgin Mary, powerful Terror of all demons, defeatress of all and any darkness, be the only true Mistress of my inner life.
Through Your intermediary and Your permanent protection and inner guidance, may I obtain a sincere self-knowledge, an inner Light and a true peace of heart.
Do grant me power over any dark influence from the outside and any dark inclination inside of me, so that I may become a steady channel of God’s Light.
To that end, do seal my soul with the invincible Light of the crucified and risen Christ, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (make the sign of the Cross).

version for a fellow person


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Holy Virgin Mary, powerful Terror of all demons, defeatress of all and any darkness, be the only true Mistress of the inner life of ............... (name of a fellow person).
Through Your intermediary and Your permanent protection and inner guidance, may this soul obtain a sincere self-knowledge, an inner Light and a true peace of heart.
Do grant him/her power over any dark influence from the outside and any dark inclination inside of him/her, so that he/she may become a steady channel of God’s Light.
To that end, do seal this soul with the invincible Light of the crucified and risen Christ, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (make the sign of the Cross).

When inspiring the following prayer the Queen of Heaven and earth spoke these words as an introduction:
"God did not provide for any form of suffering affecting any of His creatures. Every form of suffering came into the world by the sin of human souls. Sin is to be understood as any violation, on the part of any human soul, of the Law of true Love decreed by God. For a complete understanding of true Love I refer to My earlier teaching entitled True Love.
Even predation among animals was never introduced by God but results from the sins committed by human souls, as I taught extensively in My manifesto entitled The Brooklets of Salvation.
All and any suffering which is endured in sincere acceptance and self-denying Love is able to break the power wielded by the darkness over the world and over human hearts. Jesus’ absolutely perfect Sufferings and Death on the Cross have prepared this way. The way is now to be unlocked by human souls through their strictly practicing Divine Law of true Love and by a heartfelt consecration of all and any sufferings, yes, even including any sufferings endured by creatures other than humans. The most fruitful and most powerful form of consecration is that offered to God through My intermediary.
I give the following words of prayer to the souls as an extraordinarily powerful weapon for the purpose of advancing the fall of the kingdom the darkness is trying to establish in this world, in order that the Kingdom of God may be established on earth once and for all" (Holy Virgin Mary, Mistress of all souls, January 22, 2023).


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Almighty God of Light and Love,
In order that the kingdom of darkness, suffering and misery the forces hostile to You are trying to establish in this world may soon be brought down and that Your Kingdom of perfect Love, Peace, Happiness and Justice may conquer all human hearts I now lay into the most holy hands of the Holy Virgin Mary, who was elevated by You to be the Queen of creation:

the collective sufferings of all living beings – both humans and animals – which are endured globally day after day because countless human souls are induced by evil forces to proceed to maltreatment, torture, neglect, violence and torment in the most various forms against their fellow creatures, making the latter suffer physically and morally and robbing them of the dignity given by God to every living being.

May all this suffering be connected in Your Heart with the eternal merits of Your lifelong perfect incorruptibility as the most sublime glorification of God’s Law of perfect, unselfish Love from a human soul to all of her fellow creatures, and:
May it be sealed by the dazzling Light from the absolutely perfect Suffering and Death on the Cross endured by Jesus Christ, the Divine Redeemer.
May in the infinite power of the merger between the redemptive Passion of the Christ, Your own perfect incorruptibility and the consecrated suffering of all creatures on earth, the power of Satan, his following and all his works and plans intended to provoke suffering, misery and destruction irreversibly be rendered totally ineffective in the radiance of the Cross and under the powerful foot of the Woman, by whom the Christ was to come into the world.


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Holy Virgin Mary, You to whom the Divine Messiah has entrusted the custody of the human souls, I implore Your most powerful intermediary in the hearts of human souls who, before the eyes of Eternal Love, have acquired the leadership or government over a nation or a state or have usurped such leadership, or who hold a high or influential position within such leadership.
The Creator of Heaven and earth has entrusted to the human souls the custody of His creation and the upholding of His Law of Love as guarantee for the preservation of a sacred harmony within His creation.
Every soul who partakes in the leadership of a nation or state is therefore towards God a bearer of a great responsibility.
I entrust to You every human soul who:

  • in any way whatsoever abuses a position and function within the leadership or government of a nation or a state;
  • fails to fulfil this function or to fill this position in accordance with the Divine Law of True Love;
  • by virtue of this function or position exploits or in any way whatsoever harms, deceives, distorts, destroys, manipulates or threatens states, peoples, social groups, individual creatures, raw materials, commodities and commerce;

and who due to all of this does not serve God’s creation and God’s Law but the darkness, and who in so doing promotes or helps maintain all misery, suffering, chaos, strife and insecurity in the world.
May through Your powerful action inside the heart of each soul who, anywhere in this world, plays a role within the leadership or government of a nation or state:

  • any threat of war, destruction or any plan or work whatsoever deployed by the darkness be broken;
  • all souls concerned gain awareness of their inner dispositions, come to a total and final conversion, and
  • every political regime which is serving or is likely to serve the plans and works of the darkness be rendered ineffective once and for all, in order that the whole world might become a genuine reflection of God’s intentions.

Firmly trusting that the God of Eternal Love will never allow His creation to fall prey to Satan’s works of destruction I implore You: Do seal by Your most holy hands the entire world with the Cross of Jesus Christ, which has forever delivered the darkness to God, in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (make the sign of the Cross).


By order of the Heavenly Mistress the so-called Twelve powerful invocations to Mary to be used fighting the darkness are made part of the present collection of emergency prayers as well. These twelve powerful invocations were published earlier within the framework of the Special Revelation Confession made by a demon at Mary’s command.

Twelve powerful invocations to Mary to be used fighting the darkness

  • Mary, powerful Mistress of all souls, I deliver all darkness to Your power.
  • Mary, powerful Mistress of my soul, to Your feet I deliver the demon who is trying to tempt me into doing/thinking/wanting this.

    This invocation was given by Mary on December 12, 2006, to be said by a soul every time she is tempted, and She added:

    "Satan’s humiliation will become complete, for then it will be Me who will force him to throw himself before Me".

  • My Mistress, I glorify Your power, in order that God’s Kingdom on earth may come.

About this invocation Mary said (Revelation by the Mistress of all souls
on May 18, 2007):

"This invocation exerts a tremendous power upon God’s Heart, for the establishment of God’s Kingdom on earth is inextricably linked to the acknowledgement of My unlimited power, which symbolizes the total victory of the human soul over all darkness".

  • Praised and glorified be Mary, the powerful Mistress of all souls, in Her victory over the darkness.

Mary requests the above invocation to be spoken every day at noon,
preferably while kneeling down.

  • My powerful Mistress, deign to enter into the very core of my being, so that I may be able to storm the gates of hell with You inside of me, for Your appearance puts all darkness to flight.
  • Mary, powerful Heavenly Queen, I am all Yours, protect me from all evil.
  • Mary, my powerful Heavenly Mother and Mistress, deign to invest me with Yourself, for You are the impenetrable rampart of Divine Light.
  • Mary, most sublime Heavenly Queen and Mistress of all souls, do deploy Your unlimited power over all darkness which threatens me and my family.
  • Mary, our most sublime Mistress, Chosen One of our God, do deploy Your unlimited power over all darkness.
  • Immaculate Most Holy Virgin Mary, Mother of the Light of the world and Terror of the demons, deign to display Your invincible power over all evil. Do dispel all darkness in the Heavenly glow of Your glorified being. Do give birth, inside all Your children, to the radiant Cross of Jesus Christ and His dazzling Love.
  • Oh Mary, our immaculately conceived Co-Redemptrix who is going to crush the devil’s head, I offer all my sufferings to the redeeming Cross of Jesus and lay it down into Your Sorrowful Heart, so that they may be transformed into holy Light which blinds Satan.
  • Oh Mary, reflection of Divine Light, do rule the heart of every person, so that no soul may ever again fall prey to eternal darkness.