Ongoing appeals by the Mistress of all souls

By order of the Mistress of all souls the present menu item deals with urgent ongoing appeals addressed by Her to the souls. The following appeals have been launched so far (the second and subsequent ones can be reached directly by clicking on their respective titles):

1. Appeal for the purpose of maintaining, advancing and restoring
the dignity of all creatures (January 2019)
2. Appeal to the Christians of the Last Times (January 2021)
3. Appeal to practice Divine Law (February 2021)
4. Core message and appeal by the Mistress of all souls (September 2021)
5. Emergency appeal concerning the violations of the Law of true Love
(December 2021)
6. Emergency appeal concerning the establishment of God’s Kingdom
on earth
(January 2022)
7. Brief exhortation for the purpose of healing the world (February 2022)
8. Appeal on the occasion of the Russian-Ukrainian war (June 2022)
9. Appeal to co-sign the death sentence to the misery of the world
(June 2023)

1. Ongoing appeal for the purpose of

as a prerequisite for
completing the establishment of God’s Kingdom on earth

Myriam van Nazareth

"(...) This is why I call upon each and every human soul to practice true, unconditional, unselfish Love towards every fellow creature, irrespective of whether the latter is in some way or another 'different' or not, and to ban most emphatically from her own heart every inclination towards racism and discrimination. (...)" (Mary, Queen of Heaven and earth, beginning of January 2019)

Mary, the Queen of Heaven and Mother of the Christ, established the Maria Domina Animarum Work as Her 'Apostolate of true Love, true hope, encouragement and the fullness of Truth'. Everything in creation revolves around True Love. God created everything through True Love, He sent His Son Jesus Christ into the world for the purpose of redeeming the human souls from the effects of sin, through the fullness of self-denying Love, and He sanctifies souls who actually practice His Law of True Love toward their fellow creatures), in order that they may inherit Eternal Bliss in Heaven.

True Love is the essence of all life. Every creature is kept alive only through the flow of God’s Love through creation. True Love creates, redeems, sanctifies and heals. Through completing His Plan of Salvation God wants to establish His Kingdom of perfect Love and Peace among all creatures. Every human soul is on earth for the sole purpose of contributing to the completion of God’s Plan of Salvation, for God accomplishes His Works on earth chiefly through the human souls.

Within the network of creation every creature has got its very own vocation and role to fulfil. A person has got these or those traits (color of skin, etc.) because God pursues a specific goal with them, both regarding the person concerned and regarding every fellow person he or she will one day meet. Through these differences God aims at guiding every soul towards perfection.

A soul’s fruitfulness and maturation depend solely on the extent to which she will practice and spread Love whole-heartedly, spontaneously, voluntarily, purposely, actively, unconditionally, persistently and unselfishly to all her fellow creatures without any distinction and without any prejudices.

One of the constituents of True Love is respect for the specific traits and nature of all fellow creatures, acceptance of these specific traits and nature, refraining from any prejudices regarding the differences between fellow creatures and oneself, and the sincere desire to accept, defend, maintain and – if and where desirable or necessary – restore the dignity of all fellow creatures, both in one’s own direct attitude towards these fellow creatures and through defending and publicly cleansing the image of these fellow creatures when in contact with any third party.

This is why the Queen of Heaven most emphatically invites all human souls to eradicate from their deepest inner dispositions and in all their thoughts and feelings:

  • every tendency towards racism against any fellow person having a different color of skin;
  • every tendency towards discrimination against any fellow person who is in any way whatsoever 'different' from oneself, whether as to physical traits or as to gender, faith, mother tongue, cultural background, education, etcetera;
  • every tendency towards maltreatment, humiliation, lack of respect or deprivation of any fellow person’s dignity if the latter is in any way 'different', as well as all of this with respect to all animals.

The Mother of God has us point out that creation can only accomplish the ideal of True Love and True Peace intended by God to the extent that every human soul will whole-heartedly, spontaneously, purposely, unconditionally and totally ban the aforementioned tendencies from her deepest inner dispositions.

By Her order I will now quote the extremely important words She spoke to me around New Year’s day 2019 as Her Ongoing Appeal for the purpose of maintaining, advancing and restoring the dignity of all creatures:

"Through all actions, words, thoughts, feelings, desires, aspirations and all inner dispositions of all human souls God wants to establish His Kingdom of perfect Love and Peace on earth. This establishment can not be completed as long as people hold on to any inclinations towards racism, discrimination and lack of loving respect towards the dignity of every fellow creature, both human and animal, on account of it being different from themselves, different from their expectations, or in any way whatsoever 'not seeming to fit in' with their own conceptions or preferences.

No creature is inferior to another. God loves white and colored people equally, and wishes people with different colors of skin to let this non-discriminatory Love flow among and towards one another unconditionally and without any prejudices. He also wishes that no animal should become or be a victim of any lack of sincere Love and respect. There is no other way to enable Divine Love to flow perfectly flawlessly through the whole network of creation. This unimpeded flow from every human soul towards all of her fellow creatures of whatever nature, species, gender, race or traits is the prerequisite for the completion of the establishment of God’s Kingdom on earth.

This is why I call upon each and every human soul to practice true, unconditional, unselfish Love towards every fellow creature, irrespective of whether the latter is in some way or another 'different' or not, and to ban most emphatically from her own heart every inclination towards racism and discrimination.

Discriminatory thinking, i.e. thinking and feeling about a fellow creature in any way which is tainted by the knowledge of the fact this fellow creature is 'different' as to the color of its skin or any other trait or characteristic, is incompatible with the dignity God has endowed the human soul with. In the eyes of God no human soul is inferior or superior in comparison to any other human soul. God rates the value of a human within the network of creation exclusively by his dispositions of the heart, the extent to which this person, through all his actions and all his inner dispositions, his feelings and thoughts, is a channel of Love and Light. A person’s value in God’s eyes is in no way determined by traits related to his transient material nature, e.g. the color of his skin.

Every difference as to external traits, e.g. the color of the skin, is provided by God Himself because He pursues a Plan with it for the completion of His Plan of Salvation for the benefit of all of creation. This is why every form of discrimination and of racism is in violation with God’s Law of True Love and should therefore be considered sinful.

Make this appeal known, distribute it, and constantly keep it in focus, for it originated in the very Heart of Eternal Love". (thus Mary, the immaculate Mother of God).

In the month of May 2020 the Queen of Heaven launched an additional appeal for the advancement of the dignity of all creatures, in which She shed some extra light on various elements related with the fight for the advancement of this dignity from yet different angles:

"I give the souls a complementary rule for the promotion of the restoration of perfect self-denying Love and Peace among all creatures in this world, which is seriously disrupted by the darkness generated by all expressions of lack of Love and by obvious insensitivity on the part of human souls towards their fellow creatures.

Look around you, and allow your hearts to be touched by all that is not compatible with the perfect Love proceeding from the Creator of the universe, who provided for every creature without any exception to live its life in a state of happiness, inner Peace and well-being at every level of its being.

Not one single creature – whether human or animal – has received its only life on earth for the purpose of:

1. through any human soul’s fault, or through lack of care on any human soul’s part, going hungry or being starved, nor of being in want of anything which is needed to enable its physical survival or its leading a life in dignity.

The Divine Creator in His perfect intelligence has designed His creation in such a way that, on account of the properties inherent to the fruits of the earth, of their species-specific metabolism and of the interactions between all of this and the natural conditions in any spot of the planet and on account of the effects generated by the Divine Laws of growth, every single creature would at any moment have sufficient food at its disposal. A creature which, through any human soul’s fault – among others through neglect, abandonment, expulsion from its natural habitat or through lack of free access to food sources – goes hungry up to the point of starvation, is, in a manner of speaking, excluded by the guilty soul from the network of creation, is no longer able to perform its functions within this network and is prevented from sensing the presence and operations of a loving God and from believing in this Divine presence and these Divine operations;

2. through any human soul’s fault, being maltreated or abused, tortured, being tormented or being subjected to any kind of suffering or pain.

I point to the fact that maltreatment or causing pain or suffering to fellow creatures nearly always finds its origin in discontent or discord inside the guilty human’s heart. Discontent and inner discord can only take root in a soul that has lost all touch with the true purpose of her life as a small cogwheel in God’s Plan of Salvation. Such a soul can fall prey to the inclination to torment fellow creatures due to the fact she can not stand the well-being which, in her view, is experienced by this fellow creature and, consequently, she is intent on taking this fellow creature down. Do realize the fact that discontent was the disposition which brought Lucifer to his rebellion against God, and that he tries to sow exactly this disposition into every soul as a basis for the most various violations against the law of self-denying Love;

3. through any human soul’s fault, being killed (i.e. being compelled to face any kind of unnatural death).

Do consider that only God is the Lord of creation, and that therefore also the termination of any creature’s lifetime should only be decided by Him. Therefore the balance within creation is disrupted on any occasion on which a creature’s life is ended through any human interference;

4. through any human soul’s fault, being used, abandoned, even cast away or dumped as garbage, as an object of no value.

This is an extremely frequent occurrence in this world, first and foremost to the detriment of animals, especially (yet not exclusively) young animals. Any human soul who treats an animal like this is guilty of a twofold serious sin: Firstly she shows God she regards the great Divine gift of life as worthless, and secondly she purposely destroys a channel through which Love is meant to flow, Love being the fuel which flows straight from the Heart of God to all creatures. As every creature is a bearer of life it is a bearer of a Divine Work, owing to the fact life is a phenomenon which can be granted only by God. Treating a creature as if it were an object of no value is therefore an act through which the guilty soul turns directly against God and against His Basic Law – the Law of true Love, which is the fuel of all creation and is also intended to be the principle which should rule all processes, developments, relations and contacts within every individual creature and among all creatures.

5. through any human soul’s fault, being used as an object serving material gains to be earned by any human.

This is why no form of slavery and no kind of enforced labour or efforts aimed at materially enriching any human soul ever meets with God’s approval, no matter if human souls or animals are the victims, whether within the framework of slave labour or of sports, entertainment, or in those case where creatures are treated as commodities;

6. through any human soul’s fault, being misused, in any way whatsoever, i.e. being subjected to any treatment which was not intended by God for any creature, bearing in mind that every creature proceeds from His Heart.

Consider in this respect that every creature, without any exceptions, is a bearer of a germ from God’s Heart, a germ which, in a manner of speaking, bears the signature of the One who has made the creature and has invested it with the mystery of Life, which is a Work of Divine Love;

7. being used as an object of research which may cause the creature physical, mental, emotional or moral harm or sufferings.

In this respect I refer to the inspirations contained in section 7 of My teaching entitled Blinded hearts;

8. through any human soul’s fault, being subjected to any deprivation of freedom preventing the creature from developing freely and with dignity, i.e. in a way corresponding with God’s intentions as to the free development of every single creature.

The only forms of deprivation of freedom that do not as such meet with God’s disapproval are those ensuing from measures of penal law, provided the dignity of the creature involved is preserved and protected, and those involving walking an animal on a lead or transporting it in a cage, both for a limited span of time and strictly with a view to protecting both the animal and its fellow creatures. Furthermore the guardian of a fellow creature – and here I am specifically referring to the latter as an animal – is supposed to allow this fellow creature sufficient space to move freely and to develop in a way fit for the animal species concerned and matching as closely as possible the conditions of life that are natural to the species concerned. God never grants any animal the gift of life for any human to imprison this animal in very narrow dwellings or locked in chains, or in any way whatsoever which may violate its dignity as a work designed by God.

May the souls realize that these rules are motivated by two basic facts:

   1. Every creature, both human and animal, essentially belongs directly to God alone. Therefore every human soul is directly responsible to God for all and any of her actions involving a fellow person or an animal, and no human soul can in the strict sense of the word have a personal right of disposal as to the degree of well-being enjoyed by any fellow creature, whether human or animal. In the true sense of the word a human soul can never actually be the owner of a fellow creature, but only its custodian or guardian at most: A human soul is connected with certain fellow creatures within the framework of 'unwritten agreements' in the field of custody, care, protection and Love, which God regards as fixed components of her mission in life.

Implementing these agreements results in the soul’s taking up certain responsibilities, so that, once her life on earth has come to an end, God will judge her by the extent she has been practicing her care for the benefit of certain fellow creatures in a rock-solid disposition of self-denying Love and aspiring for the highest possible well-being for the fellow creature that was entrusted to her care;

   2. Every one of the above rules is geared exclusively to advancing the practice of God’s Law of self-denying Love among all creatures. This Law is the Basic Divine Law according to which God keeps trying to direct His creation. 'Keeps trying', indeed, because God prefers to accomplish all His Works through the hands, mouths, hearts, minds and the free will of human souls. If this free will is used for rendering service to God by strictly observing the Law of Love the accomplishment of God’s Works is brought forward. If man’s free will is used for rendering service to the darkness by violating the Law of Love the accomplishment of God’s Works is slowed down, put on hold, thwarted or prevented altogether.

The fact this is exactly what is happening on countless occasions all over the world, is the true cause of all darkness, chaos, misery, injustice, suffering, unhappiness, calamities and discord within and among creatures, and therefore of the far-reaching global dimming of the atmosphere of life in all of creation".

Myriam, as dictated by the Mistress of all souls in May 2020

The Queen of Heaven reminds us that true Love is the disposition in which all of the soul’s actions, words, thoughts, feelings, desires and aspirations are geared whole-heartedly, voluntarily and spontaneously, among other things, to maintaining the integrity of every fellow creature’s dignity as a Work of God, and to defending this dignity if necessary.

Every creature is endowed with its own dignity. Dignity is the specific characteristic of the creature which has a specific value the way it is, irrespective of its specific characteristics, precisely because it was born of God’s Intelligence and Wisdom so as to serve God’s Plan with creation exactly the way it is. It is absolutely vital that every human should fully realize that Satan has made it his goal to destroy God’s creation and all His Works. To that end he goes to any length to debase true Love, because true Love is the driving force behind every Work of God. Therefore he poisons people’s minds against their fellow persons with the intention that they may weaken each other’s Love, encourage one another as to practicing Love, and rob one another’s dignity through all kinds of disrespect, through making each other’s lives miserable, through insults, torture, subjection, slavery etc...

On several occasions the Queen of Heaven spoke to Myriam in this respect. Let us quote from three of these revelations:

January 19, 2007

"Every soul is the object of a fierce battle between God, her true Owner, and the forces of darkness. The souls would understand this better if they were, to a certain degree, able to fathom a soul’s value. Every soul is the bearer of a Divine element, the germ of sanctity. Just like a seed is a bearer of all vital principles and the entire potential for development characteristic of the plant species it belongs to, the germ of sanctity is a bearer of a vast array of potential ways to help the soul grow after the image of God. Therefore, in the eyes of God, these are the most horrible developments:

  1. A soul who allows herself to drift off completely from the image of God, from the disposition characteristic of God Himself, in other words a soul who deprives herself from her innate dignity.
  2. A soul who deprives fellow creatures of their dignity, for instance by neglect, torture, inflicting suffering of any kind, deep humiliation, mental or emotional destruction, or separating them from God.

Throughout the ages countless souls have placed themselves in one of both aforementioned categories. If the soul deprives herself or any other soul of her dignity this will give rise to a complete blockade in the flow of Love, hope and faith. A soul that descends into such a disposition no longer lives in accordance with God’s Law but lives by the law of basic instincts, and will henceforth only be driven by a lust for pleasure, power and recognition, pride, total lack of Love, an urge to destroy things, depravity and a need to inject discord and disagreement into God’s creation. She is driven by forces that leave her no peace as to attempting to undermine God’s Works and Plans. In this soul all Wisdom dies, and everything which reminds her of the Divine, is banned radically".

February 18, 2009

I emphatically call every soul to the true following of Christ by becoming a source of true Love, happiness and feelings of security for all her fellow creatures – men and animals. Never forget that God, Eternal Love, feels everything any soul does to her fellow creatures as though it were done to Him directly. I Myself, also feel everything going on in all creatures, and all pains they suffer physically, emotionally and mentally. According to the feelings the soul has given God in the course of her life on earth – happiness, Love, pain or torture – He will judge her. Light breeds more Light, darkness breeds more darkness. Whoever serves darkness, will harvest darkness, both during his life on earth and afterwards. Whoever sows Light and Love, will harvest Light and Love, both during his life on earth and afterwards. The Light spread around by a soul will be given back to her a hundredfold as Wisdom. The Love spread around by a soul, will be given back to her a hundredfold as happiness.

May the souls regard and live these words as a burning call to restore the dignity of all creatures – men and animals – because every creature bears within itself God’s signature. The way a soul treats a fellow creature, is actually how she is treating God. Each way of dealing with a person or an animal which is not filled with, nor inspired by, true, disinterested, unselfish Love, creates an obstacle to the flow of Divine Love. Help Me remove the darkness from all relations among people and between people and animals, so that the establishment of God’s Kingdom on earth may be brought forward. Help Me to thereby take away one of the most powerful arms of destruction used by Satan: the lack of Love displayed by many souls towards their fellow creatures. In proportion as the flow of Love circulates more freely and more vigorously, the whole of creation will be more thoroughly pervaded by God’s strength, and true happiness will bloom in the gardens of ever greater numbers of souls. True Love breeds Life and happiness; hate, contempt and ill treatment breed darkness and unhappiness: for the victim, but even a great deal more for the culprit. Open up your hearts, and experience how every act and expression of Love multiplies and gets back to you as the true inner Peace of Christ".

February 19, 2009

"Yesterday I called upon you to help maintain or restore the dignity of every fellow creature – man and animal – by allowing God’s Love to flow through all of you towards all your fellow creatures. So often a soul deprives her fellow creature of its dignity because the latter is allegedly 'different' or because she considers it to be 'inferior'. I emphasize that not one single creature is inferior. Every creature has been made with specific characteristics because Divine Wisdom judged this to be right and proper, in accordance with God’s specific intentions. The soul who deprives a fellow creature of its dignity by treating it in a way which does not agree with the Law of Love, is actually criticizing God’s Works and detracting from the effects thereof, as well as rejecting Divine Wisdom. Therefore any action or word by which a fellow creature – man or animal – is harmed physically, mentally or emotionally, is a work of darkness, and consequently a sin or an expression of vice.

Always bear in mind that a creature is the way it is because God needs its specific characteristics for the accomplishment of his great Plan of Salvation. Always bear in mind that a person is born in a specific place, belongs to a specific race, etcetera, because according to God’s Plan he had to be born in that place, and he has a specific mission to fulfil within his particular society and race. Respect all this, because it is God’s Work, which is governed by an infallible Intelligence which greatly surpasses human intelligence. Also the observation of a fellow man’s 'being different' which is based on aberrations in the field of virtue, must not give rise to ill treatment, abuse or condemnation, but to prayer for this soul’s liberation and well-being.

Also do not look down upon an animal on account of any peculiarities, looks, constitution or so-called inferiority. God has brought all of these characteristics together in this creature for the human soul to rejoice over this richness and over all signs of God’s perfect Intelligence all this testifies to. The animals are given you as auxiliaries for your hearts to open up and find connection with God’s Love. Do not destroy this great present by any ill treatment or contempt. Your fellow men are given you as auxiliaries to achieve your own sanctity. Do not destroy this great present by any ill treatment or contempt".

Therefore, on account of the theses taught by the Mistress of all souls and upon Her emphatic request addressed to Myriam at the beginning of January 2019 the Maria Domina Animarum Work launches the following ongoing appeal, aiming at:
  • a perfect, unconditional acceptance, respect and sincerely loving interaction between white and colored people.
  • a perfect, unconditional acceptance, respect and sincerely loving interaction between ethnic groups both nationally and internationally.
  • a perfect, unconditional acceptance, respect and sincerely loving interaction between the faithful of different religions.
  • a perfect, unconditional acceptance, respect and sincerely loving interaction between the members of different social and cultural strata, classes and groups.
  • a sincere acknowledgement of the perfect equality of the sexes in God’s eyes, and the need to act accordingly.
  • a sincerely loving and respectful treatment of all animals, including an unconditional respect for their natural environment.
  • an unconditional and prompt return to a full orientation of all hearts towards God’s Plans and Works of Love, leading to the rebirth of a flawless understanding of the intentions harboured by God when He conceived the tremendous diversity between all His creatures.

All of this for the purpose of leading the human race back to living in the image and similarity of God, to its initial ability to be a pure mirror of God’s Heart, of His unconditional, non-discriminatory self-denying Love, and to its initial ability to represent God towards all creatures.

We conclude with a bit of reflection from the teaching The longing of Eternal Love:

"Each human soul has got an individual responsibility for restoring the severely disrupted equilibrium in creation through a radical conversion of the heart towards a flawless practice of Love in all her actions and in her deepest inner dispositions: Love of God and of all His Works (including nature, the environment) and Plans (first and foremost His goal of establishing His Kingdom on earth), Love of all fellow persons without distinction of race, language or culture, and Love of all other fellow creatures, all of this while being fully aware of the fact that all living beings bear God’s signature inside of them and have thereby received the blessing of His Love, and of the fact this blessing does not lose its effect on account of any imperfection or indifference on God’s part but solely and exclusively on account of the effects produced by the darkness prevailing in human hearts".

Myriam, January 2019

"God invested every single creature with its individual dignity. A human soul’s dignity is determined by the extent to which she meets the infinite value God attaches to her, through her behaviour, her inner dispositions and her aspirations. Every single creature’s dignity is its specific singularity, the fact a creature possesses a certain value the way it is, irrespective of its specific characteristics and traits. It possesses this value because it was born in God’s Intelligence and Wisdom for the purpose of serving the Plan God pursues with creation, and of doing so exactly the way it is.

This is why I tell you in truth that in the eyes of God a human soul’s dignity is determined basically by the extent to which this soul is committed whole-heartedly, unconditionally, spontaneously and with her entire behaviour and all dispositions of her heart to preserving, defending and, if necessary, restoring the dignity of her fellow creatures, whether humans or animals. In so doing she expresses towards her Creator the desire that His entire creation may reflect the sanctity, Love, Peace, happiness and harmony He invested it with" (the Holy Virgin Mary to Myriam, March 2020)

On August 16, 2020, the Heavenly Mistress spoke to Myriam the following words as an extension to Her very important ongoing appeals with respect to maintaining the dignity of all creatures:

"Not one single force generates a more powerful effect dispelling all darkness from the world and breaking the effects of its works than glorifying God.

The greatest glorification is brought to God by spontaneously and constantly practicing self-denying Love towards all fellow creatures. Each creature is a work designed in God’s Hart. Therefore each creature – each human soul, each animal, each element in animate nature – is a bearer of the signature of God Himself. This Divine signature constitutes each creature’s innate dignity.

This is why each violation of a creature’s dignity – particularly the dignity of a human soul and that of an animal – constitutes a serious insult to God and therefore a source of profound darkness which, on every single occasion when such violation is committed by a human soul, enhances all misery, chaos, injustice, general discord and sufferings in the whole world.

The dignity of human souls and animals is violated to the highest degree by maltreatment, torture, violence, abuse, intolerance, humiliation and any form of torment directed against or inflicted upon any creature – human or animal – and by discrimination against a fellow person based on the latter’s race, gender, level of education, culture of living, religious beliefs, outward appearance and personal characteristics.

This is why through My Maria Domina Animarum Work I want to send an unequivocal signal for God’s strictly condemning any form of racism, discrimination, maltreatment, torture, humiliation and purposeful thwarting of the quality of any fellow person’s and any animal’s life.

In truth I teach the souls that God does not discriminate against any human soul. His one and only criterion for judging each soul is the extent to which the latter makes every single moment of her life fruitful towards the fulfilment of His Plan of Salvation. This fruitfulness is determined exclusively by the extent to which the soul practices self-denying Love for all her fellow creatures and for God and His Works.

This is the major message I want to convey through My Maria Domina Animarum Work to all souls. The golden path towards the greatest bloom of the inner dispositions that are necessary to make this message flourish all over the world is the path of total, unconditional and lifelong consecration of every human soul to Me, because a life of total service to Me is the pre-eminent way to belong to God only and to experience and accomplish nothing but His Works of Love and to spread these Works through all of creation".



addressed to them through Myriam van Nazareth

"Christianity in these Last Times is mired in a swamp of passivity.

God is regarded by a great many Christians as some kind of machine that is only there for the purpose of working wonders for the benefit of their worldly pseudo happiness and of automatically granting them access to Eternal Bliss after their life on earth.

Rooted in this attitude innumerable Christians surrender themselves to a life of piling up prayers and Sacraments for the sole purpose of acquiring Eternal Salvation for themselves, whereas the only way which is able to guarantee them Eternal Salvation is largely neglected: the way on which the soul practices the Law of true Love sincerely day after day, and whole-heartedly denies herself under all circumstances of her life, in all and any encounters with fellow creatures, in order that the fellow creature might feel the warmth of God’s presence through her way of being and all elements of her behaviour.

Every human soul receives her one and only life on earth for the sole purpose of using all circumstances and every single moment of her life, every action, every word, every thought, every feeling, every aspiration and even the deepest and most secret dispositions of her heart to totally and unconditionally serve the completion of the Works of Love God is incessantly trying to accomplish in all of creation through the human souls. A soul that lives this way is helping God make His big dream come true: His dream of establishing His Kingdom of perfect Love, perfect Peace and perfect Happiness on earth in a world in which no trace of darkness, of misery, of suffering, of chaos and of unhappiness are able to maintain itself, a world in which sin is no longer given any chances.

There is but one single way leading to such a world: the way of a persistent, spontaneous and unconditional practice of self-denying Love by all human souls towards all their fellow creatures and towards God Himself.

Christians, Jesus Christ Himself is passionately scrutinizing your hearts, hoping He can find signs of a new spring in them, a spring which can bloom only to the extent to which the seed of self-denying Love He Himself has been sowing so abundantly throughout His life as the Man-God, the Messiah, the Saviour and Redeemer, is brought to maturity by your own doing in the warmth of a genuine Love without the slightest trace of selfishness or self-interest. The seed of self-denying Love of the Divine Christ has been invested with the power of Divine Life through His own Blood, in order that it may become the germ from which the paradise God intended the earth to be is to bloom after the Love of Christ will have been allowed to conclude marriage with as many human hearts as possible that are willing to follow and imitate Him actively, spontaneously and from their own free will in their own lives and through their own inner dispositions.

The God of perfect Love reminds you of the vocation with which He sent you into the world: the vocation of being Christians, a vocation consisting of finally bringing the Works of Redemption wrought by the Christ to bloom visibly, in order that the darkness may be defeated once and for all from within the human hearts themselves and that the swamp of misery in which the world is bogged down may dry up under the sun of unconditional Love. This, and only this, is true following of Jesus Christ.

God is waiting for your unconditional self-denial and your relentless service to His Plan for the establishment of His Kingdom on earth through your practicing nothing but true Love towards Him and towards all creatures without any distinction, any discrimination, and in an impeccable respect for the dignity He invested each and every creature with, for every creature bears the signature of the One who designed it inside His Heart, and is therefore, in the eyes of God, the bearer of a life which is sacred and which has a specific role to fulfil within the accomplishment of God’s infallible Plan of Salvation for the benefit of all creation.

Do no longer hold on to an attitude of passive waiting for God to come and intervene in the heavy darkness oppressing this world, as He has given you an inviolable free will and can therefore only make His Works visible to the degree to which you, from your own accord and based on a sincere desire to have your hearts merged with His Heart, actively practice His Law of true Love in every single detail of your lives.

Also, do no longer live on the assumption that you will automatically acquire Eternal Bliss by mechanically piling up Sacraments and prayers. These are buttons which merely serve to keep the coat of Love closed. Without strictly practicing unconditional self-denying Love you will not even possess a coat, so what is the use of collecting heaps of buttons? What are you going to dress you souls in if you do not have the only coat fitting it: the coat of a Love that is in perfect accordance with the Love demonstrated to all of you by God’s Son Jesus Christ?

Christians of these Last Times, with you resides the sacred responsibility to finally bring the most sublime legacy of the crucified and risen Christ to this world to full fruition. This legacy has remained largely unfruitful due to the devastating impact of unbridled sin. Be fully aware of the fact that every sin is nothing other than an act of non fulfilment of the Law of Love. Tremendous numbers of flowers of sacred works of Love wrought by human souls wither by the toxic clouds created by billions of violations against the law of Love every single day.

Therefore I remind you most emphatically of the most holy lesson taught by the Christ Himself for the purpose of delivering the world once and for all from the claws of Satan tearing it up relentlessly: a lesson teaching a stainless self-denying Love in each and every situation, each and every contact with any fellow creature, every single inner movement in the very depths of your hearts, and all of this every single moment of each day and night. Abandon all selfishness, all jealousy, every tendency to live for the benefit of achieving your own Eternal Bliss, every superficial attitude towards every single element of your everyday lives, every tendency to make yourselves judges and masters of life and death of fellow creatures and of the quality of their lives.

Learn how to become aware of your vocation, which consists of adding substance to every single moment of your lives by giving God the opportunity to develop His Love in it. Be a ray of sunlight, a mirror of Light and a source of security, service and sincere forgiveness to every single fellow creature, every moment of every day, and do recognize the countless opportunities in which the darkness hides its pitfalls in everyday life for the purpose of luring you into rendering service to its works and plans. Do not keep chasing after your worldly needs but rather live focused on completing the establishment of God’s Kingdom on earth.

Every one of you receives one single life on earth, serving nothing other than the establishment of God’s Kingdom on earth. This mission in life, this holy mission of being a tool operated by God, can be accomplished fruitfully only to the extent to which you manage to make a positive difference for every single fellow creature you encounter, day after day, for God Himself is the force behind incessant attempts to bring His creatures together in order that their encounters might bring His most sacred Plan nearer and nearer to its final accomplishment. This can be the case only to the extent to which these encounters are filled actively, by human souls, with sincere, unconditional Love which is devoid of any selfish motivation and of any selfish goal.

Therefore, do live only for the purpose of accomplishing God’s Kingdom on earth, and happiness will automatically be your share. This happiness will express itself during your earthly lives in the shape of a growing peace of heart, which is the genuine peace of Christ, and after this life on earth in an Eternal Bliss which far exceeds your wildest dreams. Keep all of this in mind every single moment of each day, and your hearts will automatically become ever purer reflections of God’s Heart.

Christians, in you God puts His hope for the accomplishment of His Works of Salvation, which began with My Immaculate Conception, were wrought to perfection through the Life, Passion, Resurrection and Ascension of My Divine Son Jesus Christ, and which are to be opened up and blossom inside each and every heart in order that the fullness of God’s Light may shine upon the fields of the world for the accomplishment of the sacred harvest which is to bring the lost paradise to its rebirth. The key is well known to you, yet in spite of the Divine example set by the life of Christ it has been very largely neglected due to he fact countless souls have been opting in favour of serving the works of the darkness – which are the harvest of selfishness, vengeance, resentment, hate, jealousy, envy, unbridled violation of the dignity of all creatures, and of living a life of pursuing worldly needs – instead of serving the Works of the Light – which are the harvest of perfectly unselfish Love, a spontaneous forgiveness and a life dedicated to furthering the happiness and well-being of all creatures on earth, in order that in all creation may become visible the signature of the One who designed it yet who, ever since the original sin, has been the witness of unimaginable damage caused to His holy Works by the claws of billions of instances in which human souls would act upon the inspirations from the darkness, day after day for centuries on end.

Therefore, keep your eyes on the only purpose and goal of your life: being living signs of the sanctity of the God of Love, in whose Heart every one of your hearts was designed. Then My Divine Son will not have suffered in vain to obtain happiness for every one of you, and to turn creation into a place filled with nothing but Love and Peace, and the spirit of Christ will finally get the opportunity to show this world that God is nothing but Love and that He should therefore be alive in every single human heart as the only true Destination of all life". (the Holy Virgin Mary to Myriam, January 17, 2021)

Within the context of Her above Revelation the Queen of Heaven also refers to Her following inspiration:

Celestial whispers from the Seat of Wisdom Section nr. 31



Revelation by the Mistress of all souls, February 2021

to Myriam van Nazareth
"I give every human soul a golden guideline for the purpose of motivating her to practice true Love at all times in any contact with any fellow creature:

Keep firmly in mind that the fellow creature before you is a work of God, designed in God’s Heart and alive for the sole purpose that, exactly the way it is, it has got a specific role to fulfil within the framework of the accomplishment of God’s Plan of Salvation for the benefit of all creation. Therefore, treat it with unselfish, serving Love and an impeccable respect on account of its origin in God’s Heart and on account of the holy purpose for which it is alive". (Mary, Queen of Heaven, February 11, 2021)

"I keep teaching the souls that every one of them is on earth for the sole purpose of fulfilling God’s Law through her entire life. Now what is this Law?

Divine Law is the Law of true Love, which is to be strictly fulfilled by the human souls in order to make the entire network of creation a reflection of God’s Heart, the way creation was in the beginning.

What exactly is to be understood by true Love has been the subject matter of earlier teachings. (see the link at the very bottom of the present revelation)

Practicing true Love means, in concrete terms, dealing with each and every fellow creature, i.e. with every fellow human being and with every animal, in such a way that this fellow creature can experience this contact as if God Himself were present with the entire atmosphere of His Being as the Source of absolutely perfect Love.

God is perfectly able to accomplish anything by Himself without the slightest restriction and with absolute perfection. Nevertheless He prefers to accomplish His Works with the active, deliberate and voluntary collaboration of human souls. This is where He presents the ultimate sign of His absolutely perfect Love: He does not impose anything upon the human souls, not even His boons, but He does expect explicit signs of their own desire for His Plans to be realized on earth in a tangible or perceptible way.

God made all of creation as a network within which initially all elements – all creatures – lived together in perfect harmony. Everything that is designed in God’s Heart is perfect. However, due to the fact He has endowed every human soul with a free will every soul is able to freely influence the system of creation as well as the harmony between the creatures or between certain creatures.

Thus God performs His Works in creation through human souls. He makes use of the hands, mouths, hearts, minds and the will of human souls to spread His Love, which is the Source of all life and is the bearer of God’s creative, redemptive and sanctifying power, through creation. This means nothing less than that God wants to be able to deploy every human soul constantly for the translation of His Will into concrete acts so as to pervade creation with the fullness of His Love, which is the only source of all life, of all bloom, and as far as the human souls are concerned, of all sanctification.

Therefore every human soul is linked up with a material body for the purpose of fulfilling a lifelong mission within creation, as a tool for the accomplishment of God’s Will. This mission thus consists of an individual contribution to materializing a situation in which the entire network of creation is able to function in perfect accordance with God’s Law of true Love, in order that on the basis of this accordance a perfect harmony among all creatures may be maintained or be brought about or, if it is disrupted, may be re-established.

Such disruptions of the harmony among creatures are making themselves noticed in countless points of the network, on account of innumerable violations committed day after day by human souls against God’s Law of true Love through any lack of perfect, unselfish Love towards one or more fellow creatures. God’s Plan is this, that His Law of true Love may get the opportunity to produce its full effects within all creatures and in all junctions and connections between creatures, in order that creation may be a perfect reflection of His own Heart: a paradise of absolutely perfect Love, Peace, Happiness and Justice within and between creatures in all directions.

Ever since the original sin was committed this Divine Plan has constantly been thwarted by each and every sin committed by human souls. Sin is every act, word, thought, feeling, desire and aspiration bearing elements which are not of a nature fit to maintain or enhance a stainless Love within or between creatures, due to the fact these elements are not in accordance with God’s desires. Every deviation on the part of a human soul regarding God’s desires contributes to the rise, the persistence or the worsening of situations of chaos, misery and suffering within and between creatures.

In continuation of My earlier appeals intended to wake the souls of the Last Times up to their holy responsibility for the thorough and lasting purification of creation of all darkness and of all and any effects poduced by forces hostile to God I am now calling most urgently and emphatically upon all human souls for a stainless practice of Divine Law in all of their contacts and encounters, both ephemeral ones and more regular and lasting ones, with all their fellow creatures, no exceptions. How is this to be done? These are the golden practical rules I convey to each individual human soul personally:

1. Use your hands in such a way that every fellow person and every animal experiences them as tools conveying tenderness, protection, blessing, healing touch, as bridges of God’s gifts of Love, never as tools of torment, torture, threat, harm, humiliation, pain, suffering, sorrow, damaging or destruction.

2. Use your mouth in such a way that every fellow person and every animal can experience it as a tool conveying tender Love, a tool of understanding, encouragement, hope and anointment, and as a guide out of the darkness into true salvation and to conversion towards true Love for fellow people who are going astray or are deceived and serving the works of the darkness, and never as a tool of threatening, humiliation, hurting, slandering or discouragement.

3. Use your mind in such a way that every fellow person and every animal can experience it as a tool harbouring thoughts that help accomplish God’s Works of Love on earth, and never as a tool for the discovery of means and ways of torturing creatures, causing suffering and sorrow, and bringing death, doom, ruin, fear, damage, destruction and misery of any kind upon creatures and upon the world.

4. Use your heart in such a way that every fellow person and every animal can experience it as a tool of God’s Love and as a waterfall of feelings of well-being for your entire environment, and never as a tool of darkness by sowing either overt or hidden feelings of hate, envy, jealousy, resentment, contempt, disdain, or by harbouring any desire to humiliate, to debase, to curse, to imprecate, or to cause harm, damage, suffering or bad luck nor to kill, or as a source of indifference, insensitivity and self-exaltation.

Do at all times be aware of the fact that tremendous amounts of blessing and Light as well as of suffering and darkness are injected into the network of God’s creation from the secret chambers inside human hearts, and even for the greater part by permanent dispositions of hearts which can be either positive or negative. This is why many human souls constitute sources of constant negative influence on creation as a whole: Under all and any circumstances they come across as being bridges of darkness.

5. Use your will in such a way that every fellow person and every animal can experience it as a tool translating God’s desires into tangible or perceptible improvements of the well-being of individual creatures or of improvements for the world at large, and never as a tool at the service of the accomplishment of the plans of the darkness, which is constantly intent on bringing suffering and destruction upon the world or upon individual creatures.

6. Use your entire body in such a way that every fellow person and every animal can experience it as a tool and a bridge of feelings of security, blessings, sincere feelings of overall wellness, an embodiment of God’s immediate loving Presence and actions as the great source of hope and strength, a reflection of the Light, the warmth and the Peace from God’s Heart, a source of healing for fellow creatures in their bodies, in their emotional lives, in their abilities to internalize Love and to spread it around, and in anything within their being that may be hurt, weakened or ill.

Live in such a way that, through each and every contact, encounter and relationship with every fellow creature you are at any given point of time privileged to find on your journey through life, no matter if this contact, encounter or relationship is but very short-lived or of longer duration, your entire being can make a positive difference to this fellow creature’s life and its experience of well-being, and to its state of grace and Eternal Salvation if this fellow creature is a human soul.

I emphatically call upon each and every one of you that this invitation, this request from My Heart, which at any given point of time reflects the deepest desires of our Creator and true God, may be regarded as a direct extension to My Appeal for the purpose of maintaining, advancing and restoring the dignity of all creatures (consisting of the onging appeals of January 2019 and August 2020) and to My Appeal to the Christians of the Last Times (the ongoing appeal of January 2021). These appeals together contain the absolutely essential conditions and the golden key to the profound and lasting purification of the world of all misery, chaos, suffering, unhappiness and injustice within and among all of God’s creatures.

Do not ever forget that your life on earth has no other purpose and goal than this: to be, at any point of your journey through life, a tool for the permanent implementation of the Works of Love God wants to accomplish on earth. This goal is only achieved to the extent to which you actually are a channel of Love and service towards every fellow creature, from a pure heart that only longs for the well-being of all fellow creatures and for the full accomplishment of God’s infallible Plan of Salvation for the establishment of His Kingdom of Love, Peace, Happiness and Justice on earth, in a disposition which, at all times, makes your own perceived interests and needs second to the accomplishment of this only true mission in life".

(Holy Virgin Mary, Mistress of all souls, to Myriam in February 2021)

As regards the concept of true Love we refer to True Love.



High priority words spoken by the Holy Virgin Mary
on September 2, 2021

to Myriam van Nazareth

"The world has very seriously fallen prey to countless expressions of misery, suffering, chaos, injustice, war, dissatisfaction, inner strife, maltreatment, abuse and exploitation, all of this as a consequence of the innumerable sins committed by all human souls of all times against God’s Basic Law of true Love.

God’s Heart suffers beyond description by all this darkness, which has turned His creation into a realm which has very greatly succumbed to the power of Satan due to the fact the human souls have been using their free will a lot more often in favour of accomplishing the works and plans of the darkness than of serving the Works and Plans of God.

Jesus Christ was sent into the world for the purpose of imprinting the lessons of God’s Law on the human hearts and of enduring His Sufferings and Death on the Cross to bear testimony to the devastating power of lovingly accepted and lovingly endured suffering over all darkness, in order that God’s Kingdom of perfect Love, Peace, Justice and Happiness among all creatures might permanently be established on earth, a Kingdom in which the effects of all darkness, of all the sins committed by mankind, would be erased.

God will only consider His Works and Plans to be completed insofar as human souls will purposely, actively, voluntarily, spontaneously and unconditionally collaborate towards accomplishing them. Every human soul is on earth solely for the purpose of making her hands, her mouth, her mind, her heart and her will available as tools through which God wants to accomplish His Works and Plans on earth. This is why God is relying on each one of you to help Him deliver the world from its darkness.

God’s Kingdom cannot be established on earth, and all misery, suffering, chaos, injustice, war, inner strife, maltreatment, abuse and exploitation and the consequences of all of this can therefore not be expelled from the world unless without any further delay as many human souls as possible are determined to do their utmost to accomplish the following desires of their God through all of their behaviour and through their deepest, most secret inner dispositions, because indeed, even in your deepest, most secret thoughts, feelings and desires, without you even noticing it, you often serve the works of the darkness, thereby further thickening the massive pitch dark clouds which prevent the sun of God’s Love from enhancing the atmosphere of living in the world.

To each individual soul personally I address the following very urgent recommendation which I want to refer to as the twelve commandments for the human soul aspiring to become perfect:

Little lamb of Christ,

1. Decisively put an end to any form of physical, psychological or emotional torture or torment of fellow people and animals. Day after day this keeps casting billions of blemishes on mankind, which God intended to be a reflection of His own perfectly loving Heart.

2. Spontaneously and in any situation, under any circumstances, in any event and in any encounter, treat every fellow creature (fellow person as well as animal) with sincere tender Love, sensitivity and tact, taking into account any weaknesses and vulnerabilities of every single fellow creature, for every creature has got feelings, and is connected with the Heart of God, which feels absolutely everything.
At any given moment be well aware of the fact that therefore God Himself feels absolutely everything you do, say, think and feel to or with respect to any fellow creature, both in the negative and in the positive sense, and that therefore anything you do, say, think or feel you are also doing, saying, thinking or feeling towards God Himself.

3. Decisively put an end to any form of interaction with, or attitude towards, any fellow creature (fellow person as well as animal) through which the dignity of this creature as a work of God invested with a specific and meaningful mission and role in life within the framework of creation for the accomplishment of God’s Plan of Salvation is compromised, decreased, disregarded, ridiculed or destroyed.
Keep well in mind that God pursues a very specific purpose and harbours a specific plan with the specific nature of each one of His creatures, and that every lack of accepting the singularity of a fellow creature will therefore counteract God’s Plan with His creation, a Plan which aims at achieving nothing but a perfect harmony and perfectly peaceful cohabitation among all creatures and thus a world filled with perfect Love, Peace, Happiness and Justice.
Every time you contribute to a fellow person or an animal having to live in unworthy or disgraceful conditions you are promoting a work of darkness which counteracts God’s intentions with regard to His creation. Day after day and all over the world the darkness makes exploits countless situations in which the dignity of fellow creatures is seriously compromised, and it does so for the purpose of steadily increasing the distance, the gap, between mankind and God, which produces its effects in a noticeable bloom of abominable hotbeds of misery.

4. Decisively put an end to any discrimination and contempt towards fellow people of a different race, a different colour of skin, a different language or a different culture. God regards not one human soul as inferior to any other.

5. One of the major enemies of your own spiritual life as well as of the world as a whole is the lack of empathy, indifference to the fate, the experiences and the feelings of your fellow creatures (fellow people as well as animals). One of the main missions of every human soul consists herein that she should perfect herself in the field of empathizing with the feelings of her fellow creatures.
Constantly try to imagine how you would experience the fate or the living conditions of any fellow creature (fellow person or animal) if they were your own fate or living conditions, and you will develop a sound inclination to leaving no stone unturned to help fight or prevent any inconvenience, any suffering, any form of lack or want in the lives of your fellow creatures.
This will truly turn you into a channel of happiness, of security and tangible Presence of Divine Love to every creature and can make it possible for faith in the human soul as a light from God’s Heart and as a channel of sincere Love to be restored. Any fear and distrust experienced by creatures (people and animals) towards the human soul is a serious blemish cast on human nature.

6. Decisively put an end to every inclination to make satisfying your own (purported) needs and interests a priority over the needs and interests of fellow creatures (fellow people as well as animals) the course of life leads towards your path through life. God watches every single encounter between each human soul and each fellow creature on her day to day journey with the greatest attention and judges the value and fruitfulness of each human life according to the degree of self-denying Love the soul invests in every one of these encounters and the feelings of either happiness and Peace or of injury she thereby inflicts upon the fellow creature as well as according to the way and extent all of this influences this fellow creature’s further development.

7. In any situation and under any circumstances of life set greater store by the values which never perish, the interests of Eternal Life, i.e. everything which directly relates to the fulfilment of Divine Law of true Love, than by the material things of life (material goods and interests, and money and other sources of material enrichment).
Every emphasis on the satisfaction of material needs and interests open the way to the most various forms of selfishness, jealousy, greed and neglect of the needs of fellow creatures, and is therefore directly opposite to the true sense and purpose of life on earth.

8. Decisively put an end to any form of arrogance, pride, elevation of yourself above any fellow creature (fellow person or animal) and any pursuit of recognition and of appearing to be special or important. Spontaneously regard any fellow creature as being greater, as being more important than yourself, being well aware that God is alive in any of your fellow creatures as well. Constantly remind yourself of the word spoken by Jesus "whatever you did (or failed to do) for one of these least brothers of Mine, you did (or failed to do) for Me". In order to be perfect, do regard 'brothers of Mine' as being any creature (human or animal), for every single creature, without exception, was once conceived in God’s Heart.

9. As of today live every moment of the day in the awareness of God’s Presence and actions in creation and in your own life. A gigantic amount of suffering and misery has taken root in the world through the inclination of countless souls to live, think, feel and desire in such ways as if there were no God. The many totalitarian systems in the political history of the world have been made possible by their emphasizing man and his material interests as the central elements of life, thereby giving birth to all the makings of societies in which God had no place.
Also decisively put an end to the inclination to blame God for everything which is not going the way you would want it to go in your own life as well as in the world at large. All of this is not God’s fault, it is due solely to the billions of occasions on which day after day human souls all over the world have been using their free will in ways never intended nor desired by God, ways which, on the contrary, cause Him very serious grief and shamelessly defy His perfect Love.

10. Do no longer allow yourself to easily slip into any negative moods towards a fellow creature (whether fellow person or animal). In any fellow creature first and foremost look for positive points and invest the greatest possible Love in any encounter with any fellow creature, and you will render lots of darkness ineffective, for within you every inclination towards resentment, vengefulness and all kinds of negative attitudes towards fellow creatures will no longer get a chance to bloom. Thus you will truly become a channel for the flow of God’s restorative and healing Love through creation.

11. Day after day learn how to become ever more open to the countless wonders of life you can find in every fellow person, in every animal, in every element of vegetation and nature, for in all of this are hidden innumerable signs of God’s Love for His creation. In the process, be aware that all which makes the world appear ugly, sick or distorted and is not uplifting for your soul or heart does not originate with God but is due to any number of human interferences with His perfect Works.

12. Do aim at becoming perfect as to spontaneously respecting nature and the environment to the utmost. Do not make any contributions to violating the harmony between elements of vegetation nor to polluting the air, water or soil, nor to carelessly killing animals. Thus, do not be an instrument promoting the culture of death and annihilation, rather be an instrument promoting the culture of Life, of construction, restoration and healing. Remain perfectly well aware of the fact the only lasting healing and restorative force in creation is self-denying Love, which does not set boundaries according to the nature of the fellow creature towards which it is practiced.

Those are the twelve commandments for the human soul aiming for perfection. Do realize that many virtues and vices I have not explicitly mentioned in this directive are nevertheless implicitly contained in it. According to the degree of openness of the soul to My guidance the Holy Spirit will in any situation, event or encounter make her feel the degree of Light or darkness working within and through them.

I give you the basic rule, which I most emphatically request you to strictly abide by:

Live your life in such a way that at any moment, in any situation, under any circumstances and in any encounter with any fellow creature on your path through life, whether human or animal, you can be a source of light, warmth, feelings of security, inner peace and happiness, so that, thus fulfilling the very first mission God gives to every human soul in her life, you are able to make the Presence and actions of the God of perfect Love felt by any fellow creature.

To the extent to which you manage to do so spontaneously and with perseverance you will call Light down upon your own eternal salvation as well as upon all of creation, and your entire life will become a stone in the foundation of God’s Kingdom on earth.

Your are here on earth for no other purpose than to fulfil this basic rule.

For the compliance with these twelve commandments to truly contribute to breaking the shameful power of the darkness in this world and in countless human souls I most emphatically and most urgently recommend every human soul to make the very best of any trial, any inconvenience, any sickness, any suffering and any cross she has experienced and has had to endure so far, is experiencing at this very moment, or is yet to experience, in the sense that:

  • she should accept these wholeheartedly,
  • she should consecrate these to Me in a genuine desire that they might be used as building materials for the establishment of God’s Kingdom on earth,
  • and insofar as she should have rebelled against them, that she should yet consecrate these to Me in sincere remorse over her former opposition and with sincere Love, being well aware that God pursues a specific goal with the trials contained in every human life: God does not cause any trials, but He can allow them to occur insofar as they are able to help accomplish His Plans and Works of Love in creation. They can do this only to the extent to which they are accepted and endured in the spirit of Jesus Christ Himself: without any resistance, in self-denial, and in the sincere desire that they may serve for the disruption of the power of the darkness in the world. This is exactly why the Christ Himself accepted, endured and offered His Sufferings and His Death on the Cross without the slightest resistance and with perfect Love.

I give the present Revelation to the souls as an extension to My Revelation of August 16, 2020 so that it may deepen the latter’s content, because the state of the world makes it necessary for Me to do so".


By order of the Mistress of all souls the words of August 16, 2020 and the matching introduction are repeated hereinafter:

Revelation about the philosophy of life desired by God,
and therefore
Basic message conveyed by Maria Domina Animarum

Through this Work, which was born directly from Her Heart and is nourished exclusively by this very Heart, the Holy Virgin Mary wants to teach and to educate the human souls with a view to helping them complete their quest for true happiness on earth in the most fruitful way possible, both for their own Eternal Salvation and for the advancement of the final establishment of God’s Kingdom of true Love and true Peace among all creatures.

On August 16, 2020, the Heavenly Mistress spoke to Myriam the following words as an extension to Her very important ongoing appeals with respect to maintaining the dignity of all creatures:

"Not one single force generates a more powerful effect dispelling all darkness from the world and breaking the effects of its works than glorifying God.

The greatest glorification is brought to God by spontaneously and constantly practicing self-denying Love towards all fellow creatures. Each creature is a work designed in God’s Hart. Therefore each creature – each human soul, each animal, each element in animate nature – is a bearer of the signature of God Himself. This Divine signature constitutes each creature’s innate dignity.
This is why each violation of a creature’s dignity – particularly the dignity of a human soul and that of an animal – constitutes a serious insult to God and therefore a source of profound darkness which, on every single occasion when such violation is committed by a human soul, enhances all misery, chaos, injustice, general discord and sufferings in the whole world.

The dignity of human souls and animals is violated to the highest degree by maltreatment, torture, violence, abuse, intolerance, humiliation and any form of torment directed against or inflicted upon any creature – human or animal – and by discrimination against a fellow person based on the latter’s race, gender, level of education, culture of living, religious beliefs, outward appearance and personal characteristics.

This is why through My Maria Domina Animarum Work I want to send an unequivocal signal for God’s strictly condemning any form of racism, discrimination, maltreatment, torture, humiliation and purposeful thwarting of the quality of any fellow person’s and any animal’s life.

In truth I teach the souls that God does not discriminate against any human soul. His one and only criterion for judging each soul is the extent to which the latter makes every single moment of her life fruitful towards the fulfilment of His Plan of Salvation. This fruitfulness is determined exclusively by the extent to which the soul practices self-denying Love for all her fellow creatures and for God and His Works.

This is the major message I want to convey through My Maria Domina Animarum Work to all souls. The golden path towards the greatest bloom of the inner dispositions that are necessary to make this message flourish all over the world is the path of total, unconditional and lifelong consecration of every human soul to Me, because a life of total service to Me is the pre-eminent way to belong to God only and to experience and accomplish nothing but His Works of Love and to spread these Works through all of creation".



addressed to the souls through Myriam van Nazareth

Subsequently upon Her Revelations within the framework of true Love on December 23 and 24 the Holy Virgin Mary dictated to Myriam the following emergency appeal to the souls:

"Write down My following words as an Emergency appeal from the Mother of God to the human souls concerning the darkness ruling the world as a result of the unbridled violations against God’s Law of true Love.

This appeal is My Christmas offensive to obtain a rebirth of the Light in the human souls.

For several years now I have been pointing out that our Triune God sees, hears, feels and senses in His own Divine Being every single detail of every single action, word, thought, feeling, aspiration, desire, experience of joy as well as of suffering, pain, sorrow, fear and any other inner experience of each and every one of His creatures – i.e. of every human soul as well as of every animal – in absolute perfection and without the slightest restriction.

This ability to sense everything in absolute perfection, without the slightest restriction or impediment and up to the slightest detail was granted to Me as well, owing to the Mystery of the perfect union of My will with the Will of God and to the perfect mystical merger of My Heart with His, which the Most High granted Me, the Mother of His Son and the Bride of the Holy Spirit as a unique prerogative.

I urge all souls to become aware of the depth, the extent and the effects of this ability: It means that absolutely nothing of the billions of violations committed in this world day after day against the Law of true Love ever escapes Us. We experience everything, every single detail, of the ineffable sufferings countless human souls inflict upon fellow people and animals day after day all over the world, every single detail of the unimaginably numerous expressions of intentional and unintentional service on the part of countless human souls towards the works and plans of the darkness, which turns the human souls into sources of unspeakable torment for their God, whereas the human soul, at the moment when she was created, enjoyed such exceptional confidence on God’s part and is only in the world for the purpose of being the hands, the heart, the mind and the mouth through which the Divine Creator keeps trying to establish His Kingdom of perfect Love, Peace, Happiness and Justice in the world.

Every living being – i.e. every human soul and every animal – is conceived, designed, in the Heart of the Most High. Every living being is marked – not visibly to you humans – with His Divine signature as a hallmark testifying of the fact the origin of its germ of life lies in the Source of Eternal Love. It is this signature which links every living being up with the Heart of its Maker forever. Every violation of this germ of life through suffering or debasement inflicted upon a living being – whether human soul or animal – by a human soul constitutes a direct injury to the Heart of the Most High and to My own Heart, and also constitutes a violation of the sanctity of life. Life is a state which can only proceed from God. Therefore all life is and remains the exclusive property of its Divine Creator in time – i.e. during the living being’s temporary stay on earth – as well as for all eternity, because the Divine Creator is the only Source and Destination of all life.

Day after day in this world on billions of occasions living beings are being subjected to the most various forms of suffering and of being robbed of their dignity, which constitutes an unspeakable insult to our God as well as an unspeakable blemish upon the human soul as the perpetrator, having regard to the fact the latter was intended to be a reflection of God’s Presence and of His actions of perfect Love throughout creation. Sin has been covering the earth with a thick layer of pitch black darkness, which makes the effects from Satan’s works of deception and blinding towards the human souls ever more powerful, thus enabling sin to keep multiplying itself incessantly. More and more human souls and animals are made victims of the most incredible forms of lack of Love, of indifference, of insensitivity, of selfishness and greed, and ever more human souls are prey to inner discord and dissatisfaction which keeps separating them ever more dramatically from their God and thus from a sincere experience and practice of true Love. Day after day God experiences the situation on earth so authentically that it appears to Him if if He Himself were beaten, kicked, mocked, lied to, robbed, humiliated, robbed of His dignity and even murdered billions of times all over the world, for all of this is experienced billions of times each single day in the germ of life of countless living beings through the hands, feet, mouths, hearts and minds of innumerable human souls.

I urge all human souls to reflect very urgently, very deeply and in all sincerity upon the course of their life as of their childhood until now, their true inner dispositions, their attitude towards all fellow creatures their God has been allowing to touch their path through life for the purpose of increasing their spiritual bloom and securing their eternal future, which is meant to be an Eternal Summer yet due to the unbridled violations of true Love towards fellow creatures and towards God Himself is transformed by human souls themselves into the concrete threat of an everlasting winter.

Not God is the One who takes the Promise of an Eternal Summer away from you, but the automatic effects produced by the absolutely perfect Divine Law, which are already noticeable in the form of an incessantly increasing chaos throughout creation and which – not visibly to you – take a tremendous toll due to the unspeakable numbers of souls who damn themselves. Yes, a soul to whom selfishness and the need to appear important and powerful are actually genuine idols does not reap the fruits of the Promise the one and only God has provided for every soul who serves the infallible Law of true Love in all situations, events and encounters of her life on earth. God made His creation a perfectly harmonious network between all of His creatures. Countless violations against self-denying, serving Love by human souls to the detriment of fellow creatures – fellow people as well as animals, for every creature is an edifice made by God for an infallible purpose and incorporated by Him into the network of creation for a perfect purpose – have been damaging and darkening the network very seriously.

There is a way back, but you are not going to find this way in the fulfilment of worldly works and plans, and even less in all attempts to make fellow creatures suffer for the most various expectations you once had or still have yet were never fulfilled. Souls, do wake up to the madness of such dispositions and inclinations, which are the chains of a bondage towards the darkness which will last forever if the soul fails to dramatically experience a heart-felt genuine remorse over the suffering she has caused or is causing to fellow creatures and if she also fails to make up for these sufferings by turning around once and for all towards a spontaneous practice of self-denying serving Love towards all of her fellow creatures, putting all and any personal interests and needs she has or she believes she has yet which for the greater part are mere sources from which she draw to nourish pseudo lights. Be well aware of the fact these pseudo light are definitely going to be extinguished in the hour of your earthly death.

This is the only way towards repairing the network of creation. Do love every fellow creature more than you love yourself, and you will save both you own eternal future and lead all of creation towards a rebirth in a Kingdom which is no longer ruled by Satan, but by the only true God. Satan is the source of all misery, suffering, chaos, bad luck, unhappiness, injustice, inner discord, fear, despair and hopelessness. The only true God is the Source of true Love, Peace, happiness, Justice, and feelings of complete security in and between all creatures.

God cannot deliver the world from its misery without your intensive, active collaboration and an impeccable practice of self-denying Love towards all of your fellow creatures, for in the beginning of the world already He gave evidence for His absolutely perfect Love through His decree by virtue of which He would do nothing without the sincere, full, unconditional collaboration from the human soul in a perfect unity of will and of aspirations with Himself. Ever since the original sin was committed He has not been able to find much of such unity. The human souls have caused all suffering, misery and chaos in creation, they have maintained all of this, and have been enhancing it day after day. In a similar way the human soul will have to deliver creation from this suffering, misery and chaos by giving God the opportunity to enable His Plans of perfect Love to fully produce their effects in order to heal the world from the severe cancer the souls have been calling down upon it by denying the Law of true Love on account of all the darkness they keep inflicting upon their fellow creatures.

Without a great number of human souls longing for God undividedly ruling over the world the latter cannot be cured from this cancer, for the only medicine against this cancer is an impeccably flowing Love throughout the entire network of creation.

Every soul who beats or torments a fellow creature is also beating and tormenting God in this fellow creature, and is receiving these beats and torments back in the very core of her own being, and thus in eternity is herself the great loser.

How could a soul who casts the seed of misery, suffering, fear and hopelessness all over her fellow creatures ever become happy herself while, due to the Law of Justice, she reaps the fruits of this seed within herself after this seed has been mutiplying many times over? Indeed, everything goes around through the network of creation endlessly, and no soul can send a fellow creature through hell without harvesting the same hell herself, both in time and in eternity. He who nourishes a demon, will get many demons looking for him and claiming the same nourishment.

Divine Law expects every human soul to practice a clean, self-denying, serving, caring and cherishing Love towards every fellow creature, in order that the entire network of creation may be and remain a constant holy cycle of the fire of Divine Love. Every soul who beats, torments, terrorizes, robs, neglects a fellow creature or takes the latter’s dignity away from it, is also doing all of this to God Himself, and in so doing, is giving before the Eternal Judge a double testimony of her unwillingness to contribute to the establishment of a holy Kingdom of perfect Love, Peace, happiness and Justice, as well as of her overt choice in favour of enhancing the power of the darkness with all of its fruits of suffering, misery, chaos and injustice all over the world.

A soul who, in any way whatsoever, maltreats fellow creatures, overtly testifies before God to the fact she does not value true Love and all happiness that comes with it, and in so doing overtly invites the most various kinds of misery to come down upon all of creation as well as upon her own life.

A double testimony, indeed: God Himself feels all of this in His own Being, along with the name of the soul who is at the origin of it, and moreover all of this is entered into the book of life of every living being the soul concerned has made a victim of her darkness, so that, when this creature dies, God can read the darkness inflicted upon the latter in its book of life, along with the name of the perpetrator. What soul would ever want to appear before her God with an undeniable double testimony for her having opted in favour of serving the darkness?

What soul can sow darkness into a network of which she is a part herself, and nevertheless expect to become happy herself by doing it, while all her own darkness will with infallible certainly strike back at her in a multiplied magnitude?

This law is based on perfect Divine Wisdom, as God gives every human soul the company of fellow creatures – both fellow people and animals – for the purpose of enhancing her joy and as channels for the enhancement of her own spiritual bloom, for every fellow creature is a channel in the flow of Divine Love and possesses its own characteristics, features and abilities through which it can contribute to the development, the instruction and bloom of the whole system.

As God expects of every human soul her own personal life-long contribution to the rebirth of the Light in all hearts and thereby to the establishment of His Kingdom on earth and the final expulsion of all darkness, suffering, misery, chaos and injustice from the world the moment for this rebirth to take place will be determined purely by the sincere desire of every human soul for the complete fulfilment of God’s Law of true Love. I can make but one single promise to mankind, and to this end I am now addressing each one of you personally:

As of this moment give yourself sincerely and unconditionally to every fellow creature in true Love, rendering service, in a fully self-denying willingness to help and to care, putting your own purported needs and interests behind those of this fellow creature, based on, and driven by, a constant and persevering will to be a pure channel of Light, warmth and security to every single fellow creature, and in so doing consider every fellow creature – both fellow person and animal – to be a brother or sister in God, a companion on your journey to Eternal Life, a channel of Love God has brought on your way, and you will harvest true happiness even while still on earth, but even much more so after this life. During your journey through life the darkness will keep trying to win you over to serve its own plans and works, for without you the darkness cannot do a thing. However, the soul who proves towards God day after day that she sincerely wishes to fulfil His Law of true Love towards all of her fellow creatures will receive His powerful shield against every attempt Satan makes to use her for the accomplishment of his dark works, plans and desires. This soul will also be equipped by God with the unimaginable power of an increasing inner Peace.

Do not look for ways to compensate your daily trials by tormenting or harming any fellow creatures, but accept these trials for what they actually are: keys to the Kingdom of perfect Eternal Bliss and to the Kingdom of perfect Love on earth. On the contrary, make yourself perfectly one with the Heart and the aspirations harboured by the Christ, and you will harvest true happiness in abundance. Every soul who will try to completely fulfil the Divine Law of true Love in her life will sow no other seed than the seed which yields fruits of Light and warmth, of Love and Peace, of happiness and Justice. Every violation of the Law of true Love destroys this seed and replaces it by seed of misery, suffering, chaos, injustice, fear and hopelessness and enhances the power of the one who has made countless human souls his slaves for the purpose of using them to make invisible and ineffective everything God is trying to bring to bloom in the world. The seed of self-denying Love carries within itself the Divine Plan for the growth of Paradise. However, the seed of suffering and torment, of selfishness and self-elevation, of materialism and the pursuit of profits and of godlessness is a carrier of the fruits of mastery of the world by Satan. It is well known to you that a world in the claws of Satan is a world torn apart by misery, suffering, chaos, threats, fear, insecurity and an oppressing discord.

As of this moment be worthy of your holy vocation as tools for the accomplishment of God’s Works, and you will see the gates open themselves to a life of which you cannot even begin to suspect the beauties".


addressed by Her to each individual soul through Myriam van Nazareth

on January 7, 2022

"Souls, who were sent into the world by God for the purpose of helping repair the severely damaged network of His creation in order that His perfect Love may bloom even in the remotest corners of the world, I address the following words to each of you individually:

First and foremost every Christian is expected by God to make his life – i.e. in the first place the way in which, inside his heart, he deals with all circumstances, situations, events and contacts on his journey through life – so fruitful that it can be used by God in the best possible form for the concrete implementation of His Plans and Works for the benefit of all creation.

This is what I always meant when I said that every soul is expected to make her hands, mouth, heart, mind and will into tools through which God can accomplish His Plans and Works. Every soul is called upon to live like this, it is the actual sense and purpose of each human life: On a foundation of voluntary, spontaneous and persistent active collaboration from human souls God wants to bring all the world to the state He intended it to be in from the day it was created: a Kingdom of perfect Love, Peace, Happiness and Justice in and between ALL creatures.

This state of perfect Love, Peace, Happiness and Justice in and between all creatures was the state of life in the Garden of Eden, yet this state was lost with the original sin. With the human soul lies the responsibility for the end of paradise on earth, and with the human soul lies the same responsibility to enable creation to revert to this state. The state intended by God is the one known by the name of Kingdom of God on earth, the establishment of which God has planned as a state of living that goes by the name of messianic age.

The Kingdom of God on earth is to be the state of living characterized by the fact that all creatures must be able to sense life on earth, the entire atmosphere of life, as being a perfect reflection of the Heart of the Divine Creator Himself, i.e.: a perfect expression of the completely fulfilled Law of True Love.

Due to the unimaginable multitude and seriousness of all sins committed since the original sin the world has been slipping into a swamp of misery, suffering, chaos and injustice, with an atmosphere of living characterized by feelings of insecurity, oppression, fear, distrust and hopelessness in a great many human souls and between creatures. The human souls have made their fellow creatures victims of this situation, which has turned the world into a reflection of the heart of Satan instead of a reflection of the Heart of God.

I keep emphasizing that God has indeed promised the establishment of His Kingdom on earth, but that this establishment can only come about through active dedication on the part of the human souls, by drastically orienting their inner lives towards fulfilling the Law of True Love and drastically abandoning each and every dark inclination and defeating each and every temptation to violate this Love towards God Himself and towards any fellow creature.

Every human soul is charged with this serious mission, first and foremost every Christian, for the Christians have received the Great Legacy of the perfect, self-denying Love and the utmost commitment for the benefit of the bloom of God’s Kingdom on earth directly out of the hands of the Son of God, and they are expected to be living examples of the spirit of Christ so as to curtail the power of the darkness in all of creation.

If you could see the state of the world through the eyes of God and through My eyes you would be able to fathom the unimaginable extent and seriousness of the misery, suffering, chaos, injustice, discord and unhappiness caused by the sins committed by human souls, as well as the extent of the distortion all of this is causing to the environment. This discovery would convince you of the urgent necessity of My appeal. The current state of the world is an ineffable disgrace speaking against mankind and an ineffable insult to the Divine Creator. No human soul is able to imagine the extent of the flows of Love God must pour down upon creation every single moment of every single day in order to prevent creation from irrevocably destroying itself in a flash under the avalanche of darkness emanating from the whole of mankind.

This is why I am allowed to, and why I have got to, address these words to every one of you, so that the germ of sanctity planted by God in every one of you may bloom without any further delay, for the salvation of God’s creation.

What does God request you to do?

★ Arrange your inner life in such a way that day after day, every moment of the day, you may in every situation and in every contact be a beam of sunlight for every fellow creature in your house, garden and surroundings. Your heart must in all sincerity possess a radiance of a nature which is likely to make every fellow creature sense the vicinity of God Himself whenever you are near: an atmosphere of Light, Love, warmth, hope, encouragement and security. This way you will be building a small paradise for every fellow creature you encounter, a front yard to the promised Kingdom of God on earth and a patch on which Satan loses all control.

★ Focus all your thoughts, feelings and desires so intensely on God and His desires, on the infinitely loving miracle-working and suffering Christ and on Me that many of the worldly needs you believe you have may lose their appeal. Be aware of the fact that many of these needs come alive inside of you and rule your desires because the darkness conjures them up in you unconsciously in order that you might get more and more separated from God and therefore no longer be fit to be used by Him for the fulfilment of His Plans and Works. This is how Satan has succeeded for centuries on end in postponing the fulfilment of the Great Divine Promise of the establishment of God’s Kingdom on earth by manipulating countless human souls, among whom an appalling number who were born as Christians.

★ Follow Jesus Christ faithfully, in the deepest sense of the word, by accepting every situation of your life without protesting against it, for Divine Providence has got to allow a great many things to enter your life in order that, on the basis of the way you deal with them, the almighty One might find raw materials for the preparation of graces which are intended to cleanse creation of the devastating influences from the darkness. Love all your fellow creatures and their well-being with preference over yourself and the needs you believe you have, for God needs every human soul’s self-denial and her sincere feelings of humility very badly if He is to break the power of the darkness in the world once and for all.

★ Make a whole-hearted use of the golden path God has provided for every soul to help turn her life into a regular factory producing valuable raw materials for the preparation of graces for the benefit of the world: In every detail of your inner life and of your entire behaviour, practice a strict consecration to Me, the Queen of Heaven and earth, the Woman who, by way of fulfilling the Divine Promise, is to crush Satan’s head in close collaboration with the souls given into Her custody.

The Triumph of My Immaculate Heart is nothing but the visible Sign provided for by God to denote the total victory of True Love over all works of the darkness, so that the golden fruits of the Works of Redemption wrought by Jesus Christ may be unlocked. Strict consecration to Me is not merely saying a prayer, it is a lifelong and continuously practiced offering of all trials and tribulations of life to Me, through which the soul accepts Me as her undisputed Mistress and inner Guide towards a perfect unity of hearts with the Christ. It is a covenant of transferring genuinely accepted, self-denying and sincerely loving actions, words, thoughts, feelings, desires and aspirations to Me, in order that I may merge them with My absolutely perfect Love and unity with the will of God Himself and thus may offer them to God with a surplus value, as building bricks for the foundation of the Triumph of the Woman, through which the establishment of God’s Kingdom on earth is to be rung in.

In the hour in which mankind would recognize Me unconditionally as the Mistress of all souls by virtue of a Divine decision the power of Satan over this world would not hold its own for a moment longer, for in this capacity of all capacities I fully represent the power of God over the destination of the fruits of the behaviour of all souls, including all works and plans of the demons.

There is no other way to completely fulfil God’s Law than the way of self-denying Love, and in proportion as this Law is fulfilled more completely the darkness will increasingly lose its grip on ever increasing numbers of human souls. The hour in which God’s Kingdom on earth can be established once and for all is not determined by any targeted intervention on God’s part, but by the extent to which human souls fulfil the Law of True Love. Therefore do not postpone being a channel of Light and warmth to every fellow creature God allows to touch your journey through life, whether the encounter be short-lived or of a longer duration.

Thus your presence will create a piece of paradise everywhere you go, in the hearts of your fellow creatures. In these fellow creatures a new spring of Love and hope will start to bloom, and ever more doors will open themselves to the entry of the Kingdom of God, which will ring the death bell for all suffering, all misery, all chaos and all injustice in this world.

Then, in that hour, Jesus Christ will for the first time be able to see that His unimaginable Suffering for the sake of true happiness in all of creation has not been endured in vain".



by the Mistress of all souls, February 2022

through Myriam van Nazareth

"Sisters and brothers of Christ, if you want a world free from misery, from suffering, from chaos, from injustice, from war and from strife, then put an end to each and every form of tormenting, torturing, abusing and debasement of fellow people and animals, and respect each and every living being’s full dignity as a work designed by God to fulfil a specific and meaningful mission in life and a specific and purposeful role within the whole of creation with a view to accomplishing God’s Plan of Salvation, which is geared to bringing perfect harmony among all creatures and happiness to all of you, both on earth and in the hereafter.

Each one of you is to contribute towards achieving this happiness, for God works through your hands, mouths, hearts and minds towards the accomplishment of His Law of true Love in the world.

Practice a sincere self-denying Love towards every fellow creature (fellow humans as well as animals) you may encounter, and this world will shake off its darkness to make room for a large-scale birth of the Light and true happiness for all creatures, for the degree of harmony, true peace and true happiness within creation is determined by the extent to which the human souls actively, spontaneously, sincerely and unconditionally fulfil God’s Law of true Love".



given to the souls through Myriam van Nazareth
by Mary, the Mother of Jesus Christ and Queen of Heaven and earth

The following words were spoken privately by the Holy Virgin Mary to Myriam in May 2022 and released to be published at Her command on June 2, 2022.

"In my beloved Ukraine a war is waged, which was unleashed by Satan himself in an ultimate attempt to completely distort the whole world. This war is part and parcel of the final stage of the battle of the darkness against the Light for the purpose of obtaining the supreme control of the world as a stepping stone to the annihilation of creation.

To this end the darkness makes use of a regime which lends itself for the implementation of the works and plans of the antichrist in a way and an intensity which were hardly ever surpassed throughout the history of mankind.

Do see the signs unequivocally showing Satan’s strategy, which I have been revealing to the souls for years already:

You see deliberate, intentional and totally unbridled destruction on an extraordinary scale and with an absolutely unlimited cruelty. You see tremendous chaos, misery, suffering, murder, extinction, rape, torture, theft, looting, vandalism, abduction, terror, blatant cold-blooded sadism against fellow people and even animals, the most inconceivable forms of crimes against humanity, and an all-pervading desire to sow misery, suffering and death. You see and hear large-scale and absolutely shameless lies, deception, misinformation, disinformation and sedition for the purpose of kindling in countless human souls feelings of hate, aggression, lust to kill and totally irrational feelings of being threatened, all of this with the intention that the abysmal depth of the own crimes might appear as justified. Moreover all of this is designed within, and directed from, a system of unlimited corruption and repression. In this war the antichrist is implementing the entire arsenal stored and developed in his laboratory.

What you see goes way beyond a mere military situation, it is an intentionally planned systematic murder of the dignity of all that carries life, murder of civilisation itself, and murder of every feeling of inner Peace and security in a vast number of souls, for the ultimate purpose of killing each and every trace of Love, maintaining an atmosphere of threat, and eradicating all trust in the power of the Light in the world. This way in millions of souls the inner connection with God is threatened and true Love, true Faith and true Hope in these souls are most profoundly ruined up to the point of being destroyed altogether.

These things are the very traits of Satan’s signature.

I call upon the souls to unleash a spiritual offensive against this boundless darkness by supporting all its victims as well as all those who generate it or who are morally responsible for it through un unrelenting inner Light from within your hearts. Darkness can only be made ineffective by Light, by harbouring positive thoughts, feelings and expectations. No work wrought and no plan concocted by Satan can ever be maintained or keep producing its intended effects if they are shone upon by genuine lights from a sufficient number of human hearts. The Light is the invincible weapon of the almighty God.

Do not allow yourselves to be temped towards harbouring feelings of hate, of vengeance or of discouragement, nor of indifference. A very great deal more is at stake here than the restoration of the sovereignty of a state and a people, in the deepest sense of the word this is about rendering ineffective an extraordinary offensive launched by Satan himself and about maintaining and restoring human dignity, human civilisation, and creation as a Work of God.

Every soul is responsible for making her personal contribution to restoring and reinforcing the signs of God’s Presence and actions in creation, first and foremost in all places where Satan makes his works seen and felt the most.

Do harbour in your hearts the Light of an inner Peace and the warmth of a sincere Love, the only forces which are able to paralyze the power of the darkness. No form of violence and no nuclear threat are able to remain in effect or to keep producing its effects when faced with the power of a sincere inner Peace and a sincere Love. Fear and feelings of insecurity are just as effective as weapons deployed by Satan as are the dark actions, thoughts and feelings he tries to bring to bloom through human souls.

My protective hand rests on Ukraine, as it does on creation as a whole, but I do need the Light from many human hearts to release the full power of God, which is able to transform this situation of terrible darkness for the better and to change all darkness into the Light of a new, genuine Peace and Love, eradicating each and every source of evil the darkness you are now seeing in action in all its boundless frenzy is trying to deploy for the purpose of totally destroying all of God’s Works and all the seeds of His Love within the hearts.

Do not let the unparalleled vehemence unleashed by the forces of the antichrist convince you of an imminent victory of the culture of death. Each and every one of you has the power to help Me turn the key in the dungeon in which I, by order of God Himself, am to lock away Satan and all of his works and plans. Allow this power to fully bloom by a constant, unconditional and self-denying Love and by signs of a genuine solidarity as may be expected among true children of God. This solidarity can only deploy its tremendous force to the extent to which each and every one of you will sincerely accept your daily trials in a disposition of inner Light so as to be able to secretly help support your suffering sisters and brothers as well as your deceived sisters and brothers. Those who whole-heartedly help accomplish the works and plans of the darkness are actually increasing the misery and suffering of the entire world and are with certainty condemning themselves for eternity

The culture of death, suffering, misery, oppression, deceit, self-deception and lies was not created by God, it was designed by Satan. God is Life, Love, Light, Peace and Truth. In proportion as these characteristics are truly enabled to rule human hearts every source of darkness and oppression can be eradicated more thoroughly. In a world in which true Love is given real chances not Satan has the final say, but God".



Revelation by the Mistress of all souls in June 2023
given within the framework of the teaching entitled
'Death sentence to the misery of the world'

addressed to all souls through Myriam van Nazareth

"With each and every human soul resides the sacred obligation to fulfil her individual mission in life at the service of God’s Works and Plans in any situation of her life and in any encounter with any fellow creature. Any failure to fulfil this mission in life opens the door to the darkness for allowing new sufferings, misery, chaos, new sources of unhappiness within and between creatures to take root and consequently for poisoning the world even further. In so doing the darkness aims at leading every human soul to eternal damnation and turning the world into a place of suffering and torment once and for all, and to that end it uses the most various pseudo promises with a view to inspiring every soul to putting her life at the service of ideals which seemingly increase happiness yet in reality turn the soul into a tool creating suffering and misery.

Do not fall for this. Remain faithful to God, even if this seems to be a path of trials and crosses. Make this your holy mission for every single day: In any situation of daily life and in any encounter with any fellow creature, whether human or animal, be a channel of Light, Love and Peace. Do live in such a way that every night you can be confident of having left good feelings, feelings of security, within any fellow creature you have encountered in the course of the day, and that you have been for any fellow creature a reflection of the soft, warm and lightful Love and Peace of God Himself. This is the only way for you to make daily contributions to undermining the works and plans of destruction the darkness tries to implement through each and every soul, and to a spiritual revolution which will turn the world into the paradise the Creator has been trying to establish in His creation right from the beginning so as to make the happiness of every creature perfect.

God had put all His trust for the preservation of perfect harmony within His creation in the human soul. He is still doing this. The human soul can only meet this Divine expectation by being a mirror of Eternal Love towards each and every fellow creature. Therefore, do live in such a way that your being present in the life of any fellow creature is able to make a positive difference for it, so that it is a good thing for this creature that you were there, on the path through its life, even if the encounter was of a short duration or this creature and you only met one single time.

It is up to every individual soul to make the choice: Do you want a world filled with Love, Peace and security between all creatures, thus being a mirror of Heaven, or a world poisoned with suffering, misery and torment, thus being a mirror of hell itself? The way was shown to all souls of all times by Jesus Christ. My mission consists of cleaning in your heart the signposts He has planted on your path, in order that their message may again be readable, for the dust of worldly pseudo promises and deception has blinded the souls. Do realize that every one of you is able to make God happy in every single act and every single word of sincere Love towards any fellow creature. To Him this is the fulfilment of the way He has been trying to open up in every one of you for ages, in order that He might be able to unlock for you the way to Eternal Bliss, and for the world the way to an absolutely perfect paradise of Love and Peace.

Do help Him put to death all misery and suffering in this world, for they disfigure the Face of Eternal Love in the Heart of your Creator as well as in your own hearts. Life in this world has but one single purpose: to be a journey of Love, so that all creatures might live in perfect harmony, and that suffering and misery might no longer be given a chance".