A compilation of prayers for the holy season
between Ash Wednesday and Resurrection Sunday

Myriam van Nazareth

collected and published in honor of
the Divine Savior and His most holy Sorrowful Mother

The present compilation was composed at the request of the Sorrowful Mother of Christ, the Redeemer of all souls of good will.

These prayers were inspired for the purpose of reparation and as tools contributing to the acquisition of an in-depth awareness of the Love God has shown to the souls He has created in order that they may live with Him in Paradise after the completion of a journey of sanctification on earth.

Every year during the holy weeks immediately preceding the glorious Resurrection of Jesus at Easter we are in a special way reminded of our holy duty to make our path through life fruitful. Each human life is meant to complement the great and everlasting victory of the Christ over evil. God wants every one of His benefits and graces to be bestowed upon the explicit consent and collaboration from His human creatures. The ultimate means for the soul to actually join hands with God in bringing the Mystery of Redemption to full fruition lie in the way she will deal with every trial she encounters during her personal journey towards the gates of Heaven. These trials should be accepted whole-heartedly as opportunities to merge with the Heart of the Divine Savior, and should be experienced in a disposition of true self-denying Love, i.e. exactly the way the Christ Himself was driven by pure Love alone. This is the only holy way a soul can testify – towards God and creation – of her truly wanting to merge with the Heart that never wavered in the determination to save her.

The prayers in this compilation are presented in four categories:

  1. Lenten prayers, intended to help the souls deepen their motivation to cleanse themselves spiritually with a view to a deeper and purer experience of unity with the suffering Christ and His Sorrowful Mother in the last days preceding Easter.

  2. Indirect passion prayers, intended to help the souls develop a sense of actively partaking in the Works of Redemption, so as to promote the most fruitful accomplishment of every soul’s vocation as a Christian.

  3. Direct passion prayers, intended to be prayed in the days of the Passion, i.e. in the Holy Week. These prayers may kindle the soul's sense of being present at the sites where the Divine Redeemer and His Mother are sacrificing their entire beings and their entire Love for the benefit of her eternal salvation. No disposition holds a greater power of sanctification than the disposition of the heart that aims for an undivided merger with the redeeming Christ and the Sorrowful Mother.

  4. Three Easter prayers to top off this holy season on Resurrection Sunday.

All prayer flowers inspired by Mary in Her all-embracing capacity as the Mistress of all souls serve a double purpose: They are not only very useful and uplifting as pure prayer material, they also help develop the praying soul’s ability to think, feel and aspire in ways that are the most fruitful as tools to help complete the ultimate Work of construction God has planned for our benefit: The establishment of His Kingdom of perfect Love and Peace among all creatures on earth. This is what Lent, Passion, the redemptive Sufferings and the Resurrection are all about.

Myriam, March 2019

Index of the prayers contained in this section:

1. Lenten prayers

    48. Consecration to the most Blessed Virgin Mary for the
Forty Days of Lent
  522. Daily Invocation for the 40 days of Lent
1272. Supplication to Mary for the Lenten Season
1413. Lenten consecration to Mary
1472. Matinal supplication for every day of Lent

2. Indirect passion prayers

  140. Word of Consent to Mary, Mother of Sorrows
  195. Consecration to Mary, Sorrowful Mother
  196. Supplication for the Resurrection of the Cross of Redemption
  199. Prayer of thanks for the Redemptive Sufferings
  221. Tribute to the twelve pearls of the Mystery of Redemption
  268. Tribute to the Holy Blood of Jesus
  384. Credo of the Mystery of Redemption
  727. Week of reparation with the suffering Jesus
  805. Supplication to the Mother of Sorrows
1418. Consecration by virtue of the words spoken by Jesus on the Cross

3. Direct passion prayers

  210. Prayer of unity with Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane
  249. Novena to Mary, Mother of Sorrows
  492. Act of compassion with Jesus in the Garden of Olives
1102. Prayer to Mary to complement the Passion
1221. Supplication to Mary in the Holy night of Easter
1250. Prayer of Reconciliation to the Sorrowful Mother on Mount Golgotha
1274. Prayer of complete surrender to the crucified Jesus
1335. Consecration to Mary on Palm Sunday
1336. Consecration to Mary on Holy Thursday
1337. Consecration to Mary on Holy Friday
1338. Consecration to Mary on Holy Saturday
1347. Act of remorse addressed to the suffering Jesus
1417. Passiontide Consecration to Christ
1419. Consecration to the Light of the world in the holy night of Easter

4. The crowning: Easter

  410. Invocation to the risen Christ
1030. Prayer to Mary, Bridge to the Resurrection
1339. Consecration to Mary at Easter

1. Lenten prayers


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Dear Mother Mary,
During this Lent I offer You my material attachments, which keep me captive under sin. Please deign to free me from the ties that remind me of my imperfections.
Every day I want to give You flowers of mortification, daily expressions of love which will enrich my soul with the beauty with which God has endowed Your Immaculate Being.
May the purifying fire of self-sacrifice obtain me the purity which will grant me the understanding of the Mystery of Easter, so that I may be able to stand by Jesus and You on Mount Calvary, in a spirit of true love, that I may mourn with You on Holy Saturday, and that I may witness the Resurrection of Jesus through the mystical eyes of the Holy Spirit.
Give me the strength to mortify myself completely during this Lent. Grow within me, make me smaller than I ever was, so that, on Calvary, I may dispose of my impure worldly being and, adorned with Your virtues, I may be able to rise from my ashes as a soul that is ready for the Coming of God. Thus I, too, will rise from the sleep of material life which paralyses the flight of my soul, and I will be free and open to the sanctifying Gifts from the Holy Spirit, who only appears where the Immaculate Heart of His Bride resides.
May the spirit of true love for You and Jesus make me long every day for the penance which will make my heart understand what it was that kept moving You throughout Your life, so that I may walk in Your footsteps on the path to purity.
Immaculate Queen, during this Lent, deign to guide me on the path to spiritualization, of which You know every inch, and on which Your Motherly Heart once united itself with Jesus, so that I, too, may leave the dark sides of worldly life behind me. Let me follow You in self-sacrifice and detachment, give myself to You in reparation of the Sorrows You and Jesus suffer on account of the doings of man who only lives by the laws of the flesh, and thus give You and Jesus the proof of my eternal love.


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Dear Mother Mary, most holy Co-Redemptrix of mankind,
In this period of Lent I surrender my entire being to the fire of Your Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, so that everything which makes me a slave to my body, may be consumed by it.
I beg You, do free me from the shackles of my needs by the Light of the Holy Spirit, so that I may be strong against all temptations, lusts and desires, and that I may die of my old self.
Never let go of me again, so that I may complete this way to Calvary within Your Heart, and that, on Good Friday, I may crucify all sins, faults and weaknesses of my entire life for a rebirth of my soul of You at Easter.
I beg You, do grant me an ardent love to the Cross and to Your own Sorrows, so that this journey may sanctify me in the spirit of repentance which will redeem souls through the Cross, the Giver of Light and Life.


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Dear Mother Mary, powerful Queen of Heaven and earth,
I prostrate myself before You, and offer You my entire being, so that You may cleanse it of everything that is likely to render Your Works within me ineffective.
See, I give You all the ghosts from my past, which unconsciously keep torturing my mind and my heart, so that You may be able to burn them to ashes in the fire of Your power over all darkness.
I give You all the thistles my fellow man has been sowing into the fields along my path through life, so that the flowers of my Love for You and for God’s Works all around me may announce me Your Eternal Spring.
I give You all the stones that have ever made the going on my path through life tougher, and that have wounded my heart, because underneath them, the snakes of works of darkness hid. Yours is the power to turn the stones into gold and to deprive the snakes of their poison.
May this Lenten season heal my heart of all of its old wounds, cleanse my mind of all the wafts of mist from negative experiences, and purify my soul of any influences which have ever tried to throttle my vocation of Love within her.
You are the embodiment of perfect purity, in You I have received the rising sun of the hope for my being emptied of all my old burdens. Within You I lay my entire path through life, so that it may end up in the evening sun of true sanctity.


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Dear Mother Mary, Mistress of all detachment,
For the entire duration of Your life You kept detaching Yourself to an unparalleled degree from worldly needs and interests, so as to live focused on God’s Heart alone in every aspect of life.
Also of me God expects undivided Love for Him and for the service to His Works of Love, for through His Works of Love God tries to complete His Plan of Salvation and to maintain the balance and harmony within the whole of creation and among all creatures.
Desiring profoundly with all my being and through every detail of my life to be a tool for the completion of God’s Works for the advancement of Love in this dark world, I offer You my heartfelt intention to detach myself from everything which is likely to make me unfruitful for God’s Works.
In order that the desert of coldheartedness, selfishness and indifference of this world may flourish into a paradise of flowers of true virtue, I desire so much that everything in me which bears nothing but a mere pseudo life may wither.
I offer You my desire for my body to fast. Do control my body, all my physical needs and processes, so that my body may be pure like Yours and that it may in the deepest sense of the word be a useful tool for the expiation of the darkness of the world.
I offer You my desire for my mind to fast. Do control all my thoughts and my imagination, so that I may ardently free my thoughts of all and any traces of impurity and of the dead freight of every illusion and every personal vision which is unable to serve God’s Works and Plans.
I offer You my desire for my heart to fast. Do control all my feelings and dispositions towards all my fellow creatures and towards God and His Plans and Works, so that all my emotions may grow into a realm of pure, self-denying Love and I may ardently free my heart of all and any traces of darkness and of any lack of perfect Love.
I offer You my desire for my mouth to fast. Do control the path between my mind, my heart and my mouth, so that I may never again speak any words which do not serve God or my fellow creatures, and that the ill weeds of so many meaningless words growing rampant may wither before they ever get the chance of leaving my mouth.
I offer You my desire for my will to fast. May I harbour only desires that help yield a harvest of rich fruits and ripe corn in the gardens of many souls. May every trace of desires which are unable to serve only myself but not God nor my fellow creatures, be starved within me, for I only desire for my free will to be a rich field nourishing God’s Plans.
I offer You the mortification of everything which threatens true Life in my soul, so that my entire being may henceforth long only for the food which proceeds from the seeds God casts into every field which has ridded itself voluntarily of all ill weeds.
Filled with these desires I let the sun set upon everything which has ever separated me from God and from true Love, and I implore for the dawn of a new life as a tool in the hands of Eternal Love.


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Dear Mother Mary, perfectly holy Bearer of Redemption,
On this day granted to me by God for the purpose of rebuilding my soul into a mirror of His Being I open myself up completely to Your inner guidance.
Everything I will be finding on my path today I give to You as raw material serving my thorough purification and reconstruction.
I implore for the fire of Your Heart, the most perfect Paradise of Love and all virtues. May this fire consume within me everything which does not fit in with the Plan God harbours for my benefit.
May the radiance of Your perfect sanctity protect me against all darkness and against every attempt from the world to separate me from my resolve to live henceforth in perfect harmony with God’s purpose.
Be my infallible Guide on all my paths, and do treat me as Your property, so that I may unconditionally and totally belong to God and may live and die for Him alone.
In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (make the sign of the Cross).

2. Indirect Passion prayers


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Dear Mother Mary,
Wrapped in the cloak of Sorrows, more beautiful than an angel, You appear in my heart, requesting me to speak my word of consent.
Oh Mother, the fire of Love in Your saddened eyes has impressed Your holy name upon my little heart.
The inextinguishable glow leads me on paths of unity the burning drops from Your eyes have mapped out for me.
May it be done to me according to Your word. I have consented to receiving within me Jesus carrying His Cross.
On account of the Spirit overshadowing my heart He has been growing inside of me.
In a hidden Mystery of merger with You I have been able to carry Him.
In the dark of the winter night I have testified of Him, yet the darkness did not accept Him.
Now Your wounded maternal Heart asks for my testimony at the foot of the Cross of self-sacrifice.
Like Your most holy womb gave birth to Salvation in blissful joy, Your Immaculate Heart now inconsolably gives birth to Your benedictive sadness in my heart which has now become our heart.
Oh Mother, am I not Your child of Golgotha. You see, no other favour pleases me but to be allowed to stand by Your side as soon as I have heard You calling me, my eyes focused on the Cross from which the red flow of Salvation is pouring.
With a view to achieving the uniformity and unity of hearts for which You have been calling me, that is where I want to be pierced by the sword which was meant to pierce You.
Yes, Mother, I give myself up to You totally and unconditionally, so that I may become worthy of inviting You into my being when the next rain will be there for You, and that my offering of Love may soften Your loneliness from the never ending Golgotha.

♥ ♥ ♥

How gracious it is to be allowed to partake in Mary’s Sorrows. It is an invaluable blessing for Your own soul and the soul of many others. There is more than one way in which you can be called to unite with the Mother of Sorrows. Mary can invite you to offer your daily suffering to Her. She can call you to experience certain forms of mystical suffering. She can also let you feel you can help Her bear Her sufferings on account of the world, by helping to relieve your fellow man’s suffering. This, also, can happen in any number of ways. Jesus and Mary, too, are suffering in the human in distress. Every effort to relieve your fellow man’s sufferings may therefore be regarded as relieving Jesus’ and Mary’s Sufferings.


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Dear Mother Mary,
Queen of martyrs, who have called me for the purpose of expiating the darkness of souls on the cross of life, to You I entrust all my sufferings, my pains, my torments, my sadness and my tears.
When I contemplate the sadness You endured for my benefit I long so much to join You in suffering for the salvation of Your children.
You see, I lay my desire in the Chalice of Your Sorrowful Heart, in order that it may be washed in Your tears and be sanctified in the Blood of Jesus.
I want to be Yours near the Cross on Golgotha, the forge in which the sins of the world are melted, so as to allow my lack of willingness to suffer to be consumed in the flames of celestial Love.
Oh bleeding Maternal Heart, pierced by the sword of Sorrows, what words from a child's mouth are able to close the wound inflicted on You by ages filled with hate? Here only the heart that has buried itself in Yours is able to speak.
Oh Mother of all pain, Your Sorrowful Heart is the Chalice in which resides the dew of grace, which You pour out on me like the baptismal water provided for the rebirth in the Light, so that I may see what I am suffering for.
In Your hands I lay myself with all that burdens me, so as to unite it with Your unfathomable Sorrows, for they have opened up the gates of Heaven for many.
In Your hands I lay all sufferings I have resisted, in order to envelop them in the veil of Your tears, for they have washed the windows of many souls clean so as to receive the Light from God’s Spirit.
In Your hands I lay all sorrows God’s Plan of Salvation provided for me, so that You may breathe the holy sound of Your word of consent over them, for Your voice called Redemption down upon the souls.
In Your hands I lay the way of the Cross which, upon Your intercession, I will be going in conformity with the tormented Jesus, for no blood which proceeded from sacred Wounds was ever offered to the Father as an expiatory sacrifice without having been merged with Your tears first.
In Your womb I lay my old 'me', which I have nailed to the Cross because it withheld so many sacrifices from You. Do carry it to the grave with Your own hands, so that on the third day it may show its wounds for the cleansing of souls at the Source of graces.


(Myriam van Nazareth)

My Jesus, beloved Redeemer,
To worldly eyes Love has borne no fruits, and many souls have banned Your redemptive Cross from their hearts. Underneath the dust of the earth they have buried it, for its radiance had been putting all darkness to shame.
Come, oh Jesus, press the kiss of conciliation upon the human hearts, in order that their doors might melt open and they might embrace the Cross of Redemption.
Rise, oh Cross of Redemption, and all dust will fall so as to unveil blinded eyes.
Rise, oh Cross of Redemption, and no wind other than the wind of sanctification will ever blow again.
Rise, oh Cross of Redemption, Sun in the night, and flowers will bloom again inside the souls.
Rise, oh Cross of Redemption, and the burden of our worldly crosses will become light.
Rise, oh Cross of Redemption, and all tears will dry in the glow of Your Love’s fire.
Rise, oh Cross of Redemption, so that the city of God may see that God has reconciled Himself with it.
Rise, oh Cross of Redemption, and Your shadow will dispel the forces of evil.
Rise, oh Cross of Redemption, rise again in all hearts, and all ghost lights will be extinguished.
Rise, oh Cross of Redemption, break through the sunset glow in desperate souls, in order that they may dare encounter the dawn of hope.
Rise, oh Cross of Redemption, and those who are wandering in the darkness will find their destination back.
Rise, oh Cross of Redemption, for your thirsty Beloved One is still waiting to be quenched.
Rise, oh Cross of Redemption, in order that the Christ may truly attract all souls.
Rise, oh Cross of Redemption, in order that the souls may again feel the beat of their Divine Savior’s Heart.
Rise, oh Cross of Redemption, do no longer hide your eternal glory from the blind souls of this world, for no wall is going to block your Light, no rain is going to put out your fire, no soul is going to remain insensitive to the arms from which the Word of Redemption has risen up into Heaven.


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Dear Jesus, Dear Mother Mary, my Saviour and my Co-Redemptrix,
In the Love proceeding from the Divine Mystery of Redemption Your pains and Sorrows, Your Blood and tears were blessed for me, in order that I may find the Truth and the Life. Thank You, for Your Redemptive Sufferings have shown me the way to the Life in Eternal Salvation for my fellow person and myself.
Oh Jesus, Your sweating Blood in the Garden of Gethsemane teaches me that sins over which I have no remorse or which I have not confessed help extinguish the Light in the world and make the night fall over my soul. Thank You, Jesus, my Redeemer.
Oh Jesus, Your scourging teaches me that the crown of glorification awaits those who sacrifice their bodies in sickness and pain for the Salvation of their sinful or unbelieving fellow person. Thank You, Jesus, my Redeemer.
Oh Jesus, Your being crowned with thorns teaches me that the gates of Heaven only open up for those who stay modest and humiliate themselves. Thank You, Jesus, my Redeemer.
Oh Jesus, the wound of Your shoulder teaches me that all my burdens borne with Love and surrender bring my fellow person to Eternal Salvation. Thank You, Jesus, my Redeemer.
Oh Jesus, Your three falls while carrying the Cross teach me that eternal glory awaits those who keep taking up their cross with courage, out of Love to God, to Mary and to their fellow persons. Thank You, Jesus, my Redeemer.
Oh Jesus, the wounds of Your hands teach me to prefer giving over asking, and to aspire for the selfless surrender of myself on the cross of life. Thank You, Jesus, my Redeemer.
Oh Jesus, the wounds of Your feet teach me to detach myself with increasing determination from worldly things and worldly thinking, because there is no such things as true happiness in this world. Thank You, Jesus, my Redeemer.
Oh Jesus, the wound of Your pierced side teaches me to open up my heart to pour out upon my fellow persons everything Divine Grace has been filling me with. Thank You, Jesus, my Redeemer.
Oh Mary, Your tears shed at the foot of the Cross fill my heart with remorse over the countless ways in which Jesus is tortured and crucified in the souls. Thank You, Mary, my Co-Redemptrix.
Oh perfect Mother, with the Cross as my silent witness, may I take Your hand in mine so as to unite my thanks with Your sanctified Love, so that the Mystery of Redemption may be praised for all eternity.


(Myriam van Nazareth)

(Supplication to obtain conversions and the salvation of souls)

Beloved Eternal Father,
By virtue of the Sufferings of Jesus and Your New Covenant with the souls, and by the intercession of Mary, Your chosen Daughter whom You could never refuse anything, I implore for the salvation of the souls who fail to reciprocate Your Love. May our Immaculate Mother crush the serpent’s head, so as to deliver our weak nature from the grip of evil.

Every one of the following invocations is followed by: Oh celestial Father, do pour the redemptive Blood of Christ out upon us. Do blind all evil in the Light from His Cross – Oh Mary, do humiliate Satan underneath Your feet. Through Your powerful Intercession, do save the souls he is deceiving day after day.

On account of the Immaculate Conception of Mary, through which the evil one was humiliated once and for all and his power over mankind was broken (...)
On account of the Incarnation of Jesus Christ from the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, who gave the Messiah the body through which our slavery towards sin was expiated (...)
On account of the agony of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, where the expiation of all temptation began and all and any discouragement and emotional sufferings of mankind were sanctified (...)
On account of the Wounds from the scourging and from all the blows dealt to Jesus, because they allowed for everything which binds man to the world and separated him from God, to be broken (...)
On account of the Wounds of Jesus’ Head crowned with thorns, for they started the expiation of all arrogance and self-exaltation, and the sanctification of all moral sufferings of mankind (...)
On account of the deep Wound of Jesus’ shoulder, on which He carried the burden of our sins (...)
On account of the Wounds of Jesus’ pierced hands, with which He cleansed and forgave the sins (...)
On account of the Wounds of Jesus’ pierced feet, with which He went to the sinners (...)
On account of the agony of Jesus on the Cross for the ultimate expiation of all sin and everything which separates man from Heaven (...)
On account of the tears shed by Mary while She was weeping over the sinners at the foot of the Cross (...)
On account of the pierced Heart of Jesus, from which He poured all Divine Love out upon the world for the conversion of sinners (...)
On account of the blood tears shed by Mary, through which She mitigates the sentence to be passed by God on Her sinful children (...)


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Suffering Jesus,
What endless treasures are hidden in Your Blood of deliverance, which washes my eyes whenever I contemplate You on the Cross.
Oh do pour out into the eyes of my soul the fullness of the Light of the hour of Redemption, so that I may recognize how totally time fades away into the eternity of Heaven, which Your Blood has opened up for me.
Your Blood filled the bitter cup of Gethsemane in order that I might harvest the cup of the sweet celestial wine.
Your Blood loved the scourging rod in order that I might be able to love my God with all my soul.
Your Blood soaked the thorns around Your head in order that my head might be crowned in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Your Blood has left Your Wounds in order to caress the wounds of my soul.
Your Blood flowed out of Your opened Heart in order to open up my closed heart.
Your Blood irrigated Your Cross in order to sanctify the cross of my burdens.
Your Blood has touched the soil of Mount Calvary like a Heavenly kiss on the earth which was to carry me.
Oh Most Sacred Blood of Jesus, wine from the banquet table of total surrender, soak my heart, so that my soul may be refreshed at the Source of Love and Bliss for all eternity.


(powerful testimony against the forces of evil)

(Myriam van Nazareth)

Beloved Eternal Father,
In glorification of Your Mercy and as a testimony against all forces of evil which intend to separate the souls from You, I confess to my faith in the Plan of Redemption You have prepared for our benefit for all the ages.
I believe and confess:

  1. That Jesus Christ is the only Messiah, God’s Son sent by the Father to redeem mankind from spiritual death.

  2. That Jesus is the Lamb of God, sacrificed like a lamb to reconcile God with sinful mankind.

  3. That Jesus is the Light in the darkness, the Guide from worldly darkness to the Light of the Heavens.

  4. That Jesus incarnated from the Holy Virgin Mary’s womb in order to unlock the Redemption of human souls through suffering in a physical body.

  5. That Mary, the Mother of Jesus, was completely sanctified by virtue of Her Immaculate Conception in order to give birth to Jesus, the Divine Savior.

  6. That Mary, through a life of total consecration to God’s Plan of Redemption and Her being completely without sin, sacrificed Herself completely to compensate and repair for the original sin committed by the first woman Eve, which made Redemption necessary.

  7. That Jesus, in expiation of our sins, suffered unlimited grief and agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, was scourged, maltreated, spit on, crowned with thorns, humiliated to the utmost, charged with the Cross and led to Mount Calvary to be nailed to the Cross and die, thus giving us Eternal Life.

  8. That Jesus, through His Blood from countless wounds, washes away the condemnation from every soul who believes, hopes and loves.

  9. That through His Sufferings and His death on the Cross Jesus has opened Heaven, which until then had been closed on account of the multitude of sins committed by human souls.

  10. That Mary, by virtue of Her unparalleled Sorrows as the Mother of the Redeemer, was the first human soul ever to break the evil one's power over the soul.

  11. That Mary, as the Co-Redemptrix at the foot of the Cross, joined Jesus in opening up the inexhaustible source of redemptive graces.

  12. That Jesus has risen in glory as a final testimony against all forces of darkness and death.

In this faith I surrender myself and my entire life to Jesus, my Redeemer, and to Mary, my Co-Redemptrix.


(Myriam van Nazareth)

The week of reparation with Jesus begins on Saturday with the life of Jesus, and ends on Friday with His Death on the Cross.

SATURDAY: The Life of Jesus

Oh Jesus, Messiah of God, Light that shines in our darkness, be welcome in our world.
Who is going to save mankind if You are not born as a human being? May my heart be Your manger.
Who is going to proclaim the Truth if You do not sow God’s Word into the souls? May my mind be the tabernacle of Your Wisdom.
Who is going to heal mankind if You do not cleanse us from the leprosy of sin? May I lay all souls in Your hands, in order that the Pharisees of this world may see the light, the sinners may be cleansed and the demons may be expelled from all souls.
3 x Glory be to the Father...

SUNDAY: The Suffering of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane

Oh Jesus, expiatory Sacrifice to Divine Justice, may I stay awake with You in the garden of paradise, which is now sighing under the darkness of sin.
In Your Heart the cup has become so bitter, for Your Blood is now drinking the poison of the sins of all times.
Oh Jesus, suffering from utter exhaustion, may I nourish You with the honey of my conversion. May I give You the wine of my remorse to drink.
Oh do let my heart beat inside of You, every hour of the day and the night, in order that Your loneliness while expiating the sins may be dispelled.
3 x Glory be to the Father...

MONDAY: The taking and sentencing of Jesus

Oh Jesus, Lamb of God destined to be slaughtered for the atonement of our sins.
I want to give You the kiss of my loyalty, for the traitor is near.
So many souls I want to give You, for in this night of the world Divine Justice will be passing the sentence the sins of all times have been preparing.
You are mocked because of my foolishness. You are getting the blows I deserve to get.
Now the hour of my liberation has come, for in You my sinfulness is taken captive.
You are remaining silent because of every superfluous word I ever spoke.
Eternal High Priest, do remember my Love when night will have fallen over my life.
3 x Glory be to the Father...

TUESDAY: The Scourging of Jesus

Oh Jesus, Sign of contradiction, in You I deliver all my vices, my weaknesses, my sins and my moments of indolence to the scourge, in order that they may be washed out of me by Your Divine Blood.
In You all the lashes I have suffered through my fate will now be sanctified.
In You my soul is torn loose from the shackles tying her to the world.
In You I allow my body to be dethroned as the king of my entire being, for it has been subjecting my soul to the tyranny of temptation and sin for far too long.
May I tie all obliquities, deceptions and seductions from the world to the scourging pillar, so that they may be destroyed.
3 x Glory be to the Father...

WEDNESDAY: Jesus' Crowning with thorns

Oh Jesus, King of Heaven and earth, I come and give You the rose of my heart, for mankind has crowned You with thorns.
In You, evil has debased man to become an object of mockery, in order that God’s Love may be insulted.
How blind sin is, worshiping itself and crowning itself king.
How foolish is the arrogance from which the erring ones prepare for the holy ones the thorns which, in the meantime, tear up their own souls.
Oh true King of the hearts, allow me to glorify the Kingdom which is still hidden underneath the thorns, but will be established on the Blood which has kissed Your Holy Face.
3 x Glory be to the Father...

THURSDAY: Jesus’ Way of the Cross

Oh Jesus, Way, Truth and Life, on Your shoulders lies the burden of the sins of all the ages.
My soul longs so ardently to cleanse herself from every stain by supporting You in Your redemptive Works.
I can see You falling under the burden I myself have been laying on Your shoulders myself.
I can see Your and my Mother Mary, who is shedding tears at the sight of my sins.
Like Simon I want to help carry the cross of the world.
Like Veronica I want to cleanse the souls from the mud of sin.
Do now turn the eyes of my heart to the Mount Calvary of my life, so that I may be able to crucify my sins and vices and to glorify You in the death of the world inside my soul.
3 x Glory be to the Father...

FRIDAY: Jesus on the Cross

Oh Jesus, Source of the Blood of deliverance.
At the foot of Your Cross, by the side of Mary, my Co-Redemptrix, I offer You the adoration and gratitude from all of mankind throughout the ages, on account of the hours which have changed the souls’ fate.
In You I crucify all sins of the world, as well as the prince of darkness who is set on wresting all mankind from You.
May the Light from Your Wounds beam upon the souls of all times, past, present and future.
May Your body and Blood provide nourishment and drink for all sinners, so that they may live forever owing to Your death so rich in blessings. Do now rise inside their hearts, my God, so that they may believe in You.
3 x Glory be to the Father...

♥ ♥ ♥

The unparalleled Sacrifice Jesus turned His life on earth into for our sakes, is like celestial seed which is sowed into the fields of souls yet, if it is to bloom, has to be watered by the rain of grace and shone upon by the sun of Love. This means Redemption must be 'made effective' inside of you by your own efforts to guarantee the fruitfulness of the graces which God keeps providing you with day after day, and by your Love. The greatest expression of Love is surely your aspiring to maintain a close unity with Jesus and Mary when carrying your daily crosses. A prayer like the one above, through which you aim to partake in the Sufferings of Jesus, is therefore a very valuable source of reparation.


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Dear Mother Mary, Mother of Sorrows,
With a heart burning with Love I come and entrust my entire being and all my sufferings and sorrows to You. I implore You that Your own soul, Heart, mind and body may merge with mine, so that the humble sacrifice of myself may be worthy of being laid on Jesus’ Cross by Your most holy hands.
I thank You for Your kindness which has cast into me the seed that has the potential to yield fruits of coredemption for the souls. May this seed become the cradle of God’s Kingdom.
Do open up all hearts to true Love which brings Salvation, and may these openings maintain the flow of graces.
May this Love break open the dark clouds of sin, so that God’s Light may again reach the souls and may set the tree of the Cross of Redemption to bloom again.
Do pour into me the strength and the Love that are able to turn my self-sacrifice into a worthy extension of Jesus’ unique Sacrifice on the Cross and of Your eternal Sorrows of coredemption.

The following prayer was inspired by the Holy Virgin Mary, saying:
"I give you the following words of prayer as a powerful weapon for the deployment of the unparalleled power of Redemption contained in Jesus’ Sacrifice on the Cross, which is a force of never ending value. These words of prayer hold the power to help counteract, even now, the effects of vast waves of darkness which have been brought down upon creation by human souls throughout the ages, and of which huge amounts were never explicitly consecrated with the intention of invoking the effects of Divine Grace. Thereby these words hold the ability to help strip Satan of the power he has been exerting through these elements of darkness".


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Oh Jesus Christ, crucified Redeemer,
As a contribution to God’s Works of Light and with a view to help undo the effects of many works of darkness which have been done in this world, from the bottom of my heart I offer to the Most Holy Trinity the powerful words You spoke on the Cross at the very summit of Your Works of Redemption.
By virtue of Your words "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do", I herewith entrust to the Cross of Redemption: The unfathomable darkness from everything human souls ever failed to forgive to fellow creatures that, either in reality or in their imagination, had harmed them or caused them pain, sorrow or any kind of suffering.
By virtue of Your words "Today you will be with Me in Paradise", I herewith entrust to the Cross of Redemption: The unfathomable darkness weighing on creation from the vast numbers of human souls who never earned eternal bliss and have not even got the opportunity to expiate their omissions and violations against God’s Law in purgatory.
By virtue of Your words "Woman, behold Your son", I herewith entrust to the Cross of Redemption: The numerous times when souls who were consecrated to Mary have failed to actually live their holy covenant of consecration, thereby failing to enable many trials to become part of the battle of the Light against the darkness.
By virtue of Your words "My God, why have You forsaken Me?", I herewith entrust to the Cross of Redemption: The darkness from all sufferings of all creatures that have ever had to spend time in solitary confinement or have had to live in solitude, bringing them under the impression that even God had forsaken them.
By virtue of Your words "I thirst", I herewith entrust to the Cross of Redemption: The darkness from the superficiality or the indifference of countless souls who never felt thirsty for God or for the water of Divine Life, as well as the distress of all creatures that have ever suffered from thirst.
By virtue of Your words "It is finished", I herewith entrust to the Cross of Redemption: The unfathomable darkness caused in this world by human souls who have ever failed to fill all circumstances of their lives with the works of Love God expects every human soul to accomplish at all times.
By virtue of Your words "Father, into Thy hands I commend My spirit", I herewith entrust to the Cross of Redemption: The unfathomable darkness which has ever been spread upon creation by the countless souls who have failed to lead their lives in undivided and wholehearted service to God’s Works and Plans or have not accomplished their lives in God’s time.
May this offering help to open your legacy of Mount Calvary up to all of mankind and help crush the power of the darkness over mankind. To that end I offer You all trials and crosses of my life and those of all creatures that have ever lived or are still alive, insofar as these trials were never consecrated. This offering I give you in unity with Mary’s perfect Love and in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (make the sign of the Cross).

3. Direct Passion prayers


(highly recommended to be prayed every Thursday night – commemorating the sufferings in the Garden of Olives can obtain the soul many graces)

(Myriam van Nazareth)

My Jesus,
Because my soul no longer recognizes the greyness of her own garment, You defied the night of Gethsemane, in order that Your last sunrise on earth might find You as the Light of the world.
How oppressing is Your loneliness, for so few are going to follow You on the way of the Cross.
In heartbreaking sadness my heart meets Yours, for but very few will honour Your spiritual legacy.
Oh mankind, dark as the nocturnal blanket over Gethsemane, why are you ignoring the Moon that greets Your unworthiness with such great Mercy?
Oh my Saviour, my countless negligences have made the cup so bitter, yet it must not pass You by, for if it does, all human beings will be damned forever.
Why are You giving Your kiss of prayer to the soil that is poisoned by the sins of all time?
Oh my eyes, behold your suffering God, and wash Him in your tears, for it is due to your impurity that He is letting Himself be defiled.
Oh my feet, why are you following the path of worldly temptations? Why are you waiting for the midday sun to walk in His traces towards the Cross of Salvation?
My Jesus, I can see You longing to empty the cup of my sins to the bottom and to fill it with Your Blood of Love and Redemption.
I can see You sweating Blood under the burden of my darkness.
Where has the Love gone, in which the Father has soaked the souls? Countless souls are going to betray the God of Love by the kiss of hate.
Oh icecold night of the most burning Love, what is keeping the liberating dawn of the embrace with the Wood of Redemption from coming?
Come, oh Jesus, let me unite all my fears, my sadness, my loneliness and all my heartaches about the sins of the world with Yours, so that the new dawn may also set Your Heart free.


(Myriam van Nazareth)

(can be used to plead for special graces in the event of worries and setbacks, for conversions, and by way of consecration to the Mother of Sorrows)

1st day – The Sword of Sorrows

Oh Mary, my beloved Mother of Sorrows, laden with my burden I take recourse to Your Heart to find rest.
Oh Mother of Jesus, You were born for my Salvation. You lived for my eternal Bliss, for You have given me Jesus, who died on the Cross to rescue my soul from perdition, for the original sin had barred me from Heaven.
No Sorrow was spared You for me to obtain eternal Bliss.

Carrying the Light of the world, the Source of all Bliss, on Your arms, You heard predict that Your Heart was to be pierced by a Sword of Sorrows.
Similar to Your Sorrowful Heart, my heart, too, is now bleeding, as my fellow man has hurt me.
Therefore I consecrate to You my heart and all my afflictions, in order that my emotional life may be under your control.
Filled with gratitude and innocent Love I come and lay my own pains, worries and grief down at Your feet, so that they may be offered to God through Your blessed hands as a sacred sacrifice to obtain an outpouring of graces for the souls that are so dear to me, as well as for those who cause me this grief and pain.
Oh Mary, Mother of Sorrows, I love You so dearly. Teach me how to always bear my sufferings together with You.
Do enhance my willingness to deny myself for the benefit of my fellow man.

CONCLUDING PRAYER: Stabat Mater Dolorosa
(text see below this novena)

2nd day – The Flight into Egypt

Oh Mary, my beloved Mother of Sorrows, laden with my burden I take recourse to Your Heart to find rest.
Oh Mother of Jesus, You were born for my Salvation. You lived for my eternal Bliss, for You have given me Jesus, who died on the Cross to rescue my soul from perdition, for the original sin had barred me from Heaven.
No Sorrow was spared You for me to obtain eternal Bliss.

As a young Mother You had to witness little Jesus, Your dearest Treasure, being threatened by heathens and ignorants, leaving You no option but to leave everything behind so as to save His life.
I, too, am being persecuted by evil threatening my happiness.
That is why I entrust my happiness to the shelter of Your loving Mother’s Heart, so that You may preserve it for me until my entry into the Kingdom of Heaven, where no sorrows and no evil survive.
Oh Mary, Mother of Sorrows, I love You so dearly. Teach me how to always bear my sufferings together with You.
Do enhance my ability to love God even if I or my beloved ones are suffering persecution.

CONCLUDING PRAYER: Stabat Mater Dolorosa
(text see below this novena)

3rd day - Mary, Sorrowful Mother of Jesus

Oh Mary, my beloved Mother of Sorrows, laden with my burden I take recourse to Your Heart to find rest.
Oh Mother of Jesus, You were born for my Salvation. You lived for my eternal Bliss, for You have given me Jesus, who died on the Cross to rescue my soul from perdition, for the original sin had barred me from Heaven.
No Sorrow was spared You for me to obtain eternal Bliss.

As a Mother Your were troubled by worries over Your Son, who was hated by so many. You suffered so much by the criticism from people who failed to understand Jesus’ Mission. Yet You remained unshaken, because You held on to what God expected from You, and not to words spoken by man.
That is why I consecrate to You all people who are slandering, mocking or hating their fellow men, in order that the former may be converted by the Love from Your Sorrowful Heart.
Oh Mary, Mother of Sorrows, I love You so dearly. Teach me how to always bear my sufferings together with You.
Do enhance my ability to persevere in my true mission in life God’s Plan of Salvation has reserved for me. Make me strong against the discouraging voices from the world, which fails to understand the path I have got to follow.

CONCLUDING PRAYER: Stabat Mater Dolorosa
(text see below this novena)

4th day – Mary and Jesus meet on the Way of the Cross

Oh Mary, my beloved Mother of Sorrows, laden with my burden I take recourse to Your Heart to find rest.
Oh Mother of Jesus, You were born for my Salvation. You lived for my eternal Bliss, for You have given me Jesus, who died on the Cross to rescue my soul from perdition, for the original sin had barred me from Heaven.
No Sorrow was spared You for me to obtain eternal Bliss.

You had to witness Jesus, the Embodiment of innocence, Your own flesh and blood, being sentenced to death and being driven to the Mountain of our Redemption under the severest physical abuse.
With the Cross He carried the burden of all sins committed by others.
That is why I entrust to Your Mother’s Heart the burden the world is laying on my shoulders and which is wearing me down emotionally, mentally and physically.
I consecrate to You all souls who pass judgment on others, condemn their fellow men or do them injustice.
Oh Mary, Mother of Sorrows, I love You so dearly. Teach me how to always bear my sufferings together with You.
Do enhance my ability and willingness to comfort and encourage my fellow men, especially if the world has turned its back on them, condemned them or cast them out.

CONCLUDING PRAYER: Stabat Mater Dolorosa
(text see below this novena)

5th day - Mary, Co-Redemptrix by the Cross

Oh Mary, my beloved Mother of Sorrows, laden with my burden I take recourse to Your Heart to find rest.
Oh Mother of Jesus, You were born for my Salvation. You lived for my eternal Bliss, for You have given me Jesus, who died on the Cross to rescue my soul from perdition, for the original sin had barred me from Heaven.
No Sorrow was spared You for me to obtain eternal Bliss.

By the Cross You had to witness Your Child, in His unparalleled innocence, suffering a gruesome death for the Salvation of all people.
Oh my Co-Redemptrix, how can I ever repay You for so much Love. My sins deprived You of Your Child, and yet You gave up everything for me, and even accepted to be my Mother.
That is why I am pleading with You to let Your Tears of Mount Calvary flow over all human hearts that are closed and cold.
I consecrate to You all sorrows of the world caused by lack of Love, and entrust to Your Heart all people who no longer have a mother or who have no longer got a bond of Love with their mothers.
Oh Mary, Mother of Sorrows, I love You so dearly. Teach me how to always bear my sufferings together with You.
Do kindle the fire of my Love for You as my Mother of Sorrows and Co-Redemptrix, and the fire of my Love for my fellow man.

CONCLUDING PRAYER: Stabat Mater Dolorosa
(text see below this novena)

6th day – Jesus is taken down from the Cross

Oh Mary, my beloved Mother of Sorrows, laden with my burden I take recourse to Your Heart to find rest.
Oh Mother of Jesus, You were born for my Salvation. You lived for my eternal Bliss, for You have given me Jesus, who died on the Cross to rescue my soul from perdition, for the original sin had barred me from Heaven.
No Sorrow was spared You for me to obtain eternal Bliss.

Right after Jesus’ Heart had been pierced by the spear Your own Heart broke upon seeing Your Child having been so disfigured on account of the sins of the world. With so much Love and care You washed the Sacred Wounds of Jesus laid down lifeless in Your lap.
That is why I consecrate to You all hearts and souls the world has wounded beyond recognition, so much so that they no longer believe in the Light, and the warmth of the eternal Sun no longer seems to reach them.
Do let them, too, rest in Your Mother’s lap. Do cleanse their wounds, and wrap Your cloak around them, so they may again be able to believe in God’s Love.
Oh Mary, Mother of Sorrows, I love You so dearly. Teach me how to always bear my sufferings together with You.
Do enhance my willingness to take pity on hearts that are hurt and souls that are suffering from the aftermath of sin, and open my eyes to the wounds which sin causes to the souls.

CONCLUDING PRAYER: Stabat Mater Dolorosa
(text see below this novena)

7th day – Jesus is laid in the Tomb

Oh Mary, my beloved Mother of Sorrows, laden with my burden I take recourse to Your Heart to find rest.
Oh Mother of Jesus, You were born for my Salvation. You lived for my eternal Bliss, for You have given me Jesus, who died on the Cross to rescue my soul from perdition, for the original sin had barred me from Heaven.
No Sorrow was spared You for me to obtain eternal Bliss.

Sorrowful Mother, You have entrusted the unspeakable Sorrows, pains and worries of Your entire being to the Tomb along with the sacrificed Body of Christ, so that I may live forever.
For sinful souls to be rescued You had to endure Your Child’s Body to be surrendered to the greatest injustice this world has ever witnessed, and that You, who were completely unstained, were torn along with Him so as to expiate the deepest darkness which had been keeping the souls captive.
That is why I consecrate to You all people who are suffering from severe trauma, or who are unhappy because of mistakes made by others.
Oh Mary, Mother of Sorrows, I love You so dearly. Teach me how to always bear my sufferings together with You.
Help me acquire an unwavering faith in Eternal Life, and enhance my hope for the Resurrection of Jesus within my own soul, so that He and You may both live inside of me.

CONCLUDING PRAYER: Stabat Mater Dolorosa
(text see below this novena)

8th day – The Mother of Sorrows on Holy Saturday

Oh Mary, my beloved Mother of Sorrows, laden with my burden I take recourse to Your Heart to find rest.
Oh Mother of Jesus, You were born for my Salvation. You lived for my eternal Bliss, for You have given me Jesus, who died on the Cross to rescue my soul from perdition, for the original sin had barred me from Heaven.
No Sorrow was spared You for me to obtain eternal Bliss.

Oh broken Mother, I can see You suffering so deeply within the confines of Your Heart. You gave up Your Child to God for the Salvation of souls. I can see You suffering in the loneliness of the Heart that has lost everything which mattered in this world. Yet Your soul remains in God’s Light, because she has fully surrendered to God in faith and Love.
That is why I consecrate to You all people who have got to deal with some severe loss, so that they, too, may deep inside of them feel the inner certainty that life and death are controlled by God for the well-being of every soul and of creation as a whole.
Oh Mary, Mother of Sorrows, I love You so dearly. Teach me how to always bear my sufferings together with You.
Do enhance my trust in Divine Providence, which guides everything with perfect Love and compensates for every cross a hundredfold with heavenly treasures.

CONCLUDING PRAYER: Stabat Mater Dolorosa
(text see below this novena)

9th day – Mary, the Eternal Mother of Sorrows

Oh Mary, my beloved Mother of Sorrows, laden with my burden I take recourse to Your Heart to find rest.
Oh Mother of Jesus, You were born for my Salvation. You lived for my eternal Bliss, for You have given me Jesus, who died on the Cross to rescue my soul from perdition, for the original sin had barred me from Heaven.
No Sorrow was spared You for me to obtain eternal Bliss.

In the eternal glory of Heaven the Tears of Your deepest compassion with human sufferings keep nourishing the flow of graces. As long as sin exists there will be pain and sadness. That is why You are our eternal Mother of Sorrows.
Therefore I offer You all sorrows that have ever been suffered and will yet be suffered in this world, so that You may add them to the prayer flowers opening up the inexhaustible Sources of grace for the souls with the golden key of Your Intercession.
Oh Mary, Mother of Sorrows, I love You so dearly. Teach me how to always bear my sufferings together with You.
Do enhance my willingness to pray deeply and ardently for the Salvation of souls, and my gratitude for all the Sorrows You endured and keep enduring for us day after day.

CONCLUDING PRAYER: Stabat Mater Dolorosa
(text see below this novena)


Oh Mary, Mother of Sorrows and Co-Redemptrix, ever since Mount Calvary Your tormented Mother’s Heart comprises all human souls of all times with all of their physical, emotional and mental sufferings. Your Tears are like pearls to the souls, graceful gems opening up the treasuries of Heaven. May all those who are suffering become aware of their bond with You, which Jesus Himself established as He was suffering on the Cross.
I consecrate to You all Your children who are haunted by illness, sorrows and setbacks, so that they may, in a disposition of surrender, become co-redeemers with You by the Cross, in glorification of Your Sorrowful Heart, for the Salvation of the world and the upliftment of their own souls.
I give You all the tears I myself have shed in the course of my life, as a consolation and as pearls to compensate some of Your sadness on account of my sins, faults and omissions.
Unite me with You completely, so that my heart may understand that the sorrows suffered on earth are the seeds yielding flowers of celestial joy.

The Sacrifice of Jesus was perfectly complemented (completed) by the Sorrows of His Mother Mary. Mary intensely experienced all Sufferings of Jesus in Her mind and Heart, and is therefore called the Co-Redemptrix. In a similar way God expects every man and woman to accept their own sorrows and pains (to take up their own crosses day after day) so as to be able to add them to the Sacrifice of Redemption made by Jesus and Mary: mankind keeps committing sins, and impurity grows ever more rampant in this world. This makes an unremitting expiation necessary so as to maintain the flow of Divine graces towards the souls (without expiation mankind would again fall into disgrace with God).
Since all of the Sufferings endured by Jesus and Mary served the accomplishment of God’s Plan of Redemption every commemoration of them (in the form of prayers or contemplations related to the Sufferings) is a bearer of great power. A prayer through which the praying soul unites with the redeeming Sufferings turns this praying soul into a little co-redeemer, thereby helping to reconcile God with mankind. A prayer in commemoration of the redeeming Sufferings is tantamount to an act of Love for Jesus and Mary. This is why many graces are bestowed upon such prayers. They awaken Divine Mercy and forgiveness.
This is where the tremendous power of this novena to the Mother of Sorrows lies. For nine days consecutively you unite your own sufferings with Mary’s. In so doing you share your sufferings with Her. You are doing so quite rightly, as She is Your Heavenly Mother as well as the Co-Redemptrix, who helped redeem you through the tremendous afflictions of Her own Heart. This is one of the reasons why each day of this novena is concluded with praying the Stabat Mater Dolorosa, which is so dear to Mary.
Even among the Christians but few are aware of the immense power of suffering which is accepted in Love and without any objections, and is offered up (consecrated) to Mary. Firstly, in so doing, one’s own sufferings are alleviated, and secondly many graces are released, which may help other people come to terms with their trials and may help convert many souls because they, too, begin to understand the purpose and sense of their sufferings and may in their turn even begin to consecrate themselves. This is how prayers such as the present novena may become means for the development of a chain of Love consisting of suffering people who, by consecrating their sufferings, help deliver the world from evil.


(very powerful 13th century prayer)

At the Cross her station keeping, stood the mournful Mother weeping, close to her Son to the last.
Through her heart, His sorrow sharing, all His bitter anguish bearing, now at length the sword has passed.
O how sad and sore distressed was that Mother, highly blest, of the sole-begotten One.
Christ above in torment hangs, she beneath beholds the pangs of her dying glorious Son.
Is there one who would not weep, whelmed in miseries so deep, Christ’s dear Mother to behold?
Can the human heart refrain from partaking in her pain, in that Mother’s pain untold?
For the sins of His own nation, She saw Jesus wracked with torment, all with scourges rent:
She beheld her tender Child, saw Him hang in desolation, till His spirit forth He sent.
O thou Mother! fount of love! Touch my spirit from above, make my heart with thine accord:
Make me feel as thou hast felt; make my soul to glow and melt with the love of Christ my Lord.
Holy Mother! pierce me through, in my heart each wound renew of my Savior crucified:
Let me share with thee His pain, who for all my sins was slain, who for me in torments died.
Let me mingle tears with thee, mourning Him who mourned for me, all the days that I may live:
By the Cross with thee to stay, there with thee to weep and pray, is all I ask of thee to give.
Virgin of all virgins blest!, listen to my fond request: Let me share thy grief divine;
Let me, to my latest breath, in my body bear the death of that dying Son of thine.
Wounded with His every wound, steep my soul till it hath swooned, in His very Blood away;
Be to me, O Virgin, nigh, lest in flames I burn and die, in His awful Judgment Day.
Christ, when Thou shalt call me hence, be Thy Mother my defense, be Thy Cross my victory;
While my body here decays, may my soul Thy goodness praise, safe in Paradise with Thee.

Say the following prayer preferably on Thursday nights, in remembrance of Jesus' Sufferings in the Garden of Olives in the night of Holy Thursday. Remembering these Sufferings is a major source of graces.


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Dear Jesus,
My heart filled with remorse desires so ardently to come to You in the Garden of Olives, in order to comfort You in the shadow of the most sacred Sacrifice You are about to accomplish for my sake.
Of Mary I was born, oh my Heavenly Brother. My soul, too, was nourished with the milk of the readiness to self-sacrifice and of surrender.
Do allow me to join You in drinking, oh Jesus, for Your Chalice is also filled with the bitterness over my sins.
You see, I come to anoint Your moaning Heart with all the tears of my life, for the Father destined our hearts to be one, and our Mother wanted me to be here with You, where I can see the Cross being prepared over Jerusalem.
I can see You sweating Blood under the oppressing burden of all the sins of the world.
Oh allow my blood to irrigate Your Heart, for that is how the New Covenant provided it to be.
I can feel the fear strangling Your soul. Oh allow my Love to free You, for the cup will not pass me by either until I will marry the Cross.
I can feel the Sorrow crushing You. Oh do grant me the gift to help guide souls to conversion, in order that I may alleviate Your burden.
Do give me Your Divine hand, oh my beloved Brother, for the Cross has already been prepared for You, and the shadow cast by the Cross has already covered my path, too.
Oh allow my tears to run into Your cup, so that its bitterness may be mitigated and I may know I am truly one with You until we reach the Garden of the Eternal Kingdom.

♥ ♥ ♥

When people are thinking of Jesus’ Sufferings they sometimes forget that tremendous moral sufferings preceded the Crucifixion. In the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus was torn apart by the awareness of the gigantic mountain of sins mankind had been accumulating and would never stop accumulating.

The following prayer is based on a desire Mary expresses in Her Passion tide revelation on March 29, 2009. The prayer is extraordinarily powerful because every element of consecrated suffering unites the soul with the suffering Jesus. Do purpose to practice this prayer in all situations of trial, setbacks or sufferings in any way whatsoever. Do bring every physical pain in connection with the scourged Jesus, every torment of your heart with the Sorrowful Mother, etcetera. Soon you will be experiencing in your daily life that all things happening on your journey through life are meaningful.


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Dear Mother Mary, Mother of Sorrows and Co-Redemptrix,
The everlasting merits generated by the Sufferings of Jesus and by Your own Sorrows were buried in my soul like a closed treasure.
I implore You, do awaken in my heart the disposition which will provide me with the key to open this treasure with, so that my Redemption may be completed and all darkness may be dispelled from the world.
I give You every heartache as a kiss to Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane.
I give You every injustice in my life as a kiss to Jesus before the high priests.
I give You every judgment and every condemnation passed on me by a fellow person as a kiss to Jesus with Pilate.
I give You every physical pain, illness or indisposition as a kiss to Jesus during the scourging.
I give You every humiliation as a kiss to Jesus during the crowning with thorns.
I give You every moment of feeling tired, exhausted, of utter mental and spiritual distress, every fall on the path of virtue and all and any sufferings due to any discord in my surroundings, as a kiss to Jesus on His Way of the Cross.
I give You my desire to crucify all misery and all sins of the world, as a kiss to the crucified Jesus.
I give You every dark cloud over my path through life as a kiss to You on Mount Calvary and until the morning of the Resurrection.
Oh Co-Redemptrix with Christ, do obtain for me the grace of complete surrender to the cross and to the provisions of Divine Providence, so that I may truly honour Jesus’ Legacy in my soul, for I, too, was invited to complement that which is lacking in the Messiah’s Sacrifice.
To that end, do obtain for me strength and peace at heart, for You are the Moon in the night of trials and the Dawn of the spring day after the winter of my unfruitful soul.
May every moment of trial I offer You turn me into a Simon of Cyrene supporting my Redeemer, who has been willing to suffer for me and all souls until the end of time.


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Dear Mother Mary,
May I come to You in this most holy night, in which the Light of the Resurrection is already shimmering on the horizon.
Do pour out into me the light of hope, which ruled Your Heart during the hours of the Passion.
Oh weeping omnipotence, upon Your word, tonight my soul can rise from the tomb of my weaknesses, which You have entrusted to the Cross of my Redeemer, for He has accomplished my resurrection, too.
You see, in the fire from Your tears I have seen my darkness, and I have buried it in Your Heart.
Now my soul is longing to rise from the furnace of Your stainless Love to begin a life of sanctity, for in You all sin is put to shame.
In You every cross is transformed into a way leading to a rebirth.
In You all darkness is compelled to kneel before the Light of true Life.
Before Your very eyes Jesus has crucified my old self with Him.
Before Your very eyes He is now going to baptize me with the Light of dawn, so that in my soul God’s Kingdom may rise, for that is the purpose He came into the world for.
Do now call the Light of Divine Life down upon the tomb of my soul, so that I may follow the risen Christ into true Life, which has now been opened up for me, too.

The following prayer was inspired by Mary during contemplative prayer on Good Friday 2012. The Mistress of all souls, who on this occasion showed Herself in Her capacity as the Sorrowful Mother, said in this respect:

"These words are clothed with My power as the Co-Redemptrix. It is My wish that souls should use this prayer on Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and for the benefit of souls that are dying or are likely to die soon. This prayer can yield the soul abundant graces".


(Myriam van Nazareth)

O Mary, Eternal Mother of Sorrows, Bridge of the most powerful Offering of all times, Golden Chalice of the Blood of Redemption,
In deep repentance I come to You, enthroned on Mount Golgotha, the mountain of sins of all times, and implore You with all my strength:
Do allow me to lay down at Your feet on Mount Golgotha: all sins, vices, shortcomings, aberrations and neglects, and any deviations from God’s Law of Love I may have been guilty of throughout my life, in actions, words, thoughts, feelings, wishes, aspirations, or through negligence.
Powerful Co-Redemptrix of the souls, do paralyze under Your feet and under the Cross of our Redeemer, the effects of all this in my soul and within the framework of God’s Works, through the redeeming force of Divine Love, Divine Blood, the unparalleled Sufferings of the Man-God, and Your most holy Sorrows and Tears.
May on account of this all-embracing offering of all the darkness of my entire life, my soul be fully purified, and may the redeeming and sanctifying power of Divine Life fill my entire being and strengthen me against all darkness, from now on until the hour of my appearance before God.
Do take up into Your Heart all and any sufferings and trials of my life, so that they, clothed with the infinite power of Your perfect Love, may be crucified with Jesus for the glorification of the Redeemer and the Co-Redemptrix, and for the Salvation of souls.
May this offering immerse my entire life and my entire being in the everlasting effects of the Mystery of Salvation, and obtain for me Eternal Bliss.
O powerful Queen of Golgotha, I lay my entire life down at Your feet, so that it may be unified with Jesus Christ in the Tabernacle of Your Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart.


During contemplation for Good Friday, Mary speaks the following words:

MARY: "Behold the crucified Jesus. From the top of the mountain of sins I give you this prayer, which was invested with extraordinary graces by the Divine Redeemer.

The soul who consecrates herself to Me, who lives this consecration with all her heart and soul, and who regularly gives this prayer to Jesus through Me, will obtain a thorough purification and an all-embracing liberation of the traces of all sins and mistakes of her entire life.

Extraordinary graces are bestowed on the soul who

says this prayer 33 times on Good Friday.

It can also be prayed fruitfully for the conversion of a fellow person".

Subsequently, as I am saying the prayer 33 times to Jesus, the Redeemer speaks the following words:

JESUS: "Regard this prayer as the most powerful prayer My and your Mother and your Mistress has ever given you. Your Mistress is soon going to give you a teaching in which the unique richness of this prayer will be expounded for the souls’ benefit. In your heart you have already received a complete understanding of the extraordinary meaning of it. You will subsequently distribute this prayer along with the matching teaching. It bears exceptional blessings and is invested with a unique power towards the accomplishment of Our Plan of Salvation for the souls.

The soul who

brings the prayer before Me 33 times on Holy Saturday

in a rock-solid belief in My Mother as the Co-Redemptrix of souls,

will be granted the same graces as on Good Friday".

On Holy Saturday 2016 the Queen of Heaven said to Myriam: "I point out that My Flower 1274 is also suitable to be prayed 33 times in the presence and for the benefit of a dying person. On such occasion the person(s) saying it shall do so explicitly on behalf of the dying person, if the latter is unable to actively take part in the praying".


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Jesus Christ, Messiah from God, Redeemer of souls,
Through the immaculate Love of Mary, Your and my Sorrowful Mother and Co-Redemptrix of souls:

  • I entrust all mistakes, omissions, violations and moments of lack of Love of my entire life to the purifying action of Your Holy Blood,
  • I entrust all wounds and all sufferings of my entire life to the healing action of Your Holy Wounds, and
  • I entrust everything likely to prevent my entry into Eternal Bliss in Heaven to Your Holy Cross.

Oh Jesus, at the foot of the Cross I want to forgive all souls who have ever done me wrong. Do forgive me, kindle within me a lifelong unconditional Love, and grant me the experience of my lasting rebirth of Mary.

The following prayer was inspired during holy Communion on Divine Mercy Sunday. It can be used after holy Communion or during a spiritual communion with the intention of enabling the effects of Jesus’ entry into the soul to take root. The graces implored through this prayer are focused on the soul’s true sanctification.


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Oh Mother Mary, Heavenly Mother of Sorrows,
On this day and for the remainder of my life I give myself to You as the Guard of the gate to the Jerusalem of my soul. Through You the King of the City of God is going to make His entry so as to open up His Kingdom inside of me, for already the mountain of the sins of the world is crying out to the One who was sent for the purpose of having the kingdom of darkness crucified with Him.
Oh do allow Your Heart to beat inside of me, so that my heart may henceforth live by the immaculate blood which was already allowed to nourish baby Jesus before His holy Mission on this earth began. Your heartbeat sings the true hosanna of the victory of the soul over herself on the path towards sanctification, which is sowed with the palm branches of true glorification to the Redeemer.
In such great numbers the palm branches are waving under the skies above the City of God, yet how soon will they be withering in the souls who do not love the Christ until He will have reached the top of His Calvary, for they will keep crucifying Him with the nails of their self-love.
Oh Gate to my soul, I am not worthy to welcome my Redeemer in the darkened streets of my inner city, for so often I have not been doing His Works but mine. That is why I want to be Yours completely, in order that You may bless the palm branch I will be using to crown the sorrowful battle against all unfruitful dispositions of my heart and mind with, so as to be able to welcome the One who is coming in the name of the Lord, waving the palm branch of my true rebirth from the womb of His Spirit’s Bride.
You see, in and through You I want to lock the Messiah inside my heart, for only my self-denying Love will be able to carry Him when, any time now, He will start walking the path towards the mountain of my Redemption, laden with the burden of my indifference to the Law of my Eternal Salvation, the Cross I have been refusing to carry whole-heartedly myself.
Before You I prostrate myself, oh Gate of my soul, so that I may be worthy that, through You, the triumphant entry of the King of the Eternal Empire may be accomplished inside of me, for only if I am willing to let my own free will die in the Light of His Countenance and to allow You to life inside of me to the fullest, will the wedding with True Love on Mount Golgotha plant the palm tree of Eternal Life inside of me.

Passiontide invitation from the Mistress of all souls launched
on Palm Sunday 2017

"The prayers of consecration I am inspiring you in the course of this Passiontide constitute an explicit invitation to every soul to immerse herself in her own inner dispositions, in order that she might discover in what respects she has been failing to whole-heartedly and truly follow Christ, not only in her actions and words, but first and foremost in the deepest, most hidden dispositions of her heart.

This is why these prayers are intended as a basis for true, sincere, unconditional consecration to Me, who am the Golden Bridge between the souls and God, for I have received the power to help open up in every soul of good will the full effects of the Redemption Jesus bought for her through unfathomable sufferings. To that end I need her full, active, purposeful and loving dedication in every detail of her journey through life and in her deepest inner dispositions.

I want to light a fire of true Love which will never go out again, and I want to do so by rousing in every soul the awareness as to her true vocation, the true purpose of her life: that she has received this life only to help complete God’s Works of Salvation for all creation. She can fulfil this vocation only by impeccably practicing true, self-denying Love. This, and only this, is true following of Christ. The soul who fails to merge the dispositions of her heart with those of Christ, is no Christian. Please be aware of the fact your being Christians is an extraordinary grace which is able to prepare for you an Eternal Bliss you are not yet able to imagine. Make sure you are worthy of this grace, for no cross in this earthly life can ever pay for the gift of Eternal Bliss.

Therefore, help deliver this world from its misery and darkness through observing a true following of Christ. God has given you a free will in order that you may be able to prove to Him that you are longing for a better world yourselves, and that you might do so by using your free will in perfect accordance with God’s Eternal Law of true Love. From the very beginning God has harbored the intention that the world might be a mirror of His Kingdom of Heaven. That is why I was sent to help accomplish the establishment of God’s Kingdom on earth in and through every individual soul, so as to top off and open up the effects of the Christ’s Works of Redemption in every soul of good will, i.e. in every soul that is determined to merge her free will perfectly with the Will of God.

Every loving act, every loving thought, every loving feeling towards a fellow creature and towards God and His Works sends a beam of light through the darkness which casts vast clouds over this world. The more beams of light are sent from your hearts into creation purposefully, intentionally and actively day after day, the heavier this layer of darkness is barraged and the more Divine Light will be able to reach all creatures in this world. Take all of this into careful consideration at the beginning of each new day and while you are praying the prayers of consecration I will be making available to you these days. God has invested them with a tremendous power of deliverance".


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Sorrowful Mother Mary, weeping Queen of the garden of my soul, seeing the highly tormented Jesus in the Garden Gethsemane next to the City of God in my soul I want to surrender to You completely, so as to be worthy of finding You along the way of the cross through my life.
My heart is dying under the oppression caused by its hesitation to beat only for true Love. Oh do now plant Your Sorrowful Heart inside of me, which is longing to entrust all lack of Love in this world to the furnace embodied by the Man-God, who is not ever going to rest again until all is accomplished.
You see, I have allowed the darkness of blindness to enter the garden of my soul, for the one who is constantly turning the world in every soul into an idol is taking offence at seeing true Love.
Therefore the blanket of darkness has fallen upon the olive trees of my inner Peace, and is now veiling the Countenance of Eternal Love to the eyes of my soul, for I have not allowed the Peace of Christ to mature undividedly in my garden. Through every lack of Love I have allowed God’s Works to be veiled by darkness.
My heart is weeping over every occasion of my life on which I betrayed Jesus by the Judas kiss by not following Him completely and unconditionally but rather making Love the prisoner of the worldly attachments of my heart. While He was weeping over me I surrendered my conscience to the sleep of indifference, blindness and egoisms in any number of shapes.
Underneath the nightly skies of my superficial heart my Redeemer is sweating the blood of Divine Life I have failed to cherish because of my blindness, for I have abhorred the cross and left it for Him to carry, and in the meantime, because of my blindness, dared to call Him my friend. When this night will be over He will once again embrace the cross for my sake, in order that I might forever crucify my shallowness and my heart might empty itself of everything that has been attaching me to myself.
Tonight, with You as my Witness I want to sentence to death everything which has ever prevented me from carrying the crosses of life in sincere Love for the One who is longing so ardently for the dawn of my rebirth to come, for only sincere remorse over all the shortcomings of my life will make the sun rise, which will raise my soul from her darkness.
Oh Sorrowful Mother, do raise in me the disposition of Heart harbored by Jesus in the Garden of Olives, so that I may no longer be a source of torment for my God and I may henceforth actively and gratefully open up the effects of His Works of Redemption within myself as the greatest treasure I have ever received. Therefore, for all remaining days of my life I put myself at Your disposal undividedly, in order that all crosses of my life may yet help deliver the world from its darkness.


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Oh Mary, eternally blooming Rose of Mount Calvary, on this sublime feast of true Love and perfect self-denial I give You my entire being and my entire journey through life, so as to let Jesus know He did not suffer in vain.
Today the key to the gate of Heaven is made available to every soul of good will, for the Christ is going to have the kingdom of darkness crucified along with Him for the sake of every soul who is willing to truly merge with His Heart, the Paradise of absolute Love.
Again He has embraced His Cross because I keep embracing my vices, for Love will leave Him no rest until, on the mountain of all sins, He will have delivered the darkness to the Death that is to bring me true Life.
I deeply worship the Blood with which He will write in my soul the Decree ordaining my eternal acquittal according to the degree of my sincere, self-denying Love towards all my fellow creatures and towards God and all His Works.
In order that I may love the crosses of my life as the greatest treasures Divine Providence could ever give me, the Redeemer’s Body will once again kiss the Cross on which He is longing to conclude everlasting marriage with my soul.
Through Your heart I want henceforth to thank the Christ in all my actions, words and inner dispositions for the Suffering through which He has bought Redemption, for in an unsurpassable way He has compensated for the burden of the world’s sins through sanctifying all sincere expiation by human souls.
Oh Sorrowful Mother, You are the perfect Co-Redemptrix with Jesus, for Your entire life was an unparalleled sacrifice of the most sorrowful Love.
God has left in my soul the germ of the most ardent desire to follow the Christ perfectly in His deepest dispositions and His perfect Love for the eternal well-being of all souls and for the establishment of the Kingdom of perfect Peace.
Today my Redeemer is mocked, scourged, crowned with thorns and crucified, after having drawn the effects of sin into His Body and His Heart in order to scorch them in the fire of Divine Love.
In Him will be crucified the death sentence which was resting on my soul due to man’s disobedience to God’s Law of perfect Love. In order that I may be worthy of the sacrifice of all sacrifices I therefore offer to God, through Your immaculate, sinless Heart, all trials I have ever found as well as those I am yet to find on my path through life. May this offering yield me the ability to give God true Love in return, for only my concrete Love will truly complete Jesus’ Works of Redemption in me.
Therefore, do rule my heart and help me to free it completely from every inclination separating my soul from God, for my entire being is moaning under the Sufferings Jesus is put through on my account. Oh help me to whole-heartedly crucify within me everything that has made the Messiah’s Cross heavier and that, in my own soul, has been preventing the blooming of the flower which was sowed in me in order to shape me in God’s image, so that Holy Friday may truly be the feast on which my entire being is a living glorification of true Love.


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Oh Mary, Sorrowful Mother, the Heart of the crucified Jesus has poured the fullness of God’s Love out upon the world. Today Your perfect unity of Hearts with the Christ is to crown the effects of the Works of Redemption for every soul that truly believes in Him.
You see, today I sincerely want to weep with You over the consequences of sin, which made it necessary for the Christ to die on the Cross, for so many souls have failed to recognize the Messiah and have killed Him without hesitation, for the world made them take the Light for the darkness. He is still being crucified in countless souls, who no longer believe in God’s Love.
After my Redeemer’s Death on the Cross the darkness tried so hard to take away Your faith in His Resurrection, yet the flower of faith can not wither in a soul who has made God and His Plan of Salvation the Way, the Purpose and the Goal of her life.
Today God is asking of me, too, that I sincerely opt in favour of the voice from His Spirit whispering inside of me, for the Latter wants to make the Works of Redemption fruitful in me. He is also asking me to bury once and for all the doubts that have been trying to make me a victim of living in an illusory world, in which the darkness keeps trying to lead me away from true faith.
I implore You, may through Your intercession the Holy Spirit grant me an understanding of the true degree of my faith in God’s Love and in His unlimited power over death, for only to the extent of my faith can Redemption be completed in me and the Resurrection of the Christ be brought forward in my soul.
Just like You did on the day after Jesus died on the Cross, I, too, want to believe that the Light will eventually always defeat the darkness, even if the realities of life would seem to contradict my believing this. I know, oh Mother of the Redeemer, that a perfect faith and a perfect trust must complete within me everything that God has been wanting to offer to my soul through the Works wrought by Jesus.
Today I offer You all the tears, all the heartaches and all moments of insecurity of my entire life, in order that all of this, along with Your Sorrows, may wash away the traces and effects of every mistake and every shortcoming of my life. Only in the sincere offering of all torments of my entire life to the Messiah through You and through my surrender to You will His Death on the Cross not have been in vain for me and will I rise with Him in the hour in which my journey through this valley of tears is running to an end.
May through this offering the crosses of my life only kill within me all that has ever tried to separate me from God, and thus truly become the seed of my resurrection.

The Mistress of all souls inspires the following prayer as an invitation extended to every soul to reflect upon the way she is dealing with the Divine seed the Passiontide has sowed into her.


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Beloved Jesus, torn apart in every fibre of His Body and whose Heart is bleeding out of the Wound inflicted by the vast amounts of Love that was never reciprocated by human hearts,
Tormented by remorse over every moment of my life in which I failed to understand Your Love and did not recognize it as the greatest gift that was ever prepared for me, I am now opening up to You the temple of my soul, for the walls of the indifference I have been building around my temple have hidden the sun of God’s Dawn to my eyes.
You see, my Jesus, I disdained Your preachings, for I was contented with my own folly.
I had You travel through the Israel of my soul to cure my leprosy, but I did not believe Your Love needs my Love for my soul to be restored to health.
Yearning for my embrace You wanted to raise me from the dead, yet I would not come forth from my grave.
While You were crying bitter tears on my account, I came and betrayed You by the kiss of the seeming Love through which I tried to deceive myself, my fellow creatures and You, my God.
Although You were willing to give Your life for me, I denied You many times, and when the rooster of my conscience crowed he was killed by my selfishness.
While Your Mercy buried Your Justice in Your Heart, I condemned You, for I found guilt in You endless attempts to cure me of my own expectations and visions about life.
Because the temptations from the world were so holy to me, You allowed Your physical body to be scourged beyond recognition.
Because I thought myself and my desires to be so important, You allowed Yourself to be mocked and crowned with thorns.
Because I kept hanging on to my own ways filled with vice, You carried the Cross of my iniquities, heavy as lead, from the Jerusalem of my soul to the summit of the high mountain of my debts towards God and my fellow creatures.
So as to save me from eternal death You died for me on the cross my own sins had prepared for You and to which the nails of my countless attachments and my rigid dispositions had attached You.
You see, the darkness that is threatening my soul has opened my eyes to the Light of the boundless Love through which You have been wanting to cast the seeds of the paradisical delights of true inner Peace into me all my life. You who have wanted to die for me, do come and live inside of me forever, for I knew not what I did, yet as of now I want to warm You forever by the fire of my remorse, in which I want to burn the foolishness of my failure to love.


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Oh Jesus, King of Divine Love,
My Creator granted me this one life on earth for me to help establish His Kingdom of perfect Love and Peace on earth through the sanctification of my heart, so as to turn the latter into a brook filled with water of Divine Love, able to quench the thirst of all my fellow creatures.
Therefore I give myself up to You, oh Redeemer of every soul who has wholeheartedly and voluntarily concluded with You the covenant of service to God’s Works.
See, I give You all burdens of my life and all my physical needs as the donkey on which You, Son of David, can enter the Jerusalem of my soul as the Defeater of the world. At Your entry I want to welcome You with the palm of my victory over every inclination to serve the darkness, which wants to crucify You.
I give You the garden of my soul as a Garden of Olives, for there I want to weep with you because of the sins and the seductibilities of mankind and over each time I have betrayed Your Plans and Works by the kiss of my omissions to truly deny myself and serve Love.
I give You all my weaknesses as a pillar of scourging, in order that the darkness inside of me may destroy itself each time it tries to hurt You with the scourge of its temptations and inspirations.
I give You every trace of selfishness and conceit as a crown of thorns, in order that Your Love may expose the kingdoms of the world within me as holes in which the serpent is hiding.
I give You my heart as a cross of my Redemption, for I long so much to make the darkness Your captive through the nails of my Love.
Do live inside of me, put to death everything which may get in the way of my sanctification, and let me rise with You from the grave of my darkness, for I was born for the Light, I want to die for the Light, and in the Light of an everlasting Easter I want to resurrect with You for True Life, in which all darkness has been crucified.


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Oh Jesus, Divine Redeemer,
Now that Your most holy Mission to redeem the souls is accomplished I entrust all darkness of the world to the tomb which will soon experience the fullness of Your Divine Light, for wherever God is, death cannot be king.
Oh Lamb of God, slaughtered for every omission by human souls to live perfect Love towards all their fellow creatures, this holy night is God's answer to the love of countless souls for the darkness, for Eternal Love is already preparing a lasting resurrection for each soul who will henceforth love the lamb more than the wolf.
To Your tomb I entrust all human souls, in order that Your Light may heal the blindness of souls to their own darkness, for seductibility and love for all worldly things keep feeding the souls the seeds of indifference, superficiality and selfishness, from which the prince of darkness prepares the tombstone which turns their hearts into their own dungeons.
United with the Sorrowful Heart of Mary, the Queen of Golgotha and Mirror of Your Light, I offer You every seed of love which has not gone lost in this world, as a ransom for every soul who, in this night, is willing to entrust her darkness to the tomb in which You have buried the chains of sin with You.
Soon the earth of all worldly attachments is going to tremble for every soul of good will, her tombstone is going to roll away, and the darkness is going to be opened up by the powerful Morning Sun of Resurrection. To the eyes of yearning Love the gate of Paradise will present itself in the Light from the One who has opened it with His Blood.
That is why, in this hour of hope, I implore of You that the sunrise may soon find many on a lasting exodus from their tomb of hopelessness to the Way of Christ, which leads to True Life.
In this longful disposition, oh Light of the world, in this most holy night I reject all darkness which blinds souls to the dawn of the Day that is never going to end.

4. The Crowning: Easter


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Risen Christ, Defeater of death,
Through Your Resurrection on Easter morning You proved the Light will always defeat the darkness.
May therefore, by virtue of Your Grace, all my tendencies towards sin in my actions, words, thoughts, feelings and aspirations die on the cross of my daily sufferings, in order that the Light of the Resurrection might also in my soul shine for all eternity.
This longing I lay down into the Heart of Mary, my powerful Heavenly Mother and Co-Redemptrix.


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Dear Mother Mary, Co-Redemptrix with Christ,
At the Cross I behold You, broken-hearted over the countless sins of the world which made the Crucifixion of God’s Son necessary.
With each drop of Blood flowing out of His Divine Body Jesus is completing the greatest Work of Divine Love.
With each tear from Your most pure Heart You allow souls of good will to flow over into their glorification.
Oh eternal Mother of Sorrows, Jesus gives You to my soul as the perfect dowry for the wedding which is going to connect me with God’s Heart forever.
Oh let me partake in Your sanctity, so that I may drown all darkness inside of me in the tears of my remorseful heart.
Do let me partake in Your perfect Love, which is going to take me up into the fullness of Divine Life.
Do let me partake in Your infinite merits, so that, through a perfect participation in the dispositions of the Hearts that have redeemed my soul, I may be born of You again for God’s Kingdom.
On steady Bridge towards the Resurrection, between the Redeemer’s Death and His Resurrection lies only Your Sorrowful Heart which, in the eyes of Divine Justice, is able to make up for the imperfections of every soul. Do show me the way on which You have preceded me, so that I may have my darkness crucified and may, across the Bridge of Your Heart, enter into the Kingdom of Eternal Peace.


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Oh Mary, Mother of Redemption, unwithering Rose in whom the resurrection of the soul was embodied even before Your Heart offered Your word of consent to God’s Heart,
In the radiant Light of the Resurrection of the Christ I come to You in deepest remorse over everything my life has done to the Messiah. Oh do accept my heart by way of a pledge for the grace that all traces of darkness of my entire life might be put to death and buried inside of me, in order that all my iniquities may make room for the rising of Divine Life in me.
Oh powerful Mediatrix and Advocate, today my entire being is longing so ardently to envelop all crosses and pains of my whole life with all the Love of my heart and to entrust this all-embracing sacrifice to the most holy Grave in which the Redemptive Works of the Christ are waiting to rise in my soul so as to open up true Love. May the Divine Judge accept my sacrifice as a delivering Passion killing all the darkness of my life to make room for the resurrection of the Light of completion inside my soul.
Softly Your Heart is weeping the tears of desire for my soul to follow Your Jesus all the way through His self-denying Sufferings until His Resurrection.
On this most holy feast of Eternal Spring, the absolutely accomplished hope which transforms even death into Life, I want to clothe all the crosses of my life with perfectly self-denying Love, for only Love is able to lift me up to true Life permanently. Do protect my heart against corruption, for only a perfectly pure heart is fit as a foundation for the resurrection of the Light which, in God’s time, is going to make all darkness ineffective. Did not Jesus, through His Resurrection, show me that a life in true Love and purity leads to the resurrection in glory?
Oh most holy Easter Lily, every soul is a bearer of the germ of true Life. In Your following I want to live a holy life, so that the germ of true Life in my soul may turn into a flower in the hour in which God will call me back from the world to join Him. May I whole-heartedly crucify all darkness in me, in order that the hour in which the sentence on my life will be passed before the throne of Eternal Love may also be the hour of my resurrection into true Life.