About the flow of Love as a source of happiness

Three Revelations given by MARY, Mistress of all souls
to Myriam van Nazareth, February 18-19-20, 2009

PART 1 - Wednesday, February 18, 2009

"Apostle of My power, today I want to address the souls with words which will shoot through creation like a burning arrow. Tell the souls that God has made all creatures out of Love. He has provided them with the ability to love. It is the experience and the spreading of this Love, as well as the purity with which this is done, that demonstrate a creature’s Divine origin.

Each human soul is by nature driven by the need to be happy. True happiness is the state which reminds the soul of her Divine origin. It is a foretaste of the experience of unity with God, which becomes perfect after life on earth, as soon as the soul is capable of achieving this perfect unity. The ability to be one with God’s Heart, the Source of all things created and the Source of all Love, is determined by the extent to which Love within the soul approaches perfection.

Dear souls, man can not become truly happy as long as both his behaviour and his inner dispositions impede or contaminate the stream of God’s Love towards each fellow creature – both man and animal.

The soul who does not love her fellow creature – man or animal – with a self-denying Love, will not find true happiness. How could she, since she also deprives God of this Love, God who can feel all experiences in the hearts and bodies of all creatures – man and animal alike.

The soul who abuses, tortures or torments her fellow creature – man or animal – physically, emotionally or mentally, will not find true happiness, for she abuses, tortures or torments the Heart of God Himself.

The soul who is indifferent to the well-being and happiness of her fellow creature – man or animal – will not find true happiness, for thereby she actually shows indifference towards God.

Whether a soul finds true happiness is determined by:
  • the extent to which she assimilates God’s Love;

  • the extent to which she allows this Love to become fruitful within herself, for the purpose of her own purification and inner flourishing. Indeed, God does not pour His Love into a soul in the form of a flower in bloom, but in the form of little seeds, which must sprout in the warmth of the heart. This warmth is developed in the soul if she is really receptive to God’s Love and if she puts her free will at the service of God’s Plan with her;

  • the extent to which she gives all her fellow creatures – humans and animals – real, unselfish Love.

Dear souls, God has provided you with the biggest treasure: the ability to be truly happy – not the way the world gives this, but the way the soul can only experience this in God’s Heart, by discovering the unity with the Source of all Love. The soul who accepts this treasure and does not lock it away in the dungeon of darkness of a heart that is filled with worldly desires, radiates God’s beauty, for this soul radiates the twinkling of precious stones from the treasury of the Creator of all things. The whole of creation is maintained only because of the fact the Love from God’s Heart keeps flowing through creation, century after century, day after day, second after second. If this flow of Divine Love were to stop for as little a one second, the whole of creation would lose its vital force and its bloom.

Dear souls, from the beginning man was chosen to represent God towards the whole of creation. On each one of you rests the duty to forward God’s Love to each fellow creature – man and animal alike. Because the human soul was created as the crown upon creation, she is the first to receive the flow of Divine Love. It therefore depends on the human soul to what extent God’s image can become visible throughout creation. The better the human soul assimilates true unselfish Love, experiences it, radiates it, and makes it work for the benefit of her fellow creatures – humans and animals – the more lively and pure God’s Love and the force of Divine Life will flow through creation. The result for the soul herself is the experience of true happiness. The more the human soul exchanges true Love for works of darkness by filling her fellow creature – man or animal – with fear and distrust, or by tormenting or hurting her fellow creature in any way whatsoever, the more the ability to experience the unity with God’s Heart and to find true happiness will suffocate inside of her.

I want to prompt each human soul to carefully consider her responsibility as a representative of God’s Love towards creation. Whenever a soul cuts a fellow creature – man or animal – off from the true experience of God’s Love by treating this fellow creature badly, she thereby incurs guilt. The reflection that an animal would be excluded from God’s Plan of Salvation in the narrow sense of the word, and that therefore a loveless way of treating animals would not be regarded nor judged by God as a sin, is an aberration which is shamelessly exploited by Satan. Each and every animal indirectly plays its specific part within God’s Plan of Salvation, through the way in which the human soul treats it. A creature – man or animal – that is treated badly, gradually loses his or its vital forces and consequently will, either entirely or in part, no longer be able to accomplish the plan God had conceived for him/it. The soul who either entirely or partly fails to let Love flow to her fellow creature – man or animal – thus counteracts God’s Plan and disrupts the balance within creation. Do dwell upon this consideration, because it can bring forward the restoration of creation and the establishment of God’s Kingdom on earth. Consider that bad treatment of animals, ranging from shameless exploitation to genuine ill-treatment, lays upon mankind a heavy burden of countless sins.

The soul who sows Love, harvests true happiness. The soul who does not sow Love or destroys the seed of Love in her fellow creature – man or animal – reaps a harvest of unhappiness and enhances the guilt of all mankind towards Divine Justice. No soul lives for herself alone: Each sin and each vice burden the soul with a primary and a secondary guilt. Primary guilt is the one which rests upon her directly on account of the effects of her actions or omissions on herself, as to her personal state of grace; secondary guilt is the one for which she is responsible on account of the effects of her actions or omissions on creation as a whole. May the soul consider the fact that God sees, hears and feels everything. Every act of tenderness, every kiss, every kind word, every act of charity, every word of encouragement, every expression of kindness and Love, but also every hurtful or unkind word, and every torture or pain inflicted upon a fellow creature – man or animal – physically, emotionally or mentally, is felt by God’s Heart up to its slightest details. Every act and every word of Love kisses God, every act and every word testifying of any lack of love tortures God. May the souls therefore carefully consider how to treat each fellow creature.

Dear souls, the Mistress of all souls has been given you as the Gardener who is able to bring within you the seed of Divine Life to the fruitfulness it is intrinsically able to yield. Your heavenly Mistress is able to make the wonderful, fragrant flowers of both earthly and eternal happiness bloom within you. Do accept the treasure you have received out of God’s hand. Not the rains of setbacks and trials of life make a soul unhappy, but the way in which the soul herself deals with Love. The soul who truly accepts God’s Love, makes it bloom within herself, and spreads it around all over her environment, develops the force of Divine Life. This force enables the soul to let every trial and every setback evaporate. Can water resist fire without undergoing any changes? Now then, the setbacks and trials of life are like water: They make the path of life fruitful, and in proportion as the fire of Love burns more intensively, it clears away all puddles that are likely to turn the path of life into swampy soil in which the soul may get stuck. In a soul who truly assimilates God’s Love, processes it, makes good use of it, and radiates it all over her fellow creatures – man and animal alike – the rains of trials and setback do not even get the opportunity to build puddles and mud.

Dear souls, you are bearers of your own happiness. God gives, I Myself till, and each soul can either use the harvest or allow it to waste away on the path of her life, so that she herself and her environment starve. I emphatically call each soul to the true following of Christ by becoming sources of true Love, happiness and feelings of security for all her fellow creatures – men and animals. Never forget that God, Eternal Love, feels everything any soul does to her fellow creatures as though it were done to Him directly. I Myself also feel everything going on in all creatures, and all pains they suffer physically, emotionally and mentally. According to the feelings the soul has given God in the course of her life on earth – happiness, Love, pain or torture – He will judge her. Light breeds more Light, darkness breeds more darkness. Whoever serves the darkness, will harvest darkness, both during his life on earth and afterwards. Whoever sows Light and Love, will harvest Light and Love, both during his life on earth and afterwards. The Light spread around by a soul will be given back to her a hundredfold as Wisdom. The Love spread around by a soul, will be given back to her a hundredfold as happiness.

May the souls regard and live these words as an ardent invitation to restore the dignity of all creatures – men and animals – because every creature bears within itself God’s signature. The way a soul treats a fellow creature, is actually how she is treating God. Each way of dealing with a person or an animal which is not filled with, nor inspired by, true, disinterested, unselfish Love, creates an obstacle to the flow of Divine Love. Help Me remove the darkness from all relations among people and between people and animals, so that the establishment of God’s Kingdom on earth may be brought forward. In so doing, help Me take away one of the most powerful arms of destruction used by Satan: the lack of Love displayed by many souls towards their fellow creatures. In proportion as the flow of Love circulates more freely and more vigorously, the whole of creation will be more thoroughly pervaded by God’s strength, and true happiness will bloom in the gardens of ever greater numbers of souls. True Love breeds Life and happiness; hate, contempt and ill treatment breed darkness and unhappiness: for the victim, but even a great deal more for the guilty soul. Open up your hearts, and experience how each act and expression of Love multiplies and gets back to you as the true inner Peace of Christ".

PART 2 – Thursday, February 19, 2009

"The Mistress of all souls has been called to teach the souls the Science of Divine Life, so that they may acquire the knowledge which can enable them to achieve the optimum fruitfulness with a view to accomplishing God’s Plan of Salvation for the benefit of all mankind. This is how I open up souls to the fullness of the Truth Jesus has sown into the souls who are willing to follow Him. I prepare the souls for the road to sanctity, by clearing their inner eye in such a way as to enable them to see what really is, and by transforming them internally so as to enable them to think, feel and act in accordance with the provisions of God’s Law from the beginning.

Flowers from God’s Garden, wake up! Do learn to see God’s hand in everything. He lets the sun rise in every joy on your daily path. He lets the soft rains of grace come down on the gardens of your souls, in the trials that grant you the privilege to be one with the suffering Christ. He gave you the germ of sanctity, which can flourish and turn into the most wonderful heavenly flowers if it gets the right proportion of sun and rain. Too little sun, but also too little rain, can hamper the bloom of your sanctity. Do allow Divine Providence to be the signpost on the path of your lives. God’s Wisdom knows exactly what each soul needs at any given point of time. The soul’s true needs are not always what this soul experiences as being her needs, because the soul easily gets blinded. Each temptation allows a cloud to veil the skies above the soul’s garden, thus altering the lighting of the world the soul lives in, so that she perceives things differently from what they are truly like. Only Love can dissolve any cloud like the sun makes any fog lift, but the fire of true Love must burn inside your hearts, for the fog of temptations, aberrations and seductions must be dissolved from its base upward, for the soul to be able to breathe again soon.

Dear souls, yesterday I called upon you to help maintain or restore the dignity of every fellow creature – man and animal – by allowing God’s Love to flow through all of you towards all your fellow creatures. So often a soul deprives her fellow creature of its dignity because the latter is allegedly 'different' or because she considers it to be 'inferior'. I emphasize that not one single creature is inferior. Every creature has been made with specific characteristics because Divine Wisdom judged this to be right, in accordance with God’s specific intentions. The soul who deprives a fellow creature of its dignity by treating it in a way which does not agree with the Law of Love, is actually criticizing God’s Works and detracting from the effects thereof, as well as rejecting Divine Wisdom. Therefore any action or word by which a fellow creature – man or animal – is harmed physically, mentally or emotionally, is a work of darkness, and consequently a sin or an expression of vice.

Always consider that a creature is the way it is because God needs its specific characteristics for the accomplishment of his great Plan of Salvation. Always consider that a person is born in a specific place, belongs to a specific race, etcetera, because according to God’s Plan he had to be born in that place, and he has a specific mission to fulfil within his particular society and race. Respect all this, because it is God’s Work, which is governed by an infallible Intelligence which greatly surpasses human intelligence. Also the observation of a fellow man’s 'being different' which is based on aberrations in the field of virtue, must not give rise to ill treatment, abuse or condemnation, but to prayer for this soul’s liberation and well-being.

Also do not look down upon an animal on account of any peculiarities, looks, constitution or so-called inferiority. God has brought all of these characteristics together in this creature for the human soul to rejoice over this richness and over all signs of God’s perfect Intelligence all this testifies to. The animals are given you as auxiliaries for your hearts to open up and find connection with God’s Love. Do not destroy this great present by any ill treatment or contempt.

Your fellow men are given you as auxiliaries to achieve your own sanctity. Do not destroy this great present by any ill treatment or contempt.

Dear souls, do pause to think for a while, look and listen deep inside of your hearts, and try to find there the connection with the heartbeat of God Himself. I whisper God’s Love inside of you. Listen to My voice, which was anointed by Eternal Wisdom and ignited by Eternal Love. Follow My calls and teachings of Love, and the fog will clear up in your hearts, so that you will again be able to see the beauty of a flower, an animal, and your fellow man. Surrender your blindness to Me, and pray to Me that you may regain the ability to truly love your fellow creature and God Himself, so that your darkened hearts may die and may be resuscitated to Divine Life, which is controlled only by the heartbeat of your Creator. You will learn to see everything the way God sees it, and the way I Myself see it. Your renewed faculty of observation will eliminate within you all anxiousness, all fear, all doubt, all dissatisfaction, and you will find true happiness, which you so often look for in places where you will not find it, because your eyes do not see things in your lives the way they truly are. You have lost the ability to see the innumerable signs of God’s Presence and Works in your lives. Give Me the opportunity to open up this treasure chest within you, so that you may see.

The key lies inside your hearts. Give your hearts and all your anxieties to Me, the Mistress of all souls, and I will obtain the miracle for your benefit. To that end I was sent to you, for I am the Trailblazer of true happiness in time and eternity".

PART 3 - Friday, February 20, 2009

"Announce to the souls that God has created everything according to a well-defined Plan. This Plan is based on His infallible Wisdom, and was intended to be elaborated completely according to His infallible Intelligence. The elaboration of the Divine Plan for Life was to maintain perfect happiness for all creatures throughout the ages. God has given the human souls a free will. As long as the souls would use their free will in perfect agreement with God’s Will, the Plan for Life would run the course as foreseen, and creation would live in perfect harmony, driven by the heartbeat of God Himself and thereby perfectly ready to let true happiness blossom to its full potential.

The human soul was to lead a perfectly holy life, and all her fellow creatures were to constantly experience, under her management, the Presence and Works of the Creator. The Creator’s major Work is this: that without the slightest interruption He sends waves of perfect Love through creation. Every creature is sent into the world as a bearer of a germ that maintains Life. Life takes place in many layers of development, on various levels. In the human soul the germ of Life is the most developed, or in other words: in her this germ is the bearer of the highest faculties. Only the human soul possesses the faculty to produce works which, when combined with Divine Love, are directly able to obtain redemption and salvation. You can look at it this way: The soul is a bearer of salvation and happiness, the lock to this Divine treasure is also hidden inside of her, and Divine Love is the key which is able to unlock the treasure chest. However, the lock must be prepared by free will if it is to be opened by Love.

Immediately after the original sin was committed, by which the human soul had lost her intrinsic sanctity, God proclaimed His Great Plan of Salvation for the souls.

The waves of perfect Love, which incessantly flow from God’s Heart all over creation, are bearers of Life. The essence, the basic substance, of Life, is Love. It is Love which gives Life, and which animates. Therefore we refer to a 'dead soul' as a soul in whom Love has died. For the human soul, who is the only one to possess the faculty to experience true sanctification, these waves of Divine Love are also bearers of eternal bliss in the full experience of God’s Presence. The germ God has laid into every creature works in a way comparable with a magnet that attracts God’s Love and leads it into the creature. With the animals and plants this happens in a mechanical way, so to speak: they assimilate those elements of vital force that they need, according to the specific nature God has provided them with. The assimilation of the higher elements of vital force requires an active contribution on the creature’s part. That is why, in the human soul, the assimilation of Divine Love – which, in the human soul, can be referred to as 'Divine Life' because it enables her to develop after God’s image – takes place as follows:

Divine Love, and thus true Life, proceeds from God’s Heart and is led to the human soul, enters her, and must be 'unlocked' there by free will. This means that the soul can only truly allow Divine Love, and consequently the basic principle of Divine Life, to become operative inside of her to the extent she wants to become one with God. How are the souls to understand this?

Free will consists of a conscious component, through which man wants to become holy, or not, and an unconscious component, which the soul is not aware of but which is strongly influenced by the experiences of life and the importance the soul attaches to all worldly elements of life, with all needs and desires which, on account thereof, become operative, and often keep working inside of her, day after day.

This unconscious component constitutes the major field of operations for the forces of evil, for the latter abuse the blindness of most souls to the true nature and extent of their needs, desires and the way in which all their behaviour patterns and inner dispositions are being influenced by the world and the developments of life. Because of all this, it is possible that a soul who strives for a life of unity with God and who really wishes to accomplish works of Light, nevertheless does not succeed in bringing Love to fruition within herself, because traumas from her past prevent her from allowing the full vital force of Love to develop within herself. This inability often expresses itself at given points of time as a vague dissatisfaction, a vague feeling of lack of lust for life, all kinds of fears, doubts, feelings of insecurity, and an inability to transfer Love to fellow creatures unreservedly and unconditionally. This soul seems to lack something, and often she does not know what it is. She does not seem to find true joy and true happiness. She very easily falls prey to all kinds of temptations, and sometimes she treats her fellow creatures in a rather insensitive way or downright badly.

Very many souls are blocked in this field. Consequently the flow of God’s Love through creation is interrupted or weakened at very many points. The consequences are visible around you: general dissatisfaction, lack of lust for life, depressions, major confusion, blindness and aberrations on a large scale, weakened receptiveness to God’s full Truth, derailments as to the development of Life even in the physical conditions of nature, crime, ill-treatment of fellow people and animals, darkness in thousands of forms.

Dear souls, only darkness itself tears down and leaves ruins. God reconstructs everything. That is why, as the Mistress of all souls, I am the Bearer of the power to help human souls change from within, to such an extent they may again be able to fully assimilate Divine Love. It is My mission to prepare the souls so as to make them ready to contribute to the restoration of God’s Kingdom to its originally intended state. That is why I help them to acquire knowledge of the Truth of God’s Laws. I teach them the Laws of Divine Life. I help them to unlock inside of themselves the higher faculties of the soul, so that they may be able to actually assimilate Divine Love and to process it to the extent necessary to bring the flower of their soul to the full bloom of sanctity. Thus the Mistress of all souls is the Messenger of true happiness, true Love, true hope and encouragement. I have the power to free you all from the things and conditions preventing you from assimilating and making full use of Divine Love. I have been granted this power by virtue of the redeeming sufferings of Jesus Christ. It is My mission to bring this fruit to full maturity within each individual soul. Therefore My power can work in every soul the great wonder of taking her back to the state of perfect openness to Divine Love. That is why I need, from the hands of every soul, the instrument to obtain this openness: her free will.

Bear in mind the following scheme, for it shows you the way to true happiness:

1. I need the total consecration of your free will. Regularly repeat "Mary, powerful Mistress of all souls, turn my free will into Your Kingdom". Step by step I will make your free will one with God’s Will, so that your entire being can be geared to being integrated into Divine Life and into God’s Works and Plans.
2. I need the total consecration of your entire being: soul, mind, heart and body, so that I may be enabled to freely use your entire being and to transform it in depth;
3. I need the total consecration of your past, as of your birth up to yesterday, so that I may be enabled to help you heal from all injuries, and to imprint on you a new approach towards all your experiences and memories;
4. I need you to long for thorough purification. Ask Me every day to purify your thoughts, feelings and wishes of everything which does not bear true Love nor is able to spread it around. Ask Me to cure you of all worldly attachments, of all longings for worldly things and activities, and of the tendency to attach importance to worldly events and to worldly possessions and property, and of the tendency to make money and material profits the centre of all your actions and omissions. Thus I gradually turn a soul into a mirror of God’s Heart, and I lower her liability to temptations.

What do I do as soon as I have
acquired full command and control over all of this?

1. I obtain the soul an in-depth purification of her entire being, and I purify her entire path through life, so that, day by day, she may grow towards a greater resemblance of God;
2. In proportion as the soul’s purity increases, her ability to assimilate Divine Love also enhances. One could consider it to be like this: more and more pores open up, through which the soul is able to assimilate Love;
3. I transform the soul internally, so as to enable her to use the newly acquired Love for a total rebirth out of Me;
4. The capacity and the desire to spread Love towards one’s fellow creatures is constantly enhanced. Thus the soul returns to the original state in which she is again able to represent God’s Presence and His Works towards all her fellow creatures, and in which she desires ever more ardently to actually do this.

This development is nothing other than the path to sanctity.

The soul who completely surrenders to Me while inspired by all these intentions, is reintegrated into the flow of Divine Love, to become a junction which is able to grant this flow its full effect. The works this soul performs will bring her true happiness. This is the covenant the Mistress of all souls wants to enter into with each and every one of you, little lambs of Christ. Consider the holy words I spoke to you the day before yesterday, yesterday, and today, and refer to them by the title of little Trilogy of true Love".
