The Queen of Heaven inspires five dispositions to break the effects of
darkness in one’s own heart and in the world

inspired by Mary to Myriam van Nazareth

In the Advent of 2019 the Mistress of all souls taught Her Myriam through an extraordinary Revelation, the text of which, pursuant to Her order, is rendered hereinafter in its entirety:

"Once again Christmas is drawing near as the celebration of the birth of the Light of the world. This Divine Light is not born merely in the commemoration of this great event of Salvation that took place at Bethlehem twenty centuries ago, it must be born in the hearts, in order that the Christ may truly be born in the world.

Similarly the actual return of My Son is not to be expected in the form of an externally visible appearance of God’s Son in the world, but in the form of His true rising in individual hearts. For a heart to be able to experience this 'Second Birth' of the Christ within itself it is necessary that the soul concerned should cleanse herself of every trace of dark feelings, thoughts, desires, expectations and inclinations, and that she should voluntarily, purposely, spontaneously and persistently transform herself into a worthy cradle for the dispositions of the Christ Himself, or expressed in another image: into a worthy field in which He can freely and unrestrainedly cast His Divine seed, the seed of true Love in all of its aspects, knowing it will not be lost in this field and will yield fruits which will help complete God's Plans and Works for all of creation.

I give you the five main dispositions which enable the soul to turn herself into a cradle for the second birth of the Christ or into a field for His seed and, in so doing, to undo the effects of all darkness in her own life and in the world at large, in preparation for the final victory of the Light of Divine Love and Peace in all creation:

1. Total, unconditional and irrevocable forgiveness. Forgiveness blocks the darkness, lack of forgiveness empowers the darkness to repeat its works, to maintain them and to extend them. The power of total forgiveness as a weapon against the darkness is so tremendous that no soul is able to fathom the effect of true forgiveness in the entire network of creation. The darkness unrelentingly keeps preventing forgiveness to be granted, through casting its seed yielding the ill weeds of resentment, dissatisfaction, lack of inner peace, jealousy, envy, hate, irreconcilability and vengefulness.

2. Brightfulness. Brightfulness is the Light of the soul. This disposition makes the soul turn spontaneously to positive feelings, thoughts and expectations, thus making her see and expect the sun rather than the clouds. True brightfulness is closely related to sincere trust in the victory of Love and Light in everything. A soul that is lacking in brightfulness will very easily allow herself to become a toy in Satan’s claws: Through such a soul he can freely and unrestrainedly develop his works and plans of darkness, thus enabling himself to easily poison the soul herself as well as every creature she encounters, to make the latter ineffective as tools for the accomplishment of God’s Works due to the fact the lives of such creatures are made difficult and their inner peace is affected, and eventually to destroy lives altogether.

3. Unconditional self-denying Love for all fellow creatures. I stress the word 'all', for I say most emphatically that God expects and wishes every human soul to interact in a disposition of stainless, unconditional Love and respect not only with all her fellow persons of any race, people and culture irrespective of the language they speak, but also with all animals and even with the elements of the world’s vegetation. He conceived every single living being of every single species and enabled each creature to be born, based on a Plan no human soul on earth is able to fathom in its true depth and which is intended to ensure the completion of His Plan of Salvation for all creation, in order that His Kingdom of perfect Love, Peace and happiness on earth may eventually be completed so as to enable the world to return to the state of perfect sanctity, the state of being a spotless mirror of His Kingdom of the Heavens, the state in which He originally created the world.

Through dark dispositions in countless human hearts towards animals and even towards the environment the darkness has been bringing massive misery, chaos and suffering into the world, has been poisoning countless lives physically and morally, and has been enabled to cover all of creation with a layer of darkness which is perceived by every creature as an atmosphere of oppression which seems to make life so unsure and insecure.

God expects the human souls to make an active, voluntary, spontaneous and persistent radical turnaround in her ways of thinking, feeling and desiring, a turnaround out of the darkness into the Light of unconditional Love. This turnaround must be geared towards all living beings, not only towards one’s fellow person, otherwise the Kingdom of God can never be established on earth.

With all this the souls should constantly bear in mind that true self-denial means that the soul spontaneously desires for the well-being of all her fellow creatures to be accomplished with preference over her own well-being in this transitory material life. Therefore true self-denial is only possible to the extent to which the soul truly believes and trusts that she is borne, guided and protected by God and that whoever puts his own person, interests and expectations after those of all fellow creatures is thereby actually helping to enhance the happiness, the Light, the warmth and Peace in all creation by breaking the power of the darkness in his entire behaviour and in everything which proceeds from him, and that the actual purpose and goal of life on earth are not in the accomplishment of one’s own earthly needs and expectations but in the completion of God’s Works and Plans and therefore in fulfilling one’s own Eternal Salvation.

4. Sincere empathy with the needs and feelings of all fellow creatures. This is the disposition urging the soul to help carry the crosses and trials of every fellow creature in every possible respect and to avoid at any cost that her behaviour, her attitude or words might ever hurt a fellow creature or cause the latter physical or moral suffering or pain. Without sincere empathy with the needs of all fellow creatures people and animals will keep dying of starvation and any other form of hardship, as well as of the results of neglect. Without sincere empathy with the feelings of all fellow creatures lives will keep being destroyed day after day: physically through abuse and ill treatment, morally through undermining of the fellow creature’s dignity as a work of God and through discouragement in any conceivable form.

5. Sincere desire for the completion of God’s Works of Love. The soul who, in her entire behaviour, is driven by the sincere desire that her every action, word, thought, feeling and wish might make her a useful tool for the completion of God’s Works of Love and of the establishment of God’s Kingdom on earth, is a genuine mirror of the dispositions of the Heart of Christ, who performed His Works of Redemption on earth for the sole purpose of unlocking God’s Plan of Salvation, in order that human souls might help accomplish it in His following, for God will not complete anything without the active collaboration from human souls.

The human soul can only be truly useful as a tool serving the completion of God’s Works on earth to the extent to which all dispositions of her heart are borne on a foundation of sincere humility and of a sincere awareness of her own vocation and role in this life as a mere tool for the accomplishment of God’s Law.

Therefore I emphatically call upon the souls to allow these five dispositions to be born inside of them and to help them be perfected by an active day to day commitment. The soul who sincerely makes this her goal and actually keeps making efforts to realize this goal in every detail of her daily life and in all her inner dispositions will experience that God will truly guide and carry her through all her troubles and her inner struggle, in so far as she spontaneously desires to be a mirror of God’s Presence towards all her fellow creatures and to be a channel of Love, Light and warmth.

Be mirrors of Christ and let Him truly be born and grow up inside of you, so that you may experience His Second Coming inside of your hearts. Open up your hearts to receive and grow the Divine seeds of:

  1. Total, unconditional and irrevocable forgiveness.
  2. Brightfulness.
  3. Unconditional self-denying Love for all fellow creatures.
  4. Sincere empathy with the needs and feelings of all fellow creatures.
  5. Sincere desire for the completion of God’s Works of Love.

I, the Mother of the Christ, can and will give birth to Him in every heart in which I can read the intention and the sincere desire to nourish Him with the food worthy of God: the food which the soul, in close collaboration with Me, will purify of every trace of darkness.

Through these words from My Heart, which in the fullness of Divine Grace is the perfect reflection of God’s Heart, I offer you the golden way to render all works of darkness inside yourselves and in the world completely ineffective, and to destroy its power once and for all. The future of the world is in your hands".

Mary, the Mistress of all souls and Mother of the Light of the world through Her Myriam, Advent 2019.

Shortly after the underlying Revelation the Mistress of all souls offered the souls a Special Christmas Revelation for the Last Times and ordained the release of both Revelations as a whole, as they complement each other.