Teaching granted by the Holy Virgin Mary

through Myriam van Nazareth

July 2024

Introduction to the underlying teaching

Over the years, the Mistress of all souls has been teaching Myriam through several visions regarding the end of life and the judgment to be passed on the life which has just ended, before the throne of the Most High. One of the great fruits of these teachings was released at the end of 2018 under the title Life beyond the setting sun. In a nocturnal vision in June 2024 the Heavenly Queen showed Myriam explicitly that souls should not imagine the Divine judgment on their recently ended earthly life as an event during which God delivers a verbal explanation (like a judge pronouncing a judgment), but rather as an event during which, in a manner of speaking, God pours into her the film of her past life. This already shows that not a single moment in a creature’s life escapes God, no matter how trivial or insignificant it may have appeared to be. Clearly, to God absolutely nothing is completely unimportant or meaningless.

The Heavenly Mistress showed how, during this process, the soul can in a flash see and feel all and any details of her life and all the dispositions of her heart during those details (which may have happened even decades earlier), together with the 'feelings' each of these details has generated in the Heart of God Himself and the effects each detail has generated for the course of God’s Plan of Salvation, as well as what effects each of the soul’s contacts with any fellow creature has had for the latter (joy, pain, fear, emotional trauma, suffering, unrest, discouragement, feelings of insecurity or of security, experiences of Light and warmth or, inversely, of darkness and coldness, etcetera).

The Holy Virgin pointed out once again (as She has repeatedly done to Myriam in the past), that God has felt these effects during every event and every contact in two ways: both directly in His own Heart and through the experiences of the creature concerned, because at every single moment God feels each and every sensation of every single one of His creatures in His own Being: God 'lives' in each of His creatures (both human souls and animals), He feels their sensations in His own Being, etcetera.

As a result, in a manner of speaking the soul experiences her entire past life exactly as God Himself has seen, felt and judged it all the time at every single moment. In this way the soul can form a detailed picture of the real value and meaning her life has had for God, for the accomplishment of His Plans and Works to which she was expected to contribute with her life, and for all her fellow creatures. In this way she obtains a sort of perfectly objective 'grading' that expresses exactly the extent to which her life, all her actions, words, thoughts, feelings, aspirations, desires and everything that has lived within her, have or have not contributed to the fulfilment of the vocation and mission the soul had received from God to fulfil with her life.

In this way the Queen of Heaven and earth irrefutably demonstrates that God cannot in any way be considered guilty for the judgment passed on a human soul. There is no question of Divine arbitrariness, possible prejudice, nor lust for power on God’s part, nor of any possible lack of objectivity in the judgment. In a manner of speaking the soul judges herself: God does not need to speak a word, the soul herself sees and feels in a perfectly objective manner what her past life has really meant in all its details for the course of God’s Plan of Salvation, what it has meant for all fellow creatures with which she has ever been in contact (regardless of how often, how long or short, and in what way). All this because she is allowed and enabled to see and feel her own past life and all the dispositions of her own heart at every moment of that life from the Heart of God Himself, which has perceived and felt even the smallest detail, and therefore judges absolutely perfectly and infallibly.

The Mistress of all souls explains that in this way every life judgment also provides partial compensation for the darkness that is produced in every human life: Because the soul is granted the opportunity to become aware of her own transgressions against God’s Law in an unerring manner and fully objectively, her life judgment allows her to experience something of the pains and the suffering she has caused to her fellow creatures and to God Himself, and because, in a manner of speaking, she is allowed to feel all of this 'from the Heart of God Himself', she is struck in full intensity by the true significance and depth of her shortcomings as to the fulfilment of Divine Law.

This particularly intense experience can be regarded as a kind of 'down payment' towards the debt that has been accumulated by mankind as a whole through the ages, and to the extent the soul truly opens herself to the seed of Divine Love that is poured into her during this event this experience can be added to the redemption of the burden of sin, a redemption that has been disclosed to a very high degree by the Man-God Jesus Christ on earth.

Thus the judgment on a human soul’s past life is an extraordinarily intense experience in which usually mainly heartache and Love are merged. It is on the basis of this truth that, in the following teaching, the Mistress of all souls provides yet another extension to Her previous teachings with respect to the Law of True Love.

Fruits from the tree of perfection

Towards Myriam, the Queen of Heaven and earth once referred to True Love, i.e. the self-denying, disinterested Love of the human soul towards all her fellow creatures and towards God and all His Works and Plans, as 'the tree of perfection'. The Law of True Love is the Divine Constitution, the Basic Law that lives in the Heart of the Creator as the guiding principle according to which all creation and all movements and interactions between all elements of creation are regulated. True Love is the Divine force carrying Life itself, and is therefore considered the fuel of the entire network of creation. Without True Love creation would not carry Life at all.

The expressions of True Love, the forms in which it is expressed by the human soul, are compared by the Holy Virgin to the fruits that ripen on this tree.

Based on the degree of ripening of these fruits in a soul, God measures to what extent this soul has matured in True Love, and therefore to what extent this soul has been fulfilling His Law of True Love. After a soul’s life on earth has ended, God judges the value of this life according to the extent to which the soul has put the Law of True Love (i.e. the Divine Constitution or Basic Law) into practice.

Divine Love flows from God’s Heart through all of creation as the true life force. This flow runs directly from the Heart of God to every individual creature, but in the first place the human soul as the 'crown of creation' is expected to forward this flow to all her fellow creatures. This flow must be able to flow completely unhindered through the network of creation. First and foremost all human souls are responsible for the extent to which Love runs through creation unimpededly and without any contamination.

The human soul is to direct the flow of Love from her heart, meaning: She determines the strength and purity of this flow through all that is going on in her heart, i.e. through the extent to which her heart (her emotional life and her inner perception of life) is or is not in harmony with the Heart of God Himself. The extent to which a human soul is in harmony with the Heart of God is determined by the extent to which this soul allows all her actions to be governed by the Law of True Love and by the extent to which, through all the details of her life, she aspires to help accomplish the goal that God Himself has set for His creation. This goal consists of nothing other than this: that creation should be a perfect mirror of the Kingdom of Heaven, which in itself is already a mirror of the Heart of God Himself, a Kingdom that consists of nothing other than a boundless experience of Love within and between all components (all creatures that are part of this Kingdom, together with their God).

The Mistress of all souls refers to the following five expressions of True Love as the greatest fruits from the tree of perfection, and therefore the dispositions of heart that are decisive in God’s assessment of the value and significance of a human life:

  1. sincere and unconditional forgiveness;
  2. sincere and total contrition;
  3. spontaneous, unlimited and unconditional self-denying service to every fellow creature;
  4. unlimited respect for the dignity of every fellow creature;
  5. deep empathy with the being of every fellow creature.

1. sincere and unconditional forgiveness

We can imagine relationships between souls as pipelines or channels through which Light must flow. Upon the death of one or both of the creatures involved, these channels must pass into Eternal Life in as pure a state as possible, in order to help keep the entire network of creation in balance.

A great many millions of these channels within the network of creation get soiled by the impurity of contacts, encounters, mutual attitudes and dispositions, actions, words, thoughts, feelings and desires between creatures: Every time when in a contact or relationship between two creatures, at least one of both parties involved act, speak, think, feel, desire, etcetera, in any negative way, filled with impurity or darkness towards the other creature, soiled Love or no Love at all will flow through the channel connecting both of them (often the complete opposite, viz. hatred, jealousy or any other kind of negative, dark emotion).

In a manner of speaking, under such circumstances the channel between these two creatures gets clogged or blocked altogether. The relationship between the two deteriorates, no longer functions according to Divine Law, or dies completely. Let us never lose sight of the fact that all Life is sustained only by pure Love.

Impure relationships between creatures arouse in at least one of the parties involved feelings of resentment, of being wronged, and the conviction that the fellow creature is to blame. In order to make such a condition healthy again and to prepare the deteriorated, soiled or blocked channel between the two for a pure flow of True Love and therefore of Divine Life, the creature who feels hard done by and is convinced that the fellow creature is guilty towards them, must be willing to forgive sincerely and unconditionally.

In order for this attitude to have its full effect on the flow of True Love within the network of creation, it is desirable that the guilty party (often both are at fault!) thoroughly cleanses their behavior and attitude, but even if this is not fully the case, forgiveness from the party who feels wronged can already rob the darkness in the relationship of much strength. This is due to the fact that, as the Holy Virgin most emphatically declares, sincere forgiveness is considered by God to be one of the most powerful expressions of True Love. Sincere, unconditional forgiveness breaks the power of darkness in a relationship between creatures by robbing Satan of the power he can continue to exercise over the relationship as long as the creatures involved are mutually negatively disposed. Indeed, in the latter case he gets to destroy the channel between the two in such a way that henceforth no flow of True Love through this channel will be possible.

Forgiveness clears the affected channel of obstructions and impurities. To this end, forgiveness must be sincere and truly experienced in the heart in such a way that the creature who feels wronged in all sincerity henceforth refrains from blaming the 'guilty' fellow creature for the latter’s transgression(s).

The soul can only truly forgive to the highest degree when she truly realizes that every soul can make mistakes, including herself, in other words that every human soul (including herself) is sinful by nature, and that ultimately the sinning soul is not the source of sin (the true source is Satan), but a misguided channel or instrument that has allowed itself to be used by the darkness during the transgression(s) with a view to causing damage or suffering. The more the injured soul truly experiences this awareness, the more inclined she will be to forgive spontaneously, especially if she is motivated by the desire to help the soul that has caused her harm or suffering to return to the Light, instead of by any desire that the latter may be lost, in other words that the latter may damn herself. Thus, also in this additional way forgiveness becomes an expression of True Love for God, as God desires that no soul should be lost: A soul who damns herself gives the darkness an opportunity to gain a victory over the Light.

A special expression of forgiveness is that which is granted beyond the boundaries of life and death. Often the relationship between two human souls has been impure or spoiled for a long time. If then one of them suddenly dies, forgiveness can no longer be given face to face. However, the Queen of Heaven points out that in such a case it is also possible and extremely valuable that the longest living of both souls involved should, in full sincerity and from the bottom of her heart, speak to Her words to the following effect:

"Mary, Queen of Heaven and earth, Mother of all human souls, through Your perfectly holy and eternally sinless Heart I yet grant total forgiveness to ....... (name of the deceased), who has done me wrong. I erase from my heart every stain from the impure relationship that has existed between us. May God not hold against him/her the offense(s) committed against me, in order that the darkness may lose all power over the past impure relationship forever. May, moreover, this forgiveness obtain me the grace to keep all my relationships with all my fellow creatures completely pure and filled with Love".

2. sincere and total contrition

True contrition is a state of heart in which the soul realizes that she has not lived completely in accordance with God’s Law of Love, and in which she harbors the fervent desire to make things right between her and God, not based on the feeling that 'this is the proper way to do' or because she feels obliged to do so, and not out of fear of being damned herself, but because she truly wants to live in harmony with God’s Law of Love. True contrition is therefore basically an expression of loving pain, towards God and, where appropriate, also towards fellow creatures to whom the soul may, according to her own feelings, have caused harm or pain or suffering.

Contrition, if it occurs spontaneously and is truly sincere, is one of the most powerful expressions of True Love. Sincere contrition is a very deep experience of oneness of the soul with the Heart of God and His Law. Contrition is such a powerful expression of True Love that the Queen of Heaven once said to Myriam that in Confession, the degree of genuine contrition determines the heat of the fire in which the confessed sins are burned. By this She meant nothing less than this:

Sin is the absolute opposite of Love. The soul sins as soon as she allows Love to weaken in her heart or even allows it to become (temporarily) ineffective as a driving force for her actions and her inner life (feelings, thoughts, desires, aspirations, dispositions). Therefore, the effects of a sin can only be nullified by sincerely practicing true, self-denying Love. True Love is like a fire that, in a manner of speaking, is able to burn away the effects of sins. One of the most powerful means to ignite this fire, to maintain it, and to make it blaze very high, is spontaneous, sincere and deep contrition. How are we to understand this?

Sincere contrition is a disposition of the heart in which the soul realizes she has deviated from Divine Law in certain respects and that, in so doing, she has caused harm and/or suffering to one or more fellow creatures and to God Himself. This awareness is only sincere, and therefore only produces its necessary effect, when the soul truly wants to become a better person, i.e. when contrition is a sensation that simultaneously consists of sincere Love for God and His Law and for all fellow creatures, and of heartache because deep down in her heart the soul realizes that she is in reality meant to be one with God and with all her fellow creatures.

The soul in a state of sincere contrition feels the suffering and/or damage she has caused through her violations and transgressions against Love, sincerely and unmistakably to be an attack on the network of creation as a construction of Eternal Love, and because the soul in this state experiences a sense of unity with God and with her fellow creatures, she knows and feels that her violations and faults also harm herself. A soul that truly realizes she has no significance as such, but that her significance as a creature lies solely in her functioning within the entire network, will also become sensitive to the fact that her own transgressions have negatively affected God’s Works and that she has thus been a 'disturbing factor' within the framework of the realization of God’s Plan of Salvation, and she will experience genuine heartache about this.

For this reason, 'contrition' that is aimed at obtaining God’s forgiveness, is in fact 'false contrition' and therefore not an expression of True Love, because it is driven by self-interest. Sincere contrition is a spontaneous feeling of pain over the fact that one has caused pain, suffering and/or harm to one or more fellow creatures, and to God Himself, and that one has therefore oneself been the cause of a reduced sense of well-being in beings outside the world of one’s own being. This component of self-denial, of lack of self-interest, makes contrition genuine repentance and therefore an expression of True Love. Sincere contrition shows God that deep in her heart the soul is seeking to get reconnected with His Love and that in all of her actions she desires to be nothing less than a ray of sunshine that helps illuminate and warm her environment, and that she is truly in pain over the fact that she has failed in this respect and has thus contributed to generating darkness and suffering in creation.

Sincere contrition works in the soul like a powerful purification plant. This is expressed, among other things, in the phenomenon that a soul who sincerely repents her transgressions, for example on the occasion of Confession, can suddenly start to cry. The reasoning must not be reversed by assuming that tears automatically mean that contrition is sincere, but a deep Confession accompanied by a sincere contrition can kindle in the soul an intense fire, the flames of which consist of an unusual burning Love for God, for His Law and for all fellow creatures (and most intensely for the fellow creatures to whom one has caused suffering and/or harm), as well as of a wrenching pain about the fact that one has been a source of suffering and harm for God and for certain fellow creatures, and that one has therefore shamed True Love and neglected to fulfill one’s own mission in life as a human soul: Every human soul’s mission in life consists herein, that she is to spend her entire life, all details of her actions and of her inner dispositions on fulfilling God’s Basic Law of True Love.

Tears during Confession do not automatically indicate sincere contrition, because a soul can also deceive herself: Satan, too, can arouse feelings in a soul which appear to have no depth. The best indication of the sincerity of tears in this context lies in the permanent nature of the feelings: Contrition can only be considered sincere when it really gives rise to a sustained effort in the soul to henceforth focus all her actions and thoughts entirely on becoming a better Christian in all respects. This means that the soul in a state of sincere contrition directs her entire life with determination and perseverance towards following Jesus Christ as faithfully as possible in every possible respect: in an intensive experience of True Love in all her actions and in all her inner disposition, and in the sincere desire to make her life fruitful for the fulfillment of Divine Law and the accomplishment of God’s Plan of Salvation for all creation.

The proof for the sincerity of a component of True Love in a human soul always lies in two factors: that she senses and puts into practice this component (for example, contrition) spontaneously, sincerely and without any self-interest, and that she persists in this condition. A component of True Love that is only experienced when the soul expects that it will yield something for herself, and which, moreover, is given up at a certain point, is not sincere but an element of self-deception and often of deception of her environment (and even an attempt to deceive God Himself).

3. spontaneous, unlimited and unconditional self-denying service to every fellow creature

Each creature is an element in a comprehensive system, the network of creation. In fact, this is already reflected in the phenomenon that no being likes the feeling of having no one to rely on and having to rely on itself for everything. We can see something similar with many animals, which usually live together in herds or flocks.

God expects every human soul to lead a life of permanent service to all her fellow creatures. There is a profound reason for this: God creates each human soul not to live a life in herself and for herself, but to function as a junction within the entire network of creation. This immediately means that in God’s eyes every human soul only leads a fruitful life to the extent that she puts all her actions at the service of the entire system, and therefore at the service of all her fellow creatures. After all, every human soul is sent into the world by God for one purpose only: to live a life as an instrument for the accomplishment of God’s Plan of Salvation for the sake of perfect harmony, Peace, Love and happiness among all creatures.

This indicates that God does not send any creature into the world as being 'more valuable' nor as 'less valuable' than its fellow creatures: No creature means anything 'in itself', but has a specific significance, role and function as part of a whole, as a component of the entire network of creation. Therefore, before God no creature is worthless, nor is any creature highly superior to another. Every creature has its own 'potential value', in the sense that its life and behavior can trigger certain effects within the network of creation to the extent that the creature is able to fulfill what God expects from its life, yet this value has nothing to do with the creature personally, but solely with the effect it develops within the whole of creation and therefore the extent to which it contributes to the functioning of the entire network in harmony with Divine Law.

Only in one respect one may say that God has established a hierarchy: The human soul is the 'crown of creation', because as the guardian of creation she is to fulfill the leading role in creation, and God directs His flow of Love to all creatures primarily through the human soul.

This automatically means a life at the service of the entire network and all of its junctions (creatures), without any exception. The Queen of Heaven and earth has been emphasizing for years that many Christians completely overlook the fact that their charity and Love should not stop with the human souls in their immediate environment, but that they must be of service to ALL human souls as well as to non-human creatures (the animals), because ALL creatures receive their lives on earth from God with specific purposes: Every creature (including every animal) has specific roles to play that have a significance within the concrete fulfillment of God’s Plan of Salvation, and as the Holy Virgin emphasizes, no human soul is aware of the fullness of the purposes that God harbors as to the life of each of His creatures. Every creature plays a role intended by God to help the entire network of creation function toward the accomplishment of God’s Plans and Works, and this accomplishment can only be perfected to the extent to which the Divine Law of True Love is fulfilled.

The responsibility for the accomplishment of God’s Plans and Works rests primarily with the human soul. According to a Divine Decree, the human soul is the only being that can sin, in other words the only being that can, in the true sense of the word, violate the Divine Law of Love. This is because only the human soul has the ability to purposely and voluntarily either comply with God’s precepts and expectations, or not. In God’s eyes the behavior of a human soul is a matter of voluntary orientation toward unity with the Heart of God, or not, and the behavior of an animal is never inspired by any 'voluntary turning away from God'. Only the human soul has the ability to sense that her behavior causes suffering and/or harm to God and to fellow creatures.

For many souls, service to fellow creatures carries connotations of servile subordination: Many regard 'service' as actions that are performed when, and because, a human being either feels subordinate, or is made subordinate, to a fellow human being. The Heavenly Queen points out that this is a misrepresentation. A disposition of service that arises from a relationship of subordination can remain completely unfruitful before God if the service is regarded merely as an obligation. True service, on the other hand, is a state in which a human soul is spontaneously, wholeheartedly and without any self-interest inclined to support a fellow creature (fellow human or animal), to help the latter bear certain trials with the intention of helping to step up the latter’s experience of well-being or of helping reduce the burden on this fellow creature, purely out of sincere Love for this fellow creature and from a spontaneous desire to let Light and warmth reign in one’s own environment.

In connection with this third great fruit on the tree of perfection, the Heavenly Mistress refers to the great Gospel word spoken by Jesus, that He did not come to be served, but to serve. Years ago already She said to Myriam that the human soul, as she is growing spiritually, increasingly experiences joy in providing service to a fellow creature (of any species – both fellow humans and animals – and of any race, gender, age, culture, etcetera) and is increasingly less desiring to be served. A soul who likes to be served, is often in this disposition because she considers herself superior to her fellow creatures and/or because (sometimes unconsciously) she lacks respect for her fellow creatures, complete understanding of her own role and position within the whole of God’s Works, and a correct understanding of the goals and purposes pursued by God as to His Creation and as to her own life. A soul who aspires to be served, is prey to a great (often persistent) temptation that is intended to cause her to waste the entire fruitfulness of her spiritual life, because a disposition of persistent desire to serve her fellow creatures is one of the richest sources of fruitfulness for God’s Works.

Service to every fellow creature should be felt by every human soul as a natural need, which is therefore fulfilled spontaneously and without any sense of coercion. God provides every human soul with a spontaneous understanding of her position as a small element within a large whole (creation), and of her mission in life as a tool to help accomplish God’s Works and Plans within creation. From these elements of understanding arises a third element: the awareness that the soul must at all times be ready to assist her fellow creatures, without any discrimination of any kind whatsoever, in the fulfillment of their respective missions in life, so that every human soul is expected to contribute to ensuring that all elements composing the network are able to fulfill their personal mission in life as best as possible. This automatically means providing support to every element that needs help and support. When a human soul truly realizes and accepts that an element of the Divine Creator lives and operates within every fellow creature (each creature lives only through the gift of Life, which is a unique Divine gift), she will experience a spontaneous urge to 'see God in every fellow creature' in everything (comparable to Simon of Cyrene with regard to Jesus Christ on His Way of the Cross).

Therefore, every human soul’s mission in life includes the sacred duty to support, help, protect or preserve all of her fellow creatures wherever and whenever necessary. In every human soul who truly gears her heart to the Heart of her God, this expectation from the Creator gives rise to a spontaneous inclination to pay attention to the needs of fellow creatures which are in a weak position or are experiencing difficult circumstances: people and animals that are sick or physically handicapped or weak in some way or another, are lacking food, etcetera. This spontaneous (innate) inclination should also express itself in every soul in a spontaneous rejection of any discrimination, including any form of racism, any form of prejudice on the grounds of gender, etcetera. When a human soul of the Caucasian race considers herself to be superior to a human soul in a colored skin, or a human soul in a male body considers herself superior to a human soul in a female body, she is not living in harmony with Divine Law, but is serving the plans and works of the darkness.

Spontaneous, unlimited, unconditional and self-denying service to all fellow creatures is not a matter of individual actions, it is a disposition of the heart in which the soul finds no rest as long as she establishes that a fellow creature has needs which it is unable to meet by its own efforts. In this way, this disposition becomes a force that drives the soul to fill any gaps that may be likely to prevent a healthy functioning of creation as a network. Such gaps can manifest themselves in many different ways: in the poor whose health, well-being or life is threatened by needs that they are unable to meet due to lack of money, in animals that find insufficient food in winter or inadequate drinking water or shelter in summer (animals are not able to shop for themselves, they often depend largely on the intervention of people).

Trying to help meet such needs is a great thing in God’s eyes, as He views this as a direct contribution on the part of the human soul to the healthy functioning of the entire network of creation, which ultimately constitutes God’s greatest Work. For this reason, the Mistress of all souls has repeatedly said to Myriam that God regards it as a great thing when, for example, a human soul not only assists needy human souls, but also, for example, helps provide animals in the great outdoors with food and drinking water in difficult weather conditions, and with proper shelter. An important form of sincere service consists in the defence of groups of people that are discriminated against in one way or another, for example people who belong to a different race. Therefore, in reality the entire struggle for human rights that has been waged and continues to be waged throughout world history has its roots in a desire on God’s part.

4. unlimited respect for the dignity of every fellow creature

Many souls do not realize that every creature is a construction designed by God, which has been provided by Him to fulfill a specific role within the accomplishment (unlocking) of His Plan of Salvation for all creation. Every creature (every human soul and every animal) is designed in God’s Heart, and is therefore automatically a carrier of Divine Intelligence that operates in the creature as a factor that regulates growth and will try to bring all vital processes within the creature into harmony with Divine Law. The life, the physical body and all the faculties of every living being are provided by God Himself. Every creature, without exception, is therefore a pawn sent into the world by God for a specific purpose in a specific place and at a specific point of time, and is therefore in the full sense of the word an instrument within the execution of Divine Law. All this together constitutes the inviolable dignity of every living being. No human soul has the right, nor the ability, to make any judgment as to the value and importance of any fellow creature on the basis of species, race, appearance or anything else.

The fact that every creature is a construction by God, designed, created and sent into the world by Him based on His absolutely infallible Wisdom, gives every creature, without exception, a special value and dignity. The Mistress of all souls already explained this in more detail in 2019 in the first of Her urgent ongoing appeals, presented here.

Many souls appear to be barely, if at all, able to respect, defend and help maintain the dignity of many of their fellow creatures. Dignity is the quality that every creature possesses because it is as God intended it to be owing to the fact the creature (with the specific characteristics it possesses) can best serve God’s Plan insofar as it uses these characteristics in the right way, i.e. for as long as it does not abuse these characteristics to serve the works and plans of the darkness. Inability to realize and respect the dignity of every fellow creature is often the bitter fruit of pride, of the delusion that one is worth more than, or is superior to, all fellow creatures. A human soul who realizes her smallness within the entire network of creation and in comparison to God and accepts this as truth, will not be inclined to not appreciate or respect fellow creatures for what they are (elements of God’s Work of creation and tools within the execution of His infallible Plan of Salvation).

God has provided in His Work of creation a tremendous variety of species of living beings, with further diversity within most species. For example, there are already different races among humans. No one knows for sure how many animal species are currently living on our planet, but it is believed that this number is more than two million. God has certainly created even more: Without a doubt, undiscovered species still exist, and many species have become extinct (due, among other factors, to human intervention) – as a result of which the human soul has thwarted God’s Plans to an extent known only to God Himself.

God harbors certain intentions with regard to every single species, but also with respect to every difference within the same species. These intentions make perfect sense in view of the accomplishment of His Plan for creation. Consequently, no human soul is able to judge, much less condemn, any 'being different'. For this reason, any form of discrimination and racism amounts to criticism of God and of His Wisdom, and any form of contempt or negative treatment or attitude on the part of a human soul towards people on the basis of their 'being different' from themselves, is sinful in the true sense of the word, as is any ill treatment of living beings of any other species. All this amounts to criticism of God and ill treatment towards God Himself, since God has imprinted something of Himself in every living being, and He also senses everything that goes on in every living being or that is directed against every living being.

The dignity of a fellow creature can be degraded by mistreatment, mockery, ridicule, any form of torment or abuse. Depriving fellow creatures of their dignity occurs, for example, by neglecting them, torturing them, tormenting them, profoundly humiliating them, destroying them spiritually or emotionally, or drawing them away from God (for example, by acting towards fellow human beings in such a way that they start losing all faith and hope). All this applies just as much when it is directed against an animal as when it is directed against a fellow human being. In the eyes of God treating a fellow human being or animal badly or brutally is tantamount to treating HIM badly or brutally. Also forcing a fellow human being or an animal to commit acts for which this creature is not ready can amount to degrading this creature’s dignity. Such 'coercion' happens, for example, in the context of 'entertainment': the training of animals for circus performances – sometimes even torturing animals in order to make them 'become docile' and thus make them yielding their guardians earnings at the expense of animal suffering! –, the use of animals in the context of bullfights, dogfights, cockfights, etcetera, and in general in all situations in which animals are beaten or abused in order to induce them to comply with instructions given by humans.

Abuse and torture can take on many different faces. Abuse is any form of treatment of a fellow creature in a manner or for a purpose for which this creature was not sent into the world by God. No living being has been given its life by God to be deprived of sufficient food or drinking water, to be beaten, tormented in any way, humiliated, mocked, despised, to be consciously subjected to any form of suffering, etcetera.

Torture is any treatment by which a creature (human or animal) is consciously and deliberately inflicted with physical and/or mental and/or emotional suffering, with the intention that the victim of the treatment should experience real suffering, and usually with the additional element that the person inflicting the suffering experiences satisfaction when establishing that the victim is suffering and that he or she (the person inflicting the suffering) thus exercises power over the victim and is therefore apparently superior to the latter.

Abuse and torture are regarded by God as conscious, wilful, direct attacks against Love. Abuse and torture brutally cut channels of the flow of Love and are therefore among the gravest possible sins. Abuse and torture, in a manner of speaking, cut the victim loose from the network of Love: The victim feels pushed out due to the utter lack of Love in the treatment, as if he or she were not worthy of Love and as if he or she had been completely abandoned even by the God of Love. God does not abandon the victim, the victim is prey to the actions of a soul that has allowed herself to be made a direct instrument of the darkness to destroy the flow of Love. It must be pointed out that the body, the mind and emotional life of every living being are sacred and inviolable. Any action through which these are harmed interrupts Love and is therefore directly hostile to Life Itself. Everything which consciously and deliberately goes against Love and Life is directly hostile to God Himself and therefore directly serves Satan and his plans of destruction, ruin and misery.

Neglect is another form of disrespect for the dignity of a fellow creature. God has envisioned His Creation as a network of junctions that must all work together to maintain a harmonious system within which True Love must flow in all directions as fuel for Life, health and the experience of happiness within and among all junctions (creatures).

Forms of abuse and therefore disrespect for fellow creatures that are frequently practiced on a daily basis are the sexual abuse of children, rape, human trafficking for sex purposes, and slavery (which is far from extinct today, but is often practiced in camouflaged forms). All this diminishes the dignity of creatures as constructions designed by God, and constitute shameless expressions of the spirit of Satan, who has sworn an oath to mock God to the utmost by degrading as many of His creatures as possible through human souls, in order that the omnipotence of God as Creator and True Love as the deep being of God might seem fully implausible.

Yet another form of degradation of fellow human beings, which is committed countless times every day in this world, lies in slander, gossip, backbiting, and in the frequently practiced propaganda, misinformation and conscious and deliberate lie and distorted representation of many things. All of these are also attacks on the dignity of human souls as constructions of God. A soul that slanders, gossips, denigrates fellow human beings, designs and/or spreads propaganda or misinformation, thereby expresses contempt for her fellow human beings and is in direct and open conflict with the Works that God is trying to accomplish in the world.

The flows between certain junctions can be partly determined by the nature of the relationships between these junctions. Indeed, God provides that certain junctions are entrusted to a special custody of other junctions: Parents have a special custody over their children, certain human souls have a special custody over certain animals, and so on. This custody consists of special forms and a special intensity of care, protection, and meeting the needs of the creatures over whom Divine Providence has given one a special form of custody. Neglect occurs when this care, protection and meeting needs are neglected: Children or animals are left to fend for themselves, receive too little (or no) food, care, protection, and especially too little (or no genuine) Love, because there is indifference as to the fate, well-being and happiness of the creatures over which the human soul has been given custody.

5. deep empathy with the being of every fellow creatures

The capacity for empathy has been given by God to the human soul for the purpose of enabling the latter to truly fulfill His Basic Law of True Love as a junction in a whole network. Empathy enables the soul to imagine (to 'sense' deep inside her own being) what fellow creatures are going through, how they feel physically, mentally or emotionally and what suffering they experience under certain circumstances or in certain situations. This ability is essential for the soul to be able to effectively serve the smooth functioning of the whole of Creation. If no soul were to take the trouble of empathizing with the plight and feelings of fellow creatures, no creature would be able to count on any assistance and support, and the whole of creation would be ruled by selfishness and egocentrism (the tendency of souls to be concerned only with themselves, to regard themselves as the center of the world and to live focused only on their own perceived interests and needs).

A soul featuring true empathy not only has a sincere awareness of the needs and weaknesses of her fellow creatures, she also has a sincere interest in them, and moreover uses her insight exclusively to contribute to an increase in the well-being of her fellow creatures, never to exploit 'weaknesses' that it may discover in a fellow creature to harm the latter. She is not indifferent to her fellow creatures, and therefore lives from a disposition of heart that strongly motivates her to maintain and even promote and strengthen the flow of Love whenever and wherever possible in all and any circumstances of life and in every encounter with a fellow creature of any species.

True empathy acts as a factor that gives the soul no rest when she feels that a fellow creature is in need or is lacking anything to function as God intended for this creature to function. As mentioned, true empathy drives the soul to sincerely desire to contribute to the greatest possible well-being for all her fellow creatures. As this desire increases, the soul will make less and less (and ideally no) distinction between her fellow creatures, and she will commit herself for the benefit of fellow human beings without any distinction (without any reservation towards fellow human beings who are 'different' as to race, sex or any other criterion) as well as for the benefit of animals, without expecting the slightest thing in return for themselves. That is why a truly practiced empathy is one of the greatest elements of True Love. True empathy is therefore very closely linked to the spontaneous inclination to serve (point 3).

In essence, a very active capacity for empathy with fellow creatures is based on a deep awareness of the fact that every creature is a being with feelings. Every creature has physical sensations that can be either pleasant or unpleasant. Creatures also always have emotional sensations, but to varying degrees depending on the species. This is very clearly the case for humans, but also (which is little or not realized by many human souls) for animals of the so-called 'higher' species, such as the well-known domestic animals, animals that play a role in agriculture, and especially (but not restricted to) all mammals and birds.

That is why especially (but not only!) when dealing with fellow creatures endowed with more highly developed emotional sensations, an active capacity for empathy is of the utmost importance to maintain the flow of Love as smoothly as possible: Usually it is precisely these creatures which must play the greatest role in the accomplishment of God’s Plan of Salvation for all creation. The human souls play the main role in this accomplishment, but also the billions of animals on our planet collectively fulfill important secondary roles (roles they fulfill in their capacity as channels providing assistance to the spiritual perfection of the human souls). The Heavenly Mistress has demonstrated this in a unique way in the manifesto The Brooklets of Salvation as well as in the other teachings in the menu item God and the animals.

In the aforementioned texts the Queen of Heaven has also clearly shown that the deplorably low awareness of the immense importance of perfect harmony among all creatures (which is the responsibility of human souls, not of the non-human beings) lies at the basis of a very large share in the darkness that oppresses creation like a black and heavy cloud cover: Every day in this world billions of contacts take place between human souls and animals. A large proportion of these contacts (also billions) take place in an atmosphere characterized by a lack of Love, ranging from indifference through insensitivity on the part of the human souls involved, to unadulterated sadism, brutality and conscious and intentional torment, maltreatment and abuse. This severely damages billions of channels in the network of creation and even destroys many of them, ultimately resulting in intense darkness and coldness within large portions of the network that God intended as a network of Light and heat (Light and heat are generated to the extent to which True Love is flowing through the channels). For this reason the Heavenly Queen has been emphasizing for years that a significant share of the darkness, misery and suffering in this world is generated by the moments of lovelessness generated by countless souls towards animals, many millions of times day after day.

An active ability for empathy precludes a human soul from neglecting the beings over which she has been given custody by Divine Providence (spouses, children, sick people, domestic animals, farm animals, animals in a nature reserve, etcetera). In a manner of speaking, through neglect a human soul disconnects the fellow creature over which she has been given custody from the smooth and unimpeded flow of Love. Neglect goes much further than many human souls realize. Neglect does not end with the failure to adequately feed the creature in one’s care or to provide adequate protection and care in general, neglect is also a matter of the soul granting this creature little or no share in her life.

This is the case, for example, in countless cases when a pet is not allowed to live in the house with the human soul, but is banished outside, for example to live in a cage, whether tied up or not. In such cases the spontaneous flow of True Love is disturbed, the caring human soul does not give the animal the feeling that it fully belongs to the soul’s life, and usually there is little or no awareness in the human soul involved as to the animal’s emotional needs, which automatically weakens the flow of Love or even stops it altogether. Animals are very often regarded as objects rather than as living beings endowed with feelings, which, moreover, were created by God for the purpose of bringing delight and assistance in the human souls’ spiritual development (because their presence requires certain forms of behavior and certain attitudes from the human soul). However, countless human souls do not give the animals a chance to fulfill their role as channels of spiritual help.


In order to truly establish God’s Kingdom on earth, and for His creation to truly be like an undistorted material reflection of the Kingdom of Heaven, i.e. like a paradise of perfect Love, Peace, Happiness and Justice in and between all creatures, the tree of perfection must come to full bloom and produce fully ripe fruits. It is the fully ripe fruits of this tree that must maintain the nourishment of the Kingdom of God on earth. The human souls must offer these fruits to their Creator to glorify His capacity as Eternal Love. The five largest fruits of the tree of perfection have been explained in more detail by the Heavenly Queen in the present teaching. These fruits can only ripen to the extent that the tree is nourished by an uninterrupted flow of True Love. This means that in order for the tree of perfection to produce ripe fruits within her, the human soul must practice True Love under all circumstances, in all situations, events and encounters on her path through life and towards every fellow creature without any exception, without any reservations and without any pursuit of self-interest.

What most drastically interrupts or even completely breaks the flow of True Love?
  • causing pain or suffering to fellow creatures (both fellow humans and animals). This includes primarily all forms of maltreatment and torture;
  • causing emotional suffering, sorrow or heartache to fellow creatures (both fellow humans and animals), hurting them, humiliating them or depriving them of their dignity;
  • causing mental torment to fellow creatures (both fellow humans and animals) or undermining them, causing them fear or insecurity, discouraging them, undermining their lust for life, or subjecting them to any kind of negative psychological influence;
  • neglecting to provide fellow creatures (both fellow humans and animals) with the care and protection these creatures need in order to live in a state of the greatest possible well-being. This includes all forms of neglect;
  • subjecting fellow creatures (both fellow humans and animals) to the effects of any kind of negative feelings: hatred, hostility, jealousy, resentment, vengefulness, any conscious and purposeful intention to cause harm or suffering or to actually break fellow creatures in any way whatsoever.

The above distortions, interruptions and breaches in the flow of True Love must be repaired and made up for through expressions of sincere Love, there is no other way. The responsibility for this restoration and compensation lies with every human soul. The Heavenly Mistress gives some concrete guidelines which can be put into practice by every soul in all situations, circumstances and encounters of her life. Here she addresses each individual soul personally:

  • Make sure that your hands can always be experienced by every fellow creature (fellow humans and animals alike) as instruments of blessing that are only used towards this creature for gentle touch and for providing benefits, for example offering food, a tender caress, never for administering blows nor as a channel conveying threat, pain or calamity. Constantly remember that the body of every living being is a structure designed by God and therefore deserves to be treated with respect;
  • Make sure that your voice can always be experienced by every fellow creature (fellow humans and animals alike) as a bridge of soft loving sounds and of reassurance, security, encouragement, as a blanket providing shelter;
  • Make sure that your whole way of acting, behaving and moving inspires peace, security and gentleness, never fear or threat. For example: When near or in contact with any fellow creature (especially weaker creatures such as children or animals), avoid making loud or shrill noises, frightening or sudden movements that may startle the fellow creature or make it feel uncertain or uneasy;
  • Make sure that your actions and attitudes do not make a fellow creature feel that you consider yourself more important, bigger, smarter, more valuable, better than or superior to that fellow creature. In this way you help maintain the fellow creature’s sense of self-esteem. Depriving a fellow creature of their sense of self-esteem is tantamount to disgracing God as the Creator of a Work of True Love;
  • In the broadest sense of the word: Make sure that every fellow creature (fellow humans and animals alike) can feel comfortable in your presence, that you can be a channel of warmth and Light for every fellow creature, never of coldness and darkness. Blessed is the soul that succeeds in so behaving, so moving, so acting, and so speaking, that every fellow creature in her vicinity can remain free from fear. Fear, as you well know, is the opposite of Love.

In a brief overview, the fruits of the tree of perfection can be presented as follows, with their opposites which the Mistress of all souls describes as fruits of the ill weeds of the darkness:

Fruits from the
tree of perfection
Fruits from the
ill weeds of the darkness
forgiveness to fellow creatures resentment, vengefulness
repenting one’s own faults indifference, self-elevation
(regarding oneself as being perfect)
rendering service to
fellow creatures
selfishness, egocentrism, wanting to
be served, the soul believes
her fellow creatures AND God
are there for her, not the other way around
respect for the dignity
of all fellow creatures
arrogance (the soul regards herself as
being superior), disdain for
fellow creatures, humiliating
and depriving them of dignity
empathy with all fellow creatures insensitivity to fellow creatures,
declining all responsibility
for promoting the
well-being of fellow creatures

God expects every human soul to constantly seek to perfect herself in the elements in the left column in the table above, and not to give any of the elements in the right column the opportunity to take root in the soil of her being, grow and blossom, and to spread further across her environment. This is every soul’s sacred duty and the program of the mission of her life in this world.

At the service of the Mistress of all souls,
Myriam – July 2024