Myriam van Nazareth

On June 3, 2006, on Whitsun Eve, the Most Blessed Virgin Mary in Her capacity as the Mistress of all souls revealed the following:

I give you My Ten Keys to disclose sanctity in the soul in order to turn the soul into a source of Light for the world. The soul can make use of these Ten Keys by following the guidelines I will give her for every one of them. By integrating these guidelines into daily life the soul will be led to perfection and be enabled to help change the countenance of the world. Be aware that persevering in the observation of these guidelines opens for the soul the true Way to Eternal Bliss".
Behold the Ten Keys complemented by Mary’s guidelines I am allowed to share with you. Read and reread them frequently, they may change your life and promote the salvation of your soul.

1. Expiation of all traces of the sins of your entire life. Every sin inflicts a wound on the soul. This wound can only heal as soon as forgiveness has been granted in the Sacrament of Confession, individually administered by the priest. After having been forgiven, however, the sin still leaves a trace on the soul. This trace may be compared with a scar. We could say this scar constitutes a remaining obstacle as to the flow of God’s Love, the true vital force in the soul. That is why your soul ought to make efforts to clean herself of all traces of sin, so that she may be able to develop completely and to make the best possible use of the faculties and capacities given her by God.

How? Through a genuine repentance from every sin of your life. After a Confession covering your entire life (if necessary, covered by several Confessions) the extinction of all these traces can only become complete by:

    • giving expiation by way of reparation;

    • consecrating sacrifices to Mary with the intention of extinguishing traces of sin;

    • ardent prayer with the same intention;

    • a frequent and respectful use of the Sacraments.

2. Forgive, and reconcile with, all fellow people who, from your childhood onward up to this day, in whatever way, have caused you damage, harm, pain or sorrow, or have hurt you in some way or other.

How? In your heart of hearts, you have got to come clean with all these fellow people. Furthermore you have to:

    • always aim at experiencing the spirit of tolerance and clemency;

    • neither judge nor condemn any fellow person;

    • beware of harbouring any grudges against any fellow person or about any event;

    • say prayers, make sacrifices and give expiation as acts of forgiveness and reconciliation, and in order to receive the grace of obtaining the right frame of mind to do so.

3. Detach yourself from your own past. Because of memories, and by focusing your heart and mind too much on the past, your soul may be prevented from being fruitful for the future. You must allow yourself to be delivered from this state of mind.

How? By:

    • consecrating your past explicitly and intensively to Mary ("Mary, be the Mistress of my entire life. I give You all my past hours from the day I was born up to this day");

    • convincing yourself that the past is well and truly over, that it has no importance whatsoever today, and that it merely consists of a series of events God then judged necessary for your life and your development;

    • praying and sacrificing in order to make both previous intentions fruitful.

4. Detach yourself from worldly influences, i.e. from all habits, needs which are not vital, ties with the world, all materialism, all excessive attention for the physical aspects of life, all hedonism.

How? By:

    • living an austere and simple life in which God and Mary take the central place;

    • reducing contacts with the world (visits, talking to people, watching television, reading newspapers and magazines, other media...) to an utmost minimum;

    • beseeching Mary through intense prayer and by doing penance, that She may cut loose the excessive grip of all these ties;

    • learning to regard advertising messages as pitfalls for the soul and as sources of deception and temptation;

    • beseeching Mary that She Herself may rule your body and its needs, and that you may acquire a great self-control as to the satisfaction of material and physical needs.

5. Accept all crosses and trials. Accepting all your crosses, trials, setbacks, pains, illnesses, fatigue and burdens without any protest or resistance, and explicitly consecrating them to Mary, is tantamount to accepting everything Divine Providence provides for you.


    • be convinced that all suffering, every trial, every cross on the path of your life are the bearers of all graces for your eternal bliss;

    • learn to regard every trial you accept from the bottom of your heart, as a perfect act of love to Jesus and Mary, and as a merciful participation in Jesus’ Way of the Cross and His Crucifixion and in the Sorrows of Mary, which have made possible true freedom of souls in all eternity.

6. Fight against, and free yourself of, your own weaknesses. Try to observe your own behaviour, reactions, thoughts and feelings especially during trials. You will learn a great deal about your faults and weaker points. Subsequently work on their eradication.

How? By:

    • fervently laying these weaknesses down at Mary’s feet and begging Her for the strength to fight them: ("Mary, Mistress of all virtues, obtain for me an awareness and understanding of my weaknesses, faults and shortcomings, and do fight them together with me");

    • praying for a greater ability to love. Deep down, every weakness is based on a lack of true love.

7. Fight against every expression of self-love. Your soul does not live for herself, she only lives for the salvation of the souls as a whole. Learn how to put your own needs behind God’s needs and the needs of your fellow man, through self-denial and fighting any selfishness, egocentrism and self-interest.

How? By:

    • aiming at living in a state of humility: learn to regard yourself as less important than your fellow man;

    • aiming at living in a state of obedience: learn to accept the dispositions of Divine Providence in your life. Through all events God and Mary are speaking in your heart;

    • exercising self-denial, by caring first and foremost for your fellow creature, and only afterwards for your own needs;

    • consecrating yourself totally to Mary. Total consecration to Mary which is thoroughly experienced within, is like a pre-eminent school in which one learns to deny oneself, because one learns to give priority to Mary’s needs and to live for Her.

8. Promoting good. With every soul resides the duty to collaborate with God’s Plans.

How? By:

    • fighting all negative sentiments and dispositions prevailing in your heart towards your fellow man. Avoid all slander, malicious gossip, defamation, suspicion, envy, resentment, hate and bad thoughts (everything diverging from true charity and love).

    • stimulating your fellow man to do good, harbouring good thoughts and feelings, and avoiding to speak words or make statements with negative connotations;

    • fighting all expressions of evil in your life and in the world, preferably through prayer, doing penance, making sacrifices, loving austerity in your dailt life, and by consecrating bad situations and erring souls to Mary.

9. Promoting peace of heart in yourself as well as in other souls.

How? By:

    • being like sunshine for your fellow creature, by communicating with them in a state of genuine buoyancy and softness radiating out of your entire being, your words, your manner of speech, your way of living;

    • aiming at living in positive frames of mind: encourage your suffering of grieved fellow creatures, comfort them, reassure them, learn your fellow man to believe in God and in the power of Mary, never stop spreading new hope. See to it that your presence always makes a positive difference for your fellow creature. Avoid all and any pessimism;

    • by praying incessantly that your love may never stop growing:

In proportion as your love for God and Mary becomes more ardent, your heart will become more peaceful, more balanced, more trusting and more joyful, and passions will subside (Mary defines passions as: any feelings harboured by a soul which unsettle her on account of the fact they diverge from God’s Plans and expectations). Moreover your faith and hope, too, will grow so strong that all uncertainties and doubts will be banned from your own heart. Your fellow man will latch on to your confidence and will in his turn open himself up more easily to the grace of following the path of salvation.

10. Promoting unity and peace. The soul that brings unity and peace, is living in Christ. He who breeds discord, dividedness, disagreement and dissatisfaction, or who plays people off against other people, is only serving the plans of evil. Also be very attentive as to behaviour or statements which may give rise to misunderstandings or confusion: all confusion breeds dissatisfaction in the hearts and may cause gaps between people. Avoid arousing or stimulating distrust among people, and do not give rise to your fellow man’s becoming distrustful of yet another person (unless it appears clearly necessary to warn your fellow man against this other person – in that case you must not fail to consecrate this soul onto Mary: "Oh Mary, do deliver this soul from darkness").

How? By:

    • aiming at harbouring a positive attitude towards every fellow person;

    • not letting yourself be tempted into getting involved in fights or quarrels;

    • not letting yourself be influenced by negative judgments about a soul;

    • making efforts to clear up any misunderstanding in an unambiguous way, to promptly settle any difference, and to reconcile people who are living in discord;

    • if a direct intervention in this respect is difficult or not free from risks: by praying ardently, making sacrifices, and offering penance to Mary as the Queen of Peace.

Sanctification is the fruit of:
  • an uninterrupted crusade against everything which is likely to make your soul drift away from God, and

  • a total victory over yourself.



(I am all Yours, Mary, most powerful Mistress of all souls)

Myriam, June 2006