Myriam van Nazareth

"God designed His creation as a network within which all His creatures are interconnected and of which He Himself is the centre.

Therefore everything a human soul does, says, thinks, feels, wishes and aspires for will determine the quality of life within this network.

This is why I urge each individual human soul to constantly be well aware of the fact that everything going on inside of her and everything proceeding from her either sends Light or darkness through the network

In proportion as every human soul will fill her entire behaviour and her entire inner life with more sincere, unconditional, self-denying Love she contributes to weakening the power of the darkness somewhere in this world and to preventing works and plans of the darkness from producing their effects.

Inversely, in proportion as every human soul will fill her entire behaviour and her inner life with more darkness the control exercised by evil over the whole world will be enhanced.

Thus each single human soul is responsible for the extent to which the power of either the Light or the darkness can make itself felt in the world". (Mary, Mistress of all souls, November 6, 2021)

The Source of all life is God. The fuel which is to preserve this life, enable it to develop and to bloom and to make it fruitful for the accomplishment of God’s Plans and Works for the benefit of all creation is true self-denying Love (★), which must first and foremost give rise to a sincere and unconditional service on the part of each human soul towards every fellow creature.

(★) see the extremely important basic teaching entitled True Love.

God is the Source and the force from which all happiness, all well-being, all harmony in and between creatures proceeds. This force has got its opposite, which is called Satan, who is the source and the channel of all darkness, which is constantly attempting to cause misery, chaos, unhappiness, inner strife, struggle, disruption, suffering, destruction and death in and between all creatures and keeps trying to transform creation into a realm which is totally unfruitful for the bloom, ripening and accomplishment of God’s Works and goals.

God does not want to impose His Plans and Works in creation, but He wants to complete and unlock them through an active, spontaneous, unconditional collaboration from the human soul, which He initially designed to be the crown upon all His Works of creation. This is why the extent to which the Divine force – true self-denying Love – is able to let its fruits mature in creation depends on the extent and the nature of the human souls’ dedication and the way in which they incorporate Divine Love into their hearts, help spread it towards their fellow creatures, and thereby help bring its fruits to maturity.

For a correct understanding of all misery and of all deviations from Love in this world it is imperative that all souls be aware of the fact Satan has obtained God’s permission to subject the human souls to trials and that he actually does so by tormenting all creatures. Satan aims at sowing physical, mental, emotional, moral and spiritual suffering among all of God’s creatures, in order that, because of these experiences, they might fall prey to inner dispositions which prevent them from fruitfully fulfilling their vocation as channels of God’s Love within God’s Plan of Salvation, and not least in order that the human soul might lose her faith in a perfectly loving and almighty God.

First and foremost Satan tries to make the inclination to torment all fellow creatures take root in all human souls, in order that the tormented fellow creatures might in their turn start tormenting other fellow creatures. This is how Satan tries to construct a chain of darkness spanning, strangling and distorting the whole world by extinguishing all Light in countless spots all over the network of creation and by replacing the God-given inclination to love unconditionally by inclinations towards selfishness, greed, indifference, the urge to destroy and the most various other inclinations serving the works of the darkness instead of the Works of God.

Satan’s ultimate goal lies herein, that the human soul as the crown upon God’s creation should transform all the world into a network of darkness, in which an incessantly increasing atmosphere of misery, chaos, suffering, unhappiness, inner strife, struggle, insensitiveness, etcetera, make God fairly invisible as the source of all Light and Love, and that this transformation be brought about specifically through direct actions, thoughts, feelings and aspirations on the part of the human soul, whom He provided to be the crown upon creation. Thus God would be put to shame through none other than the human soul in whom He had put all His trust, and the effects of His incessant flows of Love would through these very same souls be undermined, distorted, maimed, defiled, poisoned, and if at all possible destroyed altogether. This is how Satan intends to sow the seeds of death and destruction at the responsibility of the human soul and to divert as many human souls as possible from God by creating an atmosphere which will easily give rise to believing that Love is a mere illusion and that God either is not the infallible and almighty Creator and Source of true Love, or that He does not even exist.

Responsibility for the extent to which Divine Love with all its paradisical fruits is able to blossom in this world lies entirely with the human soul. This is why in 1997, soon after She had called Myriam to Her life-long service, the Mistress of all souls spoke the following words which She now orders to be published as an incentive for all human souls to follow Her:

"I give you a mission which you are to carry out for Me day after day and which you can summarize as follows:

Live in such a way that, today, you are like a sun to all your fellow creatures. Tomorrow it may be too late. Do live like this for the rest of your life. After you are gone your fellow creatures will still be able to find the sun you have brought to them back in their hearts. If, however, you fail to bring the sun to your fellow creatures they will stay behind in cold and darkness, and in the after-life you will be tormented by all the good things you have never given them and are no longer able to give them.

Keep in mind that each beam of Light and Love you give to a fellow creature – of no matter which species – also directly reaches the Heart of God Himself, who is able to feel every single experience and every single feeling of every single creature in all of its details. In the same way you will hurt God’s Heart by every sign of indifference, by every failure to give a fellow creature Love and service, and by every wound you inflict upon a fellow creature physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually.

The whole of all the dispositions of your heart in all the moments of your life will determine whether you have been a blessing or a scourge for creation, and to what degree. Every single moment do realize that you should be representing God towards all of your fellow creatures. Therefore be a worthy mirror of His Heart and thereby a channel of happiness and well-being for every fellow creature which will yet cross your path through life, however brief the encounter might be. That way no force of darkness will ever be able to use you for the accomplishment of its plans and works.

Never allow the sun to go down inside your heart. That way you will at all times be a channel of Light and warmth for every fellow creature and your life will make a positive difference toward the accomplishment of God’s Plans and Works.

This is the directive I Myself lived my entire life by. Do follow Me most faithfully".

Day after day Satan goes to any lengths to inspire every single human soul in the world his own dispositions, which regard Love and its Source – the Triune God – as the great enemy that must be silenced and eliminated at any cost. He knows that God tries to accomplish His Works and Plans of Love, Peace, happiness, Justice and harmony in all creation first and foremost through the human souls. Therefore he is dedicated to sowing into every human soul the inclination to voluntarily serve him, the prince of darkness, by putting all her inner dispositions, all her thoughts, feelings, desires and aspirations at the service of the creation and promotion of developments which are ruled by an atmosphere of darkness, strife, lack of Love, insecurity, hostility, fear, despair, struggle, indifference, insensitivity, selfishness, misery, suffering and chaos, in all situations and contacts and under all and any circumstances of her life.

Every human soul is called upon to lead a life which, in every situation and at all times, is totally and unconditionally at the service of the accomplishment of God’s Plan of Salvation, the Plan through which God wants to revert the world to being a place of perfect Love, Peace, happiness, Justice and harmony within and between all creatures. However, the souls have shown themselves very receptive to dedicating themselves to the accomplishment of Satan’s plans instead of God’s. The results are plain to see all over the world.

The situation the world is in is not due to any omission on God’s part, but only and exclusively due to a large-scale failure on the part of the human souls to dedicate themselves whole-heartedly and totally to collaborating with God towards fully unlocking God’s countless attempts to enable true Love to rule the world.

Satan has been getting from the human souls the opportunity to turn the world into a hotbed of darkness. The Mistress of all souls, the Holy Virgin and Mother of God Mary, who was Herself the only created human soul who ever lived without committing as little as one single violation against God’s Law, presents the following outline of the major situations, developments and dispositions through which Satan has been able to make human souls turn this world into a realm of darkness instead of allowing it to go back to the situation it was in before the first human souls committed the original sin: the situation of Paradise on earth, a situation God wants to restore in the Messianic Age, when the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, will get to be established on earth as the completion of the process of unlocking the invaluably rich fruits of the Works of Redemption the Divine Messiah wrought in His capacity as the Man-God.

Therefore the following discussion mainly serves to raise the souls’ awareness as to the most disastrous hotbeds producing darkness in the world. The figures only serve the identification of each of the items discussed, they do not in any way indicate any order of importance or priority nor do they point towards one item being worse or less bad than any other. Satan operates through all human souls kindling all of these items, and they all overlap at some point or another, so much so that it is all but impossible to draw narrow dividing lines between them. All these items as a whole are intended to present a succinct yet very wide outline of the actions performed in the world by the darkness.


  1. maltreatment, torture
  2. neglect
  3. taking a fellow creature’s dignity
  4. materialistic attitude
  5. hedonism
  6. selfishness, jealousy
  7. arrogance, self-exaltation, eagerness to seem important
  8. indifference, callousness, cold-heartedness
  9. bearing grudges, vengefulness, unforgiveness
10. discontent, inner strife
11. racism and any form of discrimination
12. persecution
13. slavery
14. sacrileges and banishing God
15. killing
16. warfare, arms industry and arms trade
17. voluntarily closing oneself off from Love
18. shallowness
19. discouraging one’s fellow person, pessimism
20. emptiness, aimlessness, failing to add substance to life
21. exterminating animals
22. environmental pollution, distortion of ecosystems


The Heavenly Mistress points out that the underlying text can be regarded as a companion teaching with the one She inspired in 2019 entitled Clouds over God’s Paradise, in which the foundations of the effects produced by the darkness in the world were profoundly analysed, but that the use of the underlying teaching lies herein that it may enable the souls to get to know the entire strategy of the darkness from a yet different angle.

   1. Inflicting maltreatment, torture, tormenting, pain upon any fellow creature. Any pain or suffering inflicted by a human soul upon any fellow creature of whatever species, whether physically, emotionally, mentally or morally, is inflicted upon God Himself, as God senses every detail of every single experience made by any individual creature.

Moreover maltreatment, torture, torment or the infliction of any pain by a human soul upon a fellow creature affects the abilities this creature has received from God for the purpose of fulfilling its specific role within creation, and every act of maltreatment interrupts the flow of Love through creation.

Maltreatment, torture, torment or the infliction of any pain upon a fellow creature also shows a lack of respect for the fact that each physical body (whether human or animal) exists and grows on the basis of the Divine Law working inside of it, and is ultimately a construction made by God Himself and generated by His perfect Love. Whoever violates a construction designed by God’s Love thereby violates Divine Love itself and makes himself a direct enemy of Life and thus of the essence of God’s Works of creation.

As to the animals the Holy Virgin specifically says this: In the eyes of God every act of maltreatment of animals by human souls is one of the greatest disgraces bearing testimony against the human soul as the one He intended to be the crown upon creation and the representative of God’s perfect Love and Presence within creation.

God expects every human soul to live in such a way and to give evidence of such dispositions of the heart as to be able to make God’s Presence and actions felt by every fellow creature. Even if the fellow creature belongs to a species which could not actually be aware of God’s Presence nor of the human soul’s role within creation it is a solid truth that the entire network of creation is influenced either positively or negatively by the human soul’s attitude towards the fellow creature and by the way she deals with the latter. This way the human soul is the main responsible being for the quality of life in the world and in individual fellow creatures of any species.

Every disposition of the heart of every single human soul at any point of time on every single day has got an impact on the entire network of creation. The fact that by far most human souls are not aware of this constitutes one of the most formidable weapons through which the darkness succeeds in thoroughly poisoning the entire atmosphere of living in this world day after day, for this opens up the way to many millions of violations against the Law of true Love, which are not even recognized as sins by the souls concerned. This is why the darkness keeps going to any lengths to keep human souls blind to the fullness of God’s reality, to God’s Presence and to His attempts to accomplish Works of Love through the human souls, and also to the true share of Light and darkness contained in their own behaviour and their own inner dispositions.

In this context the Mistress of all souls reminds the souls of the fact that also violations against non human living beings are in the true sense of the word sins, as also in such cases we are dealing with transgressions against true Love and violations against Works designed by God.

   2. Neglect of any fellow creature with which, or with whom, a human soul has entered into a covenant of care and Love. Neglect is any omission by a soul to whose custody a fellow creature was entrusted to satisfy any of the needs experienced by this fellow creature, as a result of which the latter is likely to sustain physical, moral, mental or spiritual damage. Nearly every human soul enters into a number of covenants of Love and care with God as a witness, for this is what happens each time she takes a fellow creature into her care and custody.

Neglect is always accompanied by indifference and insensitivity and therefore constitutes a serious breach in the flow of Love. Day after day countless covenants are violated or broken in this world (married couples, parents towards their children, people towards domestic animals, people towards animals which are being deployed in the context of agriculture, sports and other activities, even people towards wild animals in distress, friends among themselves, etcetera...). God regards this as disorders and even disruptions in networks of Love, assistance, care and service, which have come about through human souls upon His inspiration in the first place.

One day the Mistress of all souls referred to neglect as 'passive maltreatment', as in many cases the consequences are similar. An example every human soul will be able to picture is that in which a human soul leaves her children or domestic animals to starve or fails to extend proper care, adequate and genuine Love, as a result of which these fellow creatures pine away, get sick, lose their zest for life or die. In this respect the Mother of God already emphatically warned that not one single creature is sent into the world by God for the purpose of suffering by bad treatment or by neglect, as in all such cases we are fully dealing with violations of Love and therefore with maltreatment or neglect against God Himself.

   3. Taking any fellow creature’s dignity, which it has received directly from God, who designed the creature in His Heart and gave it a life on earth. This can occur in many different ways. The soul who takes a fellow creature’s dignity (no matter whether this creature is human or not) elevates herself above this fellow creature and also downgrades every trace of God’s Presence and actions within this fellow creature. This also means the guilty soul is actually humiliating God Himself.

Every creature derives its dignity from the fact it proceeds from God. Taking a fellow creature’s dignity or violating this dignity is what happens if a human being treats a fellow person or an animal in such a way the Law of Love is violated. This is why maltreatment and neglect are among the worst forms of violating a fellow creature’s dignity. Due to the fact God, who is the very Source of all Love, feels every detail of all sensations and experiences of every single creature this Source of Love is violated every time a human soul fails to treat a fellow creature with the respect she owes to a Work designed and wrought by God. A creature’s dignity is the signature of God Himself within a living being, it is the 'mark' which indicates that this living being was designed by God Himself and was given Life by Him. Taking a fellow creature’s dignity away is therefore a direct insult to God Himself.

This is what happens millions of times day after day all over the world, in countless situations, among others whenever human souls expose fellow people or animals to unworthy conditions of living, or whenever fellow people are humiliated or treated without respect. Animals are on a large scale regarded and treated as objects without feelings instead of Works designed by God to serve as channels aiding human souls in the process of aiming for spiritual perfection (in this connection refer to the texts constituting the section God and the animals and various other passages in the writings inspired to Myriam). In the course of history millions of women have been prostituted and frequently shamelessly maltreated in the process. All of this constitutes a very daring challenge to God’s Love and Mercy, and injects tremendous amounts of darkness into the network of creation.

The Heavenly Mistress refers to the first of Her ongoing appeals here.

   4. Materialistic attitude: Gearing all actions, all thinking, feeling and aspiring first and foremost, or even exclusively, to fulfilling material needs, and doing so to the detriment of spiritualization. Far-reaching materialism in countless human souls is responsible for the fact that economic thinking has become a major driving force of all acting and thinking in this world, resulting in the Law of God being ruled out as the intended driving force of all acting and thinking.

In concrete terms this means that the human souls, who were given by God the custody over His creation for the purpose of governing it in accordance with His Law of Love, allow life in the world to be ruled by laws of profit-making, mutual competition and aspiring for wealth instead of by God’s Law of Love. Practicing Love is ruled out on a large scale because it does not yield profits nor wealth. It is vital to be aware of the fact the human soul who lives on the basis of such attitude will in the process inevitably deny her own dignity as the crown of God’s creation.

In a manner of speaking the human hearts are forced to neglect any empathy with their fellow creatures. Every human soul who is unwilling to adopt this disposition and this attitude towards life risks to sustain considerable harm in the field of satisfying her material needs and of the prestige she might expect to gain on the part of her fellow people, for in general the human soul is regarded as 'more important' in proportion as she succeeds in gathering wealth, possessions and property and is displaying the latter before the eyes of people. God, however, measures the value of a human soul in fulfilling His Plan of Salvation only by the degree to which she experiences and practices His Law of self-denying Love unconditionally towards every fellow creature she encounters on her journey through life.

The materialistic attitude towards life promotes selfishness. Practicing self-denying Love and rendering service to every fellow creature is just the opposite. This is why materialism in its countless expressions is a terrible hotbed which increasingly poisons the entire network of creation day after day. In this disposition the darkness makes its grasp of the world felt very strongly, as this disposition is one of the greatest direct enemies of true Love.

Besides the materialistic attitude towards life is a mother to many children of darkness, which present themselves in the forms of dishonesty, ruthless competition, deception, fraud, inclination to stealing, even discouragement of human souls who feel like failures because the world disregards them, treats them with contempt or blocks their access to many material things on account of their lack of material wealth or on account of their showing little or no interest in displaying any signs of luxury in their life.

   5. hedonism: There is hedonism if the materialistic attitude towards life degenerates to such an extent as to make the soul greatly gear her entire life to experiencing pleasure and comfort in all things material, resulting in a far-reaching rejection of all and any discomfort and all and any effects of the trials inherent to material life.

Hedonism goes directly against the true vocation every human soul receives from God: the vocation of accepting the crosses of life and carrying them in conformity of heart with the suffering Christ Himself, i.e. in unconditional self-denying Love and in a genuine and all-pervading desire that every trial might contribute to a complete unlocking of the effects of the Works of Redemption wrought by Christ.

Hedonism has very firmly taken root in countless human hearts and has thus become a major driving force of life in the world. Through the ages man has begun to search for ever more sophisticated ways of reacting to all the tribulations bred by material life. This has given rise to countless derailments which tend to utterly disrupt the actual nature the human soul was given by God. God provided the human soul with the blueprint of His own way of thinking and aspiring:

On account of the original sin Eternal Bliss in the Presence of God was no longer accessible to any human soul. This is why He sent His Son Jesus Christ into the world for the purpose of accomplishing the Mystery of Redemption through His all-embracing Suffering and Death on the Cross. From that moment onward every human soul was to help unlock the fruits of these Works of Redemption in her own life, i.e.: help ensure the effects of these Works to be produced for her own eternal future. This can be done only by unconditionally accepting all trials of life as chances given by God to help unlock for oneself the fruits of the Works of Redemption and as a personal contribution to the establishment of God’s Kingdom on earth. This is why a great many attempts to avoid any trials are great enemies of God’s Works of purification all through creation as well as of one’s own fruitfulness as a human soul on earth.

This is why the human soul should deal with all and any means to help eliminate the trials of life very judiciously and in a lasting spirit of willingness to make sacrifices (let us think, for instance, of many kinds of invasive artificial drugs or medicines, and of many substances like stimulants which are not vital to survive but, on the contrary, affect the body in a negative way). Any unbridled use of such means can become a major obstacle for the soul’s spiritual bloom, and for the world at large it can become a powerful weapon in the claws of the darkness, which have no other goal than to rip the fruits of the Christ’s Works of Redemption to shreds.

(to be continued soon)