Teaching by the Mistress of all souls
on the sole purpose and the fruitfulness of the journey through life

Myriam van Nazareth

In several places throughout Her teachings the Mistress of all souls has been stating that every soul in this world is alive for two purposes: to accomplish her own sanctification, and to make the contributions God expects her to make towards the accomplishment of His Plan of Salvation. In the underlying teaching the Queen of Heaven wants to shed some light on both these purposes as elements of the only true meaning of life on earth, so as to demonstrate how fruitful this life can become in the eyes of God if the soul keeps her eyes on these purposes while she allows her heart to be guided by the signposts God provides every path through souls’ lives with, in the form of signs by His Providence.

1. accomplishing one’s own sanctification. The latter can only be achieved through a persistent practice of true selfless Love.

Sanctification is the process of development through which the soul, on account of her inner constitution, attitudes and frame of mind, and on account of everything that proceeds from her, is increasingly able to contribute in a direct way to the promotion of God’s Works and to the advancement of the accomplishment of His Plans. Through this process the human soul brings her inner perception, her ways of feeling and thinking in accordance with God’s expectations and with the very heart of God’s Being.

This is what is meant by the thesis that the soul is expected to grow in the image of God. It is a process through which the soul voluntarily, purposely and persistently practices letting her power over all and any temptations by the world grow greater than the power wielded by these temptations, so much so that these temptations are no longer able to separate her from God nor to make the soil of the soul infertile for the assimilation and bloom of Divine grace.

Basically sanctification is a process of self conquest, a process through which the soul purposely and voluntarily adjusts her own faults and shortcomings towards Divine Law, in so doing manages to reach an increasingly high level of fruitfulness of her personal contributions to the accomplishment of God’s Works and Plans, and manages to perpetuate these new acquisitions in her inner dispositions. Essentially it is a process within which the soul tries to gradually defeat any inclination towards sin and vice, which was unlocked in every soul by the original sin, and within which she tries to dispel from her heart the consequences of any violation against God’s Law.

In a private revelation to Myriam dated September 17, 2017 the Mistress of all souls expressed it as follows:

"Sanctification is a process of constant growth on the foundation of a conscious desire to get closer and closer to God and to living in His image, a process which is nourished by the fuel of a free will that has no other desires but to live a life in perfect harmony with God’s Law".

God wants to accomplish all His Works within His creation with the active, voluntary collaboration of the human souls. On May 18, 2015 the Mistress of all souls gave the following explanation with respect to free will:

"The human soul’s free will is the faculty which determines the way the soul will deal with each individual grace, gift, Law or Decree she receives from God in the hour of her birth or at any point of her life, as well as with each individual event or situation which is led onto her path through life either by Divine Providence or through any work by the darkness. Thus free will is the engine driving the soul on the paths of her own choice towards the destination she has set for herself for every individual situation as well as for the whole of her journey through life. Therefore the extent to which the soul’s free will is in accordance with the Will of God will determine the soul’s sanctity and her spiritual fruitfulness.

By virtue of the inviolability of the free will each human soul personally sets her own final destination in Eternal Life: either the Light or the darkness. God has decreed this freedom for the soul as a testimony of His perfect Love, because decisions the soul would take regarding her behaviour because God has in any way compelled her towards making these decisions would not give testimony before the darkness as to the soul’s pure Love of God and His Works and Plans nor as to her genuine desire to help accomplish God’s Works and Plans".

In a private revelation given to Myriam on March 28, 2018 the Mistress of all souls defined the role of the free will as follows:

"If you picture the soul as a vehicle, faith is the engine, the free will is the steering wheel and Love is the fuel:

A soul who lacks true faith in God is like a dead soul: Her engine does not even start, therefore she is getting nowhere on the path intended for her by God.

Free will is the mechanism which determines in what direction the vehicle will be moving, and therefore whether or not the soul will reach her true destination or, inversely, how far away from her true destination she will end up, in other words: to what extent she will be doing God’s Works or not.

True Love is the fuel feeding all processes inside the soul. A soul who does not practice true Love just stays immobile.

Thus the free will can be very active, yet if Love is lacking the soul will nevertheless never reach her destination. Even a soul who believes but lacks Love will never reach her destination, for this soul does move, to be sure, but the vehicle lacks fuel. Therefore it frequently happens that a soul manages to preserve some faith and, if viewed on the surface, seems to use her free will to aspire for good things, nevertheless has an unfruitful journey through life because she is lacking in true Love. Souls whose faith is rather shallow do, theoretically, aspire for good things and are convinced they want to do the Works of God, yet they lack fuel and therefore, in reality, get nowhere.

The soul is supposed to commit her free will actively and consciously to accomplish good things and to keep her fuel line clean, i.e.: to provide her faith (the engine) with an adequate fire of Love in order to then turn the steering wheel in the right direction and move straight towards God".

On September 24, 2016 the Mistress of all souls said to Myriam:

"The path of sanctification is a path to God, to the Heart of Eternal Peace and perfect Love. (...) I told you before that the golden path to a truly holy life is the path on which the soul, at any given point of time and in every detail, manages to combine total self-denial with a heart that is fully open to all needs and feelings of her fellow creatures. If all of this happens spontaneously because the soul truly aims at practicing true Love she will automatically practice a perfect service in a serene, relaxed and peaceful disposition. (...)

Practicing true Love automatically gives rise to a spontaneous, profound Peace, serenity and a feeling of security in the heart, so that the fellow creature towards which this Love is practiced feels God’s proximity and feels part of a flow within which it knows it is secure, safe, loved and respected. If the journey to sanctity is experienced from a heart that truly loves, regards itself as insignificant, and is satisfied with the place allotted to it within God’s Works this journey is bound to give the soul a profound satisfaction.

In a peaceful heart no feelings are born which cause harm or misery, on the contrary: A peaceful heart envelops every fellow creature in the perfume from the roses of celestial Love with every one of its feelings and thoughts, thus enabling every creature to experience the total security of being inside the Heart of God".

To put it briefly, the path to sanctity is a path of constant victory of the soul and her free will over the effects of the original sin in the soul. Therefore it is a process of constant self-conquest, of defeating the weaknesses which produce their effects in the soul on account of the original sin. Sanctification means letting the soul drink from the Source of Salvation.

2. contributing to the accomplishment of God’s Plan of Salvation. God’s Plan of Salvation consists of the entirety of all Divine Works geared at the eventual establishment of God’s Kingdom in the souls. It is God’s Plan which consists herein, that all souls are offered the opportunity to sanctify themselves and therefore, despite the original sin, to acquire eternal bliss and to make individual contributions to the elevation of mankind as a whole towards increasingly higher levels of Salvation. God prefers to accomplish His Works through human souls as well as through direct interventions from His Providence and the inspirations from the Holy Spirit.

The establishment of God’s Kingdom on earth can only be accomplished to the extent to which every human soul allows true Love in all of its forms to flow towards each and every creature Divine Providence leads towards her path through life, as well as through persistent inner dispositions which must be mirrors of the dispositions prevailing in the Heart of God Himself.

The entire life of the soul revolves around practicing true Love. True Love is the absolute opposite of all darkness, which mainly feeds on selfishness, egocentrism, jealousy, all and any negative thoughts, feelings and desires, and on any inclination to focus one’s inner life on primarily satisfying material needs. This is why sin and vice are nothing other than violations of the Law of True Love: They do not contribute to fulfilling God’s Works and Plans but rather to fulfilling the works and plans the darkness tries to accomplish in the world.

Practicing True Love must be done spontaneously, voluntarily and sincerely:

spontaneously = by nature, without thinking about it, as a reaction generated in the very depths of one’s heart without the soul having to think or reason about it nor having to reflect on what behaviour to produce.

voluntarily = one’s own free will must totally and unimpededly be focused on letting true, selfless Love flow through. This means all aspirations must be focused totally on achieving the aforementioned goals of life.

sincerely = without blinding nor deceiving oneself nor any fellow creature, and without allowing any fellow person’s judgment to influence one’s behaviour.

The judgment God, by virtue of His eternal Laws, pronounces on a soul after the latter’s life on earth has come to an end is based fully on the extent to which this soul has practiced True Love. In this judgment the actions the soul has performed make up a relatively small share, however. The major share is determined by the inner dispositions based on which the soul has practiced Love. Indeed, these inner dispositions determine whether the Love which has been practiced was actually spontaneous, voluntary and sincere.

The soul can easily find out about the true degree to which she has been practicing Love spontaneously, voluntarily and sincerely by observing herself as to how quickly she reacts as soon as she learns about God’s expectations: Does she tend to keep postponing to start doing the right thing, or does she keep clinging to dark inner dispositions? The Heavenly Mistress uses the following image:

If a human soul learns how she can make her spiritual life more fruitful and, by so doing, can achieve a greater harmony between herself and the Law of God she is expected to take a suitcase, put the luggage she has just received into it, and set out on 'the journey to the Light' without any further hesitation. If after that nothing changes, this means she has packed her suitcase but has not left. Not only will she have failed to get even as little as one single meter closer to the Light, she will even have allowed her own darkness to keep growing by failing to make use of an advice given her by the Holy Spirit. Certain souls totally disregard this aspect.

One of the major forms of blinding oneself, which makes souls completely unfruitful, is the alleged practicing of Love based on the assumption this will take away any personal debt. This assumption is the basis of a great many confessions, of the inner disposition of many souls attending holy Mass, of so-called charity which has no real foundation of Love in the soul’s heart, etcetera. These souls are surprised about the fact that, in spite of all those 'good deeds', they do not find inner Peace. Their inner struggle grows bigger and bigger, because deep down their conscience does know all too well their 'Love' is actually merely a matter of self-delusion. The inner struggle and chaos these souls remain prey to expresses the fact their own conscience is condemning their true inner dispositions. Their struggle is the fruit of their ASSUMING they are spreading Light whereas in reality they keep enhancing their own inner darkness.

All of this also enables the soul to assess her own state of grace. A soul who performs actions which, when considered superficially, seem to be carriers of Love, should in all honesty wonder exactly WHAT has motivated her to perform these actions: "To what extent have I performed them spontaneously, voluntarily and sincerely? Have I, in any way whatsoever, tried to delight or to deceive anybody (including myself)? Have I performed those actions in a genuine attempt to enhance a fellow creature’s well-being, or have I rather performed them in an attempt to attract attention and admiration to myself and/or to receive anything in return?"

God provided for every soul a journey through life along a path which holds the best promises for a fruitful spiritual life. In order to reach the gate of Heaven this journey through life must be completed with all and any trials it may bring and while actively, consciously and voluntarily practicing all virtues.

On December 23, 2018 the Mistress of all souls spoke the following words to Myriam:

"In truth I tell you that in the hour of their death many souls hear God saying:

'What have you done to your soul, this Divine present given to you as a tabernacle in which you were supposed to carry the most sacred Divine Life for the entire duration of your life, so as to sow the seeds of the richest fruits along the entire path through your life and in all the gardens of the fellow creatures My Providence enabled to meet with you? A persistent state of being blind to one’s own deviations from the Law of True Love, even in spite of countless repeated pieces of advice and exhortations from the Queen of all sanctity, bears witness to the ultimate deterioration of spiritual life. This deterioration cannot be justified, for it is incompatible with any genuine desire for a close unity with the Holy Spirit, who is the signpost on the path of each and every soul through life. Whoever constantly disregards the Holy Spirit thereby shows not to be interested in the only right way to the Gate of the Kingdom of Eternal Love'."

On December 8, 2018 already the Queen of Heaven and earth had expressed the following exhortation in this context:

"Many souls fail to regard the journey through their life as a journey of wistful commitment to the Works of God, but rather consider it to be a journey which will automatically end in Paradise. They are unwilling to allow themselves to face the truth that a soul only inherits Paradise insofar as, through an active commitment to the establishment of God’s Kingdom on earth and through the effects of her own inner dispositions, she has personally contributed to creating a Paradise for all her fellow creatures as well as for God’s Heart. Yes, dispositions of True Love in a soul’s heart give God the opportunity to experience His inner Paradise to the fullest, because in such dispositions He sees the Light, the flowers and Life the way He has designed them in His unparalleled Love".

Every soul’s journey through life is a journey to the Source of the Light, in other words: a journey to God. Every soul proceeds from God, and is to return to Him. Therefore the journey to the Source of the Light, the soul’s path through life, must be regarded as a path, or journey, of sanctification.

The soul’s life on earth must lead to the fulfilment of her vocation and mission in life, which for each individual soul consist in her being useful as a tool in the hands of God for the purpose of accomplishing His Plan of Salvation for the benefit of all creation.

The soul is a tool in God’s hands to the extent to which, at any given point of time in her life, under all and any circumstances and in all and any situations of life, she complies with God’s Basic Law, the Law of True Love, towards all of her fellow creatures (fellow humans, animals, even the natural environment), towards God Himself, and towards all of God’s Works.

Myriam, on behalf of the Mistress of all souls and at Her service,
May 2023


The Mistress of all souls already inspired several teachings which may be of service to the souls as signposts towards leading an optimally fruitful life at the service of God’s Works. The main ones can be found here:

True Love

Ten Commandments for a fruitful daily life

The harvest of life

True happiness as perfume from the flower of True Love