About the value of human life
and the soul’s return to her Source

Myriam van Nazareth

On December 1, 2018, on the eve of the Advent, the Queen of Heaven spoke the following words to Myriam, of which She requests insertion as an introduction to Her teaching entitled The longing of Eternal Love written in November 2018:

"What does God Himself experience as the greatest possible joy? To God the greatest of all joys is finding two or more creatures approaching each other and dealing with each other in a disposition of unbridled, spontaneous Love. In such contact and interaction He finds creatures, products from His hand, bearers of His signature, in a disposition which reflects the disposition of His own Heart: warmth, softness, tenderness, the desire that the fellow creature may experience unlimited well-being and feelings of security. Such contact and interaction breeds an immense Light, which spreads straight across he entire network of creation.

Inversely, God considers it to be the greatest possible sorrow when He sees creatures approaching each other and dealing with each other from a disposition of hate, an urge to destroy, egoism to the detriment of suffering or distress in their fellow creature, deception and cheating against their fellow creature, or indifference to their fellow creature’s feelings and/or the latter’s fate.

You should take into account the fact that God never regards an animal but always the human soul as responsible for sufferings, chaos and misery creation falls prey to, as only the human soul is called upon to accomplish sanctity and to practice a purposeful, active engagement for the accomplishment of God’s Works.

As a matter of fact the deepest darkness tormenting creation is not the darkness caused by the effects from natural catastrophes, but the darkness emerging in the hearts of human souls who fail to deal with the situations, events, contacts and interactions constituting their journey through life from a disposition of true Love. The countless interactions, reactions and feelings characterized by lack of Love God witnesses day after day with human souls all over the world are the main sources of clouds of darkness being sent across all of creation, thereby disrupting the equilibrium set by God and, consequently, calling effects of suffering, chaos and misery down upon the world.

Dear souls, do never fail, in any contact or interaction with fellow creatures, to be mirrors of God’s Heart by practicing spontaneous and purposeful true, self-denying Love and regarding and respecting each and every fellow creature as a project devised by God and endowed with a specific mission in life within the framework of His Plan of Salvation for the whole of creation. Every act, every word, every feeling and every thought emerging from a sincerely loving disposition is a sunbeam of Light and warmth for all of creation and helps Love, peace and happiness get settled in the world. Each lack of sincere Love in a human heart sends a dark cloud across creation and calls down misery, chaos and sufferings. The human souls themselves are the authors of their own happiness or unhappiness on earth, respectively. It is the dispositions of the heart that bring the human soul closer to God or separate her from Him, and that take the world back to paradise or, inversely, allow her to fall prey ever more deeply to the power of the darkness".

Every human soul is on earth for one purpose only: that, in perfect accordance with the Plan God has conceived for her life and for the implementation of which she has been fully equipped by Him with strictly individual talents, gifts, properties and the day to day guidance from His Providence and from the inspirations by the Holy Spirit, she may make her individual contribution to the accomplishment of God’s Plan of Salvation for all of creation, a Plan which is geared fully to the completion of the establishment of God’s Kingdom of true Love and perfect Peace on earth.

The value and merits of a person’s life are therefore measured by God exclusively by the extent to which the soul actually makes this contribution, by filling all her actions, thoughts, feelings, aspirations and inner dispositions with true self-denying Love in all of its aspects and by expelling from her inner life everything which may in any way impede, weaken or defile her ability to function constantly as a channel enabling God’s Love to flow through creation.

God does not judge the value and merits of a person’s life according to that which the soul accomplishes visibly, but according to that which He has been able to find at any single moment of the soul’s life in her deepest inner dispositions, i.e. on the basis of the extent of true, self-denying and pure Love on which the soul has based all of her actions, words, feelings, thoughts and aspirations, all of this out of a spontaneous desire to merge her own free will fully with God’s Will. Whereas the world tends to judge a person’s life on the basis of perceivable results, God will judge this life on the merits of efforts and the soul’s sincere will to live every detail of her life in a state of perfect harmony with God’s Law, in other words: on the merits of her efforts and firm will to practice true Love and thereby to help accomplish God’s Plans and Works.

The soul who, for the entire duration of her life, manages to spontaneously preserve her innate ability to lead her life in accordance with God’s Law of true Love in order to be a useful tool for the accomplishment of God’s goals, and does so in a disposition of purity, thereby also preserves the ability to naturally and spontaneously keep longing with all her being to perfect her role as a servant of God’s Works, and finds the only true joy in her life only to the extent she can see signs that her own role as well as the role of her fellow creatures at the service of God’s Works are being materialized: Her joy is the joy of God Himself.

A constant inner joy is the cradle of a flourishing true happiness. The Mistress of all souls once defined this as the disposition of inner peace which arises in the soul whenever the latter feels that she is actually progressing towards realizing the true purpose of her life, in other words: that she is actually fulfilling her mission within the framework of accomplishing God’s Plan of Salvation, through actions, words, thoughts and desires that are in perfect accordance with the true purpose of the life God has sent her into the world for.

True peace is therefore the state which emerges whenever a human soul’s conscience experiences the grace to feel the peace the Spirit of God Himself experiences with respect to the extent to which the soul allows herself to be guided willingly by His inspirations and motivations, by the commandments and prohibitions proceeding from the Divine Law of true Love and by a spontaneous desire for merging her will with God’s Will and with the objectives God pursues both with respect to her individual life and with respect to creation as a whole.

The soul who lives her life aiming for the satisfaction of her own interests and her own pseudo needs is unfruitful as a tool for the accomplishment of God’s Works and therefore lives an unfruitful life in the eyes of God. This soul is excluding herself as a tool for the accomplishment of God’s Works and Plans, and in so doing becomes a tool for the accomplishment of the works and plans of the darkness. This soul will lose her ability to sense the profound meaning of God’s Law, and is unavoidably defiled by the spirit of the world, which ultimately serves the darkness. In this soul dissatisfaction will take root, due to the fact her conscience is going to suffer by the pressure from the incitations of God’s Spirit trying to lead her back to abiding by God’s Law.

Due to her unwittingly (i.e. greatly escaping her notice) being influenced by the darkness this soul will usually begin to experience this state of inner conflict as a threat which she will regard as hostility directed against her by her environment and even by God Himself. Her conscience, which was given her by God as the alarm system intended to warn her at every occasion at which she is departing from God’s Law and thereby from the purpose of her own life, is therefore going to be transformed from a major road sign to Eternal Salvation into a source of constant inner conflict.

Under the influence of the inspirations from the darkness the soul gradually experiences her own conscience as her greatest enemy. To the extent to which the soul succumbs to these inspirations she will wittingly or unwittingly switch off her conscience, thereby losing her inner Divine road sign, she will succumb to self-deception, and will unnoticeably and increasingly become a tool for the accomplishment of the works and objectives of the darkness.

God is the Source of all Love, and the mainspring of all His Works and Plans is an absolutely perfect, indivisible, unconditional Love and the desire that the human souls, to whom He gives life on earth with the intention that they might spontaneously and of their own free will contribute to the fulfilment of His Plan of Salvation for creation, fully absorb this Love and make it as fruitful as possible. This is why God’s Spirit keeps inspiring and motivating each human soul her whole life long in order that she might live in perfect harmony with God’s Law of true Love in all her actions and in her deepest inner dispositions, as the degree to which this Law is actually practiced in all details of life for the benefit of all fellow creatures as well as in the soul’s inner life will determine to what extent she is truly making contributions to the accomplishment of God’s Plan of Salvation.

The extent to which the soul will open up to the inspirations and motivations by God’s Spirit and to the multitude of signs Divine Providence will keep trying to show on her path through life determines the extent to which she will materialize her ability to be a tool at God’s service. This ability is what we understand by the concept of sanctity: Sanctity is the extent to which a human soul manages to be a channel of salvation for creation through all her actions and all her inner dispositions. Sanctity is therefore fully associated with the extent to which the soul actually practices true, self-denying and unconditional Love towards all her fellow creatures and God’s Plans and Works every single moment of her life, including under those circumstances when nothing seems to happen: At every moment, without any exception, feelings, desires and dispositions are alive in the soul, which determine what degree of Love (Light) or lack of Love or defiled Love, respectively, (darkness) will proceed from her heart towards creation and towards God. This is why the value and merits of a person’s life are not only determined by their actions and words but equally by the many moments in which life seems to stand still.

The Mistress of all souls emphasizes the fact God does not listen with physical ears nor see with physical eyes, but that He hears and sees with the Heart. God’s Heart is a system of perfect and all-encompassing perception of everything which is going on in all of creation at any given point of time as well as of everything which is going on in all His creatures at any given point of time. This is why God’s Heart registers even the tiniest detail of everything creatures are doing to one another and everything going on in the minds and hearts. This is also why God does not hear the prayers said by human souls with ears of flesh but with His Heart, meaning in concrete terms that He does not in the first place hear words but feels everything that is going on within the heart of the praying soul and everything that proceeds from this heart. According to words the Mistress of all souls once spoke to Myriam many souls deceive themselves believing they pray a lot, whereas in point of fact God never hears anything from them. They are the many souls who pray mechanically, devoid of feelings and merely formally. A prayer’s actual content is the Love upon which the praying soul’s words are carried to God. This Love is often lacking in many praying souls, so that in the hour in which judgment is passed on life God (and now I am quoting the Queen of Heaven and earth) even says to many: "I have never heard anything from you". Words are the empty packages, the content of the presents consists of Love. True Love determines the content of everything which lives in a soul and everything which proceeds from her. A soul that is falling short of practicing true Love leads an empty life, she hardly makes any contribution to the fulfilment of God’s Plan of Salvation and therefore, in the eyes of God, leads an unfruitful life. Let us not forget that Eternal Bliss is granted to the soul to the extent the latter has seen to it that her life was filled with content which actually promoted the accomplishment of God’s Plan. This is the only purpose for which every soul is sent on earth.

God made all of creation out of true, perfect, unconditional Love. Creation is perfect by nature. The countless deviations we witness in the world day after day, the countless signs of misery, chaos, injustice and dissatisfaction and the aggression among many creatures do not indicate any error or mistake on God’s part, nor any imperfection in His Love, they bear witness to human interference: defiling alterations to the effects of God’s Love through actions, feelings, thoughts and desires by humans who have surrendered their inner dispositions to the disrupting influences from the darkness: These souls have not used their free will to serve God but to help implement works of darkness.

God’s Love is absolutely perfect and indivisible. This means He never gives His Love in any other form than in its absolute perfection, meaning that God loves each and every one of His creatures (humans, animals, plants) with the fullness of His Love and that, therefore, He could not ever love any one creature more or less than any other. Just like God senses all inner dispositions of all His creatures simultaneously, likewise He keeps pouring the fullness of His Love into all His creatures simultaneously. Without this infusion life cannot be maintained, for all life is carried by God’s Love. Every single creature is in the world for the purpose of fulfilling a role at the service of God’s Plan of Salvation and, to that end, constantly receives the fuel required in the form of Divine Love.

By announcing this truth the Mistress of all souls highlights the fact that every human soul is under the holy obligation to learn to love each fellow creature (including all animals and plants) in their capacity as beings that have proceeded from God’s Heart and have all been clothed in, and branded by, the fullness of His Love, because every single creature is to fulfil a role towards the accomplishment of God’s Plan of Salvation, mainly through the way in which the human soul treats every single fellow creature from her heart. This determines the value of each creature: Not one single creature, whether human, animal or plant, is inferior, as every creature is a bearer of Life and is therefore branded by God’s perfect and indivisible Love. God sends every creature into the world after having provided it with His signature, which is called Life. This is why the value of a human life is determined to the highest degree by the way the human soul has, under all circumstances of her life, dealt with every fellow creature that has crossed her path though life.

On account of the fact the value of Love as the prime factor determining the judgment God is going to pronounce concerning the human soul in the hour in which, according to Divine Wisdom, the latter must leave this life, is part of a very profound Mystery and it is of paramount importance that the human soul should learn how to sense and practice true Love spontaneously, knowingly and voluntarily every single moment of her life, in April 2018 the Queen of Heaven granted Her Myriam an extraordinary revelation, the essence of which She wants inserted into the present teaching:

"In the hour in which God passes judgment over the past life of a human soul the soul faces the truth that absolutely nothing, not even the slightest detail, ever escapes God.

You could compare God to an infallible X-ray device which is conceived so as to see right through everything and to shoot extremely detailed and sharp images.

I told you earlier that every living being has, in a manner of speaking, got a built-in logbook right in the core of her soul or her vital principle, respectively. In this logbook minute details are irrevocably registered – and within the context of the present words I refer to the human soul:

  • every single event of life as of the hour of birth until the hour of physical death;
  • every action performed as well as every omission or neglect, combined with the exact feelings, thoughts and desires which were alive inside the heart at the moment when every single action was performed;
  • every word spoken, combined with the accompanying feelings, thoughts and desires;
  • every thought, every feeling, every inner disposition at every moment of life, as of the hour of birth until the hour of physical death. This therefore includes: all that is going on in the hidden depths of the soul every moment of the day and the night, even those moments the soul seems devoid of any concrete thoughts, words or actions, in other words: the moments man tends to refer to as 'empty moments'.

At every single point of time in the course of life, as well as in the hour in which judgment is passed on the life which has just ended, God reads all of this from the soul’s log book in an infallible way, irrevocably and including the slightest details.

In that hour God also reads in the most accurate way every single inner disposition which is alive in the soul at the moment at which her life on earth ends.

Every action, every omission, every neglect, every word, every thought, every feeling, every desire, every aspiration, every inner disposition at every single moment of the soul’s entire life is graded according to the benefit or the harm it brings to God’s Plans and Works, to creation as a whole and to the lives of all fellow creatures, to the life and inner bloom of the individual fellow creatures that are directly involved in every action, feeling, thought, etcetera, and to the extent all of this enables God’s Laws – or fails to enable them – to produce their effects in the fellow creatures and in creation as a whole, flawlessly and in accordance with God’s intentions.

The inner dispositions alive in the soul in the hour in which judgment is passed on her life, are also graded, for they show God exactly the degree of spiritual development the soul has attained, as well as the extent to which she has maintained and developed her free will to practice His Laws and to help accomplish His Works and Plans.

In the hour in which the soul passes over into the non-physical life all this information is contained in the log book on her life and her inner dispositions. God reads and analyses all of this infallibly and up to the smallest details in a split second and bases His judgment on this infallible analysis combined with the justified influences from the Love proceeding from the intercession by the Queen of all creatures and any other influences which may enable His Mercy to modify His infallible judgment in favour of the soul He is about to pass judgment on.

This does not in any way mean the judgment passed by God on the basis of the Law of His Justice could even be the slightest bit erroneous or unjustified, for God judges every detail in an infallible way, owing to the fact His perception of everything that is going on in His creatures is absolutely perfect and all-encompassing. It only means that His Love is so perfect He has provided for factors which may nevertheless mitigate this infallible judgment in favour of the soul that is being judged. These factors are the mechanisms He has granted the ability to set the wheels of His Mercy in motion. The most powerful of these factors are:

  1. My intercession, which must be regarded as the power of My absolutely perfect Love, which, within the limits set by the Laws of Justice, has the power to undo certain effects of darkness. These limits are determined in the first place by the dispositions God finds in the soul in the hour in which she appears before His judgment seat, and particularly by the extent to which the soul’s free will is geared knowingly and actively to merging with His Will;
  2. the extent of sincere remorse God finds in the soul;
  3. the extent to which the soul has made amends for every violation committed against the Law of true Love through her actions, thoughts, feelings and desires towards God’s Plans and Works and all her fellow creatures, particularly towards those she may have caused harm or may have wanted to get harmed through any of her actions, omissions, words, thoughts, feelings, desires or through any inner disposition whatsoever.

God only aims at one thing: that His creation may be kept in a state of balance. In order to achieve this, every trace of darkness must be outweighed in one way or another. This should be done in the first place by the guilty soul herself, through purposeful actions, thoughts and feelings of sincere, self-denying Love towards God, His Works, all fellow creatures and creation as a whole. The factors invested with the power of setting the wheels of Divine Mercy in motion are also effects of compensatory true Love. Only the interventions of true Love are able to help settle debts which have not been balanced by the compensatory effects of Divine Justice. This is why with every judgment passed on a human life the Law of Divine Justice will invariably become effective, and Divine Mercy will yield complementary effects to the extent Divine Justice allows it to do so, or not, depending on the magnitude of the debt the soul is laden with.

It is clear that, in concrete terms, all this means that in the event of a soul dying in a state of deadly sin and/or in a disposition in which the soul fails to focus her free will entirely on God’s Will, Divine Mercy will not be able to produce its full effect: Debts which burden creation with a heavy darkness and therefore greatly encumber God’s Plans and Works, must be made up for by the guilty soul herself.

God’s Mercy keeps trying to produce its effects in each human life, in an attempt to motivate the souls involved, through experiencing Divine Life, to reorientate their deepest dispositions towards God’s Heart voluntarily and spontaneously. If these expressions of Divine Mercy are not put to use God will regard this lack of response as a testimony through which the soul indicates not to appreciate His benevolent interventions. In such cases the soul exposes herself to the tremendous risk of being judged merely by virtue of the Law of Justice. This means she is then judged only by the grade I mentioned before, without any mitigation of judgment. Denying and disregarding Divine Mercy is tantamount to denying and disregarding the healing power of true Love and to insensibility to God’s Works and to the equilibrium within these Works.

In a soul who goes on practicing her dark dispositions even after having been made a witness to major expressions of Mercy it is impossible to find the will to merge with the Will of God. In this state the soul condemns herself. In the hour of death also Satan will testify to the power he has been able to exercise over the soul to the detriment of God’s Plans and Works and of the soul’s individual state of sanctity. He does this through the entries in the soul’s log book, from which it becomes apparent to what extent this soul has obeyed his dark inspirations. (...)".

In October 2018, in a private revelation, the Mistress of all souls again called upon the human souls to become more aware of the deeper meaning and value of all that proceeds from the soul:

"In the hour in which God pronounces His infallible judgment on the value a soul’s past life has yielded for His Works and Plans, by virtue of a Divine Mystery the soul is shown in a split second every detail of her past life exactly the way God Himself, Eternal Love and perfect Wisdom, saw and felt it while it was happening. In truth I assure you that to a vast number of souls this experience comes as a major shock, for there is no limit to the things of which many souls hardly realize what effects they produce with respect to the course of God’s Plan of Salvation and His Works, with respect to the value of their own life for God and for creation".

Eternal Love is the Source of all life. God sends each creature into the world longing that the Love He invests every creature with in the hour of its creation may get the opportunity to bloom. As long ago as with the inspirations for the book entitled The Brooklets of Salvation the Mistress of all souls revealed that, originally, not one single animal was by nature predatory or aggressive, but that the latter dispositions have entered the animal world through the original sin committed by the first human souls and have deteriorated even further through the ongoing imbalance producing its effects throughout creation under the influence of the countless subsequent sins committed by the human souls. Therefore each human soul has got an individual responsibility for restoring the severely disrupted equilibrium in creation through a radical conversion of the heart towards a flawless practice of Love in all her actions and in her deepest inner dispositions: Love of God and of all His Works (including nature, the environment) and Plans (first and foremost His goal of establishing His Kingdom on earth), Love of all fellow persons without distinction of race, language or culture, and Love of all other fellow creatures, all of this while being fully aware of the fact that all living beings bear God’s signature inside of them and have thereby received the blessing of His Love, and of the fact this blessing does not lose its effect on account of any imperfection or indifference on God’s part but solely and exclusively on account of the effects produced by the darkness prevailing in human hearts.

God’s goal of establishing His Kingdom on earth is the greatest expression of His Love for all creation. A Kingdom in which every human soul allows herself to be governed only by true, self-denying Love and by the sincere desire that God’s Plans and Works may be fully materialized is a Kingdom in which perfect Peace rules the hearts. Peace of heart is the disposition of the soul who knows her will is one with the Will of God and can therefore no longer be thrown off balance by any temptation from he darkness. The darkness has got but one goal: preventing God’s Kingdom of Love from being established, and to that end, poisoning as many souls as possible so as to make them more susceptible to sin than to practicing self-denying Love towards God and towards all fellow creatures. Blessed is the soul who understands that every concession made to the darkness harms the happiness of all creation as well as gets in the way of her own happiness (her own peace of heart for starters), and that every service rendered to the darkness therefore makes her life on earth pointless, thereby preventing her life from being crowned by Eternal Bliss. The Mistress of all souls said earlier that the human soul can only enter into Heaven as soon as she has completely turned into a fire of Love, for that every stain remaining on the soul in the hour of death would actually scorch her when entering into Heaven. This is why innumerable souls need to be purified in purgatory to attain perfection in Love, in order to be able to enter into Eternal Life in Heaven. The soul who has allowed the seed of self-denying pure Love within herself to wither away to such an extent as to deprive it of its viral force, is condemning herself. God is not the One who condemns souls, souls do this themselves through the dispositions of heart they have been harbouring during their lives.

It is so oppressing for a loving heart to sense any deviation from Love. So consider the Heart of Eternal Love, the One who simultaneously senses all dispositions harboured by billions of creatures infallibly and up to the slightest details, and who longs so ardently that the human soul, intended to be the crown upon His Work of creation, should allow the fruits of His perfect Love to fully mature. Ever since the original sin was committed this Heart has been witnessing the Law of Love being violated every single day by the very same human souls and consequently countless human souls drifting off voluntarily from their true vocation in life, which is to serve the establishment of God’s Kingdom on earth, and continuing to give the darkness countless opportunities to greatly thwart the effects of true Love all over the world. God created the human soul in His own image and likeness, yet in the hour when judgment is passed on souls He sees many of them appearing before Him in a state of having been mutilated many times over by the darkness on account of their having failed to fully practice the Law of true Love. The Mistress of all souls was called upon to teach the souls and to deepen their spiritual awareness, hoping that ever more souls might of their own free will start practicing God’s Love, for Paradise – both the one of God’s Kingdom on earth and the one of Eternal Bliss – can bloom only from the seed of true Love, which is watered and cherished but in few souls.

Myriam, November 2018