Teaching by the Holy Virgin Mary
August 2024
Throughout Her Science of Divine Life the Mistress of all souls frequently discusses evil, because the whole purpose of Her Work consists in educating souls in the knowledge of their own spiritual development and their state of grace, and of the strategies of the darkness that wants to draw the souls away from God in order to render the Works of Light ineffective. In the present teaching She wants to briefly but clearly discuss the deep nature of evil, because some souls appear to have only a rather vague idea of it.
Evil is everything that is inspired by Satan, either directly in the heart of any human soul or through the behaviour, actions or words of fellow human beings, and that therefore does not promote God’s Works and Plans or that opposes, hinders, or attempts to contaminate these Works and Plans or to destroy them altogether, and/or tries to encourage the soul to abstain from serving the accomplishment of the Works and/or Plans of God.
Any inspiration to commit evil is called temptation.
Temptation, therefore, is any attempt by the forces of evil to separate a soul from God. Through temptations a dark force tries to get a soul to do, say, think, feel or want something that can distance it from God (because it is not in accordance with God’s Law), or to refrain from doing something, saying something, etcetera, which could bring this soul closer to God if she were to do it, say it, etcetera. God’s Law is the set of precepts through which God wants to guide all souls towards a behaviour that yields them Salvation and thus Eternal Bliss.
When the soul responds to a temptation, in other words when she acts in accordance with the inspiration from the darkness, she is committing a sin. A sin is any deviation from Divine Law, and essentially from the Law of True Love, which is the Divine Basic Law, the Divine Constitution. By every sin the soul opts in favour of satisfying what she considers to be her own need over satisfying the eternal need of God, which consists in the completion of the Divine Plan for the accomplishment of the highest spiritual well-being of all human souls and for the utmost development of the ability that God has given to all creatures to make the highest possible contribution to the completion of God’s Works through every detail of their life.
This is how the darkness (Satan and his following, in other words: the enemies of Divine Law) wages its uninterrupted battle against the Light (God and His faithful servants, the fighters for the fulfilment of Divine Law): Every living being is constantly exposed to the influence of dark inspirations intended to lead it away from the fulfilment of the purpose for which God created it.
Every creature, without any exception, is given life on earth for one reason and one purpose only: to fully fulfil the role it is able to fulfil by virtue of its own capacity as a human being or as an animal of this or that species as contribution to the completion of God’s Works, because God only wants to complete His Works on earth through His creatures, viz. directly through human souls and indirectly through the animals, which are to fulfil their specific roles according to the species to which they belong, within the framework of assisting in perfecting the spiritual unfolding of human souls. The unsuspected significant role of even non-human living beings for the perfection of human souls in the fulfilment of the latter’s service to Divine Law was discussed in detail by the Mistress of all souls in various writings, including The Brooklets of Salvation.
As long as a soul helps accomplish God’s Works through her actions, her words, thoughts, feelings, aspirations and desires, she is a channel of Light. She is a channel of darkness as soon as she fails in any way to help accomplish God’s Works, slows them down, opposes them, damages them, defiles them or tries to destroy them. This leads us to Mary’s definition of 'the darkness':
By darkness the Holy Virgin means any works through which Satan tries to destroy God’s Works and to undermine Love and the fullness of Truth, or to render them ineffective, or through deception of human souls manipulate them in such a way that they are actually likely to serve his purposes and objectives. The darkness is everything that deviates from True Love, hinders or opposes its development, and thereby hinders the soul from completing her Redemption, her sanctification and Eternal Salvation and contributes to delaying the completion of God’s Plan of Salvation and His Works, or reduces the effects thereof. Therefore darkness can also be regarded as the totality of all works the opponent of God, Satan, tries to make take root in the world.
Not every temptation by the darkness automatically leads to committing a sin. This is owing to the fact God has built into every human soul both an alarm system and a control panel:
- The alarm system is the soul’s conscience, which is to serve as a Light and a guide to the human soul’s ultimate destination (Eternal Bliss after a life of holiness), through inner guidance by the Holy Spirit. Conscience is the system that enables the human soul to feel remorse over her transgressions against God’s Laws, to desire to make amends for these transgressions (repentance), and to henceforth avoid them. It is the warning system that God has endowed the soul with and through which the soul can at any given point of time be informed about her state in God’s eyes and about the extent to which her state is meeting God’s expectations;
- The control panel is the soul’s free will, through which the soul can continuously regulate, adjust and reorient its way of acting and reacting, and therefore, expressed in an image, can also refrain from pressing the key through which she would start to act in accordance with a temptation. In other words: Free will is the control system that gives the soul the power to actively choose to either collaborate towards accomplishing Works of the Light or towards accomplishing works of the darkness, in every single situation.
At this point evil entered creation: Lucifer, the first head of the archangels of God, rebelled against Divine Law, ignored every inner warning against this deviation, and used his free will to begin acting in full accordance with his aberrant feelings. The system of the origins of evil was explained in a most revealing way by the Mistress of all souls in Her Revelation of December 29, 2006. By Her order the text of that Revelation is therefore reiterated here:
Revelation of December 29, 2006:
The true genesis of evil
"Sin steals into the souls by a synergy of three factors:
Man lives on earth in a physical body that is subject to various needs, which must be satisfied up to a certain point if the body is to stay alive. His emotional life experiences various needs as well. All these needs constitute the first intersection at which the soul can get off the rails. As long as the soul remains the true mistress of the body and its needs and of the heart and its needs man can be able to keep his physical and emotional needs under control. However, frequently the soul looses dominion over human nature due to man’s innate weakness. Basically this weakness is nothing other than man’s inclination to give his material world priority over his spiritual experiences. This gives rise to the physical needs attempting to seize power, thus opening the way to hedonism in many different forms and to emotional needs which result in all kinds of passions. Passions must be understood as all irregularities in man’s emotional life, all kinds of strife in the heart, all feelings that are not beneficial with a view to the accomplishment of the Plan God harbours concerning man.
Every concession to worldly things is a weakness, for if the soul is the mistress of human nature, and not the body, man remains in control over any needs and the spiritual needs will be given priority over the physical needs. Weakness crept into man with the original sin, the first concession made to the inspirations from Satan, who always tempts towards making man allow material needs to rule him. Living in complete accordance with God’s intentions is purity. The original sin made impurity enter into human inclinations. This is why weakness can be regarded as the twin sister of impurity. Giving into material needs and worldly attachments is not like a compulsory behaviour: Man opts in favour of it, sometimes without being aware of it, if giving into the things of the world has become a habit.
God gave man a free will in order that he might freely opt for experiencing Divine Life. God will not impose His boons and His gifts, man must desire them of his own accord. If the material needs and passions are not controlled and man starts to build his life around the things of the world instead of around the needs of the soul, he is using his free will of his own accord to make the things of the world the masters of his life. He will then become a slave to his physical experiences and thereby a slave to the darkness, which is constantly pushing man towards his physical nature in order that he may forget about his spiritual nature and needs, for the soul contains the seed of sanctification and is the seat of Divine Life in man. Thus a life is born which is geared to accomplishing Satan’s works, in other words a life of sin. Man then loses sight of his original destination: leading a life which yields a positive contribution to the accomplishment of the Works and Plans of God, in order that the Redemption and Salvation of all souls may be completed and God’s Kingdom may bloom on earth.
Most souls fail to understand how sin can at all arise in a world which was created by a God who is nothing but Love and perfection. They ask the questions: How is it that evil arises if everything comes from God? Is evil alive in God Himself then? Did God also create evil, and if He did, why? The souls are approaching these things all wrong. You see, sin came into the world by the disobedience shown by the first human souls towards God. Do, however, behold the very beginning, the very first germ of all evil. God had made the angels even before He created man. The angels were bearers of nothing else but holy traits and dispositions God had invested them with. There was no trace of evil in them.
Now behold Lucifer, initially the chief of the angels. He enjoyed the glories of living in the celestial regions. Now consider the dispositions of the heart of both highest ranking angels: Lucifer, and right after him Michael.
Michael was seized by nothing but pure Love and by the need to serve. In him the germ of all virtues came to full bloom through this practical test against the background of a changing situation: Michael saw God’s future Plan of Salvation, he saw Me as the future Queen and Mistress of all the angels for all times, and he was delighted at God’s Works, Plans and Love. He opted in favour of God and of his later Queen and Mistress, whom he wanted to serve with all his being.
I now show you the disposition of Lucifer’s heart. He enjoyed the same glory as Michael, yet he did not regard this glory as a means to serve God’s Plans and Works, but as a goal in itself. The prospect of a new creature being created, man, who would be allowed to aspire for the perfect experience of Divine Life, and of the Woman Mary, at whose feet he, the prince of creation, would have to kneel down in total submission and obedience, was felt by Lucifer to constitute a threat to his power, which to him had become a goal in itself and was no longer experienced as a means. In Lucifer the Divine gift of glory has become a goal in itself. He had everything to experience bliss for all eternity, yet he made the experience of delight and power the goal and purpose of his existence. He began living like a self-centered being instead of focusing his entire existence on God. This does not testify to the fact that anything evil has ever come out of God’s hand, but on the contrary it shows that the creature itself gave birth to evil by abusing a gift from God, using it for its own needs instead of God’s needs. By this free choice, in a manner of speaking, the creature takes perfection out of the Divine, in other words: the Divine is robbed of the perfect brilliance of its Love, and evil gets the opportunity to rise.
Evil is anything which is not beneficial to the advancement of God’s Works and Plans. In Lucifer’s heart this wrong choice has taken such thorough control of his entire being that he began focusing all of his efforts on destroying God’s Works and Plans. One vice gave rise to another: Selfishness and egocentrism led to disobedience, thereby giving rise to the pride and arrogance of being convinced that he was able to thwart and annihilate God’s Decrees. Love turned into hate in its many expressions, Light changed into darkness. Lucifer, by abusing his unparalleled mental faculties, managed to transfer this disposition to millions of other angels, by inspiring them his own pride, arrogance, disobedience, hate and all other expressions of dissatisfaction. After his fall and his being cast out of Heaven he would apply the same strategy towards man. This is how evil is born and multiplies: The creature no longer focuses its heart on God but on itself. Through inspiring the original sin Lucifer, henceforth to be called Satan, took control over all human souls of all times, except over Me, the Woman, the Queen and Mistress of all souls. This is the true genesis of evil". (here ends the Revelation from 2006)
From the outset, God intended His creation to be a material reflection of the non-material Paradise of Heaven: a Kingdom of perfect Love, Peace, Happiness, harmony and perfect sense of security in and between all creatures. Therefore, He created the world in the form of the Earthly Paradise, a realm in which all creatures would experience the Law of Love in its absolutely perfect form. Upon his expulsion from Heaven, Lucifer (henceforth to be called Satan) swore an everlasting oath that he would do everything in his power to disrupt God, His Works and Plans, the Law of True Love, and to defile and, wherever possible, to destroy the Happiness of all creatures, and to make himself the master of creation. He would preferably do this by inspiring the human soul, regarded by God as the crown of His creation, in such a way that she would turn against her Creator and thereby (sometimes unknowingly) serve Satan and his plans. These centuries of uninterrupted works of temptation, and as opposed to the latter, all attempts of the Holy Spirit and of the Divine works of grace to keep human souls focused on their service to God and to the fulfilment of the Law of True Love, is what is called the battle between the Light and the darkness.
The core of the battle waged by the forces of evil against the Heavenly powers (which include every human soul of good will) consists in the fact that the forces of darkness try to veil God’s Truth from the eyes of people. Satan draws his great power from the fact that people are blinded to God’s eternal Truth, and are therefore easily deceived. He abuses this by using people’s feelings, thoughts and actions in favour of his own purposes and thus turning people into his playthings. This is what the Heavenly Queen calls "the slavery of the human soul to the devil": Satan, through the human soul’s susceptibility to being deceived, has usurped the power to abuse souls in the most various crafty ways for the accomplishment of his evil purposes, viz. the destruction of the sanctity of humanity. Let us always bear in mind that holiness is the measure by which a soul actively contributes to bringing 'Salvation' upon creation. We must therefore understand the destruction of the holiness of humanity as the works by which Satan tries to ensure that human souls no longer collaborate with God.
After all, God wants to accomplish and unlock all His Works and Plans through the collaboration on the part of human souls. Satan tries to respond to exactly this in order to delay the completion of God’s Plan of Salvation for as long as possible. All these are the bitter fruits of evil.
Indeed, the forces of evil ceaselessly urge man to live in such a way that he destroys himself by his own actions, words and aspirations. Satan takes advantage of the fact that since original sin man is no longer able to see the only Truth of God with his worldly eyes, and places all kinds of delusions in man’s mind, which distance him further and further from God.
Evil is therefore the totality of the works and plans through which the forces of darkness (Satan and his following) want to paralyze the development and unlocking of God’s Plan of Salvation. God’s Plan of Salvation aims at the establishment of God’s Kingdom of perfect Love, Peace, Happiness and Justice in and among all creatures on earth. Satan has been counteracting this entire process for centuries through the countless sins into which he has been able to tempt human souls throughout the history of the world. The establishment of God’s Kingdom on earth would mean the end of all misery, all suffering, all chaos, all injustice, all fear, all disease, all discontent and any feelings of insecurity in and among all creatures. All the misery in the world is the fruit of evil, the sins committed by giving in to the inspirations from this evil (the temptations!), and of the need to repair the damage caused by these sins to the balance in God’s creation. This reparation is only possible through suffering that is borne by human souls in full acceptance, Love and willingness to sacrifice at the service of God’s Plan of Salvation: illnesses, burdens, trials, fatigues, pains, sorrows, setbacks. |
The goal is known to us: the full unlocking of God’s Plan of Salvation. The path to this goal is also known to us: a life in faithful imitation of the dispositions of Christ’s Heart in His perfect Love, willingness to sacrifice and an all-pervasive desire to help accelerate the concrete accomplishment of God’s Plan of Salvation in the world, so that creation truly may become the Paradise that God intended when He created it. This can only be done by permanently expelling evil from the face of the earth, through a complete fulfilment of the Divine Law of True Love in every action, every word, every thought, every feeling, every aspiration and every desire towards every fellow creature and directly towards God Himself.
At the service of Mary, the Mistress of all souls,
Myriam, August 2024