as the


to Myriam van Nazareth


January 10, 2009

"I want to speak a word of encouragement to all souls that suffer physically. Physical suffering could be compared with a fire. As long as the soul allows the things of the world, everything material, to be the centre of her life, she will experience the fire of physical suffering as a tormenting force, an influence which seems to slow life down and makes unfruitful. It is a fire that burns impurely and yields a lot of smoke. Consequently the soul seems to slowly suffocate, her view of heavenly Light is blurred, and around her a cloud will form, which soon seems to make the light and warmth of the sun of Divine Love inaccessible to her.

I emphatically call upon each suffering soul, that she should consecrate her suffering to Me, intensely and in deepest surrender, day after day. I am the Mistress of all souls and the Mediatrix of all Graces. I can turn all suffering which is laid into My hands, into fire of heavenly Love, a fire which burns perfectly cleanly. The fire of heavenly Love is a fire which gradually burns sins, shortcomings, violations, and all effects produced by all of this in the soul’s own life and, by extension, in the whole of creation, so that the soul is purified and sanctified step by step, to the extent to which she opens herself up to this heavenly fire by consecrating Herself totally to Me.

Suffering which is consecrated to Me makes Jesus’ Works of Redemption bloom fully within the individual soul, so that, within the soul, all darkness is gradually replaced by Light, and the soul herself finds true peace and true happiness in the suffering consecrated to Me. Physical suffering which is consecrated to Me, is an invaluable blessing, which makes flows of salvation accessible to the whole of creation, and leads the suffering soul herself to the Source of true Life, Divine Life: the Heart of God.

Suffering souls, lay your physical capital into My hands, allow Me to actually be the Mistress of your entire being, so that I may display within you the endless power of Divine Life. Do enable Me to actually make use of your sufferings, so that I may add them to the treasures constituted by the Sufferings of Christ. As soon as I am enabled to process and enrich your sufferings by the power God has given Me, they will set you free from the mental and moral torments you all drag along from your past, and from everything that keeps oppressing you day after day.

Total consecration to Me is the golden key to the dungeon in which the soul locks herself up by every concession she makes to the influences of worldly thinking. Jesus has suffered to unlock every dungeon. I was given to all of you with the purpose of leading you out of the dungeon into the Light of total freedom. Do keep in mind, however, that the dungeon can only be opened from within: the soul is to turn the key herself, by her genuine and persistent will to truly be Mine".

         A little later Mary continues:

"I am the rising morning sun, the Great Sign of true hope. Souls, give all your burdens to Me: everything which burdens the soul, the heart and the mind with negative, undermining elements that hamper the flow of true Love within you.

Give Me all your negative memories, your negative thoughts and feelings, the injuries of your hearts and all worries and troubles. The space freed within the soul by shedding all these things off, I will fill with heavenly Light of hope and encouragement which will truly set the core of your souls healing.

I am Mary, the Rebirth of terrestrial paradise, which was lost by sin but was perfectly restored in Me in the fullness of Divine Life, to be a Sign for the souls opting for the way of Christ. I was given to you to restore the bloom of paradise within your souls as well. Be Mine, undividedly".

January 11, 2009

"Many souls suffer because of their past: painful memories, traumas in their emotional life, the awareness of mistakes they have made or sins they have committed. I have the power to cure these souls of all this, but to do that, I need their full cooperation.

See, if one compares the soul with a temple, the soul’s past would be the basement of the temple. This is where the archive of her entire life is kept, in a book called the book of her life. Now let Me use the following image.

Everything which, at so many points of time in the soul’s life, has had some negative effect and in some way or another contains an element of vice, mistake or sin committed by the soul herself, is like a writing error in the book of life. Everything which, in any way whatsoever, was done to the soul, for which she is not responsible and which keeps weighing upon her unconsciously like a burden of darkness, is like a stain in the book of life. Each event about which the soul has retained negative feelings, even up to the present – grudges, resentments, hate, bitterness – is like a torn page in the book of her life.

However, the book of a soul’s life need not remain unchanged. Certainly, the past is dead, and what is done, can not be undone. But... I can help the soul to 'rewrite' the book of her life, so to speak.

If a soul intensely and persistently requests Me to cure her of any negative thoughts and feelings regarding her past, I can fix the torn pages. If, however, she gives herself to Me completely, and truly lives this consecration, I will rewrite the painful passages from the book of her life step by step, in My handwriting, which conveys God’s perfect holiness and beauty. The content will remain the same, yet in the eye of God the book will turn into the story of a successful life, because the soul has demonstrated the willingness to share everything with the Mistress of all souls by Divine choice, She who automatically attempts to raise within the soul a genuine longing for the total following of Christ the Redeemer. Step by step I will change this soul so thoroughly in the infinite power of heavenly Love, that also all stains in the book of her life will gradually be removed.

Those are the wonders I was called upon to work within the souls in these end times. Souls from God’s hand, do make use of these presents. Surrender completely to Me, Mary, the Mistress of all souls by Divine choice".

January 14, 2009

(Mary speaks in reaction to a request brought before Her by Myriam, to obtain a concrete guideline in order to be able to give expiation in a truly salvific way, for all violations which may have been committed along the path of one’s life)

"The soul must attract into her heart everything her past contains in the way of sin, vice, mistakes, omissions, and negative thoughts, feelings and memories. Subsequently she must allow all this to merge with all elements of physical suffering, and then she must allow this suffering to penetrate the soil beneath My feet, so that I can perfectly control all of it. She should endeavour to imagine this whole process vividly, for that is how it will happen, provided the soul truly believes in My power. Thus I can:

  1. purify her entire life;

  2. perfectly rule over all of her mental, moral and physical processes;

  3. turn all her sufferings into 'raw material' for graces for the salvation of the own soul as well as of many other souls.

The soul shall consciously and willingly integrate her present sufferings into God’s Plan of Salvation by repeating regularly: "May my pains pay off the pains suffered by God’s Heart because of sin".

Thus the soul will, in unity with Me, purify the path of her life, by consecrating it to Me. A soul’s purified soil becomes a fruitful breeding ground for true peace of heart and true happiness.

For the soul’s path of life to be able to experience the blooming of this new fruitfullness, it is necessary that her life be covered with the dew of the holy Sacrament of a life’s confession. If the soul, by any influence whatsoever, is hindered from making a sacramental life’s confession, she must pray for My intercession. I will clear the way towards a thorough confession. I need the fruits of each soul in order to finish the great harvest.

Communicate this to all souls, as a practical way to deal with their present sufferings as well as with the traumas from their past. The battle against darkness must begin with the victory of Light within the individual soul and in her own life”.

January 17, 2009

Total consecration to Mary as a source of Light

"God sent His Son Jesus Christ to the souls in order to enter into the New Covenant with them. By virtue of this Covenant every soul that leads a life following God’s Son was to be enabled to develop within herself the effects of Salvation, and thus to achieve the true sanctity of the children of God. God has chosen Me to be the Ark of the New Covenant, the perfectly holy Tabernacle in which God’s Son, the Light, was to be carried into the world. That is why I am the Mistress of all souls: I am the Bearer of Divine Light, who possesses the capacity to bring Light to any place where darkness prevails.

Dear souls, total consecration of your lives and of your entire beings to Me, is the absolute confirmation of the fact you do accept your wonderful legacy as children of God. In the soul that consecrates herself completely to Me I can develop the capacity to perfectly follow Jesus, by nourishing her so deeply with Divine Light that all her actions and words, and even her most hidden thoughts and desires, are able to spread Light and to turn it on in others.

Within the soul who gives herself totally to Me, I illuminate step by step all inner processes, everything which goes on inside of her, and all her intentions, so that all her actions and words may follow the right tracks. As soon as an intention is born in a soul, she starts looking for a way to elaborate it. Not every good deed is automatically fruitful. The soul can perform a deed which is in itself good, and yet not do another soul a good turn by performing it, as far as the latter’s spiritual development is concerned. She then gives honey, which turns bitter in the soul of her fellow man, even if the latter eagerly accepts this honey, or actually longs for it.

I possess the wisdom to enlighten the heart, so that, in due time, the soul sees whether it is right to perform a certain action or not, or to speak a certain word or not, all this with a view to the salvation of her fellow man. In proportion as the soul’s surrender to Me becomes more complete, I will live in and through her more strongly, and all her actions and words will become bearers of ever greater amounts of Light.

It is My vocation to make the Light of Christ grow in every soul. To that end I need the total surrender of each soul to Me. May the souls constantly call upon Me through this brief prayer: Mary, be the Mistress of my entire being. Live and rule in and through me, so that Divine Light may completely illuminate me. Each beam of Light I can send into a soul will expel from her an element of darkness. In proportion as the Light grows stronger, the soul will start to feel more free, happier and more peaceful. This is how I wrap a chain of Light around the world.

Dear souls, the darkness does not belong in a soul, for each soul is a diamond from the treasures of God. Give your diamond to Me, so that I may be enabled to clean it from the dust of worldly influences and to cut it in wholesome trials. Then the sun of Divine Wisdom will be able to reflect itself in her, and the world will become the Kingdom of Love, a Kingdom of Light, a Kingdom devoid of the false shadows of aberrations and human reasoning. A soul in whom I can live and rule sovereignly, does no longer cast shadows: she spreads the Light which was once lit by Jesus Christ as a witness against all darkness.

A soul could never bear Jesus Christ in greater dignity that after having surrendered herself totally to Me, and having started to actually live this consecration in every detail of her daily actions and thoughts, for then I can truly be within her the Tabernacle, the Ark, bearing the New Covenant. I am the Robe of Jesus in the soul. What soul is entitled to say she truly loves Jesus if she does want to take Him inside of her, but, once He has come in, does not allow Him to wrap Himself in His Robe?".

January 19, 2009

True happines on earth

"Dear souls, sooner or later each soul is bound to go through a phase in which she seems to be looking for something. Often she does not consciously know what it is that occupies her. This 'something' is true happiness. The path of each life is, partly unconsciously, a quest for true happiness. This is because God has sown this longing and this destination in the soul. The souls often follow paths which do not lead to this destination. The soul can only experience true happiness on earth to the extent to which she actually longs for unity with God’s Heart, to the extent to which all her actions, words and her inner being are in harmony with God’s Laws, and to the extent to which she contributes to the accomplishment of His great Plan of Salvation.

The soul will never be able to find true happiness in worldly matters. The satisfaction of any material need creates a short-lived relief as to the fever of her longings, but as long as the fire of these longings is not greatly controlled from within the very depths of the soul – in which the germ of sanctity resides – the fever is bound to blaze up again sonner or later, and restlessness and dissatisfaction will return. The mind keeps looking unconsciously for a delivery from this slavery, and thereby unintentionally further increases chaos in the soul. The heart remains a slave to all feelings and emotions which are aroused by the fever inside, and thereby constantly falls prey to all sorts of temptations. That is how sins are born.

Dear souls, I was given to you as your Mistress to kindle your awareness of everything which prevents you from finding true happiness. True happiness is waiting for each and every soul, in God’s Heart, this inexhaustible Spring of Love and Graces. God’s Son Jesus Christ was sent to you to show you the Way to the Divine Heart. From the Cross He gave Me to you in order for Me to go this Way with you, but to that end I need your complete surrender to Me.

Little lambs of Christ, do pray to me with perseverance, so that I may obtain you the grace of the willingness to forgo the excess of sensory impressions and material needs, which threaten you from your surroundings day by day. Beg Me for My sovereign rule within your hearts, minds and bodies, so that you may kindle within yourself the longing, and find the strength, to turn the vital energy of your souls inward. Then your slavery towards the fever of material needs will steadily decrease, for I will crush underneath My feet the chains that bind you to worldly influences, one after the other.

Dear souls, true happiness resides in the unity of your hearts with the Heart of God. I can lead each one of you into the Divine Heart, even during your lives on earth. To that end you must be prepared to let the impact from the world grow smaller and smaller by protecting your senses from the countless confusing and disturbing impressions from worldly life, and to break the tyrannical power your innumerable needs wield over you. True happiness will take root within you as soon as you accept and follow My inner guidance. The soul will find true happiness as soon as she fully applies the Teachings of Jesus Christ in her life, and allows all presents from God to bloom within her. The greatest present God has given to the souls subsequently upon the redeeming Sufferings of Christ and the foundation of the holy Catholic Church, is the present of My capacity as the Mistress and Guide of all souls. The seed of true happiness will germinate in each soul that:

  1. believes that Jesus Christ is the Saviour;

  2. applies the Teachings of Jesus in her daily life, by practising all virtues;

  3. opts for the obedience to the traditional rules of the Catholic Church;

  4. looks for God’s Heart as the only sense and destination of her life; and

  5. accepts Me, Mary, as the Mistress of all souls by Divine Decree, whose principal mission it is to give new birth to Christ in each soul and to promote His growth and the continuation of His life within the soul, up to and including the fullness of salvation through all trials and the victory over all darkness in the cross of daily life.

Eternal Spring will blossom in the soul as soon as she actually implements all of this in her life. The world within the soul must decrease from day to day, whereas the pursuit of God’s interests must increase incessantly. Then the seed of true happiness will flourish within her to grow into a paradise of inner peace, serenity and happiness. There will always be trials. I could deliver the soul from them as well, BUT in so doing I would rob her of the merits which justify her inheritance: Eternal Life. The soul that surrenders herself completely to Me, will receive from Me the strength and inner serenity to process all trials into salvation and true happiness".

February 3, 2009

Superficiality and former Discouragement as Sources of unfruitfulness

"God’s creation is like a garden. Each soul is a flower. God is omnipresent: He is the Sun above the garden, He lets graces rain down, and He is present in the vital principle that controls the growth of the flowers in the soil. I am the bundle of beams from the Divine Sun: the Bridge between the Sun and the soil, between God and creation. Also now I am sent to the souls as a sunbeam of hope, of Light, of encouragement, of happiness, of animation.

The flowers of many souls are cut off from Divine Life with their first bloom already – during their youth – because their fertile soil is poisoned by distorted images of God and of life. Many young souls are made unfruitful for the Works of redemption and sanctification God wants to complete within them, on account of the fact their parents and other souls to whom they are entrusted for the purpose of being raised and educated, present them with negative images and notions of God, of themselves, of happiness, of true Love, of life, of the future. These souls are deprived of their confidence and their love of life. They grow up without hope, because they have learned to consider life merely as a burden, as an endless chain of injustices without any prospects. They grow up without faith, because they have never learned to look beyond the superficial appearance of worldly things. They grow up without love, because they have not experienced truly being cared for nor truly being understood, and have learned to regard everything as either hostile or abject.

Souls of my Heart, many among you are like flowers with broken stems or withered petals. They hardly assimilate the nutrition God has brought together in their soil. They seem not to benefit from the sunlight of love and awareness. To them the rains of grace – the trials as ever new paths on which God gives souls the opportunity to come nearer to Him – are rather like torture, threats, confirmations of their dark view of the world, because in this Source of Life they sense nothing but chillness, dreariness, discouragement, and a seeming confirmation of the fact that nothing loves them, including God. It is as if the flowers of these souls keep dying silently, their whole lives long, and are not able to truly live.

Little flowers of God, I, Mary, am the Mistress of all souls, the Queen of flowers and the Mother of Love. I was sent to you to take you into My custody. I can give you new eyes, eyes which see the Truth of Light and hope which is hidden underneath the desolate surface of worldly things and the events of life. I can give you a new heart, a heart which is capable of feeling that everything, also the seemingly negative things, is allowed by God because His Love for you is unlimited. It is exactly in the subsoil of the hardly walkable paths that God has hidden His greatest treasures for Eternal Life.

On those who have been discouraged as young flowers and who no longer believe in themselves, nor in God’s Love, I impress that they are unhappy and unfruitful only because they have learned to judge all things in their lives according to the superficial appearance thereof. Beyond everything, beyond every trial, beyond every imperfection, beyond every pain, there is a vast reality of Love. Beyond the darkest cloud the sun keeps shining. Also during the night the sun does not stop shining. This is the lesson: the Light is always there, but often it is not seen. Reality is therefore very different from what souls perceive at a given point of time. The same applies to the things of the soul, to the state of your lives and to the developments on the paths of your lives. The greatest bunch of misery, a seemingly never-ending series of trials and setbacks, a desolate state of mind: all this is a mere surface layer covering up an immense reality of Light and Divine Love, because everything, including the negative things, the things which discourage, depress, hurt or paralyze, is a gate to happiness, which is only waiting to be opened. The key to this gate lies in the souls’ free will.

If and when you lay your free will down at My feet, I take up the rule over your entire beings and lives, and I gradually found inside of you the Kingdom of Divine Light. I let you be born again, of Me. I let you live by My heartbeat. I let you look through My eyes, which see what really IS: the Divine Plan of Love beyond everything that has been crushing you so far because you only see the darkness of the black cloud, and not the ocean of immaculate Light above this cloud.

Dear souls, I have been given the power to set you free by leading you to the fullness of the Light of Love and awareness. Therefore, surrender to Me completely, unconditionally and for all eternity. I am delighted at each flower that allows Me to right her, because even he or she who seems to be the least among you, makes a big difference to God. How wonderful is the forget-me-not when it is blooming in its full vitality. Man may overlook it, God does not: He sees the immense world hidden in this little flower.

This immense world and much more, is hidden in each one of you: it is called 'germ of sanctity', 'germ of Divine Life' It is the bearer of Divine Love, the essence of the true power of living. In spite of the presence of this germ of sanctity – this witness of God’s Works – in the very core of the soul, feelings of failure, of incapacity, of discouragement, impose themselves, because the way you look at things is distorted. It is as though the germ of sanctity inside your souls is covered with a thick layer of mud, so that it no longer breathes and can no longer perceive the light and the warmth of the sun because, in point of fact, God’s strength no longer reaches the centre of your being.

The first step towards a rebirth is therefore the genuine consecration of your entire being to Me, so that I may work in-depth changes in you, up to and including the transformation of the ways you think, feel and see. The second step is to have faith in the fact that things, including your memories laden with darkness, are NOT the way you have seen them so far. As soon as both these conditions are fulfilled and the soul actually lives this consecration and this faith, I can work within her the wonders which will complete her actual Redemption, which Jesus has bought for her.

Each of you bears a diamond inside. Give Me the opportunity to make it visible for you, so that you may learn to see yourselves, God, the entire creation and life with the eyes of Truth. Give yourselves totally to Me, and experience the Light and the feeling of being cared for that are part of true happiness, in spite of the dark clouds and the dark night, for you will see the sun rise within you".

March 2-3, 2009

Mary and the absolute culmination of God’s Works in the soul

"A soul’s life develops in three subsequent phases: creation, redemption and sanctification. If you should compare the soul with a rose, you could consider the creation of the soul to be the planting of the rose bulb in the soil, redemption to be the development of this bulb until all parts of the rose become visible, and sanctification to be the rose blossoming.

Like the rose goes through an entire process from bulb to bloom, in a similar way also a soul’s redemption is a complicated process which takes place on many subsequent levels. Redemption is, as it were, a process through which the soul’s rose is 'opened up' to the point where she is able to start unfolding layer after layer. This 'unfolding' is the soul’s sanctification: just like the rose bud opens itself and the petals unfold themselves one after the other, in much the same way the soul unwraps her faculties to live according to all virtues, one by one. In proportion as more rose petals unfold themselves, the rose demonstrates an increasing beauty, and its fragrance becomes ever more noticeable. This is about what happens in the soul during her process of sanctification: her beauty in God’s eyes enhances, and she increasingly spreads the fragrances of true Divine Life.

Do see how far God’s Love for every soul goes. The Eternal Father creates the soul’s rose. His Son Jesus Christ gets her ready so as to be able to accomplish all necessary phases of her growth and to be able to fully bloom. The Holy Spirit accompanies the entire process of creation up to and including sanctification, through His various interventions which enable the soul to allow God’s Intelligence – which is already inherent to the rose bulb – to produce all of its effects, and which attempt to make Divine Wisdom, Love and power produce their full effect in all of His inspirations and in the countless indications given by Divine Providence.

At the point at which the opening and growth of the soul’s rose are nearly finished, just when she is about to begin her actual bloom, God shows the sign of the supreme mystical marriage between God and man: He gives Me, the absolutely perfect soul’s rose, the key to accomplish the unfolding of every soul. Surely, also Jesus brings the soul’s rose that consecrates herself to Him, to bloom, by crowning her redemption by sanctification, but it has pleased the Most Holy Trinity that I, God’s Marvel in whom all steps as of creation up to the highest steps of holiness have been achieved up to perfection, am able to lead the soul to full sanctity. I do this while enabling the soul to achieve the greatest possible merits, to the extent to which she actually gives herself to Me, in total consecration. The reason is, that by total consecration to Me the soul performs the greatest act of faith in the perfection of God’s Works, and that she is led by Me along ways that guarantee the most perfect active participation in the process of redemption.

Do see the difference. The soul showing perfect faith in Christ’s Works of Redemption is able to fully unfold up to the summits of sanctity. However, if, moreover, she consecrates herself totally to Me in order to be guided by Me to this summit, she thereby commits an act of perfect faith in the fact that I, a created soul by nature, am the Bearer of the perfect bloom of God’s Works, and thus in the fact that the created soul is able to fruitfully and actively collaborate to her redemption and sanctification. She thereby also confirms her faith in the perfection of God’s Love, which has brought together in Me all Divine Works in their immanent perfection.

Thus the difference is, that the soul who opts for total consecration to Me as the ultimate way to perfecting Divine Life within herself, hereby expresses her uninhibited credo as to the total marriage, the total unity, of the human nature with God, like it was already perfect in Me as of My Immaculate Conception. In the experience of total consecration to Me the soul enters into perfect marriage with the perfection of God’s Works, and proves to her Creator her faith in the fact that also she, through the fullness of her participation, is able to fully blossom.

In Jesus Christ the incarnated Divinity accomplishes the soul’s redemption. In Me, Mary’s absolutely sanctified human nature accompanies the individual soul on her way to the supreme accomplishment of redemption: the soul’s development after the image of her God. That is how the Most High wanted it, and that is the purpose for which Jesus, while dying on the Cross, gave the souls to Me and Me to the souls.

God provided it such that Redemption should be laid into the soul like a locked treasure chest. Thus the soul is the bearer of an invaluable treasure, which, however, can be put to full use only if the soul makes an active personal contribution. As long as the soul does not open the chest by a personal active contribution, she is the bearer of a richness which is actually of no use to her. The soul is reminded of the treasure chest through all signs of Christian heritage, but she is to open the chest up herself, through her free will to do so, and through her efforts to capitalize on the contents of the chest. By virtue of a Divine Decree the soul can not do this in any better way than through entering into a holy covenant of unity with Me, because in My soul was deposited the very first treasure chest which was completely open, and because I am the Bearer of positively everything with which the soul can be enabled to open the treasure chest of redemption and to make optimal use of its content. I have received the power to finish redemption off in every soul through the works she accomplishes in unity with Me for the benefit of God’s Plans. I am the perfectly redeemed and perfectly sanctified human nature. Therefore I keep repeating that I am the Bearer of a key to the accomplishment of the final stages of Redemption in every separate soul".

Myriam: "My Mistress, Jesus Christ brought Redemption to the souls. Some souls might therefore interpret these words in such a way as though You would have said that the soul will not be able to achieve full Redemption, and thus sanctification, if she circumvents You and exclusively consecrates herself to Jesus Christ. They might label these words as heresy, as not originating with You".

MARY: "They are not in the very least heresy. Do understand them correctly. God Himself established perfect unity of Heart between His Son and Me. Only through this perfect unity, this perfect mystical marriage, was I able to become the Coredemptrix with Christ. As the God-Man Jesus brought the souls Redemption. The Work of Redemption is perfect, and it can only be achieved by the Divine Heart of Christ, and had to be completed in its concrete effects by the incarnated aspect of His Being, viz. by the Sufferings in a material Body. However, for the act of Redemption to be able to totally and completely rob the works of Satan of their effects, God decreed that this act would already during the entire life of Christ on earth, and in the narrow sense between Gethsemane and Golgotha, be completed in one created soul: in My created human nature. Thus God has also crowned towards the forces of darkness the act of Redemption, which was already naturally perfect towards Him, and He did so in a total, perfectly sealed marriage between Divine and human nature, between perfect Love and perfect suffering simultaneously originating both in the Divine Heart and in created matter.

Because of the perfection of My unity with the Heart of Christ, the Divine Redeemer, who even partook in My flesh, I was given the power and the wisdom to complete the unfolding of Redemption within the individual soul. Jesus Christ is able to do this by Himself: His Divinity does not need any human contribution to do so, because, being God, He is not subject to limitations and His Works are therefore perfect on account of His Divine nature. May the souls understand, however, that the Divine Trinity gives Me, Mary, to the human souls as the golden Way to the glorification of His Works. God is perfect and absolute. Nevertheless He desires for His creatures to glorify and worship Him. Likewise He regards His Works only as absolutely perfect in their effects if the souls glorify them. The soul can indeed obtain the culmination of her Redemption through an exclusive following of Christ, but I invite the souls to consider:

  1. That by virtue of a Divine Decree Christ and Mary are One at Heart;

  2. That I was given to the souls as the example of perfect sanctification of human nature;

  3. That entering into a holy covenant of total consecration to Me, the Mistress of all souls by virtue of Divine proxy, and living daily life in accordance with this covenant, is tantamount to the soul’s agreement towards God as to her perfect surrender to the greatest, the most elevated and the most perfectly unfolded among His Works: Mary, in order to be shaped by Her after His image.

Dear souls, do understand this correctly: you can obtain perfect redemption and sanctification through strict following of Jesus Christ alone. However, God has given you Mary as overwhelming proof of His Love, because in Me He wanted to make a great and everlasting example of the perfect path from human nature up to the perfect image of God, to the fullest extent possible for created nature. The soul who is willing to follow the path from human nature to perfect sanctity, and who chooses to go this way in total following of Mary, in Her supreme capacity as the Mistress of all souls, thereby proves the fact she accepts the present of Redemption by:

  1. supreme glorification of God in His Masterwork: Mary;

  2. a completed act of Love towards this Masterwork;

  3. a holy act of acceptation of the present God gave to the souls at the summit of the Work of Redemption: "Woman, behold Your son; son, behold your Mother";

  4. an act of faith in the perfection of God’s Works, for by totally consecrating herself to Me the soul recognizes the fact I possess the power and all capacities necessary to lead her into God’s Heart; and an act of faith in the unity between the Heart of the Redeemer and the Heart of His Mother, as this unity was decreed by God;

  5. an act of recognition of Mary as the Coredemptrix.

I once again emphasize the necessity I had My prophet announce repeatedly in the past: that My being recognized by the souls as the Coredemptrix with Jesus Christ would perfectly finish Satan off: hereby it could be demonstrated towards him that the souls believe and recognize that he, Satan, has not only been overcome by the incarnated Divinity, but even by the created human nature of the Woman, who has subjected him to Her by a perfectly unfolded sanctity, and who has received from God the power to give birth to children of God in the spirit, by reshaping them completely after Her own image on the foundation of their total consecration to Her. I have been given the power to carry the fruit of Divine Life in the souls to full term. To that end the souls must first enter into marriage with Me in a thoroughly experienced total consecration to Me. Consider how hard it is for Satan, in all his pride, to recognize his being defeated by God. Then realize it is even a thousand times more humiliating for him to have to recognize his being defeated by the Woman. This is exactly what is going to happen when the souls recognize and confess Me as the Coredemptrix.

Dear souls, do understand that total consecration to Me is not an obstacle to the complete following of Christ, on the contrary, it absolutely crowns this following. Like God’s Works are perfect in themselves but give God a great deal more satisfaction if they are recognized, glorified and truly put to use by souls, the Work of Redemption is perfect in itself but gives God a great deal more satisfaction if the souls, while going through their process of growth and bloom, of redemption and sanctification, also recognize and truly make use of the additional growth factor God has given them in Me, and thus give His Works their highest possible glorification. Never forget that the Most High has brought together in Me, Mary, all elements and aspects of perfection which have ever come out of His hand, and that on account thereof, I represent the fullness of His Works of creation, redemption and sanctification. That is why, in these end times, I am being made known as the Mistress of all souls, for the time of the perfect glorification of God’s Works has now come".

March 19, 2009

Total Consecration to Mary as the soul’s heart

"The three major Divine Mysteries of the New Covenant are the Mystery of Redemption, the holy sacraments, and the effects of total and unconditional consecration to Me, Mary, the Mother of Christ. I want to present the following image to the souls, so that they may be able to assess more accurately the real value of total consecration to Me.

The Mystery of Redemption could be compared with true Life being injected into the soul.

The sacraments are the channels through which the soul’s vital force is constantly being replenished.

Total consecration to Me is like the implantation of a heart which, as long as the consecration is practiced and applied intensively, keeps circulating the strength of Divine Life throughout the soul’s being day after day, so that each element of human nature can be pervaded by it.

The soul who consecrates herself totally, unconditionally and eternally to Me, who truly practices this consecration as a covenant of total surrender of her entire being and her entire life to Me, and who sanctifies this covenant by a life lived in strictest following of My instructions and teachings – which flow to the souls directly from the Source of Divine Wisdom – is increasingly pervaded by Divine Life day after day.

The effects of total consecration to Me constitute a Divine Mystery through which the Most Holy Trinity wishes to complete the Works of creation, Redemption and sanctification of the soul, i.e.: to lead the Divine Works to their absolute accomplishment within the soul. It is impossible to overrate the value of total consecration to Me. Like every Divine Mystery, also the Mystery of the effects of total consecration to Mary is a source of nourishment and graces for the soul, of which the flows keep multiplying incessantly in order that the soul’s rose may be able to unfold petal after petal, until she comes as close to the dazzling beauty of perfect sanctity as can ever be possible for the created soul.

The soul who consecrates herself totally and unconditionally to Me, drinks from the source of the Immaculate Conception, a unique source of water of total sanctification, water that helps heal the scar inflicted upon the souls by the original sin and thereby gradually decreases within them the vulnerability to temptation, sin and vice. I am the Mistress of all souls because the Most High has given Me the power to reinforce the flow of Divine Life in the soul to such an extent that all layers and elements of the soul’s life are actually filled with them, just like a perfectly healthy blood stream fills each cell of the body with new nutrients, water and oxygen, and purifies it from everything which would turn into poison for the cell in the longer run.

Therefore behold the image, and duly grasp the meaning of it: the Mistress of all souls was meant by God to be a heart for the soul: the heart does not create life, but it spreads life throughout the body, thereby strengthening the latter, and thus stimulating the purification of each cell. That is just what I do in the soul: I spread Divine Life throughout every single chamber within the soul, I strengthen the soul, I increase her vital forces, and I stimulate her purification. I boost the blooming of all of the soul’s faculties, so that the soul’s rose may turn into a regular delight in God’s eyes. That is how I build a paradise of roses, a pleasure garden for the Most Holy Trinity: God’s Kingdom on earth. If the soul consecrates herself to Me, this special heart is planted inside of her. To the extent to which she actually practices this consecration, this heart will beat more intensely and will increase the soul’s vitality. The new Life is poured into the soul who truly believes in the Mystery of Redemption. To the extent to which she makes proper use of the Sacraments this Life receives more nourishment.

For the entire soul to really be pervaded by Divine Life up to her remotest corners, for her to be enabled to reach into the deeper secrets of Divine Life and to be able to make full use of Divine Life for a much more intense sanctification, God provided for the Mystery of the effects of total consecration to Mary, the Masterpiece of creation. Inform the souls that the sanctification of mankind, and thereby also the establishment of God’s Kingdom on earth, will depend on two factors:

  1. the radical return of souls to the traditional Teachings of Jesus Christ, the deep faith in the values as set by Jesus Himself, and a reverential use of the holy Sacraments in accordance with the traditional rules in this respect;
  2. the total and deeply lived consecration of ever increasing amounts of souls to Mary, the Mistress of all souls by virtue of a Divine Decree, along with the strict observance of the teachings and instructions I provide as the Science of Divine Life. (*)

Dear souls, surrender to Me totally and unconditionally, so that I may be able to use each and every detail of your daily lives as means to integrate you into the battle of the Light against the darkness, for God has foreseen the Mistress of all souls as the Bridge over the tempestuous stream of trials and misery, to the gate of God’s Kingdom of perfect celestial Peace and Love on earth".


(*) Reminder: What Mary understands by the Science of Divine Life She explains in the following excerpts (among others) from the Public Revelations of the Mistress of all Souls:

October 25, 2007 – "The words, as well as the teachings and insights I sow into your heart, most of which I order you to write down, are teachings which – together – constitute the Science of Divine Life, the Science of the soul and of her faculties to live after the image of her Creator".

January 26, 2008 – "The Science of Divine Life is taught by Me in all Revelations I transfer through the mouth and the pen of My prophet, along with all teachings I have sown into the heart of My prophet, to ripen there and to be sent by Me from there into the world".

March 24, 2009

The right nourishment for the soul

"Souls in the shadow of the Cross of Jesus Christ, I am the Mistress of all souls. As of My Immaculate Conception unparalleled streams of Divine Love, Divine Wisdom and Divine power have been poured upon Me. The Most Holy Trinity clothed Me with the sun, and lay the moon under My feet. This means She gave Me part of Herself – the Sun – to an extent which was to be and to remain truly unique within the whole of creation, and which no other creature will ever be able to reach. It also means that the Divinity has given Me power over the execution of Her Works – the moon as the reflection of the Works of Divine Light – as well as over the works of darkness. I also remind the souls of the words I spoke on this subject some time ago (*).

Do understand the difference I can make for all of you as soon as you prostrate yourselves at My feet in the most total surrender. Be Mine, so as to belong To God in the deepest possible sense. God has given Me an unlimited power over the angels, who are waiting for your 'yes' to Me, so as to join hands with them in chasing all darkness and misery out of the world. By nature, the world only belongs to God, yet through the immeasurable burden of sins of all mankind the world was delivered into the hands of Satan.

Dear souls, I need your free will in order to complete the victory of Light over darkness. Consecrate all your trials to Me, so that I may be able to turn them into flowing waters of Divine Life engulfing the works of Satan.

No longer nourish your hearts, your minds and souls with dead reading, pictures glorifying the works of darkness, and activities which are unable to favour the soul’s development. I bring you the Science of Divine Life. How will you withstand the storms of life if you fail to take up nourishment for the soul? So many souls fill their hearts and minds with empty knowledge. In reality the landscape of their spiritual life consists merely of decayed trees. When the storm rises, they cling to branches which immediately break off and mercilessly drag these souls with them in the roaring waters of temptations, misleading or disturbing pictures and aberrations, which find their origin in the world as these souls experience it, but which Satan has turned into an illusory world, a world which has drifted away from reality.

When you are reading, ask yourselves the questions:

  • does this take me any closer to God?

  • does it enable me to gain a better knowledge of His Works?

  • does it enable me to get to know myself better?

  • does it provide me with guidelines enabling me to help blossom sanctity within myself and to contribute to God’s Works, and with the light of hope and encouragement so as to learn and recognize God’s hand even in the hazes of trials?

In a manner of speaking, the soul that nourishes her mind with ballast which does not satisfy these conditions, takes in decayed wood. When she burns this wood through the works she performs and through the words she speaks, the burning will prove unclean, so that, in a manner of speaking, the soul develops smoke and thus spreads even more darkness around her.

Dear souls, do become aware of the fact Satan constantly exploits your blindness to the celestial backgrounds accompanying all circumstances of life, and to God’s interventions in your lives, so as to make you perceive reality differently from the way it actually is. The soul who does not nourish herself with knowledge from the Garden of God’s Eternal Truth, does not develop the ability to look right through the illusory reality of all events in her life, and thus to recognize all attempts Satan undertakes to misguide souls.

Souls of My Heart, as the Mistress of all souls My vocation consists herein, that I am to lead the human souls of these End Times to the full Truth of Divine Life. To that end I must be able to truly rule the paths of your lives, your trials, all of your feelings, emotions and thoughts, anything which is taken up through your senses, all of your works and words, and your free will. I have the power to liberate you all from all misguidance, to dissolve any haze in your hearts and minds in the fire of My perfect celestial Love, and to guide you to truly living your Redemption, which Jesus has obtained for you at such a high price.

Souls in the shadow of the Cross of Redemption and of God’s Eternal Truth, Jesus has made you great promises. The delights contained in His Divine Words can not be conceived by human mind. The road to life in this paradise, already while still living on earth, runs over the Bridge of My Heart. It is a road of total surrender to Me, so that, according to My perfect knowledge, I can deploy you in the final battle against the prince of darkness. My power over this prince is absolute, for I am the eternal Tabernacle of the Light of the world, the Ark of the New Covenant. I have come to strengthen you for this battle by giving you My teachings on the Science of Divine Life.

Therefore I emphatically invite you to:

  1. Study all instructions I have been announcing to you for years as the Mistress of all souls, through My prophet;

  2. Consecrate your entire life and your entire being to Me, the Mistress of all souls, so that I may put your trials to optimum use;

  3. No longer cling to the decayed trees of empty reading and worldly pictures which have no ability whatsoever to sanctify you, but can only discourage and weaken you for the great battle for the Kingdom of God;

  4. Only use your free will for the benefit of God’s Works. Remember that Jesus has given you Himself as a Divine Treasure, that I Myself am the Treasure Chest with which He has united Himself ever since His Incarnation, and that your free will is the key designed to open this Treasure Chest so as to assimilate the content thereof: Redemption, sanctification, everlasting glorification, and the foundation of God’s Kingdom of perfect Love on earth.

All My words are spoken in Truth, for I take them from the Springs of Eternal Wisdom, and have My prophet – whom I own and possess – pour them out upon you. Therefore, do accept Me as the Dawn of Eternal Spring and the Sower of the fruits completing the orchard of each soul. That is what I am by Divine Law, and what I want to be for each and every one of you".


(*) in a revelation to Myriam on February 1, 2008, Mary said in this respect, among other things:

"(...) I have the moon under My feet: I have told you the moon is the mirror of God’s Light in the darkness. Therefore I have all darkness, every anti-Christian force, under My feet: they are subjected to My power. I am clothed with the sun because the fullness of Light has become completely one with Me, and no trace of darkness can touch Me nor has ever managed to penetrate into My being. I am totally merged with the Holy Spirit, the Sun of Truth and Wisdom, and with the Light of the world. (...)".

March 25, 2009

(Revelation during consecration on the occasion of the Feast of the Annunciation, addressed to the souls just consecrated to Mary)

The Incarnation of Jesus within the soul consecrated to Mary

"Dear souls, I have drawn you all to Me because I want to make your gardens fruitful. It want to take every garden preparing itself for My holy works, to the summit of fruitfulness for God’s Kingdom. I have sprinkled your gardens with the holy scent of My Love, and they have opened themselves up, because God’s Wisdom has made them receptive to the desires of the One who created them.

God’s Kingdom on earth seems to be sighing under the death of Winter. Using the words of Jesus I want to assure you, however: "It is not dead, only sleeping". Countless souls are dozing on a spiritual level. A tremendous potential of Divine Life is contained within them, which God has poured out into them and which He is not willing to let go of. God does not create things so as to let them remain unfruitful, but so that they may help accomplish His Works of Love.

Today My Son’s Church commemorates Jesus’ Incarnation. Just like Jesus became Man in My Motherly Womb, God wishes to re-enact the Incarnation of Jesus through My intermediary. To that end the soul should completely surrender to Me. The Incarnation of Jesus Christ may be considered to be the Spring of God’s Kingdom on earth. For the Spring to be able to prepare the fruits of Summer it must be allowed to blossom in as many souls as possible. That is why, today, I want to prepare many spiritual gardens for the Incarnation of Jesus within them. I want to open these gardens up to the sun of true Love and the rain of grace. They will bask in the bliss of My Presence, but they will also have to allow the plough of trials on their soil. They ought to know, however, that the plough of trials consecrated to Me and carried in deepest unity with Me is a golden plough that offers the soul the delight of experiencing her liberation from all lumber and impurities impeding her fruitfulness.

Dear souls, give Me the opportunity, as of today, to thaw your winterly soil under the beams of the Spring sun I bring you from God’s Heart. Allow Me to nourish your soil with the rich nourishment I offer you daily through My Apostolate, and rejoice already in the Summer fruits your soil is going to yield to the extent to which you will be prepared to carry all the things you will be expected to carry. Indeed, every time the plough crosses the garden of your entire being, or your garden is cleared of ill weeds, or the rain hits you, your word of consent will give rise to My taking you another step closer to the Summer that will never end.

I am the Bearer of the Heavenly seed, Christ who wants to continue His Life within you all, and who also wants to keep carrying His Cross within you all, and who will be glorified again within you, in God’s due time. All this is the final accomplishment, the perfection of Divine Life.

On account of My rule within you, the power of the Most High will overshadow you as well, in order to contract the true spiritual marriage between Himself and you, too. I am sent to you to prepare you for this greatest Good. Thus I have been the Messenger of true hope ever since the Incarnation of Jesus Christ in My Womb, and I will remain so until the end of times. The soul that concludes with Me the holy bond of consecration, and truly lives this bond day after day by obeying My teachings, drinks up this hope until the true Peace of Christ dominates her. This is how, within the soul, I give birth to the Heart of Jesus, which will help her to love the Cross until the hour in which she herself will be glorified".

March 26, 2009

Humility as a source of salvation

"One of the basic frames of mind necessary for the Christian to truly follow his Lord Jesus Christ is humility. Humility is an essential frame of mind for the soul longing to fully blossom like a flower in the Light of Divine Wisdom and the warmth of Divine Love. The soul must regard humility as the frame of mind by which her human nature is reduced to a minimal size. Through humility the soul makes her human nature smaller and smaller, so to speak, and she drains the channels through which her human nature can be fed. Human nature is wounded by the original sin. Consequently she appears to attract darkness more easily than she attracts Light. Through persistent humility the soul, as it were, purges herself and everything which can be the bearer of traces of darkness, so that ever more room is created for Divine Life. This is the primary reason for which I have been subjecting you to a severe discipline of self-humiliation towards Me for years.

How can the soul become great in humility? By humiliating herself before God. She can do this in two different ways, the effects of which are equally valuable:

  1. The soul can humiliate herself in various ways before the Most Holy Trinity – the Eternal Father, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit – and the Cross of Jesus as the great symbol of God’s Eternal Truth and of the Mysteries of the Incarnation of God’s Son, and of Redemption;

  2. The soul can also humiliate herself before God in His Works. The greatest, absolutely perfect Work of God am I, Mary, the Immaculate Conception. The soul that humiliates herself before Me by prostrating herself at My feet, thereby glorifies the Masterpiece from God’s hands. In the eyes of God, the redeeming and sanctifying value of the deep humiliation towards Me in My supreme capacity as the Mistress of all souls is identical to the value of direct humiliation towards Divinity Itself.

To the souls I stress the fact that self-humiliation before God, either directly or before the Cross, or before Me, the Mistress of all souls, develops within the soul an extraordinary powerful effect, as every act and emotion of total self-humiliation before God, before the Cross or before Me can be compared to blood-letting, through which the soul empties herself of a wave of darkness which was at work within her. However, self-humiliation must be based on sentiments of genuine Love.

There are souls who fear that they will displease God when humiliating themselves before Me. Quite on the contrary. I am the Bridge between Heaven and earth, the heavenly Bridge over which God’s Graces flow into the souls, and over which souls can enter the paradise of God’s Heart. By humiliating herself in front of Me, the soul empties herself of her own being, of her need to be her own mistress. She thereby entrusts herself completely and entirely to Me. Consequently I am enabled to gradually fill this soul with everything I stand for. Since I am a Treasury of all elements of perfection God has brought together within My being, I have the capacity to allow an ever growing part of Myself to flow into the soul, so as to soon enable her to blossom in the new Spring of an increasing similarity to God. This makes all her actions, words, and even thoughts, fruitful, and turns her ways into conquests in the realm of Divine Life.

In God’s eyes the soul’s self-humiliation before the Mistress of all souls constitutes an acknowledgment of the true nature of His Masterpiece as well as an act of longing for perfection and for maximum fruitfulness of the soul for His Plans and Works. Therefore a life of self-humiliation at My feet brings the soul an inexhaustible source of richness and of reparation for mistakes she has made at earlier points in her life. Do not forget that very many sins are bearers of a component of arrogance or pride: each sin is essentially based on a flaw in the soul’s love of God. Well then, each time a soul’s love for God is inadequate, it is as though she were saying to Him: "I do not need Your Love". This is arrogance, for if God’s Love was to stop flowing into the soul for one single second, she would die, as Divine Love is the actual bearer of Life.

By humiliating herself before Me, God’s Masterpiece, the soul opens herself completely for the influx of Love, and thus for the influx of Divine Life. The soul’s self-humiliation before Me as the Mistress of all souls is a golden key to the Spring of Divine Life, for along with the glorification of the Cross and of the crucified Christ, this self-humiliation constitutes the greatest reverence towards God and the most unequivocal act of longing to partake in the effects of His Miracles".

March 29, 2009


"Little lambs of Christ, as the Mistress of all souls I teach you the Science of Divine Life, the secrets of spiritual life like God’s Law originally intended it to be. My words remain valid throughout the ages, because they flow from the Spring of Divine Wisdom. Today I come to you all as the eternal Mother of Sorrows. My tears are pearls which, along with the pearls consisting of the Blood of Jesus Christ, settle a great deal of the burden of guilt piled up by the souls towards Divine Justice. I thread these pearls on a string which I strain around the globe and by means of which I intend to strangle the works of darkness, the effects of sin. To do this, I need the self-sacrifice and consecration of souls to Me.

I am calling upon you all in a very special way, to build an unbreakable chain of Light during these days of Passion. Without this chain, which will consist of the trials you all sacrifice and consecrate to Me, the pearls of My tears are bound to remain separate beads which do not enable Me to suffocate the prince of darkness in his works.

Little lambs, your Shepherd was born of Me for an earthly life of self-sacrifice, to enable you to find the gate to eternal bliss. The Shepherd and His lambs are to stick together forever. That is how the Most High had intended it to be. That is why you must follow in His footsteps. he New Covenant is a contract between God and the souls. This contract was signed by Jesus with His Blood, and by Me with My tears. In every individual soul it needs a third signature in order to yield its full fruits: the signature of the soul herself, with the ink of her trials.

The Passion will last for as long as sin lasts, for sin is leaning against heaven’s gate with the intention of closing it again. That is why Jesus repeats His Sacrifice daily on the altars of His Church. That is also why My Sorrows are everlasting, for like on Mount Calvary, My Heart is still weeping unabatedly over all sins and all blindness.

Little lambs of Christ, on the basis of the Mystery of Redemption your lives are intended to be reproductions of the Way of the Cross. This is one of the major constituents of the great legacy of the New and Everlasting Covenant. If you live first and foremost for the sake of earthly things, the cross will crush you and will eventually kill you. If, however, you live for the sake of the everlasting things, the cross will become your glorification as well as the key to heaven’s gate for many.

Every trial the soul explicitly consecrates to Me, turns into a rose in the garden the soul will inherit after this life. You see, if the cross threatens to crush the soul, she only feels the thorns hurting her feet on life’s way of the cross. If she consecrates the cross to Me, however, she begins to smell the scent of the roses she can not see yet, but which are already spreading their perfume because the effects of the soul’s works are timeless. Thus time and eternity are simultaneously running. The more the soul focuses on the things of the world, the more she is bound to feel the thorns; the more she focuses on the things of eternity, the more she will smell the roses from the Kingdom of Eternity.

Little lambs, I see time, AND I see eternity. Therefore I tell you in truth, that compared to that which is to come after this life, your daily cross is nothing more than a splinter of wood in a forest which would be larger than the entire surface of the earth. That is why I call upon all of you to:

Give Me every heartache as a kiss to Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane.
Give Me every injustice in your lives as a kiss to Jesus before the high priests.
Give Me every judgment and every condemnation you are subjected to by a fellow person, as a kiss to Jesus before Pilate.
Give Me every physical pain, disease or burden as a kiss to Jesus during flagellation.
Give Me every humiliation as a kiss to Jesus during the crowning with thorns.
Give Me each moment of weariness, fatigue, moral distress, each fall on the path of virtue, and your sufferings on account of all striffe in your environment, as a kiss to Jesus on His Way of the Cross.
Give Me your desire to crucify all misery and all sins in the world, as a kiss to the crucified Jesus.
Give Me every dark cloud above the paths of your lives, as a kiss to Me on Mount Calvary up to the morning of the Resurrection.

Little lambs of Jesus, everything in your lives has an endlessly deep sense. Nothing happens for no reason. I point out to you, that the way of the cross of your own lives is geared to one goal: crucifying your worldly 'me', in order to rise as saints. On the Mount Calvary of your trials the curtain of your earthly temple must be torn in two, so that you may see the real purpose of your lives. Then all your worldly idols of all kinds of pseudo needs will be exposed, and you will become aware of the true values of Divine Life, with the fulfillment of the New Covenant in your own souls.

Now give Me your word of consent for a way of the cross which will truly set you free. Do not fear, the Shepherd has provided for every one of you a Simon of Cyrene, who will come to your support; a Veronica, who will clean the earthly dirt and blood crusts of your trials and humiliations from the face of your souls; and above all, a Heavenly Mother, who wants to be your source of strength and encouragement and who wants to impress Her image into your hearts up to the hour your worldly ‘me’ is ready to die and to clear the way for a rebirth of Me: If you want to be Mine, I shall bury you in My Heart, and from My Heart you will rise for a new life. The souls will see what has been the sense of the thorns, the clouds, the dirt, the tears and the cross.

I am the Mistress of all souls, the rising sun of hope on the morning of the Resurrection. Believe in Me, like I believe in you. Give Me every moment of your way of the cross, so that I may enable My Heart to beat within your hearts, and you may actually be able to receive the frames of mind of your Celestial Mother as an inheritance of hope. Thus you will be able to yield the ripe fruits of which the suffering Jesus buried the Divine seeds in your souls. This is what the world will recognize the true followers of Jesus Christ by: that they will carry their crosses in the joy of the soul who knows that every trial which is genuinely accepted, takes her closer to God. The more the soul manages to take up her cross without any protest but in gratitude for these great gifts of God’s Love, the bigger her contribution to reconquering God’s Kingdom to the disadvantage of Satan’s realm will be, for the latter sows misery, darkness and restlessness in the souls.

No matter from what source a cross lands on the path of a soul’s life, every cross is allowed by God as an opportunity for the soul to choose for the true following of Christ on the way of the cross which brings salvation for many. A cross resisted or denied by the soul brings new darkness upon her. A cross she accepts with love, sows in her the Light of Christ, the true peace at heart and the silent joy of the soul who has found the road to the treasuries of the Eternal Kingdom. Joy is God’s signature. It dispels all restlessness and inner strife from the soul, like a spring breeze dispels the memory of the cold winter. It prepares the soul dying under the blows of worldly life for the new Life of Resurrection. Surrender undividedly to Me, so that I may help you rise for Divine Life, for I am the Coredemptrix with Christ the Redeemer".

April 7, 2009

The unconscious and the soul’s health

"Heirs of the New Covenant, I am sent to you in these End Times to make the Light of Redemption Christ has brought to the souls, fruitful in each soul that puts herself at My disposal for that purpose. Behold, your Creator provided each soul with a germ of sanctity. This germ is the bearer of Divine Life, yet its germination is hampered by everything which is not in harmony with God’s Will, with His Law of Love, with His Works and Plans.

The greatest enemy of Divine Life is the spirit of the world. To the extent to which the soul is healthy, in other words: to the extent to which true Life in her is nourished by pure Love, the strength of Divine Love is spread from the germ of sanctity through all 'chambers' of the soul, in a never ending flow of Divine Light. This flow maintains Life in each part of the human being.

One of the components which in very many souls absorbs a major part of the vital force, is the unconscious. In very many souls the unconscious is like a complex of chambers which are fully stuffed, thus largely blocking the flow of Life through the soul. This condition could be compared with a body tissue in which all blood stagnates and does no longer flow on, resulting in metabolic wastes remaining deposited. This tissue will start swelling and will be a seat of infection and fermentation. This is also what the unconscious of many souls is like.

Very many among you unknowingly suffer from an unconscious which is stuffed with unprocessed impressions, making the soul heavy, sick and languid, and constituting sources of all kinds of foul dispositions, resentments, grudges, bitterness, irreconcilability, aggression and depression.

You can imagine the unconscious to be like a complex of dark rooms, completely full of experiences and impressions from your past. The entire history of your life is stored in these rooms. As long as the experiences and impressions of life are being processed, and are used while proceeding on the path of life because, for some reason or another, the soul finds this information important, this information remains freely accessible. At given points of time a great many experiences and impressions are stored in a chamber of which the light is then turned off, and which is subsequently bolted. In most souls the processing of part of this information is never finished. One could say that, for this reason, bad smells keep spreading regularly from the unconscious: the soul is hampered by influences of which she knows neither the origin nor the nature, but which originate within the depths of her own being: old wounds, pains they have never quite coped with, impressions that, for some reason or another, have shocked the soul, often because her conscience has recognized these impressions as incompatible with God’s Law.

Because the soul does not recognize the nature nor the origin of these sickening influences, the latter are very frequently being further manipulated by Satan. By doing this, My enemy tries to befog the soul so as to make her feel insecure, worried, and increasingly impure.

In many souls this entire process is the cause of vague, nondescript feelings of dissatisfaction, lack of inner peace, anxiety, dispiritedness, lassitude, dejection, unfriendliness. They feel as though the sun has set on the path of their life. Their disposition is constantly chilled. They have lost true hope. It seems to them as if all life has left them.

Dear souls, these days are the days of the Passion. For your sufferings to be fruitful, and for them to actually bring you the fullness of redemption, it is necessary that also the seats of hidden, forgotten, unnoticed or unrecognized sufferings which may keep influencing you from the twilight of the past, be subjected to My rule. Therefore give Me your unconscious, even today, sincerely wishing it may no longer remain your unknown and thus unfightable enemy. Especially in these times of grace, say to Me regularly, with all the strength you can find in your hearts and souls: "Mary, powerful Mistress of all souls and Coredemptrix with Christ, rule over the entire path of my life and the entire temple of my soul, including its most hidden and darkest chambers. Let my path and my temple be bathed in the Light of Eternal Spring, so that I may be completely released".

By repeatedly begging Me in this way, a soul bears witness to her longing to let Me purify and render effective even the most hidden elements of her being. I will enter this soul’s darkest rooms. In each room where My foot has touched the floor, God’s Light is turned on. I will purify this soul on account of her own longing to be purified, and there I will subject all of Satan’s works to My power. All I need is the soul’s longing, and a perfect reconcilability towards other souls who have caused her pain in the course of her life. I will not only put on the Light within her, but I will also help her process her entire past. I will do this by kindling within her the fire of My Love, so that she may be ready to entrust the content of her most hidden chambers to this fire, which will obtain her true liberation. Through this process an agreeable scent of spring will spread through her entire being.

Each soul that truly believes in My power will experience that God has really sent Me to complete within each soul that entirely surrenders to Me, Jesus’ Work of Redemption. I am the Mistress of all souls, and in this capacity I want to give as many souls as possible a pretaste of Heaven, even while still on earth. That is why I bring to bloom in them the seed of Divine Life God has provided them with and Jesus died on the Cross for.

I am the Dawn of God’s Kingdom on earth, the Dawn of Eternal Spring. Today I have the power to turn the germs of sanctity into the flowers that, tomorrow, will testify of the victory of Divine Light. Therefore I must be enabled to rule over any seat of darkness within the soul, for the soul was created only for the experience of the fullness of Light, of perfect inner peace, and of true happiness".

April 9, 2009 (Holy Thursday)


MARY: "Apostle of the Mistress of all souls, all suffering was sanctified by the Sufferings of Christ. The fruits of this sanctification are brought to maturity in each soul that longs for total unity with, and following of, Jesus Christ. I have been given the power to integrate every detail of daily life of the soul who has surrendered to Me completely, into the Cross of Christ, in order to bring forward salvation and redemption for many, as well as the founding of God’s Kingdom on earth. Now let your own heart die, so that only My Heart can beat within you, look through My eyes, and write down the following words, which will bring an explosion of Light upon the souls. All suffering on every soul’s path of life is timeless: it is to be an imitation of the Suffering of Jesus. That is why I emphatically invite the souls to very carefully consider these words and therefore consecrate the entire path of their life to Me, so as to enable Me to obtain the perfect wedding between every book of life and the suffering Christ. Now write down what I will show and inspire you. The souls that use this meditation as a means to consecrate themselves fully to Me, will thereby add a new meaning to their life, for they will add to the book of their life a new page, of which the paper will be made of the wood from the Cross of Golgotha".

* * *

I see Bethany, with the Lazarus estate, a peaceful landscape in the bloom of spring. After having embraced His Mother warmly, nearly without exchanging any words (only the hearts speak volumes, in the language of perfect Love), Jesus leaves Bethany for the last time and heads for Jerusalem with His disciples, never to return.

*** Mary, Mistress of my soul, out of love for Jesus and for You, I offer you every moment in which I have been robbed of my inner peace by the bustle of worldly life. Do clothe me with Yourself, so that I may be endowed with Your strength in the darkest hours of my life.

I see Jesus during a last preaching in the temple at Jerusalem.

*** Mary, Mistress of my soul, I offer You every moment in which I have enabled the spirit of the pharisees to turn me away from God’s Truth, I have thought myself better than my fellow person, and I have looked for means to justify my own behaviour and thinking against God’s Wisdom.

I see Jesus during the preparations for the Last Supper.

*** Mary, Mistress of my soul, I offer You my soul’s hunger for being satisfied with Divine Life.

I see Jesus during the Last Supper.

*** Mary, Mistress of my soul, I offer You each holy Communion of my entire life. Please pour the fullness of its strength into my soul, even today, for so often I did not realize its value, and my heart was absorbed in worldly things instead of God, who was entering into my soul.

I see Jesus instituting the Sacraments.

*** Mary, Mistress of my soul, I offer You the Church of Christ, all of its members, the struggle against all signs of modernism, and all sacrileges of all times, so that the spirit of Christ may completely rule the Church and all Christians.

I see Jesus washing His disciples’ feet.

*** Mary, Mistress of my soul, I offer You every moment in which my soul has, and will yet, come into contact with the dust and dirt of any worldly influence, so that my entire being may be purified.

I see Jesus entering the Garden of Gethsemane, and can feel His Heart being crushed under the vision of all sins of all times.

*** Mary, Mistress of my soul, I offer You all mistakes, aberrations and temptations of my entire life, all my remorse and all my pains over the many deviations from the path of life God had provided for me. Be the full moon of hope over my Gethsemane, so that I may know that God’s Light is ready to shine on all my paths, and I may find the gate to my glorification.

I see Jesus being betrayed by Judas.

*** Mary, Mistress of my soul, I offer You all acts of betrayal of Jesus, which have been committed throughout history in the countless forms of vices. Make my love for God so genuine, that I am able to kiss Him every moment of my life with holy deeds, words, thoughts, feelings and wishes.

I see Jesus being taken prisoner.

*** Mary, Mistress of my soul, I offer You every moment of my life in which I have put God in chains by preventing Him from performing His Works within me.

I see Peter denying Jesus.

*** Mary, Mistress of my soul, I offer You all acts of denial towards Jesus, which have been committed throughout history in all lapses in faith among the Christians and in every schism from the only true Church of Christ.

I see Jesus being condemned by the high priests.

*** Mary, Mistress of my soul, I offer You every moment of my life in which I have judged or condemned my fellow person, and every moment in which I myself was unjustly blamed, and I have responded with words, deeds, feelings or thoughts that nourished darkness.

I see Jesus remaining incarcerated during the holy night.

*** Mary, Mistress of my soul, I offer You every moment of my life in which I was so absorbed in worldly things that I no longer saw Jesus, and banned God from my life.

I see Jesus being tried and scourged under Pontius Pilate.

*** Mary, Mistress of my soul, I consecrate to You every moment of my life in which I have scourged my soul by giving priority to my physical interests.

I see Jesus being crowned with thorns.

*** Mary, Mistress of my soul, I offer You each moment of my life in which I have hurt the uppermost part of my being, my soul, by crowning myself as the king of my life, and in so doing, have mocked God’s dignity, for I have not understood that my life and my person do not belong to me, but are God’s property.

I hear Pilate say about Jesus: "behold, the Man".

*** Mary, Mistress of my soul, I beg You, do imprint on my soul the image of the disfigurement caused to the human soul by sin, so that I may turn away from all vice, and God may say about me: "behold, the man restored to honour".

I see Barrabas being released, and Jesus being condemned to the death on the Cross.

*** Mary, Mistress of my soul, I offer You each moment of my life in which I have lived as though God were dead for me, and I have tried to acquit my own sinfulness.

I see Jesus embracing His Cross and taking it up.

*** Mary, Mistress of my soul, I offer You the many crosses of my life, and my inability to love the trials of life as gifts that may contribute to my glorification and to the salvation of many.

I see Jesus falling repeatedly under His Cross.

*** Mary, Mistress of my soul, I offer You the many times I cast off my cross, the many times I nearly broke down under my burden, and I allowed myself to get demoralized in the face of the goals God has set for me, each fall under the pressure of temptations and each lapse into vice, and my repeated return to worldly thinking, feeling and longing.

I see Jesus meeting Mary on the Way of the Cross.

*** Mary, Mistress of my soul, I offer You each moment of my life in which I did not see You were waiting for me along the path of my life to be for me a source of encouragement, hope and strength, and to take into Your Heart the path of my life with all its burdens.

I see Jesus meeting Simon the Cyrenean.

*** Mary, Mistress of my soul, I offer You the many times I refused to help Jesus carry the Cross of all sins of the world, and I looked for ways bringing me only joy and comfort.

I see Jesus meeting Veronica.

*** Mary, Mistress of my soul, I offer You the many times I was not ready to clean my suffering fellow man of the dirt of the world and the blood of all injustices done onto him. Help me restore Jesus’ countenance in my soul.

I see Jesus being stripped of His garments on Mount Calvary.

*** Mary, Mistress of my soul, I offer You every time I stripped a fellow person of his dignity and left him in the cold by not giving him a place in my heart. Please strip me of the garment of my old 'I', so that I may be able to cast off all worldly things, and may be ready for a complete sanctification.

I see Jesus being nailed to the Cross.

*** Mary, Mistress of my soul, I offer You every time I nailed myself to my memories and to worldly habits and attachments, thereby crucifying Divine Life in my soul.

I hear Jesus forgiving His executioners.

*** Mary, Mistress of my soul, I offer You my inability to forgive my fellow person, and the many hours I have wasted cherishing resentments, dissatisfaction and protest against my fate.

I hear Jesus saying to the repentant murderer: "This day you will be with Me in Paradise".

*** Mary, Mistress of my soul, I beg You, do obtain me the gift that I may become aware of my own guilt, and I offer You my entire life, so that You may obtain for me the grace of entering into Paradise.

I hear Jesus entrusting Mary to John, and John to Mary.

*** Mary, Mistress of my soul, I offer You my desire to be all and completely Yours, and I beg You to be and to remain the Mistress of my entire being and my entire life. Do stay and live in the temple of my soul for all eternity.

I hear Jesus say:"I thirst".

*** Mary, Mistress of my soul, I beg You, do awaken within me the desire for a total dedication of each moment of my life for the benefit of God’s Plans and Works, so that I may be able to help quench His thirst for the founding of His Kingdom.

I hear Jesus saying:"My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?".

*** Mary, Mistress of my soul, I beg You, do awaken within me the desire for a rich inner life, so that in my heart God may never be lonely again.

I hear Jesus saying: "It is accomplished. Father, into Thy hands I commit My spirit".

*** Mary, Mistress of my soul, I offer You my unremitting struggle against all influences willing to make me drift away from Eternal Paradise. I surrender completely to You, so that You may put the book of my life into God’s hands for the accomplishment of my redemption and my sanctification.

I see Jesus’ Heart being pierced by a spear.

*** Mary, Mistress of my soul, I offer You my heart and soul, my body and spirit, and my free will. Do pierce me with the beams of Divine Love, so that the invisible blood and the tears of every trial of my life may come down upon humanity of all times, for the salvation of many.

I see Jesus being laid down into Mary’s lap, and subsequently being carried to the grave.

*** Mary, Mistress of my soul, I beg You, do take me into Your womb most pure, God’s Tabernacle, and do bury my human life in Your Heart most holy. Allow me to be born again of You for an everlasting resurrection, so that for me, the Suffering and Death of Jesus may not have been in vain.

April 10, 2009 (Good Friday)

Wedding between God and the souls

"Today Heaven celebrates the feast of Divine Love. The absolute crowning of Love is the wedding. The crowning of the wedding is the consummation thereof by both parties uniting. See, in the implementation of the Mystery of Salvation God has proven His absolute Love for the human soul.

In the Incarnation of Jesus God entered into the wedding with the human soul. This wedding was consummated on the bed of the Cross on Golgotha. At the Incarnation of Jesus My consent was united with God’s consent, in order to sanctify human nature. In the hours of the Passion the Divine Groom drew all aspects of human nature into His own Being and united them there, in order to consummate the wedding with the souls through His Death on the Cross.

Dear souls, a wedding becomes fruitful only if both parties surrender to each other totally and undividedly. Otherwise there can be no such thing as both parties joining together in all aspects of their respective beings.

For the wedding between God and the souls I was elected as the Representative of human nature. God chose Me among all human souls. My Immaculate Conception was the golden quilt on the nuptial bed, so to speak. The Incarnation of Jesus in My womb was the consummation of the Wedding. On the Cross Jesus, God’s Son and Mine, consummated the wedding with all souls by extension. Therefore, few minutes before His Death, He gave the human souls to Me, and entrusted Me to the human souls.

Mary, the first human soul with whom God had consummated the Wedding, was confirmed there in Her capacity as the Mistress of all souls, and the effects of the Incarnation of Christ were now extended to all souls. I, God’s first chosen Bride, was to be the Sign of Divine fruitfulness. Henceforth I was to bring forth the true children of God in a rebirth in spirit: the soul who would consecrate herself totally to Me, would be borne within Me, be nourished by Me with Divine Life, be completely reshaped by Me after the image of Christ, and be endowed with My hereditary factors, which were clothed by God with perfect sanctity right from the hour of My Immaculate Conception.

Bridegroom and bride share everything. Because My Wedding with God was perfect, He enabled Me to partake in everything that was His, including His redeeming sufferings. By virtue of a Divine Mystery there was a perfect interaction between Jesus’ Heart and My own Heart, I suffered all of Jesus’ Sorrows also in My own Heart, and I shared in His physical tortures, to the extent allowed by God. As a symbol for the perfection of My Wedding with the Redeemer I was physically dead for three seconds on Golgotha: when the soldier pierced Jesus’ Heart with his spear, My own Heart was pierced with the sword of Sorrows, and physical life left My Heart for three seconds. My own body was totally broken. In this cardiac arrest for three seconds God sealed My perfect unity with the Divine Redeemer. This was how He wanted it to be. My perfectly pure body was predestined never to experience death in the actual sense of the word. Nevertheless, I had to experience it in a symbolic way, for the duration of three heartbeats as decreed by God, in order to indicate that the unity with the total self-sacrifice of Christ – up to and including death – was perfect, and that My Wedding with the Most Holy Trinity was perfect. Dear souls, this is why, in truth, I am the Coredemptrix with Christ, the Divine Redeemer.

For the wedding between God and the soul to be fruitful, every individual soul must surrender totally to God. See, in Jesus Christ God is the Bridegroom. The human soul is the bride. I was the only soul who was perfectly prepared for the Divine Wedding, and whose nuptial bed perfectly met the conditions required for the consummation of the Divine Wedding. After the Incarnation of Christ – God’s Wedding with Me – had taken place, God declared His Love to all souls: in the proclamation of the Gospel, in the founding of the Church, the institution of the Sacraments, and in the miracles Jesus performed. In the hours of the Passion the Bridegroom begged more ardently than ever before for the hand of His bride, the human soul, through the signs of His total surrender to her, for He could not longer contain His longing for her.

Through Mary, the Mistress of the nuptial chamber, the individual human soul was addressed. Jesus’ saying 'I thirst' was the sigh of the Bridegroom who, longing ardently for His bride on the nuptial bed – the Cross – was begging for her consent to consummate the Wedding. In the Sufferings and Death on the Cross the Divine Bridegroom totally surrendered Himself to His bride, the human soul.

Within the bride, a spiritual fruit can only be conceived as soon as she, in her turn, yearningly and of her own free will surrenders to the Bridegroom. See, little lambs of Christ, what God so ardently longs for: the total surrender of all your sufferings and trials to the Coredemptrix and Mistress of all souls, for Her to unite the bride’s consent with the Bridegroom’s consent. Do understand this correctly: all trials and sufferings consecrated to Me, are sighs of Love making the Bridegroom’s Heart race and thereby calling for outpours of graces of redemption and sanctification upon humanity. Thus the Wedding becomes fruitful, and all around the nuptial chamber the gardens blossom.

By virtue of the New Covenant, entered into between God and the souls, and signed by Jesus on the Cross with His Blood, I am the Nuptial Chamber of God’s predilection. This constitutes the basis of the outstanding, unique value of total consecration of the souls to Me, the Mistress of all souls and Coredemptrix: in no other nuptial chamber the Wedding between God and the soul is so abundantly blessed as in the nuptial chamber of My Heart. I am the Tabernacle of the Most Holy Trinity, the Ark of the New Covenant, the Chalice of the Precious Blood, the Mistress of the Divine Nuptial Chamber, and the Mistress of God’s bride – the human soul. As the First Chosen Bride of God I was given power over the Divine Bridegroom’s goods. What is His, is also Mine. He has left the souls His Legacy of Love, and He longs to take every one of them for His bride, so that His perfect Love may be satisfied. For the bride – the soul – to be worthy to have the Divine Bridegroom’s goods at her disposal, she must recognize and accept the Mistress of the Nuptial Chamber. The bride’ love can not become perfect as long as she will not be the servant of the Bridegroom’s First Chosen, and will not recognize the latter’s part in the preparation of the consummation of the wedding. That is why God justly wishes the souls to recognize Me as the Mistress of all souls, and as the Coredemptrix with the Divine Redeemer.

Dear souls, repeat your consent to the craving Bridegroom daily, by surrendering yourselves with all trials of your lives to Me. I will prepare you for the big day on which the wedding with your God will be consummated, the day on which your happiness will become perfect".

(on account of the fact that, during the visions relating to the Passion, I am constantly reminded of the apostle Saint John’s presence, I ask Mary if She would be willing to explain the part played by the apostle within the framework of this Revelation. She replies as follows):

"On Mount Golgotha the apostle St. John was the representative of all the souls except Me, and in John God demonstrated how He wants His bride – the human soul – to be: extremely affectionate, pure, a loyal follower of Christ, a proclaimer of Truth, a participant in the Passion up to and including the absolute accomplishment thereof, and a convinced servant of Mary".

April 17, 2009

The completion of sanctification by Mary

"Souls of My Heart, I want to make you fruitful for the Kingdom of God. Every one of you has been brought into contact with Me through Divine Providence. Jesus Himself already linked up all souls inextricably with Me by giving us to each other as part of His legacy to the souls. The Eternal Father prepared the seed from which His Kingdom on earth will blossom. His Son Jesus Christ poured this seed into the souls, and at the same time wanted to impress the image of the Heavenly Gardener on the hearts: "Son, behold your Mother". The Holy Spirit lets Divine Light shine upon the seed day after day. It is My duty to till the soils of the souls for the Divine seed to take root, for the seed must sprout to develop into orchards of heavenly nourishment for God’s Kingdom on earth. I call upon you to lay the bottom of your souls, your deepest traits and foundations and everything you live from, open before Me. Lay your entire being and every yard of your path open before Me, so that My anointed feet may be able to sanctify your temple, the dwelling of the Divine seed within your soul.

Dear souls, the fruitfulness of the Divine seed is infinite. As soon as it takes root within you, the soul begins to blossom like a garden after winter. It is My duty to transform you in such a way as to make the garden of your soul flourish like a paradise filled with the delights of sanctity. To that end, I intend to heal you from all superficiality, among other things.

See, by virtue of a Divine Law the human soul is made such as to look for the Light, and as not to find peace before she has found it and absorbed it. The soul that allows herself to be misguided by the darkness of the world, or that allows herself to be overcome by it and eventually no longer finds anything besides darkness in her life, will therefore experience a life filled with restlessness and dissatisfaction. If you go out into a night with a full moon, your eyes will automatically be drawn to the moon, rather than to the darkness. How is it then, that the soul tends to follow darkness while the moon does not leave her side for one moment? I have been given to you all as the Moon in the night, the living Sign of God’s Presence towards the souls, the Mirror of Divine Light in a world of darkness. I come to teach you that God is constantly attending to you all. I come to show you that you have far more reasons to see the Light than to see the darkness. I represent hope and encouragement for every soul that regards the darkness in her life for what it actually is: a stepping stone to perfect liberation through true sanctity, and thus to perfect happiness.

Dear souls, God does not commit pointless acts. He has provided the soil of your soul with Divine seed because He knows that this seed possesses His strength and is able to guide you to the bliss of the Eternal Gardens. The Divine seed is too dear to remain unused. This seed contains the fullness of Divine Life, but it must sprout to produce its effects within the soul. The flower, with all its beauty and the enchantment of the perfume which will spread from it, is already contained in the seed in an immaterial form, and it will be unfolded when Divine Intelligence which controls its blossoming, is unlocked by the soul’s longing for her own bloom. The flower and its heavenly scent will only be perceptible as soon as the seed from which it springs, has reached maturity. The most potent growth factor God has given the souls of the end times, is that of total consecration to Me, the Mistress of all souls. For the flower not only to blossom, but also never to wither, it is inevitable that it flourishes to such an extent as to be able to spread its seed. This whole process can be brought to perfection within your soul by Me, so as to ensure the seed is not consumed by the vermin of temptations even before it has had the opportunity to fulfill its vocation. Just like everything which emanates from God, the Divine seed can not be destroyed. It can, however, be rendered totally ineffective whenever the soul allows it to be clothed in the darkness of the world. Seed which is made inaccessible to the light, suffocates and loses its germinating power.

Dear souls, many do not let themselves be led by the image of the moon, but rather by the darkness of the night. In the trials they overlook the Presence of Divine Light, which is trying to envelop them and to shine on the paths along which they are going. In stead of focusing on Divine Life, which tries to bloom within them, they keep engaging in worldly impressions and thoughts, and in the signs of the illusory world Satan is giving shape to within them. I am the Sign of sanctity in full and perfect bloom, and of Divine fruitfulness. Dear souls, do not seek for sensations in everything, for impressions which make emotional life flare up for a brief moment, only to leave behind a void afterwards, like a bundle of straw which is completely consumed by fire in a few moments’ time. A holy soul is a soul that perseveres in the pursuit of Light and in integrating the Light into all of her cells. She does not look for sensations, not even in spiritual life; she rather aims for stability in her efforts to secure an in-depth inner growth by constantly working on her own subsoil, by pronouncing an unwavering ‘yes’ to the effects of grace, in whatever form the latter may come their way, knowing all this is controlled by God’s infallible Wisdom. The addiction to exciting experiences, to sensations, does not bring Divine seed within the soul to maturity, but burns it. The Divine seed must mature under a constant warmth: the warmth of genuine Love and of the longing to be one with Me, and through Me, with the Most Holy Trinity.

Do not build the temple of your soul on the sand. Build it on the rock of Divine Life. Otherwise it will not be able to resist the storms of the world. Therefore, follow all My instructions and teachings. In all My instructions, teachings, revelations and writings I teach the souls the Science of Divine Life. Study them while invoking Eternal Wisdom, so that your hearts and minds may be disclosed to the immeasurable treasures all My words pour out upon each and every one of you. Look for God’s hand in every detail on the path of your life. Look for My heartbeat in everything, for even, or rather: especially, in the trials of daily life, I allow you to have your share of the streaming Blood of My Son, with whom I have been made one at Heart by virtue of a Divine Decree. Through My perfect Love and My unlimited power I nourish every cell of your souls with the redeeming Blood of Christ and with the sunlight of the Holy Spirit, so richly loaded with the graces of Divine Life.

All of you are not yet able to fully understand the potential significance of the Mistress of all souls for you. She is the Bearer of the greatest heavenly treasures. She is loaded with unique, unparalleled streams of the grace of sanctification. For these end times, the Mistress of all souls is the great answer the creating, redeeming and sanctifying God has in store for the forces of darkness, over which She has been given all power. Open up your hearts completely to Me, and I shall allow you to experience true Love in everything which comes your way. To the extent the soul allows Me to rule her, I will be the Heavenly Filter that purifies everything which enters the soul, that directs her inner processes in such a way as to enable the soul to be sanctified through all her experiences, and that filters everything which leaves the soul. This is how I turn the soul into a holy temple in which she proclaims Me to be her Mistress and longs for Me as for the full moon in the dark night of her mind.

A soul gradually turns into the one she truly loves. Use this knowledge in order to turn from a grave of darkness into a full moon of Divine Life. My own fruitfulness will produce its effects within the soul that truly and genuinely longs to be born again of Me. The child inherits its father’s and mother’s features. The Eternal Father has strewn His seed of Divine Life into you; as the Eternal Mother it is My calling to make the seed fruitful within you by enabling you to become part of Me to the extent you long for Me to do this. Long for My motherly womb with a view to your being born again of Me, so that your spiritual fruitfulness may reach perfection. All I need, is your free will. You have to want to be born again of Me. You have to want the Light to rule over your darkness. You have to want to see, to believe and to accept that God has elevated Me to be your Mistress in order to reshape you into blooming spring gardens, and to join you all together to be one single, uninterrupted paradise which will span the whole world. Behold, thus, the Plan of Divine Love, which was signed by Jesus Christ, and is to be crowned through My intermediary. This is how the Most High has decreed it to be, for Love of you all".

April 28, 2009

"Dear souls from the Spring of Divine Love, do see how God speaks to you in images. When, so long ago, I appeared at Lourdes, I did so in a grotto miles from anywhere, in a place where even snakes felt at home. I made Myself known as 'the Immaculate Conception'. I wore a white dress, a white veil, and a blue girdle. I had a rose on each of My feet. In My hands I held the rosary.

Dear souls, do understand what I meant to say to you even without words. Ever since the original sin each soul has been a grotto in a far-off place: a darkened, more or less chilly cave with stone walls. The soul lives under the incessant temptation to drape herself in the stony cloak of worldly thoughts and feelings, she allows but sporadically that a beam of Divine Light should penetrate up to the very core of her being, and she very easily loses the warmth of true Love. Moreover the grotto of the soul lies far off, distant from God, retreated into the things of the world, as in a world which has not got anything to do with God’s Heart. It is regularly visited by snakes that even attempt to build their nests within it, symbolizing the temptations and the fact that the soul becomes the residence of Satan.

In this grotto I appeared, to point out that a new era had begun: the era during which Mary was to deploy Her true vocation within the core of the human soul. I made Myself known as 'the Immaculate Conception' as a statement towards Satan that I was going to take every soul that was willing to allow Me to rule within her back to the state prior to the original sin, the spotless condition of the soul that was in a state of unity with the Heart of God.

I wore a white dress to denote the fact the Mistress of the grotto of the soul is clothed with supreme purity. My white veil denoted that the spirit of the perfectly pure soul is wrapped in Divine Light and does not harbour any dark thoughts. The blue girdle points out that the perfectly pure soul is girded with the absolute heavenly peace. I have told you earlier that heavenly blue is the colour of perfect peace, and that this is the reason why the Creator vaulted the earth with a blue sky, symbolizing the fact the earth was destined to be God’s Kingdom.

Each of My feet was adorned with a rose. Underneath My feet you can see a stony plateau of the grotto, denoting that all things of the world are subjected to My power, and that the soul should make them My footrest, so that I may be enabled to freely deploy My unlimited power over the darkness and all of its works.

The rose is the symbol of Love. It is through the accomplished heavenly Love that I guide the soul back to God, and that I will press Satan against the earth under My foot, for this works are the absolute counterpart of Love and its effects, and only Love has the power to ban all darkness. Love is the bearer of God’s Light and Divine Life. Wherever Love rules, all that is dead but can still be useful to God, is raised to life, and all that has itself opted for death – like Satan and his following – is completely paralyzed.

When I invited My dear daughter Bernadette to dig in the earth, and I made a spring well up from it, I meant to make clear that within every soul that would be willing to work on herself, I would make a spring of Divine Life well up. In doing so, Bernadette turned herself into an object of ridicule. Indeed, the soul that has the courage to work on herself upon My invitation, will harvest the incomprehension of the world. She will, however, be completely washed in the water of Divine Life that will well up within her, and I will turn her into a source of salvation and healing for many, like I illustrated at Lourdes. Working on oneself means: shove the earth of all worldly influences aside in order to make the germ of sanctity in the soil of the soul accessible again to Divine Light, which is to make this germ blossom. (* see below the present Revelation)

The rosary in My hands was an invitation, not only to pray the rosary, but also for a rebirth of the soul’s longing to get in touch with God day and night. Prayer is: constructing a bridge between the soul and her Creator. It is opening up to Divine Life and to all signs through which Divine Providence calls the soul back to the paths leading to the Gate of Paradise.

Dear souls, remember that God foresaw the human soul as the bridge between His Heart and creation. God’s Heart lets Divine Love flow incessantly towards the whole of creation. If this flow were to stop for merely one single second, the whole world would perish. Never forget that this flow from God towards creation runs through the human souls. Because countless human souls have become so sick, but a mere fraction of Divine Love still keeps flowing on from human souls to the rest of creation. This, My souls, explains the disruption of creation, which you can observe by many developments in nature.

May I point out to the souls that also rapacity in the animal world is a consequence of the original sin and all sins committed throughout the ages by the human souls. Do see that man, and man alone, is responsible for the atmosphere prevailing in creation. If the human souls were to allow the flow of true Love within themselves and between them and the rest of creation to continue uninhibitedly by turning away from all sin and purifying themselves thoroughly from all and any traces of worldly influences which tend to lead their own lives within the soul, even rapacity in the animal world would disappear within three days.

The return to Earthly Paradise lies in your hands. I am the Mistress of all souls. I know the way, I lead every willing soul along this way, and I have the power to get rid of all obstacles on the way. What I now ask from every one of you, is the total consecration of yourselves and your free will to Me, so that the scent from the heavenly roses on My feet may paralyze Satan, and I may subject him totally to Me and to My spiritual offspring through the force of pure Love.

Souls of My Heart, I remind you that every pilgrimage loses much of its value if it is not combined with a crusade to the grotto of the soul. You can meet Me in a place of pilgrimage, but the actual meeting with Me, with My power of reshaping and in-depth healing, exclusively takes place in the very core of your soul. As long as I am not allowed to exercise the role God entrusted to Me – My role as the true Queen and Mistress – through the total consecration of yourselves and your free will to Me, I can do for you but little which would leave behind within you the imperishable seed for Eternal Life, for only through My rule within the grotto of your soul will I have the opportunity to bring the germ of sanctity within you to bloom. That is what I have been called to do, and that is why Jesus gave Me to you".

(*) On June 6, 2020, the Heavenly Mistress spoke privately the following words, which She allowed to be published:

"I remind you of My appearances at Lourdes. I am the Immaculate Conception, symbolizing the One who is totally devoid of the mark left in every soul on account of the original sin in witness of the fact that disobedience to God’s Law injures the soul and for the entire duration of her life enhances her inclination to give in to anything which will try to turn the soul away from God.

As the Immaculate Conception I appeared in a grotto which was also home to serpents. Every soul is a grotto in which the serpent tries to establish its realm.

In the grotto I drew My daughter Bernadette’s attention to the presence of herbs, and she dug in the soil to wash her face with the water she did not even see.

Behold the picture: The herbs in the grotto symbolize the natural healing power which is present in every soul, yet often remains unnoticed. The water symbolizes the water of Divine Life, which is also present in the subsoil of many souls who fail to see it.

My daughter Bernadette showed how blind obedience to Me can make the herbs and the water inside the soul visible again, i.e. how it can resuscitate the self-healing powers of the soul and Divine Life inside of her to new life".

May 10, 2009 (Mother’s Day)

Spiritual background of Mary’s Motherhood

"I am the Mother of all human souls. Consider the depth of God’s Plan when, through His Son Jesus Christ, He made Me the Mother of all human beings, in the hour in which, from the Cross, the Eternal Kingdom was made accessible to all souls. A child inherits his properties and capacities from his father and mother. To each soul God is both Father and Mother, because His Being is all-embracing. Nevertheless He foresaw Me as the Mother of all souls. Just like every Divine Decree this ruling sprang from the Source of Divine Wisdom and Love.

I represent the absolutely perfect bloom of the soul’s flower. In Me the Eternal Father has brought together the deep essence of all expressions of His power to create, and has brought these to absolute perfection through My total mystical union with the Holy Spirit, the Sanctifier and Giver of all Life, and through My Motherhood over the incarnated Son of God, the Messiah and God-Man Jesus Christ. This is the deep meaning of the expression that I am 'full of grace': that God has clothed Me with the blossoms of every possible heavenly fruit a created soul could ever bear within herself and could ever allow to multiply infinitely within her.

One of the many unique blossoms with which My soul was adorned, is the power to 're-create' or reshape elements within souls, that is: to work on them such as to enable them to get ready for a much more rapid transition to Divine Life. The only condition is this: that the souls should lay their free will underneath My feet, for Me to be able to exercise My unlimited power such as to accelerate the process of their perfection.

The Eternal Father lays the germ of sanctity in each human soul. One might say this Divine germ contains the 'spiritual genes' from the soul’s Father. God desires that this germ of sanctity be opened up and developed through the soul’s union with Me, the spiritual Mother of all souls. In the Incarnation of Jesus the Divinity expressed the following desire, among others: that the Divine germ should unite with Me as the Mother, for an absolutely perfect marriage between the Divine and the human. Total following of Christ is therefore crowned in the total, unconditional consecration to Me.

If the soul surrenders to Me while actually craving for Me very deeply, one could say her germ of sanctity enters into the highest union with the soul that, by virtue of a Divine Order, is the Bearer of Divine Motherhood. Of this union a new fruit shall be born. The germ of sanctity blossoms for for true Divine Life. Do understand this image correctly. My soul as the Representative of the female component of the highest fertility, receives the germ of sanctity which is present in the soul that has consecrated herself to Me in her capacity as the bearer of the male component of the highest fertility. As of the moment I bear this fruit of the highest union within Me. That which is born, is a soul in which Divine Life is blossoming. This bloom must achieve the path of following of Christ, the absolutely perfect God-Man, under My guidance and rule. The path of Redemption and Sanctification is nothing else but this.

The soul will only be able to consume the marriage between her germ of sanctity and My soul to the extent that she:

1) longs for this marriage: She must want to be Mine;

2) is driven by the will to blossom in true Love.

To long for an intense unity with Me is tantamount to surrendering the own free will to Me, in order to conform to God’s Will, with which I am perfectly One.

Love is the fuel for the process of growth in Divine Life. Love is the driving force enabling the flower of the soul to unfold petal after petal. Each petal is to be regarded as a virtue.

Unity with God’s Will, and thorough bloom as to true Love – not human love – are the prerequisites for the soul’s growth to perfection. Positively all virtues and spiritual faculties, all components of sanctity, are contained in both these elements. Total consecration to the Mistress of all souls, followed by a life at My service, is the golden path to a maximum fruitfulness for the soul, and for the realization of her true goal in life: truly to be a child of God, and to shed seeds for a harvest of new fruits of Divine Life. Remember this when you call Me 'Mother'.

Thus I am the spiritual Mother of all souls that accept this gift from God. I am the Mother, yet My share in 'Divine' fruitfulness, the female Factor in the reproduction of components for God’s Kingdom on earth, can only become fully effective – and thereby ‘turn Me into the spiritual Mother’ in the true sense of the word – as soon as a soul surrenders to Me of her own free will in total, unconditional and everlasting consecration.

Do understand the difference: I am the spiritual Mother in a passive way because God has clothed Me with this capacity; I turn into the Mother in an active way as soon as the human will enters into marriage with the Divine fruitfulness contained in Me. The fruit of this marriage is a soul that experiences Divine Life. To this end Jesus incarnated, to this end He accomplished His redeeming Sufferings, to this end He sends the Holy Spirit upon each soul during Baptism, and to this end the Holy Spirit once for the first time projected into the hearts the path of total consecration of souls to Mary. The Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now wishes for every soul to find, appreciate and love this path. To recognize and confess Me formally as the Mother, also means to formally recognize and confess the deep sense of the Incarnation of Jesus and of the entire way of which He set an example to all souls. My active Motherhood in the soul procures her the supreme experience of Love, security, guidance, protection and instruction, and leads her towards the perfect union with the Father, along ways that have been prepared by Him who first deigned to call Me His Mother".

May 21, 2009


"Dear souls in Christ, today I come to remind you that life on earth is not an endpoint, nor a goal in itself. You are on earth in order to prepare your souls for true Life in Heaven.

The Ascension of Christ expresses the fact that life on earth is, in the deepest sense of the word, a journey to Heavenly Life. On account of the original sin this earthly life is a path of trials intended to lead the soul back to the state of sanctity. Each trial accepted by the soul with love makes a contribution to the redemption of souls, and thus to the admission of souls to true Life in Heaven. The loving acceptance of trials is tantamount to a true following of Christ bearing His Cross, consuming the burden of sins in the fire of Love and of the holy craving for the redemption and salvation of souls. The loving acceptance of the trials of earthly life enables the soul to resurrect from the flaws of human nature more and more each day, so that she is able to ingest true Divine Life, and already experiences within herself the glorification of Heavenly Life. Thus every yard on the way of the cross that is earthly life, already bears in itself the soul’s resurrection and ascension, provided the soul goes her way of the cross with love.

Follow Me, I know the way. I have given birth to the Way, the Truth and True Life, for He was to set the great example for all souls. Therefore, within Me the fruits of redemption, resurrection and ascension had to reach full maturity under the sun of the Eternal Spring – the fullness of grace. In Me the way of the Cross of trials and sorrows, the resurrection in the state of sanctity and the ascension in the fullness of Divine Life were perfectly merged already during the days of My life on earth. I have been given the power to cultivate within you the faculty to turn every trial into a stage in the journey to Heaven: I possess perfect Love, I can make the fire of this Love blaze away within you so vigorously that every obstacle on your path towards redemption and sanctification is consumed by it.

Give yourselves to Me totally, and I will clothe your crosses with the flowers of encouragement and true hope. You will be born again of My Immaculate Womb, this most holy Garden of perfect heavenly virtues, and I will turn your lives into a journey to the Heart of God. Each trial you experience in a state of perfect surrender to Me is already the bearer of a building stone of your resurrection and your rise to heaven, for I will turn each trial into a grave for your weaknesses and into an ever increasing detachment from everything binding you to the world.

Indeed, you may regard Ascension as an invitation to get fully detached from the earth. Do see the unique gifts of total consecration to Me: I turn your way of the cross into an experience of pure hope and Love; I enable you to rise from your human weaknesses as to the temptations from the world; and I guide your entrance into true Divine Life through the detachment from everything binding you to worldly thinking and longing and thus making it impossible for you to rise towards Heaven.

Behold the unique power of the Mistress of all souls. She teaches the souls to develop within themselves the treasures of redemption and sanctification. Jesus has buried these treasures in you. The key to these treasures is your own free will to imitate Jesus’ Life. I teach you how to turn the key and to make full use of the treasures for Eternal Life.

Hear My promise: each soul that gives herself to Me totally, unconditionally and eternally, will be endowed through Me with the understanding to consider the trials and burdens on the path of her life in an entirely new light, and with the strength to bear them with a perfectly new fruitfulness: with true hope, unshakable courage, and with a Love of an ever increasing purity.

This will be the sign of My actual dominance within a soul: that her trials can no longer enslave her by putting her in the chains of worldly and physical worries, but that she will become the mistress of her trials, because I rule in her, and the infinite fruitfulness of My perfect sanctity will flow into her. The soul that is truly Mine, will experience the rebirth of a totally new view of her earthly life.

I call upon the souls to say prayer nr. 1115

May the souls give Me this prayer on a regular basis, in deepest reflection. They will experience the miraculous effects of My power to the extent of their surrender to Me".

May 30, 2009


"Dear souls from the Well of Eternal Life, I come to clear the way for the victory parade the pentecostal fire wants to hold when entering into each and every one of you. Christmas is the feast of Birth, Easter is the feast of Redemption, Pentecost is the feast of Sanctification. Behold the three milestones God has foreseen for every soul: birth, redemption and sanctification.

Pentecost reminds the soul of the absolute goal of her life on earth: sanctification. The entire life on earth ought to be a consciously experienced process of sanctification. Repeatedly I compared the path of life with the Way of the Cross; it is also a path of sanctification. The crosses of life must lead the soul towards her sanctification. The factor turning the way of the cross into a path of sanctification, is true Love, the Love that is detached from worldly ties and material needs, the Love from soul to soul and from soul to God. The Holy Spirit is the Source of the purest Love which inspires true Divine Life into the soul. The Holy Spirit is the Source of Divine Light which casts no shadows, which envelops everything so completely and pervades everything so deeply that no trace of darkness is left behind.

The greatest gift the Holy Spirit wants to give to every soul on Pentecost is the Light of self-knowledge, of the knowledge of the secrets of spiritual life. Look into yourselves. How much confusion rules within you, how much restlessness and dissatisfaction. This confusion, restlessness and dissatisfaction are aroused within you by forces of darkness. The brighter Divine Light shines into the soul, the more she will be free, because the Light cures her from all restlessness, dissatisfaction and confusion. Knowledge of the Truth about spiritual life and about the struggles of life yields peace, rest and an unshakable understanding.

Do see how the prince of darkness contaminates the soils of your souls with the many varieties of his subtle poison, in order that it should not yield good fruits, but rather ill weeds. He envelops you in a haze which cuts you off from the Light of the Holy Spirit, so that your perception of life around you is distorted: you see many things differently from the way God sees them, because many elements of all things around you remain concealed from you, whereas others are distorted on account of the fact you do not perceive them with the heart – which is guided by God’s Spirit – but with the mind, against the background of former experiences and certain expectations. Based on this distorted perception you make decisions, perform actions and speak words that are not bearers of true Light. You believe you are doing and saying the right things. However, your souls, which have preserved the traces of Truth and Divine Light, recognize your decisions, actions and words as aberrations from Divine Law. They are not always intended to be, yet often produce these effects. This 'recognition' breeds within you dissatisfaction, restlessness and confusion. You get dissatisfied with yourselves, and do not know for what reason. Consequently, all your good intentions, too, are paralyzed, and darkness gains its second victory.

Dear souls, I am Mary, the Bride of the Holy Spirit. I carry the bridal bouquet of the One Who is the Source of Divine Light and Divine Life, the One from Whom a thousand delights flow to the souls, reminding them of their true goal in life and able to make them turn their backs on all worldly things, all things which breed confusion because all these things are transitory. Each flower from My bridal bouquet is a bearer of the fullness of sanctity. Open wide the gate of the temple of your soul to Me, and I shall cast into you the seeds from the flowers of true sanctity. The Most Holy Trinity has given Me the unlimited power to do this. I will renew the unsteady foundations of your temple. That is why I have been given to you all. I am the Mistress of all souls. I possess the fullness of the Love that heals. I possess an infinite richness of Divine Light. I can dispel your darkness. My Divine Groom does not deny one thing to those who fulfill My every wish and who are willing to be Mine undividedly. Thus true Love for Me becomes a source of bliss and liberation.

Give yourselves totally to Me, so that I may be able to immerse the offering of your free will in the Well of Divine Love, which springs from the Heart of the Holy Spirit. Long for Me, so that I may let you drink from the infinite streams of grace. In Me is the fullness of Life, for I am the Throne on which the Holy Spirit is carried into the soul. Give yourselves totally to Me, so that My Divine Groom may bring His pentecostal fire upon you, which will make you burn with Divine Love bringing delights, and which will produce within you explosions of Light, banning all confusion, restlessness and dissatisfaction from your hearts. The pentecostal fire will liberate you from the hazes of ignorance, and will make you see that the darkness of the world is nothing more than the firewood your souls need to free themselves from their excessive burdens and accomplish true sanctity. Sanctity is true freedom of the soul, and liberation from the shackles of worldly experiences, which no longer exercise any power over the soul that focuses on true Light.

I am the Bearer of Divine Fire. Take Me into your hearts completely, allow Me to rule your entire beings and the paths of your life, and the Spirit of Divine Fire will burn from you everything which prevents you from approaching true happiness.

Souls of My Heart, in My name, and by virtue of the merits of the Redeemer, beg the Holy Spirit:

for self-knowledge,

awareness of each and every trace of darkness in your actions, thoughts, feelings and habits, and of your deepest concealed states of mind,

awareness of your weaknesses and seductbilities,

in other words: knowledge and awareness of everything serving within you as a breeding ground for darkness.

Only the Light of Truth and the Fire of Love are able to dispel this darkness, and enable you to be born again for Divine Life, the only source of immortal happiness.

Follow Me, I bring you the Science of Divine Life, so that you may yourselves become bearers of the Holy Spirit".

June 3, 2009

The Spiritual Pond

"Souls of My Heart, so that you may learn to understand the depths of your own beings, I will compare the soul with a pond. The spiritual pond must be a place of fruitfulness and Life for God’s Kingdom on earth.

The blossoming force and the presence of Life within the soul can be measured by the diversity of fish in the water and of the vegetation on the banks and in the bottom of the pond. As I pointed out in the past the fish is a symbol of freedom of the soul. The true freedom is acquired in the soul’s sanctification. In proportion as the soul increases in sanctity, she gets freer: she detaches herself from everything binding her – habits, weaknesses, seductibilities, memories, human relations.

The quantities and vital force of the fish and the vegetation in the pond and on the banks are determined by the quality of the water and its purity, its content in Divine Life, its content in the oxygen of heavenly inspirations which are accepted by the soul and applied in her life.

The pond is fed from the inexhaustible Source of the Holy Spirit from which the water of Divine Life keeps flowing forth. God has foreseen Me, the Mistress of all souls, as the Brook leading the water of Divine Life from the Heart of God’s Spirit to the pond of the soul.

Also the soul that is not consecrated to Me, and that does not reserve a special place for Me in her life, receives the water of Divine Life from the same Divine Source through the Brook of My soul, because God has foreseen Me as the Mediatrix of all graces and the Bridge between Divinity and the souls. Then what is the difference? The difference lies in the flow rate. The water of Divine Life reaches the soul more smoothly and in larger quantities as her surrender to Me becomes more complete, because God particularly favours those who are willed to be connected to Him through Me, His Pearl among all created souls: it is them who recognize the fullness of His Love, by recognizing My role and position within the Plan of Salvation as the greatest Sign of God’s Will to glorify and perfectly sanctify the human soul. It is true, He already had shown this Sign of glorification in the Redeemer’s Resurrection and Ascension, yet in Me He shows it in a unique way as an effect of grace, because I am not by nature Divine. In order to acknowledge this, the soul must believe in the fullness of God’s Love for creation. This faith works like a magnet attracting the water of Divine Life. The soul that is willed to attract this water through the rule of the Mistress of all souls, does not only receive God’s graces through Her hands, but is also guided by Her to the summits of Divine Life.

The water from the Divine Spring is laden with the graces of true Life, the force of redemption and the forces of sanctification, in other words: everything the Most Holy Trinity wants to direct to the soul at any give point of time, in accordance with the Laws of His Wisdom and Providence.

Owing to My Immaculate Conception and the merits of My perfectly sinless life the bed of My Brook is so perfect and the vegetation along My banks so heavenly that the water of Divine Life is able to reach the pond of the soul in an absolutely perfect state. If the water of Divine Life should fail to reach a soul’s pond for only one day, the vital force of the pond’s water would already decrease considerably.

The spiritual pond is contaminated by the decomposition of the plants in its bottom and on its banks. This decomposition is caused by each sin, each time the soul succumbs to a temptation, and each time the soul falls prey to vice.

The fish in the water get sick and die as the water in the pond looses its purity.

In the pond pebbles accumulate, which come from the banks, as the water from the pond eats away at the banks. The banks consist of all worldly influences surrounding the soul. The more the soul cherishes attachments and ties to the world, the more she pays attention to worldly events, the more she holds on to worldly habits, and the more she looks back to ponder over her own past, the more the banks will crumble away and leave behind pebbles and gravel in the pond.

Now look what happens while the water of Divine Life is flowing into the pond: the pebbles and gravel in the pond hamper the influx of the water of Divine Life, and around these pebbles and gravel we see turbulence, eddies and whirlpools: the soul falls prey to inner restlessness, dissatisfaction, struggle, because of the collision between the water of Divine Life and the pebbles and gravel of all worldly influences.

I emphatically invite the souls to consecrate to Me all pebbles, all worldly things and influences in their lives and in their hearts and minds. Ban all worldly influences from your inner lives as thoroughly as possible, by giving them to Me unconditionally and subsequently letting go of them altogether. The consequence will be a smooth influx of the water of Divine Life, and thus a pond without any turbulence: an accomplished inner peace, blossoming force, no further corrosion of the banks, a pond blessed with water and banks like in a paradise.

May the souls reflect on this image to understand the power of deeply lived total consecration to Me, and to see how every interest in worldly things stands in the way of their happiness. Each obstacle to the Plan God has for the soul prevents the latter from finding true peace at heart. God knows for what reason He has given Me to the souls. It is My fervent wish that also the souls should know it, and that they should act upon this knowledge".

June 5, 2009

Total consecration – a new approach to life

"Souls of My Heart, the Creator has provided every soul with an in-built longing for God and His Law. Therefore the experience of true happiness is determined by the extent to which the soul has really taken God into her heart and allows her life to be oriented towards the prescriptions of Divine Law, which are engraved deeply in each conscience, and of which the soul is reminded many times every day in each inspiration by the Holy Spirit.

See, the golden Way to the experience of God’s proximity is that of total consecration to Me. The Divine key to true happiness is the total following of Christ. This key must be reground daily, because worldly influences make it blunt. The celestial knife to do the regrinding is the total consecration to Me, the Mistress of all souls.

Open up the door to the temple of your souls by longing for Me fervently. Pray to Me constantly, share everything with Me, talk to Me in the quiet depths of your hearts in every situation of daily life, go shopping with Me, focus your thoughts on Me, invite Me to your tables, consult with Me for solutions to all your difficulties and questions.

The more the soul involves Me in her daily life, the more will I be able to rule over her entire life. A life under the total rule of the Mother of God is like a path which is constantly being cleared of weeds and the latter are replaced by flowers. Every bunch of weeds that is pulled up, poaches up a little bit of soil. The heart may suffer because of this, since the eradication of something which does not fit in with the soul’s development towards the true Light, may be quite painful for a while. However, it is necessary that the soul’s soil be restored to perfect health and that it be filled with the Presence of God.

You see, in proportion as my rule over the soul become more intense and more complete, I clean the windows of her heart, so that the soul is enabled to look ever more purely at the world she lives in, and to look right through all appearances. A soul that looks at her surroundings and the path of her life through the dusty windows of worldly thinking and feeling, gets but a grey and dark view of all things. The soul that looks at everything from My Heart, sees the sun shining brightly above all darkness, above all the haze and fog, above all gloomy clouds. She can see everything bathing in the bright sunlight from My Immaculate Heart. Just like on a cloudy day in reality the sun keeps shining, yet is hidden from your eyes, thus also during your trials God’s Light keeps shining on everything. I can even show you this, provided you accept My rule over your heart. Keep saying: "Mary, powerful Mistress of all souls, let Your Heart beat in me, and let me see everything through Your eyes".

Give Me the opportunity to bring you real happiness, and I will let the evidence of My power rain down upon the path of your lives like heavenly flowers. I can not promise you a path without thistles, but I can give you the security of a heavenly hand pulling up weeds and scattering heavenly seeds all over your paths. Live by all of My words, and in God’s time you will see the roses”.

A bit later Mary continues: "See, every word I speak to the souls is new heavenly seed I scatter into their soil. Those who cherish this seed will time and time again enrich their soul with a flower of Eternal Life".

June 20, 2009 (Feast of Mary’s Immaculate Heart)

Ways to the Light

"Little flowers of My Immaculate Heart, My Divine Son Jesus Christ has allowed His Most Sacred Heart, the Treasury of perfect, unconditional and eternal Divine Love, to be pierced for all souls while He was hanging on the Cross on Golgotha, so that the Source of Divine Life would pour itself out onto them.

Wherever Divine Life is flowing, all darkness, all misery, all ill fate will drown. Since the days of Jesus on earth the prince of darkness employed countless new means to let little brooks of Divine Life that flow within souls dry up under the fire of incessant temptations. Satan made himself the murderer of the Man-God, and remained the murderer of souls throughout the ages. He kills conscience, yet conceals his crimes by befogging the souls, so that they perceive neither the Light shining from God’s Heart, nor their own inner frames of mind.

Jesus knows all of Satan’s strategies, and He knows all weaknesses of human nature. That is why one of the last drops of grace from His loving Heart consisted herein, that He gave His Mother to all of you. He gave Me to you as the golden key to your escape from the dungeon in which the world holds you prisoner.

Do see the strategy employed by the murderer of all Love: he makes you blind to his own ill deeds and to the action of his slow poison, he turns off the light in your temples and chains you up to your own weaknesses and seductibilities. He keeps poisoning your hearts for so long that you end up being convinced that life has got nothing to offer but darkness, and that God is dead.

Look at Me. I am the Bearer of the Light of the rising sun. God has demonstrated to the whole of creation that I bear the morning sun. I am the Dawn of a new life, true Divine Life. First of all God poured Himself out into Me so thoroughly that My soul was filled with a Light no soul had ever borne. On this bed His Spirit consummated the perfect mystical marriage with Me, in order to give birth to the Midday Sun as a Fruit: Christ, the Light of Redemption.

Now the Midday Sun wants to repeat and complete this Mystery in each individual soul. The soul that surrenders her free will to the fulfillment of Divine Law and the implementation of His Plans, and that repeats daily: "O Triune God, I am willing, make me pure and set me free from my dungeon. Let Your Light rise within me, so that my dungeon of darkness may again be a temple of Your Light", will divest herself of everything which threatens her. Long for Me. I am the Dawn of true Life. I possess the power to given birth to the Midday Sun, Jesus Christ, within you.

See, I bear the Light of true hope. Your longing for the Light is faith. Wherever hope and faith join in matrimony, Love is born. Love is the Midday Sun, the sign of summer in the soul. I come to extinguish in every soul the fire of temptations – and I do so with the dew of the Holy Spirit – and to give birth to a new Fire, which does not kill but gives true Life: the Sun that never sets.

Dear souls, long for the Light like a drowning person grasping at a life belt. Give Me your hearts undividedly. I have to be able to rule it completely in order to work the great wonder. Do no longer allow yourselves to be taken prisoner by all worldly influences. The deeper the impact of all kinds of worldly influences, but also memories from your own past, the heavier your minds and hearts will become. It is these impressions which rob you of the strength you need to break your chains. Nourish your minds with heavenly food. Nourish your hearts with My words of hope, encouragement and Love. The less power you grant the world over your thoughts and feelings, the freer you will become inside. Fix your inner eye on nothing but the delightful prospect to belong to Me completely, and be convinced of the truth that every trial, each daily cross, is in reality nothing but seed of Divine Life, provided you accept them without any protest. All this gives you the key to open up the gates of your temples for Me from the inside. As soon as I can really be the Mistress of all your thoughts and feelings I can have the perfume of My power pervade your temple, and I can open your windows wide to the Light of the Holy Spirit. The bloom of the new, eternal spring is already contained in the seed of your trials. Allow Me to walk over your soil, and I will bring the seed to blossom.

My Heart is immaculate because all My inner states are free of darkness for all eternity. I can also free your hearts of darkness, discouragement, dissatisfaction, disbelief and all other negative feelings which paralyze you and make you sick at heart. I request you all to make this daily effort:

  1. Consider every trial as if it had already been overcome. It actually is, as soon as the soul believes this very firmly, because this belief makes her light, gives her back her joy, and makes a start at cleaning up all darkness in the heart;

  2. Decrease in your hearts the importance of every worldly influence and of each negative memory. Never forget that everything passes. Only eternal bliss is permanent, for the soul that really wants to be a child of the Light. Many souls are no longer able to block within themselves the impact of worldly thinking and feeling, nor that of negative memories. Of them I ask that they entrust Me completely with their longing for liberation, and firmly believe that they will be liberated to the extent they focus on positive thoughts, feelings and images and thereby help make the paths of negative thinking and feeling within them impassible;

  3. Be convinced, every moment of the day, of the victory of the Light over darkness. That is why Jesus died for you all on the Cross, why He has sent the Holy Spirit down upon you, and why I was elevated to be the Mistress of all souls, for all of your sakes.

I bear the morning sun, the Light of true hope. True hope is the faculty to live in the conviction that Divine Light has already defeated darkness, even in one’s own life. The final victory is already contained in God’s Heart and in Mine. It is there already, but you do not see it yet. That is exactly where your strength and your liberation lie. Be aware that no angel could add anything essential to the state of grace of creation, for no angel possesses the seed of trials, worldly influences or negative memories, which he could bring to bloom through hope and faith. The human soul does possess these treasures. The extent to which she succeeds in bringing this seed to bloom by entrusting Me with it and internally focusing completely on the Light, constitutes the merits of her life. It is these merits which bring forth Light were there used to be darkness.

The world will see the liberation from all darkness no sooner than the day on which a sufficient number of souls will have opened the gate of heaven through true hope. In My Immaculate Heart lies the golden key. Is was forged in the fire of Love from the Suffering Heart of Jesus, and was placed in My custody. I show you the way to the keyhole".

July 20, 2009

The self-chosen Path

"Souls of My Immaculate Heart, I have been given knowledge of the intentions God has with the path of life of every one of you. I have also been given power over the design of this path. As soon as the soul consecrates herself to Me completely, I become her road map. I guide her along the path of her life, and teach her the meaning of the landscapes along the wayside, so that she may feel deep in her heart what God expects from her.

The path of each life is intended to be a way to God’s Heart. No two souls are called to follow exactly the same path, so that the landscape along the path of life will be different from soul to soul. No two souls are equipped with the same luggage for the journey. The luggage is the whole of the soul’s faculties and abilities, as well as the food she needs to be able to accomplish her journey fruitfully.

The soul can exchange her luggage of her own accord, by choosing her own paths which differ from the path upon which she has been called. Basically this soul is committing a theft against God, for she is appropriating supplies she has not herself received from God. Let Me use the following image: if God sends a soul on her journey with a knapsack full of apples, she is not allowed to exchange the latter for a knapsack full of pears, for God has given her the apples because she is going to need these on her journey, and not the pears. If, nevertheless, she exchanges the apples for the pears, she is bound to starve on the path she is following, and on top of this she will not produce the fruits God expects her to. A luggage the soul composes herself, is not blessed by God. Sooner or later the soul becomes aware of this in that the tasks for which God has not called her, weaken her and even distort her inside.

Deep in the soul a germ of God’s Eternal Wisdom lies hidden, which shows the soul the direction, the purpose and sense of the path of her life. Due to worldly influences and to the soul’s own free will the bloom of this germ is very often inhibited, and often it is even stifled altogether. One of the main purposes of total consecration to Me is this, that I attempt to nourish this germ of wisdom with new vital force, and that I want to teach the soul how to render all inhibiting factors ineffective.

Divine Providence has arranged for the path of life of every soul to meet many turns and sidetracks. Thus the soul reaches many spots on which she can not but make a choice. This is necessary for her development, for her journey towards the sanctity God wishes her to achieve. That is why I refer to the soul’s free will as the key to Paradise. The soul can use this key to her benefit or to her detriment.

You see, often the soul traces out her own itinerary, which seemingly suits her better. Often she also fails to follow the turns God has provided for her to take – because they are necessary for her to grow towards perfection – yet she keeps moving straight ahead and, in so doing, ends up on a way of her own choice. She is under the assumption she is serving God by moving straight on, yet notices eventually that the landscape no longer enjoys God’s blessing: it turns into a desert full of snakes and scorpions, full of deadly poison for spiritual life.

Thus often the soul opts for a path which seems to be fit for her, yet in reality makes her lose all fruitfulness. The path of true vocation is a path full of bends, for it constantly requires adjustments and flexibility. It is a path full of flowers, some of which are poisonous. However, the soul will learn how to recognize them as long as she has got the desire to get to know Divine Truth in everything. All around the flowers butterflies are fluttering: most enjoyable elements which, however, rouse feelings of uncertainty, because certainties are the enemies of the soul’s merits: if the soul knew everything for a fact, and were able to predict everything, she would not be in a position to acquire the merits of blind faith and blind surrender. The butterflies along the wayside make the soul observant: the uncertainties keep the soul’s conscience on the alert. As soon as the soul goes her own ways, she end up in landscapes from which both the flowers and the butterflies disappear: true Life leaves the soul, and her conscience becomes increasingly ineffective.

Dear souls, give Me the opportunity to be the Guide and Mistress on your path, so that I may be able to teach you the signs hidden in the landscape, and to burn the laws of Divine Life in you. Trust in Me and obey My beckoning within your hearts, for I want to be your Shield on you journey towards the gate of Paradise. Remember that the right way is the one on which God calls the soul. If the soul chooses her own ways or considers her own wishes to be her true vocation, she will lack the driving force to finish this self-chosen journey with the joy and peace of the soul that is inspired by God’s Spirit. No seed will ripen if it is not handed over by God directly to the sower and if it is not scattered in God’s time and in the places indicated by God.

I am the golden Voice of Paradise, I have the power to make the souls acquainted with the arrangements of Divine Providence".

August 9, 2009

The voice of encouragement

"Each soul is the bearer of a true richness of Heavenly seed. Always bear in mind: each one of you is extremely valuable for God and His Works. How could she not be, considering that she has been in contact with the perfect Heart of the Creator, has been immerged in the almighty Blood of the Redeemer, and has been provided with the compass of sanctity, which every moment of her life points towards the gate of Paradise.

You see, I am the Delight of God’s Heart, the Treasury of His Graces and Gifts, the Queen of the Light that will never fade, the Mistress of the germ of sanctity which was sown in every one of you. This germ is the bearer of a Divine programme, which is able to guide the soul on a path of unity with God’s Heart. Therefore it has got the faculty to yield an infinite amount of flowers – holy fruits. Each time the soul genuinely longs for My guidance her garden is enriched with a Heavenly flower. In proportion as the soul follows My directives, her flowers will spread an increasingly delightful scent, and they will sow themselves out. This is true following of Jesus Christ.

Yes, I am the Mother of hope, of encouragement and of Love. It is the hope, the courage and the Love of those who surrender to Me completely, that enable Me to assert the power of My foot over the prince of darkness. In the soul that has totally and absolutely accepted Me as her Mistress, the victory over darkness is already sealed, for through the trials this soul consecrates to Me the prince of darkness experiences his agony under My foot.

Souls of Light, in each trial which is consecrated to Me and is accepted with true Love, the Cross of Christ is again held in front of satan’s eyes. Be grateful for every trial, surrender to Me completely, and learn from Me the Science of Divine Life. Thus behold three doors leading to the true inner peace: Love towards the Cross, surrendering and gift of one’s self to the Mistress of all souls, and the application of the Science of Divine Life.

In the trial the soul easily feels like a prisoner of her fate or of certain circumstances in her life. Dear souls, the spirit of the world around you can not be overcome by approaching your lives from this very spirit. God has given Me to you so you can have have resort to an antidote for the spirit of the world which oppresses and discourages you. The soul that allows Me to rule over her entire life and all her frames of mind, increasingly approaches her environment from My Heart, this place of supreme sanctity, Love, Light and power. What is there to fear for this soul? Are not in her the world and its oppressing influences doomed to die? Through the threatening clouds of all her trials the sun of a perfect hope is shining, this wonderful faculty to already experience in one’s heart the perfect inner rest of the coming victory, so that in spite of the clouds the feeling of Eternal Spring will not pass and the fruits of Eternal Summer keep maturing to the fullest.

O little flowers of My Heart, do take Me into your hearts, and you will never be alone again. Whenever a storm is blowing in your life, I will be the wall protecting you, and whenever it rains, I will make the water flow over your frames of mind in the shape of graces, so that you become ever more fruitful. With every shower I will make a rainbow of hope and joy appear in your hearts, for My Love is like a sun that keeps shining on every cloud which threatens you.

I am the Mistress of all souls. It is My task and My great joy to bring the germ of sanctity to full bloom within you. Each one of you has received the blooming force from God, the Way was opened by Jesus’ Sufferings, and I have the power to shatter under My feet every rock on your path. All I need is your undivided surrender to Me. Fear nothing, neither the world nor the voices or the stormy winds of darkness, for all of this is powerless against Me. From God’s Heart the Light of true hope shines right through Me towards every one of you, for God Himself has given Me the power to completely transform you internally, so that you may no longer be slaves to the world. Jesus has opened the gate of Paradise, I prepare you so as to enable you to be found ready, when at the gate, to enter into eternal bliss. Therefore, obey all My instructions, for they contain your luggage for the Eternal Kingdom".

August 20, 2009

The flowers for God’s Kingdom

"Souls of My Heart, in this period of glorification of God on account of the unique privileges He bestowed upon Me, My Heart is burning so intensely with the desire that you may light My own fire of Love all over the world.

See, I am the Gardener of God’s Kingdom. The Most High has intended Me to be a Paradise of His own beauty, of His own glory, and of the flowers of His perfect Divine Love. All His graces flow through Me to you like paradisiacal scents. Behold the image: I am the Rebirth of Paradise on Earth, the Bearer of Heavenly flowers that keep multiplying eternally. The breeze of the Holy Spirit incessantly spreads the enchanting scents of these flowers among the souls. Those who really love Me, are brought to rest and peace at the very core of their souls by My perfume.

The perfume of Divine Love tries to envelop the earth in a cloud of blissfulness. To that end it is necessary that the human souls allow themselves to be transformed into Heavenly gardens. I am the Gardener. Give your soils to Me, and long for the heavenly flowers, and I will turn you into pleasure gardens of the Holy Spirit. The Eternal Father has provided you with the germinative power. The Son’s Blood has soaked your soil and will nourish it for all eternity to the extent to which you will drink from it with love and abandon. Over the surface of your soil hovers the breeze of the Holy Spirit, which conveys the oxygen of Life to the flowers of virtue. I have been given the power, the wisdom and the Love to transform your human weakness into a strength that produces new life.

I now invite you all to join Me in laying out a paradise of God on earth. To that end I need three raw materials:

  1. your self-denying love

  2. your sufferings and trials

  3. your will to overcome your own weaknesses

Live very consciously, and use every opportunity Divine Providence grants you through all events of daily life to commit acts of self-denying love for the benefit of human souls and animals. You can do this through:

  • every act of help to your fellow person or to animals

  • every word of encouragement or hope

  • every sacrifice you make

  • every act of expiation

  • every occasion on which you deny yourselves anything with the intention that the fate of a fellow person or an animal may improve because of it

  • every act of love or care for the benefit of a fellow person or an animal

  • every support for the benefit of a fellow person or an animal, under any form whatsoever.

You should consider any of such acts to be a flower you make spring up.

Consecrate all your sufferings and trials to Me. Every pain, weariness, indisposition, discomfort or inner torture you explicitly share with Me and of which you intensely wish it should be used to produce graces for souls, should also be regarded as a new flower blooming somewhere in this world.

Pray to the Holy Spirit while glorifying My power, that He may grant you an understanding of the deeper secrets of your being. The Holy Spirit is very sensitive to the glorification of His Bride. Discover your weaknesses and unwholesome habits, and pray to Me day after day that I may allow My own perfect virtuousness and My invincible power over all temptation to flow over into you. Every time you do not give in to a temptation, and you explicitly offer this effort to Me, somewhere in the world a new flower starts blooming.

In this way every one of you can offer Me many flowers day after day, which I can collect and which I can use to suffocate the ill weeds of vice and of all misery in the world. Do bear in mind that all of this can grow into a truly sanctifying way of life, in which you can focus so intensely on the creation of heavenly flowers that, at the same time, all life is gradually drained from the seeds of ill weeds in your life. Do understand this correctly: the soul that constantly fights for the blooming of God’s Kingdom will thereby herself experience an in-depth purification. A purified soul is a peaceful and joyful soul that is no longer distorted by struggles and trials.

Dear souls, do grant Me your active collaboration to reshape this world into a paradise of heavenly flowers. You yourselves will be the first to find true inner peace through their scent. I guarantee you that every flower you enable to spring up in this world, at the same time sows a flower in the garden that will rejoice you in Eternal Life. The establishment of God’s Kingdom on earth is nothing but the birth of an everlasting spring displaying a heavenly, splendid array of flowers. You all bear the seeds in your souls. Give it to Me, I have the power to make it blossom under the sun of the Eternal Word and the dew of grace.

As the Mirror of God’s Heart I reflect Divine Light into your souls day and night. Drink from it, so that your garden may experience the bloom God has meant it to experience. Consider this: the accomplishment of God’s Plan of Salvation for all souls is the completion of the paradise of Divine Life on earth. Help Me open up one garden after the other to Me, so that the Divine Blood of Christ may develop its full effect. That is what I was called for: to enable every soul to make full use of the Blood of Redemption in the way the Most Holy Trinity has been wanting her so fervently to: by sealing the covenant between God and the souls through Me, the Bridge between Heaven and earth, meaning: by doing EVERYTHING together with Me, so that I may be able to intensely unite the soul with God".

August 29, 2009

Mary’s foot and the serpent

(I see Mary, radiating perfect beauty and power. A serpent is crawling up to Her. She captures it under Her foot. Subsequently She speaks):

"Look at Me. Initially the serpent was crawling wherever it liked to. Under My foot, however, its lies where I want it to. It is cringing and winding for powerlessness, because its freedom is constrained by My will, and it is not able to accomplish its works of darkness.

I come to teach the souls the deep sense of consecration to Me. Each soul’s path of life is regularly crossed by the serpents of evil influences. The serpent arouses disgust and fear in the soul. It fills the senses with feelings of insecurity and threat. All of these feelings are aroused within the souls that are full of good intentions whenever they meet darkness, dissatisfaction, worldly thinking, lovelessness, materialism and evil in any conceivable form.

I have power over all darkness. God has anointed My feet with oil from His own Heart. This oil contains the essence of Divine Love, of Divine Life, but also of Divine power. In order for Me to be able to exert My power over the serpent, the latter must be delivered to Me. I am the Queen of Heaven and earth and the Mistress of all souls. The Law of Divine Justice has decreed that I am not to chase the serpent: it has to be delivered to Me, by the human souls’ free will. I long so much for every one of you to consecrate to Me each element of evil or darkness you meet in your daily lives. Each word of consecration of evil and darkness to Me is nothing less than the delivery of a serpent into My power.

By virtue of a Divine Law, through the consecration of an element of evil or darkness a serpent is brought under the influence of Divine Light to such an extent as to prevent it from doing anything but cringe up to My feet to be subjected, underneath them, to the humiliation of becoming the slave of My power. That is the scene you have just witnessed with your very eyes.

Tell the souls not to nourish evil and darkness by allowing negative feelings and thoughts to take root within them, neither as to the situation itself nor as to the souls that have given rise to the situation or that have made it worse, but rather to deliver the serpent to Me. This is the way which, by virtue of a Divine Law, makes the sun of true Light rise, putting every element of darkness to shame.

See, I cannot make the serpent My prisoner if it does not appear on the path of your life first. That is why the trials of life constitute indispensable elements of God’s Plan of Salvation. Evil, every trial, every setback, every expression of darkness in your lives, fills your heart with feelings of disgust, and threatens to paralyze you. For the soul that explicitly shares each experience of evil and darkness with Me, all this acquires a deep sense. The soul that deals with all darkness in her life in a positive way will notice that every trial bears in itself a key which fits into the door to the treasury of Divine Graces.

Each serpent which is nourished by your negative states of mind will bite you in the soul, poison her and make her sterile. In a sick soul the true inner peace can no longer take root. Each serpent, however, that finds in you a heart filled with hope and trust, will be puzzled by the power of the Light which is thereby shining out of you. If you then entrust it to Me, it will by the same power be forced to crawl up to My powerful feet, to be made ineffective when arriving there.

Thus the soul can defeat any trial, avoid being bitten by the serpent, but on the contrary make it My prisoner.

Dear souls, the permanent presence of serpents on the path of your life arouses within you fatigue, and leads many among you to weariness and discouragement. Do never lose courage. The soul that truly wants to belong to Me, will experience exactly those things which she needs to come nearer and nearer to perfection. I have the power to be the Mistress of Providence for every soul that truly gives herself to Me. Be aware of the fact that Divine Providence is a system producing perfect effects, a system which allows every soul to experience, within itself as well as in her interactions and relations to all other creatures, exactly the things which are able to lead her to the highest possible merits and to eternal bliss. Therefore, accept everything with Love, for nothing is useless or pointless, especially not the things you experience as negative.

I emphasize that you bear within you the key to the true peace of heart. The germ of sanctity, which God has laid in each one of you, bears the Light of true hope. Never give up hope, for the soul that constantly opens herself up to the Light will gradually be filled with so much Light that henceforth no darkness can really affect her. Do not allow yourselves to be unsettled by the sight of the serpents along the wayside and on your path. Rather focus your eyes on Me, and you will set forces in motion you have never dreamed off. The serpents will be able to really harm you just to the extent you still allow darkness to enter your hearts. A heart with a solid faith in the omnipotence of the Light will keep coming across many serpents, but every one of them will remain ineffective, meaning: they will no longer be able to make the soul ill.

You see, a heart which is permanently filled with true hope knows deep inside that the darkness in its life is actually already defeated... in God’s Heart. That is why I cast My eyes down so quietly upon the serpents cringing at My feet. I know they are already the prisoners of My will. They are already totally in My power, but God can still use their actions for the benefit of His Plan of Salvation, for they can yet teach the souls quite a few things: lessons in surrender, in consecration and in faith in God’s time.

I am the Mistress of all souls. I have been given power over everything, over the path of every life, over every situation which is laden with darkness. All I need to fully exercise My power, is the soul’s true hope and unshakable trust in Me.

Every trial on your path is a grace, which Divine Providence prepares for you, for every time you react to a trial with feelings and thoughts filled with Light, a heavenly flower shoots up in your soul, and the serpent is led to My feet to be humiliated underneath them. Believe in Me, like I believe in you all, and you will experience God’s Love, which wanted to give Me to you in My capacity as the Mistress of all souls, for you to find out that the seed of true happiness has already been cast into your field. I am the Heavenly Gardener. Give Me the opportunity to prepare in you Eternal Spring".

August 31, 2009

The view of the soul’s garden

"Souls of My Heart, it is part of My mission to fill your hearts with so much Light that also your eyes may learn to look at the Light rather than at the darkness.

Do see to what extent living in the world has distorted the way you all look at things. I will compare the soul with a garden in which flowers bloom, but in which also stones are scattered all over the soil.

The flowers can belong to many species. They express your positive points: your gifts, talents, and the ways you deal with them, as well as the way you deal with all your daily situations, with your fellow men, with the animals, with God’s nature, with your personal past and future.

These flowers therefore determine to a great extent what your soul’s garden looks like, as well as the extent to which it  arouses joy in God’s Heart, or not.

The flowers release various scents, to a different extent and in a varying intensity. The garden’s perfume is determined by the proportions of the floral species contained in it, as well as by the intensity with which the soul applies her positive qualities for the benefit of God’s Plan of Salvation. That is how you should understand the notion of 'the scent of sanctity': a holy soul is a soul that is able to achieve a great deal in promoting the accomplishment of God’s Plan of Salvation. God, I Myself and all inhabitants of Heaven, as well as the most sensitive among human souls, perceive these souls’ perfume on an extra sensory level. This phenomenon should not, however, be confused with the scent which is sometimes perceived in the presence of a soul, and which is indicative of My Presence for a reason which is only known to God and to Me. The perception of the scent I am speaking about for the purposes of this revelation, is a perception which takes place in the very core of the soul, in which the presence of sanctity is perceived totally unconsciously.

In each soul’s garden you also find stones, also in very different quantities. They express the negative elements of the soul: sins that have never been confessed, vices, seductibilities, tendencies towards aberrations, weaknesses, every inability to do God’s Works.

Now look at the soul’s garden. One and the same garden may look quite differently according to the perspective from which one looks at it. Yet it is the same garden, with the same flowers, the same stones, all this in the same quantities and proportions. From one angle, however, you may see more flowers and less stones, from a different angle you might see only flowers or nearly only stones.

Dear souls, I come to stress the importance of fixing your eyes on the flowers in your soul’s garden. You should get to know the stones: where they are, what they look like, how big they are, how many there are. You should know all this, because the stones should remind you of the constant necessity to keep working on yourselves, and because underneath many stones the serpent of temptation hides, which tries to make the soul sick with its poison, and even tries to kill it. But... as soon as you know all this, and the works of maintenance and cleaning have begun, you should first of all look at the flowers.

The soul that only finds in herself the stones expressing her negative points, will stay unhappy, will never find inner peace, and will end up hating or detesting herself. All this hampers the works God has called the soul to accomplish, and destroys her fruitfulness, for within the soul the stones, too, have got the tendency to multiply. Indeed, the soil from which the flowers try to derive their nourishment, sometimes dries up for lack of flexibility, for lack of openness to the sunlight of wisdom – whereas the subsoil gets heated by the fever of countless temptations – and on account of the fact the soul has despised the rain of grace. The soil dries up, and becomes stony.

If, however, the soul looks at the flowers of her positive characteristics, these will more easily multiply: the soul then nourishes herself with hope and courage, constantly reminds herself of God’s Love, and abundantly drinks God’s Wisdom and Love as well as the rain of grace, in order to derive new Life from all this.

Dear souls, there is no greater way to glorify God’s Love, which has created your garden and tries to nourish it day after day, and Me, who have got the mission to lead you all to perfection through your surrender to Me and your collaboration with Me, than this: that you gear all your efforts to the multiplication of the flowers – the Life – and to increasing their blossoming strength, their fertility and their scent, and that, in so doing, you prevent the stones of death to overgrow your garden. Do not let yourselves be discouraged over every stone. Learn to look at the flowers, and from this sight derive the strength to get increasingly better.

This is the task I set each one of you: get acquainted with your stones, give them to Me through consecration, and allow Me to quash them under My feet during the process of reshaping I want to subject you to. Subsequently, allow your soil to be tidied in the Sacrament of Confession, and to be washed clean in your tears of genuine remorse. Finally, do once and for all attend to your flowers. That is what I mean when I say you must learn how to have faith in yourselves.

Each one of you carries in himself the germ of sanctity, an element of Divine Life. Do no longer make Jesus and Myself sad by regarding yourselves as worthless and thereby preventing yourselves from blooming. Plead with Me to obtain a sound self-confidence that blossoms on the soil of an enthousiasm which is constantly fed by humility, and which will allow you to turn into a paradise. The seeds are already inside of you, the germinating power is nourished by the Holy Spirit, I have the power to make the whole release a scent to God’s delight, who is the Creator of Love".

September 14, 2009

The cross as a tree

"Dear souls, I come to call upon you to raise the cross of your daily trials. Let Me compare the cross of the trials of life with a fruit tree. As long as you regard the trials as burdens you fall prey to whether you like it or not, your cross will be like a tree that lies upon you, crushing you under its weight.

Do see the image: this tree is pressing you against the earth, meaning: it keeps you attached to worldly, earthly ways of feeling, thinking, perceiving and experiencing. As soon as you accept the trials with Love, and bear them for Jesus and Me, you are actually exalting the cross of your trials. You are then glorifying the crucified Christ in all His Works of Redemption, and Me, the Mother of Sorrows and Coredemptrix, who am connected to the Cross much more intimately than you could ever imagine.

Dear souls, a lying tree can not blossom and can not bear fruit, for it has not got roots in the soil. Likewise, the cross of your daily trials is unfruitful as long as it weighs upon you like a burden. As soon as you accept the trials with Love, and sacrifice them to Me as gifts of Love to the Redeemer and the Coredemptrix, your cross is glorified and exalted, it takes root in the soil of My Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, and it will bear spring blossoms and summer fruits.

Do see how God has intended everything to be gifts of perfect Love. As soon as you bear the crosses of daily life with Love and in an intimate union with Jesus and Me, your tree will bear fruits. These fruits are themselves bearers of new seeds, which in their turn are able to make the gardens of souls fruitful.

The soul that raises her daily cross, is laying out to her advantage a garden in the Land of Eternal Spring, and is sowing on earth the Heavenly seed of new fruit trees. God is longing so much for the day on which He may see the world turn into one single, all-embracing orchard. The seed has been given you, and it is nourished each time the soul surrenders completely to Me.

Be Mine, all of you, like I have been yours ever since My Immaculate Conception. Raise your crosses, so that they may become blossoming fruit trees that send the angels into rapture, for no angel has ever been adorned with the spring blossoms and summer fruits from the seed of the Holy Cross".

September 20, 2009

The offensive of Love

"Dear souls, I am the reflection of perfect Love, the Full Moon in the darkness that covers this world. The full moon reminds you of the fact that darkness can not be a mistress as long as the Light – the Sun, God, the Source of all Life – shines down upon creation. Like the full moon is the reflection of the sunlight which is invisible during the night, I am the Full Moon in the night of the souls. Innumerable souls have banned the Sun from their lives or do no longer find it. Now then, I am God’s Great Sign in the sky above the souls, that currently experience the night rather than midday. God has elevated Me to be Mistress over all darkness. I want to make you aware of the real meaning of this.

See, every soul bears within herself an extraordinary richness of seed of new Light for creation. This seed lies hidden in the germ of sanctity.

Dear souls, so many get discouraged when seeing the darkness in this world. The excess of worldly influences has taken their spiritual blooming force away from them, and they are totally blind to the unexploited resources of light power they are bearing within the core of their own being, in the chamber where God has left His signature and where I, after a thorough consecration of the soul to Me, erect My throne.

Be aware of the fact that every action, every word, every thought, every feeling and every wish of a soul has got consequences for the entire creation. You can not see this, because everything happens on a level of Reality only God perceives in its fullness, and to which also I have been given unlimited access, because I need this knowledge for the accomplishment of My eternal mission as the Queen of creation and the Mistress of all souls.

You see, every moment of each day sins are committed all over the world. Every time a human being or an animal is abused or ill treated, a living being is harmed physically in its soul or vital principle or in its property, or the Law of Love is violated in any way whatsoever, more darkness is spread upon creation. You should imagine every lack of Love, every act or word of hate, of aggression or of indifference towards a fellow person or an animal, and every neglect as to helping a fellow person or an animal, create effects similar to clouds of smoke spreading out over the world. These billions of new clouds of smoke merge into one thick and dark smog, which hampers the rays from the sun of God’s Light on their way into the souls. Thus increasing numbers of souls get the feeling they are no longer able to breathe freely: they gradually suffocate for lack of the oxygen of the Holy Spirit.

Dear souls, I have come to bring you a message of hope. I emphatically ask you that each one of you should, as of this day, enter into a covenant with Me, which consists herein:

  • make as many sacrifices as possible

  • perform as many acts as possible of genuine love towards your fellow people and towards animals

Every time a soul renounces something she would actually like to have or do, every time the fellow creature’s needs are given priority over one’s own needs, or every time the soul begs Me from the bottom of her heart – while kneeling down if she can: Mary, powerful Queen of creation, obtain for the souls a beam of true Love, a new flower will bloom on the invisible level of God’s reality. The more flowers you collect, the more oxygen of the Holy Spirit and the more pollen of Divine Life are spread all over creation, the more the thick layer of darkness is broken down, and the gardens of God’s Kingdom on earth, as He has foreseen them, will bloom

You see, I am the Queen of Heavenly flowers. I have the power to increase a thousand times the effect of Divine Mercy for the conversion of darkened souls. All the flowers of your sacrifices, mortifications, and actions, words and thoughts of Love, I collect in the golden flower basket of My Heart. I sprinkle them with the perfect Love of My eternally sinless soul, which, on account of her spotless state, is able to unfold an unlimited power upon God’s Heart. From all this I prepare a Heavenly perfume, which I sacrifice to the Most Holy Trinity. This sacrifice unlocks waterfalls of Divine Graces, for everything which springs from My hands, sends God’s Heart into rapture.

This is how far My power extends. Make use of it, by consecrating everything to Me, by going every inch on your daily path together with Me. Tell Me everything, ask Me everything, involve Me in everything. I want you all to join Me in an offensive of Love throughout the world. I have the power to make satan prostrate at My feet and to render all of his works of darkness, of hate and destruction, fully ineffective. I am the Woman, I was called upon to tame the devil underneath My foot. I am the Woman at whose feet not only the angels kneel down, but at whose feet also the demon must kneel down.

I received from God the key to the gate to the new world. In accordance with a Divine Decree the angels will, at My command, nail to this gate the charter in which the end of the realm of satan is announced. The nails will be those of the Cross of Christ. I shall write the letters on the charter with the perfume I have mentioned before, and it will bear the names of all souls that have united themselves with the Suffering Christ and of those that have entered into the covenant with Me, by virtue of which they undertake to fight under My command for the final victory of true Love in this world.

Now do join hands in the last offensive of Light and Love, and lay every element of darkness under My foot, where it will surrender all her works of ruin to the God of Love and Peace.

Thus you will together build the foundations of the new Kingdom, God’s Kingdom on earth. Give Me daily sacrifices, acts of warm love and readiness to help, and a solid faith in the imminent coming of My final Triumph and of God’s Kingdom on earth. Never forget: Exactly the acts of genuine Love, the sacrifices, and the faith in the omnipotence of the Light – irrespective of what happens which might cause you to sway – make you Christians.

Now sign the covenant with Me, which will bring you true inner peace, and to the entire creation much happiness. Innumerable creatures can yet be freed from their misery. It is the vocation of every soul to leave to creation a heritage of love in the hour of her death. Blessed the soul about whom God, in the hour of passing judgment on her life, can establish that she has used her life on earth to enrich the lives of fellow people and animals with her love. Blessed the soul to whom He will say: 'Many lives of human souls and animals have been better off for having had you on their paths'. Blessed are they who have sown love and voluntary sacrifices, for they shall harvest Heavenly gardens and the sweet fruits of eternal bliss".

September 24, 2009

"Dear souls, I am the Ransom of captives. Surrender to Me today, without the slightest reserve. I can use all your physical and emotional sufferings for the liberation of your beloved ones and yourselves from the pitfalls of darkness.

God has given Me an unlimited power over satan. This power is like a key to the door to your true inner peace and the experience of true freedom.

In order to turn this key for the benefit of a soul I must be able to deposit in God’s Heart the covenant between this soul and Myself, the covenant which was drawn up by Jesus and written in letters of Divine Blood, was signed by Me with My tears as the Coredemptrix, and is now waiting for your signatures through the complete and trusting sacrifice of all your sufferings to Me. As soon as this has happened, My foot will be able to subject to My power and glory the serpent which is making the temple of your soul and of the souls of your beloved ones unsafe.

The soul that truly belongs to Me, can not remain a slave to darkness, for I am for all eternity the Tabernacle of the Light of Christ.

Believe in Me unconditionally, for I want to offer Myself to Divine Mercy as a Ransom for erring and deceived souls. My value as a Ransom is infinite in God’s eyes, but this value can only be realised to the extent to which you surrender to Me completely and trustingly.

For your beloved ones who do not want to be Mine, I am prepared to present Myself before Divine Mercy, in order that in these souls the voice of Love may dispel the jarring notes from worldly influences, and their conversion may be brought forward. Give yourselves up to Me completely, so that I may be able to make the light of your souls shine more brightly and to prepare through you the flowers of your beloved ones for the great Light I will obtain for them.

Let the souls address the following prayer to Me..." (this is the origin of prayer nr. 1134):

September 26, 2009

The voice of God’s Love in nature

"Souls of My Heart, I bring you a message of love towards Divine Providence. The original sin has made you blind for the things that come from God. On account of innumerable influences of darkness your eyes have turned away from the Light so far that you hardly recognize the benefits of the Light. Most souls no longer dare open their heart completely, because it has been so easily hurt by the darkness.

Look around you. God’s infinite Love for you whispers heavenly hymns through everything that is given you. Consider the wonder of every flower. Every flower is in itself a wonder of Divine Wisdom, Intelligence, power and Love. No man, no science, no technology is able to create one single flower and to make the latter bloom according to God’s Laws. What force is it, that gives this flower its own specific metabolism, and its own specific scent? It is God’s Love, and this Source of all Life has created billions of species for no other purpose but to please the human souls’ hearts and to enable them to live in an atmosphere which breathes God’s Presence.

Every flower is the bearer of the story of God’s Love. Do not pass it by thoughtlessly. Learn again to marvel at all this beauty. Nature is not lying about on the fields, in the woods and on mountain slopes like silent, dead matter: its constitutes an extraordinary ingenious system of elements of Life, in which God sings out His Love for you in thousands of symphonies.

Consider the birds. They, too, are made to prove God’s Love. While they are singing their little hearts are focused on the Heart of God. Do not pass them by carelessly, for they represent God’s Love for you. Feed them when nature is tucking itself up to hibernate. Let every crumb of bread you feed to the birds convey to God the message that you love Him and that you have taken the message of His Love to heart. Regard it as giving God Himself something to eat. Do not only love God in prayer and Holy Mass, also love Him in His creatures. A deep joy will be your inner Light. Ask God that He may enable you to see, to recognize and to understand ever more aspects of His Love, deeper and deeper every day. You will experience how much your hearts open up again and how waves of blissful peace will fill you with true happiness. Love every flower, love every bird, love every butterfly, and you will be oppressed ever less by inner darkness.

Consider your domestic animals, of whatever species. God has entrusted them to your care to enrich the path of your life. Do understand what treasures are contained within them. They attach themselves to you and look for God’s Love in you. They do not think about this, they merely follow their hearts, in which God’s Heart makes itself felt. This is how God Himself has provided it to be. God has entrusted them to your care so that you, in your turn, should represent God’s Love to them. They help you on your way to perfection in so many virtues: love, patience, understanding, caring, tolerance. The Perfect Wisdom has created the animals as instruments for the human soul’s sanctification. Your domestic animals teach you that human intelligence is not the only kind of intelligence made by God. Your domestic animals are gifts from God. Yet so often you pass this element by as well.

Dear souls, do let silence enter your hearts for a while, so that the roaring of the world may be drowned by the perfect, melodious chants of God’s Love. He does not speak to you in the obtrusive impressions from worldly life, but in every flower, in every animal, even in the seasons. One could say all this contains tape recordings of God’s lessons and God’s Love to you. Entire chapters from the Science of Divine Life are hidden in nature, yes also in your domestic animals. Many human souls have drifted off from God’s Laws too far to recognize these gold mines and to gradually acquire dome in-depth understanding of them.

See the interaction between God and the souls: In proportion as your soul opens up, she will begin to see God’s Love in the countless wonders hidden in nature, and inversely the love for every flower and every animal will help the soul open up to perfect Wisdom, Intelligence and Love.

In the life of plants and animals God teaches you the Laws and Mysteries of His Love. Open up your hearts again to these invaluable treasures, for they bear a heavenly key to the Wisdom that is not of this world and that wants to teach you the way to true Divine Life, living on the rhythm of the Creator’s heartbeat. The Law of true happiness aims at being fulfilled in each human heart. It can only be fulfilled as soon as you have learned to recognize the rhythm of God’s Heartbeat in your own hearts and minds. Open up your hearts to His delightful Love, which comes to you in every flower, in every animal, and you will experience what it really means to be children of God. You will experience a foretaste of true bliss".

October 20, 2009

The Roses of the Cross

"Dear souls, I am the Rose of true Hope, the blooming Seed from God’s Heart, the Mirror of His infinite Love. I come to bring your Heavenly seed to blossom, too, because you see, in every one of you the New Covenant has left a drop of the redeeming Blood of My Son. I come to free this drop from all dust which has covered it on the path of your lives.

Dear souls, I come to make you aware of the fact that everything that goes on inside of you and everything that springs from you, has got its counterpart in the heavenly spheres.

Every trial you are facing, already bears the liberation of your heart and soul.

Every darkness which is threatening you, already bears the victory of the Light.

Every heartache that is torturing you, already bears God’s overwhelming Love, which is preparing your everlasting delight.

Every pain which is troubling your body, can become like the stab of a knife through one of satan’s works.

Every illness you are going through contains in itself a medicine for souls that are sick because they are no longer able to assimilate true Life.

The core of your soul contains a treasure chest filled with keys by which you can open up all locks of the gate to the Gardens of Heaven, for yourselves but for many others as well. Everything that is going on inside of you and everything that springs from you, contains seed with a fertility like only God can give it. In order to make all of this really effective you have got to entrust yourselves to Me, totally, unconditionally and eternally. The drop of Jesus’ Blood resting inside your souls will truly start unfolding its Divine Works.

Dear souls, you can not imagine what power lies hidden inside you. Look at Me, and understand My power is unlimited because in Me the infinite power of true sanctity has reached its absolute summit. Do no longer paralyze yourselves by believing you are not able to experience the liberating effect of true sanctity because your soul is stained with the original sin. Would the God of absolutely perfect Love leave any work unfinished? Has He not created you for true sanctity? Would He then change His mind, He who embodies the fullness of Wisdom and therefore only issues Decrees which are absolutely perfect? Think it over, is not all of this the cradle of the absolute summit of true and everlasting Hope?

Dear souls, nothing from that which springs from God, perishes. Its validity and its effects are eternal and never decrease, quite on the contrary, they keep multiplying forever.

All darkness lies at My feet. That is how it can become in your lives, too. Take Me up into your hearts completely, without the slightest reserve. Everything you give to Me, you will get a hundred times over as strength, Love and inner peace. Every investment you make in Me, will yield incredible interests for your souls. Take Me up into your hearts completely, and within you My power will rule over everything which is torturing or depressing you.

Dear souls, pray for the favour of living on a higher level of awareness. You see, whenever you say a prayer without actually realizing what you are saying, your words are like air: they are volatile. Every word, however, which is spoken to God, to Jesus or to Me in loving awareness, is like a rose which opens up in your hearts and starts spreading a Heavenly scent inside you. This rose drinks from the drop of Jesus’ Blood in your souls. This drop never decreases in size, nor does it ever dry up, because everything that is Divine, is imperishable. This Heavenly scent will chase from your hearts everything which threatens true inner peace during the trials of life.

Dear souls, I can not always remove your crosses, even though I do have the power to do so. I would be doing you a disservice if I did, because your crosses are the gold with which you pay for Eternal Life. What I can do – and this is exactly what I want to do in every soul – is to teach you how to carry your crosses. Suffering can give so much inner peace that the soul learns to regard it as working in the Garden of the Heavens. Every experience of suffering is then borne in the heart on the waves of the breeze breathed by the Holy Spirit. This breeze consists of pure Love.

Beg Me to increase your ability to love, and the Holy Spirit will blow His Divine, animating breath upon all of your crosses. The experience of living in this world makes the soul gasp for air, but wherever I rule, oxygen abounds, for I am the Throne of the Holy Spirit.

Dear souls, let the roses bloom in your hearts. They can not wither as long as you allow Me to be the Gardener of your souls. Make Me the owner of your garden, and keep off the beds of seedlings I am working on, so that no worldly thinking can spoil the works of My hands. I mean you ought to share all trials, troubles and burdens with Me, and subsequently let go of them, in the genuine conviction that I am then going to do everything which is best able to promote the salvation of your souls.

Become aware of the Heavenly treasures which are tapped by every painful or disagreeable experience if you will share it with Me without reserve. Sharing something with Me without reserve, means you enable Me to take full possession of your entire being if I am to lead a problem to its best possible solution within God’s Plan of Salvation. Live for God’s Works, for only their effects are everlasting. Allow Me to turn all your works into Divine Works, by consecrating them completely to Me and searching your hearts for the inner signposts I will plant within them.

Do genuinely believe in My power and My Love, and you will perceive the scent of the roses in your hearts even while still on earth".

November 3, 2009

Deliverance from the serpent’s power

"Souls of My Heart, I was sent to you to seal in each soul the Works of Christ, and to bring the latter to fruition to the extent God has foreseen for them.

You see, I call upon each one of you to become and to remain true servants of the Light, for that is the vocation which is to bring you the full fruitfulness of life on earth. I want to bring two heavenly fruits to maturity in every one of you. Blessed is the soul that will be in a position to show God both these fruits in an advanced stage of maturity in the hour of her transition to Eternal Life, for she will conquer the Eternal Orchards for all eternity.

The first fruit is that of self conquest, the victory over your own weaknesses. The second fruit is that of self sacrifice for the accomplishment of God’s Plan of Salvation, which is to be crowned in the foundation of God’s Kingdom of peace and Love on earth.

The serpent from hell has started the power struggle with the God of Love in the Garden of Eden, and now the earth seems to be in its power. What you can not see, however, is that definite limits have been set to the effects of its power. Because of the Sufferings, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ satan’s empire now lies in the shadow of the Cross, the Sign of the everlasting victory of the Light over darkness. The unlimited power I have been given in My capacity as the Queen and Mistress of all souls, is the power of the Sower of the seed of Eternal Light. I was sent to bring to maturity in each soul the seed contained in the Tree of the Cross. To that end I need full disposal of the fields of your souls, so that the Tree of the Cross may sprout within each one of you, and it may bear blossoms and fruits.

The serpent from hell already lies under My foot, which was anointed by God. Each soul has got the ability to bring My foot to paralyze the serpent’s power on earth. I now come to draw a path along which you yourselves can lead the serpent towards My foot.

Each one of you is suffering from the behaviour of souls which cause you pain in the very core of your being or irritate you deep inside. As your Mistress, but also as the Mother of all souls I ask you: keep outdoing yourselves, and purify your minds of every negative thought and your hearts of every negative feeling towards the souls that cause you sufferings or irritate you. Pray to Me fervently, so as to make Me use My power to deliver these souls from the impact of the serpent which holds them prisoner of vice. Your prayer enables Me to tear the serpent away from these souls and to humiliate it underneath My foot.

The souls that cause you pain, are not your actual enemies. The soul has but one single enemy: satan, the serpent from hell. A soul that causes you sufferings is a precious stone from God’s Heart, just like every one of you. Each negative thought, each negative feeling you send to such a soul, not only postpones her conversion, but is also a stab into the Heart of God, for it is tantamount to an attempt to damage something which was made by God and is His property.

Do not beg Me to free you from your own burdens, but to deliver the souls that cause you suffering. There is no greater act of Love and glorification than that. In truth each soul you consider to be your enemy, but that can be delivered through your prayers, actually becomes your friend, for in this soul Christ will rise after He was scourged and crucified within her.

Thus you will deliver yourselves, and clear the path towards the deliverance of all mankind from the serpent’s power.

Believe in Me, for I am the Mistress of all souls. Satan and his following, too, are souls, and are consequently subjected to My power. I have the power to control all of their works, yet by virtue of the Law of Divine Justice I can only do so to the extent to which every one of you cleans their temples of the traces the serpent has been leaving within them. Blessed the soul in whom I stand up from My throne owing to her total surrender to Me, for she will see the Sun of Divine Light rise in the fullness of Her glory".

December 8, 2009

Immaculata Revelation

"Children of Paradise, heirs of Jesus Christ, I am the Immaculate Conception, the perfect Mirror of God’s Will. I am the embodied Victory over the original sin.

The original sin is the primary source of all misery in the world and in your lives. Due to the original sin each soul has got a leak, through which the soul loses streams of Divine Life.

Prior to the original sin the human soul was a perfect fortress of strength against all darkness. The first human couple have not used their holy free will to enable this fortress to remain a temple for the glorification of the God of Love, but as a key that has permanently opened the fortress gate to the works of darkness.

The original sin was the sin of disobedience to God’s Will. Disobedience makes the soul’s fortress spring a leak, due to which the strength of Divine Life can no longer be kept inside the soul.

Look at Me. I am the Fortress of Divine Life kept perfectly intact. My will is the key that has sealed My soul against all darkness. My whole life long I have not used My will for anything else but for the accomplishment of every Divine inspiration in My Heart. That is how I was able to be an absolutely perfect Instrument of Divine Will, each moment of each day and night. On account of My permanent perfect unity and harmony with the heartbeat of God Himself I was crowned Queen and Mistress of all creatures after My life on earth. I am the New Eve, the perfectly holy soul restored to honour, at whose feet Satan has been compelled to acknowledge his powerlessness.

Perfect sanctity is unity with God’s Heart. I was the only created soul ever to enjoy the privilege of being invincible for the darkness, and thus a Bearer of God’s power. Yet I had to seal this privilege, which emanated from the Immaculate Conception, through a life characterized by the most fervent attacks from Satan. It was My firm will to remain perfectly one with God’s Will, which made My power over all darkness complete. The Most High has not elevated Me to be the Mistress of all souls on account of My Immaculate Conception, for there is no merit of Mine in this, but on account of the absolutely holy use I had made of My free will in favour of the accomplishment of a perpetual unity with God’s Will, leading a life without so much as the slightest derogation from God’s Law.

See, God made Me a Sign to which Satan would take exception for all eternity, and an everlasting Example for all souls. God made Me the Masterpiece of immortal Hope. Although each one of you was born with the stigma of the original sin, the leak in your fortress, I point out to all of you the only means to make this leak smaller and smaller and thus allow the power of Divine Life to multiply itself within you: the strictest obedience to God’s Will.

Dear souls, God’s stars of hope in these Last Times, I am the Representative of our God on your way to perfection, to sanctity, the way to the gate of the Kingdom of bliss. Do not feel lost nor deserted. The great effect of the original sin is your seductibility to sin. Every sin is an expression of disobedience to God’s Will. See, however, I was given to all of you in My capacity as the Mistress of all souls as an invaluable gift of Divine Mercy to teach you the way to a perfect obedience, to the rebirth of a perfect harmony with Divine Will:

Surrender to Me completely in the most intimate, applied consecration, and observe every word I speak to you through this channel. In this consecration and this following is hidden the way to cover your free will with the gold of true sanctity. Give yourselves up to Me completely and apply My words in the practical situations of daily life, for these are the two steps towards sealing your fortress and rendering the original sin ineffective within your souls.

Every soul on earth is in search of true happiness. True happiness is a heavenly treasury. As the Mistress of all souls I bring you the key, in all My words, teachings and instructions. God’s Love calls upon you all in all the words I am allowed to speak to you in My capacity as the Mistress of all souls.

I want each one of you to join Me in sealing up the leak in your fortresses. I have received the power, the wisdom and the knowledge to do this. Follow Me. Unsuspected treasures are waiting for you if you succeed in denying your own wishes in the complete surrender of yourselves to Me. Have faith, and hope, for I am the Golden Voice from the Spring of Eternal Bliss. The Most High has clothed Me with Himself because His Will has found in Me its perfect echo. Allow Me to rule perfectly within each one of you, and I will turn your souls into pure gold as well.

Keep repeating to Me My own "May be done to Me according to your word", and I will make you as perfectly one with God’s Will as I was, am, and will be for all eternity. I will fill the leak caused within each one of you by the original sin with the flowers of My virtues, so that the water of Divine Life which is trying to ooze out of your souls through this leak, can be used for a lush blooming of the flowers of true sanctity within your souls. Now do say to Me 'May be done to Me according to your word', and I will give birth to Jesus Christ within you, for everything you say to Me, do for Me and promise Me, takes root in the very Heart of God".

December 20, 2009

The metaphor of the forest of God’s Kingdom

"Dear souls, every one of you has got a hard time. The darkness not only deepens in nature, it deepens especially in the hearts. The attachment to all things which belong to worldly life and are consequently transient, has turned the world into chaos, thus making life in the world appear senseless. Nevertheless to God everything has got its deep sense, and every one of you can learn tat everything you go through has got a fixed and necessary place within the great Plan God has for the eternal salvation of every soul that is preparing herself to be a cradle for the birth of true Light. I want to present you this metaphor:

God’s Kingdom is like a gigantic forest with countless trees, which all testify of God’s greatness through their seeds, their blossoms and their fruits. Every time somewhere in the world a sin is committed, a tree falls down. Every tree is a bearer of the strength of Divine Life. Every sin is an obstacle to the flow of Divine Life through creation, and makes a tree lose its vital strength.

Since the forest of God’s Kingdom must constantly be cleaned, with every tree that falls down, Divine Providence looks for a soul that may acquire this tree as a gift which she can put to use for her own sanctification, for the accomplishment of the redemption of other souls, for the maintenance of the flow of Divine Life, and for the glorification of God’s Sublimity. This gift is called 'trial' and bears the signature of the Divine Redeemer, Jesus Christ.

Each time a soul is confronted with a fallen tree, she will experience it as a cross, a burden. If she fails to do something with it, this burden will continue to weigh upon her. If she accepts the gift through her willingness to do something with it for her own salvation and for the salvation of the entire creation, it will be as if she chops this tree into logs of fire wood. This will already lighten the burden, because each log is in itself more easy to handle. However, it will only be truly useful if these logs of wood are thrown into the oven of the soul. This is done by enveloping a trial in the fire of true love of God and of all creatures. Furthermore a trial is also made heavier by the elements of sinfulness which have to be expiated through it.

Thus the soul can allow log after log, tree after tree of her trials, to burn all up through her love, surrender and consecration. The result is the production of heat and light, which enables the soul to experience an increasing inner peace and security herself, and to help fight the cold and darkness within other souls.

Thus the soul that lives in true surrender to Me, will experience how I will kindle the fire of her good will and her surrender with the flames from My own Heart, to turn her into a source of fire which will never extinguish again.

Blessed is the soul that is found by God like a fire to which He can entrust tree after tree for the compensation of the sins of the world, for this soul contributes to the purification of creation and to the enhancement of warmth and light within God’s Kingdom on earth. The fire of love and consecration brings warmth and light upon creation, and together with the tree logs the soul will also be able to commit her own shortcomings and failures to this fire. The ash remaining after the burning process will be scattered in the forest of God’s Kingdom, for it will be a bearer of the seed of love and good will for the fertilization of souls.

Dear souls, your trials are not useless. Let Me help you to become and remain ovens of holy fire, by consecrating all your trials to Me. Now you do not always see what this means yet. Later you will be able to see how many trees you have burned for your God by accepting and consecrating your crosses, and through your love of God’s Plans and Works".

December 24, 2009

"Dear souls, every year the Church of Christ commemorates the Birth of the Light of the world. Time and time again I teach you all that the soul’s true fruitfulness for God’s Works consists herein, that she should put to use everything God has given her, and keeps giving her every day, to really follow Christ.

True sanctity means: strictly applying and repeating in one’s own life all actions and states of mind through which God has brought salvation upon the souls, while strictly following the inspirations and guidelines God gives the souls during their life’s journey through the Teachings of Christ, through My Teachings in the Science of Divine Life, and through the Works of Divine Providence. How can the soul accomplish within herself the fullness of salvation issuing from the events of Christmas?

See, Christmas is a time in which the soul should prepare herself for the birth of the Light within herself. In the world, each soul is a grotto, filled with the darkness and the cold of the innumerable worldly influences, in a barren, wintry, mountainous land in the Kingdom of God. I want to free the souls from the dominating power of these worldly influences over their hearts, and to reshape their grottos into temples, which are warmed and illuminated by My Heavenly Presence and by the perfect Love with which I am completely filled like a sponge with water.

Every snake will flee from your grotto at the sight of My feet, as soon as I am enabled to establish My permanent residence within you and to steer every detail of your life. I will clean its walls and free them of dust by helping you detach yourselves of the ballast of your memories, your worldly thoughts and all of your fears and doubts. I want to turn your hearts into mangers filled with the warm fresh straw of true virtuousness. Do long fervently for your inner beings to acquire the right attitude, so that I may be able to give birth to the Divine Child within you all, and to entrust it to the security of the manger of your heart. You can acquire this attitude and hold on to it by nourishing your souls with the true hope and the faith in My vocation to sanctify you. Look up and ahead, to the Star God has planted above the path of your life as a Sign of His Presence.

The woman in labour needs warmth, Love, purity, Light, and deep Peace. Implore Me for all of this, and Heaven will open up and enable Me to lay the Gift of gifts down in your manger. In Bethlehem I gave birth to little Jesus in the deepest raptures, in spite of the wintry cold and the very poor surroundings. God longs to be enabled to have Me repeat this Wonder in each one of you. A man of good will is a soul that, above all, aims at satisfying God’s wishes. Therefore, do now enter into the holy bond with Me, by virtue of which I will be able to give birth to the Light of the world in your hearts like in a place of warmth and light in spite of the wintry cold of worldly influences and the poverty of your human weaknesses. My raptures within you will be those of the Woman who is aware of being the Mistress of your hearts, and is thereby able to repeat God’s Wonders within you.

My vocation is an everlasting one. I was not called to give Jesus to the world just once, I was called to keep doing this, in every soul that is willing to accept this gift with a view to becoming a temple in which the Light of the world is able to work His Miracles. I am the Bridge between Heaven and earth. God has chosen Me to bring Heaven to the earth. Now let Me be the One who will lead the earthly elements within you to the Divinity, for a marriage that will be rock-solid".