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to Myriam van Nazareth


December 8, 2011

"Dear souls, every one of you who surrenders to Me completely today, enters the only Temple that is perfectly free of dust, the Temple without any shadows, the Temple in which the serpent loses its vital force, the Temple in which every flower is unwithering. Do understand My holy words:

  • in Me there is no dust: In Me no worldly element would ever survive, as everything flowed over into God’s Heart without any delay;

  • in Me there is no shadow: In Me God’s Light shines perfectly freely, this Light which is omnipresent, shining in all directions simultaneously, und banning every trace of darkness;

  • in Me the serpent loses its vital force: In Me no sin, no vice, no temptation, no deception can stay alive. The place predestined by the Most High for all this, is underneath My feet;

  • in Me every flower remains unwithered: In Me everything is raised to Eternal Life.

The soul who surrenders to Me completely, is taken up by Me into this Temple of stainless sanctity, God’s Sign for the omnipotence of True Love over sin. Of her I only ask for the lasting offering of her free will, so that in her the inspiration, the strength and the will may take root never again to use it for anything but to serve God’s Works, for this sublime vocation is what every soul is created for. Then I will be able to do the following things within her:

  • transform all worldly thinking, feeling and aspiring into Heavenly thinking, feeling and aspiring;

  • light the fullness of the Light of God’s Truth, so that the soul may at all times see what comes from God and what is a fruit from the eternal abyss;

  • enhance her self-knowledge, so that she may recognize within herself the works of darkness, and that within her the Love may blossom which will give her the will and the strength to turn away from everything likely to lead her away from sanctification;

  • bring to bloom the flowers of virtue, so that the soul may rejoice in an Eternal Spring within herself, and her heart may be filled with the Divine strength of true hope and the True Peace of Christ.

I am the Immaculata, the immaculate unwithering Flower whose roots are in God’s Heart. Into you, who are about to surrender to Me, I want to sow the delight of the experience of sanctity. That is what I was called upon to do, and to this end I received an unlimited Love, Wisdom and power. I am able to lead you towards a life that gives offence to the one who is predestined to confess his powerlessness underneath My foot. True sanctity is a source of endless delights:

  • for God, who finds back in it the full fruitfulness of His Love;

  • for Me, who see the Glory of our God shine in it;

  • for the soul, who through it finds true happiness, even while still on earth, because in her mind and heart she no longer feels a slave to the darkness.

Unsuspected treasures is what I want to give you and what I am able to give you. Do now enter My Temple, and live for God’s Works in everything. An unsuspected peace is going to be bestowed on you. Merely give up your will and your heart to Me, and let Me work in everything. That is the only way I will be able to subdue within your environment the darkness which is still making you unhappy, and to clean you heart of the effects of this darkness. Through My ruling the heart I teach the soul to gradually look at her surroundings and at the details of her life in a completely different way, thereby enabling her to bury a major source of anxiety and dissatisfaction.

Come and live within Me and with Me, for in Me everything is given a new sense, within Me any anxiety is rendered ineffective, within Me lies the remedy against the effects of the scar from the original sin".

December 25, 2011

"Dear souls, Christmas roses from My Garden, see to what extent God already availed Himself of the Life of Jesus to depict the way He sees a holy life for the soul.

He entrusts His Son to the soul as the Redeemer.

In the night of the soul, the misery of worldly life, I travel through the inhospitable hilly land of her trials towards the grotto of the soul, who in her spiritual poverty, darkness and chilliness is waiting to be set free from the grip of all the things making her drift away from God, even though often she does not realize this and most of the time she is not aware what it is that she is missing and why she is feeling so empty inside.

In all her misery, darkness, poverty and chilliness the soul’s grotto unconsciously longs for the true Happiness of Divine Life, the Light, the richness of sanctity and the warmth of true Love. If she allows Me to enter, I will give birth to Christ within her, for Him to grow inside of her and to fill her with the Divine graces of true Life.

Within the soul He tries to work His Miracles:

  • He tries to cure her of her blindness to any deception by Satan;

  • He tries to cure her of her deafness to God’s needs;

  • He tries to cure her of her leprosy on account of sin;

  • He tries to cure her of her paralysis on account of the many seductions from the world, which are nothing but millstones around the soul’s neck on her path towards accomplishing her Redemption, which Jesus has bought for her and which she has got to complete through unifying her will with God’s Will;

  • He does not even spare any pains to resuscitate the soul from the threatening death on account of sin.

At every moment considered by God’s Wisdom and Providence to be favourable and fruitful, Christ will take up His Cross inside the soul, and look out for her voluntary, spontaneous role as Simon of Cyrene to support Him on the Way of the Cross He wishes to accomplish within her and which, after all, He has begun for the sake of her Eternal Salvation. In such hours the soul goes through her trials and carries the crosses presenting themselves on her path through life, which she thus completes together with Jesus.

He also looks forward to experiencing her role as Veronica, to wipe His Holy Face clean whenever He is mocked and covered with dirt by the godless world.

Moreover He looks forward yearningly to meeting His Mother within the soul. He will find Her all the more quickly in proportion as the soul has given herself up to Me in a life of total consecration.

He will meet the women of Jerusalem within the soul, and to the soul He will say not to weep over His Sufferings but over her own sins and weaknesses, and over those of all generations, of all mankind throughout the ages.

When the accomplishment draws near, He will look for Lazarus in the soul: Within her He will look for everything that has died, and He will call it towards Him, so that the soul may come forth from the tomb of her sins, that she may be made free from the bandages of her wounds, and that she may be given the fruits of His Incarnation within her to eat. This is how He tries to resuscitate the soul to Life in the expectation of Eternal Life.

He invites the soul to let herself be crucified by a persevering struggle against her weaknesses and seductibilities. In reality the soul of good will, along with Christ, crucifies the world within herself, everything which binds her to the world, so that she may resurrect with Him for a life in ever increasing sanctity, and that He may be able to take her with Him to Eternal Life.

As the true coronation of the soul’s path through life God sees the fact His Son is enabled to relive His Resurrection and Ascension within the soul as the accomplishment of Redemption within the latter. In the true sense of the word Redemption within the soul can only be really completed in the hour of the soul’s transition to the other Life, true Life.

Dear souls, the Holy Spirit has entrusted Christ to Me so that I may be able to entrust Him to you. I have carried Him in sanctity and have become One with Him at Heart. Follow Me, pray for the grace to also be tabernacles able to carry Christ within themselves and to become one of heart with Him. I can infinitely multiply the grace and true Life within you. To that end I was made the Bridge between God and the souls. I received this privilege because I wanted to bring the unity with Christ in My Life on earth to full fruitfulness. Follow Me, in all words of the Science of Divine Life and in the example of My Life, which I also keep revealing to you.

May the Peace of Christ bloom within you like an unwithering flower. It will give you power over all of your trials. I will never leave you, do never leave Me either".