Highly topical letter of reply inspired by the Queen of Heaven
in reply to two questions of the greatest significance
The following is a special letter of reply responding to a letter submitted to Maria Domina Animarum by an American sister in Jesus and Mary, raising two concerns:
1. "I have a very hard time digesting the fact that in my country an alarming number of people, including high-level politicians of a specific movement, are inclined to pose as 'Christians' while plainly demonstrating a behavior, a mindset and intentions which are anything but Christian. I truly wonder how the Christ Himself would respond to this, as this situation has got me terribly worried about the future of our democracy and internal peace in our nation?"
2. "Am I right in entertaining the frightening thought it must be piercing the Heart of our Savior seeing the reluctance and deliberate dawdling of ....... (name of the political movement) to provide help to a nation (you are here referring to Ukraine) that is surely innocent of the horrible trial it is being put through?" (referring to the Russian invasion into Ukraine in February 2022 and all subsequent events of war on the Ukrainian territory ever since). |
As to the first concern
Dear sister in Jesus and Mary,
In spite of the fact our Heavenly Queen discontinued the concept of the letters of reply twelve years ago already, She has explicitly granted me permission to address your concern and even publish the words She so graciously chose to inspire forthwith, as your concerns target most dire developments in our present-day world.
I thank you for your most revealing outline, as years ago already the Queen of Heaven impressed upon me Her desire that I should refrain from following worldly news. As your letter was submitted She provided me with all necessary insights so as to open me up to the deep background of things, spiritually speaking.
In fact even your first concern not only touches upon political events and thinking in your country, it is equally relevant, as the Queen of Heaven has been pointing out for a few years, for the current events in the eastern sector of Europe – read: in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. I will get back to the latter in the second part of this letter of reply.
First off, the Holy Virgin Mary has for quite some time been extending teachings (in part privately, as yet) on the use and abuse of Christian values in the world. Based on these inspirations I can guarantee you that politicians hiding their mindset, their intentions, their decisions and policies behind some form of alleged 'higher vocation' and pursuing goals that they try to justify by pretending to be defending Christian values while it is plain to see and to establish that the said mindset, intentions, decisions, policies and goals are carriers of sheer darkness, are skating on very thin ice as far as Divine judgment is concerned. The spiritual implications for these politicians themselves are downright gloomy. In plain English: Their works, and their words for that matter, are abominations in the eyes of God.
As I understand from your letter you are mainly referring to the members of a faction of one of the major political parties on the American scene, and to their followers. I explicitly refrain from calling the party (or the faction thereof) you mention by its name, as exposing any person or organization in a recognizable way as insincere is not the Christian thing to do, but I know that you know whom I will be referring to, and that any soul reading these lines will be able to assimilate them as Heavenly attempts to alert the souls to a danger which, as you quite justly phrased it, is indeed threatening our democracy and peace in society, not only internally in your country but on a global scale.
To better understand where some deplorable current developments in top politics are coming from it is imperative to interpret and consider things against the backdrop of the ever waging war of the darkness against the Light (God and His intentions aspiring for the establishment of a world fully and exclusively based on Love, Peace, Justice and Happiness in and between all creatures).
From the very outset Satan has adopted and has been implementing a strategy aiming at destroying God’s creation. This strategy is not in all of its aspects plain to see for human eyes, as a large part of the atmosphere in which things develop is beyond perception through our five senses. The Queen of Heaven therefore emphatically points to a few elements which tend to escape many souls, and She stresses the fact that:
We must never forget that Satan prefers operating through souls he finds susceptible to his inspirations on account of their personal aspirations in life (mainly materialistic in nature, wanting to make financial gains and/or working themselves up the ladder of prestige and status in society). Satan loves availing himself of human souls to implement his evil plans because he is 'hell-bent' on ridiculing God through the beings (i.e. the human souls) He intended to be reflections of His Heart and His Law of True Love. |
Look at the following points of interest, and consider them while keeping in mind the movement, and members and followers thereof, you are referring to in your letter. You may see who is behind all of this (viz. the evil one), and for what purpose:
1. The evil one is partial to using (abusing) Christian doctrine, thinking and behavior as a mere signboard, nothing more than a facade. This facade is actually similar to a vast cardboard wall with a door in it on which it says 'come in and meet the essence of my Christian being, in me you will find God and God alone'. If you do enter (i.e. if you do adopt the theses and policies of the person or organization embodying this deceptive mindset, behavior and intentions) you will soon find out that behind the door there is no interior and no furniture, but only a vast wasteland or desert full of lurking scorpions (vices) and snakes. The latter are the delusions, seducing any visitors to enter into a world of bottomless darkness which is meant to lead them ever further away from the essence and the only true desire of God (which is Love) and which incites souls to adopting (albeit sometimes unconsciously) a firm resistance to anything the Christ teaches. Thus many souls are prevented from unlocking within themselves the everlasting and ultimate gift of Redemption.
This is why these people (in the case before us they are top politicians) are extremely dangerous to the state of grace of the world in its entirety, as deep down they are efficient tools operated by the evil one. As they have allowed themselves to be programmed by Satan to be very sensitive to being regarded as important and exceptionally gifted people, they even fail to see the signs of their own depravation, which makes their irreversible spiritual downfall a mere accident waiting to happen. They are blinded and therefore prone to seeing and interpreting a great many things in life and in the world totally differently from other people, making them fervent and very dangerous (usually hot-headed) warriors serving a very untruthful pseudo reality of their own making.
As you quite justly put, some of the top politicians in your country, and the movement they are nourishing, are shamelessly abusing the slogan of being true Christians while actually practicing the most various forms of darkness, such as slandering, degrading, deceiving, ridiculing, persecuting up to the most absurd levels, racism, discrimination, falsifications (among which gerrymandering in an endeavor to maliciously gain higher voting numbers), pretending their major political opponent is used to indulging in electoral fraud (which, however, is never proven to be true), constant sedition, and oftentimes high levels of corruption and manipulations in a great many fields of life. As to sedition, be aware of the fact this is directly opposed to the spirit of peaceful cohabitation taught by the Christ as the only God-chosen rule of behavior in the Kingdom He aims at establishing on earth through human collaboration.
2. The evil one is partial to making human souls pretend being Christians while inspiring them constant revenge instead of Love, and making them indulge in the most various vices which are directly opposed to true Christian Law and Doctrine. The Mistress of all souls recently inspired Her wonderful teaching entitled The Spirit of Christ, in which She points to the fact the pursuit of revenge and justification thereof as being 'the way God Himself used to react to deplorable situations' is a manifestation of ignoring the Laws of the New Covenant, which is the basis of true Christianity, the foundation for the 'accomplishment of Divine Law'. Souls who are intent on practicing revenge can not consider themselves Christians.
True Christianity is a matter of spontaneously adopting, and whole-heartedly practicing, selfless Love, which is the very Basic Law of God, the very essence and fuel which is indispensable to nourish all of creation, to keep it at all going and to preserve the balance within creation so as to prevent it from succumbing to the darkness altogether, which would make God’s creation fall prey to a never-ending rule of misery, suffering, chaos, destruction, despair and hopelessness beyond rescue. |
What the Christ really wants, is a following of human souls that are pervaded with the atmosphere He Himself so lavishly injected into the world, the atmosphere of selfless Love, devoid of any aspirations of material wealth and worldly status, not a following of souls who pretend to be Christians, even claim being called upon by God to lead a nation towards a fully new order (which, as soon as you look underneath the surface of their intentions, appears to be a world which would be anything but ruled by the true Law of God but would be a kingdom of darkness, violence, threats, persecution and untruthfulness in any possible respect).
Wherever people are being intentionally deceived, God is ruled out already and the evil one has ascended to the throne. If, moreover, political leaders start presenting themselves in a messianic robe and have themselves worshipped in a cult-like manner, you have all the evidence you need that Satan is winning the plot. Only one strategy is able to defeat their purposes: Love and true Christian values – not the pretended ones they would have you believe they are adhering to, but the real ones, the ones the Christ Himself has set the example of.
3. The evil one is partial to diversions: He likes to inspire willing souls to send absurd theses into the world, to distort objective truths so that large amounts of time must be spent (and are therefore lost) in attempts to correct the delusional thoughts that, through such channels, have gotten the opportunity to poison thousands, even millions of minds and hearts. In this very category I should mention the conspiracy theories which seem to be gaining great popularity in some circles, especially when it comes to making the political opponent(s) look bad, silly or downright evil in their ways and intentions. Among the politicians of the movement you are referring to, slandering and defaming political opponents seems to have become the backbone of political strategy, all while speaking words which would have people think they are true Christians and are called upon by God Himself to call out the 'crooked' ways of the opponent(s). This line of acting and speaking is in itself already tantamount to ridiculing Jesus Christ and the flawless Love and Truth He stands for. Only Satan himself is capable of such cynicism.
Naturally one of the most effective ways of creating diversions and an entirely delusional world is propaganda, a way of presenting purposefully misleading or biased pseudo information through any means. In our present age of electronic communication propaganda has become a very effective means of communication warfare highly abused by Satan to create an atmosphere laden with utter darkness and any possible form of unchristian thinking. It pierces the Heart of the Christ that such a form of evil should even be harbored within certain circles inside a country like yours, which after all was founded on a firm intention of making true democracy flourish not only nationwide but globally.
It should at this point be emphasized that the Queen of Heaven once impressed upon my heart that democracy is the form of political rule preferred by God Himself. This is to be understood against the backdrop of the fact that in the eyes of God each and every living being should be enabled to make free decisions, as only freely made decisions serve as a measure for God to determine the actual disposition of the heart and the degree to which a human soul is spontaneously and of her own accord oriented towards fulfilling the Divine Basic Law of True Love. Any form of autocracy or dictatorship prevents a soul from freely and spontaneously acting upon the inspirations the Spirit of God instills into her heart. Moreover any dictatorial or autocratic rule tends to put major emphasis on strictly worldly goals often related to materialistic and imperialistic world views that are usually not at all conducive to the accomplishment of the goals set by God and to the accomplishment of which each and every human soul is called upon to collaborate. Do bear this in mind when you see politicians who pretend to be true Christians, working towards political developments that bear a manifest resemblance to fascistic forms of ruling.
Within this framework it should be stressed that true democracy, if it is to really reflect God’s predilection, must at all times be founded on a basis of good morals, including a solid sense of responsibility among all citizens. All creatures together build the network of creation, all human souls build the societies they live in. Every society is to be ruled by authorities. If the latter are elected according to the rules of democracy every single voter is responsible (also towards God!) for their choice. Therefore each and every individual bears a co-responsibility for the way authorities will be structured and thus indirectly for any political decisions and any corrections thereof. Thus the way we use our voting rights does matter even with respect to our individual state of grace, which is overlooked by large numbers of souls. I must divulge to you the most ardent desire expressed by the Queen of Heaven that American voters should most seriously reflect upon this in view of the upcoming presidential elections.
4. The evil one is partial to sowing the spirit of discord in human hearts. The members and followers of the movement you are referring to keep focusing on thwarting all and any proposals and moves made by their political opponent so as to prevent the latter from gaining and preserving votes. This is the way Satan pushes souls to pursuing only purported personal interests and benefits even to the detriment of common interests, thus assuring that greed and selfishness prevail over the well-being of millions (even abroad, as we have been witnessing in policies towards Ukraine), and that millions in the domestic field might be tempted into erroneously harboring bad feelings towards a party that has objectively been proving to have the entire people’s best interests and well-being at heart. Such line of policy is in blatant defiance of all that stand for true Christian behavior.
5. The evil one is partial to pushing souls towards a personal delusional world, distorting objective reality, living in an alternative reality of their own making, with norms and values they perceive as beneficial to their own interests and precluding all and any impetus to cater to their fellow people’s interests, needs and well-being. I already touched upon this in the above point 3. The harsh truth is, that in this alternative reality these souls are cutting themselves loose from the network of creation ruled by the Laws of God – the Laws of Christian living – and are making themselves ideal slaves to the plans and works designed and implemented by the evil one. Very sadly, this is what you are witnessing in the acts of the movement you are referring to in your letter.
The abomination in the eyes of God reaches its very pinnacle:
- when millions of people are being deceived, misled, lied to;
- when this line of behavior and policy becomes the heart of a party’s strategy;
- where this is seemingly corroborated by claims intended to demonstrate the 'evil nature' of the opposing party and members thereof;
- where defamations, slander, threats (including death threats), undermining the security of society and all of its members and undermining the rule of law are being normalized in the minds and hearts of millions,
- when souls in high positions, who are expected by God to be positive role models and mirrors of human dignity and genuine Love, make themselves fit to be used by the evil one to implement his works of darkness on a large scale, and even fall for the temptation to be corrupted into backing up the evil intentions of one or more foreign regimes, so that they make themselves direct tools for the dissemination of the laws of the darkness in the world, and
- where all of this is based on pseudo justifications which are meant to make millions of people believe that God Himself is okay with this line of behavior and is actually backing the said politicians up and inspiring them, thus seemingly presenting Himself to millions of people as a God who is anything but pure Love.
Quite on the contrary the Queen of Heaven wants me to emphatically issue the following warning to politicians that are behaving along the lines as mentioned above, and are harboring intentions like the ones that are being harbored by a certain movement in your country in view of the next elections:
Be mindful of what you are exposing your own souls to, and of that which God will want to make you account for in the hour in which He will pass judgment on your life, as every single soul who will have decided to follow your evil ways, your evil line of thinking and your most unchristian behavior will serve as a testimony against your being worthy of entering into the Paradise His Son Jesus Christ has unlocked for you through His all-encompassing Sacrifice.
He will justly compare you to the Pharisees of whom, and to whom, He said they would never escape damnation on account of the fact they had been leading the multitudes astray so that they, too, surrendering to the false feeling of security that their leaders surely knew what they were doing, blindly opted for a life assisting the accomplishment of the works and plans of the evil one, thus directly harming the Works and Plans of Love God expects all human souls to help unlock in this world. You must never forget that every human soul, and the value of her life for the accomplishment and unlocking of God’s Plan of Salvation, are judged by God by one major standard: the degree of true, sincere, unselfish Love by which every single one of her actions, words, thoughts, feelings, desires and aspirations were ruled in every single detail, in every single situation, in every single encounter and at every single moment of her life. Be very well aware of the fact there is hardly a bigger insult to God than a human soul displaying the hypocrisy of speaking words of a Christian which, however, originate in a heart that, in point of fact, has opted for the accomplishment of evil works and is constantly repudiating Christian values through its very acts and its way of being. |
As to the second concern
Dear sister in Jesus and Mary,
As to your point of great concern phrased as follows:
"Am I right in entertaining the frightening thought it must be piercing the Heart of our Savior seeing the reluctance and deliberate dawdling of ....... (name of the political movement) to provide help to a nation (you are here referring to Ukraine) that is surely innocent of the horrible trial it is being put through?" (referring to the Russian invasion into Ukraine in February 2022 and all subsequent events of war on the Ukrainian territory ever since). |
This point of concern deserves a separate mention, as the Queen of Heaven has been availing Herself of the situation and events in Ukraine since 2022 for over two years as material to teach the strategies of practical implementation by Satan of his plan to turn the world into his kingdom of utter darkness. Most interestingly, in your letter you are connecting the dots globally by linking this loathable situation up with policy lines pursued by the said movement inside your country. Here is what the Most Holy Mother of Christ has me write in this respect:
It is utterly deplorable that souls to whom God has entrusted positions enabling them to greatly influence the distress of millions of human souls in the direction of a greater well-being, should under the very guise of Christian thinking and behavior refrain from assisting a friendly nation that is being made to bleed to death by a neighboring nation whose authorities, policies, narratives and actions are unequivocal and clear-cut manifestations and tools of the evil one and his plans to destroy all of God’s creation and the rule of True Love embodied by Jesus Christ Himself.
The very persons in your country who are morally responsible for the aggravation of already existing tremendous suffering, material damage and losses of human and animal life and the needless and avoidable protraction of this suffering, will be called to account for their indifference before the throne of God in His time, as in so doing they have called upon themselves a spiritual debt they are unable to fathom by any human measure. Their attitude is the very pinnacle of unchristian behavior, as their actions – or lack thereof, respectively – were not only in blatant violation of the Christian Law of Love, but were on top of this motivated by selfish interests in the way of their struggle against their perceived domestic political opponent. They have thus failed to help prevent needless misery for the purpose of elevating their own status and assuring themselves of an increased future power and, in so doing, have also backed up the devastating plans and works of a foreign aggressive and evil regime. Any hesitation in countering the evil goals of an aggressive regime is indeed tantamount to emboldening said regime to pursue its evil intentions and thereby to assisting the evil one in establishing his kingdom of boundless misery and suffering on earth.
Things are looking even more gloomy for the politicians that are morally co-responsible for the protraction of all evil caused by the aggressor state on the territory of Ukraine, because they have consistently been 'justifying' their stance by pointing to the victim state as being 'corrupt' and 'fascist' in nature, in spite of an abundance of objective evidence to the contrary. Lacking willingness to render support to good-willing fellow souls and backing this lack of willingness up by blatant and shameless lies, is crossing a definite red line set by God’s infallible Law. This is not what Christ has taught the children of God.
Let us not lose sight of the fact that a political regime which relishes in waging psychological warfare against any country founded on the Christian idea, without even refraining from nuclear threats, is in reality aspiring to destroy creation altogether – the Great Work of God Himself. This was, is, and will forever be, the aspiration of Satan himself.
This brings us to the point at which you express your concern about the authorities of the aforementioned aggressive nation responsible for the war in Ukraine, as they, too, tend to prevail themselves of a so-called spiritual, messianic vocation: the vocation to 'overturn the current world order' so as to ensure that their political regime might rule the entire world. The regime referred to has, in a manner of speaking, been incorporating religious thoughts into their goals (or has been assimilating religion into their worldly goals), and claims their policy is a messianic one. Thus they abuse God by turning Him into an advocate of destroying a perceived 'enemy' they label as 'fascist' and even 'satanic', and by making their subjects believe that God is actually ordering them to destroy their neighbors through any conceivable means including rape, torture, abduction, brutal incarceration, total injustice, overall genocide, war reaching far beyond military targets, and even nuclear disaster if need be.
The distortion of hearts in such a regime reaches its very height where it starts to pervade even elementary education. Children are taught the president is nothing short of a god-like figure who is all knowing and almighty, as he fulfils his vocation as the country’s leader pursuant to a mission given to him by God Himself, and even the Church not only condones his actions but even backs them up publicly, as the authorities want the public to feel secure and being fully in line with God’s expectations to the degree they actually collaborate with their government. Presenting the leader is a God-sent figure and the ruling policy as the implementation of a Divine mission was already the prevailing strategy in Nazi Germany, and it is characteristic of all autocratic regimes. Several aspects of it can even be seen in your country today, which presents a very real and tangible danger, not only politically but also – which is even way more important! – spiritually, as it disrupts the functioning of creation in accordance with Divine Law.
All of this bears the unequivocal signature of Satan himself, under the cover of an alleged Divine mission. Thus a policy and ideology are born, which provide justification (allegedly by God Himself!) of all and any possible forms of evil, crowned by the thesis that voluntary participation in all atrocities against the alleged satanic neighbor (or the entire satanic world of western democracies for that matter) is the only golden way to Paradise, i.e. to eternal Redemption and remission of all and any sins. What we can see here, is a regime that manages to present their subordinates with a God who advocates, and calls to engage in, the most vile forms of evil against their fellow creatures. A God of evil, war, torture, rape, genocide and nuclear threats, a God who actually orders human beings to completely destroy His Law of Love and become slaves to Satan... Jesus Christ is truly submitted to the most excruciating Passion over and over again.
What further adds to the abomination created by autocratic and imperialistic authorities and the insult they inflict upon the God of True Love and all Christian values, is the fact that, in a manner of speaking, they make their nation’s subjects complicit to their crimes by pretending their rule to be democratic. Citizens are supposed to have freely elected their authorities and are thus made co-responsible for any acts of darkness committed by the latter. These citizens, too, however, are supposed to account before God Himself for their true feelings and desires, and are thus at all times able to help create a general atmosphere of living which will one day be capable of thwarting the evil intentions of their government. Also in this context every single individual can indeed help transform a pseudo democratic regime into a genuine democratic one.
I do understand your worries, as you have proved so perceptive as to be able to link these developments in Ukraine up with the policies of a movement in your own country, as the connection is real: It is a clear manifestation of Satan sowing his poisonous seeds in different countries so as to assure himself of a network of fruitful hotbeds to build his kingdom of darkness on.
Dear sister in Jesus and Mary, we could go on forever exposing these disgusting signs of evil at home and abroad. Yet it is the ardent desire of the Queen of Heaven, who was sent to us by God Himself to help us unlock within ourselves the unlimited effects of the Works of Redemption wrought by the Christ, that we should allow ourselves to be guided by this golden rule of thumb:
The evil one is a roaring dragon, and his plans and works are like poisonous fire he keeps spitting all over God’s creation hoping to set fire to all and any fruits of Love and all and any signs of God’s presence in this world. However, do keep in mind that, irrespective of its terrifying nature, a dragon, like any other thing, is a creature and thus inferior to God and totally powerless in the hour in which His Will is to be fulfilled.
It is written in God’s Heart that some day the dragon and all and any of his plans, works and effects thereof will perish in an entirely different fire: the all-consuming fire of Eternal Love. God will never – repeat: never – allow His creation, this unparalleled Work of His hands and major fruit of His unlimited and absolutely perfect Love, to be destroyed by evil. The evil one may recruit millions and millions of slaves in a human shape, he may totally blind them to the real nature of their own hearts, he may even make them stray so far out as to vindicate their own evil actions, thoughts and aspirations as 'Christian', but he will never gain the final victory. With us, who want to be true Christians and recognize evil whenever it crosses our path through life, resides the obligation to call out evil and to outweigh it by the true Light and warmth of a loving heart. Christ is with those who do want to continue His Works of Love in this world, and He vouches with His Divine Love for the final victory of His Promise: that this world will one day be God’s Kingdom of perfect, unlimited and absolutely stainless Love and Peace in and among all creatures, built on the loving sacrifice of our trials. |
May God and the Daughter of His predilection, the Holy Virgin Mary, bless you and your loved ones abundantly, and may your country soon be a mirror of His Heart and all His intentions.
Lovingly in the Mistress of all souls, who among all created souls is the very counterpart of evil, darkness and sin,
Myriam, May 2024