commemorated on July 5

Myriam van Nazareth


By order of the Mistress of this Work Myriam reminds the souls of a feast that is not very well known: the feast of the so-called 'Seven Joys of the Holy Virgin Mary', commemorated on July 5.

On July 5, 2006, the Mistress of all souls said to Myriam:

"Today I invite you to reflect, in the very depths of your heart, on My joys. They pertain to events in which, during My life on earth, the experience of celestial reality completely canceled out the experience of My worldly reality. My life was totally characterized by a simultaneous experience of the absolute extremes of emotional life: the most profound celestial delight side by side with the most profound sorrow. The former was the fruit of Bliss on account of Divine Love, the latter was the fruit of the deep heartache on account of the fact this Love was put to shame by the human souls.

I got to constantly experience both extremes simultaneously, because My mission in life essentially consisted in raising the deepest abysses experienced by the human souls to the highest summits of Divine Life while casting the seeds of Divine Grace into the barren canyons by the handful, in order that the latter, too, might be prepared for the Kingdom of God My Son Jesus had come to bring on earth".

In these words the Mistress also hid the approach to life God provided for each and every human soul to harbor and which She Herself once phrased as follows:

"Try to raise both the experience of joy and the experience of sorrow above the level of worldly experiences to such an extent that both are merged into one single constant experience of 'living in the spirit of Christ', in which all joy is rooted in the awareness you are living your life through and for God and His Eternal Kingdom, and that all sorrow turns into joy because it is rooted in the awareness that every trial, insofar as it is experienced while the heart is focused on God and His Plans and Works of Love, advances the establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth".

This is the disposition in which the Holy Virgin led Her life on earth in perfect spiritual fruitfulness, so much so that both Her Sorrows and Her Joys were not rooted in any worldly experiences but exclusively in the closest unity with the Heart of God Himself.

Most recommended for this day is the following prayer:

The following prayer is the fruit of a vision granted by the Most Blessed Virgin Mary on July 5, 2018, which is traditionally the feast of the so-called 'Seven Joys of Mary'. In the vision She showed Myriam not seven but nine scenes, which She referred to as 'the greatest spiritual joys of My life on earth'.


(Myriam van Nazareth)

Dear Mother Mary, Queen of the Glory of God’s Paradise, in You my heart searches for the Springs from which the Messiah rose for this world, for He made my joy complete, and with You I want to pour it out all over creation as a token against the darkness.

  1. I rejoice with You, my Heavenly Mistress, at the Annunciation by the archangel Gabriel as God’s messenger, for through Your consent to live a life of perfect self-denial so as to become the Mother of Christ I can now call the Son of God my Brother and recognize His ways as the paths of true liberation.
  2. I rejoice with You, my Heavenly Mistress, at Your visitation to Elisabeth, for even today every soul who accepts a life of total service to the establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth gets to rejoice at Your visiting her spiritual temple and at Your helping her give birth to a life which, in the desert of worldly life, will bear witness to the coming of Christ.

  3. I rejoice with You, my Heavenly Mistress, at the birth of Your Divine Child, for in the wuthering winter of my soul, too, You have touched the cradle from which, in accordance with God’s expectations, Love was to be born.

  4. I rejoice with You, my Heavenly Mistress, at the adoration of the little Messiah by the Magi from the East, for in the grotto of my soul, too, the fire of joy about my Redemption and about my recognizing God’s major gift to my barren corn field has now become inextinguishable.

  5. I rejoice with You, my Heavenly Mistress, at the Presentation of Your Divine Child in the temple, for a human soul has recognized the Messiah, who has risen from the Tabernacle of Your holy womb as the living key that was going to open the lock installed by the original sin.

  6. I rejoice with You, my Heavenly Mistress, at the finding of Your twelve year old Son in the temple, for I find You in my heart as an infallible Guide whenever I risk losing the Christ in the dark shadows of the Jerusalem of worldly life which is constantly attempting to hide Him from me.

  7. I rejoice with You, my Heavenly Mistress, at the Resurrection of Jesus from the grave near His Calvary, for I know You believe also in my being born again to the extent to which, following my Divine Brother, I will allow the crucifixion of everything which may yet keep me tied up in worldly life.

  8. I rejoice with You, my Heavenly Mistress, at the first Outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles at the cenacle in Jerusalem, for henceforth God was going to light the Light of His infallible guidance in every heart which sincerely longs to read His Law in the dark night of all temptation and deception.

  9. I rejoice with You, my Heavenly Mistress, at Your Assumption into Heaven, for I know that, inside of me, You are building roads which are going to take me up into the Kingdom of heavenly flowers if I offer You their worldly thorns out of Love for the renunciation of everything which might cause me to leave the ways of Christ.

Oh Mother of the fully accomplished joy of perfect holiness, do radiate the golden light from the Evening Land through the clouds of my tormented heart, for the sorrows of this life cannot ever again break the soul’s flower once she has truly recognized the sun of God’s intentions.