Teaching given by the Holy Virgin Mary
July 2024
On July 11, 2023, the Holy Virgin Mary gave Her Myriam a Revelation about the unique power and sublimity of the Queen of Heaven, through which She wanted to demonstrate how important it is that human souls should know and recognize Her exceptional status within creation, because this knowledge and recognition are necessary to advance the establishment of God’s Kingdom on earth and to definitively undo the effects of the works the darkness has been sowing throughout God’s creation through the ages.
This is because a Divine Decree has provided that on the level of invisible reality forces are set in motion according to the degree to which human souls recognize and accept Works of God and are prepared to contribute wholeheartedly to their concrete accomplishment on earth. One of the greatest Works of God is the Being of the Holy Virgin Mary, who was designed in the Heart of God as the One who, among all created human souls, was, is, and will forever remain the only absolute opposite of all darkness, just as Jesus Christ in His Divine, uncreated nature was, is, and will forever remain the absolute opposite of all darkness.
Among all creatures the Holy Virgin is the only absolutely perfect embodiment of Divine Law, and it is precisely from this unique status that She derives a power, absolutely unique among all created souls, to help fully unlock the effects of the Redemptive Works wrought by the Christ in creation.
In the days leading up to the feast of Candlemas 2024, the Queen of Heaven granted Myriam a series of nocturnal revelations and visions, the meaning and purpose of which She defined as "an extension and deepening of My Special Revelation of last July, to be presented to souls as a comprehensive tribute to My unique power, sublimity and Glory, for such a tribute unlocks unparalleled forces in the battle of the Light against the darkness in this world, which is currently very severely threatened by the works and plans of forces that seek to render the Works and Plans of Eternal Love ineffective and even totally invisible among creatures. According to the measure of faith in, acceptance of, and sincere tribute to, the content of the insights I wish to give to souls through you, the powers of the darkness in the world will be defeated".
By order and inspiration of the Heavenly Mistress, the essence of the content of the aforementioned nocturnal revelations and visions is now outlined in the present teaching, which She wishes to make public in view of the upcoming month of August, which She Herself once referred to as:
"the month of My great glorification".
Through Her Maria Domina Animarum Work the Mistress of all souls has been proclaiming elements of Her unique power, sublimity and Glory in a special way for many years, because the recognition, acceptance and specific concrete use (by the souls) of these elements constitute exceptionally powerful, indispensable weapons in the battle of the Light against the darkness in creation. Through Her Maria Domina Animarum Work the Holy Virgin wants to prepare as many souls as possible for a very conscious participation in this battle, which must result in the final establishment of God’s Kingdom of perfect Love, Peace, Happiness and Justice on earth. The significance of a large-scale recognition and acceptance of Her unique greatness, role and position within the development and unlocking of God’s Plan of Salvation cannot possibly be underestimated. The more human souls realize this and commit themselves totally and persistently to giving the Heavenly Mistress the opportunity to pour out the fullness of Her unique power over the darkness, the faster the unique and eternally valid Works of Redemption of Jesus Christ can have their full effect in truly establishing the Kingdom of God.
In the aforementioned series of revelations and visions from the days leading up to Candlemas 2024, the Heavenly Mistress referred to fifteen special points of Light which together fully manifest Her unique power, and She calls upon souls to commemorate and honour these points of Light in particular through a trusting surrender in total service to Her, as this in God’s eyes will have the most powerful effect for the full accomplishment of His Plan of Salvation, culminating in the final humiliation of the powers of darkness and rendering the latter fully ineffective.
The Holy Virgin points out most emphatically that souls need to realize that commemorating and honouring the unique elements of Her Being, combined with commemorating and honouring the unique Works of Christ, contains within itself the power to completely and finally curb all darkness in the world. This is most gracious to God because it testifies to a great faith in His perfect Love and omnipotence, and to the fact that souls most decidedly and unwaveringly choose to collaborate with His Works and Plans. |
As indicated above, over the years since 1997 the Queen of Heaven and earth has inspired through Myriam numerous references to elements of the unique power, sublimity and Glory with which God invested Her as the only One among all creatures. In the underlying teaching She now gives souls a broad and systematic overview of the greatest components thereof, which She refers to as "fifteen milestones". She connects each of these components or milestones with a feast day (sometimes with more than one). In this way, on certain days during the year souls are invited to pay special attention to one of the greatest components of the power of the Holy Virgin Mary, the Great Sign of God, against the darkness, the Woman who, as the only One among all created human souls, was and is an absolutely spotless mirror of Christ, the Son of God made Man who, moreover, was to be born of Her in a physical body precisely in order to accomplish the Redemption of human souls from the power of the darkness.
The fifteen milestones of the unique power, sublimity and Glory of the Holy Virgin Mary among all created souls
The order in which the Mistress of all souls here lists and elaborates on Her "fifteen milestones" does not express any measure of being of greater or lesser importance, nor does it refer to a chronological order according to the time of year at which the associated feasts occur. The order merely somewhat expresses the order in which the respective elements have appeared on the timeline of God’s Plan of Salvation.
Milestone nr. 1. Mary as 'the Woman'
The Holy Virgin requests that this capacity be commemorated on the last Saturday preceding Her Immaculate Conception, i.e. on the Saturday preceding December 8. If December 8 itself falls on a Saturday the commemoration of Her capacity as 'the Woman' would fall on December 1.
The Holy Virgin Mary is referred to as the Woman. When the Holy Scripture speaks of 'the Woman' it is actually referring to Her.
On earth, a female being is a potential bearer of life through motherhood. The Woman (with a capital letter) is the perfect Bearer of Divine Life, both by Her perfect holiness and in the sense of being the Bearer of the Divine Redeemer. God expresses here that He has provided for Mary to be absolutely unique among all creatures, as the One who among all things and beings created was to be the great key figure within the process of unlocking His Plan of Salvation.
Since God created the human soul in His image and likeness, Divine Life is actually the faculty that enables the human soul to live 'as God Himself lives', in other words on the basis of inner states and dispositions that actually make her resemble God. Divine Life is in fact the True Life of the soul as God has provided it to prevail within her, on the basis of the unceasing inspirations by the Holy Spirit, with a sensitivity that enables the soul to perceive ever more deeply that which is right and the only full Truth of the Divine Mysteries, so that, in a manner of speaking, the soul is moved completely and solely by the Will of God, and makes all her decisions strictly on the basis of this experience.
Divine Life is the state of inner life in which the soul feels, thinks and considers everything with her heart focused on God and His Works and interests. It is the complete transcendence above worldly experience, learning to see much further than that which the senses reveal about reality. From the beginning Mary was regarded as the perfect Bearer of Divine Life. This is the very reason why She is eternally 'the Woman' as a great symbol of THE Bearer of Divine Life and the One who is perfectly able to help give birth to Divine Life in every soul that surrenders herself totally to Her in order to become through Her a faithful follower of the dispositions of Christ.
As mentioned earlier, God foresaw Mary as the great key figure among all created human souls to help unlock His Plan of Salvation. The concept of a key figure should be imagined as follows:
- the lock is God’s Plan of Salvation for all creation;
- the key was brought into creation in the shape of Christ and His Works of Redemption;
- the Woman was given the power to turn the key inside the lock;
- the oil which is meant to keep the lock functioning smoothly is made available to the human souls by Divine Providence and by grace, and is to be injected into the lock by the souls through their spontaneous and sincere practice of faith, true Love and hope;
- the quality of the oil is to be maintained by an active collaboration, on the part of the human souls, with God’s Works and Plans. One of the most powerful form of collaboration resides in total, unconditional and lifelong consecration to the Holy Virgin Mary, through which souls put their entire being and their entire journey through life totally at the service of the accomplishment of the Woman’s eternal Mission.
The Woman is also the absolute opposite of the first woman on earth (Eve). As the first human woman, Eve was in fact the queen of creation, the one who was intended to be the female representative of God in His material creation. Eve allowed herself to be dethroned by Satan by degrading her own being as a mirror of God’s Presence due to her committing the first sin. The Woman (Mary) was the One who would finally break the effects of the first sin committed by the first woman (Eve): Satan had overcome the first woman (Eve), the Woman (Mary) will ultimately once and for all break Satan and the effects of his works of darkness in creation, and She is to do so through Her key role in unlocking the effects of the Works of Redemption wrought by Her Divine Son Jesus Christ. In so doing the Works She has accomplished as the created representative of the created human souls will make it possible for the total wedding of the souls with the Redeemer and His Works to be unlocked.
The total and final Triumph of the Woman over Satan and the effects of all his works and plans will open the gate to the final enthronement of Christ in creation and thus to the establishment of God’s Kingdom on earth. Here we can see in its fullness the image of Mary with Her foot pressing on the serpent: The Holy Virgin Mary who in the fullness of time robs all the works wrought by the darkness of their effects, after a sufficient number of human souls, through total and unconditional consecration of their entire being and their entire life to Her, will have signaled to God that they recognize His Masterpiece of sanctity, Light and Love (Mary) in the fullness of Her power over the darkness for the full accomplishment of His Works of Love.
The Queen of Heaven and earth has always totally controlled Satan, from Her Immaculate Conception through Her perfectly sinless life up to the hour in which Satan, lying defeated under Her foot, will visibly confess before all of creation that She has defeated Him totally and forever. In that hour She becomes the Woman Who, through Her complete Triumph over darkness, will open the Gate of God’s Kingdom on earth, with Satan (and all the works and plans of darkness and all their effects) under Her feet and the merits of the Redemptive Works of Jesus Christ as the golden key in Her hand.
Milestone nr. 2. Mary as the Immaculate Conception
As is well known Mary’s capacity as the Immaculate Conception is commemorated on December 8.
As the Immaculate Conception, Mary is, among all created things, and insofar as this can at all pertain to a created being, the perfect mirror of the Being of God, in the sense of an 'embodiment' of perfect purity. The concept of 'purity' in the spiritual sense expresses the degree to which a living being is able to reflect God’s attributes. If we regard the soul as a mirror which receives the Light of God, 'purity' is the measure to which this mirror is able to reflect this Divine Light to a completely unadulterated and undiminished degree, without any splashes or spots detracting from this perfect reflection. As the absolutely perfect mirror for the Light of God’s Love the Holy Virgin is referred to as the Queen of Purity.
The Immaculate Conception is the quality by which the soul of Mary as the only one among all human souls was not marked with the scar of original sin, which was the expression of the first transgression against the Divine Law of True Love. Original sin was the sin of disobedience to a Divine precept. Obedience is one of the virtues, i.e. one of the branches on the tree of Love. Disobedience could therefore be regarded as breaking off a branch from the tree of Love, which in the true sense of the word is the tree of Divine Life in the soul. By breaking off a branch a tree is wounded. When the tree in question is the tree of Divine Life in the soul, this is downright tantamount to violating the integrity of Divine Life.
A soul in which Divine Life is violated by her own choice, viz. by a sin (which is always the fruit of voluntarily opting to follow an inspiration from the darkness), is no longer a perfect mirror of God’s Being, i.e. no longer a mirror of the characteristics of God’s dispositions (which basically consist of perfect Love in all of its components – i.e. in all virtues).
Mary’s soul had to be conceived immaculately because God foresaw that She had to be able to bear His Son, the Divine Christ, and to give birth to Him for a life as 'God in a human shape', i.e. as 'Deity in a material body'. The Man-God could not and should not in any case merge with a being who bore in her soul a damaged tree of Divine Life: A soul that was the bearer of a damaged tree of Divine Life would have been incompatible with Divinity and therefore could not be a Tabernacle in which the Deity had to be borne to be brought into the world in a physical body.
The Immaculate Conception invested Mary with an absolutely unique power, sublimity and Glory, precisely because this quality made it possible for Her to intimately merge with the Divine Christ. Moreover the Immaculate Conception is a tremendous offence to the darkness because this quality perfectly expresses that a human soul could be a completely spotless mirror image of the dispositions of God Himself, and because this quality also symbolized a neutralization of the effects of Satan’s power over human souls.
The Woman, through Her Immaculate Conception, was shown to Satan as a Being who had utterly and eternally defeated him, a Being who had been withdrawn from the effects of his power and who Herself had thereby acquired an unlimited power over him.
Milestone nr. 3. Mary’s Birth
The Birth of the Holy Virgin Mary is commemorated on September 8.
In the hour when the immaculately conceived soul of the Holy Virgin began her life in a material body, the regions of darkness were struck by lightning and thunder. This image symbolizes the great commotion caused by this event in Satan and his following. The Holy Virgin once stated that the true nature of Her Being has long been concealed from the forces of darkness, but that the latter were nevertheless from the very beginning struck with the deepest confusion at the fact that this soul radiated an unusually powerful Light.
God had prepared Mary for the exceptional lifelong Mission as the Mother of the Son of God made Man, and had therefore granted Her soul the unique privilege of the Immaculate Conception. When this uniquely holy soul began her earthly journey at the birth of Mary as a material being, She was able to radiate all over the world the extraordinarily powerful Light that was developed inside of Her. No human being was able to see this with physical eyes. The angels and the devils, on the other hand, were able to perceive this Light. From that moment on, the Holy Virgin was a stronghold of power. The angels recognized in Her the One who was destined to bring the Son of God into the world as a physical Man, and the devils had to experience Her as a channel of power that radiated directly from the Being of God through Her and that seemed to paralyze every power of darkness.
Mary once explained to Myriam that in Her days on earth She was indeed aware of Her unique power, and that She was also able to experience the signs indicative of this power when She had 'contact' on the invisible level with angels (who threw themselves on their knees before Her, which, however, no human being on earth was able to see) as well as with demons (who appeared to be completely subjected to Her Will, so that She was able to render them ineffective whenever She wanted to). She rarely used this power, because She had vowed to God that She wanted to experience all the trials of life on earth like every creature does, without any concrete influences of Her power by which She could have prevented this. All this is also referred to in the texts cited underneath the present teaching.
The power of Divine Light, however, was fully present in Mary as of the day of Her birth, and stood as an invisible shield between Her and the forces of darkness. However, by Her own request to God this shield was not automatically impenetrable, but She made it permanently impenetrable by a persistent use of Her Will against every concession to temptations by the darkness. The Heavenly Queen once explained to Myriam that in every temptation She actively ordered the devil concerned to his knees with the words "In the name and for the glory of the God of Israel I command you: Kneel!" Several times She showed me how every demon immediately obeyed Her command and had to obey it, because he was simply unable to resist any manifestation of Her power.
Milestone nr. 4. The name 'Mary' or 'Myriam/Mirjam', respectively
The name 'Mary' is commemorated on September 12.
The Heavenly Queen has repeatedly pointed out the immense power that God has hidden in the name She was given at birth. She was called Mary (in Her native language, Aramaic, Her name was 'Myriam' or 'Miriam'). The Name 'Myriam' (Mary) was given to Her on a direct inspiration from the Heart of God. The Most High hid in this name something of the true being, the true nature of this unique human soul, for the deep meaning of the name 'Myriam' (Mary) was 'ocean of Divine power, of holiness, wealth, glory and sublimity'.
The Most High herein unmistakably expressed that He was harbouring a Plan of unique magnitude for this Being: She was to be a Tabernacle, a living sanctuary sealed, as it were, by a name which would express the royal, even Divine, dignity of the contents of the Tabernacle: a germ of absolutely perfect holiness which was deemed worthy to enclose within itself for nine months the germ of the Man-God and after these nine months to remain perfectly merged with its Divine Fruit in human shape on a level which no eyes of flesh could ever perceive.
The name 'Myriam' or 'Mary' fills the darkness with the deepest fear. The Holy Virgin has been emphasizing to Her Myriam for many years that a reverent and trusting use of Her name is endowed with the power to curb the works and plans of the darkness in the world, and that therefore one should never neglect invoking Her, along with the Divine name of Jesus Christ, in every battle against evil, in every exorcism, in every supplication for the liberation of souls, as well as by way of a powerful weapon against the devastating effects of the countless attempts by Satan to bring suffering, misery, chaos and unhappiness to flourish in the world through human souls.
The Holy Virgin once emphasized to Myriam that no force of darkness can remain standing when a soul attacked by such a force begins to calmly and confidently pronounce Her name ("Mary – Mary – Mary...") or with great confidence speaks words along the lines of: "Holy Virgin Mary, Mistress of my being, please protect me, who am Your property and possession, from this force hostile to God".
Milestone nr. 5. Presentation of Mary as a child in the temple
The presentation of the young Mary in the temple is commemorated on November 21.
Little Mary was dedicated to the service in the temple at the age of three for a period of several years. Indeed, it was Her holy parents who left Her to render service in the temple, but before God Her entry into service as a consecrated temple virgin was considered fully a merit of Light for Mary Herself, because despite Her very tender age She already intensely desired to serve in the temple.
Mary would serve in the Temple for about twelve years. Her service consisted of infinitely more than of a series of human acts: The immense power which emanated from it was based on the fact that Her Will was fully consciously geared to making uninterrupted contributions to the fulfilment of God’s Works. Mary’s entire behavior and all the dispositions of Her Heart were spontaneously and consciously driven by an all-pervasive desire for total consecration of Her entire being and every detail of Her life to God, whom She wanted to serve above all else because She naturally felt that God’s Creation could only truly flourish and truly radiate the very nature of its Creator and His perfect Love to the extent that human souls put themselves totally and unconditionally in His service.
Mary’s voluntary entry into the temple, in spite of Her most tender age, is therefore a perfect symbol of total consecration, and became one of the great milestones in the development of Her unique power over the darkness. Satan felt this, and had to experience how severely his plans were thwarted by this young girl who, as the first and only human soul in the history of creation, proved to possess a total power over him. Some of the texts referred to underneath the present teaching contain examples illustrating the unique power the young Mary wielded over the demons during Her time of service in the temple.
Mary’s entry into the temple is also a symbol of lifelong total dedication to God. She lived as a very young girl with the intention to spend Her entire life in the temple, far away from ordinary worldly life and in exclusive service to God. Divine Providence decided otherwise, but even after Her years of service as a temple virgin She continued to put every detail of Her life exclusively at the service of God’s Works, and Her Heart remained very far from all worldly things. Every worldly action She nevertheless needed to perform in the context of Her daily life She immediately raised to a purely spiritual level, just as She had been doing during Her years in the temple. She did nothing 'just like that', in Her Heart She always did everything as a direct service to God.
It is also remarkable that whenever Mary exercised Her power over the demons, She always did so in secret (without any human witnesses), and that She therefore never sought honor for Herself, in a similar way as Jesus did not seek His own honor on earth despite the immense signs of power that He showed over the darkness. Just like Jesus, Mary, too, defeated Satan each time, among other things, through the tremendous power of humility as the absolute opposite of the pride and self-exaltation that made it impossible for Satan, when he was still called 'Lucifer', to continue living in Heaven, the Paradise of perfect Eternal Love.
Milestone nr. 6. Annunciation by the Archangel to Mary
This milestone is commemorated on March 25.
Divine Providence decreed that one day, after approximately twelve years of uninterrupted service, Mary was to leave the temple. She Herself initially regretted that day, because She had intensely desired to remain a temple virgin for life and to lead a life of exclusive service to God, away from life in the world in the usual way. God would indeed employ Her in exclusive service to His Plans and Works, yet He did so in a way that would be a once-off in history, and of which She Herself had not yet gained knowledge.
Shortly after Mary had left the temple She was visited by the messenger of God, the holy Archangel Gabriel. Six months earlier this same Heavenly messenger had announced the birth of John the Baptist, who was to be the direct herald of the Mission of Christ on earth. Now the Archangel came to bring Mary the message that God had foreseen that Christ would be born of Her, on condition that She would expressly consent to it.
In that hour God gave young Mary the power to help determine the course of His Plan of Salvation. God had indeed given Her the one-time privilege of the Immaculate Conception for the event She would give Her word of consent to His messenger to become the Mother of Christ on earth, but nevertheless She retained complete freedom to 'leave this privilege unused' by not accepting the motherhood of the God-Man.
Mary’s Heart was so totally geared to the fulfilment of God’s Plans and Works, to the fulfilment of the prophecy about the coming of the Messiah that had already been proclaimed by the prophet Isaiah and that She cherished so deeply in Her Heart, that without a moment’s hesitation She bowed Her head and said "Behold the handmaid of the Lord, be it done to Me according to your word". After these words, the Holy Spirit infused the germ of the Man-God Jesus Christ into the perfectly holy Tabernacle of Her womb. Mary immediately became the Bride of the Holy Spirit. This capacity would also become the basis for Her capacity as the Seat of Wisdom.
The Holy Virgin designates this milestone as the day of the wedding of Her Will with the Will of God, and points out that precisely this merger, the ultimate sign of the unity of Her Will with the Will of God Himself, has made Her power and sublimity absolutely unique. The Will of God is the source of His omnipotence. To the extent that a human soul makes her free will more one with the Will of God (i.e. to the extent that her own desires and aspirations no longer deviate in the slightest from the desires and aspirations harbored by God Himself), this soul partakes in the effects of God’s power. No human soul has ever been so completely one in her will with God’s Will as Mary was, is en will be forever.
In the hour in which Mary gave Her word of consent Her body, which was already a perfectly holy Tabernacle, became the Tabernacle for the Man-God, and She became for all eternity the Holy Virgin. Through the Presence of the germ of the Divine Messiah in Her womb, Mary now became more than ever a stronghold of mighty Divine Light. As She would one day state to Myriam, Satan was deeply confused about this. He did not know the origin of this unusual Light, and he did not understand where this woman, who sought no fame or honor but on the contrary did not want to be conspicuous in any way whatsoever, obtained a state of spiritual being through which She appeared to be able to shine forth the Light of God completely undiminished.
Milestone nr. 7. Mary as the Mother of the Man-God Jesus Christ
Actually this milestone is commemorated on three different days:
- on December 25, Christmas, the day on which the Christ is born in a human shape to begin His Mission on earth as the Messiah and Redeemer;
- on January 1 (new year’s day, exactly one week after the birth of the Christ);
- on the Saturday after the feast of Christ the King, i.e. on the day preceding the first Sunday of the Advent: In 2021 the Mistress of all souls invited the souls through Myriam to commemorate on that day Her capacity as the Queen Mother (the Mother of the King of all souls): see Invitation Queen Mother.
The Mistress of all souls points out the powerful symbolic significance of the fact that this milestone actually has three anniversaries: The day on which She gave birth to the Christ for the beginning of His unique Mission as the Messiah on earth was to Her entire being like an unbreakable everlasting seal on Her unique power as a created human soul. Her motherhood of Jesus Christ provided the absolutely highest evidence of Her being elected to merge with the Deity to the highest degree that could ever be possible for a created soul.
Mary drew a large component of Her unique power over the darkness from Her capacity as the One who enabled Christ, the Divine Redeemer, to fulfill His unique Life Mission, viz. the Mission of freeing human souls of good will (i.e. of redeeming the human souls that are spontaneously and sincerely prepared to put their free will completely at the service of the fulfilment of God’s Will) from the eternal consequences of original sin.
This 'setting free' had to be done by physically enduring all-encompassing trials in a human body, that are also borne in a disposition of the heart that is completely focused on unlocking God’s Plan of Salvation for the souls, viz. a state of perfect, self-denying Love combined with an all-pervasive desire that God’s Plan of Salvation might be totally accomplished. To do this, the Christ needed a physical body. This body had to be able to grow in the body of a female human being from the germ that had to be provided inside this female being by God Himself. This female being was to be Mary, who completely unconstrainedly and out of Her own free will agreed to God’s request for Her willingness to become the Mother of His Son as the Man-God.
In order to be able to fully merge Her own free will with the Will of God in a spiritually perfectly fruitful way, Mary had to acquire a sufficient knowledge and understanding of what Her Divine Motherhood would mean. This knowledge and understanding were poured into Her Heart. She thereby fully realized that She would become the Mother of the only Divine Messiah, and that this union with the Messiah would automatically entail unparalleled sufferings for Herself. Her word of consent therefore provided a perfect proof of the fact that Her Love for God’s Plan of Salvation, for His Works and for all of creation and all creatures of all time surpassed any sense of self-interest or any fear of Her own crosses and trials. This resolute and unconditional opting for the benefit of God and all of creation above any self-interest provided Mary with yet another sealing of Her unique power.
Milestone nr. 8. Presentation of the Child Jesus in the temple
This milestone is commemorated on February 2.
Forty days after Mary had given birth to Christ for His Mission as the Messiah in a human body on earth, She presented the baby Jesus to God in the temple in Jerusalem, accompanied by Saint Joseph. Through the mouth of the old Simeon, the Holy Spirit bore witness to Mary as the Mother of the Light (Christ, the Light of the world, the Light of God who had to come into the world to break the power of the darkness and to set an example to the souls as to the disposition of the heart through which they themselves had to collaborate in order to deny the darkness any chance in God’s creation).
Through the presentation of the little Jesus in the temple, Mary also showed Herself to be the Bridge between Heaven and earth: She presented the act as a powerful symbol for the fact that human souls must consecrate their works to God in order to make their entire life, all their doings and all dispositions of their hearts a permanent bridge between the earthly things and the things of Heaven. The little Christ is presented to God in the temple as a symbol for the sanctification of the unique Works that He will be accomplishing during His life on earth, and the temple also symbolizes the whole of the human souls, so that, in a manner of speaking, through the hands and the Heart of Mary, the Christ is here entering into a marriage with the Creator inside the human souls (in intimate unity with human nature).
Mary was at that time already fully aware of Her function and role as the Mother of the Messiah. Nevertheless, God had Her confirm this on that day and in His temple (the place of contact between souls and God), as well as through a human mouth: The aged Simeon here pointed to the infant Jesus as the Messiah and Redeemer, and literally pronounced that the Heart of the Mother Herself would be pierced by a sword of sorrows. In essence, Simeon here confirmed that Mary would fully partake in the crosses and trials that would be part of the Messiah’s life on earth, and that She would thus be completely one with the Messiah and Redeemer and with His unique Works.
It is as if God wanted to test once again the constancy of Mary’s opting in favour of self-denial for the sake of His Plan of Salvation by sounding Her Heart as She heard Her destiny being outlined by a human mouth instead of 'merely' through an infusion on His part into Her Heart. The Heavenly Mistress once explained to Myriam that Simeon’s words brought about two immediate reactions in Her:
- firstly, the shock of the vivid experience of intense anguish at being aware of the fact that Her Divine Child, in His capacity as the King of perfect Love, would be inflicted with unimaginable suffering by the hearts of human souls of all times who had transgressed and would yet transgress the Law of Love innumerable times;
- secondly, immediately after this, a cry from Her Heart to God: "Yes, oh beloved Eternal Father, for You, for all Your Works of unsurpassed perfect Love, and for all creatures of all times, I wish to accomplish this with Your strength, Your grace and Your support, together with and in full service to Your Son, whom You have placed under the care of My unworthiness".
The dispositions in which Mary presented the baby Jesus in the temple contributed to a further confirmation and consolidation of Her power over the darkness.
The Mistress of all souls also reminds us that in October 2018 She called for souls to henceforth commemorate Her on October 31, the day preceding All Saints’ Day, in the capacity as the Queen of Divine Light. She did this within the framework of Her Invitation of October 31. In the aforementioned appeal the Holy Virgin makes it clear that on that day She wants to act fully in the exercise of the position of power given to Her by God with regard to the darkness, because on that day She seeks to guide souls in a special way in their sincere attempts to discover the depths of their own inner life, in order that, through sincere reflection, they might penetrate more deeply into that which makes them most susceptible to inspirations from the darkness, and into that which makes the soil of the soul fertile for the seed of temptation and deception. She therefore sees Her capacity as the Queen of Divine Light as a kind of concrete unlocking of Her capacity as the Mother of the Light. By the way, this is a capacity She has made known while already in celestial Glory, where She is the crowned Queen (in contrast to the day when She presented the baby Jesus in the temple while She was not yet the Queen officially crowned by God).
Milestone nr. 9. Flight with the infant Jesus into Egypt
The Mistress of all souls once asked through Myriam that this event be commemorated on February 3, because She, together with Saint Joseph, immediately after having presented the infant Jesus in the temple (as commemorated on February 2), fled with the little Jesus to Egypt to rescue Him from the threat of King Herod.
King Herod symbolized Satan, the darkness that goes to any length to eliminate the Christ and make His Works impossible. This is why the Holy Virgin presents Her capacity within the framework of the deep nature of the Flight into Egypt as the human soul that is perfectly sinless: Her Love for Christ, for His Works of Redemption and Love, and Her Love for God’s Plan of Salvation was so total that She put Her entire life at the service of protecting the Mission of the Messiah. She braved the severe trials of the journey through the desert to Egypt with the intention of bringing Christ beyond the reach of Satan’s tools. This is total self-denial based on the all-pervasive desire that Eternal Love might get to fulfil its unique Mission.
Perfect sinlessness provides the ultimate proof of an absolute perfection in the experience and practice of Love. A great many sins (if not all of them) are committed because they serve selfishness. It is exactly owing to Her unsurpassed self-denying Love for the Works and Plans of God that the Holy Virgin was invested with a power that was, and will forever remain, unparalleled among all human souls of all times. The Flight into Egypt provides clear proof of this, because this undertaking was not without risks for Mary’s own life, and – as the Heavenly Mistress would explain to Myriam – was filled with severe trials and hardships. All this, and the awareness of it, did not prevent Mary from thinking exclusively of the safety and the lifelong Mission of the Messiah, and from acting accordingly with resolve.
Perfect sinlessness, combined with Her total self-denial with the intention of helping to safeguard Christ and His Works from the evil influences of Satan and his agents, has yielded Mary an incomparable power, which She drew directly from the Heart of God.
Milestone nr. 10. Finding of Jesus in the temple
After Mary and Joseph had celebrated the Jewish Passover with the twelve-year-old Jesus in Jerusalem, they discovered that Jesus had stayed behind in Jerusalem, and on the third day after the feast they found him in the temple. For this reason the Heavenly Queen invites the souls to commemorate this event three days after Easter.
The Holy Virgin was pre-eminently the human soul who had devoted Her entire life to the Works of God and who saw no other goal and purpose in Her life other than this: to live in every possible aspect and respect totally focused on Christ. In spite of this, She accused Herself of having lost sight of Jesus for three days. She went on the assumption that She had failed God. Nevertheless, here She stands, on the contrary, as a symbol of a total, self-denying orientation on Christ and on God’s Plans, the One who considers God’s Works and Plans as the only ultimate purpose of Her life.
She returned to Jerusalem with Joseph to seek Jesus, and in doing so provided compensation for the countless souls who lose the Christ in their lives, deny Him and His Teachings and Works, neglect their vocation as instruments of God’s Works and do not even notice that Christ is not, or no longer, at the center of their lives. In reality, nothing lived in the center of Mary’s Heart other than the fulfilment of God’s Plans and Works, through rendering total service to the Mission of the Messiah. In the search for the twelve-year-old Jesus in Jerusalem, however, Mary set an example for the countless Christians of all times who at some point (in many cases even repeatedly or almost their entire lives!) would neglect their vocation as followers of the dispositions and Mission of Christ and would make little or no effort to find Him again in the temple of their hearts and henceforth to direct their efforts, the entire commitment of their lives, completely to Christ and never to neglect for a moment practicing all Christian values.
This self-denying search for the Christ in order to resume watching over the implementation of His Works, and Her endeavor to demonstrate how essential it is to make the Works of the Christ the true goal and purpose of life, have made it justified in the eyes of God to make Her power unlimited. The soul that in all situations of life keeps her eyes focused on the Christ, on His dispositions, and on the fulfilment and unlocking of His Works, provides an immense counterbalance to the works and plans of the darkness.
Milestone nr. 11. Mary as Mediatrix of Graces
After Jesus had been baptized in the river Jordan by John the Baptist, He withdrew into the desert for forty days to prepare His Public Life in an atmosphere far away from all worldly things, an atmosphere inviting a complete emptying of mind and heart from all sensory impressions, and thereby to a deep introspection in one’s own heart in order to concentrate completely on the conditions, dispositions and weaknesses of one’s own being, and on what God expects of one’s own life. After His stay in the desert, Jesus went to a wedding at Cana, to which His Mother Mary was also invited. The Baptism of Jesus is commemorated on the third Sunday after Christmas. The Heavenly Mistress requests that the wedding at Cana be commemorated six weeks after the Baptism of Jesus (i.e. forty plus a few extra days after the Baptism in the river Jordan).
The wedding at Cana would be the first occasion on which Mary appeared as the Mediatrix of Graces. In addition to being commemorated six weeks after the Baptism of Jesus, Mary’s role as the Mediatrix is also commemorated on August 31.
It was not foreseen for the Mission of Christ that He would reveal Himself as a miracle worker as early as at the wedding at Cana. Nevertheless, He did exactly that, at the instigation of His Mother: At Her request, He changed water into wine. Here the Holy Virgin demonstrated that She had the power to incite God to advance His 'foreseen' Plan and Work. As a matter of fact the miracle at Cana symbolizes the transformation of the water of trials into the wine of Divine Life. At Cana Mary thereby became the Mediatrix of Graces with the power to help change trials of souls into Divine Life for souls.
God’s Works and Plans are absolutely infallible, and based on absolutely perfect Wisdom. No human soul is able to influence the Works and Plans of the infallible God to such dramatic extent. Therefore at Cana God demonstrated not only the Divine nature of Christ, but also the fact that He had given the Mother of His Divine Son an unparalleled power. At Cana the almighty God showed His Divine Son as obedient to a human soul, and thereby also showed that He recognized this human soul as a supreme and most powerful Bridge between human souls and their needs on the one hand, and their God on the other.
At Cana it was made clear to the souls of all times that they may rightly trust in the boundless influence exercised by Mary with God when they entrust their needs and trials to Her. She possesses the Love to want to alleviate these trials and needs, and the power to be able to alleviate them. God does not remain deaf to the words of a soul who places herself and her own needs completely behind the needs of her fellow creatures, and who presents them to Him with a perfectly pure heart that is filled with the sincere desire that the well-being of these fellow creatures may be increased, not in order that these creatures would be grateful to the intervening soul, but in order that they would be able to rejoice in God’s Love and greatness. Mary considered this disposition precisely as the whole purpose of Her life. Therefore, God cannot refuse Her anything at all: Her Will is of the utmost importance to Him, for Her Will is identical with His, and is therefore like a magnet that attracts God’s intervention in His creation with a power that is irresistible even to Him, the Almighty One, because He is the absolute, limitless and infallible Eternal Love.
Milestone nr. 12. Mary as Co-Redemptrix
The Holy Virgin requests souls to commemorate Her in this capacity on Holy Saturday, the day between Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday, the day on which the Sorrow over the Messiah’s Death on the Cross reached its climax.
Mary’s capacity as Co-Redemptrix has been fiercely attacked over the years. Criticism of this capacity is extremely shameful, especially when coming from souls who consider themselves Christians. Any criticism of this capacity is tantamount to making a concession to a temptation inspired by a tremendous fear in Satan and in all the forces of darkness. Many souls fear that the recognition of Mary as Co-Redemptrix would amount to a kind of blasphemy against God, because Mary would thereby allegedly be equated with the Divine Redeemer. The Heavenly Queen points out that this view is a dangerous fallacy. This is how She explains Her position:
As of Her Immaculate Conception, God had provided Mary as a Tabernacle which, on condition of Her persevering in a perfectly sinless life, would be ready and suited to bear within Her the Christ, the Divine Man-God, the Messiah and Redeemer, and to give birth to Him in a human body destined to make available, through an all-encompassing array of trials and crosses, the Redemption for every human soul who would spontaneously and voluntarily agree to merge her will with the Will of God Himself. Mary totally fulfilled God’s expectations, and was therefore given the unique privilege of a most profound merger of Her emotional, spiritual and even physical sensations with those of the Man-God Himself. Every detail of the inner sensations experienced by the Man-God was also unlocked in the Heart of Mary, because She had to be able, in representation of all created human souls, to dwell in a state of uninterrupted nuptial union with God Himself through Her entire inner life. God granted Her this unique privilege by virtue of His infallible judgment for a specific reason and with a specific purpose:
From the very beginning, God has willed that all His Works and Plans should only be fully unlocked (i.e., that they should only be able to produce their effects in a fully concrete way) to the extent that they would find their perfect echo in the hearts of human souls. This can only be the case in human souls who strive for such a degree of purity that they actually want what God wants, in complete self-denial and without allowing any detail of their actions and of their inner life to be guided by self-interest. Apart from Mary, no human soul in the history of creation has ever fulfilled this Divine expectation so completely. No heart apart from that of Mary was ever so perfectly, so totally and so unrestrainedly opened and attuned to God that it was ready to allow every sensation, every desire, every pain, etcetera, that lived in the Heart of the Man-God, to flow over into itself fully unimpededly and to carry each of these sensations inside itself without for even one single moment desiring to be freed from all the pains that went with it.
The Heart of Mary has suffered immeasurably deeply from the countless events, situations and contacts filled with darkness through which Christ suffered during His entire life on earth. No human soul is able to fathom the depth of Mary’s inner life and of Her unity with the Heart of Her Divine Son. For this reason, Satan has no difficulty in inspiring human souls to a completely misguided interpretation of the reality of Her capacity as Co-Redemptrix.
The Heavenly Mistress states clearly and distinctly: She is in the deepest sense of the word the Co-Redemptrix next to Christ (or 'with' Christ) because God Himself has willed it to be so. This does not mean that a created human soul is equated with the Divine Messiah, but that this soul with the fullness of her life and of her being has been allowed to partake in all the Redemptive Works of the Messiah and has done so wholeheartedly and unconditionally. Mary has fulfilled this Divine desire completely, so that Her personal commitment to God’s Works and Plans, and the voluntary total merging of Her human free will with the Will of God, has granted Her the privilege of an unparalleled far-reaching merger of Her inner life with the sensations of Christ.
Mary was spiritually so highly developed that She felt to a very high degree everything that went on in fellow creatures, emotionally, spiritually as well as physically. Already during the early youth of the little Jesus She felt in Her body every pain that He Himself had to experience when He hurt Himself during play. In the days of the Passion this unique ability was fully unlocked in Her, up to and including the absolute pinnacle when, when Jesus left bodily life, She Herself suffered a cardiac arrest for a moment (which remained hidden from all human souls – everything that took place during the Passion in the Heart, soul and body of the Mother of God was known only to God and the angels; all of this is shrouded and contained in Divine Mystery). Therefore, human souls are unable to judge at all that Mary could not be a Co-Redemptrix: No human soul knows the full course and extent of the trials and the mystical unity with Christ that She already experienced during those hours alone.
Likewise, as Mary once explained to Myriam, it has never been made generally known (because She Herself emphatically prevented this in order to allow Christ to remain in full Light instead of Light being shed on Her own role in the Plan of Redemption) that She also suffered intensely in Her body during the hours of the Passion of Jesus: In an invisible way She had to experience in Her own body elements of the Passion of the Redeemer to the extent God permitted this and as far as She was at all able to physically bear it.
For this reason it is shameful that many souls are unwilling to accept that Mary is Co-Redemptrix in the true sense of the word. She emphasizes that this does not mean that She would overshadow the Passion of the Man-God, nor that She would place Herself on the same level as the Redeemer, but simply that God Himself desires that mankind should know, recognize and accept what unique role Mary has played in the 'ratification' (in representation of all human souls) of the Works of Redemption, and for what reason. She has with Her whole life borne witness to a most profound unity with Her Divine Son, and has even, out of unparalleled humility, done everything in Her power so that no human soul would be able to ascertain anything of this far-reaching unity with the Man-God.
It is precisely this latter that has enabled Satan to stir up mass protests among human souls against the recognition of Mary as Co-Redemptrix, based on the fallacy that such recognition would be blasphemous. On the contrary, the lack of recognition of this capacity is a major torment to God and an outspoken opportunity for Satan to stir up souls against the recognition of the unique sublimity of Mary as a created human soul and as a source of crushing power over himself (Satan) and his works and plans of darkness.
Years ago already, the Mistress of all souls explained to Myriam that Satan leaves absolutely no stone unturned to turn souls against the recognition of great attributes of Her unlimited power (those as Mistress of all souls, as Co-Redemptrix and others) out of a tremendous fear that the large-scale recognition of these attributes would fatally shatter his influence in creation. Any resistance to Mary’s capacities as Mistress of all souls and as Co-Redemptrix is therefore a concession to a temptation through which Satan tries to prevent Mary from fully exercising Her unlimited power over him. May souls fully understand this and no longer give in to temptations to resist the recognition of Mary’s power, sublimity, majesty and Glory.
Milestone nr. 13. Mary as Advocate
The Holy Virgin once requested to be commemorated as Advocate with God on November 2, the day of All Souls’ Day.
God’s judgment on the actions and the entire inner life of a human soul (including every detail that remains hidden from the soul’s environment) is absolutely and irrevocably perfect. Nevertheless, He has provided that a human soul can 'intercede' with Him on behalf of another soul. The Holy Virgin once declared that Her Intercession should not be regarded as proclaiming a list of all the good things a soul has done (God Himself knows all this, too), nor as a kind of plea to obtain a reduction in punishment for the debts that the soul has accumulated during her life towards God and her fellow creatures, but as a kind of covering of the lack of Love in a soul with Her own absolutely perfect Love, so that God is offered a form of compensation for that which the soul is unable to give Him.
The Intercession from a Heart that is a Furnace of Perfect Love amounts to this, that the Advocate (Mary) throws a torch of blazing fire into the relative darkness of a soul, through which a Light and warmth are kindled in this soul, which urge this soul to see the fullness of her smallness and imperfection even during the judgment passed on her life, and to openly confess this to God. Mary’s Intercession is therefore not so much a matter of removing debts, but rather an intense exhortation to the soul so that she may of her own accord, with the powerful support of the holiest of all human souls of all times, still be able to bring about atoning Love towards God. Intercession is therefore as it were a weapon that Mary makes available, but which the soul can voluntarily use or not use in order to atone for some of her debts.
Every soul can intercede with God on behalf of a fellow human being, but no soul has the same power as Mary to do this in a perfectly effective manner, because every word and every movement of the Heart of the Holy Virgin is absolutely perfect in the eyes of God and is considered by Him to be in complete harmony with His Will. Therefore, the Intercession by the Holy Virgin during the judgment passed on a soul after her passage from this world to the throne of the Almighty God is considered to be of unlimited power: God accepts every desire of the Holy Virgin as an expression of His own Will, because He knows that all Her desires are directed one hundred percent towards the fulfilment of His Works and Plans.
In Her capacity as the great Advocate, the Holy Virgin is a mighty bridge of Love in every situation in which souls are unable, as it were, to complete the path to God’s Heart by their own strength because their hearts lack pure Light. Her Intercession seeks to complete every unfinished path, to bridge every gap in order to enable the soul to complete her journey to the other shore, where God is waiting for her. In order to make her intercession truly fruitful and therefore a deadly weapon against the darkness, the soul must make herself completely receptive to an unhampered collaboration with Mary. The soul can do this only to the extent she makes the dispositions of her heart merge with those of Mary’s Heart, which in turn are identical with those of Christ Himself.
Milestone nr. 14. Mary’s Assumption into Heaven soul and body
By virtue of Her absolutely flawless life on earth, God bestowed upon Mary the unique privilege of being assumed directly into Heaven soul and body after having fulfilled Her Mission in life. This is commemorated on August 15.
After having completed her life on earth every human soul is subjected to a judgment to be passed on her life by he all-powerful and absolutely infallible Eternal Judge. This judgment determines what happens to the soul immediately afterwards: Is she ready for her entry into the Kingdom of Heaven, or does the soul need to be purified for a certain period of time from any impurity that rests on her because of the moments during which her life failed to testify of absolutely perfect Love for God, for His Works and Plans, for creation and for all her fellow creatures, or is the soul so heavily burdened with guilt towards the Divine Law of True Love that she damns herself forever?
Mary, however, was exempted from this judgment, because throughout Her entire life on earth God had been able to determine that in every detail of Her actions, of all Her inner dispositions (feelings, thoughts, desires, aspirations, reactions to situations, and the general disposition of Her Heart) and in every encounter with any fellow creature Her soul had fulfilled His Law in an absolutely perfect manner. Her soul was therefore ready for an immediate entry into the Paradise of absolutely perfect Love. The Mistress of all souls once told Myriam that the majority of human souls are not ready for an immediate entry into Heaven because they "would not endure the absolutely perfect Fire of Love of Eternal Summer, but would be scorched in this Fire". Her Heart, however, was so perfectly in harmony with Eternal Love, so completely merged with the Heart of Eternal Love Itself, that She was immediately ready to enter the Kingdom of Eternal Summer, without any need for purification to achieve this harmony before entering Heaven.
Mary was admitted into Heaven not only as a soul, but even as a body, because even Her body was a Tabernacle of absolute holiness, in which the Christ, the Son of God Himself, was borne to be prepared in a physical body for a birth in the shape of a human being.
By assuming Mary directly into Heaven in the fullness of Her being, God confirmed that She had fulfilled the Divine Law in absolute perfection. Thereby She also became the Queen of Love (because Her completely sinless life bore witness to Her being perfect in Love, a perfection that has never been equaled by any human soul). Moreover, this once again confirmed that She is in the full sense of the word the Terror of demons, the One who fills Satan and his surroundings with the greatest fear because Her lifelong absolutely perfect sinlessness has granted Her an eternal invincible power over all darkness.
Mary’s capacity as the Queen of Love has been demonstrated and justified in various writings She has inspired to Myriam over the years, including Mary’s capacity as the Queen of Love has been demonstrated and justified in various writings inspired to Myriam, including The unwithering Flower of Galilee.
As the Queen of Love, She was and is also an absolute Ruler over all temptation to commit sin, because any temptation is an inspiration to violate the Divine Law of Love. Since Mary never sinned, She never gave in to any temptation. The fact that She was immaculately conceived does not in any way mean that Mary was never tempted, on the contrary. She repeatedly told Myriam how severely and frequently She was harassed by demons during Her life on earth, who often tried to tempt Her to succumb to the sin of pride by whispering to Her how powerful She was.
Mary’s Assumption into Heaven soul and body was a confirmation from God to all inhabitants of the Heavenly Kingdom that She was an absolutely unique human soul. Her Assumption was the direct precursor to the absolute culmination of God’s attitude towards Mary, as evidenced by the following milestone:
Milestone nr. 15. Mary’s Coronation as Queen and Mistress of all creatures
On August 22, seven days after the commemoration of Mary’s Assumption into Heaven, it is commemorated how God crowned Her as Queen of Heaven and earth for all eternity. In 2006, the Holy Virgin Mary, through Myriam, invited the souls to recognize and commemorate Her as the Mistress of all souls on the very same day.
In the years 2006-2007 the Queen of Heaven and earth, through Myriam, granted the souls an extraordinary view of the unique event immediately following Her Assumption into Heaven: see The Most Holy Trinity about Mary.
The Revelations in the aforementioned compilation give full expression to the unique sublimity, power and Glory of the Holy Virgin as provided by God Himself and expressed, among other things, during Her Coronation in Heaven. The words in question contain the greatest confirmation of Her invincible power over all darkness.
Below are several links to significant texts which discuss extensively and in depth the unique power, sublimity and glory of the Holy Virgin Mary and Her unique role and position within the development and unlocking of God’s Plan of Salvation.
Revelation about the unique power and sublimity of the Queen of Heaven (Special Revelation from 2023).
Confession made by a demon at Mary’s command (Special Revelation from 2007).
The powerful foot of the Woman (Special Revelation from 2020).
The ignored Light (Teaching from 2022).
Basic vision of the Mistress of all souls (Teaching from 2022).
The following books contain a lot of material demonstrating and underlining the unique power, sublimity and glory of the Holy Virgin:
Gems of Grace (Teaching from 2010)
Veil of Gold (Teaching from 2014)
The Dawn of God’s Kingdom on earth (Teaching from 2008)
The following link refers to a number of extremely powerful prayers the Mistress of all souls has inspired in Myriam over the years with the intention of helping to unlock Her unique power over the darkness in this world. Let us join hearts to form a mighty army in the service of the Mistress of all souls to help, under Her guidance, paralyze the darkness once and for all and help banish the effects of the countless works of darkness, misery, suffering, chaos, injustice and unhappiness in the world once and for all. Here are a number of powerful weapons in the form of unique prayers to unlock the power and sublimity of Mary, the Holy Virgin, Mother of Christ and the Woman provided by God:
Unlocking the power of Mary to advance the coming of God’s Kingdom on earth (Prayer category).
At the service of the Mistress of all souls, for the purpose of crushing the darkness and all of its works and plans in the world, and of advancing the establishment of God’s Kingdom on earth,
Myriam, July 2024.
In order to help the souls contribute more actively and consciously to activating Mary’s power over all the forces of darkness and over all the works and plans the darkness establishes in this world, here is a brief
chronological outline |
January 1:
Motherhood of Mary over Christ the Man-God (milestone 7).
February 2:
Presentation of Jesus in the temple (milestone 8).
3 februari:
Flight with the Infant Jesus into Egypt (milestone 9).
six weeks after Baptism of Jesus:
Wedding at Cana (milestone 11).
March 25:
Annunciation by the Archangel Gabriel to Mary (milestone 6).
Easter Saturday:
Mary as Co-Redemptrix (milestone 12).
three days after Easter Sunday:
Finding of Jesus in the temple (milestone 10).
August 15:
Assumption of Mary into Heaven body and soul (milestone 14).
August 22:
Coronation of Mary as Queen and Mistress of all creatures (milestone 15).
August 31:
Mary as Mediatrix of Graces (milestone 11).
September 8:
Birth of Mary (milestone 3).
September 12:
The name of 'Mary' or 'Myriam'/'Mirjam' (milestone 4).
October 31:
Mary Queen of Divine Light (milestone 8).
November 2:
All Souls’ Day, Mary as Advocate (milestone 13).
November 21:
Presentation of young Mary in the temple (milestone 5).
Saturday preceding 1st Sunday of the Advent:
Mary as the Queen-Mother (milestone 7).
Saturday preceding December 8:
Mary as the Woman (milestone 1).
December 8:
Mary as the Immaculate Conception (milestone 2).
December 25:
Motherhood of Mary over Christ the Man-God (milestone 7).