Prayer flowers inspired by the Holy Virgin Mary
In the Advent of 2024, the Queen of Heaven and earth inspired the following tetralogy for the purpose of glorifying the Heavenly powers that can be considered the embodiment of Divine Light and of God’s power against the forces of darkness. The forces of darkness are the forces that do everything in their power to prevent human souls from fulfilling their vocation in the service of the accomplishment of God’s Works and Plans, lest they should help bring the Divine Law to its perfect fulfilment through their entire lives, all their inner dispositions and all their actions.
The Divine Law can only be brought to its perfect fulfilment because through the full collaboration of human souls the omnipotence of God can be so completely unlocked that the grip exercised by the darkness upon the world and upon countless individual human souls is broken forever.
The Mistress of all souls has repeatedly pointed out that the praise and glorification of God and the Heavenly powers unleashes tremendous powers in the battle against the darkness. Let us understand this properly: These powers are fully present in themselves, and their final victory over the darkness is absolutely certain, because it is the object of a Divine Decree and Promise, yet God does nothing without the voluntary collaboration from human souls. We could consider it as if God draws up contracts that must be signed by both Himself and human souls before they come into effect. In other words: God hands us the keys to the door to the solution of our problems, but we must turn these keys in the lock ourselves in order to open the door. In the same way, Jesus Christ prepared our Redemption on the Cross, but human souls must help to unlock this Redemption in practice in order to actually reap the fruits of the Works of Redemption.
Therefore it is said that 'the people of good will' inherit Redemption: A soul of good will is a soul that unites her own free will with the Will of God and thereby truly helps unlock His Works. She is thus a soul that does not seek to satisfy her own desires in everything, but on the contrary experiences all situations of life in such a way that they can be put at the service of God. A soul that does not truly follow Christ by attuning her life to making concrete contributions to unlocking the effects of the Works of Redemption cannot have a share in these effects. Redemption is not something the soul automatically obtains, the latter must collaborate towards obtaining it in order that the fruits of the Works of Redemption may ripen in her own spiritual life.
Thus human souls help 'ratify' God’s Works and bring them to their intended effect. Glorification and praise also work this way: The invincible power of the Heavenly forces over the darkness is certain, but the actual extent to which this power can work itself out is determined by the extent to which human souls glorify or praise this power. The prayers contained in the present tetralogy are intended as powerful aids to achieve this.
The Tetralogy of glorification is composed of prayers of praise and glorification to, respectively, the Eternal Father, the Son of God Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and Mary, the Mother of God. The Divine power is represented by the Three Divine Persons, while the Mother of God, as the holiest of all created souls, is provided by God as the golden Bridge between Divinity and the human souls. She Herself explained years ago already that God has made Her His authorized Leader in the implementation, the unlocking, of Divine Works and Plans. On this Divine vision is based the whole concept of the total, unconditional and lifelong consecration of human souls’ whole being and all situations, events and contacts on the journey through their lives to the Holy Virgin Mary: The soul puts herself totally at the service of the Mother of God, who is thereby enabled to fulfil the Mission that God has given Her towards the human souls: the Mission (the eternal vocation and assignment) as the undisputed Mistress of the beings and lives of the souls consecrated to Her. Through this She truly becomes a Bridge between Divinity and the soul, and She can guide the soul unhindered on the path to an optimal service to God’s Works. Mary is the Mother and the Mistress of all souls, but it is first and foremost the souls consecrated to Her that open themselves completely up to Her influence in their lives.
For this very reason, glorification and praise to the Holy Virgin Mary are also invested with a tremendous power in the battle against the darkness. The Queen of Heaven stated years ago that Satan and his followers fear Her power in a way that is only equalled by their fear of Jesus Christ or of Divinity in general. God has invested Her with a power that is infinitely larger than the power of all creatures combined, a power which makes Her invincible to Satan. Mary has indeed been crowned by God as the Queen of all creatures (including Satan and his followers), and as the Leader in the battle waged by the powers of the Light against the forces of darkness, and God has decreed that in the Very Last Times She will crush the infernal serpent (Satan) under Her feet in collaboration with the human souls that are consecrated to Her (the 'offspring of the Woman').
The Divine Promise is therefore that the Holy Virgin will crush the works and plans of the darkness and undo their effects. This is what is commonly known as the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. On that occasion, She will thus fully crown the Mission of the Man-God Jesus Christ by helping to once and for all unlock the effects of His Works of Redemption wrought twenty centuries ago and thereby helping to seal the establishment of God’s Kingdom on earth. In this event, She will fully embody the Divine thesis that God’s Works are only fully accomplished insofar as they are ratified by human souls: The Queen of Heaven is the great Representative of the created human souls before God, and will, as it were, make the final defeat of the darkness visible in representation of these souls.
For these reasons, Mary is indeed rightly the Mistress of all souls, She who can lead and guide souls, independently but in the service of Divinity and the Divine Plan of Salvation for all creation, on their path of sanctification and perfection in the battle against the darkness. In this function, She is fully the Gate to the Kingdom of God and to the Heart of Christ, who is the King in the Kingdom of God. This unique function and these ultimate signs of Her unique power fully justify a profound glorification and praise to Her in addition to the glorification and praise to the Three Divine Persons themselves. This is how God Himself wants it to happen.
According to the words spoken by the Mistress of all souls, a life lived in strict adherence to the Teachings of Jesus Christ can paralyze every dark force, and total consecration to, and a sincere and profound glorification of, Her power deals a regular death blow to the darkness. Satan was already humiliated by the Passion and Death on the Cross of the Divine Messiah, but he is equally humiliated by the invincible power wielded over him by the Woman of the Last Times, a created human soul upon whom he has no hold whatsoever. A profound praise from human souls to Her who is also his Queen and Mistress (since he is himself a created soul), totally restrains him, and reminds him of the Divine Promise that the Woman will humiliate him totally in the last hour.
The fulfilment of this Promise awaits the active collaboration on the part of the human souls. This prospect fully justifies the profound praise that the Heavenly Mistress has inspired in the last prayer of the following tetralogy. Let us make it the great goal of our lives to actively contribute to the unlocking of the power of God and of His authorized One over the darkness and thus accomplish what God expects of every soul: to join Him in banishing Satan from creation once and for all and thereby purify the world of all misery, suffering, chaos and destruction.
At the service of the Mistress of all souls,
Myriam, December 2024.
Tetralogy of glorification: prayer flowers 1755-1758
Almighty Triune God, I lay down before You this praise, in order that Your omnipotence over the darkness in this world may produce its full effect.
Praise be to the Eternal Father as the only Being that exists all by itself, was not made by any force outside itself, and is itself the Source of everything outside itself.
Praise be to the Eternal Father as the Maker of the entire universe, the One to Whom everything belongs unconditionally.
Praise be to the Eternal Father as the Source and Destination of all Life, outside of Whom no life can ever begin or can ever exist, and to Whom every creature is to return after its life on earth is completed.
Praise be to the Eternal Father as the Force that guides all Life, He who tries to make the world a reflection of His Paradise through the interventions of His Providence.
Praise be to the Eternal Father as the Source of Divine Laws, which, according to the degree of their fulfilment, can develop the power to lead all things created to the perfection He intended it to achieve or to maintain the perfect harmony with God’s intentions.
Praise be to the Eternal Father as the very core, the very essence, of absolutely perfect and unconditional Love, which is the fuel and the medicine for all Life.
Praise be to the Eternal Father as the Source of the Light and of Truth, the very essence of reality the way God, in His infallible perfection, perceives it.
Praise be to the Eternal Father as the Source of the Plan of Salvation, the whole of His Works through which He tries to lead His creation and every individual creature to the highest possible degree of happiness and perfection.
Praise be to the Eternal Father as the Source of all graces as means to nourish in human souls the ability to approach perfection in living in the image of their Creator.
Praise be to the Eternal Father as the Source of unlimited Mercy, the concession made by His Love for the benefit of every soul that develops remorse over her weaknesses, het faults, her sins and the suffering she has caused to her God and to her fellow creatures.
Praise be to the Eternal Father as the Source of perfect Justice, the almighty Eternal Judge who wants to undo the effects of each and every violation of His Laws, in order that His creation may be governed exclusively by True Love.
Praise be to the Eternal Father as the absolute infallible Assessor of all behaviour and all and any inner dispositions of every human soul, on account of His perfect and complete perception and understanding of all processes which are going down inside every single creature and of His omniscience with respect to everything that happens within creation.
Praise be to the Eternal Father as the essence of all-encompassing consciousness, the ability that makes him the very epitome of unlimited and absolutely perfect awareness of every detail of all events, developments and perceptions taking place within and between all of His creatures.
Praise be to the Eternal Father as the absolute omnipotence, for Whom nothing is impossible, to Whom everything is boundlessly and unconditionally subjected, and Who can transform, heal or re-create positively anything.
Praise be to the Eternal Father in His Promise of the final and eternal victory of the Light over the darkness and all of its effects in creation.
Praise be to the Eternal Father as the Designer of the Plan of Salvation, through which He aims at establishing His Kingdom of perfect Love, Peace, Happiness and Justice in all creation as well as Eternal Bliss for every human soul.
Almighty Triune God, I lay down before You this praise, in order that Your omnipotence over the darkness in this world may produce its full effect.
Praise be to Jesus Christ as God’s Messiah, the One who was to come into the world for the purpose of restoring the equilibrium within God’s creation, which was heavily distorted by the sinfulness of mankind.
Praise be to Jesus Christ as the Redeemer, who was to break the chains, in which each human soul was a captive to an eternal destination separated from God, due to original sin.
Praise be to Jesus Christ as the Man-God, the Son of God who was to live a life on earth in a physical body in order to expiate all violations committed by human souls against God’s Law.
Praise be to Jesus Christ as the crucified and risen Christ, Embodiment of the ultimate destruction of all darkness by true Love.
Praise be to Jesus Christ as the Light of the world, the Divine Embodiment of the way to a perfect fulfilment of Divine Law by all human souls.
Praise be to Jesus Christ as the Lamb of God, the Divine sacrificial lamb in whose self-sacrifice all sins committed by all mankind of all times were to be offered to God in order to extinguish the destructive fire of the darkness.
Praise be to Jesus Christ as the Way, the Truth and the Life, the embodiment of Divine Law and Divine Life and the only reality in the eyes of God.
Praise be to Jesus Christ as the Divine Miracle Worker, God’s Sign denoting His omnipotence to undo any distortion of the equilibrium within creation and any deviation from Divine Law.
Praise be to Jesus Christ as the One who resuscitates the dead, God’s Sign indicating He is essentially the Source and the Master of all Life and the Defeater of all darkness, the latter being the source of death and corruption and of all deviation and sickness within God’s creation.
Praise be to Jesus Christ as the One who expels demons, God’s Sign for the fact that in His Kingdom on earth there is no room for the darkness and its works.
Praise be to Jesus Christ as the Forgiver of sins, the Voice of the loving God who has invested true remorse and sincere repentance with power over temporary wrong decisions made by human souls.
Praise be to Jesus Christ as the Source of the Church and of the Sacraments, through which God wants to complement the weak faith of human souls in order that they may become less sensitive to the works of deception and blinding of human souls by the darkness.
Praise be to Jesus Christ as the Source of the Great Promise of God’s Kingdom on earth and of Eternal Bliss for human souls that are sincerely willing to serve and to love God and their fellow creatures.
Praise be to Jesus Christ as the King of creation, the One who through the ages has been doing everything to prevent the world from becoming the kingdom of the darkness.
Praise be to Jesus Christ as the Son of God who is to return into the hearts of all souls who whole-heartedly desire that God’s Kingdom be born inside themselves and all darkness be expelled from the world.
Almighty Triune God, I lay down before You this praise, in order that Your omnipotence over the darkness in this world may produce its full effect.
Praise be to the Holy Spirit as the Source of knowledge and understanding of Divine Law and of the Mysteries of Divine Life.
Praise be to the Holy Spirit as the One who lifts the veil of all worldly delusion and deception, and who extinguishes fathom lights.
Praise be to the Holy Spirit as the One through whom the soul learns to see the interests pertaining to Eternal Life as the only true purpose of life on earth.
Praise be to the Holy Spirit, through whom the soul can find meaning in all and any trials as raw materials for the establishment of God’s Kingdom on earth.
Praise be to the Holy Spirit, through whom each human heart can learn to read the book of God’s desires and expectations.
Praise be to the Holy Spirit, through whom the soul learns to distinguish between good and evil, between Light and darkness, between virtue and sin.
Praise be to the Holy Spirit as the One who is able to open up the soul to the fullness of Divine Truth as the foundation of a rock-solid faith and an unwavering hope.
Praise be to the Holy Spirit as the Source of all Light and Fire in human souls and in dispositions of oppression in hearts.
Praise be to the Holy Spirit as the Source of self-awareness for every soul who opens up to Him.
Praise be to the Holy Spirit as the Healer of indifference, shallowness, doubts, fear and anxiety, and of any lack of faith and of enthusiasm, in order that every soul may become a useful tool in God’s hands.
Praise be to the Holy Spirit as the Divine Comforter, who shows to souls how futile and transient their worldly worries and crosses are when compared to Eternal Life.
Praise be to the Holy Spirit as the Wind of renewal, who prepares souls for accepting new insights in God’s Laws and desires.
Praise be to the Holy Spirit as the Source of Heavenly strength and inspiritment of all living beings, the Source that is able to strengthen and heal all dispositions of the body, the mind, emotional and spiritual life.
Praise be to the Holy Spirit as the Liberator of the soul in her major weaknesses and in any addiction to worldly needs, in order that she may find the way back to God’s Heart.
Praise be to the Holy Spirit as the Signpost pointing towards all faults and shortcomings of my life, in order that I may make amends for everything so as to fulfil the Divine Basic Law of True Love.
Praise be to the Holy Spirit as the Magnet that has the power to draw my will towards the Will of God for the purpose of merging with this infallible Will.
Praise be to the Holy Spirit, who unlocks human hearts to become aware of the value and dignity of each and every fellow creature and of the fact that every creature has its origins in the Heart of God.
Praise be to the Holy Spirit as the One who unlocks human hearts to the lessons that God hides in every situation of life.
Praise be to the Holy Spirit as the Divine Light that is able to open up to the experience of the Kingdom of God and of Divine Life every heart that sincerely longs to be united with God.
Almighty Triune God, I lay down before You this praise, in order that Your omnipotence over the darkness in this world may produce its full effect.
Praise be to Mary, the immaculate Mother of God, as the Immaculate Conception, the only human soul who was not distorted by the scar from original sin.
Praise be to Mary, the immaculate Mother of God, as the Rebirth of paradise on earth, God’s response to Eve, the disloyal first queen of God’s creation.
Praise be to Mary, the immaculate Mother of God, as the Woman of the Last Times, the Woman with the serpent underneath Her feet, the One predestined by God to crush the works and plans of the darkness once and for all for the purpose of crowning the Works of Redemption wrought by the Christ and therefore of unlocking the Kingdom of God on earth.
Praise be to Mary, the immaculate Mother of God, as the Great Sign of the embodiment of God’s design of the ideal human soul in perfect service to God’s Plan of Salvation.
Praise be to Mary, the immaculate Mother of God, as the Dawn of the Kingdom of the Light, which was to begin its bloom once and for all with Jesus Christ.
Praise be to Mary, the immaculate Mother of God, as the unscathed image of God on account of Her having led a life in perfect fulfilment of Divine Law.
Praise be to Mary, the immaculate Mother of God, as the only soul invested with the fullness of Grace owing to the fact God has filled Her with His gifts to the highest extent possible for a created soul.
Praise be to Mary, the immaculate Mother of God, as the supreme chosen Daughter of the Eternal Father, the One who was predestined to receive and to bear the Son of God in Her womb and to give birth to Him in a human body.
Praise be to Mary, the immaculate Mother of God, as the Bride of the Holy Spirit and therefore the perfect Bridge for human souls to Divine Life and to a rebirth from the Spirit.
Praise be to Mary, the immaculate Mother of God, as the Channel towards the Incarnation of the Christ and therefore the embodiment of perfect self-denial and absolutely perfect service to the Works of God.
Praise be to Mary, the immaculate Mother of God, as the virginal Mother of the Divine Messiah und therefore the perfect Bridge between Divine and human nature, and perfect Ark of the New Covenant which was to be instituted by the Messiah.
Praise be to Mary, the immaculate Mother of God, as the perfect Tabernacle of the most sacred germ of the Man-God Jesus Christ.
Praise be to Mary, the immaculate Mother of God, as the perfectly holy Defeatress of all temptation, sin and darkness, und therefore the only eternally sinless human soul and the formidable Terror of the demons.
Praise be to Mary, the immaculate Mother of God, who on account of Her perfect purity is eternally a stainless reflection of the Light of God, the One who, among all creatures, is, was and will forever be the only perfect mirror of God’s Heart.
Praise be to Mary, the immaculate Mother of God, as powerful Guide and Shield on the lifelong journey of every soul who is willing to lead a life in total consecration and service to Her.
Praise be to Mary, the immaculate Mother of God, as the Full Moon in the night of the sinfulness of human souls, the One who is able to introduce the Light of God into the souls unimpededly.
Praise be to Mary, the immaculate Mother of God, elevated far above all creation as the indisputable Queen of all creation.
Praise be to Mary, the immaculate Mother of God, as the Mediatrix of all Graces on account of the total merger of Her will with the Will of the almighty God.
Praise be to Mary, the immaculate Mother of God, who on account of Her perfect Love was invested with an unlimited power as Advocate for the benefit of Eternal Salvation of souls of good will.
Praise be to Mary, the immaculate Mother of God, as the true Co-Redemptrix who, through Her unique unity of Hearts with the Divine Redeemer, has to an unparalleled degree partaken in the experience of the Sufferings He endured on account of all manifestations of lack of Love in the human hearts of all the ages.
Praise be to Mary, the immaculate Mother of God, as the Mistress of the angels, the Commander of God’s Hosts of the Light in the permanent battle against the darkness.
Praise be to Mary, the immaculate Mother of God, whom I fully and unconditionally accept as Mistress of my entire life and my entire being because She is the golden gate to the great Temple that is called Christ.
Praise be to Mary, the immaculate Mother of God, as the most sublime Work of Wonder wrought by God and the full-fledged Treasury of all perfect things that have ever been designed by God.
Praise be to Mary, the immaculate Mother of God, as the Bearer of the most powerful name among all creatures, which means the ocean of total power, sanctity and celestial majesty