addressed to them through Myriam van Nazareth

"Christianity in these Last Times is mired in a swamp of passivity.

God is regarded by a great many Christians as some kind of machine that is only there for the purpose of working wonders for the benefit of their worldly pseudo happiness and of automatically granting them access to Eternal Bliss after their life on earth.

Rooted in this attitude innumerable Christians surrender themselves to a life of piling up prayers and Sacraments for the sole purpose of acquiring Eternal Salvation for themselves, whereas the only way which is able to guarantee them Eternal Salvation is largely neglected: the way on which the soul practices the Law of true Love sincerely day after day, and whole-heartedly denies herself under all circumstances of her life, in all and any encounters with fellow creatures, in order that the fellow creature might feel the warmth of God’s presence through her way of being and all elements of her behaviour.

Every human soul receives her one and only life on earth for the sole purpose of using all circumstances and every single moment of her life, every action, every word, every thought, every feeling, every aspiration and even the deepest and most secret dispositions of her heart to totally and unconditionally serve the completion of the Works of Love God is incessantly trying to accomplish in all of creation through the human souls. A soul that lives this way is helping God make His big dream come true: His dream of establishing His Kingdom of perfect Love, perfect Peace and perfect Happiness on earth in a world in which no trace of darkness, of misery, of suffering, of chaos and of unhappiness are able to maintain itself, a world in which sin is no longer given any chances.

There is but one single way leading to such a world: the way of a persistent, spontaneous and unconditional practice of self-denying Love by all human souls towards all their fellow creatures and towards God Himself.

Christians, Jesus Christ Himself is passionately scrutinizing your hearts, hoping He can find signs of a new spring in them, a spring which can bloom only to the extent to which the seed of self-denying Love He Himself has been sowing so abundantly throughout His life as the Man-God, the Messiah, the Saviour and Redeemer, is brought to maturity by your own doing in the warmth of a genuine Love without the slightest trace of selfishness or self-interest. The seed of self-denying Love of the Divine Christ has been invested with the power of Divine Life through His own Blood, in order that it may become the germ from which the paradise God intended the earth to be is to bloom after the Love of Christ will have been allowed to conclude marriage with as many human hearts as possible that are willing to follow and imitate Him actively, spontaneously and from their own free will in their own lives and through their own inner dispositions.

The God of perfect Love reminds you of the vocation with which He sent you into the world: the vocation of being Christians, a vocation consisting of finally bringing the Works of Redemption wrought by the Christ to bloom visibly, in order that the darkness may be defeated once and for all from within the human hearts themselves and that the swamp of misery in which the world is bogged down may dry up under the sun of unconditional Love. This, and only this, is true following of Jesus Christ.

God is waiting for your unconditional self-denial and your relentless service to His Plan for the establishment of His Kingdom on earth through your practicing nothing but true Love towards Him and towards all creatures without any distinction, any discrimination, and in an impeccable respect for the dignity He invested each and every creature with, for every creature bears the signature of the One who designed it inside His Heart, and is therefore, in the eyes of God, the bearer of a life which is sacred and which has a specific role to fulfil within the accomplishment of God’s infallible Plan of Salvation for the benefit of all creation.

Do no longer hold on to an attitude of passive waiting for God to come and intervene in the heavy darkness oppressing this world, as He has given you an inviolable free will and can therefore only make His Works visible to the degree to which you, from your own accord and based on a sincere desire to have your hearts merged with His Heart, actively practice His Law of true Love in every single detail of your lives.

Also, do no longer live on the assumption that you will automatically acquire Eternal Bliss by mechanically piling up Sacraments and prayers. These are buttons which merely serve to keep the coat of Love closed. Without strictly practicing unconditional self-denying Love you will not even possess a coat, so what is the use of collecting heaps of buttons? What are you going to dress you souls in if you do not have the only coat fitting it: the coat of a Love that is in perfect accordance with the Love demonstrated to all of you by God’s Son Jesus Christ?

Christians of these Last Times, with you resides the sacred responsibility to finally bring the most sublime legacy of the crucified and risen Christ to this world to full fruition. This legacy has remained largely unfruitful due to the devastating impact of unbridled sin. Be fully aware of the fact that every sin is nothing other than an act of non fulfilment of the Law of Love. Tremendous numbers of flowers of sacred works of Love wrought by human souls wither by the toxic clouds created by billions of violations against the law of Love every single day.

Therefore I remind you most emphatically of the most holy lesson taught by the Christ Himself for the purpose of delivering the world once and for all from the claws of Satan tearing it up relentlessly: a lesson teaching a stainless self-denying Love in each and every situation, each and every contact with any fellow creature, every single inner movement in the very depths of your hearts, and all of this every single moment of each day and night. Abandon all selfishness, all jealousy, every tendency to live for the benefit of achieving your own Eternal Bliss, every superficial attitude towards every single element of your everyday lives, every tendency to make yourselves judges and masters of life and death of fellow creatures and of the quality of their lives.

Learn how to become aware of your vocation, which consists of adding substance to every single moment of your lives by giving God the opportunity to develop His Love in it. Be a ray of sunlight, a mirror of Light and a source of security, service and sincere forgiveness to every single fellow creature, every moment of every day, and do recognize the countless opportunities in which the darkness hides its pitfalls in everyday life for the purpose of luring you into rendering service to its works and plans. Do not keep chasing after your worldly needs but rather live focused on completing the establishment of God’s Kingdom on earth.

Every one of you receives one single life on earth, serving nothing other than the establishment of God’s Kingdom on earth. This mission in life, this holy mission of being a tool operated by God, can be accomplished fruitfully only to the extent to which you manage to make a positive difference for every single fellow creature you encounter, day after day, for God Himself is the force behind incessant attempts to bring His creatures together in order that their encounters might bring His most sacred Plan nearer and nearer to its final accomplishment. This can be the case only to the extent to which these encounters are filled actively, by human souls, with sincere, unconditional Love which is devoid of any selfish motivation and of any selfish goal.

Therefore, do live only for the purpose of accomplishing God’s Kingdom on earth, and happiness will automatically be your share. This happiness will express itself during your earthly lives in the shape of a growing peace of heart, which is the genuine peace of Christ, and after this life on earth in an Eternal Bliss which far exceeds your wildest dreams. Keep all of this in mind every single moment of each day, and your hearts will automatically become ever purer reflections of God’s Heart.

Christians, in you God puts His hope for the accomplishment of His Works of Salvation, which began with My Immaculate Conception, were wrought to perfection through the Life, Passion, Resurrection and Ascension of My Divine Son Jesus Christ, and which are to be opened up and blossom inside each and every heart in order that the fullness of God’s Light may shine upon the fields of the world for the accomplishment of the sacred harvest which is to bring the lost paradise to its rebirth. The key is well known to you, yet in spite of the Divine example set by the life of Christ it has been very largely neglected due to he fact countless souls have been opting in favour of serving the works of the darkness – which are the harvest of selfishness, vengeance, resentment, hate, jealousy, envy, unbridled violation of the dignity of all creatures, and of living a life of pursuing worldly needs – instead of serving the Works of the Light – which are the harvest of perfectly unselfish Love, a spontaneous forgiveness and a life dedicated to furthering the happiness and well-being of all creatures on earth, in order that in all creation may become visible the signature of the One who designed it yet who, ever since the original sin, has been the witness of unimaginable damage caused to His holy Works by the claws of billions of instances in which human souls would act upon the inspirations from the darkness, day after day for centuries on end.

Therefore, keep your eyes on the only purpose and goal of your life: being living signs of the sanctity of the God of Love, in whose Heart every one of your hearts was designed. Then My Divine Son will not have suffered in vain to obtain happiness for every one of you, and to turn creation into a place filled with nothing but Love and Peace, and the spirit of Christ will finally get the opportunity to show this world that God is nothing but Love and that He should therefore be alive in every single human heart as the only true Destination of all life". (the Holy Virgin Mary to Myriam, January 17, 2021)

Within the context of Her above Revelation the Queen of Heaven also refers to Her following inspiration:

Celestial whispers from the Seat of Wisdom Section nr. 31