Special Revelation by the Holy Virgin Mary
on December 31, 2024
The time has come to let you proclaim My following words, which originate with the fact that numerous souls harbor an incorrect image of Divine Mercy. Many souls assume that Divine Mercy automatically works itself out in every soul, because Jesus has opened it up through His Works of Redemption as an essential element of the New Covenant between God and the souls.
However, as I have been proclaiming for so long, God does not force anything on souls, not even His gifts. Furthermore, each individual soul must in her own life actively collaborate in the actual unlocking of God’s Graces within herself.
Divine Mercy is the attribute by which God continues to grant mankind the grace of forgiveness, despite the fact that as a whole the souls no longer even deserve it, especially since, on account of the New Covenant, souls no longer have any excuse for living in blind sinfulness. However, the sinfulness of mankind has not diminished in any way since the death of Christ on the Cross, on the contrary.
In essence, God’s Mercy is the quality that prompts God to meet souls in such a way that they can acquire the highest possible merits despite their weakness, to the extent that they are willing to actively and lovingly commit themselves to rising above their weaknesses with God’s help, in other words, to the extent that they demonstrate a willingness to go to the utmost to fulfil His Will. This also means that Divine Mercy does not automatically come into operation, but is unlocked by dispositions of the human soul that voluntarily orients herself towards God’s Plans and is inspired by the desire to help accomplish them.
How are souls to understand all this? Here is the principle:
At her creation every human soul is provided by God with the ability to fulfil the Divine Basic Law of sincere, self-denying Love towards God Himself, towards His infallible Works and Plans and towards all her fellow creatures, and to do so spontaneously and without any discrimination. This ability must be considered one of the greatest and most important gifts the soul receives from her Creator. To the extent that she actually uses this ability wholeheartedly and unconditionally, the gates of God’s Mercy will open up to her.
When does a human soul truly qualify to have Divine Mercy manifest itself in her life? A soul can only earn God’s Mercy to the extent that she:
To the extent to which a soul fulfils these conditions in all situations, circumstances, events and encounters of her life, God will grant her forgiveness for the debts she has incurred towards the Divine Law through all her actions, all her words and the entirety of her hidden inner life (negative thoughts, feelings and desires). According to this extent God can determine to what extent the soul has ultimately resolutely and sincerely opted in favour of practicing a sincere Love towards God and her fellow creatures and has truly once and for all embraced this experience of True Love as her only philosophy in life, the only force driving her entire life, both internally and externally.
In concrete terms this means that a soul, no matter how sinfully she may have lived, can count on a far-reaching forgiveness from God on the basis of a determined change in her inner dispositions, but conversely it also means that the soul that does not at a certain moment in life spontaneously, wholeheartedly and persistently begins to direct her inner dispositions to God and to practicing His Law of True Love, runs the risk of being able to count on the effects of Divine Mercy only to a very small extent, or not at all, in the hour when the infallible and omniscient Divine Judge is to pass judgment on her past life.
Every time a soul mistreats or causes suffering or harm to a fellow creature – no matter whether an animal or a fellow human being – she cuts a channel of Love that God’s Providence had established between this fellow creature and the soul concerned. By doing so, she is actually also cutting a channel of nourishment for her own deepest spiritual life, thereby laying the foundation for her own entire being getting sick and for a slow (sometimes rapid) death of her spiritual Life. Indeed, sickness and death ultimately have their origin in the transgressions against the Divine Law of True Love that proceed from mankind as a whole.
Do understand correctly that the greatest expressions of True Love are those that start flourishing in dispositions such as:
God has prepared for the human souls extraordinary signs of His Love for them, and has hidden these signs in great gifts. Among the greatest of these gifts are:
- the Works of Redemption accomplished by Jesus Christ in order that human souls who sincerely wish to dedicate their entire lives to the accomplishment of God’s Works and Plans may obtain Eternal Bliss;
- fellow creatures on every human soul’s path through life: Every fellow creature – fellow human beings as well as animals – is a channel of Love. How powerful are in God’s eyes words of prayer along the following lines: My God, I thank You for the immeasurable gift that You have given me in the shape of fellow creatures that can give me Love, and whom I can love in my turn. Indeed, to be allowed to help True Love flow is a source of immeasurable wealth for every soul, because it is the golden key on the gate to Divine Mercy;
- Divine Mercy, without which no soul could ever enter Heaven, for no soul born without the unique privilege of the Immaculate Conception, and who has not lived a perfectly flawless life thereafter, ends her earthly life without being tarnished by some transgression against Divine Law. Except for Me, invested with the unique fullness of Grace, no human soul has ever appeared before the Divine Judge without a single stain, however small it may sometimes have been. Therefore, I say in truth, that no human soul would ever see Heaven if Divine Mercy did not contribute to settling the current account of her spiritual life with regard to Divine Law.
Souls, do live each and every further day of your life in such a way that your life, as well as the disposition of your heart, which can only be fully and infallibly fathomed by God Himself, radiate a Light and a warmth that can be felt in one way or another by every fellow creature, so that your presence and your life may make a positive difference to the fellow creatures – fellow human beings and animals – with whom you come into contact, and that you may thereby contribute concretely to the accomplishment of God’s Works and Plans in the world, which are completely attuned to the establishment of a world without suffering, misery, chaos, insincerity, fear, insecurity and deceit. To the extent that you lead such a life spontaneously, wholeheartedly and in spotless sincerity towards God and your fellow creatures, Divine Mercy will pay out your insurance of Eternal Life. Therefore, try to be a sun, for which Christ has set the very example for you, and live your life in unity of heart with Me, i.e. in total consecration to me, in order that I may get to be your powerful support on this journey. Do understand this correctly".
(Mary, the Queen of Heaven and earth and Mother of Mercy, to Myriam, December 31, 2024)