Revelation by the Mistress of all souls

to Myriam van Nazareth

August 2020

On September 15, 2020, the Mistress of all souls allowed the release of the following Revelation She had inspired to Myriam during a night in August 2020:

"It is My desire that henceforth you should address Me as often as possible by the following formula:

Holy Virgin Mary, my powerful Heavenly Mistress,
most sublime Work of wonder ever wrought by God.

This phrase as a way of addressing Me possesses a tremendous power against the darkness and pays Me the tribute which in the eyes of God is a bearer of an unparalleled fruitfulness according to the extent to which the soul who addresses it to Me does actually truly and sincerely experience the words in her own heart. I will explain to you why this is so:

This salutation refers to Me as the Holy Virgin and therefore professes My Motherhood over the Christ without any human intervention, a Motherhood which found its origin exclusively in an act of directly Divine overshadowing, so that I was able to become the Mother of the Messiah while remaining a Virgin. Even by itself this capacity generates an excruciating power over the darkness, for it also reminds the latter of My Immaculate Conception, without which My soul would not have possessed the disposition that was absolutely necessary to bear the Son of God inside Myself.

The address explicitly mentions My most sacred name Mary, the name which among all names of all created souls enjoys God’s highest predilection, as it was invested by Him with a tremendous power. My name, in Aramaic Meri-jam, means, and herewith I refer to My Revelation of December 3, 2007: "The most profound meaning of 'Myriam' or 'Meri-jam' is 'Ocean of God'. The Most High has wanted these sounds to be loaded with meanings referring to all attributes of God Himself: ocean of power, ocean of virtues, ocean of graces, ocean of glory, ocean of beauty, ocean of sanctity, ocean of Love, and yet many other meanings. All of this bears reference to My vocation, to the very purpose for which God created My soul: I am the Ocean in which the Most High has poured Himself out. Whoever drinks of Me is drinking out of the very Heart of God and is quenching their thirst with all that proceeds from God and can be ingested by a created soul". My name, in either variant – Mary and Myriam/Meri-jam alike – generates a fearsome power over all darkness.

This phrase addressing Me refers to Me as your powerful Heavenly Mistress, which makes you acknowledge Me as the One to whom you have surrendered totally and unconditionally in a covenant of unconditional service of the highest degree, the degree of slavery to Love, as a slave whose entire being belongs to the Being that was predestined by God Himself in the kingdom of Heaven to be the Mistress of all souls. With these words you also acknowledge My sovereign and uncontested power over your entire being and your entire life, and thus My power over anything which may threaten your being, a power I can freely exercise in proportion to the extent to which your free will is not intent on going without My ruling in and through your being and your life.

This address refers to Me as the most sublime Work of wonder ever wrought by God. I am the Masterpiece of God’s hands, the being He invested with the fullness of grace and in whom all perfection of His creative omnipotence was allowed to become flesh. I am Divine Life become flesh, embodied spiritualization, and am therefore the One the darkness takes exception to.

This address as a whole guarantees the soul that uses it in full sincerity and in a profound desire to experience My presence both in her life in general and in any specific situation, My powerful protection and My acting for her benefit as a force that breathes life into her, and it also guarantees her the tangible signs of My salutary actions in her entire being and in her life.

This address seals a very close covenant between the soul who pronounces it whole-heartedly, sincerely and filled with a profound longing for Me, and Myself. In truth I tell you that a frequent and sincere use of this address from the proper disposition of the heart – a disposition of total, unconditional and lifelong surrender to Me – does make a difference for the soul, which she will be able to find confirmed during her earthly life as well as, especially, after this life. During her earthly life she will first and foremost find it to provide a powerful shield of protection against all darkness and an outspoken confirmation of her consecration to Me".