Myriam van Nazareth

The Holy Virgin Mary has me mention the fact the present teaching was inspired owing to a grace She has obtained for mankind in Her capacity as the Mediatrix of all Graces as an important act of reparation to Eternal Love. This teaching demonstrates the nonsensicalness of the fact people sometimes tend to blame God for the trials, setbacks and crosses they encounter during their journey through life.

People frequently blame God for trials they are going through and which cause them sufferings. Thus God, the Divine Judge of all Life, is sentenced by the human soul – who was meant to be the crown upon His Works, the mirror of His sanctity and of the dispositions of His Heart – as being the Source of all suffering. Nevertheless He is and remains Eternal Love, a constantly flowing Source of graces which have but one purpose: that every human soul should inherit the greatest possible Bliss in the Life after life on earth.

In a manner of speaking God made His creation as a material mirror of the immaterial Kingdom of the Heavens. Creation was to be God’s Kingdom on earth, a Kingdom in which Divine Law of perfect Love and perfect Peace was to express itself in a perfectly stainless way in all relations and contacts between creatures. Life in creation was perfectly holy, even on the material (physical) level of life. Owing to a perfect harmony between material life and Divine Law all physical processes took place in perfect accordance with the Divine Laws of growth and bloom, meaning that the Law of Divine Intelligence was able to produce all its effects in material life in a perfect way. As a consequence thereof there was no such thing as disease or physical suffering.

All this expressed the perfect unity of living on all levels on the one hand, and the Creator of all life on the other, in other words: There was a perfectly uninhibited flow from God’s Heart towards all things alive. Divine Love, which is the essence of Divine Life, was received and processed in the human soul without any restraint. When the hour would have come for God to terminate life of a human on earth the human soul would, as it were, be able to continue her life automatically in Eternal Bliss.

However, the first human souls committed the original sin of the first disobedience towards a Divine commandment. As a consequence thereof they lost the privilege of automatically continuing life in Eternal Bliss. By violating the perfect harmony of life, also on the physical level, physical life, too, lost its perfect sanctity and the Law of Divine Intelligence was no longer able to produce its effects uninhibitedly in physical life. This is how suffering and illness came into being.

God now demonstrated His absolutely perfect Love by making man an active part in His Plan for restoring the sanctity of life. All sufferings and illness, all trials and crosses of life could be included in the implementation of this Plan as raw material for the preparation of the tremendous grace of Redemption, the effects of which God would open up once and for all by sending His Son Jesus Christ into the world in order to sustain absolutely perfect sufferings in the capacity as the Man-God. These Sufferings of the Man-God were to produce the key to open up the sanctity of life on earth inside each human soul who would faithfully follow the Christ whole-heartedly and in self-denial.

Delivering the human soul from the impossibility of receiving Eternal Bliss after her life in a physical body is therefore a matter of faithfully following Jesus Christ: Living like the Man-God has lived, by:

  • persistent, spontaneous, purposeful application of the Law of true Love in all aspects of life, in all contacts with all fellow creatures and in the relationship with God;
  • leading a life as a mirror of God’s Truth, as a living witness – towards all darkness – of the perfection of God’s Works and Plans;
  • loving acceptation of all trials and crosses, all sufferings and setbacks of life, being fully aware of the fact they are nothing but expressions of God’s perfect Love, which wants to offer the human soul opportunities, through uniformity with the suffering Christ, to participate actively in the redemption of the human soul from the power of the darkness to bar her from Eternal Bliss.

If man is to be able to deal with the trials and crosses of life in a fruitful way he should allow the five following principles from Divine Law to take root firmly in the very depths of his spiritual life and act upon them unconditionally:

1. Man must contribute to the Works of Redemption in an active way. God expects each human soul to contribute to opening up the effects of the Works of Redemption wrought by the Christ. This contribution should be made purposefully, voluntarily, spontaneously, actively and persistently. This is what the apostle Saint Paul meant by his statement that man must complement that which is lacking in the Works of Christ. The only thing 'lacking' in these Works is the active merger of each soul with these Works from the most profound dispositions of her heart. God will not impose anything, He wants to accomplish His Works through the hands, the mouths, the hearts and the minds of human souls. The human soul is to represent God and His Works towards all of her fellow creatures. This is why each human soul should be perfectly one at heart with God’s intentions.

2. Man has got a free will. God is not to blame for the fact that countless human souls use their free will to serve the darkness in innumerable situations and aspects of life, thereby allowing the world to systematically sink deeper and deeper into the darkness. We can see the results: a world filled with chaos, suffering, misery and injustice, which as a whole deliver countless situations, events, contacts and relations to a vast array of influences from the darkness. This has made the world a constant source of misery, a source of innumerable deviations from Divine Law.

In any number of ways life in this world no longer bears witness to any harmony with Divine Love. On account of this finding a great many people tend to blame God for anything which is not quite running the way they would like it to run, and for all the misery and chaos they can see around them. Because God respects the human souls’ free will to the utmost He will not intervene with the way man is governing the world. Due to the fact countless souls pay far more attention to the inspirations from the darkness than to those proceeding from God, a great many things in this word are going all wrong. Not God is the One the blame here, but the many souls who will act, think, feel and aspire in accordance with the inspirations from the darkness, which has set itself the goal to destroy all of God’s Works and to veil any sign of God’s Presence and actions in this world.

The fact the world is getting worse is not due to any indifference on God’s part, and even less to the fact there would not even be a God. The forces of evil are leaving no stone unturned to have these heretic notions take root in this world on a large scale.

3. Life on earth is not a goal of its own, it is merely a means towards sanctification and thus a bridge towards true Life after physical death. The human soul will easily fall prey to the temptation to see only those things she is able to perceive through the five senses. Before the original sin was committed man was gifted with a spontaneous and continuous contact with God’s Heart. Through the original sin this gift was lost and each soul is under the obligation to make efforts towards restoring her own individual sanctity through an active commitment to practicing true Love in all situations and contacts of life.

To the extent to which sanctity in a soul starts blooming again, the soul will again increasingly sense God’s Heart and spontaneously become aware of the fact life on earth is not the actual goal of man’s living, the actual goal being life in the Everafter. The soul will therefore realize that all a man experiences in this world, including that which is perceived as negative or painful, is very meaningful in preparation for the opening of the Divine Legacy providing access to Eternal Bliss in Heaven. In proportion as this awareness truly blossoms man develops a spontaneous and increasing ability to understand how relative all suffering in this world is. Man may be overwhelmed by sufferings and trials, but they are never the end, nor are they meaningful in themselves, they are merely means towards an increasing new unity with the Heart of God.

All this is due to material thinking, which was injected into the world by the darkness: Man lives and thinks as if there were nothing besides matter (the Laws of spiritual life, which are not related to material needs, are disregarded). This is why many people feel directly and personally harmed by God (provided they do not ignore the fact He even exists) if things are not running the way they would want them to.

4. Each human soul is but a small cog in the network of creation. Many souls are guilty of overestimating their own importance, of pride, arrogance, conceitedness, and go on the assumption they have a claim to an automatic right to be delivered by God from anything they regard as unpleasant. Instead of recognizing their role as a small cog in a system consisting of billions of cogs (the entire network of all creatures in this world) they consider themselves to be a major, even an indispensable junction. There are souls who place themselves so high above all others they fall prey to egocentrism and believe that many things should naturally revolve around them. For a person who tends to look at life and the world from this angle it will be difficult to accept trials, for under the influence of dark inspirations the latter are easily regarded as 'evidence' for a lack of Love on God’s part and for the fact God is definitely treating them unjustly.

God is often accused of being unjust for allowing a certain suffering to affect a specific person. Man has no claim to knowing all details of God’s Plan, for this knowledge would deprive him of all merits he is to acquire through blind faith in God’s perfect Love and Wisdom. This is why man is never in a position to pass judgment on the justice or injustice in a Divine Decree regarding the course of a specific person’s life. A human being’s sufferings and death, as well as the circumstances and the time thereof, always have a deep meaning within the framework of God’s Plan of Salvation. Each human soul is on earth for one purpose only: to accomplish her own specific mission as part of the accomplishment of God’s Works and His Plan of Salvation.

This is why the soul who is faced with a special kind of suffering, for instance the decease of a beloved fellow creature, should firmly believe that God, on account of His perfect Love and Wisdom, allows this event only as a means to achieving the very best both for the soul involved and for the network of creation as a whole as well as with a view to accomplishing His Plan of Salvation for the world. Everything has got some meaning within the framework of the continuous battle between the Light and the darkness and in preparation for the establishment of God’s Kingdom of perfect Love and Peace on earth. Also the age at which a specific person is called back to God is in no way related to his degree of virtue or sinfulness. The person concerned is merely called back to God at that specific point of time because God, in His infallible Wisdom and on the basis of His all-embracing perspective of all events, situations and developments within the framework of His Plan of Salvation, has judged this point of time to be the most efficient. All of this is only God’s decision to make, and without any doubt His decision will serve the completion of His Plan of Salvation for the benefit of all creation. Through loving acceptance and surrender to God’s decisions the soul concerned and her relatives can greatly contribute to this Divine present in perfect unity with the suffering Christ, whose redemptive fruits go on multiplying themselves through the active contributions from human souls throughout the ages.

5. God is infallible. Not one single Divine decision could ever be erroneous, for all of His decisions are infallibly geared to completing His Plan of Salvation. Nothing that happens in this world is altogether pointless. That which is decreed directly by God automatically aims at completing His Works of Love. That which takes place due to any dark influence can be made meaningful by the human being(s) involved if they consecrate it to God with Love, thus linking it up with the everlasting Works of Redemption and helping advance the completion of God’s Works of Love.

A major reason why many souls object to trials and crosses lies in a lack of faith as to the perfect nature of God’s Love and Wisdom and as to the fact all His Decrees aim at nothing but the highest possible degree of Bliss for every single soul in Eternal Life as well as the establishment of His Kingdom on earth. If this faith is weak or lacking altogether the soul will easily regard trials as pointless or even as an injustice done to her by God.

Many souls go on the thesis an infallible and perfectly loving God would never allow any injustice, misery and suffering to develop in this world. Indeed, from a worldly point of view, i.e. when considering things as ending with this material and ephemeral life, injustice, misery and suffering would seem to demonstrate a lack of Love and power on God’s part. Therefore it should be emphasized that God, when conceiving His actions, Plans and interventions, has not got the needs of a material and ephemeral life in mind, but the immaterial needs of His Plan of Salvation for all eternity. Moreover the effects of God’s omnipotence are greatly restrained by the human souls’ inviolable free will.

I already mentioned the fact all injustice, misery, suffering and chaos in this world are to a very great extent brought forth, reinforced and maintained by human decisions which deviate considerably from God’s Law and His intentions, so much so that there is no way God could justly be blamed for them. The true culprit is Satan, whose inspirations are acted upon on a far larger scale than God’s. This is certainly the case in countless situations, events and developments which, even only remotely, involve the pursuit of financial profits.


The Mistress of all souls advances the following thesis: God is never to blame for the trials, crosses and setbacks inherent to life. The latter arise from a combination of two factors:

  1. The infallible Decrees issued by the God of perfect Life, who by them aims at nothing but the greatest possible Eternal Salvation for each and every soul, and who can materialize this Eternal Salvation only to the extent to which the soul accepts all Divine decisions actively, intentionally, voluntarily, spontaneously and persistently, and contributes to their effects (by not objecting to them but firmly believing in their great value and meaning for her own Eternal Salvation);
  2. The influences from the darkness, which have robbed creation of its sanctity due to the fact countless human souls have been voluntarily giving in to these inspirations and have been making them 'happen', thus allowing the world to be ruled by an atmosphere breeding large-scale misery, chaos and injustice. Many trials are promoted and made far worse than God had ever intended them to be due to the automatic effects produced by the Law of Divine Justice, the Law which is constantly attempting to restore the balance within creation, which is heavily distorted due to the oppressing darkness created by the countless sins and vices. The Law of Divine Justice will try to restore this balance by allowing more frequent and more intense trials to cross the paths through people’s lives. The blame is not on God, it is only on the tremendous sinfulness and susceptibility to temptation demonstrated by mankind as a whole.

This is the Basic Law of faith: that the final victory of the Light in the world, to be crowned with the establishment of God’s Kingdom on earth, is absolutely certain. It is the duty of each and every soul to give her life for the accomplishment of this situation. This is the only true purpose of each human life and the ultimate vocation of each soul. The souls can only accomplish this as soon as they have again begun to practice the covenant God has concluded with them when they were created. The human soul has got the responsibility to restore Eternal Spring in creation. Eternal Spring is to start inside the soul: The latter must go back to focusing on God’s Law only, which is rooted deep down inside of her. God is not to blame for the crosses of life, as God tries to perform His actions in this world through human beings, and a majority of the souls is hardly, or not at all, living in accordance with God’s Law of true Love. Thus mankind itself is the author of misery, suffering, chaos and injustice of any kind. 'Guilty' of the crosses of life, is mankind’s susceptibility to the inspirations from the darkness. Day after day the Divine Judge is sentenced unjustly a great many times all over the world, and is thereby made the Victim of His own perfect Love.

Myriam, December 2018