inspired by Mary to Myriam van Nazareth

"Dear souls, the palm tree symbolizes victory. I have taught you to regard it as a major sign denoting the soul’s victory over herself, i.e. the victory over any force which does not produce any effects in accordance with God’s intentions and which arouses within the soul inclinations and desires through which she is pushed towards failing to fulfil her mission and vocation in life at the service of God’s Works but rather organizes her behaviour and her inner life so as to serve the plans and works of the darkness.

Our God made His creation to exist in a state of perfect harmony between all creatures. He implemented a Basic Law intended to maintain this harmony permanently: the Law of true, self-denying Love, of which He expected, and will keep expecting, a spontaneous strict practice on the part of each and every human soul. This Divine Basic Law is violated on any occasion on which a human soul gives in to an inspiration intended to do or to promote a work of darkness through any action, word, thought, feeling, aspiration or omission which hampers, obstructs, distorts, destroys or totally blocks the flow of Love between creatures. The consequences of innumerable such violations through all times are plain to see around you all over the world: These consequences become apparent in each and every one of the countless elements of darkness and oppression which pervade the atmosphere of life in the world.

Every sign of suffering, misery, maltreatment, starvation or injustice to which any living being in this world falls prey testifies of the sin of human souls, i.e. of the failure to practice the Divine Law which was to preserve the whole of creation in a state of harmony and therefore of happiness, and thus bears testimony to the inability of human souls to defeat temptations to commit heavy violations against this Divine Basic Law, the Law of true self-denying Love. Indeed, be aware that God organized His creation so perfectly and lets all elements of it be governed by His perfect Laws of Life in such a way that, to the extent to which the human souls do practice His Laws, not one single living being can go hungry nor can fall prey to any form whatsoever of misery, suffering, maltreatment or injustice:

A perfect practice of true self-denying Love on the part of each human soul towards all her fellow creatures would make all of this impossible altogether, because in a creation which allows being governed totally and exclusively by God’s Laws, i.e. which is not distorted by any dark influences inside the hearts of human souls, not one single departure from perfection is ever possible. Perfection is the state of Life insofar as human souls enable Life to be governed exclusively by Divine Law.

Sin, i.e. the violations against Divine Law, appeared to be more appealing to countless human souls than practicing true Love towards all their fellow creatures. In so doing man is creating in this world his own hell as well as hell for all his fellow living beings. Therefore, consider very seriously My following words:

The greatest possible abominations in the eyes of God are:

  • coldheartedness on the part of a human soul towards fellow creatures of any kind whatsoever (fellow people as well as animals). I understand this to mean indifference, lack of empathy with the situation experienced by fellow creatures, and lack of interest in the needs, necessities and interests as well as any suffering experienced or perceived by fellow creatures;

  • egoism, i.e. the inclination to make one’s own perceived needs the motor of one’s entire behaviour and inner life, and to relegate the needs perceived and experienced by fellow creatures to the background or neglecting or ignoring such needs altogether;

  • the will to inflict harm and suffering upon any fellow creature (whether human or animal).

These three dispositions fill God with the deepest horror, because they give rise to the most offensive violations of God’s Basic Law, thereby cause unspeakable harm to creation as a major Work of God, and consequently plunge countless living beings into the deepest misery and suffering. This situation is an utter disgrace because it deprives the human soul of the dignity she has received from God and because the soul thereby demonstrates the degree to which, throughout the ages, she has been putting to shame God’s trust in the crown on His creation, repudiating Divine Law, and even purposefully opting to contribute to the accomplishment of works and plans originating in the source which has been trying to thwart all of God’s intentions, viz. Satan and his following.

God does not harbour any intentions besides this one:

To make His creation a place of boundless happiness for each and every living being. The human soul herself has been preventing this from materializing, for through the dispositions ruling her own heart she herself is constantly and unrestrainedly constructing the missiles which reduce to rubble every single brick God deposits in this world for the purpose of beginning to erect a new foundation for a paradise on earth, a paradise of perfect Love between all creatures which He desires so ardently to take shape.

You see, the three aforementioned disgraces give birth to all and any suffering and misery the world displays so abundantly every single day. Dwell on this each time you encounter one of the following manifestations of a lack of self-denying Love on the part of human souls towards fellow creatures:

  • indifference to the fate and the suffering experienced by creatures (no matter whether they are humans or animals);

  • neglect of people and animals;

  • materialism which prevents all higher values of life from blooming. These values are intended to be the trees, shrubs and flowers of the paradise God intends to come into existence. Without these higher values the world decays into sheer wasteland;

and furthermore the actions and situations God abhors so much, such as:

  • maltreatment and torture in any form of fellow people and animals, including starvation and the countless manifestations of the sickest sadism;

  • wars of aggression;

  • threats of destruction of God’s Works. In this context I refer, among other things, to the nuclear threats which are practiced so rampantly in current times.

To God it is an unspeakable suffering to be made to witness from His so absolutely perfectly loving Heart, every single day ever since the original sin, how human souls are destroying or preventing their own happiness and that of their fellow creatures on such an unimaginable scale, by violating the Divine Law of true Love day after day and to a downright incredible depth.

The whole of these countless billions of violations all through the history of mankind is the only source of all suffering, misery, chaos, unhappiness, strife, injustice and lack of Peace in this world. On account of her tremendously great susceptibility to temptation by the darkness the human soul herself is the sole cause of all of this. Each human soul therefore bears the responsibility to help restore this major derailment by a daily victory over herself, i.e. over everything and anything which makes her a creature that is no longer living in harmony with God’s intentions.

This is why I regard as the true feast of palms: every manifestation of good will by each human soul to no longer give a chance to any inclination towards works, words, thoughts, feelings, desires and aspirations filled with darkness towards any fellow creature, and to come to a profound awareness of the tremendous value of a spontaneously and constantly practiced self-denying Love towards each and every fellow creature. In proportion as greater numbers of human souls are willing to actually accomplish this victory over themselves ever more palm trees will get to grow as heralds to the paradise of true Love and Peace that God would desire. The restoration of paradise on earth is still very much alive in God’s Heart. If you really do want to bear a close resemblance to Him as well as truly imitate His Son Jesus Christ this very desire should get to bloom in your own hearts as well, and get the chance to yield fruits".

Thus the Holy Virgin Mary, Mistress of all souls, to Myriam in April 2023.