by Mary, the Mother of Sorrows, Lent 2021

to Myriam van Nazareth

When in February 2001 the Mistress of all souls inspired Her prayer flower nr. 249 (Novena to Mary, Mother of Sorrows) She had the thirteenth century hymn Stabat Mater Dolorosa annexed to this prayer. The said hymn starts with a number of 'descriptive' verses. From a certain point onward the verses, in a manner of speaking, turn into supplications to the Mother of Sorrows.

In the Lenten Season of 2021, in a Revelation to Myriam, the Mistress of all souls linked these supplications up with words which, together, constitute an invitation from the Mother of Sorrows to every single soul, aiming at helping the latter achieve a more profound experience of unity with the suffering Christ and Herself, because exactly this unity holds a key to unlock the fruits of the Mystery of Redemption within the soul.

This is why the Sorrowful Mother focuses Her words in the present Revelation exactly on the verses containing supplications, in other words the last twelve of the twenty stanzas of the hymn Stabat Mater Dolorosa, for these twelve stanzas are the ones containing celestial invitations which, to the degree to which the soul accepts and acts upon them, can help her fully unlock her own Redemption.

By order of the Queen of Heaven Her words are inserted in-between the verses concerned. The words are to be regarded as spoken to every individual soul:

O Thou Mother! fount of Love! Touch my spirit from above, make my heart with Thine accord.
"Do offer Me your readiness and willingness to share My Sorrows, for only through willingness and your longing to merge with My Heart can you show to God you want to experience the dispositions of MY Heart in order to grow and blossom in His image".

Make me feel as thou hast felt. Make my soul to glow and melt with the Love of Christ my Lord.
"A soul who allows her entire being to ignite in the fire of true Love will partake in My ability to truly love God and, in so doing, will gain the Heart of the Christ".

Holy Mother! pierce me through, in my heart each wound renew of my Savior crucified:
"Be prepared to share in Jesus’ Wounds, i.e. in the crosses and trials Divine Providence will send onto Your path through life, and allow these to pierce your heart through, in other words go through them with sincere and accepting Love, for they make you an active participant in the Works of Redemption".

Let me share with Thee His pain, who for all my sins was slain, who for me in torments died.
"Be prepared to merge your heart with all that went on, and keeps going on, in the Heart of Jesus, for His Heart experienced unparalleled torments on account of His establishing the countless transgressions committed by human souls against the Law of Love throughout the ages".

Let me mingle tears with Thee, mourning Him who mourned for me, all the days that I may live.
"Merge your heart with Mine for the entire duration of your life, and open up fully to the things Jesus endured in His body and Heart for Your sake. Be aware of it all so deeply as though you were experiencing it all yourself, and do realize what caused these torments and what share you have in them".

By the Cross with Thee to stay, there with Thee to weep and pray, is all I ask of Thee to give.
"Live your life in the shadow of the Cross, i.e. forever remaining aware of the fact the wood it is composed of was prepared from all sins and vices contained in the entire history of mankind, including every act of indifference, of shallowness and lack of Love in your own life, and harbour a deep remorse. Be like a flower which bears testimony to Divine Life on the Golgotha of sins".

Virgin of all virgins blest, listen to my fond request: Let me share Thy grief Divine.
"Open up to My perfect Love, which I keep trying to let flow into you, for this Love can make My Sorrowful Heart beat inside of you as an inexhaustible source of Co-Redemption".

Let me, to my latest breath, in my body bear the death of that dying Son of Thine.
"Merge your heart with the Heart of Jesus in His agony, and allow the latter to become the agony of your own inner darkness in the blinding light of the unity with the suffering Christ. Do not abhor any cross, knowing that you will be bearing it with Him together, testifying of an imperishable Love for God and His Works, and live for it in order that you may die like He did, in the dispositions of His very Heart, dispositions of self-denying Love and of rendering service in the fire of an all-pervasive desire to sacrifice everything to the accomplishment of God’s Plan of Salvation, for that is what the Man-God sacrificed Himself for in the most comprehensive way possible".

Wounded with His every wound, steep my soul till it hath swooned, in His very Blood away.
"Allow your entire being to be touched by all that was done to Jesus, being perfectly aware of the fact it is all rooted in each and every violation against true Love, in each and every lack of true Love, in every shallowness, in every trace of indifference. Allow you entire being to drink the redeeming Blood of the Messiah, in order that you may be pervaded with His Being, all of His feelings, thoughts, desires and aspirations".

Be to me, O Virgin, nigh, lest in flames I burn and die, in His awful Judgment Day.
"To the extent to which you make all of this the purpose and goal and the all-pervasive motive of your life in all sincerity, purposely and filled with desire I will be able to exercise the full power of my intercession in your favour, without any obstacles and in full accordance with God’s Laws of Justice and Mercy, in order that your life may not be consumed in the fire of damnation but in the fire of a life-long purification, the fire of sincere remorse, sincere Love and sincere desire to live and to die after the image of God".

Christ, when Thou shalt call me hence, be Thy Mother my defense, be Thy Cross my victory.
"Be one with Me, so that in the hour when judgment will be passed on your life Jesus may, through My inner guidance, find you in a disposition deserving of Eternal Bliss because you have lived in unity of hearts and desires with the Man-God and His Mother".

While my body here decays, may my soul Thy goodness praise, safe in Paradise with Thee.
"I can guide you to the celestial Paradise for you to inherit the glory God in His perfect Love wants to give you, but I do need your active and persistent collaboration, a never withering Love, a unity of your heart with Jesus’ Heart and Mine, and a sincere desire for an in-depth practice of Divine Law".