Teaching inspired by the Holy Virgin Mary as a

New Year Reflection

Myriam van Nazareth

Around the turn of the year 2022-2023 the Mistress of all souls inspired a guideline accompanied by the advice the souls ought to keep focused on it in order to make their lives as fruitful as possible spiritually. In a manner of speaking this guideline contains the basic programme for a fruitful Christian life in which God can be well pleased. What makes a human life spiritually fruitful?

The true fruitfulness of a human soul’s life is determined by the degree to which this soul makes concrete contributions to the accomplishment of God’s Plans and Works by spontaneously, purposely, actively and unconditionally practicing the Divine Law of true Love towards each and every fellow creature (i.e. towards every fellow human as well as every animal).

A soul’s spiritual fruitfulness is essentially determined by the degree to which she is inclined to approach all her fellow creatures on the basis of a sincere self-denying Love (in the sense taught by the Holy Virgin in Her teaching about true Love) and with an unconditional respect for every creature’s dignity.

The Law of true Love was outlined extensively by the Holy Virgin in Her said teaching entitled True Love.

The Heavenly Mistress once stated the following basic reason why every human soul owes each fellow creature an unconditional respect:

Every single creature (every human, every animal, even all elements of the vegetal world) is physically composed of raw material which was provided by God, was animated by Him with life and is governed in its growth, development and metabolism by laws which in their undistorted state were set by Divine Intelligence and Wisdom. Life is a gift which can only be provided by God and which bears His Divine signature. Not one single force other than God is able to give Life. This is why the Holy Virgin says that each living being is a bearer of a germ from God’s Heart. Therefore each living being possesses an inviolable dignity which it derives from the fact it has proceeded from God’s Heart. This dignity must be respected, as an expression of respect towards the Creator of each creature: God Himself.

For many years the Mother of God has been teaching Her Myriam the necessity that the human soul, while interacting with, or dealing with, each and every fellow creature (both fellow humans and animals), should at all times be aware of the fact this fellow creature, with all of its characteristics, has been designed by God Himself. This rule applies both to the treatment of every living being and to dealing with its material remains after death. Even a deceased fellow creature’s remains are still bearers of a Divine mystery in a body which is built by raw materials only God is able to create and which, while the body was still alive, was governed by the Divine Laws of Life.

The soul decreases her fruitfulness for God by every action, word, thought, feeling, desire or aspiration through which she brings suffering (physically, mentally or morally), misery, chaos, unhappiness, insecurity, fear, despair or discouragement into a fellow creature’s life.

Around New Year’s day 2023 the Queen of Heaven spoke as follows:

"Every time a year slips into the realm of memories for all eternity and reality makes room for a new year the human souls make resolutions they intend to keep focused on as targets for all of their actions and their entire inner life, hoping that in the new year their life may be more in accordance with that which they expect of life.

Usually these resolutions pertain to worldly goals, desires, expectations and personal ideals concerning living in the world.

I will now give the souls a guideline and emphatically request them to keep focused on trying to abide by it day after day, in order to actually make their life ever more fruitful if judged by what God expects this life to yield. Every soul can also use this guideline as a small yet extremely valuable guide to examine the true disposition and state of her spiritual life:

Child of God, live, act, speak, think, feel, expect, desire and aspire each moment in such a way that at the end of each day you may be able to sincerely and honestly say to God:

My God, I give You my past day as a gift of Love, desiring that every moment and every element of this day of my life may serve the accomplishment of the Works and Plans You are trying to complete in the world in order to be able to well and truly establish Your Kingdom of true Love, Peace, Happiness and Justice in and between Your creatures on earth.

I implore that my heart and my mind may be illuminated and that I may acquire a true understanding of the deepest and most concealed dispositions of my soul, in order that, upon Your inspirations, I may find inside of me an honest answer to the following questions:

1. Today, have I given a sincere self-denying Love, compassion and respect to each and every fellow creature that has touched my path?

2. Today, at each and every moment, have I acted, spoken, thought, felt, expected, desired and aspired in such a way that not a single fellow creature may have experienced any suffering, pain, damage or sorrow because of me, but on the contrary, through my actions, words, thoughts, feelings, expectations, desires or aspirations, has every fellow creature with whom I was given to connect got to experience a good feeling, a feeling of security, of hope, of encouragement and confidence because of me?

3. Have I contributed to every fellow creature with whom I was given to connect in any way whatsoever, being strengthened in its inner experience of Your Divine Presence and of Your profound and unlimited Love for it, so that, also because of me, it may have been strengthened in being convinced God considers its being alive to be valuable and important?

4. Today, at each and every moment, have I acted, spoken, thought, felt, expected, desired and aspired in such a way as to be a channel of Light and warmth for each and every fellow creature with whom I was given to connect in any way whatsoever, so that, to this fellow creature, I was not a source of suffering, darkness or menace but that, on the contrary, in its contact with me this creature may have experienced a confirmation of its dignity as a work constructed by You, our God?

5. Today, at each and every moment, have I acted, spoken, thought, felt, expected, desired and aspired in such a way that, through a genuine brightfulness, I may have lightened the life of every fellow creature with whom I was given to connect and I may not have darkened or burdened any fellow creature’s journey through life nor any creature’s heart?

6. Today, have I in any possible way lived in a disposition of sincere self-denial, intent on giving help or a good feeling to fellow creatures, or have I prioritized my own desires or perceived needs?

7. Today, have I been sincerely and fully aware of my true position and role within the network of Your creation, so as to spontaneously feel humble and modest and so as not to make any fellow creature feel I regarded it as inferior and of less value than myself? Have I not on one single occasion considered myself to be above serving any fellow creature whole-heartedly and unrestrainedly?

8. Today, have I spontaneously treated each and every fellow creature gently and tenderly, based on a genuine awareness of the fragility and vulnerability of every creature of God both in its physical body and its feelings? Have I, in every contact with any fellow creature, fully realized this creature can have feelings and that, therefore, I may have harmed the flow of Love in its heart through insensitivity, tactlessness, hurting words or any callous behaviour?

9. Today, have I been sincerely concerned about the fate and needs of my fellow creatures, or, on the contrary, been indifferent and concerned only about satisfying my own perceived needs, interests and desires? In any actions, words, even in my deepest thoughts, feelings and desires, have I tried to make a positive difference in the lives of all fellow creatures with whom I was connected today in any way whatsoever?

10. Today, have I felt sincere remorse over any own faults, shortcomings, omissions, moments of negligence or any violations whatsoever on my part against true Love towards any fellow creature?

God expects every soul to spread Light and warmth around in any situation, under any circumstances and in any event of her life and in any encounter with any fellow creature, so as to be able to sow through her entire environment seeds of serenity, Peace and security. To the extent to which the soul manages to accomplish all of this while persistently trying not to burden the lives of her fellow creatures unnecessarily but, on the contrary, enabling them to get as close to experiencing true happiness as possible, she is fulfilling the primary mission in every human soul’s life, this mission consisting of making the Presence of the God of true Love tangible to every fellow creature. The soul will only be able to do this to the extent to which she does not allow the sun in her heart to get extinguished. The sun God tries to make shine inside every human heart consists of the Light of sincere faith and sincere hope and the warmth of sincere Love.

The soul who fully meets this expectation knows without any doubt that God is constantly guiding creation towards the final victory of the Light and to true happiness, and does not allow herself to be deceived by the seeming power wielded by the darkness in the world, for she knows with certainty that the only truly invincible power in creation is the power of Love, as true Love is a force which proceeds directly from the Heart of God and which every soul is expected to help spread through creation.

Any soul whose sincere objective in life consists in enabling every fellow creature to experience in its own life the Light and the warmth of the sun of God’s Presence and actions, regards any weakness or vulnerability in a fellow creature as an occasion to provide full support, help and self-denying Love to this fellow creature. Finding out about a fellow creature’s weaknesses or vulnerabilities must in no way give rise to exploiting or abusing such weaknesses or vulnerabilities. Any soul who exploits or abuses weaknesses and vulnerabilities in a fellow creature acts as an instrument accomplishing the works of the darkness.

The darkness itself is the force exploiting, for instance, the physical vulnerability of a creature by applying torture, often with a view to inducing this creature to collaborating towards the satisfaction of desires of a dark nature and with a dark goal, and destroying, humiliating, eliminating or abusing this creature in any possible way for the purpose of accomplishing its own goals which, eventually, aim at establishing Satan’s kingdom in the world. On a large scale this can be observed in totalitarian political regimes (dictatorships), which, among other things, are always characterized by large-scale torture and oppression, actions through which Satan will use such regimes for the purpose of establishing his kingdom of darkness and extending it by spreading fear of physical, mental and moral torments.

At all times do live in the awareness that after the soul’s life on earth God is going to judge her according to the extent to which she has been practicing towards Him, towards all of His Works and Plans and towards all of her fellow creatures on earth a genuine, self-denying Love and service, and according to the extent to which she has dedicated her life to maintaining the dignity of all her fellow creatures and to help prevent this dignity from being violated in any way. Based on all of this God draws infallible conclusions as to the degree to which the soul has actually been living for the benefit of accomplishing His Works, or inversely, has been contributing to damaging His Works, to counteracting their accomplishment or even to destroying their effects. In the former case her life has rendered service to the culture of Love, Light and Life, in the latter case it has rendered service to the culture of hatred, darkness and death. In the former case the soul has been provoking, preserving or promoting in all her fellow creatures feelings of Peace, happiness, zest for life, encouragement and security, in the latter case she has been provoking, preserving or promoting in all her fellow creatures feelings of strife, unhappiness, depression, discouragement, insecurity and unsafety.

To every soul I most emphatically address the following incitement to reflect upon: Child of God, are you able to find peace with your life as long as you have failed to do everything possible to help make sure that none of your fellow creatures has got to live in a world filled with strife and dissatisfaction, in which so much Love is not exchanged? The world must be cleansed of tremendous amounts of darkness. God expects each and every human soul to help fill her environment with Light and sincere Love. By the individual soul’s environment I understand the whole of her personal contacts, encounters, relations and communications with every fellow creature that crosses her path through life in any way whatsoever. She is expected to fill her environment with Light and Love through every action, every word, every feeling, every thought, every desire and every aspiration proceeding from her and in which one or more fellow creatures are involved. In concrete terms this means that every human soul is expected to fill every action, word, feeling, thought, desire and aspiration towards – or related to – any fellow creature with Light and sincere Love and to keep it free of any possible source or influence of darkness.

Only this way can the soul be, towards any fellow creature, a channel of Light, Love, happiness, security, safety, Peace, zest for life, encouragement, briefly a channel of good feelings, and truly make God’s Presence and His pure Love tangible. Thus God will be able to judge that her life has made a positive difference to her fellow creatures in His creation, and therefore, that people and animals Divine Providence has been sending onto this life’s path through life have actually experienced more Light, Love, happiness; security, safety, Peace and zest for life owing to this soul’s having been a part of their life, however briefly this may have been the case.

Every soul can regard this guideline as an incentive to perfect her inner life as a tool through which God tries to accomplish His Works of Love on earth, for that is every human soul’s actual vocation and mission in life. This is why I want to refer to the list of ten points contained in the present guideline also as Ten Commandments for a fruitful daily life. The soul’s aiming for perfection in these points is what brings her to true imitation of Christ in the deepest sense of the word".

Myriam, January 2023

The Mistress of all souls requests that Her above teaching/guideline should be regarded as a companion text to Her extraordinarily important teaching entitled True Love released in December 2021.