Letters of reply inspired by the Queen of Heaven

Teachings specifically geared to concrete situations and questions
from everyday life as brought forward by souls

Myriam van Nazareth

Brief introduction and explanatory note

Dear sisters and brothers in Jesus and Mary,

For years now, the Holy Virgin has been referring to the collection of all inspirations She has been so graciously giving to Her apostle Myriam van Nazareth as the Science of Divine Life. Between 2008 and 2012 She allowed letters to be written to Myriam, which were then either answered by Her Myriam upon Her inspiration, or not, in strict accordance with the Mistress’ indications. These letters of reply were meant to help souls apply Her teachings to the concrete situations of everyday life. Although Myriam’s native tongue is Dutch, most letters were written in German language, and therefore answered directly in German. Translations take a fair amount of time, having regard to the fact this Work is strictly a voluntary service, that the translations need to be true and genuine – as we are dealing with texts from a Heavenly origin – and above all: Myriam has in the meantime been ordered by the Heavenly Mistress to observe a permanent retreat from any contacts from outside, her vocation being of a mystical nature.

As a matter of principle, the system of letters of reply was created for the mere purpose of supporting souls in their spiritual development. In 2012, however, for various reasons the Mistress of all souls ordered this system to be discontinued for the letters of which the majority were written in reply to letters written in German. As to the existing letters and their translation into English, we ask the souls to please bear with us, as on account of our heavy workload we have a rather hard time accomplishing the goal we would so much like to accomplish: being able to translate all of this vast volume of texts, which in their original versions currently total several thousands of pages.

All letters of which an English translation does exist can be called by clicking the link inside the little frame at the bottom of this page.

Several letters were categorized as 'unnumbered'. This category consists of letters written only in English. The Mistress never formally discouraged Myriam from replying to letters from the English speaking part of the world, and actually still allows this occasionally.

This having been said, we wish you many fruitful and uplifting strolls through the gardens of flowers sown by the Queen of Heaven.

In loving embrace and at the service of the Mistress of all souls,

Her Maria Domina Animarum Work

The English version of all translated letters can be found here.

Special attention is drawn to the following highly topical letter of reply referring to the war in Ukraine which started in February 2022:

The war in Ukraine: Letter of reply

In May 2024 another special letter of reply was inspired and released for publication, concerning apparent abuses of the name and the doctrine of Jesus Christ in current events:

Use and abuse of the name and doctrine of Jesus Christ
in some current global events