Dear souls in Jesus and Mary,
The Apostolate of Mary as the Mistress of all souls is basically an Apostolate of teaching. All writings you can find on this website spring solely from a mystical source, and are thus fruits of Heavenly inspiration. Also the images were approved by the Queen of Heaven with a view to using only images fitting in with the teachings conveyed. They are words and images through which the Queen of Heaven wants to mould the souls in the Science of Divine Life and wants to open up the hearts to the fullness of Divine Love.
Therefore the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mistress of all souls, is the actual Owner of all products – texts and images – you can find on, and our entire Apostolate has been entrusted to Her powerful protection and guidance. Neither Myriam nor the Apostolate claim to be the author of these texts, their only Author being the Queen of Heaven.
It fully corresponds to the ideology carrying the Maria Domina Animarum Work, precisely because of the latter’s origin, goal and purpose, that we intentionally refrain from taking worldly measures of protection, yet exclusively appeal to each and every soul’s moral and spiritual sense of responsibility, in other words: to the responsibility towards Heaven like God Himself has impressed it on every soul’s conscience. Indeed, we are not dealing here with some worldly work sprouting from human intelligence, but in the deepest sense of the word with a Work of the Queen of Heaven.
We point out that every soul who forges or distorts writings and/or images from, sells them with a view to gaining financial benefits or uses them in any way incompatible with the purposes and the spirit of the Apostolate of the Mistress of all souls, will in the very first place have to justify her actions before God Himself.
As it appears, also outside the Maria Domina Animarum Apostolate writings and images pertaining to the Work of the Mistress of all souls are circulating, which do not originate with our Apostolate. In some cases such writings and images are even sold. We emphatically point to the fact that only writings and images which explicitly mention information enabling the unequivocal identification of the present Maria Domina Animarum Work (the original Belgian address for the delivery of any mail, current email address(es) and/or website address – see the data listed under Contact) and/or which can be found on the website, are to be considered authentical teaching material from the Mistress of all souls. Writings and images which do not contain these identification data do not originate with this Work. Therefore we can vouch neither the content nor for the reliability of the channels through which such products are distributed. |
Let us join our prayers so as to obtain that the Heavenly fruits offered through this Apostolate may be used only with a pure heart and in such a way as to glorify God and the Mistress of all souls.
Lovingly at the service of the Mistress of all souls,
Her Maria Domina Animarum Work
© Copyright: These Heavenly teachings are published freely. Therefore the Maria Domina Animarum Work has allowed the contents to be copied freely, provided that no changes whatsoever be made to any part of the texts, that the latter shall not be distributed for any commercial purpose, and that no money be exchanged to acquire them. Other websites are allowed to use only excerpts from these texts, and only on the proviso that reference be made to the original website All rights to these texts are reserved to the only authentic Maria Domina Animarum Work in Belgium.