The Work established and directed by the Holy Virgin Mary
in Her all-encompassing capacity as Mistress of all souls.
The nature of this Marian Work for the instruction of souls

Myriam van Nazareth

"The souls are currently witnessing a unique era in the history of salvation, for the writings and Revelations I am pouring out into you contain truths which have never been published before and which aim at revealing the fullness of Truth about Me, Mistress of all souls by Divine proxy.

In so doing the Most High has rung in the final stage of unlocking God’s Kingdom for the souls".

(the Holy Virgin Mary to Myriam,
August 2, 2007)

The primary mission of Maria Domina Animarum consists of spreading among the souls the profound teachings granted by the Queen of Heaven and earth pertaining to the Basic Law of God, the Law of True Love.
This is why it is appropriate to refer to the thesis the Mistress of all souls launched concerning the practice of true Love:

True Love is the essence, the actual nature of Divine Life. It is the disposition in which all of the soul’s actions, words, thoughts, feelings, desires and aspirations are whole-heartedly, voluntarily and spontaneously geared to:

1. enhancing in every fellow creature and in a perfectly unselfish, disinterested and unconditional way this creature’s spiritual, mental, emotional and physical vital strength and its spiritual, mental, emotional and physical sense of well-being, and to maintaining and defending the unscathed dignity of every fellow creature as a work of God; and

2. making a maximum contribution to the accomplishment and completion of God’s Plans and Works on earth, in other words: to the fulfilment of His Law, whereby making this contribution is pursued with absolute preference over satisfying one’s own needs and desires.

Living in true Love is living in such a way that the soul, through all of her actions, omission, words, thoughts, feelings, aspirations, all of her inner dispositions and the aura enveloping her entire being, conveys:

  • Light
  • warmth
  • feelings of security
  • inner peace
  • brightfulness
  • hope
  • relief
  • encouragement
  • trust, confidence
  • vital strength
  • zest for life
  • feelings of meaningfulness with respect to life as such
  • enhanced feelings of individual dignity, and
  • the intuitive certainty of God’s proximity

onto the journey through life to be made by every single fellow being Divine Providence guides onto her own path, no matter for how long or in what form such encounters present themselves, and that she harbours nothing but positive feelings and thoughts towards these fellow creatures and wishes the latter nothing but happiness and bloom on every level of their being and in all situations of their lives.

Maria Domina Animarum, established, ruled and controlled up to the slightest details by the Queen of Heaven so as to be a channel for instruction is to a large extent built around Her profound teachings on the nature of true Love and the fullness of Divine Life. This appears from nearly all texts and prayers, not least from menu items such as Ongoing appeal and God and the animals.


1. Maria Domina Animarum: A schematic outline
2. Purpose of Maria Domina Animarum
3. Why 'Mistress of all souls?'
4. Mary’s mission as the Mistress of all souls
5. Fivefold sign of contradiction
6. In conclusion, something to reflect upon

Maria Domina Animarum is a Work built solely on the unique inspirations and teachings granted by the Holy Virgin Mary in Her all-encompassing capacity as the Mistress of all souls to be recorded and spread through Myriam van Nazareth.

As all these inspirations and teachings are of a mystical nature their content greatly deepens the common spiritual knowledge and furthermore provide many new ways of understanding from unusual perspectives, which could therefore not yet be officially confirmed elsewhere, until Divine Wisdom judges the time for it to be ripe. It is characteristic of mystical teachings which are bearers of celestial truths but are not yet part of common knowledge at the time when they are inspired, that they go through three successive stages: their being published, subsequently a time of struggle between their being accepted and their being opposed, and finally the acknowledgement of their being true and their having sprung from a celestial source. Very often many decades, not seldom even centuries, lie between the first publication of true celestial inspirations and their being generally recognized as true.

The teachings released through Maria Domina Animarum by order of the Queen of Heaven are currently going through the second stage: the stage in which this Work is automatically exposed to criticism and disbelief from various angles.

This is why, by order of the One who has established this Work, who sovereignly leads and controls it and after whom it is therefore called (the Mistress of all souls), Maria Domina Animarum points to the fact that Myriam vouches with all her being for the truth and the authentic celestial origin of every single word published through the Maria Domina Animarum website.

Myriam is fully aware of the fact that any falsification of Heavenly theses, as well as any personal addition, fantasy or even self-invented passage would jeopardize her own eternal salvation. The significance of this Work within the framework of God’s Works and Plans for these Last Times is so tremendous that no soul that has been entrusted with an authentic mission at the service of the Queen of Heaven can afford, or would ever dare, for that matter, not to fulfil this mission in the most serious way possible. In matters of such importance which infinitely transcend all things of the world, any insincerity on the part of the soul who proclaims the teachings on behalf of the Queen of Heaven and by Her order, would give evidence of a lack of Love for God’s Works. In so doing this soul would actually expose himself/herself as a false prophet.

A genuine tool of Jesus and/or of Mary will on no account search for praise from fellow people, but on the contrary conclude with God a holy covenant of perfect, unconditional and lifelong self-denying service and self-surrender to the accomplishment of God’s Works. This is one of the basic reasons why a genuine tool of Jesus and/or Mary will proclaim exactly the things he/she is ordered to proclaim, not a single word more and not a single word less.

This is why the Maria Domina Animarum Work fulfils the mission entrusted to Myriam and to itself by the Queen of Heaven, the Founder of the Work, in the most serious way possible and exclusively for the benefit of advancing God’s Works in these Last Times, in order that God’s Law and His Plan of Salvation might finally be accomplished for all eternity.

The Mother of God makes reference to the explanations provided in the menu item Eternal Spring, in which the Heavenly Queen demonstrates at length, among other things, why all criticism directed against Maria Domina Animarum is completely pointless and can be inspired only by the darkness. In Her argument She points out that such criticism even gives proof of direct expressions of disbelief towards Her capacities, Her role, position and Mission within God’s Plan of Salvation as well as towards the truthfulness of Her words, which are given to the souls as formidable weapons against the darkness and for the benefit of the completion of their Redemption and sanctification.

Most revealing in this respect were the following words spoken by the Heavenly Mistress in 2007:

"My Revelations given in My capacity as the Mistress of all souls will wake up many serpents and make many wolves rise, for through these Revelations I have begun to systematically dismantle and invalidate all untruths, deceptions, aberrations, misconceptions and illusions which have been sown into the souls by forces of darkness in the course of times, and which in these days have gained an unparalleled fruitfulness, even in the hearts of innumerable souls that consider themselves to be Christians.
This is why you will be reviled, slandered and rejected for My sake. Do not fear, for together with Jesus I have defeated the world and its darkness from the outset. There will be any number of attempts to hide, extinguish or reason away as being a ghost light the Light of Mary which you will keep spreading in obedience to My call. Do not fear, in this world only the ghost lights from the darkness are accepted by the masses without much struggle. The purer and the more powerful Divine Light will shine the harder the darkness will try to destroy it. I have told you that even among the Christians the true Light is but rarely recognized. However, this is the time of the revelation of the fullness of the Truth. Thus it was decreed by the Most High. (...)"

1. Maria Domina Animarum: A schematic outline

How did Maria Domina Animarum come about?

In the Easter Season of 1997 the Holy Virgin Mary appeared to Her Myriam for the first time, and She did so in Her capacity as the Sorrowful Mother. On November 26, 2005, She suddenly spoke the following words to Myriam:

"It is God’s will that from this hour I should be known to mankind by the title of Mistress of all souls. You I have chosen to profess Me orally and in writing as your sovereign Mistress, through all your actions and words, through the example of your life, every hour of each day and each night. Through this title, Mistress of all souls, shall be made known the sovereign power which God has given Me over souls, as a result of which I will be His reflection in human hearts. I rule over hearts that are totally consecrated to Me. I exercise My power unobtrusively because so far, the world was not ready to recognize My sovereign power. I have called you and I am instructing you with a view to enabling My power to emerge from the shadows. Every soul to whom I choose to reveal Myself through you will receive in all that proceeds from you a revelation of My unlimited power.

This is how you will help Me build the foundations of My Kingdom. As the Mistress of all souls I want to prepare the hearts for the Kingdom My Son preached on earth and of which He planted the standard in the earth. This standard was His Cross. Thus I want to instil the true Divine Life into the souls. My power will reshape that which is in ruins, for I am the Bridge between Heaven and earth (...)".

Ever since that day Mary has been identifying Herself to Myriam in every single contact as the Mistress of all souls, or by the Latin words She would soon start availing Herself of: Maria Domina Animarum or Maria Domina Animarum omnium. The word 'all' was stressed as of December 22, 2005, when She said:

"Apart from God all beings, all things, all souls are subjected to Me, in the Heavens, on earth, and under the earth".

This is how She expresses the position God has entrusted to Her: the position of being the most sublime among all created souls (human souls, angels and demons).

What is Maria Domina Animarum’s ultimate goal?

Advancing the hour for creation to return to the state of perfect Love, Peace, justice and happiness in and among all creatures, the state in which God initially made creation and intended it to be and to remain, but which was thoroughly disrupted by the original sin and by all subsequent concessions made by the human souls to inspirations from the darkness, and which has drifted off very far from God’s intentions.

This is why the Mistress of all souls extensively deals with the Messianic Age, the state of perfect Love, Peace and happiness which is to be rung in with the establishment of God’s Kingdom on earth in the hour in which She Herself, in execution of God’s Plan, is to be presented to creation as 'the Woman' whose foot will visibly be crushing the prince of all darkness.

How is Maria Domina Animarum going about accomplishing this goal?

By distributing the authentic teachings, revelations and prayers that are poured out directly into Myriam or are dictated to her directly by Mary, the Immaculate Conception, Mother of Jesus Christ, Queen of Heaven and earth and Mistress of all souls, in order that the ability to deeply sense and more profoundly understand God’s Laws and Plans may be rekindled in human souls, and that the souls, also owing to their gaining more in-depth knowledge of the higher values, may feel the urge to practice total surrender (consecration) to Mary as the Golden Way towards completing (unlocking) God’s Plans and Works for the benefit of all creation.

The Heavenly Mistress motivates the souls to contribute voluntarily and actively to the accomplishment of the unique Mission She received from God, among others by helping them open up to the transcendent beauty of God’s Works, so that they may learn to feel the purpose for which they have been given a life, and that they may recognize that this beauty is nothing other than the essence of Divine Love, the Source and essence of all life and the absolute opposite of all darkness.

How does the Mistress of all souls want to mould the human souls into tools that are fit to contribute to achieving this goal?

The Mistress of all souls tries to achieve Her major goal (the advancement of creation’s return to the state of perfect Love, Peace, justice and happiness within and among all creatures) by concluding with souls the sacred covenant of ardent total unconditional, lifelong and intensely practiced consecration to Her, through which the soul spontaneously and unrestrainedly shares her entire being and her entire life with all of its trials and crosses with Her, filled with sincere Love and in full acceptance, in order that Mary may be enabled to turn all of this into fruitful contributions to unlocking the effects of the Christ’s Works of Redemption.

'Sharing all of this with Mary' is what the soul does to the extent to which she applies herself voluntarily, spontaneously, actively and persistently to fulfilling the Divine Law as strictly as possible, especially the overarching Basic Law of self-denying Love, and to which she persists in a disposition of constant inner prayer to her Heavenly Mistress, imploring that She may invest the soul’s offerings with the infinite power of Her intercession, Her intermediary and Her immaculate Love, and in a disposition of sincere longing for her entire life and her entire being to be actually used by the Mistress of all souls as tools for the accomplishment of God’s Plan of Salvation aiming at the establishment of God’s Kingdom on earth.

Within this context the Mistress of all souls refers to all texts contained in the menu item entitled Consecration to Mary.

What is the ultimate purpose of preparing the soul to enter into the sacred covenant of total consecration to the Mistress of all souls?

By preparing souls for the sacred covenant of total consecration to Her the Mistress of all souls tries to fill the word spoken by Saint Paul in the Bible where he wanted to urge the Christians to "fill up in their flesh what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ": The Christ’s Works of Redemption are absolutely perfect and complete, yet they must be 'unlocked' in the individual soul by the soul’s adding to them the crosses and trials of her own journey through life. 'Adding' one’s crosses and trials is done in the most fruitful way possible under the custody of the Mother of Christ – the One who enjoyed perfect mystical union with the Heart of Christ and who is therefore arguably the Co-Redemptrix with Christ –, under Her direction and control and in perfect accordance with Her works of instruction and teaching.

By "filling up in their flesh what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ" every human soul who actually harbours a disposition of true consecration is a co-redemptrix. Mary is pre-eminently the Co-Redemptrix on account of the fact that through Her perfect union with the Will of the Christ and Her unique mystical nature Her merger with Christ was so complete that, in Her Heart and body, She was able to become so infinitely more one with the suffering Christ than any human soul will ever be able to understand. This is why She Herself is the pre-eminent Model of the soul who is totally consecrated to God for the salvation of all of creation.

Why is the Mistress of all souls operating along these specific lines?

Because, as the Heavenly Mistress demonstrates conclusively in all writings She inspires, total consecration to Her is the golden path to God’s Heart and to the accomplishment of His Plan of Salvation, the path sanctified by the Christ Himself while He was hanging on the Cross on Mount Golgotha through His words "Woman, behold Your son; son, behold your Mother". On Mount Golgotha, which on more than one occasion was referred to by the Mistress of all souls as 'the mountain of sins', the title of 'the Woman' fully refers to the Divine promise of 'the Woman' who is to crush the serpent’s head (i.e. all works of the darkness) under Her foot through the most intense and voluntary collaboration from the human souls.

If God is almighty and therefore does not need anyone to complete His Works, how is it then, that the voluntary collaboration from human souls is necessary? Because by virtue of a Divine Decree the human soul’s free will is holy and inviolable He never imposes anything on any soul. He waits for His Works to be unlocked by the free will of human souls who merge their desires and aspirations with His own desires and aspirations.

Mary is 'the Woman', the Immaculate Conception who remained without the slightest stain of sin for the entire duration of Her life due to the fact She used Her free will only for a stainless service to God’s Works and Plans. This is why She is the unique Model of the greatest, most sublime sanctity which could ever be achieved by any created soul, and consequently the absolutely most sublime Bridge any human soul could ever make use of to reach the Heart of God. She can only fulfil this role to the extent that souls surrender to Her totally and that She is unconditionally enabled to be their incontestable Mistress and inner Guide along every inch of their journey through life.

What has Maria Domina Animarum got to offer?

The Mistress of all souls refers to Her Work as 'the Apostolate of true Love, true Hope, encouragement and the fullness of Truth'.

In the introduction to the present section reference was made to the definition Mary Herself gave to the concept of 'true Love'.

By 'true Hope' the Queen of Heaven understands something quite different from that which the world considers to be 'hope'. Once She had Myriam write: "The soul in whom true Hope starts to bloom is thoroughly convinced that the good, the Light, already exists in a state of perfection in the atemporal – the timeless – world, in other words that it is already a reality in God’s Heart. Basically this means that, in the atemporal world, every seeming negative or disagreeable situation has already been converted into Light, but that the soul, in her physical (worldly, temporal) state of living, is not yet able to feel it that way. Therefore the soul herself must, in a manner of speaking, help make every hope visible or tangible by going through her respective troubles in a disposition of the purest possible Love, thus allowing the Light of new life to be born inside of her. A soul who does not sufficiently practice pure Love and who, on top of this, fails to adequately believe in God’s Love, will never be able to experience true be able to experience true Hope. Maria Domina Animarum is the Apostolate of true Hope because the Mistress of all souls helps souls become inclined to 'see with timeless eyes' and 'think and feel the way God Himself thinks and feels', all of this with a view to moulding souls in the image of God.

The whole of the teachings, prayers and other texts inspired directly by the Mistress of all souls to Myriam is referred to by Her as the Science of Divine Life. This will be elaborated on a bit further in paragraph nr. 2 of the present section.

The Mistress of all souls was sent to profoundly enlarge upon the souls’ understanding of the Doctrine of Christ, the Divine Laws, the nature of spiritual life and the true sense and purpose of life. In Her teachings She goes to any lengths to kindle within souls an understanding of the very depths underlying the theses taught by Christ, depths which many souls do not possess. In so doing She also prepares souls for the experience of a more favorable judgment in their hour before the throne of the Divine Judge by teaching them to recognize their own behaviour and weaknesses as well as the nature of virtue and sin, and to incorporate all of this into their life in such a way as to be able to greatly enhance the fruitfulness of their life as a contribution to the completion of God’s Works.

Through all teachings and inspirations, and from the most various angles, runs a great emphasis on the all-pervasive significance of practicing true Love, i.e. unconditional self-denying Love for all creation and for God and all His Works and Plans. This is exactly why the Heavenly Mistress also puts an uncommon emphasis on the necessity of a stainlessly loving treatment of the animals, on account of the great indirect part played by the animals within God’s Plan of Salvation through their tremendously broad value as tools for the development and bloom of human souls in all virtues. This is the reason why the Mistress of all souls inspired a menu item entitled God and the animals.

Most characteristic of Maria Domina Animarum, and simultaneously a major source of resistance against this Work, is the uncompromising war on all shallowness, because exactly the tremendous lack of depth in the understanding and awareness of the values and expectations of God in many souls underlies a far-reaching dilution of the way in which being a Christian is actually practiced by many. This shallowness has extremely weakened the fighting strength of souls in the war against the darkness. The Mistress of all souls tries to restore the situation by pointing in countless respects to the dangers of shallowness and by providing very deep teachings as counterweights. Many souls have got a hard time dealing with this. The reason for this lies in the fact they consider individual teachings from Maria Domina Animarum to be independent items and fail to see the connections between all elements constituting the Science of Divine Life as a whole, and furthermore in the fact they take offence at Heavenly teachings which expose their own notion of being a Christian as being very inadequate and therefore as very unfruitful for the accomplishment of God’s Works and for their own personal salvation.

This is where the tremendous strength of the Science of Divine Life lies, as well as the true evidence for the fact this Science is the fruit from a celestial Source: It constitutes a perfectly solid and conclusive system, within which one element confirms the other. In order to see this one must, however, be willing to study at least several of the teachings instead of judging – let alone sentencing or condemning – Maria Domina Animarum because of some individual element taken out of context from a conclusive system which, in the meantime, comprises several thousands of pages of text.

Soon after Myriam’s first direct encounter with the Holy Virgin, Maria Domina Animarum was given birth to by the Heavenly Queen as a channel through which a persistent and unwavering battle against the darkness with its countless faces was launched to be waged uninterruptedly henceforth. The menu item entitled Offensive against evil is one of the sections through which souls can get some idea of the depth of this battle.

All of this makes Maria Domina Animarum in the deepest sense of the word a celestial Work of the Last Times, the Times regarded by God as the ultimate preparation for the establishment of His Kingdom on earth in a very close collaboration with a mankind which proves to be willing, ready and able to sanctify itself voluntarily and in all and any details to start living in the image of its Creator, for this is how God intended the human soul to be. Mary, the Heavenly Domina Animarum by virtue of a Divine Decree, was called to be the Golden Bridge for human souls of good will to the Heart of God, for the purpose of finally and totally unlocking the fruits of the Christ’s Works of Redemption in individual souls who would prove willing to surrender to Her totally exactly for this purpose.

This is why Her Maria Domina Animarum Work is Her ultimate attempt to prepare human souls for their own necessary sanctification and the sanctification of their works through moulding these souls very thoroughly for practicing total, unconditional and lifelong consecration to Her, in order that She may soon rise as 'the Woman' whose foot is going to crush the serpent from hell and all of its works of darkness, in collaboration with the human souls, for this is how God has wanted it to be: that the Light will once and for all defeat the darkness totally, not through a mere intervention from God but through a perfect marriage between God and His souls. This is how He wants to give birth to His 'children': through the marriage between His Heart and the hearts of sanctified human souls.

Therefore one day the Mistress of all souls presented the following rule of life from which souls can derive strength and motivation to join Her in making the desires of their God come true:

Ad Sanctam Trinitatem per Mariam.
Ut adveniat Regnum Deum, adveniat Regnum Mariae.
Totus Tuus, Maria, Domina, Regina et Imperatrix mea
et vitae meae usque ad aeternitatem

(To the Holy Trinity through Mary.
In order that God’s Kingdom might come,
may Mary’s Kingdom come.
I am Yours totally, Mary, Mistress, Queen and sovereign Ruler
over me and my life for all eternity)

In the light of the fact the Maria Domina Animarum Work is referred to by its Founder, Mistress and only Source of inspirations as the 'Apostolate of the fullness of Truth' we quote from a few Revelations in which She used this notion:

"I call upon the souls to open up their hearts to the fullness of the Truth, and consequently also to the fullness of the Truth about Me, which is now being proclaimed in such depth for the first time in history, to an understanding of the indeterminable extent of the original sin and all of its consequences, of the works of destruction wrought by Satan and by his willing following – which not only consists of the fallen angels but also of human souls that are still on earth – and of the refusal to acknowledge My true capacity. The Most High now reveals Me in the fullness of My glory and power as the umpteenth act of His boundless Mercy, so that souls might be able to use their free will to make the right choice. I remind the souls of the fact that only opting for the acceptance of the fullness of God’s Truth is going to save them for Eternal Life". (January 21, 2007)

"Whoever refuses to accept the full truth about Mary, inevitably also refuses God’s deepest expression of Love for the souls". (May 25, 2007)

"I have filled your mouth and your pen with the Light of Truth. The souls who hear or read your words and who are not able to stand this dazzling Light are blinded by it and are under the impression that, all of a sudden, they cannot see a thing, so they believe that you are spreading darkness. Rejoice, for there is no other way to proclaim the Truth other than the way of not holding back a thing. You see, it is sin which prevents the soul from accepting and digesting the fullness of the Truth, and subsequently abiding by it. I have chosen and trained you to be a spearhead for the proclamation of the Truth about the Queen of the Last Times, the Mistress of all souls". (June 4, 2007)

"Satan’s resistance is all the more fierce as My Works are served. Tell the lambs of Christ they should keep the following in mind: Any force which resists the proclamation of the full Truth about Mary is guided by My opponent and is consequently hostile to the Spirit of God. Do persevere, for God’s Time will prove you are right and truthful". (January 31, 2008)

"This is the time for the revelation of the unparalleled glory and power the Most High has invested Me with. (...) God reveals the fullness of the Truth only to souls who are ready to take it in and digest it, for knowledge about the Truth breeds obligations. This is one of the reasons why so many elements of knowledge about Me have never been revealed as yet: But very few souls are ready to ingest the full Truth about My being, My nature and capacities. Satan himself tries to nip many things in the bud which get revealed about Me anyway, because the spreading of that knowledge is dangerous to him". (April 22, 2008)

The following words spoken by the Mistress of all souls on January 31, 2008, may crown this thesis:

"I am your Mistress. Each soul who internalizes this Truth will be severely attacked by Satan, because it infuriates him if a soul acknowledges My unlimited power over the souls as a truth. He will not rest until he has convinced this soul of the fact she is 'erring' and 'is about to condemn herself'. Have I not in The Dawn of God’s Kingdom on earth expressed the warning that My enemy was going to spread the impertinent lie that the full truth about Mary would be a false doctrine? He will leave no stone unturned to make certain souls believe My capacity as Mistress of all souls would be a counter-movement against the Church of Christ. The souls should regard this argument as the ultimate pitfall of the darkness, which in so doing is trying to deter souls from accepting God’s ultimate gift of Love to mankind, the greatest since the Christ’s Works of Redemption".

On March 24, 2009, the Mistress said:

"As the Mistress of all souls My vocation consists herein, that I am to lead the human souls of these Last Times to the full Truth of Divine Life. To that end I must be able to truly rule the paths of your lives, your trials, all of your feelings, emotions and thoughts, anything which is taken up through your senses, all of your works and words, and your free will. I have the power to deliver you all from all misguidance, to dissolve any haze in your hearts and minds in the fire of My perfect celestial Love, and to guide you to truly living your Redemption, which Jesus has obtained for you at such a high price".

In what respect is Maria Domina Animarum unique?

On December 5, 2007, the Mistress of all souls said: "(...) Souls of Mary, rejoice endlessly, for the privilege granted to you in all words and teachings I have been addressing to you through this channel for several years now, is unique in the history of salvation. Never before was the Book of Divine Truth containing the knowledge of Divine Life opened so wide to the souls. Never before have souls received the grace of such in-depth preparation for their journey to God’s Heart (...)".

The Holy Virgin Mary Herself, who gave birth to Maria Domina Animarum, intended it to be a unique channel to mould souls into tools for the establishment of God’s Kingdom on earth. The Work is unique owing to a combination of the following factors:

   1. The exclusively mystical source of all writings, which have been dictated to Myriam as of 1997 by the Holy Virgin Mary Herself. This is why Myriam does on no account regard herself as the author of these writings, and why Maria Domina Animarum as a channel of instruction is directed, guided and managed exclusively by the Holy Virgin, who is the Founder, the sole Author and therefore the true Mistress of this Work;

   2. The great emphasis on the golden path to God through total, unconditional, lifelong and deeply experienced and practiced consecration to Mary as the Mistress of all souls, based also on providing an increasingly profound knowledge about the unique capacities of Mary and of Her role within God’s Plan of Salvation;

On January 8, 2007, the Mistress of all souls said to Myriam in this respect: "This is the time of the great revelations about Mary and Her true being, a time which coincides with the final preparations for the definitive defeat of Satan in God’s creation. There is currently not one soul who is able to fathom the significance of the things I am bringing to fulfilment in you these days. These works are unique in the history of salvation. This grace is unfathomable".

   3. All teachings granted through Maria Domina Animarum are basically built on the deepest possible knowledge of God’s Basic Law: the Law of True Love.

In a Revelation of Augustus 17, 2015, the Queen of Heaven said: "My Myriam’s vocation is fully geared to teaching True Love and the ways how to implement it so as to resemble the image the Creator has been harbouring from the beginning as to what every human soul should be like. God’s Plan of Salvation can be accomplished only to the extent to which the human souls consciously, spontaneously and unconditionally live true Love towards each element of creation, i.e. towards their fellow people as well as the animals, even towards the environment".

   4. A great focus on deepening the soul’s experience and practice of being a Christian, in other words a persistent battle against all shallowness. Maria Domina Animarum aims at taking the souls back to the full depth of the inner dispositions Jesus Christ Himself taught through the example of His own life, and to an in-depth experience and practice of the original Christian Doctrine;

   5. A determined choice in favour of strict traditional theses. This is not a choice based on human intelligence, but the explicit desire of the Mistress of Maria Domina Animarum, who most emphatically warns about all and any modernism as being a slow poison through which the darkness keeps trying to divert souls from God and which enables worldly influences to start affecting the original sacred theses from God;

   6. A strong emphasis on life as service to God instead of living centered around personal, human, worldly (pseudo) needs and interest. Maria Domina Animarum is thereby a determined advocate of a strict 'I-want-to-give'-spirituality instead of the so widely distributed 'I-want-to-receive'-spirituality, which the Mistress refers to as the bitter fruit of the all-pervasive worldly attitude harboured by a great many souls, as well as of folk religion (* see further below). Hence a great emphasis on the necessity of a voluntary active commitment by the soul to accomplish her own sanctification to unlock the effects of the Christ’s Works of Redemption in herself. All of this is shown very clearly, among others, in the prayers, and is also explained further in paragraph 2 further below (Purpose of Maria Domina Animarum);

   7. Extraordinarily profound teachings geared to achieving the greatest possible fruitfulness for the souls’ spiritual lives, by teaching souls how to see, think and desire in completely different ways than before, in order that they might see beyond the superficial appearance of things, that they may give priority to quality over quantity (i.e. that they may build their entire behaviour and all their inner dispositions on deliberately and deeply practiced Love instead of on an inclination to accumulate empty actions such as receiving numerous Sacraments in an irresponsibly shallow, viz. indifferent, state of mind), and that they may give priority to content over form (which is very closely related to opting in favour of quality over quantity);

   8. An extraordinary emphasis on the exposure of the strategies deployed by the darkness, making souls become aware of countless yet very often overlooked sources of sin, and on the most fruitful ways along which souls can/must protect themselves against the darkness and are enabled to fight against them in themselves as well as in the world as the ultimate preparation of the establishment of God’s Kingdom on earth. The Heavenly Mistress refers to Her Maria Domina Animarum Work as the ultimate stage in the formation of souls in preparation for the most fruitful possible active contribution to the establishment of God’s Kingdom on earth;

   9. Providing a large volume of unique revelations from the Mistress of all souls concerning the largely unknown and fairly generally underestimated yet very important role of the animals within the accomplishment of God’s Plan of Salvation and within the framework of the spiritual development of human souls. Through Maria Domina Animarum the Heavenly Mistress unfolds the spiritual background of the human soul’s dealing with the animals and reveals the very frequent maltreatment of animals in this world as a giant generator of darkness for all of creation and therefore as a huge instrument of Satan’s power.

   10. In strictest obedience to the inspirations and instructions from the Mistress of all souls Maria Domina Animarum will on no account, not in any of the texts, make any compromises with the darkness nor with any other source of influence from worldly thinking in its many different appearances. In no respect will this principle ever be abandoned, in spite of the fierce resistance this Work has been experiencing from several angles because of it.

This strict abidance by this principle reflects the solemn promise Myriam made in the hour in which she was called by the Mistress of all souls to be the Latter’s mouthpiece, a promise to the effect that only the theses from Heaven in the phrasing as conveyed directly to Myriam by Mary personally will be recorded and published, strictly without even the slightest interference, influence, criticism or comment from any external source nor any alteration or modification on the part of Myriam herself. This is why Myriam vouches with all her being for the truth and the authentic celestial origin of every single word published through the Maria Domina Animarum website.

The Mistress of all souls established this Work only after Myriam had made her solemn promise to record and publish only the words spoken by the Heavenly Mistress personally, and for the entire duration of her life never to pay any attention to any worldly criticism or comment, but instead to keep her eyes firmly fixed on her Heavenly Mistress’ feet in absolute, strict obedience and submission.

This solemn promise strictly goes hand in hand with Myriam’s formally testifying to the truth of the fact that all texts and publications which are bearers of the 'Myriam van Nazareth signature' have no other Author and Mistress than the Queen of Heaven.

A Work that has been established by the Queen of Heaven personally yet would nevertheless publish any theses which would not originate with this Heavenly Source, would not be a channel of propagation at the service of God, but a channel of treason through fear of any human being’s judgment and giving priority to man’s purported interests and views over God’s infallible interests and views.

(*). The Holy Virgin Mary defines folk religion as follows:

"Folk religion is any system consisting of customs in the field of devotion and religious belief as these develop on a large scale among souls through the ages and are handed down from generation to generation in a form which tends not to change greatly through time, yet, mainly through the impact from the trials of day-to-day life, easily divert souls from deeply experiencing God’s Truth and from the ultimate goals and purposes of God’s Works and His all-encompassing Plan of Salvation.
This devotion and these religious beliefs tend to divert the soul from the actual purpose of every human life, which is to serve God’s Works and His Plan of Salvation, and to lead her to a self-made purpose and goal which consist herein, that the soul regards her entire life as a journey to their notion of an 'eternal bliss' which is acquired automatically as long as the soul merely offers sufficient numbers of prayers and Sacraments to God, which, however, are offered first and foremost for the purpose of being offered Eternal Bliss instead of generating Light for the accomplishment of God’s Works and His Plan of Salvation.
Thus folk religion is strongly geared to one’s own needs and their being satisfied by God instead of being geared to God's needs and their being satisfied by the soul’s self-denying commitment and sacrifice of her entire life and all trials that are part of it. This makes folk religion totally unfruitful where it matters to serve God, as is expected of every soul.
This is one of the main reasons why folk religion on the one hand and true, total, unconditional, lifelong and deeply experienced and consistently practiced consecration to Me on the other, are incompatible".

2. Purpose of Maria Domina Animarum

Myriam was called by the Queen of Heaven as Her mouthpiece to dedicate her entire life to developing this Heavenly Work under the strictest Heavenly guidance. From the outset Mary explained the purpose and significance of Her Maria Domina Animarum Work as the ultimate tool in the last stage of the accomplishment of God’s Plan of Salvation for the benefit of all creation. For the accomplishment of all His Works and Plans God wishes the human souls to contribute voluntarily, spontaneously, actively and unconditionally. For this contribution to be real and useful it must unavoidably be made in the form of an intensive, purposeful and profound commitment of the soul with all her being and all her life in the continuous battle against the darkness in the world at large and in herself, as the darkness never stops trying to prevent all Works and Plans of God from being accomplished.

The Mistress of all souls aims at providing intensive and profound teachings and guidance to the souls in order to help them achieve the greatest possible fruitfulness in their lives, their thoughts, their feelings and all their inner dispositions with a view to accomplishing God’s Plan of Salvation. The Plan of Salvation is to be accomplished with the establishment of God’s Kingdom on earth, which will make the world a perfect reflection of the Kingdom of Heaven, pervaded with perfect Love and Peace among all creatures and in which all darkness is rendered completely ineffective. This being rendered ineffective is expressed in the Divine Promise presenting us Mary as the Woman whose foot is pressing on the head of the serpent to the point of eventually crushing it. The fulfilment of this Promise also means the accomplishment of all effects produced by the Works of Redemption wrought by Jesus Christ and the final establishment of the Kingdom of Christ, the Kingdom of God on earth.

This is why the Mistress of all souls is the ultimate and golden Bridge to the final accomplishment of God’s Law in the hour in which Christ will once and for all be unconditionally crowned King. Maria Domina Animarum is the way chosen by God for the education and guidance of souls in these Last Times toward their merger with the Heart of Christ. This merger is nothing other than the fulfilment of God’s desire that every single soul might grow to live in His image.

Therefore it is a great misconception to suspect this Work of straying from the Doctrine of Christ, which says that all salvation can come through nobody but Jesus Christ: The sole mission of the Mistress of all souls lies in helping the human souls perfect their becoming one with the Heart of Christ. In this respect we emphatically refer you to the menu item entitled Consecration to Mary > Consecration and Jesus. (this text is still being translated).

The Mistress of all souls aims at achieving an intensive sanctification of the souls that are willing to submit to Her guidance, in order that these souls may be able to accomplish their mission in life as small tools serving the completion of God’s Plan of Salvation – which is the actual purpose for which God sends EVERY soul into the world – in the greatest possible perfection. Therefore She focuses Her teachings mainly on three points:

  1. teaching souls how to abandon any form and expression of shallowness and exchange it for an ever growing in-depth experience of their being Christians;
  2. teaching souls how to abandon any form and expression of selfishness and egocentrism and exchange it for a perfect practice of self-denying Love towards all fellow creatures in the spirit of Jesus Christ;
  3. making souls aware of the strategies deployed by the darkness, of vice and sin, of the needs of God’s Plan of Salvation and of God’s ways to accomplish this Plan, and increasing the awareness of Mary’s unique power and mission in these Last Times, as the purpose pursued by God with this Work can only be made fruitful to the extent souls understand, accept, and whole-heartedly collaborate with, the purpose, the extraordinary significance and the Truth of Mary’s God-given capacity as the Leader and Guide of the souls in the battle against the darkness. That all of this is anything but a heresy is amply demonstrated by the Queen of Heaven Herself throughout the teachings She distributes through Her Maria Domina Animarum Work.

As early as August 6, 2005, the Queen of Heaven clearly outlined the actual purpose of Myriam’s writings:
MARY: "One of the major elements of My Myriam’s mission consists in bringing the doctrines of Jesus Christ to the human hearts and to teach people how to practice these doctrines in everyday life, by teaching them:

  • to recognize the theses of Christ in every situation of daily life;
  • to get to the bottom of their own doings and all their inner dispositions and, based on Christian doctrine, to assess to what degree these are carriers of virtue or vice, respectively;
  • on the basis of these findings, to refine themselves to such degree as to blossom into true sanctity through fully experiencing and practicing all virtues.

All of this in a perfect union with, and total consecration to, Mary".

On December 11, 2007, the Queen of Heaven further specified:
MARY: "Through the writings I sow in your heart I teach the Science of Divine Life. This Science aims at nothing less than a systematic exposure of all darkness and of all of the latter’s strategies and pitfalls. The Science of Divine Life aims at waking the souls up:

  • to God’s Laws,
  • to the expectations placed on all souls by God,
  • to the true sense and purpose of life,
  • to the incessant battle between the Light and the darkness,
  • to My exceptional part within the aforementioned battle, and
  • to the unknown depths of their own being."

3. Why 'Mistress of all souls'?

"Behold Mary, the immaculate Garden in whom We are well pleased and the Mistress of all souls. We have destined Her to be Queen over everything. Thou shalt eat of the fruits from this Garden in time and eternity, so as to be remodelled in Our image". (the Most Holy Trinity to every single soul through Myriam, April 2007)

The title 'Mistress of all souls' is not among the 'usual' names given to the Mother of God. It should be pointed out, therefore, that this title did not find its origin in a thinking human mind, but was reserved for these Last Times by God Himself. Although this title is firmly linked to Myriam or to the Maria Domina Animarum Work, respectively, neither Myriam nor this Work are the authors of the title 'Mary, Mistress of all souls'. Mary referred to Herself by this title for the first time in a revelation to Myriam on November 26, 2005, saying: "It is God’s Will that in this hour I should be revealed to mankind as the Mistress of all souls".

From the explanations given by the Most Blessed Virgin Mary on this subject it can be concluded that God has indeed reserved this title for these Last Times, whereas it was in force already in the hour of Mary’s coronation after Her Assumption into Heaven. Therefore, as the Mother of God has indeed revealed on various occasions throughout Her Teachings, the title of 'Mary, Mistress of all souls' clearly serves a special purpose within the framework of this last stage of the battle waged by the Light against the darkness, and there is every reason to regard this title or capacity as the pinnacle of Mary’s exceptional role in preparing the establishment of God’s Kingdom on earth. This is a Divine Mystery which is being challenged time and again, as is the case with everything with a special ability to vigorously counteract the devastating actions of the darkness and thus to considerably advance the accomplishment of God’s Plan of Salvation. The Most Blessed Virgin Herself has been mentioning this resistance, as She requested us to point out in several of Her inspirations.

On August 22, 2006, Mary revealed to Myriam the words spoken by the Most Holy Trinity in the hour of Her coronation as the Queen and Mistress of all creation. The Triune God pronounced these words before all the blissful lying prostrated at Mary’s feet:

"It is Our will that in this hour the following proclamation should be made to all inhabitants of the celestial spheres, of the earth, of the place of purification and of hell: This soul, MARY, the Immaculate Mother of the Word, is to receive, in accordance with Our age-old decree, the throne, the crown and the sceptre of unique power over all of creation. She will sovereignly rule all souls and inanimate creation. She is endowed with Our incontestable will and Our inviolable power and She is to rule in Our most holy Name. Her words shall be as laws binding Heaven, earth and everything beneath the earth. Her power is rooted in Our Divinity and She is to dispose of it freely and with all sovereignty. This is owing to the incomparable merits She has gained in the accomplishment of Her God-given mission and the perfect use She has made of the wealth of graces and privileges drawn from the source of Our Divine Life with which Her soul alone is endowed.

It is Our will that all souls serve Her eternally, giving Her obedience and glory. She is to possess absolute power to command all angels and all souls in Heaven, on earth and in the underworld. She is to enjoy their total subservience and obedience. Nothing in Our creation, animate or inanimate, will be able to resist either Her power or any of Her commands, whatever their nature or content. She will be known as 'Mistress of all creation' because We place everything beneath Her feet. Into Her hands we lay the completion of Our plans for the salvation of souls, the fruits of which have been laid open by the Son of God. Owing to the fullness of grace present in Her, She shall rule and govern with sovereign power and infallible wisdom. Second only to Our Divinity, She is to be the object of the highest honour.

As Queen over all creation and Mistress of all souls She is to fulfil the role of satisfying Divine Justice through mediation, reparation and completion. To enable Her to do this, all the treasures from the source of Divine Life, as well as all souls, shall be completely at Her disposal. She is to possess every power over the design, the effects and outcome of Our Divine Providence. Every act of obedience, veneration, honour and service shown to Her is to be deemed an act of obedience, veneration, honour and service towards Us directly, the Divinity. Anything that She is deprived of is to be deemed a deprivation to Our divinity, for this Soul is Our representative towards all souls. The foundation for the completion of Our Plan of Salvation has been accomplished in the coronation of this Soul. Not a single one of Her wishes shall remain unfulfilled, and all things present and future shall be subjected to Her irresistible power. Such is the decree of Our incontestable Divine Will".

The key to a correct understanding of the title 'Mary, Mistress of all souls', which has still got a bit of an unusual ring to it in the ears of some souls, is unmistakably hidden in the aforementioned words spoken by the Triune God: "Her power is rooted in Our Divinity". On December 22, 2006, Mary said to Myriam:

"My glory and power were to be complete at the time of My coronation and yet keep increasing eternally. God announced to the angels that My power was to be forever unique among all creatures. He called Me 'Queen over all creation' and issued the Divine Decree that this was to be proclaimed to all inhabitants of Heaven, earth, purgatory and hell. The true essence of the undertaking was this: He was crowning the divine attributes in a soul, as an unmistakable sign that He had created in this Woman an embodiment of One who had accomplished the highest attainable merger with Divinity. 'Queen' was the title of My glory, 'Mistress' the title of My power. 'Mistress of all souls' is the absolute crowning of My attribute as Queen over all creation. I am Queen over everything (under God) as a sign of the highest possible accomplishment of divine attributes in Me alone among creatures, and I am Mistress over everything (under God) as an expression of the highest power in which I am enwrapped".

Mary’s power, the central foundation of the 'title to end all titles', Her capacity as 'Mistress of all souls', is fully based on the perfect unity between Her Will and GOD’s Will and on the fact She has practiced true Love and God’s Law in true perfection for the entire duration of Her life on earth. The more a human soul practices true self-denying Love in an immaculate way, the more this soul is a stainless image of God. God will not refuse anything to a soul living in such perfect dispositions, as everything such a soul wants is in perfect accordance with what God Himself wants. This is the reason why Mary is in a state enabling Her to represent God’s Will towards all creation perfectly and without the slightest exception, and why She is also able to 'implement' God’s power in souls. Therefore the Mistress of all souls rightfully says She has received from God the power to 'remodel' or 're-create' souls, albeit on the proviso that the soul collaborates of her own free will, as it is a well-established fact that God will never violate a human soul’s free will.

The reason and logic behind the title 'Mistress of all souls' is clearly explained throughout Myriam’s writings. Essentially this 'capacity of all capacities' is based upon Mary’s vocation to be the Leader in the battle of the Light against the darkness (this is also why She is the Mistress of the angels), the inner Guide in every open heart, and the Teacher of the unparalleled profound teachings She Herself refers to as the Science of Divine Life. It should be emphatically pointed out that Mary’s title as the 'Mistress of all souls' is not the fruit of any rational human thinking, but is based on a request made by the Mother of God Herself, whereas She, through Myriam as Her mouthpiece and since the springtime of 1997, has been demonstrating this title to be a substantial element in the struggle for the establishment of God’s Kingdom on earth with the resurrection of Jesus Christ in each soul who is determined to opt for True Love and to actually live True Love in all and any details of her everyday life and in all of her inner dispositions. In a vision and the accompanying words given in the Easter season of 2016 the Queen of Heaven taught Myriam as follows:

"Mistress of all souls, the Woman holding the infernal serpent captive under Her feet, this is what I am because God has called Me to subdue under My feet all and any darkness in every soul who is willing to sincerely and uncompromisingly sacrifice her earthly life to the fulfilment of God’s Plan of Salvation, so as to open this soul up for the accomplishment of her vocation as a child of the Light, of Eternal Love, her vocation as a tool for the fulfilment of God’s Plan of Salvation. I am a soul’s Mistress to the extent this soul enables me to help eradicate from her life all darkness she has become so vulnerable to on account of the original sin, provided she voluntarily and actively participates in this process. in such a soul I am the One sitting on the throne the darkness has been usurping in all souls; in that soul I possess full freedom to help make the Christ’s Works of Redemption truly fruitful. This is why the Mistress of all souls is the Golden Bridge between the soul and her God".

God has bestowed upon Mary the power to intensively guide, teach, innerly reshape souls and to lead them towards the highest possible fruitfulness and to put all darkness to shame, to humiliate and completely defeat all darkness. In Her representation as the 'Woman' with the serpent underneath Her foot Mary is well and truly the Mistress, with complete power over Satan, his following and all of his works. Mary is called to innerly remodel souls - provided the latter collaborate with Her in this process - and to lead and guide them in order that this transformation might truly be achieved, in the meantime ensuring the fullest possible fruitfulness for the development of the individual souls and for the accomplishment of God’s Plan of Salvation.

In order to be able to do this Mary needs a power She can derive from God Himself directly. This power is sealed by the fact Mary’s Will is perfectly merged with God’s Will, by which, being full of grace, She is in a position to obtain anything which is likely to benefit God’s Works and Plans. That is what has made Mary the Mistress of all souls: She possesses the unlimited power of command, guidance, transformation, healing of the soul, and no force under God is able to resist Her, including the forces of darkness.

The title held by the Queen of Heaven as the 'Mistress of all souls' is by no means a mere theoretical name, nor is it the fruit of a mere rational argument. Since the beginning of Her being revealed in this capacity the Mistress of all souls has been inspiring many brief invocations bearing a special power. She emphasized the significance of some of them on account of the fact they are very closely related to the fulfilment of Her vocation (the accomplishment of God’s Plan of Salvation in willing souls). Mary especially stressed the great power contained in every invocation addressed to Her as 'Mary, powerful Mistress of all souls'. On December 11, 2005, for instance, She said:

"Tell the souls that each time they invoke Me with Love and in the deepest veneration as 'powerful Mistress of all souls', I command the devil to prostrate himself at My feet".

It becomes clear from the entirety of the Teachings the Queen of Heaven has been giving for years within the framework of Her Science of Divine Life, that the 'capacity to end all capacities', the one as 'Mistress of all souls', is anything but a novel thing of marginal significance under the Marian skies, on the contrary, it must be regarded as being part of a Sign of God very specifically directed against the darkness, which is throttling this world more and more intensely from year to year. God’s final victory over the powers of darkness was promised to us.

This victory will be achieved on the basis of the eternal merits gained by Jesus Christ’s Sufferings, Death on the Cross and Resurrection, and Mary is to be shown to Satan as the unmistakable Sign for the victory of perfect Love and sanctity over all darkness, in Her image as 'the Woman subduing the serpent (= all works of darkness) underneath Her foot'. She is the Woman who is going to embody the created human soul’s ability to achieve perfect sanctity and who wielded an unlimited power over the darkness for the entire duration of Her life on earth, by Her absolute refusal to get corrupted by any temptation.

The 'Woman', Mary, is rightfully 'the Mistress of all souls', and as such She is to be the One opening the gate to the Kingdom of God on earth in every soul. To that end, however, She needs the complete surrender of as many souls as possible, through the sacred covenant of total, unconditional and lifelong consecration to Her, a consecration which is practiced sincerely and lovingly in every single detail of life, through all of the soul’s actions and inner dispositions. Such surrender fully signifies true following of Christ and seals the unlimited power of His Works of Redemption within the soul. This is the power which is to expel the darkness from this world forever. Mary, the Mistress of all souls, was given to us as the golden Bridge across the thundering torrent of our temptations. Let us enable Her to truly be our Mistress, so as to enable Christ, and not the darkness through all of its deceptions, to be our Lord in the deepest sense of the word.

4. Mary’s Mission as the Mistress of all souls

"He who is Eternal Love has sent Me, in these Last Times, with a view to preparing the souls of good will (*) to obtain their highest possible fruitfulness in accomplishing the Divine Plan of Salvation for all creation, i.e. in preparation for the final stage of the establishment of God’s Kingdom on earth.
(*) The Mistress of all souls Herself defines a 'soul of good will' as a soul who is willing to merge her free will completely with God’s Will.

The history of salvation of the human race completely revolves around the battle between the Light of God and the darkness of Satan, who has set for himself the goal of defiling, distorting all of God’s Works and Plans and slowing them down to the utmost, as well as of infesting all human souls with his own dispositions in order that they might not serve God’s Works and Plans but his works and plans. Therefore it is decisive in view of the accomplishment of God’s victory – which God has promised to the souls – that the souls in these Last times be educated in the knowledge and understanding of the mysteries which directly concern this battle between the Light and the darkness.

This is why My Mission primarily consists of providing teachings and education geared to deepening the souls’ knowledge in the following fields:

  1. the ways to allow true self-denying Love to take root in the hearts, and promoting that this Love be practiced spontaneously and persistently in all details of the souls’ material life on earth and be disseminated towards all her fellow creatures including all of her environment;
  2. the nature and the countless faces of sin. I herewith define sin as any occasion on which the human free will is used to implement inspirations from the darkness in the form of actions, words, thoughts, feelings, aspirations and/or dispositions of the heart through which the soul serves any works or plans of darkness and thereby violates God’s Law of true Love and contributes to slowing down the accomplishment of God’s Works and Plans, as every human soul is sent into the world for no other purpose but to lead a life as a tool for the accomplishment of the Works and Plans pursued by her Creator;
  3. the strategies through which the darkness is constantly attempting to deceive the human soul in order that the latter should lend herself to becoming an instrument for the accomplishment of the works and plans of the darkness, which are geared to damaging and destroying God’s Works and sowing chaos, misery and suffering all over the face of creation as well as to thoroughly distorting the network of Love God has brought about among all creatures and which He incessantly tries to nourish and to maintain through all interventions of His Love and His Providence;
  4. My role and actions in My God-given capacity as the Mistress of all souls. In this all-embracing capacity and by Divine authority I am to lead all souls of good will towards their highest possible contribution to the battle of the Light against the darkness, a battle which was put under My command so as to bring to full maturity the infinite fruits yielded by Jesus Christ’s Works of Redemption in the individual souls willing to collaborate with Me to that end;
  5. the most fruitful ways for the souls to collaborate with My guidance, through concluding the sacred bond of total, unconditional and lifelong consecration to Me. Total consecration to Me, the Queen of Heaven and earth and Bridge between God and the souls, insofar as it is actually lived in every single detail of life and in all inner dispositions, is the golden path proclaimed by the crucified Jesus, leading to the human soul’s ultimate destination of being an image of God.

Blessed are the souls who accept these teachings and allow them to mature in their hearts, for My words carry the ability to make Divine Life bloom inside the soul and sow in them the path to true happiness, the path to true sanctity for the soul who puts Divine Wisdom to use with all her heart so as to fulfil her vocation at the service of the establishment of God’s Kingdom of perfect Love and Peace among all creatures, and to do so with the greatest possible fruitfulness.

I was sent to guide the souls of good will on this path, which is known to Me in its fullness and which I Myself as a soul, owing to the fullness of Grace I possessed, have completed as a paragon of perfection.

My Mission for these Last Times as the Mistress of all souls neither serves a purpose in itself, nor is it focused on Me personally. My Mission solely and exclusively aims at the accomplishment of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ in the hearts. This accomplishment reflects what is referred to as 'the second Coming of Christ' and is intended by God to be the event crowning the Works wrought by His Messiah. God’s Kingdom on earth is actually built on a concatenation of fully grown fields of souls, in which the Divine Grain of Wheat has been allowed to fully mature. It is My Mission to water this Grain of Wheat in the soul’s field with the water of Divine Life and to teach the soul the most promising ways to till her field, so as to enable the Divine Laws of Growth to achieve their full effects in them. Each individual soul’s receptiveness will determine how fruitful My Mission is going to be in her.

Thus the Mistress of all souls is the Factor God foresaw for these times as His medium to teach the souls of good will the infallible ways to actually make the seed of Redemption sprout within them. I try to accomplish this Mission by shaping souls after the Model of My own soul and to lead the seed of their disposition to live true Love, to an unparalleled maturity. Blessed are the souls who open themselves up completely to this development, for they are the ones I can transform into torches of fire and arrowheads in the final battle to reconquer the Kingdom of God from the darkness, which has been challenging God’s rule over all of creation by replacing the Divine Law of Love within the souls by selfishness in its countless shapes.

The soul who allows My teachings to blossom inside herself is walking the golden path which is designed to lead her straight to the very Heart of God".

In Her Revelation of November 6, 2007, the Mistress of all souls was again forthright about Her unique Mission:

"Jesus said He had come into the world to bring the sword and fire. The same goes for the Mission the Mistress of all souls is invested with: In this capacity I will be the object of struggle between those who abhor the fullness of the Truth and those who hunger for the fullness of the Truth, the true, pure and uninhibited Divine Light. My Revelations given in My capacity as the Mistress of all souls will wake up many serpents and make many wolves rise, for through these Revelations I have begun to systematically dismantle and invalidate all untruths, deceptions, aberrations, misconceptions and illusions which have been sown into the souls by forces of darkness in the course of times, and which in these days have gained an unparalleled fruitfulness, even in the hearts of innumerable souls that consider themselves to be Christians.

This is why you will be reviled, slandered and rejected for My sake. Do not fear, for together with Jesus I have defeated the world and its darkness from the outset. There will be any number of attempts to hide, extinguish or reason away as being a ghost light the Light of Mary which you will keep spreading in obedience to My call. Do not fear, in this world only the ghost lights from the darkness are accepted by the masses without much struggle. The purer and the more powerful Divine Light will shine the harder the darkness will try to destroy it. I have told you that even among the Christians the true Light is but rarey recognized. However, this is the time of the revelation of the fullness of the Truth. Thus it was decreed by the Most High. (...)".

5. Fivefold sign of contradiction

As from the very hour of Myriam’s calling in the year 1997 the Queen of Heaven very overtly warned about the fact the Maria Domina Animarum Work and all of the texts and prayers it would be spreading would most definitely be signs of contradiction, due to the fact that:

Firstly, this Work and the texts originate with a purely mystical Source (the Queen of Heaven Herself), which to a lot of human souls constitutes a first stumbling block to trusting and believing them intrinsically, as none of it can be proven using any worldly means such as science or logical reasoning. This Work and the texts are mere instruments of the heart, not of logical reasoning, because God Himself operates through the heart, the center of Love, Love being the sole Divine force of creation, redemption and sanctification;

Secondly, this Work and the texts and prayers are inspired for the very purpose of being tools deployed as spearheads in the battle against the darkness (the forces of evil and their works of deception!) in these Last Times, and will therefore by nature inevitably be exposed to fierce attacks from all kinds of forces which are deceived into operating as channels of doubt, distrust and disruption for the purpose of slowing down the ultimate preparation for the final victory of Divine Love in this world. Through the centuries, our world has been increasingly manipulated by darkness of thoughts, feelings and aspirations as opposed to the Love, Light, Peace and Hope generated by God Himself. The emphasis in Maria Domina Animarum’s texts and prayers on self-denying Love, hope, encouragement and Divine Truth make this Work and its fruits not only a serious wakeup call for human souls of good will, but equally a target for the poisoned arrows from any force of darkness;

Thirdly, this Work and the texts and prayers are unique in their concept, owing to the fact they are not the products and fruits of human reasoning but of direct celestial inspiration, which in the perception of many makes them, in a manner of speaking, incompatible with the general ways of thinking and perceiving which have been taking root among the majority of human souls, as many are no longer familiar with approaching things the way a human soul was meant to do by God, i.e. without the interference from human or worldly thinking. A great many humans have lost all empathy with God’s purposes and goals;

Fourthly, the Queen of Heaven most emphatically warned about the fact Her stressing the major importance and significance of total consecration to Her would be a bone of contention making many souls hesitant on account of their reluctance to surrender themselves and every detail of their lives totally and unconditionally to a strict inner guidance by a Being they are unable to see and who cannot promise them tangible rewards during their physical lives. This is the reason why Mary has been interweaving Her vast volume of teachings with solid arguments for the significance of total Marian consecration in preparation for the establishment of God’s Kingdom on earth, the messianic age ruled by the fullness of complete, unconditional and self-denying Love among all creatures;

Fifthly and certainly not the least important of these five reasons, this Work and all of its products and fruits highlight the invaluable role of the Mother of God in Her God-chosen capacity for the very Last Times as the Mistress of all souls. This highlight tends to make certain human souls suspicious as to the authenticity of Maria Domina Animarum and its products as fruits from a Heavenly Source. This is why throughout the texts the Heavenly Mistress Herself goes to any lengths to produce a most solid system demonstrating the logic and truth behind Her title and capacity as the Mistress of all souls. Mary, the Mother of God, was not mentioned by this title in the Holy Book for the one and only reason that God’s Time for it had not yet come: the basic doctrine of Jesus Christ was first to take root in many hearts. Mary was to be revealed in Her true sublimity and in the unlimited effects of Her fullness of grace in these very Last Times, the times which are to culminate in the Woman’s foot crushing the head of the serpent from hell and the enthronement of the Christ as the King of creation for all eyes to see. The Mistress of all souls is therefore not in the least a competitor with Jesus Christ, quite the opposite: She is the underestimated – because not very well known as yet – last step of the stairs to the throne of God being erected in this world once and for all.

The Mother of Christ warned Myriam from the onset never to forget that even Jesus Himself was most fiercely attacked and mistrusted by many in His days on earth due to the mere fact His words originated with the Source of Divine Wisdom and would not make even the slightest compromise with worldly thinking and expectations.
The texts and prayers inspired to Myriam are absolutely not comparable with most texts and prayers from other sources, exactly because they come from an 'ususual' (unearthly) source and target the darkness in a most unveiled way which may time and time again incite people to revolt against them.

6. In conclusion, something to reflect upon

The Teachings offered by the Heavenly Queen through this Work are centered fully around True Love as the essential force within God’s Creation and as the main criterion by which God measures the fruitfulness of each human soul and each human life for the accomplishment of His Works and Plans. The Mistress of all souls was and is foremost the Mistress of the highest sanctity ever achieved by a human soul.

True hope and encouragement are firmly embedded in each and every element of this propagation in that the Mistress of all souls keeps motivating every soul to the utmost to a personal dedication for the benefit of the accomplishment of her own salvation. Throughout Her Teachings She makes it very clear that every soul holds her own salvation as well as her own eternal destination in her own hand, and that the soul herself determines all of this through the extent to which, and the inner disposition with which, she manages to bring all her actions and all her inner dispositions into perfect harmony with those of Jesus Christ and of the Queen of Heaven and earth. The golden, most promising path along which this can be achieved is the path of total, unconditional, lifelong consecration to Mary which is practiced in every single aspect of life. Therefore, to the Mother of God, hope is not a disposition of passively expecting and waiting but a disposition of trustful and active dedication while being aware of the fact that, to God, the latter disposition serves as an open testimony to the sincere will to lead a life serving HIS Works, and nothing else. The Promise made by Christ is a sign of hope for the soul that is willing to make this Promise come true in her own life by persevering in the pursuit of True Love towards all her fellow creatures.

In Her Teachings through this ministry the Mother of God wants to model and shape souls in such a way as to enable them to make the most fruitful contributions to the accomplishment of God’s Plan of Salvation as well as of their own sanctification. That is why She teaches Her Science of Divine Life, in which the soul can find keys to an unparalleled depth of her understanding of a variety of Mysteries relating to spiritual life and to Divine Law. Therefore a major element of Her Teachings aims at deepening the knowledge about Mary’s most sublime and so little known capacities, in order that the soul may find a special motivation to surrender herself completely to the Queen of Heaven, who has the power to immensely advance the blooming of Jesus’ Works of Redemption within the individual soul, to the extent She is offered opportunities to truly influence the soul’s inner dispositions in daily life and to assist in reorienting those dispositions wherever necessary.