Teaching granted by the Holy Virgin Mary
April 2024
This teaching can be considered a companion text to the Special Revelation The power of being a true Christian, which was given by the Mistress of all souls in March 2021.
God had created the human soul as the crown upon His Work of creation. To that end He had made her perfectly holy. This means that in all that the human soul would do or omit, say, think, feel, desire and pursue, she would bring salvation, i.e.: through all of this the soul was to help maintain creation as God had intended it to be, as the material reflection of His immaterial Heavenly Kingdom. This is what the soul would have done as long as she would fulfil the Divine Basic Law, the Law of true self-denying Love, spontaneously, spotlessly, unconditionally and persistently in all her behaviour and in all her inner dispositions.
However, both first human souls committed original sin, the first transgression against the Divine Basic Law. Sin is any transgression against the Basic Law of True Love. The disobedience towards God’s decrees concerning the behaviour and inner dispositions of the human soul, as was the case in original sin, was an example of a transgression against the Law of Love in the sense that in the context of God’s intentions this disobedience was a manifestation of the fact that at a given point of time the first human souls allowed their Love of God to be overshadowed by an inspiration by the force that is completely contrary to God’s Works and Plans: the darkness, Satan. This was the first occasion on which human souls voluntarily opted in favour of following the darkness rather than the Light.
After original sin, God was a God of (sometimes sudden, immediate) Justice, a God who wanted to restore every violation of His Law, in other words all that disturbs the balance in creation, as soon as possible, and through direct intervention. By virtue of Divine Law, disturbances in the equilibrium of creation can be restored – repaired, compensated for – either by a direct intervention by God Himself, who through making use of His omnipotence is able to undo any harm, or by human hearts. How are we to understand this?
God can perfectly undo any damage to the balance in His creation through a direct intervention, i.e. by making use of His omnipotence, which is nothing other than the realization of His perfect Will so as to know His creation in perfect harmony. However, from the beginning God has harboured the predominant desire that everything in His creation should be realized by virtue of a perfectly practiced Covenant between Him and the human souls. This Covenant can only be practiced perfectly inasmuch as in their hearts, the human souls will harbour an undivided desire to pursue a perfect unity with the Heart of their God and Creator Himself through their entire behaviour and in their entire inner life.
This unity cannot be lived solely from the mind, the thinking, reasoning and analyzing mind, but must be lived from the heart, the center of the emotional life in the soul. A soul’s emotional life is in perfect harmony with the Heart of God Himself only to the extent that, in her heart, the human soul will fulfil True Love, i.e. to the extent that the soul will live from and for the Love to her God and Creator, to all of God’s Works and Plans and to all her fellow creatures.
Practicing a flawless Love to all her fellow creatures is an absolute necessity for the human soul because God has designed His creation as a network, within which all creatures are interconnected through their actions and their inner lives (thinking, feeling, desiring, all inner dispositions, reactions, etcetera) as junctions that come into contact with each other through channels connecting the junctions. These channels are, as it were, the 'connecting roads', the 'roads of communication, between the hearts of all creatures. These 'connecting roads' or channels are created through every contact – every 'encounter' – between creatures, whether through actions, through words, or in more hidden ways through thoughts and feelings harboured by creatures towards fellow creatures (which thoughts and feelings they, in a manner of speaking, 'inject into the network').
In proportion as these channels are flowed through with Love and good feelings, they are filled with Light and warmth and form barriers against the works and plans of the darkness, the force which is directly opposed to Divine Law and which – preferably through the human souls, especially through the dispositions of their hearts – try to counteract, to hinder, to paralyze, to distort and if at all possible to render totally ineffective all Works and Plans of God.
The Love as the great vital force incessantly sent by God through creation must be processed in the hearts of men, and from these hearts this vital force, this fuel of all creation and of Divine Life, must be guided further through creation as a flow of Light and Fire which is continuously giving Life and is continuously purifying.
Because the human hearts are the centers in which Divine Love is processed and from which this Divine fuel must be propelled, they are also the centers in and through which every violation against the Law of True Love, this Divine Basic Law, must and can be restored. The implementation of the Great Covenant between God and the human souls must therefore be done through the dispositions of the hearts of human souls. Through voluntarily, spontaneously, sincerely practicing True Love (see the definition of True Love in the basic teaching True Love, as inspired by the Queen of Heaven and earth back in September 2013) the human soul can help restore any imbalance in creation. Of paramount importance is the following:
Practicing the purifying, life-giving, healing, restoring True Love, i.e. applying it in practical life, can be done in various ways, the most obvious ones being:
- performing acts that convey blessing and well-being to fellow creatures (in the broadest sense of the word);
- speaking words that convey blessing and well-being to fellow creatures;
- nurturing thoughts, feelings and desires that are filled with nothing but pure Light;
- the pursuit of goals that are perfectly in harmony with what God Himself wants to see happen, come about or change in His creation;
- avoiding actions, words, thoughts, feelings, desires and aspirations that can in any way disturb the flow of Divine Love.
However, there is yet an additional way: the one of the restoring, healing and compensating heartache.
This last way departs from the former ones in that the former ones require the active commitment of the human soul, whereas the way of restoring, healing and compensating heartache is a way which God Himself can activate through the conscience of the human soul. Conscience is the center of spiritual life in which the soul can be alerted to anything which, both in her surroundings and in herself, can impede the fulfilment of the Divine Basic Law of True Love or can actually violate this Law. Through a soul’s conscience God can send signals to the soul that arouse in the latter feelings of shame or remorse, generally stated: heartache or – in the true sense of the word – Love pains.
Love pains in this sense are to be understood as the state of heart through which the soul experiences something of the sorrow that God Himself experiences in the observation that a human soul, who was designed in His Heart and is therefore a direct product of absolutely perfect Divine Love, is not one hundred per cent living, acting, speaking, thinking, feeling, desiring or aspiring in perfect harmony with that which reigns in His own Heart, and that this soul is thereby not completely fulfilling her true vocation and mission in life, which for each and every human soul only consists of being an undivided tool for the accomplishment of everything God aims at accomplishing through her – i.e. first and foremost: through her heart – with a view to maintaining or restoring a perfect Love, Peace and a general sense of well-being within the entire network of His creation, in all of its junctions and in all of the connections between all junctions.
This is how we must understand Divine Justice, the way through which God tried to restore the heavily disturbed harmony within His creation after original sin. Not uncommonly God’s interventions brought severe suffering to many human hearts. In a sense, however, to a high degree the pain suffered by human hearts remained of a passive, imposed nature. However, because the human input in the Covenant between the human souls and God could only gain its full value through the spontaneous commitment of the free will of the human souls to allow their hearts to merge again with the Heart of their Creator, and due to the fact this merger was far too rarely actually longed for by human souls, a kind of renewal of the Covenant was necessary. This renewal was to come through the Coming of Jesus Christ as the Man-God, the Redeemer and Messiah on earth who, while preserving His Divine nature, was also to lead a life on earth as a human being in a physical body.
The motivation based on which God sent His Son Jesus Christ into the world to redeem the human souls lies in His predominant desire that the human souls be delivered from the everlasting impossibility of ever returning to Him. The original sin was a thorough violation of the Covenant, by which the human souls had shown that their desire to live with God eternally was less strong than the need to give in to the inspirations of God’s infamous enemy, Satan, the darkness.
The Son of Man, the Christ, would be able to break this eternal ban by living a life as a human being because precisely all the trials of human nature (suffering in body, mind, heart and soul) obtain their fertility to the extent that they are endured on a foundation of a practical experience of True Love. Precisely through this foundation trials can help compensate, make amends for, render ineffective, any violation of Love, i.e. any sin. The true spirit of the Christ, the disposition from which He would live His life as a human being, had therefore to be a stainless embodiment of the Divine Basic Law of true, self-denying, completely unconditional Love.
Only an absolutely perfect embodiment of Divine Law in a 'human life' would have an absolutely limitless power of Redemption, for Salvation in the true sense of the word is totally cancelling out the effects of the breach, by the human souls, of their Covenant with their Creator, which was intended to be a Covenant of absolutely flawless Love. Only spotless Love is the bearer of True Life, Divine Life as it is alive in an absolutely perfect and unlimited state in God Himself and must be developed as much as possible in every human soul, for Divine Life is in the true sense of the word a life in total holiness as God had intended it for the human souls.
The Birth of Jesus Christ from the immaculately conceived Holy Virgin Mary, a created but absolutely sinless Tabernacle uniquely designed by God to make the Incarnation of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, possible in the world marked the opening of a totally new era in the relationship between God and His human souls. The Creator would henceforth no longer seek to restore the violations within His Creation, in other words the injuries or damages within the network, in countless junctions and 'connecting roads' within this network, through Divine interventions which, through the centuries after original sin, had yielded too little ransom to obtain re-creating, healing, restoring graces after the original sin. After all, their fruitfulness had been drastically limited by the fact too few souls showed the actual active desire to use God’s interventions for a radical reversal in the dispositions of their heart.
Henceforth, however, the human souls would in a gentle way, through infusions of grace, through inspirations by the Holy Spirit and countless signs of Divine Providence, be invited to show uninterrupted, spontaneous, active commitment from the heart, in other words to make active contributions to the restoration of distortions and elements of imbalance in the network of creation through a practical fulfilment of the Law of Love in all their own doings, all their words, thoughts, feelings, desires and aspirations. How, then, was this change to be achieved?
This change had to come about through a total renewal of the relationship of the human souls to their God, who, as it was prior to the first human souls committing original sin, had to learn to again sense their God (i.e. not through thinking and reasoning but from the core of their heart) as their God, their Creator, their Lord and Master, as the only One who truly is the Owner of creation, the only One who actually embodies the Law of Life and who can determine the right way for the creatures to live together, and therefore the only Force in creation that can and must be acknowledged, praised, followed and worshipped. Why this necessity? Because only God possesses the absolutely perfect ability to create and to preserve all created things in a state of perfect harmony and happiness, through His perfect Wisdom and His all-encompassing understanding of all the junctions of the network of creation and all the channels interconnecting these junctions.
In order to actually bring about this total renewal in the relationship between the human souls and their God and Creator, the human soul had to receive an example, a Divine Source of inspiration and teaching: the Christ, the Son of God Who had to come into the world, not to dictate the Law as an intangible, ethereal Being, but to set the example of practicing Divine Law from a physical body, in every respect appearing like an 'ordinary' human being.
The Christ would become the Model for human souls, the Model they were to completely follow, imitate, from a heart (center of emotional life and of the experience of Divine Law!) that would spontaneously and sincerely desire to be a true mirror of God’s Heart and truly, in their entire behaviour and in all inner conditions in every single detail of daily life and in all possible situations and circumstances, fulfil the purpose for which every human soul is sent into the world: to live a life as a tool for the accomplishment of Divine Law and – through the flawless practice of Love – unlocking all effects ensuing from God’s Plans.
Henceforth a chain of Life would be visibly unfolded, in which God would be the Creator of the seed of True Life, the Christ as the Man-God would be the Sower of this seed, and every human soul would have to open up as a field to receive the seed and bring it to blossom through the only forces that have the power to do so: the sun of True Love and the rain of Divine Grace.
Divine Justice was not putting itself out of play through this renewal, it was supplemented by the activation of a force which, through entering into an engagement with souls who would truly 'be in love with their God', would help generate a totally new fruitfulness: Divine Mercy, which, through coming a long way to aid human weakness, would give the human souls a substantial boost in the back to help them realize the fruitfulness provided for them, to the extent to which they would prove ready and willing to fully imitate the Embodiment of this Mercy, Jesus Christ, by spontaneously and genuinely practicing His dispositions in their own hearts.
Thus the Christ ushered in a new era in the relationship between God and the human souls: the age of Divine Mercy, the era of the New Covenant. Divine Mercy had to demonstrate a special allowance on God’s part to stimulate souls in their perfecting the actual fulfilment of the Divine Basic Law of True Love. God would do this out of a state of kindness, utter forgiveness and special grace, albeit with the proviso that the human souls would fulfil a great condition: Divine Mercy was to be activated to the extent that the human soul would demonstrate the willingness to spontaneously and sincerely collaborate with their God through an intense practice of a sincere, disinterested, unselfish Love for all her fellow creatures, for God Himself and for all of His Works and Plans.
The pre-eminent symbol for the New Covenant between God and His human souls would be shaped by the instrument through which the Christ as the Messiah, the Man-God, would crown His Redemptive Works: the Cross. Let us briefly consider what the Mother of the Man-God, the Holy Virgin Mary, in Her capacity the as Mistress of all souls, said to Myriam on October 26, 2007 with reference to the Cross:
"The form of the Holy Cross reminds the souls of a twofold mission: The upright beam denotes the sacred Covenant between God and the souls, by virtue of which God maintains the flow of Life, bearer of the most various Graces, to the souls, and the souls in their turn were to live only for the purpose of materializing God’s Plan of Salvation and His Works. The horizontal beam points to the obligation of souls to maintain and propel the flow of grace all across the earth, between all creatures. Thus both beams of the Cross represent two streams that are infinite in time and space. The Holy Cross can therefore be regarded as an endless seal spread by God over His entire creation". |
By these holy words the Ark of the New Covenant, the Mother of the Crucified One Himself, highlighted the very goal pursued by God with the New Covenant, a goal based on His desire that the human souls of all times would be fully pervaded with the awareness of the fact that True Love, Peace, harmony and happiness within creation stand or fall with the fulfilment of the Divine Basic Law, the Law of self-denying Love.
The Cross would be the pinnacle of the life of the Christ as the Man-God. Jesus endured the Passion on the Cross on account of the sinfulness of human souls, i.e. the propensity of the human souls not to live undividedly for the purpose of fulfilling the Divine Basic Law. The Christian who looks at the Cross must do so in the awareness that sin has made the Crucifixion necessary. Each soul is called upon to live a life as a tool for the fulfilment of God’s Works and of His Plan of Salvation, and this can only be done through a flawless practice of True Love in every detail and in all situations, circumstances, contacts and encounters in every human life. God wants to be enabled to work through every soul.
Therefore, every soul must put her hands, mouth, heart, mind and will undividedly at the service of God’s Works. Christ has lived this in perfection throughout His life as the Man-God on earth. This now brings us to the driving force behind the life of the Christ on earth, which in absolute perfection was the embodiment of Divine Life, i.e. of the total, unconditional practice of self-denying Love. This driving force is what, within the framework of the underlying teaching, the Mistress of all souls wants to refer to as the spirit of Christ. The content of this spirit will be elaborated on by the Heavenly Queen a bit further down below. It is of the essence to realize already at this point that it is God’s intention that this spirit should be fully accepted by every human soul and incorporated into her own inner dispositions, even that every human heart would eventually merge with this spirit altogether, or as the Heavenly Mistress calls it: that every human soul would conclude a lifelong wedding with the spirit of Christ. This is what she is called upon to do, and this is also the only gauge displaying her fruitfulness (or relative lack thereof) as a Christian.
It is also of paramount importance to constantly keep in mind that many years ago already, the Mistress of all souls emphatically stated that a pure heart, a heart that is a true reflection of God’s own Heart, consists of two major components, both of which were also embodied by the Christ. She said that the soul (and the center of the soul’s life: the heart) must be filled with Light and warmth (Fire), and that the Light of the soul becomes noticeable in her brightfulness, and the warmth of the soul makes itself felt through her meekness or the softness of her ways and interactions.
A soul who relinquishes her brightfulness, for example under the pressure of the inevitable trials and crosses of life, gets 'eclipsed', darkened, and is thereby similar to a cloud moving between the sun (God) and the soul’s fellow creatures, so that these creatures are deprived of the Light and the warmth they need to fully flourish and thus fulfil their life-long missions at the service of God in the right inner dispositions.
A soul that is not sufficiently meek allows the Fire to get extinguished in her heart, and thus becomes a faulty conductor of the warmth of the Love that God seeks to make shine through her towards her environment.
The only way of true Christianity, in other words the only complete imitation of Christ, is characterized by:
- union with Jesus Christ in the full acceptance of all trials and crosses of life, i.e. of all events, circumstances and situations which are not usually experienced by the soul as pleasant, and which can therefore complicate or burden life, whether physically, mentally, emotionally or morally, or at several of these levels of life simultaneously;
- enduring all these trials and crosses in self-denying Love, for to the extent that the latter is missing or is practiced with little sincerity, every trial is empty, meaningless, i.e. unfruitful as a means of accomplishing the Works and Plans God tries to accomplish through the soul on earth. As the Heavenly Mistress already expressed it: "God has no need for trials and crosses, He needs trials and crosses that are accepted and endured in sincere Love";
- unlimited and unconditional service to all fellow creatures. To the extent such service is not active, the soul is rather enduring her living conditions for her own sake or based on a feeling of necessity, of 'having no other option', and she is not fruitful for the advancement or improvement of the functioning of the entire network of creation according to the needs of God’s Law. Sincere service is the state through which the soul helps the Christ carry His Cross by alleviating the burden of the crosses experienced by her fellow creatures. In order to be truly flawlessly functional the spirit of service must also be based on a deeply perceived respect for the dignity of every fellow creature in its capacity as an edifice designed in God’s Heart;
- sincere desire to help speed up the completion of God’s Plan of Salvation for all of creation through every detail of the soul’s own journey through life. This desire must be the ultimate driving force that animates with vital strength every action, every word, and everything that is going on inside the soul. The soul must at all times, through everything that is going on inside her and everything emanating from her, be aware of the fact that every detail of her life is experienced solely at the service of God, not for the sake of fulfilling any purpose that would be related to her personal interests.
Creation can only flourish and be a manifestation of the paradise God had intended creation to be, to the extent that the spirit of Christ truly controls the world. This can only be the case if the following conditions are met, which are referred to by the Holy Virgin as essential components of the spirit of Christ. It is important to realize that the spirit of Christ is the power that brought Redemption, and that this spirit was therefore God’s final answer to the dispositions that have been ruining the world. Indeed, the world is being led to perdition by sin, any transgression against the Law of True Love, for every transgression against Divine Law is a form of rendering service to Satan, the prince of darkness who has been trying to totally destroy God’s Works and Plans by bringing the human souls down to his own level: the level of the most unadulterated evil without any limitation, with the well-known consequences we can see manifesting themselves in the world ever more emphatically and in ever less concealed ways: misery, hatred, chaos, injustice, unhappiness, ill fate in any number of ways and forms.
The spirit of Christ, therefore, constitutes God’s weapon against total degradation, the moral depravity of the human soul, and through her of creation as a whole. Here are five essential components many Christians are hardly truly aware of as being essential elements of being a true Christian:
1. The world is being ruined by selfishness, pride, arrogance, self-exaltation on the part of souls, the inclination of souls to consider themselves important and great and to be regarded as important by others.
The spirit of Christ counters this evil disposition by disinterested, self-denying Love, in which, without any hesitation, the soul makes the own (real or purported) needs take a back seat to the needs experienced by her fellow creatures and by God Himself (the fulfilment of His Plan of Salvation for all of creation). Jesus has put this into practice to the utmost by voluntarily surrendering Himself to the forces of darkness, knowing that the darkness will in the deepest sense of the word commit suicide when its actions are accepted and endured by its victim in a disposition of self-denying Love for the well-being of her fellow creatures and for God and His Works and Plans. This self-denying Love must be supported by a spirit of sincere humility. True humility is the disposition in which the soul fully correctly realizes and accepts her place, position and role within the network of creation and in comparison with her God.
Pride, arrogance and self-exaltation are among the greatest and most destructive traps in which the darkness is continuously capturing human souls and through which the darkness seeks to make creation a slave to its plans of destruction. Let us never forget that pride and self-exaltation constituted the very dispositions harboured by Lucifer (later Satan), then still an archangel, and which expelled him from the Eternal Bliss of the Heavens, because this disposition had completely extinguished in him all Love.
2. The world is being ruined by a strong and widespread inclination of human souls towards an attachment to worldly interests and desires, to hedonism, to harbour an aversion to any trials, suffering and crosses, to harbour and practice materialistic inclinations (living for the sake of gaining money, richness, externally visible wealth which may make the soul appear important in the eyes of her fellow people...) and fear of their fellow man’s judgment, in other words: The world is being ruined by an all-powerful focus on all worldly elements of life and an inclination to think predominantly in accordance with worldly standards and focused on worldly, material goals.
The predominant focus on the pursuit of worldly goals makes many souls very susceptible to corruption (unfair self-enrichment), a form of deception that often has seriously negative consequences for large numbers of people, often for an entire society. Corruption or bribery is any act by which souls in a position of influence try to induce other souls to collaborate in the realization of their own intentions by presenting to such souls the prospect of attractive benefits or making them attractive promises. Corruption is practiced when it is assumed that the person one is trying to bribe might, without the prospect of a special personal advantage, be little willing or plain unwilling to collaborate, either because collaboration may seem unattractive to them or because that for which their collaboration is solicited may seem dishonest, unlawful or downright criminal to them.
Corruption therefore, in God’s eyes, belongs to the most nefarious possible sins, because it originates in a heart that knows that its action can (will) cause harm, but nevertheless carries out the action in a state of indifference, in order to achieve material gains for itself, at the expense of fellow creatures. Moreover, acts of corruption expose the bribed fellow person to a serious contamination of their own soul.
The spirit of Christ counters this evil disposition by a predominating focus on God and the interests of Eternal Life, and therefore on spiritualization, i.e. the soul’s ability to totally surrender to life and reality at the level of the things of Heaven, the supernatural, and therefore to no longer be a slave of every inspiration to pursue worldly things or to allow all details of her behaviour and of her inner life to be determined by that for which the darkness tries to use her for the purpose of making the soul serve Satan’s interests and neglect her true life-long mission at the service of accomplishing God’s Works and Plans.
The temptation to focus life on worldly interests and objectives often, among others, finds a very fertile ground in the hearts of top politicians who allow themselves to be seduced to committing dark works based on corruption, deceit, deception and propaganda of the most various nature. Such souls easily bring themselves to damnation on account of the large-scale consequences they cause, by which often millions of creatures are harmed and sustain suffering and are in their turn completely darkened because in them as well, all Light within them is extinguished and the darkness is followed as the only driving force in life.
Christ Himself was the absolutely perfect Model of being focused on the interests of God and of Eternal Life of the soul: His entire Mission in life was geared only to accomplishing the Plan of Salvation God wanted and needed to see come into effect for all creation.
3. The world is being ruined by superficiality: the disposition in which the soul manifests a propensity to interpret her entire environment and all the information that reaches her, according to the superficial appearance of the elements thereof, without any inclination or without being able to seek and/or recognize deeper causes, connections and possible consequences. Superficiality characterizes countless souls who so spontaneously and predominantly (or even exclusively) think and perceive according to worldly standards, that they hardly take God and His Works into account as factors that play a role (and ultimately always the leading role) in that which they perceive. These souls allow their thinking, feeling and perceiving to be guided not by God’s Spirit, but by the spirit of the world. This makes superficiality a disposition which easily leads the soul to making decisions that diminish the fruitfulness of her life for God’s Works and Plans.
It is also the disposition of superficiality that can induce human souls to withdraw into a fantasy world of their own making, in which they live in a delusion of their own greatness, and in which they apply nothing but their own standards and laws in all elements of their behaviour and in all of their dispositions. They then completely lose touch with the only true reality, they start turning lies, delusion and deception into 'truth', often poison countless fellow people in their minds and feelings, make their own delusional thoughts a source of sedition turning fellow human beings against any force that exposes their unrealistic or false conduct, and easily come to the creation of a world view and an ideology that are fully based on darkness. Thus they often become powerful tools in the talons of the darkness. We can see this throughout history – and very acutely in our present time – in various totalitarian, authoritarian political regimes and in all kinds of deceitful political visions that preach aggression, racism, discrimination and persecution and want to elevate the latter to 'legitimate' acts.
In such regimes Satan manages to make his achievements culminate by inciting souls who present themselves as the driving forces behind the regime to mask their behaviour and their inner dispositions by seemingly religious vocations, as if God Himself would be inspiring them to act and think the very way they do. In truth they are the greatest enemies of the spirit of Christ. The Mistress of all souls refers to these souls as 'seriously blinded embodiments of Satan himself', and to the regime that is founded on them as 'manifestations of the kingdom of Satan on earth'.
The spirit of Christ counters this evil disposition by the all-pervading inclination to pursue profundity. Pursuing profundity in the spiritual sense of the word, is the disposition by which the human soul allows herself to be guided primarily by the inspirations poured out in her through Divine Providence and the Holy Spirit. In order to truly feel these inspirations, to understand them sufficiently correctly the way they are intended by God, and to respond to these inspirations in perfect agreement with God’s intentions, the soul must fully open herself up to a unity of hearts with her God.
This unity was embodied in absolute perfection by the Christ, as well as by His Most Holy Mother, Who in Her lifelong mission as the Tabernacle of the Man-God and therefore Ark of the New Covenant also needed to be an absolutely impeccable model of total merger with the Will of God Himself. For this reason, the Mistress of all souls has been saying for years that "all effects of Her actions, words, thoughts, feelings and aspirations are almighty in the order of Grace, because of the total merger of Her Will with the Will of the almighty God". Therefore, among all created human souls the Holy Virgin Mary truly is the unique Model of total unity with the spirit of Christ.
4. The world is being ruined by indifference. Indifference is the state in which the human soul is not inclined to rise above the 'bare necessity' in any works of Love, and in which she does not really feel emotionally involved in such works. Indifference is closely related to superficiality. When a soul perceives her environment and the factors that influence this environment, this world of her experiences, in a superficial way and only understands them on the surface (i.e. lacking any 'in-depth view'), she will also hardly become emotionally involved in any of this. In the same way, she will not be inclined to empathize with her fellow creatures, and the fate of the latter will be rather immaterial to her.
Indifference is a matter of poverty as to the 'stirrings of the heart' as the center in which Divine Love must be processed and from which this Love must be spread all over the soul’s fellow creatures. Indifference therefore makes the soul completely unfruitful as a tool for the accomplishment of God’s Works and Plans, and opens the door to all possible transgressions against True Love, including insensitive maltreatment and abuse, aggression, the infliction of suffering and harm to fellow creatures, neglect, a far-reaching inability to empathize with her fellow creatures in the very depth of her heart, especially when these fellow creatures are immersed in suffering, misery and heartache on account of the soul’s evil ways.
The spirit of Christ counters this disposition by an all-pervasive propensity toward empathy with fellow creatures and with God’s intentions. Jesus Christ was driven by nothing but the perfect unity of hearts with creatures, and on account of His Divine origin He fully embodied the state of Heart of God Himself. All indifference, every tendency to proceed to maltreatment and abuse, to torture and to the infliction of any kind of suffering and harm to fellow creatures is a weapon operated directly by the talons of Satan to tear up hearts and to bleed out Works and Plans of God.
See the deep meaning of this image: Bleeding out means being emptied of the blood as the carrier of Life. All expressions of indifference, and thus any lack of sensitivity, deprive creation, individual creatures and the paths of communication between creatures of all vital force. They literally murder God’s Works and thereby directly help establish the kingdom of the darkness in the world. The kingdom of the darkness is the absolute opposite of the Kingdom of Christ, the Empire of perfect Love, Peace, Happiness and Justice as an expression of the paradise God aims at establishing on earth.
A soul who fully follows Christ in the spirit of empathy will never become a source of any action, any word, any thought or feeling by which she would harm the dignity of any fellow creature, nor will she be inclined to torment, discriminate, persecute the latter or purposely make the latter’s life difficult, because true empathy is an ability enabling the soul to actually sense her fellow creature in much the same way God Himself senses the latter, thereby inciting her to spontaneously treat her fellow creature in a gentle way, in all meekness or tenderness. The opposite disposition, the one of indifference, is at the root of a great deal of discontent, war, and of despair in many hearts.
5. The world is being ruined by a very widespread inclination of human souls to passively wait for God to intervene. Countless souls are heavily prey to passivity. This inclination greatly plays into the hands of the darkness, as all works and plans of the darkness can only be rendered ineffective by a fervent collaboration on the part of human souls with their God. The passivity of human souls presents itself in many forms. One of these, which nevertheless goes unnoticed by many Christians, is the very common inclination to assume that sinning is not bad, as there is still a means left to revert any darkness inside the soul: the Sacrament of Confession.
A soul who allows sin to take root within herself holding the view that, after all, she can still go to Confession to get cleansed of this sin, thereby testifies to God a certain unwillingness to actively practice Love towards God and creation. The soul is then acting like someone who without the slightest restraint is ready to hit, torture, torment or stab a fellow creature, subsequently bandages the inflicted wounds, and then goes on the assumption the victim is no longer suffering and life is just going on in full Light and Love, without the slightest adverse consequence to the victim in body or mind, without any trauma and without any interruption in the victim’s well-being.
Passivity is therefore an immense source of torment for God, who suffers in His own Heart and through the bodies and hearts of every individual creature wounded, hurt or harmed in any way whatsoever by human souls. God indeed feels everything, every single feeling on every level of life in all of His creatures without exception, and at every moment of every single day and night. This very ability is the greatest manifestation of His omniscience.
The Mistress of all souls points out that a soul who sins without any qualms, based on the consideration that any sin can after all be undone by confessing it, is also guilty of selfishness, as she is assuming that she can safely cause suffering, pain and harm to fellow creatures and will nevertheless herself automatically obtain from God full forgiveness. Through this disposition many Christians become active channels for sowing the ill weeds of darkness in the world.
The spirit of Christ counters this disposition by the predominant inclination to actively commit oneself to materializing God’s intentions in creation. Jesus Christ has set the human souls a lifelong example of active commitment for the benefit of accomplishing God’s Plan of Salvation. He taught the souls that the darkness and all effects of its works can only be rendered ineffective through actions, words, thoughts, feelings, desires and aspirations that are expressly spiced with an active desire to fulfil Divine Law and to help guide God’s Plans to their concrete completion. In order to actively commit herself the soul must live in an uninterrupted awareness of the actual purpose and goal of her life on earth, i.e. of her role as an instrument for the fulfilment of God’s Works and within the framework of achieving the maximum value, as perceived by God, of everything going on inside her and everything proceeding from her, insofar as she truly wants to be one at heart with God Himself.
From the very beginning God has sent the human souls into the world so as to be living mirrors of the dispositions of His own Heart, i.e. as mirrors of True Love, which, to the extent to which they would actually live as such, make the Presence and the action of God Himself tangible for all creatures. A soul who truly lives by the spirit of Christ can be experienced by her fellow creatures as a living sign for the existence of God and for the fact He is the Source of perfect Love, Peace, Happiness, security and well-being. A soul who truly lives by the spirit of Christ is a channel that helps spread God’s Light all over creation.
See how the spirit of Christ is the only remedy able to restore the severely diseased world to a mirror of God’s Heart and therefore to a paradise of well-being, in other words to help lead creation to achieving the ultimate goal set for it by God:
Christ is Love, Christ is Wisdom, Christ is Truth. The Truth must be understood as the whole of the precepts of life that can guide the soul towards full conformity with God’s Will and His Law of Love, in order that she may be able to live up to God’s expectation towards her – that she should make the most fruitful contributions possible to accomplishing God’s Plan of Salvation.
Jesus called Himself "the Way, the Truth and the Life". This statement also revealed the spirit of Christ:
- Christ is the Way: The Spirit of Christ is the only way that leads to the total unfolding of God’s Plan of Salvation, the only way for the human souls and the whole world to reach the Heart of God.
- Christ is the Truth: The Spirit of Christ is the only basis for a perfect agreement of the free will of the human soul with the Will of God in creation, the Will which has the power to make creation a perfect mirror of God’s Heart, to the extent to which human souls actively participate in achieving this through rendering a total and loving service to God;
- Christ is the Life: The spirit of Christ is the only fuel of Christ for the total bloom of Divine Life in the soul, and at the same time a deadly poison to all that threatens Divine Life, i.e. to the darkness and all its works and plans of evil, sin, misery, suffering, destruction and chaos, all works and plans that bring death to the soul.
The spirit of Christ is the driving force behind the New Covenant, the Kingdom of Divine Mercy. Essentially, God’s Mercy is the attribute that incites God to accommodate souls in such a way that, despite their weakness, they are enabled to gain the highest possible merits insofar as they are willing to actively and lovingly engage in rising above their weaknesses with God’s help, in other words, to show that they are willing to go to extremes to accomplish His Will. This also means that Divine Mercy is not automatically activated, but is unlocked through dispositions of the heart who voluntarily focuses on accomplishing God’s Plans and is animated by the desire, the active and sincere will to contribute to such accomplishment.
This is how the Christ Himself lived on earth as the Man-God: driven in everything by an all-pervasive desire to complete God’s Plans and Works, and to instruct the human souls in imitating Him, so that the Works of the Christ may be perpetuated and completed in the world and God’s Kingdom on earth may be established on the basis of an active collaboration between both parties of the New Covenant: God and the human souls. Divine Mercy cannot fully work out when the human souls show too little spontaneous commitment and spontaneous desire to fully focus their entire behaviour on the completion of God’s Works and Plans on earth.
The Queen of Creation most emphatically refers to a major trap the darkness very frequently and often very successfully sets for many so-called Christians with the intention of making them ineffective as tools for the fulfilment of the fullness of Divine Law: Many so-called Christians – even in circles of top politics – consciously and voluntarily remain bogged down in the age of Divine Justice: They preach, and practice themselves, all kinds of forms and expressions of revenge, which in their blindness they consider to be expressions of the very dispositions of God Himself. Indeed they interpret Justice the way God practiced it under the Old Covenant – i.e. in the time prior to the Mission of the Man-God, the Divine Messiah, on earth – as a right to exerting vengeance against fellow human beings they want to regard as opponents of God’s Works, whereas they themselves are the ones who often practice and harbour darkness in all elements of their behaviour and in all their thoughts, feelings, desires and aspirations.
These souls justify their own dispositions of vengeance to themselves and to their fellow people by referring to 'the Will of God' and by presenting themselves as executors of God’s Will and as souls who have been called upon by God to 'put things in order' and to 'lead their country out of this state of moral depravity' (which they believe has entered through the policies of – usually democratically minded – political opponents). Thus they ignore the New Covenant that God has concluded with the souls, and therefore also the spirit of Christ, which was to restore the fulfilment of Divine Law within the New Covenant. In concrete terms this means that souls who, in their religious views and experiences, remain stuck in dispositions like the ones that were acted upon prior to the Mission of Jesus Christ on earth, are opposing and counteracting the fulfilment of Divine Law on earth, are therefore helping to promote the works of the darkness, and fail to accept the fact the Works of the Divine Saviour as the One who has brought the fulfilment of Divine Law are perfect.
God is Love. Every human soul is called upon to accomplish a merger between her heart and the Heart of God, i.e.: to practice nothing but True Love in all situations of her life and towards all of her fellow creatures without exception. Only this is complete implementation of the spirit of Christ. In this regard the Heavenly Mistress reminds the souls of the most sacred words She addressed to the souls in a Special Revelation on January 17, 2021:
"Therefore remember the only purpose of your life: to be living signs of the sanctity of the God of Love, in whose Heart each of you was designed. Then My Divine Son will not have suffered in vain for your Bliss and for a creation full of Love and Peace, and the spirit of the Christ will finally be able to show this world that God is nothing but Love and therefore should live in every human heart as the only true Destiny of all life".
Many Christians display a blind and unsubstantial enthusiasm they believe to be Love for Jesus Christ. The Heavenly Mistress once said that Love begins where all duty ends. She meant that many do their 'Christian duty' and therefore believe they are automatically ready to enter into eternal Bliss in the hour in which God will call them back from this world, immediately and as a matter of self-evidence, yet that this Eternal Bliss is essentially earned by that which lives in the soul’s heart and by that which, on the basis thereof, proceeds from her and goes beyond that which God expects of the human soul as her basic duty.
This 'supplement' is that which determines the radiance emanated by the soul, the power of the Light and the intensity of the warmth she generates. Jesus did not say 'You are My friends if you say you love Me above all else', but 'You are My friends if you do what I command you', in other words: The spirit of Christ is not experienced, practiced and glorified in words, but in concrete actions and inner dispositions to the extent they are actually filled with the Love that can benefit creation, help materialize God’s Works, and thereby help to make the world a place in which every breeze testifies of the truth that God truly exists, that He is actually working, and that His only goal is the accomplishment of perfect happiness for every single creature.
At the service of Mary, the Mother of Christ and Mistress of all souls,