Teaching by the Holy Virgin Mary
The Divine Creator has organized His creation such that all creatures (human souls, animals, even all elements of the natural environment) would allow their mutual relations and encounters to be naturally guided, governed and inspired by the Law of True Love. A flawless observation of this Divine Basic Law was to guarantee a perfect Peace and happiness both in every creature’s inner life and in all relations between all creatures. Nevertheless day after day life in this world shows billions of signs denoting the absence of this true Peace and true happiness: Countless creatures are mired in the most various forms of suffering and misery, and countless situations and mutual relations between creatures are either cause or effect of the most various forms of suffering and misery. Each of these situations, all suffering, all misery, all pain, torment and sorrow of this world is attributable solely to innumerable deviations from the Law of True Love, which is violated many times over by countless human souls day after day.
For many years the Queen of Heaven and earth has been teaching about the Law of True Love, about the many ways in which human souls violate this Law and about the various consequences of such violations, and She has been demonstrating in numerous ways what relationships there are between such violations on the one hand and the darkness of the atmosphere of life in the world on the other: The sinful nature of mankind, i.e. the all-pervasive inclination shown by countless human souls to practice true Love but scarcely, if at all, in each and every element of their interaction with their fellow creatures (fellow humans as well as animals), is directly responsible for the fact that life in this world is not primarily characterized by Love, Peace and happiness but to a large extent by suffering, misery, darkness, pointlessness, heartache, sorrow, torment, chaos, strife, dissatisfaction, oppression, feelings of threat, insecurity and feelings of forlornness.
Through the years the Mother of God has been pointing to the fact that even phenomena like natural or meteorological catastrophies, mutual hostility and predatory behaviour among creatures, the frequent fear of animals towards humans and vice versa, can or must not only – not even primarily! – be explained on the basis of physical and biological laws, but first and foremost have spiritual origins, in that they are primarily expressions of a growing imbalance in creation. This imbalance is caused by the countless violations human souls have been committing through the years, and keep committing day after day, against the Divine Laws, among others the Divine Laws of Life and the all-pervasive and all-governing Law of True Love. The Queen of Heaven and earth mentioned this, among others, in Her manifesto of the year 2011 entitled The brooklets of Salvation, and elaborated on this many times in later years.
The human soul was created by God to be the custodian of creation. This means the human being was to govern creation, in a manner of speaking as God’s proxy, and to do so strictly in accordance with Divine Law, first and foremost on the basis of the Law of True Love, which is the overarching Basic Law of God on which the entire Divine Law is based. However, due to her inclination to keep violating this Basic Law the human soul herself became the cause of an ever growing imbalance in creation, as each and every violation of Divine Law disrupts the harmony God had set in creation. This results in the living atmosphere in the world constantly drifting further away from the state set by God as a state of perfect Love, Peace, Justice and happiness, a state in which no suffering and no misery, no unhappiness and no feelings of menace and insecurity were possible. The human soul herself has become the cause of misery and suffering in creation and, in so doing, has been robbing billions of creatures of the opportunity to lead their lives on earth in an atmosphere of perfect Love, perfect Peace and perfect happiness, and of perfect harmony in their mutual relationships and contacts with each fellow creature.
The consequences are terrible and have therefore become unworthy of the God of perfect Love: Immense suffering (sickness, moral and physical torments), and inconceivable misery (famine, poverty, terribly dire situations among creatures, general feeling of menace and insecurity on account of the significant urge to destroy things experienced by many souls who have largely surrendered their inner lives to being ruled by the darkness, etcetera). Because all of this the world is not, as God initially intended it to be, a reflection of His Heart, but in the most various respects a reflection of the realm of eternal darkness. The human soul, whom God intended to be the custodian of her fellow creatures and of the world, in which all creatures were to live together, has become an unbridled channel of darkness, suffering and misery for her fellow creatures and thus a tremendous source of torment for the God of perfect Love.
Not the human soul but God is regarded as the cause of the immense derailments in this world. Eternal Love thus becomes a double victim: A first time by finding the human soul, in whom God had put such great trust, not to be prepared to guarantee her fellow creatures, and thereby also herself, a life in an atmosphere which was to be a perfect reflection of celestial Love and Peace, and a second time by being pointed at as being the cause of all misery and suffering while being nothing else but absolutely perfect Love and having intended the world to be a paradise of perfect Love, Peace and happiness for all its inhabitants.
The darkness has managed to bring its seed of hatred against God to such bloom in the world that in many souls faith in the existence of a loving God is dead: A soul who regards the world around her and sees to what extent it is poisoned by suffering and misery will soon tend to consider the image of a perfectly loving and almighty God to be a fairy tale or even a shameless lie. God has implemented His Love so totally and so perfectly that He has given the human soul a free will for her to be able to freely decide whether or not to comply with Divine Law in any individual situation, event and contact of her life.
Moreover God apparently does not give souls any reason to assume that non-compliance with His Law would be punished right away: A soul who violates the Law of True Love is not immediately taken away from the face of the earth or does not immediately become a victim of a disaster which strikes her personally. Therefore many souls are seemingly confirmed in their opinion that violations against Divine Law remain without any consequences, which seems to lead them to the next 'logical' step, concluding there appears not to be a God at all, let alone a God who would be full of Love. 'A world filled with suffering and misery cannot be a product from a loving God, and besides a God who is truly almighty cannot allow all of this to occur: An almighty God would not even make it possible for anything in creation to get off track, and if He did He would at least immediately revert things back to normal'. Indeed, He would be able to do so and would definitely want to do so, yet to Him it is of the utmost importance that the human soul is enabled to manage the world according to her own spontaneous decisions. God has not organized His creation as a dictatorship, to Him a maximum freedom for His creatures is sacred. Each human soul must be able to freely opt either in favour of God (the Light and Love) or in favour of the darkness (which generates nothing but suffering and misery, which eventually also turn against the perpetrators themselves, even if the latter often fail to realize this in time).
It is imperative to point to the fact that the human soul can generate suffering and misery in creation both directly and indirectly:
- directly through actions, words or omissions by which she can cause harm to fellow creatures in the context of personal encounters;
- indirectly through sin and vice in general: Every act of sin or vice disrupts the harmony within creation as a whole. The negative consequences affect the entire network of creation due to the fact all elements (creatures) within creation are interconnected. The soul needs to realize that, by so doing, she not only causes harm to fellow creatures against which her behaviour is directed, but indirectly also to the rest of creation. Moreover, as creation is built as a network the soul eventually also harms herself – all darkness engendered by a human soul will eventually always (in Eternal Life at the latest, but usually earlier) affect this very soul: the boomerang effect.
In spite of the inviolability, the sanctity, of every human soul’s free will and the fact that through the ages countless souls have used their free will to render service to the darkness and its works and plans of misery, suffering and destruction God promised the eventual victory of the Light and Love and set this victory as a Divine Law which will most definitely be fulfilled. However, just because of the freedom of human will the human souls are expected to make active, spontaneous and persistent contributions to the accomplishment of God’s Plan, which aims at establishing the paradise of perfect Love on earth God designed from the very outset.
Establishing this paradise presupposes the restoration of a perfect harmony among all creatures and a sincere fulfilment of the Law of True Love on the part of numerous human souls. In this connection the Mistress of all souls speaks of a death sentence for the darkness, a sentence which was drawn up by God and needs to be co-signed by the human souls. In the underlying teaching She intends to present a brief and orderly outline of the content of the said death sentence. It submits seven points to the souls, seven components of the attitude through which they have to put their signature to the death sentence God intends to impose upon the darkness for the purpose of dealing a devastating blow to the works the latter has been accomplishing in this world and with the view to ushering in God’s Kingdom of perfect Love on earth.
The seven components of the attitude towards life required to finally break all and any works, plans and manifestations of suffering and misery in this world and in and between all creatures are described as follows by the Queen of Heaven and earth:
1. sincere remorse.
Ever since the world began the darkness has been relentlessly inspiring human souls to commit the most various violations against Divine Law. These violations, the number of which it is impossible to estimate (the Queen of Heaven speaks about 'countless billions of sins and manifestations of vice'), have given rise to the current high degree of disruption of the harmony in the coexistence between all creatures. However, every violation of Divine Law loses a significant share of its effect as soon as the violating soul develops an emotion we refer to as 'remorse'.
The Queen of Heaven defines sincere remorse as the disposition in which the soul is burning painfully in the awareness of one or more points in which she has failed to fulfil her vocation to spontaneously and voluntarily spread pure Love around her, owing to the fact this awareness reminds her of her failure to give God, and possibly fellow creatures, the Love they ought to have received in accordance with God’s Law, of her having put Love to shame in God and possibly in fellow creatures, or of her having harmed fellow creatures and/or God’s Plans and Works and, in so doing, having departed from Eternal Love.
In another inspiration the Holy Virgin defined sincere remorse as the disposition of heartache in a soul who sincerely and profoundly realizes that, through her own behaviour, words, thoughts, feelings, desires or aspirations she has violated God’s Law of True Love and, in so doing, has harmed a Work or Plan of God or a fellow creature, or has separated a fellow creature from the experience of well-being or true happiness, has needlessly enhanced the trials of this fellow creature’s life or has caused physical, mental or emotional suffering to this fellow creature. The heartache of sincere remorse produces its effects inside the soul through an all-pervasive urge to make amends for the violation she has committed, either directly or if, e.g. due to the harmed fellow creature having deceased, this is no longer possible, to henceforth act, speak, think, feel, desire and/or aspire in such ways as to help compensate for the darkness caused by her violation.
By developing a sincere remorse the guilty soul strikes back at the source of her violation (i.e. the darkness, in other words Satan). The Mistress of all souls calls sincere remorse one of the most powerful dispositions through which a human soul is able to render the darkness ineffective. Remorse is an open choice made by the soul in favour of reverting to practicing true Love. Remorse is only sincere insofar as the guilty soul genuinely becomes aware of the pain, the suffering, the harm, the sorrow or the misery she has caused or to which she has contributed, and insofar as this awareness truly gives rise to a decisive change in her lifestyle and to a determined intention to henceforth avoid repeating the violation with all her might and her becoming an undivided channel of true Love for all her fellow creatures as well as for God Himself and His Laws.
The disposition of sincere remorse renders any inclination to hold on to habits and urges which tend to keep drawing the soul towards vice or sin ineffective, or to hold on to the urge to keep violating Divine Law without any emotional involvement, and also puts an end to any lack of feeling sorry for past violations. Sincere remorse builds the necessary bridge to a genuine conversion, i.e. to a radical turnaround through which the soul will henceforth focus totally on sincerely serving God though serving all her fellow creatures, instead of serving the darkness in her actions, words and even her secret and hidden inner life (thoughts, feelings and desires).
A soul who never feels remorse over her violations of true Love becomes an habitual sinner: She keeps violating God’s Law and thereby keeps demonstrating towards God a sense of indifference to Love and thus to God’s Works in general. This makes the soul a tool of the darkness in the actual sense of the word. Souls who fail to feel remorse over their violations keep contributing to poisoning creation and therefore keep building obstacles that prevent the establishment of God’s Kingdom on earth. With each and every act, omission, word, thought, feeling and desire they reinforce the power wielded by the darkness over the world and make themselves co-responsible for the preservation of all suffering and misery which makes countless creatures fall prey to works designed and promoted by Satan day after day. These souls are to blame for the fact God’s Law of True Love will always remain partly unfulfilled.
2. sincere forgiveness.
In August 2017, in a private Revelation to Myriam, the Queen of Heaven said: "Forgiving in a genuine way is what a soul does when she abstains from judging any injustice done to her or which she considers as having been done to her, but rather leaves judging entirely and unconditionally up to Divine Justice, and in the meantime deals with the real or purported culprit in such a way as though nothing bad had even occurred between them. In order to be sincere this attitude or approach must truly live inside the heart, meaning that the harmed soul refrains from continuing to judge the other party in the hidden spheres of her heart and/or from continuing to harbour feelings of grudge or resentment towards the other party. This does not mean that injustice is forgotten: Also in the atmosphere of sincere forgiveness the harmed soul can inform the culprit of the mistakes the latter has made, provided this is done for the sole purpose of making the latter aware of the darkness that has been given into, in order that through this event of raising the latter’s awareness the latter may be opened up to sincere remorse, making amends and conversion".
A soul who sincerely forgives a fellow creature robs the darkness of a great victory, for usually the darkness manages to gain two victories in countless situations of conflict between creatures: Firstly it brings a soul to committing a sin against a fellow creature, and secondly it brings the victim to harbouring a grudge against the culprit or even to wanting to take revenge, thus creating a second wave of darkness.
If a soul who has become a victim of actions, words or an omission on the part of a fellow creature, genuinely forgives this fellow creature, the further relationship between both parties concerned will henceforth be fully cleansed of any darkness. True forgiveness puts an end to any inclination towards harbouring grudges, desiring to take revenge, any urge to keep accusing the 'guilty' fellow creature and thereby (as is often the case) justifying negative reactions against this fellow creature. A soul who harbours grudges, on the contrary, preserves a negative attitude towards this fellow creature in her heart of hearts, and thus turns herself into a constant bridge through which the darkness keeps poisoning the relationship between both parties. Globally, millions of times on a daily basis similar dispositions giver ise to great misery and suffering and to many actions, words, thoughts and desires which preserve and constantly reinforce the grip exerted on the world by the darkness.
When it is said that God can forgive only insofar as the victim of any evil, harm or suffering is willing to forgive first, this expresses the fact that God leaves the soul the choice whether she will keep the darkness that was inflicted upon her alive, or whether she will crush it of her own free will by paralyzing any further sedition on the part of the darkness by forgiving the harmful event. As long as the victim chooses to hold on to the darkness, thus enabling it to keep producing its effects within her life, God will not intervene unsolicitedly. Day after day the power of the darkness causing unspeakably much and great suffering in this world is reinforced to a large extent due to a great many souls’ inability to forgive wholeheartedly.
Significant in this respect is certainly the observation the Queen of Heaven once made to Myriam privately and which She now orders to be published: "Granting forgiveness does not mean you approve of that which causes suffering or harm, nor of the fact the guilty soul has allowed Satan to push her towards her harmful behaviour, but it does mean you help open up the dungeon in which the guilty soul has allowed the darkness to lock her up. In so doing you help tear her loose from the power the darkness had over her. Therefore it is not wrong if you teach the culprit about why her actions, words or thoughts were bad in the eyes of God as well as for her own spiritual health and her eternal future. Thus you are not forgiving Satan, nor are you approving of the bad action, but you are cleansing the channel between you and the guilty soul of any darkness, so as to facilitate God’s access to this channel in order for Him to seal it with Light".
By making wholeheartedly forgiving any (perceived) guilty fellow creature her actual attitude towards life a human soul can help cleanse the world of all suffering and misery that can result from a general atmosphere of resentment, vindictiveness and the urge to retaliate. Moreover the Queen of Heaven and earth points to the fact such an attitude helps prevent the darkness from further enhancing its power. Every time a soul causes suffering or damage to a fellow creature she also gives the darkness a better chance of wielding its power over this soul even beyond the boundaries of her life on earth, in other words of separating this soul from God forever. This is why it is an act of charity if the harmed soul is able to forgive the guilty soul, thereby increasing the latter’s chances of tearing herself loose from the darkness. The Holy Virgin once mentioned it is a great thing in the eyes of God if a soul is prepared to help save her fellow person from eternal damnation. By adopting this attitude the forgiving soul contributes to breaking the power of the darkness over the world. However, this attitude is inconceivable without a high degree of self-denial.
Once the Mistress of all souls used the following image: In a manner of speaking a soul who bears a grudge or is vengeful towards a fellow creature she perceives as being guilty of some harm or suffering inflicted upon her closes the door between herself and this fellow creature and turns the key in the lock. This blocks off any further flow between both of them once and for all. Inversely, a soul who sincerely forgives leaves the door ajar, thus giving the 'guilty' fellow creature yet the opportunity to restore the flow towards the harmed soul. This restoration will only be real insofar as it is done wholeheartedly and sincerely, in other words: insofar as the 'guilty' fellow creature develops a genuine remorse and truly converts.
3. self-denial.
Self-denial is the disposition through which a human soul allows the needs of her fellow creature to take full priority over herself and sincerely considers the satisfaction of her own needs to be unimportant or subordinate as long as the needs of her fellow creature (both human and animal) have not been satisfied.
True self-denial only exists if a human soul is willing to serve and assist a fellow creature and help satisfy or alleviate its needs under any circumstances without expecting anything in return, not even recognition. This is why the Mistress of all souls has been saying for years that the purest form of self-denial for a human soul becomes apparent from her attitude and behaviour towards animals, because animals are hardly able to give anything concrete or tangible in return or to tell anyone how special the one is, who has done this for their benefit.
True self-denial is the opposite of selfishness and greed, and is also opposed to pride, self-elevation and the inclination of souls to put themselves on a higher level than their fellow creatures. Self-denial also brings a soul to refrain from neglecting fellow creatures’ needs and interests. A soul will neglect fellow creatures’ needs and interests if she is primarily interested in satisfying her own needs and interests.
A lot of suffering and misery in the world is caused by selfishness (egoism). Selfishness, if it gets to live in great numbers of souls as a 'spontaneous inclination', produces severely distorting effects on the community of creatures worldwide. One single soul’s selfishness will, during this soul’s life, already produce numerous negative developments in all of her encounters with fellow creatures. Creation was built on the necessity of a harmonious coexistence of all creatures. Every moment in which one single soul is being selfish already interrupts the flow of true Love through various channels connecting creatures with one another. Globally, thus the Queen of Heaven, millions of such interruptions are produced every single day. Selfishness is among the major causes of poverty, exploitation and hunger in the world. Countless souls set self-enrichment as one of their principal goals in life and often do so at the expense of many others.
Greed is associated with materialism. The Queen of Heaven wants to elaborate on this in the discussion under paragraph 6 under the heading of 'spiritualization'.
True self-denial is one of the basic dispositions of the human soul the way God initially intended her to be. In order to be really useful as a tool at the service of accomplishing God’s Plans and Works within creation the human soul must harbour a genuine, spontaneous humility. Humility is the disposition through which the soul is aware of her true place, position and role within the entire network of creation and accepts these wholeheartedly. A sincerely humble soul will never lapse into pride, as she fully understands that she is not important as such, but that the significance of her being within God’s Works rather ensues from her capacity as a tool that is supposed to help accomplish God’s Works and Plans and to do so in the closest possible collaboration with her fellow creatures.
The truly humble soul is a soul who lives for the purpose of rendering service, and she feels all too well that the value of her life on earth is determined by the extent to which she puts her entire way of being, all of her actions and aspirations at the service of all her fellow creatures, and through the latter at the service of the accomplishment of God’s Works. The Mistress of all souls points to the fact that the lack of humility, in other words the disposition of pride and self-elevation, was the capacity which turned Satan from an angel into a demon. Since his expulsion from Heaven, the Kingdom of True Love, he has been aspiring to contaminate each and every human soul with the poison of his own pride, in order that every soul might exalt herself and thus no longer render service to fellow creatures nor to God Himself. Consequently Divine Law would no longer be accomplished and Satan – by the willing collaboration on the part of innumerable human souls – would be enabled to make himself the ruler of the world. We can see the results of this development all around us on a large scale: Everywhere the ill weeds of the most various forms of misery and suffering are thriving as Satan’s signatures.
The truly humble soul knows very well that each and every creature is allotted a specific role and position and has got a specific value, all of which is significant for all other creatures, and that every creature is in this world for the purpose of making its own contribution to the development of a sacred whole. Therefore no single creature has got the right to consider itself to be higher than any other creature. Every simple human being, every simple animal, any creature with no exceptions is alive only because God has judged it to be of use for the accomplishment of His Works of Love. Being aware of this is exactly the basis of the profound meaning of the thesis according to which God expects every human soul to be humble. Any manifestation of pride is counterproductive to the accomplishment of God’s Works. The human soul has to unfold her value as a creature within the network of creation by making such use of the position and role allotted to her by life itself that she can fulfil the Law of God to the utmost and can accomplish all tasks and missions associated with her position and role in a state of selfless, serving Love towards all her fellow creatures. To the extent every soul actually does this, misery and suffering will no longer get a chance among the creatures of this world.
4. empathy, sharing fellow creatures’ feelings.
Empathy is a soul’s ability to spontaneously connect with the heart of a fellow creature. In this disposition the soul connects her heart with the heart of her fellow creature with the intention of acquiring an understanding of the very essence of this fellow creature’s being and its dispositions so as to be able to help raise this creature to a disposition of complete satisfaction, the state known to us as 'Happiness'.
When the human soul was created she was by nature and spontaneously able to feel each of her fellow creatures the way the latter actually is. God had provided this ability with a view to enabling the soul to perfectly fulfil her role as the custodian of creation. To the extent to which a soul is truly able to fathom the heart of each fellow creature the way it is, this soul will be able to provide optimum support to this fellow creature in fulfilling its mission in life. This constitutes an invaluable help for preserving the harmony within creation and obtaining that every creature would be enabled to make the contribution it is expected to make towards accomplishing God’s Works in the world to the highest degree possible.
Due to the original sin many of the abilities originally possessed by the human soul have become veiled, meaning that the human soul no longer seems to be naturally able to deploy these abilities unrestrainedly. One of these veiled abilities is the human soul’s ability to perceive the Presence of God without any impediments. Another one is the ability to fathom the hearts of fellow creatures without any impediments.
Once the Mistress of all souls said the soul is able to reactivate the 'lost ability' to acquire a profound sense of a fellow creature’s heart by sincerely attempting to merge with this fellow creature’s heart. In concrete terms this means going to any lengths to be able to merge with the fellow creature’s feelings, in the first place by trying to picture how the latter perceives its surroundings. Such an attempt is the primary condition for approaching every fellow creature from a disposition of sympathy and of sincere interest for this creature’s fate, needs and interests. Such a disposition is a prerequisite for a human soul to be able to actually 'connect to' a fellow creature’s inner life. The basic requirement is a sincere, unconditional and self-denying Love for this creature.
This means that true empathy precludes any inclination to indifference and insensitivity regarding the suffering and the needs of fellow creatures. A soul who sincerely empathizes with her fellow creatures will aim at picturing these fellow creatures’ fate and feelings vividly at any point of time. To the extent a soul fails to do so she will more easily be prone to fall into neglecting her fellow creatures and failing to care for them. This is exactly what underlies unspeakably much misery and suffering in our world. A soul who is indifferent and insensitive to her fellow creatures can also easily slide into the habit of maltreating fellow people and animals and will not be touched by physical or emotional suffering, pain, sorrow, setbacks or misfortune sustained by fellow creatures, nor will she ever be inclined to wonder what it means to a fellow person or an animal to be compelled to spend their lives in conditions of hardship, hunger, neglect, lack of care, lack of protection and shelter against atmospheric conditions which threaten physical or moral well-being, lack of tangible Love and sympathy, etcetera.
A great deal of suffering and misery in this world is a direct fruit of far-reaching underdevelopment of emotional life in human hearts making human souls become indifferent and making them lack interest in the feelings and suffering of fellow creatures. This is one of the biggest and most bitter fruits of inspirations from the darkness, which through blocking emotional life in countless human souls tries to render the fulfilment of God’s Law of True Love ineffective in order that the human soul of all creatures, the soul God provided to be the 'crown upon creation', might lend herself to being the tool through which God’s Works in this world can be defiled and, wherever possible, be destroyed altogether, and moreover the Presence and actions of the perfectly loving God might be made totally invisible to the eyes of all human souls.
The Queen of Heaven points to the fact the darkness is trying to make the ability of empathizing work at its service in a lot of different ways. Many souls who are eager to torment fellow humans and animals are even constantly looking to increase their knowledge of the most vulnerable spots in the human and animal body in order to develop methods which are able to guarantee that their victims can be tormented to the highest possible extent and the pains inflicted through torture might be increased to the highest possible level. A number of years ago already, in Her manifesto The Brooklets of Salvation, the Mistress of all souls provided an in-depth discussion of the motives working in humans who mistreat animals. Evidently these motives can be extended to maltreatment of any fellow creature, whether human or animal. In these cases the endeavour to empathize with fellow creatures works in ways exactly opposed to God’s intentions:
The soul who seeks to fulfil God’s Law to the highest possible extent aims at merging with her fellow creatures’ feelings for the purpose of helping these creatures overcome their weaknesses and their sufferings. Inversely, the soul who serves the darkness will seek to find out how she can maximize the weaknesses, vulnerabilities and sufferings of her fellow creatures for the purpose of generating as much suffering and misery as possible. In the eyes of God hardly any disposition is more revolting than the latter one, for this one is indicative of the fact the human soul has truly reached the absolute nadir of decay.
5. unconditional respect for the life and dignity of all creatures.
Life is God’s greatest gift. It even provides the principal proof for God’s Presence and actions, as no force besides God is able to create life. This is exactly why life is absolutely sacred, it is the pre-eminent bearer of the signature of God Himself. All things alive can only proceed from God and have therefore in the deepest sense of the word been in contact with the Heart of God. The Heart of God is the Source of all life. This is why the Mistress of all souls says the essence, the fuel of life is True Love. Indeed, True Love is embodied by nothing else but God Himself.
Therefore respect for life is an absolute element of Divine Law, an element which must be obeyed, as each and every element of Divine Law must be fully fulfilled in order to fully accomplish all Works and Plans of God, i.e. in order that they be fulfilled unconditionally and totally. The fulfilment of elements of Divine Law is irrevocable, no force besides God is able to reverse or rescind this prerequisite. This is simply due to the absolute Truth that God is the Lord and Master of all creation and that this capacity can not be disputed by any force besides Him.
This thesis makes any lack of respect for life a sin, for sin is any violation of the Law of Love, which is God’s Basic Law and the embodiment of God’s very Being. This is why no human soul can ever make herself the mistress of any fellow creature’s life or death. In every individual case in which a human soul takes the life of a fellow creature God will judge the disposition ruling this soul’s heart in order to determine to what extent this soul has committed this act on the basis of a heart that is in compliance with the absolutely infallible Will of God and in a disposition which is not in violation with the Law of true selfless Love.
Once the Mistress of all souls pointed out that, for instance in conditions of war, a soldier can be acquitted by God for every action through which an 'opponent' is killed, if according to God’s infallible perception of this soldier’s heart this acquittal is justified. In these latter circumstances God considers the acts of war not to be acts of murder, whereas under certain other circumstances He may judge them differently. This difference also explains why certain actions are called 'war crimes' and others are not: War crimes are acts committed within a belligerent situation, damaging the life and dignity of one or more creatures and proceeding from a heart that is not in accordance with God’s Law of True Love but is moved by the darkness of hate, an urge to destroy and the will to cause misery, suffering and/or death.
Inextricably connected with life is the dignity of each and every creature. In a manner of speaking the dignity of the creature is God’s signature, the feature serving as the creature’s 'certificate of origin' confirming that the creature is a work made by God and that God is therefore the source from which the creature has proceeded, and that He is its owner. Owing to the fact every creature proceeds from God Himself every creature has got its own dignity, which cannot be violated by any human soul.
Taking a fellow creature’s dignity or violating this dignity is what happens if a human being treats a fellow person or an animal in such a way that the Law of Love is violated. This is why maltreatment and neglect are among the worst forms of violating a fellow creature’s dignity. Due to the fact God, who is the very Source of all Love, feels every detail of all sensations and experiences of every single creature this Source of Love is violated every time a human soul fails to treat a fellow creature with the respect she owes to a Work designed and wrought by God. By violating a fellow creature’s dignity the soul shows a lack of respect for the creature’s Maker, i.e. God Himself.
The dignity of fellow creatures is violated to a high extent by torture, neglect, and also through any inclination towards racism (a fellow human belonging to a different race or having a different colour of skin is regarded and treated as inferior, which actually boils down to the racist soul not regarding and treating this fellow human as a creature proceeding from God’s hand). The same goes for discrimination, the situation in which a fellow human being of a different culture, a different belief, the opposite sex etcetera, is regarded and treated as inferior or is excluded as 'not being in my/our league'. The dignity of creatures (human beings as well as animals) is also violated by humiliating, tormenting, mocking, ridiculing them, inconsiderately causing them pain or even killing them, raping or in any other way abusing them, openly treating them with contempt, ignoring them, and all of this not only through actions but also through words, glances, by disregarding these creatures, or through open signs of distrust or aversion towards them. Fellow humans’ dignity is also often violated through slander and gossip.
Respecting life and the dignity of all creatures is directly connected with being genuinely aware of the fact God has designed every creature and gives life to every single creature in a specific place in the world and at a specific point of time because His infallible Wisdom has judged that this creature can play a specific role and complete a specific mission within the network of creation for the purpose of helping to accomplish God’s Works and His Plan of Salvation, and is most useful in that specific place and at that specific point of time. This is why no human soul should regard any fellow creature as inferior, let alone as unworthy. In Her unique manifesto entitled The Brooklets of Salvation the Queen of Heaven argued that each and every creature is in the world for a specific purpose, and that every animal that is brought into contact with human souls through Divine Providence has a role to play within the process of spiritual development of these souls, in other words a role within the process through which these souls are to perfect their practicing the Law of True Love.
All manifestations of a lack of respect for life and for the dignity of all living beings have already generated an unspeakable volume of suffering and misery in this world. One of the major manifestations has excessively become apparent in racism and all kinds of persecution on account of fellow humans and entire peoples being judged and rejected as 'different'. Lack of respect for life and for the dignity of creatures also manifests itself in genocide and in the extermination of animal species, all of this on the basis of materialism and/or due to hate or some pathological desire to kill or to torment. These attitudes towards life express that which, many years ago already, the Queen of Heaven referred to as the 'culture of death', as opposed to the 'culture of life' which is characteristic of God and of any soul who has bonded her heart with God and with His interests.
Due to the fact many human souls possess a rather low degree of awareness of their fellow creatures’ dignity as well as of the significance of any violation of this dignity the Mistress of all souls explicitly makes reference to various important teachings in which She inspired theses about dignity (see further down below).
6. spiritualization.
Spiritualization is the disposition in which not the physical interests and needs are emphasized, but the soul and her non-material needs. To a large extent the spiritualized soul only lives for the accomplishment of transitory worldly interests which she thinks she has. Once the Mistress of all souls had Her Myriam write the soul will not be able to sanctify herself if she will not enter into the garden of spiritualization, which can be regarded as the front garden leading to Eternal Paradise. What She meant was that the soul is to make lifelong endeavours to shift the emphasis of all her aspirations towards the 'higher things' instead of focusing her thinking, acting and longing on the accomplishment of worldly, material and therefore transitory ideals. These ideals die when the body dies, whereas the 'higher things' are the interests of God, which are to be accomplished with collaboration on every soul’s part so as to establish the Kingdom of True Love and Peace on earth, a Kingdom in which no trace of misery and suffering can ever stay alive.
The 'higher things' are therefore understood to mean the 'things of eternity', whose significance does not die along with man’s material existence but persists because these things embody the interests of the eternal God Himself. Thus the 'higher things' are the things God tries to accomplish for the purpose of investing them with a perpetual validity, the Works God wants to bring about so as to enable His imperishable Kingdom to take root even in the material world. To the extent to which a human soul demonstrates making all of her efforts in life preferably in favour of accomplishing these 'higher things' rather than in favour of purely material and therefore transitory interests she shows God that she is actually aiming at the greatest possible development of her eternally living spiritual being rather than at satisfying transitory interests which are related merely to the material life of her physical being. In so doing she demonstrates that she regards the lasting things as being of a greater value than the things which are only playing a transient role. Thus she demonstrates she is truly living as a tool for the accomplishment of God’s eternal interests rather than for the accomplishment of her own transitory needs.
Spiritualization is the ability of the soul to surrender totally, wholeheartedly and spontaneously to the life and reality of the interests of Heaven, the supernatural. This is reflected in the fact the soul detaches herself from the things, the interests, of the world, and in the fact she also tries to let go of the past. This means the soul does not hold on to all events that have taken place until the moment just preceding the present moment, and that she will also not allow the feelings and impressions associated with these events to keep determining the ways she will henceforth think and react. Exactly this disposition makes it possible for a soul to refrain from pointing to events from her past as tools to settle any accounts with fellow creatures that have played a certain role in the development of these events, if such a role is perceived by the soul as having been negative or unfavourable or as having caused her pain or suffering.
Spiritualization plays a crucial role in the development of an attitude of forgiveness and of spontaneously declining materialism as the predominant motivation for all behaviour and all aspirations. Spiritualization is indeed the absolute opposite of any manifestation of inclinations towards materialism. Materialism is the attitude and way of thinking according to which souls focus the major part of their thinking, their actions and efforts and all of their aspirations on satisfying one’s own needs and endless pseudo needs. Materialism is one of the main causes of wars: Wars are very often waged for the purpose of acquiring possessions and properties which in fact belong to others (usually adjacent states or peoples). Waging wars is therefore, in the eyes of God, evidence for the fact the aggressor (the one who starts the war, maintains and/or wages it) is driven by materialistic interests, which, in the eyes of the aggressor, usually seemingly justify all and any misery, suffering and death caused by him through waging the war. So this is where fulfilling the Law of Love is intentionally and purposely sacrificed to the accomplishment of interests that are related to self-enrichment and/or to increasing one’s personal prestige, which in the eyes of God is an abomination and gives evidence of serious decadence within the soul.
Materialism is a tyrant controlling and enslaving countless souls, a tyrant that has already brought great misery and suffering upon the world. A large share of all misery and suffering we can see in the world on a daily basis is caused by this attitude towards life. Materialism urges souls to acquire material riches and kindles within them the delusion this riches is able to satisfy all their desires and to make them acquire power and prestige. This makes materialism a hotbed for many vices and sins with seriously negative consequences for the whole world, among others pride, self-elevation and the inclination to ruthlessly exploit fellow creatures. In this context we only need to look at political regimes which condemn thousands, often millions, of creatures to forced labour or slavery as an inexpensive source of enrichment for the 'higher-ups' within a state or people.
Materialism as a pre-eminent multifaceted source of tremendous darkness and ineffably great suffering and misery in the world has been a topic of discussion raised by the Mistress of all souls for a number of years already, in several of Her teachings. One telling example can be found in the teaching entitled Clouds over God’s Paradise from 2019.
7. contentment and acceptance.
Few souls are aware of the amount of darkness the general atmosphere of dissatisfaction about, and protest against, all kinds of situations, events and developments in human lives has already called down upon the world. Innumerable souls are living with vague feelings of inner dissatisfaction about many things.
Inner dissatisfaction in a human soul often results from unprocessed memories and experiences, from an 'insurrection' of the soul against her own inner disposition, and from feelings of dissatisfaction about the course of her own life and her own fate. Inner dissatisfaction always indicates the fact that there are things which are not going the way the soul had hoped or expected. Often inner dissatisfaction should not in the first place be attributed to events, situations or experiences as such, but rather to the soul’s conscience, this inner control mechanism which keeps trying to re-establish harmony between the soul’s inner state and Divine Law. Often a soul experiences a vague feeling of dissatisfaction due to the fact her conscience realizes that her inner life is not quite in perfect harmony with God’s expectations.
Once the Heavenly Mistress said that general dissatisfaction in a soul must be understood as an eradication of true Peace, the Peace of Christ, in this soul: an experience of dissatisfaction and restlessness which finds its origin in the soul’s feeling of never really finding that which she truly desires. As in every human soul the Holy Spirit keeps trying to emit signals aimed at keeping the soul in harmony with Divine Law such feelings are usually based on some unconscious spiritual struggle. This struggle often gives rise to resistance, which (usually not realized by the soul) is tantamount to a protest against God’s decrees regarding a human soul’s life on earth.
A soul who experiences true inner Peace is in a state of serene contentment and acceptance, meaning she is at peace with the events, situations and developments in her life because she realizes they do fit in somewhere with the path God has provided for her to travel on because it is the path of the greatest fruits for her eternal Salvation as well as of her most fruitful contributions to the accomplishment of God’s Plans and Works in the world. A soul experiences inner Peace to the extent she agrees with the place and role allotted to her by God within the network of creation. This also means she is not inclined to exalt herself and to regard herself as important. She does not protest against her fate in life nor against the developments in her daily life because she goes on the assumption these circumstances enable her to serve God best and because she realizes her own expectations of life are by nature subordinate to God’s expectations, as God knows best what is the most favourable for her eternal well-being.
There are various reasons why a disposition of sincere contentment and acceptance is a great weapon against the misery and suffering in the world. This disposition ensures that the soul will not harbour any inclination towards any aggression against her fellow creatures through actions or words, and also ensures the soul will not be inclined to create for herself a world of phantasies. Inner discontent and the resistance which nearly automatically results from it often motivates souls to escape into a world of their own phantasy. Such an escape is one of the characteristics of insanity: Insanity is an inability – more accurately put: an unwillingness – of a person to adapt to his/her environment, so as to escape into a world of one’s own making, with personal ideas, personal laws, personal expectations, personal aspirations, all of which are hardly, if at all, related to the laws, expectations and objective reality of the world outside the soul.
The escape from objective reality because for some reason or another the soul is unable to come to terms with it if viewed against the background of her own imagination, ideas and expectations, need not necessarily result in certifiable insanity, in some cases – if the political atmosphere is fit for it – this escape gives rise to deceptive propaganda that can bring tremendous suffering, misery and damage upon the world through the disruptive effects of shameless distortions of reality, through massive sedition of entire peoples to proceed to destruction and murder and towards harbouring hate, and through the support and seeming justification of waging wars, usually diametrically opposed to the only real truth of Divine Law.
With propaganda the escape of individuals from a reality they judge as not fitting in with their own expectations begins to turn into a new attitude towards life that is being sowed into as many fellow people as possible in order to enable the newly constructed pseudo reality to become a world of its own, with its own standards, values, laws, and often with an all-encompassing seeming justification of unbridled vice, sin and darkness, with large-scale sedition to murder and to inflicting unlimited misery, suffering and destruction. Thus propaganda becomes a dream tool through which the darkness tries to make its realm take root in the world and to convince entire nations of the necessity and the moral justification for inflicting endless suffering and misery upon fellow creatures. This dark attitude towards life is then sowed into the hearts through systems of shameless lies and deceptions as the only attitude that is right and is even desired by God. Sometimes propaganda is taken so far as to being a system which suggests that God Himself has inspired the proposed process of thinking, that He has approved and blessed it, and that He incites people or groups of people to implement it against an 'enemy' who is depicted as diabolical or criminal.
Concluding observation
God knows through which ways the darkness has ever since the original sin been trying to prevent the fulfilment of the Law of True Love in creation, and He also knows through which attitudes in life the human souls are able to help unlock His Works of Light and Love to such an extent that the darkness could be totally thwarted in implementing its works and plans. In the underlying teaching the Queen of Heaven and earth has referred to these attitudes in life as the 'death sentence to the misery of the world', so as to make it clear the human souls are able to put an end to all suffering and misery in the world by unconditionally, persistently and genuinely practicing seven elements of dealing with life. In so doing the human souls would co-sign the death sentence drafted by God to be pronounced against the misery of the world, in order that this sentence may actually be implemented against Satan, his following and all of their works and plans.
This death sentence contains the following seven points:
The soul who spontaneously and sincerely makes these seven elements fixed components of her attitude towards life makes active contributions to disrupting the power wielded by the darkness over the world once and for all, for she no longer gives a chance to any attitudes and actions which are harboured and practiced in the world on a large scale for the accomplishment of the plans conceived and the works wrought by the darkness to generate misery, suffering, chaos, insecurity, threats, injustice, destruction and death.
As the main factors causing and maintaining misery and suffering in the world the Mistress of all souls refers to:
It is self-evident this summary cannot be exhausive. This is why the Queen of Heaven strongly advises to study it together with other teachings She has inspired within this context earlier (see down below).
Every human soul is sent into the world by God with a lifelong mission which consists herein, that each element of her behaviour and of her inner life (thoughts, feelings, desires and aspirations) should spontaneously, actively and sincerely contribute to the accomplishment of God’s most sacred Works and Plans of Love and Peace in the world. To the extent a soul diverges from this rule she will automatically contribute to curbing God’s aspirations in His creation and therefore to accomplishing the works and plans of the darkness. From the outset the darkness has set itself the target of thwarting, distorting, poisoning and, if in any way possible, of totally destroying God’s Plans and Works towards the establishment of His Kingdom of perfect Love, Peace, Happiness and Justice in and between all creatures.
The darkness aims at creating a world which is characterized completely by physical and emotional suffering, misery, chaos, unhappiness, threats, despondency, hate, torment and destruction in and between all creatures. To that end it aims at making as many human souls as possible block their own access to Eternal Bliss and at preventing God’s Kingdom on earth from ever taking root altogether. This is how the darkness is aiming at gaining total control and rule over the world, despite the fact the latter is the exclusive property of God alone.
The Queen of Heaven most emphatically urges for the following recommendation and appeal to be addressed to each and every human soul:
"With each and every human soul resides the sacred obligation to fulfil her individual mission in life at the service of God’s Works and Plans in any situation of her life and in any encounter with any fellow creature. Any failure to fulfil this mission in life opens the door to the darkness for allowing new sufferings, misery, chaos, new sources of unhappiness within and between creatures to take root and consequently for poisoning the world even further. In so doing the darkness aims at leading every human soul to eternal damnation and turning the world into a place of suffering and torment once and for all, and to that end it uses the most various pseudo promises with a view to inspiring every soul to putting her life at the service of ideals which seemingly increase happiness yet in reality turn the soul into a tool creating suffering and misery.
Do not fall for this. Remain faithful to God, even if this seems to be a path of trials and crosses. Make this your holy mission for every single day: In any situation of daily life and in any encounter with any fellow creature, whether human or animal, be a channel of Light, Love and Peace. Do live in such a way that every night you can be confident of having left good feelings, feelings of security, within any fellow creature you have encountered in the course of the day, and that you have been for any fellow creature a reflection of the soft, warm and lightful Love and Peace of God Himself. This is the only way for you to make daily contributions to undermining the works and plans of destruction the darkness tries to implement through each and every soul, and to a spiritual revolution which will turn the world into the paradise the Creator has been trying to establish in His creation right from the beginning so as to make the happiness of every creature perfect. God had put all His trust for the preservation of perfect harmony within His creation in the human soul. He is still doing this. The human soul can only meet this Divine expectation by being a mirror of Eternal Love towards each and every fellow creature. Therefore, do live in such a way that your being present in the life of any fellow creature is able to make a positive difference for it, so that it is a good thing for this creature that you were there, on the path through its life, even if the encounter was of a short duration or this creature and you only met one single time. It is up to every individual soul to make the choice: Do you want a world filled with Love, Peace and security between all creatures, thus being a mirror of Heaven, or a world poisoned with suffering, misery and torment, thus being a mirror of hell itself? The way was shown to all souls of all times by Jesus Christ. My mission consists of cleaning in your heart the signposts He has planted on your path, in order that their message may again be readable, for the dust of worldly pseudo promises and deception has blinded the souls. Do realize that every one of you is able to make God happy in every single act and every single word of sincere Love towards any fellow creature. To Him this is the fulfilment of the way He has been trying to open up in every one of you for ages, in order that He might be able to unlock for you the way to Eternal Bliss, and for the world the way to an absolutely perfect paradise of Love and Peace. Do help Him put to death all misery and suffering in this world, for they disfigure the Face of Eternal Love in the Heart of your Creator as well as in your own hearts. Life in this world has but one single purpose: to be a journey of Love, so that all creatures might live in perfect harmony, and that suffering and misery might no longer be given a chance". |
Myriam, on behalf and at the service of the Mistress of all souls,
June 2023
Every one of the teachings referred to hereinafter sheds some light on the effects produced by the works wrought by the darkness in this world, and does so from different angles. This listing is merely intended to motivate souls to immerse themselves in the actual nature of the darkness and its works and plans. Essentially the whole of the teachings and theses advanced by the Mistress of all souls through the past years is in many of its aspects strongly characterized by Her raising the souls’ awareness as to the strategies deployed by the darkness for the purpose of ruling each and every human soul, and through the human souls the world as a whole: